Doxxed by: @xlaf

Name: Brensen
Age: ???
Address: 1023 Ohana Nui Circle
Phone number:
Status: Grounded or ungrounded we are not sure
New School: Aliamanu Middle School
Old School: Nimitz Elementary 
Description: Brunette Hair, Blue Eyes, Buck teeth, Short, and Chubby
Mother: Dead (due to drugs)
Father: left him
Guardians: Aunt and Uncle
Reason #1: Saying he will r@pe girls at his school and get their breast milk
Reason #2: Saying he will r@pe all the girls in his class
Reason #3 He had already gotten called by the police’s by his own principal for saying these types of things which means he has been saying these types of things over and over

Well that’s all for today on Brensen - @xlaf
Follow me on TikTok @xlaf