JKysSa/AlexPl4yz/ElmerSpartanic/Joran Vusalj/TrinityRix/Malileon1 DOXX. Reason for Doxx - Leon Kralj is a 15 year old who likes grooming kids and having e-sex with them. + He also sent a 12 year old pictures of himself naked, with his dick and ass being shown. He also gave himself papercuts because he faked doing self-harm with a knife on a livestream when he used to be called "AlexPl4yz". One time, he also recorded a video of himself dancing butt naked showing it to the camera, and he is also a mindblower so i recommend you stay away from this kid because he is a bad person. fun fact : Leon Kralj is a pedophile too. Real Name - Mali Leon Hasenpfefer Kralj Address - Ul. K.Š. Ðalskog 11, 10432, Bregana, Croatia Phone Number - +385 99-864-3136 Gender - Male Orientation - Bisexual (May be Transgender after some time) -------- -- HIS PARENTS -- Vedrana Hasenpfefer Kralj Tomislav Kralj -------- -- DISCORD ACCOUNTS -- mgmtenjoyerowo (Joran) USER ID - 1256565873880072264 jkyssa (JKysSa) User ID - 1274970574975668336 -- SOCIALS: -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChp3XHKAjYPRSr7WZE-dhgw (deleted) https://www.youtube.com/@theelmerspartanic320 https://soundcloud.com/elmerspartanic320 https://www.roblox.com/groups/15847419/AlexPl4yz-Fan-Club#!/about https://www.roblox.com/users/141943666/profile https://twitter.com/AlexPl4yz https://twitter.com/Nam3Soundalikes https://twitter.com/Elmer320133347 https://twitter.com/alexpl4yzvent https://twitter.com/Alexpl4yzM https://www.twitch.tv/alexpl4yz11 https://gamebanana.com/members/1806169 https://open.spotify.com/user/yyw5wn3tat0k8o8pjpgos2qh6?si=90c81e592a6b4771 https://alexpl4yz11.carrd.co/ -- COMPUTER SETUP -- Microphone: Redragon GM200 Gaming Stream Microphone Keyboard: Marvo Keyboard KG962 Camera: OBSBOT Tiny Camera Mouse: RedDragon Mouse M703 VIDEO EDITING PROGRAM: SONY VEGAS PRO 15 AUDIO SOFTWARE: AUDACITY -- CONTACT -- EMAILS - [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Phone Number (literally again) - +385 99-864-3136 WhatsApp - +385 99-864-3136 (L3ONZ) Telegram - https://t.me/jkyssajoran (Joran Vusalj) Twitter - https://x.com/jkyssawastaken Private Twitter with Porn of Himself - https://x.com/PRIVATEKYSSA