____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Title:0x11 Khord Kitty
Created:Nov 26th, 2022
Created by: Synqronize [Rich]
Views: 2,787
Comments: 36
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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|────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────| ▓│ ...::[ SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW PASTE ]::... │▓ ▓│──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│▓ ──────┘ ░░ (Incase the format looks terrible): ░░ └────── │ │ | - Click the Arrow in the top right to hide comments | | - Hold CTRL while scrolling to 90% zoom for better looks | │ - Open this paste in your preferred text document editor │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ oooo oooo oooo .o8 oooo oooo o8o . . ║ ║ `888 .8P' `888 "888 `888 .8P' `"' .o8 .o8 ║ ║ 888 d8' 888 .oo. .ooooo. oooo d8b .oooo888 888 d8' oooo .o888oo .o888oo oooo ooo ║ ║ 88888[ 888P"Y88b d88' `88b `888""8P d88' `888 88888[ `888 888 888 `88. .8' ║ ║ 888`88b. 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888`88b. 888 888 888 `88..8' ║ ║ 888 `88b. 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 `88b. 888 888 . 888 . `888' ║ ║ o888o o888o o888o o888o `Y8bod8P' d888b `Y8bod88P" o888o o888o o888o "888" "888" .8' ║ ║ .o..P' ║ ║ `Y8P' ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ .=(`( . ) .-- `. 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Anyone claiming responsibility or credit for this paste, ║ Now let me introduce you to Gabriel Jeremy Sickel, also known online by his alias; ║ ║ is simply lying. ║ Khord Kitty. A furry who has had countless encounters with the YouTube commentary ║ ║ ║ community [Where I originally heard about him]; an example is Turkey Tom, one of ║ ║ [4] : All passwords listed in this paste work at the time of this paste being ║ the creators whom created a video listing Gabriel's sickening actions, you can ║ ║ released. All unjacked Social Media's are jackable & all combinations ║ view that video, here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHnz-Sof_74 ║ ║ are valid. ║ ║ ║ ║ Gabriel is a furry who has over the years let his fursona "Khord (Kitty)" take ║ ║ [5] : If one of the image hosts is down, please refer to the mirror listed next ║ over the majority of his life, having married and shortly after divorced another ║ ║ to the original host. All my pastes will contain an image mirror so ║ furry fandom stan and making remarkable pedophile statements on platforms such as ║ ║ screenshots, evidence & memes are always available. ║ Twitter regarding his child whom he had brought to a furry convention as a furry. ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ [6] : Enjoy exploring this paste! ║ Within the furry fandom even acts such as this are marked as pedophelic and ║ ║ ║ for the majority of the fandom sickening, thus why we're here today; Enjoy! ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠══ ╼ Verification ╾ ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x02 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Khord Kitty ╾ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x03 ╾ ══╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ Finding base-line information regarding Gabriel wasn't exactly hard, Gabriel used ║ So, thank you for reading the verification & introduction, after those little ║ ║ to be an author and expressed his in real life extremely openly aside from being ║ paragraphs of text I figure it's fair to say this paste is nothing but morally ║ ║ a micro-celebrity and known in the Furry community. Basic information such as an ║ deserved to both bring awareness to Khord Kitty's sickening actions and expose ║ ║ E-Mail address containing just his full name was extremely simple to find and was ║ the individual. ║ ║ even mentioned in Turkey Tom's video at a certain frame in it. ║ ║ ║ ║ Before the information section though, I want to clarify that this isn't an attack ║ ║ Even though search engine wise Gabriel has somewhat okay opsec when it comes to ║ on the Furry Fandom & it's community, even though I myself am not a furry and ║ ║ publicizing his address, the verification of a previous address which can be ║ don't typically enjoy dressing up in manufactured fur-suits in order to roleplay ║ ║ traced back to a current address is not extremely hard, and verifying the ║ as something that represents a hybrid between a human & a literal animal for ║ ║ information through doordash customer service, is easier than cleaning a furry ║ sexual and enticing purposes, I do not have a vendetta against the furry fandom. ║ ║ suit, which Gabriel sadly has not done in years . . . ║ ║ ║ ║ So if there are any furries out there that were on the edge of their seat waiting ║ ║ All the information this paste contains was traced back from a single address ║ for me to declare war on them please don't go crazy in my comment section with ║ ║ & an E-Mail, and verified after the process by social engineering customer ║ paragraphs about how the furry fandom is superior and I should kill myself or ║ ║ service & LEGALLY obtaining Government records. ║ sacrifice myself in order to be accepted by some furry god. ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ At the time of this paste being uploaded, all the information stated, is in ║ I'm not interested. ║ ║ fact correct. ║ Please don't try to convince me to join the furry fandom........ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠══ ╼ Personal Information ╾ ═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x04 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Social Media's ╾ ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x05 ╾ ══╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Full Name : Gabriel Jeremy Sickel ║ › PSCP : https://www.pscp.tv/khordkitty ║ ║ › Age : 36 ║ › Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/u/khordkitty ║ ║ › Date of Birth : 23 - 07 - 1986 ║ › WordPress : https://khordkitty.wordpress.com ║ ║ › Zodiac Sign : Leo ║ › Medium : https://khordkitty.medium.com ║ ║ ║ › Dockerhub : https://hub.docker.com/u/khordkitty/ ║ ║ › Address(es) : 514 Criolla Ct Oakdale, CA 95361, USA [CURRENT] ║ › KIK : https://kik.me/khordkitty ║ ║ 2500 Grant Rd; Mountain View, CA 94040-4302 [PREVIOUS] ║ › Telegram : https://t.me/Khord ║ ║ 19996 Knollwood Dr; Saratoga, CA 95070-3242 [PREVIOUS] ║ › Facebook : https://facebook.com/khordkitty ║ ║ ║ › Pinterest : https://pinterest.com/khordkitty ║ ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (408) 768-7481 [CURRENT / LANDLINE] ║ › Imgur : https://imgur.com/user/khordkitty ║ ║ +1 (408) 255-2076 [PREVIOUS] ║ › MySpace : https://myspace.com/khordkitty ║ ║ ║ › Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/khordkitty ║ ║ › Place of Education : Lynbrook High School ║ › Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/khordkitty ║ ║ Address : 1280 Johnson Ave, San Jose, CA 95129, USA ║ › Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/khordkitty/ ║ ║ Phone Number : +1 408-366-7700 ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Place of Education : De Anza College ║ ║ ║ Address : 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA, USA ║ ║ ║ Phone Number : +1 (408) 864-5300 ║ ║ ║ E-Mail : dainternational@deanza.edu ║ ___ ║ ║ ║ Hello how are .=" "=._.---. ║ ║ › Place of Education : San Jose State University ║ you today ." c ' Y'`p ║ ║ Address : 1 Washington Sq, San Jose, CA, USA ║ fat nigga? / , `. w_/ ║ ║ Phone Number : +1 (408) 924-1000 ║ | '-. / / ║ ║ E-Mail : egistrar@sjsu.edu ║ _,..._| )_-\ \_=.\ ║ ║ ║ `-....-'`------)))`=-'"`'" ║ ╠══ ╼ E-Mail Information ╾ ═══════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x06 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Database Breaches ╾ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x07 ╾ ══╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ › thisisgabe0@yahoo.com ║ › Database Breaches : Anti Public Combo List ║ ║ Name : Cat Daddy ║ Chegg ║ ║ ID : 104442871929246422403 ║ Collection #1 ║ ║ Last Update : 2022/10/15 12:57:20 (UTC) >.< ║ Exploit.in ║ ║ Signed up To : Twitter.com / ║ LiveJournal ║ ║ Instagram.com ,.. / ║ MySpace ║ ║ Facebook.com ,' '; ║ Trillian ║ ║ Spotify.com ,,.__ _,' /'; . ║ _____ ║ ║ Skype.com :',' ~~~~ '. '~ ║ › Passwords : Bluemoon1! /.---.\ Damn...... ║ ║ ^ : Name : Khord Kitty :' ( ) )::, ║ bluemoon |`````| I spilt the ║ ║ ID : thisisgabe '. '. .=----=..-~ .;' ║ \ / tea.... ║ ║ DOB : 2022 - 07 - 23 ' ;' :: ':. '" ║ › Hashes : 0f19b7415aca606e0effad30a1f11ae3 `-.-' ____ ║ ║ Region : Oakdale, CA (: ': ;) ║ 19e60a61dcf492f5ce73e6584096695d | /\ .' /\ ║ ║ Country : USA \\ '" ./ ║ a1aaf67ba4fc392ac24ce19546a6a53e __|__ |K----; | | ║ ║ '" '" ║ `-----` \/ '.___\/ ║ ╠══ ╼ Close Relatives ╾ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x08 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Remaining Relatives ╾ ════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x09 ╾ ══╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Full Name : Joshua Zvi Sickel [Father] ║ › Full Name : Elijah Benjamin Sickel ║ ║ › Age : 64 ║ › Age : 32 ║ ║ › Date of Birth : N/A - 11 - 1957 ║ ║ ║ › Zodiac Sign : Scorpio ║ › Address(es) : 720 Saratoga Ave, APT V308; San Jose, CA 95129-2416 [CURRENT] ║ ║ ║ 1775 Milmont Dr, APT P112; Milpitas, CA 95035-3075 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ › Address(es) : 930 Morse St; San Jose, CA 95126-1412 [CURRENT] ║ 19996 Knollwood Dr; Saratoga, CA 95070-3242 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ 2500 Grant Rd; Mountain View, CA 94040-4302 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ 19996 Knollwood Dr; Saratoga, CA 95070-3242 [PREVIOUS] ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (408) 255-2076 [CURRENT] ║ ║ 10250 Parkwood Dr, APT 4; Cupertino, CA 95014-1427 [PREVIOUS] ║ +1 (408) 768-7480 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ 8311 Lilly Stone Dr; Bethesda, MD 20817-4507 [PREVIOUS] ║ +1 (408) 802-7243 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (408) 718-7274 [CURRENT] ║ ║ ║ +1 (408) 996-2452 [PREVIOUS] ║ › Full Name : Jacob Meir Sickel ║ ║ +1 (408) 255-2076 [PREVIOUS] ║ › Age : 30 ║ ║ +1 (650) 940-9616 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ +1 (408) 802-7243 [PREVIOUS] ║ › Address(es) : 19996 Knollwood Dr; Saratoga, CA 95070-3242 [CURRENT] ║ ║ +1 (408) 253-3298 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ +1 (408) 940-7033 [PREVIOUS] ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (408) 255-2076 [CURRENT] ║ ║ +1 (408) 940-9616 [PREVIOUS] ║ +1 (408) 674-1157 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ +1 (585) 244-2202 [PREVIOUS] ║ +1 (408) 823-2094 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ +1 (650) 255-2076 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ +1 (716) 244-2202 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ ║ › Full Name : Jessica Sickel Dickens ║ ║ ║ › Age : 38 ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Full Name : Julie Beth LaVeck [Mother] ║ › Address(es) : 5523 Poppy Rd; Pollock Pines, CA 95726-9439 [CURRENT] ║ ║ › Age : 65 ║ 4915 Venuto Way; Sacramento, CA 95841-2612 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ › Date of Birth : 1 - 6 - 1957 ║ 3200 Truxel Rd, APT 432; Sacramento, CA 95833-1064 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ › Zodiac Sign : Gemini ║ 100 Bicentennial Cir, APT 140; Sacramento, CA 95826-2857 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Address(es) : 19996 Knollwood Dr; Saratoga, CA 95070-3242 [CURRENT] ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (408) 823-2094 [CURRENT] ║ ║ 10382 Heney Creek Pl; Cupertino, CA 95014-0829 [PREVIOUS] ║ + 1 (408) 255-2076 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ 93 Bonnie Brae Ave; Rochester, NY 14618-1801 [PREVIOUS] ║ +1 (916) 842-9877 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ 10250 Parkwood Dr, APT 4; Cupertino, CA 95014-1427 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ 3132 David Ave; Palo Alto, CA 94303-3945 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ ║ › Full Name : Avrom Dickens Sickel ║ ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (408) 674-1157 [CURRENT] ║ › Age : 54 ║ ║ +1 (408) 255-2076 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ +1 (408) 674-7485 [PREVIOUS] ║ › Address(es) : 4433 Garrison NW St; Washington, DC 20016-4055 [CURRENT] ║ ║ +1 (408) 255-4221 [PREVIOUS] ║ 8311 Lilly Stone Dr; Bethesda, MD 20817-4507 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ +1 (408) 768-7480 [PREVIOUS] ║ 2745 29th NW St, APT 517; Washington, DC 20008-5527 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ +1 (408) 823-2094 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ +1 (408) 718-7274 [PREVIOUS] ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (202) 686-2644 [CURRENT] ║ ║ +1 (408) 253-3298 [PREVIOUS] ║ +1 (202) 518-6999 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ +1 (408) 940-9616 [PREVIOUS] ║ +1 (301) 469-8607 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ +1 (585) 244-2202 [PREVIOUS] ║ +1 (410) 625-0740 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ +1 (716) 244-2202 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Full Name : Jessica Anne Juarez ║ ║ ║ › Age : 56 ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Address(es) : 5801 Sutter Ave, APT 116; Carmichael, CA 95608-2389 [CURRENT] ║ ║ ║ 2416 Larkspur Ln, APT 233; Sacramento, CA 95825-4120 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ 2406 Loma Vista Dr; Sacramento, CA 95825-0310 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ 3600 Data Dr, APT 255; Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-7919 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ 2820 Maison Way; Sacramento, CA 95864-2541 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (916) 868-5717 [CURRENT] ║ ║ ║ +1 (916) 376-7847 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ +1 (916) 444-8585 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ +1 (916) 229-0479 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ +1 (916) 599-9672 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ +1 (650) 444-1249 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ Gabriel, You got caught ║ +1 (916) 444-1249 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ in 8 fucking K my nigga.. ║ +1 (916) 442-8180 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ you just love kids... and... ║ ║ ║ well, animals.. ║ › Full Name : Michael Jeremy Sickel ║ ║ ║ › Age : 49 ║ ║ Apparently.. ║ ║ ║ ║ › Address(es) : 9907 Belhaven Rd; Bethesda, MD 20817-1733 [CURRENT] ║ ║ ___ ║ 5115 Bangor Dr; Kensington, MD 20895-1103 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ / _ \ ║ 8311 Lilly Stone Dr; Bethesda, MD 20817-4507 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ | / \ | ║ 3246 Normandy Woods Dr, APT G; Ellicott City [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ | \_/ | ║ 1009 Queensbury Cir; Durham, NC 27713-8707 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ \___/ ___ ║ ║ ║ _|_|_/[_]\__==_ ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (410) 465-5522 [CURRENT] ║ ║ [---------------] ║ +1 (410) 924-6273 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ | O /---\ | ║ +1 (704) 651-2948 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ | | | | ║ +1 (815) 441-1615 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ | \___/ | ║ +1 (863) 877-5264 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ [---------------] ║ ║ ║ [___] ║ ║ ║ | |\\ ║ › Full Name : Marc Harry Sickel ║ ║ | | \\ ║ › Age : 62 ║ ║ [ ] \\_ ║ ║ ║ /|_|\ ( \ ║ › Address(es) : 2405 Pondside Ter; Silver Spring, MD 20906-5752 [CURRENT] ║ ║ //| |\\ \ \ ║ 1805 Myrtle Rd; Silver Spring, MD 20902-4006 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ // | | \\ \ \ ║ 8311 Lillystonedr; Bethesda, MD 20894-0001 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ // |_| \\ \_\ ║ 11140 Rockville Pike, STE 303; North Bethesda, [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ // | | \\ ║ ║ ║ //\ | | /\\ ║ › Phone Number(s) : +1 (301) 452-3336 [CURRENT] ║ ║ // \ | | / \\ ║ +1 (301) 231-7138 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ // \ | | / \\ ║ +1 (301) 598-2284 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ // \|_|/ \\ ║ +1 (301) 469-8607 [PREVIOUS] ║ ║ // [_] \\ ║ ║ ║ // H \\ ║ ║ ║ // H \\ ║ › Full Name : Melanie Harry Daub ║ ║ // H \\ ║ › Age : 61 ║ ║ // H \\ ║ ║ ║ // H \\ ║ › Address : 2405 Pondside Ter; Silver Spring, MD 20906-5752 [CURRENT] ║ ║ // \\ ║ ║ ║ // \\ ║ ║ ╠══ ╼ IP Information ╾ ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x10 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Relatives' E-Mails & Database Breaches ╾ ═════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x11 ╾ ══╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ › IP : ║ › E-Mails : josh.sickel@gmail.com ║ ║ VPN : True ║ julprncess@aol.com ║ ║ PROXY : False ║ joshua_sickel@elcaminohospital.org ║ ║ TOR : False ║ gaiasdfhiuhas@gmail.com ║ ║ City : Moscow ║ violetphoenix24@yahoo.com ║ ║ Region : Moscow ^_^ Haiwooooo ║ ║ ║ Country : Russia _ ║ › josh.sickel@gmail.com ║ ║ ASN : AS204997 _)\.-. ║ Name : Joshua Sickel ║ ║ .-.__,___,_.-=-. )\` a`\_ ║ ID : 108543030271673794636 ║ ║ › IP : .-.__\__,__,__.-=-. `/ \ `\ ║ Last Update : 2022/10/26 06:05:59 (UTC) ║ ║ VPN : False {~,-~-,-~.-~,-,;;;;\ | '--;`)/ ║ Signed up To : Spotify.com (x2) ║ ║ PROXY : False \-,~_-~_-,~-,(_(_(;\/ ,;/ ║ Flickr.com ║ ║ TOR : False ",-.~_,-~,-~,)_)_)'. ;;( ║ VRBO.com ║ ║ City : Saratoga `~-,_-~,-~(_(_(_(_\ `;\ ║ Twitter.com ║ ║ Region : California , `"~~--,)_)_)_)\_ \ ║ Edmodo.com ║ ║ Country : USA |\ (_(_/_(_, \ ; ║ Skype.com ║ ║ ASN : AS33651 \ '-. _.--' /_/_/_) | | ║ ^ Name : Joshua Sickel ║ ║ '--.\ .' /_/ | | ║ ID : joshsickel ║ ║ › IP : )) / \ | /.' ║ Duolingo.com ║ ║ VPN : False // /, | __.'| || ║ ^ Name : Joshua Sickel ║ ║ PROXY : False // || /` ( || ║ Studying : Spanish ║ ║ TOR : False || || .' \ \\ ║ ║ ║ City : Centennial || || .'_ \ \\ ║ › julprncess@aol.com ║ ║ Region : Colorado \\ // / _ `\ \ \\__ ║ Name : Julie LaVeck ║ ║ Country : USA \'-'/( _ `\,; \ '--:, ║ ID : 110625399924939102437 ║ ║ ASN : AS29863 `"` `"` `-,,; `"`",,; ║ Last Update : 2022/02/11 23:44:09 (UTC) ║ ║ ║ Signed up To : Twitter.com ║ ║ › IP : ║ Discord.com ║ ║ VPN : True ║ ║ ║ PROXY : False ║ › joshua_sickel@elcaminohospital.org ║ ║ TOR : False ║ Type : Corporate ║ ║ City : London ║ ║ ║ Region : London ║ › gaiasdfhiuhas@gmail.com ║ ║ Country : England ║ Name : Julie LaVeck ║ ║ ASN : Ministry of Defence Assigned IP ║ ID : 100551375761255075349 ║ ║ ║ Last Update : 2019/03/12 03:54:12 (UTC) ║ ║ ║ Signed up To : N/A ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ › violetphoenix24@yahoo.com ║ ║ ║ Name : amethystgoddess ║ ║ ║ ID : 116803816252934989128 ║ ║ ║ Last Update : 2022/11/02 06:09:06 (UTC) ║ ║ ║ Signed up To : Discord.com ║ ║ ║ Spotify.com ║ ║ ║ Adobe.com ║ ║ ║ Edmodo.com ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ › Database Breaches : Cit0Day ║ ║ . ) ) ║ DriveSure ║ ║ ( (| . ║ Evite ║ ║ ) )\/ ( ( ( ║ Anti Public Combo List ║ ║ * ( (( / ))\)) ( ) ) ║ CafePress ║ ║ ( \ )\( | ))( ) (| ║ DEEFPDLCustomer ║ ║ >) ))/ | )/ \(( ) \ ║ Gravatar ║ ║ ( ( . -. V )/ )( ( ║ LinkedIN ║ ║ \ / . \ . \)) )) ║ LinkedIN Scraped Data ║ ║ )( ( | | ) . ( / ║ MySpace ║ ║ )( ,')) \ / \( `. ) ║ River City Media Spam List ║ ║ (\> ,'/__ )) __`. / ║ Trik Spam Botnet ║ ║ ( \ | / ___ ( \/ ___ \ | ( ( ║ Zynga ║ ║ \.) |/ / \__ __/ \ \| )) ║ Apollo ║ ║ . \. |> \ | __ | / <| / ║ B2B USA Business ║ ║ )/ \____/ :..: \____/ \ < ║ Exactis ║ ║ ) \ (|__ . / ;: \ __| ) ( ║ Lead Hunter ║ ║ (( )\) ~--_ -- -- _--~ / )) ║ Onliner Spambot ║ ║ \ ( | || || | ( / ║ Netlog ║ ║ \. | ||_ _|| | / ║ Verifications.io ║ ║ > : | ~V+-I_I_I-+V~ | : (. ║ Experian ║ ║ ( \: T\ _ _ /T : ./ ║ SC Daily Phone Spam List ║ ║ \ : T^T T-+-T T^T ;< ║ Special K Data Feed Spam List ║ ║ \..`_ -+- _' ) ║ ║ ║ ) . `--=.._____..=--'. ./ ( ║ › Passwords : masai1 ║ ║ (( ) ( ) ( ) ( )> ║ Pearliepoo ║ ║ > \/^/) )) ( ( /(. )) ))._/(__))./ (_. ║ Masai1 ║ ║ ( _../ ( \)) ) \ ( / \. ./ || ..__:| _. \ ║ 187797 ║ ║ | \__. ) | (/ /: :)) | \/ |( <.._ )| ) ) ║ cheesehead24 ║ ║ )) _./ | ) )) __ < | :( :)) .//( : : | ║ Cheesehead24 ║ ║ (: < ): --: ^ \ )( )\/: / /_/ ) :._) : ║ piggylover ║ ║ \..) (_.. .. : : : .( \..:.. ./__. ./ ║ ║ ║ ^ ^ \^ ^ ^\/^ ^ ║ › Hashes : DPRRgi6Nvlsyn2JK8PTZ7BU83Tg= ║ ║ ║ 0x4CB2A079C6D4F1748C782F37CB1175E9B772A1F8: ║ ║ ║ 880b7a2bc53ff2e458219b018dd603cc ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ GET FUCKING FLAMED NIGGA ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠══ ╼ Outro ╾ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x12 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Final Words ╾ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x13 ╾ ══╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ So, ║ Well, ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ I hope you enjoyed scrolling through and reading this paste, obliterating ║ Returning viewers, hello again, WE HAVE MET AGAIN! I wasn't necessarily planning on ║ ║ Gabriel & his extremely odd family, exposing his sickening actions & bringing ║ uploading another paste even though I have like 20 in my vault, I just really can't ║ ║ this chapter to an end. I'm genuinely surprised nobody has doxed this furry ║ bother to sit at my desk for a solid 2 and a half hours formatting a .txt file, but ║ ║ reject before me, I'm sure someone has tried to gather his info, though ║ when I revisited the Khord Kitty Video created by Turkey Tom, I had a drive to ║ ║ it's never been pasted. ║ upload another dox solely due to the disgust I felt for Khord's victims. ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Nevertheless, I'm glad I spent the time formatting this piece of art and ║ Besides that my bin has been dead recently and I wanted to keep some type of ║ ║ exposing Gabriel & his information along with his relatives due to his pedophelic ║ activity on my page even though Com has changed drastically the past couple months ║ ║ actions. I hope this brings some form of awareness to Gabriel's actions & what ║ & I'm rarely on anymore, I take a look at Discord every once in awhile or check my ║ ║ goes on behind the scenes of Khord Khitty. ║ telegram daily but I'm not as active as I used to be. ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ And to Gabriel, fortunately for you I didn't take any extreme measures towards ║ I'll likely stay around and upload every now and then despite my inactivity, but ║ ║ you solely because I wont be able to see your reaction since I have never ║ for now I hope you enjoyed this paste it's been what? like a good 2 months or so? ║ ║ spoken to you nor met you; but even though we have never had a personal 1 to 1 ║ I suppose it was time for another paste, and it turned out fine. Also, big credits ║ ║ encounter, I am deeply disgusted by both your presence on this earth & your ║ to my good friend Felony check out his pastes linked in the credits, nice guy ║ ║ actions, mindset & statements regarding minors, age of consent, zoophelia and ║ #HATE thank you Felony for adding the additional info you did, it's appreciated ║ ║ subjects alike. ║ go show him some love. ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ You are weird, I ask you now to please get some help; therapeutic, professional ║ Anyways I guess it's time to say peace out, I hope you enjoyed this paste and ║ ║ help, you need it... ║ thanks for keeping me company along the ride, if you want to reach out to me or ║ ║ ║ ask any questions, feel free to contact me on Telegram : t.me/nationalterrorist , ║ ║ Nevertheless, thank you for reading this, and I appreciate you clicking on this ║ I never change that handle. ║ ║ paste. ║ ║ ║ ║ Aside from that, I hope you have a wonderful day and again thank you for taking the ║ ║ - Synq. ║ time to read this paste. ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x14 ╩ Credits ╾ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Synq Felony Memes ║ ║ https://doxbin.com/user/Synqronize https://doxbin.com/user/Hypocrite https://a.pomf.cat/ibwqnt.png [Gabe & Friends] ║ ║ t.me/nationalterrorist t.me/tokenlogger https://a.pomf.cat/sbksbr.png [Bro what?] ║ ║ https://e.rip/rlu https://e-z.bio/Cia https://a.pomf.cat/pkdeyc.png [???] ║ ║ s@funer.al [Added Additional Useful Information] https://a.pomf.cat/absnvl.png [Face before death] ║ ║ [Gathered All Information] ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
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