

 im looking for pedos to dox so if you have proof of someone being a pedo and would like to have a full dox put out on them i would be more then happy
                                                                            to help you
                                                  DISCORD                                                  TELEGRAM
                                                   ZOITU                                                egirlextortion



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   Xman_723 aka Alexander Nelson is a youtuber with almost 1M subs (985K) and has gained the following via posting fnaf porn on youtube for minors
       claims this is all for "fun" spends his days on Garry's Mod roleplaying as golden freddy getting ass fucked by Foxy a real FREAK!



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 1. creepy with kids and tells kids to make sexual fnaf roleplay videos for his enjoyment
 2. spreading porn to minors
 3. thinks his opsec is top tier xd



  ➤NAME: Alexander Nelson (Target)
  ➤EMAIL: xjn723@gmail.com
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 7/23/03 (20yrs)
  ➤NUMBERS: (404) 370-2370
  ➤PASSWORDS: 7231993, xander723
  ➤HOME: (770) 965-0485
  ➤ADDRESS: 6613 Club View Ct Flowery Branch, GA 30542
  ➤PAST ADDRESS: 3105 Goldmist Dr Buford, GA 30519
  ➤NOTE: your opsec was shit pedo - 7



  ➤NAME: Patrick Jonathan Nelson (dad)
  ➤EMAIL: jojosewell@gmail.com, pjnelson11@gmail.com, patrick.nelson@matrixintel.com (work)
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 10/17/1972 (50yrs)
  ➤NUMBERS: (404) 245-8308
  ➤PASSWORDS: joinez723, Feb10!983, pjnxjn11, pjnmhn2003
  ➤PASSWORD HASHES: 56C1C2BC465F16760FC45C015076295A5395BD7B, 6bd9f91ac6c2080d4c86b525a47c1027fce2c2e1
  ➤HOME: (770) 965-0485
  ➤ADDRESS: 3105 Goldmist Dr Buford, GA 30519
  ➤PAST ADDRESS: 6613 Club View Ct Flowery Branch, GA 30542



  ➤NAME: Joanne I Sewellnelson (mom)
  ➤EMAIL: jojosewell@gmail.com
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 7/30/1974 (49yrs)
  ➤NUMBERS: (404) 245-8308, (778) 965-0485
  ➤PASSWORDS: joinez723, Feb10!983
  ➤HOME: (770) 965-0485
  ➤ADDRESS: 6613 Club View Ct Flowery Branch, GA 30542
  ➤PAST ADDRESS: 3105 Goldmist Dr Buford, GA 30519

