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Title:11yearolddoxxer returns
Created:May 9th, 2021
Created by: pedoandfurfaghunter
Views: 556
Comments: 22
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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School will be named btw) Sexuality: Lesbian (faggot and a furry, yikes.) Race: White (but acts like a nigger) Email: eliza.mogg@bwjsapps.co.uk (i dont think u can email her as her school email has restrictions) I SAID I DIDNT HAVE A LOT OF PERSONAL INFO ON HER OK! PLZ NO ROAST AS I SAID IM 11 YEARS OF FUCKING AGE THX ================================================================================================================================================================== School Information: School Name: Bishops Waltham Junior School School Address: 2 Oak Rd, Bishop's Waltham, Southampton SO32 1EP School Phone Number: 01489 892368 (use this number to pose as a relative of Eliza Mogg and say shes cutting herself or some shit that'll concern staff idk) School Website: https://www.bwjunior.hants.sch.uk HeadTeacher Name: Mr Darren Campbell (headmaster for u americans) Headteacher Email: headteacher@bwjunior.hants.sch.uk (headmaster for u americans) schooloffice@bwjunior.hants.sch.uk: school office email Picture of all school staff: https://gyazo.com/a7ed515e672ad30487faff90ec0a854c Pedophile teacher who worked at the school (news article, proven to be true btw): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-34738754 School kit: https://www.skoolkit.co.uk/school-uniform/264 (you can see images of the school uniform) ================================================================================================================================================================== HeadTeacher Information: Full Name: Mr Darren Campbell Address: (unknown) family info: has a daughter, idk her name but her name ends in campbell Youtube Account (cringy af videos): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOYJIfSnqEj0ZPTDI3JaP_g (TEACHER VIDEOS AND HIS VIDEOS, CRINGY AF SO BE PREPARED LFMAOO) i hardly know shit about him so dont blame me ok ==================================================================================================================================================================
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