____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Title:C I A Database MEGA file
Created:Jan 18th, 2023
Created by: Goaxx
Views: 1,915
Comments: 1
Edited at: Jan 18th, 2023
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
.-'''-. ' _ \ / /` '. \ .--./). | \ ' /.''\\ | ' | ' | | | |\ \ / / __ ____ _____ ____ _____ \`-' / `. ` ..' /.:--.'. `. \ .' / `. \ .' / /("'` '-...-'`/ | \ | `. `' .' `. `' .' \ '---. `" __ | | '. .' '. .' /'""'.\ .'.''| | .' `. .' `. || || / / | |_ .' .'`. `. .' .'`. `. \'. __// \ \._,\ '/.' / `. `. .' / `. `. `'---' `--' `"'----' '----''----' '----' ????????????????????@????????????????????????????????????????.???????????? Alright, this one is a HUGE one but a really old one too, so what happened is that in around 2011-2013, LulzSec and Anonymous and a bunch of others (They made an operation called Antisec when they decided to do these breaches if I recall) breached the C.I.A database and made a massive leak of everything inside that database. Keep in mind, it's really old, don't get your hopes too high. CIA Info MEGA File - Directory of Employees and Officials Here are some Leaked Accounts of some CIA Field Agents(stationed CIA HQ Langley, VA), Documents, and website infos of - https://cia.gov To CIA - Where is your security gals ;) Anonymous - Chris Defaulter Valentine --------------------------------------------------------------------------------website - https://www.cia.gov/ Location - CIA HQ Langley, VA WebSite Last Updated - Mon, 28 jan 2013 16:53:44 GMT (At time of exploitation) --------------------------------------DETAILS------------------------------------[ localityName=Mclean stateOrProvinceName=Virginia countryName=US serialNumber=Government Entity businessCategory=Government Entity ] Website SSL serial Number - 1B6E90CFD3E033B37EA656F068ECB80F(Registered to Jason Robert, cia-intercom chief) using SSL v3.0[non updated] Server IP - (apache) Lookup for A records of cia.gov Host - cia.gov. TTl - 14400 A answer- Site Etag : 890e-4bd41d95b3600 Admin Login Handle - ucia-gw.customer.alter.net ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[[[[[[[[[ Hacked Accounts ]]]]]]]]]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Nathan C. Shea Address - Lockwood Rd Henrico, VA Zip - 20190 B'Day - September 5, 1976 (35 years old) Visa - 4916 5207 0220 XXXX UPS tracking number -1Z 8Y3 327 95 5468 353 9 Email ID: nathacsh@cia.gov Password - Nee1zu3Ai91d4 2. Daniel Vida Address - Pretty Lake Ave Norfolk, VA B'Day - January 10, 1974 (38 years old) Visa - 4716 5639 4375 XXXX CVV2 - 027 UPS tracking number - 1Z 199 062 00 5717 481 2 Email ID: dan.vida3@cia.gov Password - tiXue2vooL4fdwq 3. Kevin Morehead Address - Ox Rd Woodstock, VA Zip - 20194 B'Day - October 27, 1975 (36 years old) Visa - 5207 9306 2697 XXXX CVC2 - 370 UPS tracking number - 1Z 831 725 07 7755 563 5 EMail ID : morehead.kev@cia.gov Password - MeijaaG8eimm6 4. Ronnie B. Allen Address - Richmond VA Zip - 20191 B'Day - April 5, 1973 (39 years old) MasterCard - 5208 6923 4319 XXXx CVC2 - 947 UPS tracking number - 1Z 581 796 27 1185 535 6 Email ID - RonnieBAllen@cia.gov Password - eiqu7kae1Rt 5. Darrell A. Dunleavy Address - Montpelier Ct Woodbridge, VA Zip - 20194 B'Day - November 20, 1973 (38 years old) MasterCard - 5480 7450 0976 XXXX CVC2 - 820 UPS tracking number - 1Z 054 879 87 9434 053 8 Email ID : darrelladunl41@cia.gov Password - Uth2a675hheG ........ SOme more details will be leaked soon, CIA Beware! -Anonymous-LulZsec-GhostShell-IllumiNatihttp://pastebin.com/txqMQ9wQ 51 email addresses of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States (CIA) By @HackerArgentino #TeamHackingArgentino #THA Twitter: @HackerArgentino Facebook: www.facebook.com/TeamHackingArgentino Now they can send their complaints =) 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov 473925@cia.gov 4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov ab...@cia.gov abuse@cia.gov abused@cia.gov admin@cia.gov admin@cia_gov ajones@cia.gov alonseven@cia.gov antitrust@cia.gov bigbrother@cia.gov bin_lad@cia.gov blackops11@cia.gov bsherman@cia.gov carl.bildt@cia.gov cha@cia.gov cia.info@cia.gov cia@cia.gov contact@cia.gov dan.vida3@cia.gov david.webb@cia.gov dborahdupre@cia.gov department@cia.gov dgray@cia.gov director@cia.gov dumas@cia.gov dwebb@cia.gov echelon@cia.gov goss@cia.gov info@cia-gov info@cia.gov jdeutch@cia.gov jerrym@cia.gov jsmith.1@cia.gov leon.panetta@cia.gov linda@cia.gov mail@cia.gov manny@cia.gov mclaughlin@cia.gov morell...teikoku-ryu@cia.gov office@cia.gov oscar@cia.gov post@cia.gov publicaffairs@cia.gov sanna.ukkola@cia.gov spyguy26@cia.gov stfu@cia.gov windwin@cia.gov zns12@cia.gov http://pastebin.com/B12YaBi6 Here are some Leaked Accounts of some CIA Field Agents(stationed at Virginia), D ocuments, and website infos of - https://cia.gov To CIA - Where is your security gals ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------website - https://www.cia.gov/ Location - Virginia - Reston WebSite Last Updated - Mon, 09 Apr 2012 16:53:44 GMT (At time of exploitation) --------------------------------------DETAILS------------------------------------[ localityName=Mclean stateOrProvinceName=Virginia countryName=US serialNumber=Government Entity businessCategory=Government Entity ] Website SSL serial Number - 1B6E90CFD3E033B37EA656F068ECB80F(Registered to Jason Robert, cia-intercom chief) using SSL v3.0[non updated] Server IP - (apache) Lookup for A records of cia.gov Host - cia.gov. TTl - 14400 A answer- Site Etag : 890e-4bd41d95b3600 Admin Login Handle - ucia-gw.customer.alter.net ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[[[[[[[[[ Hacked Accounts ]]]]]]]]]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Nathan C. Shea Address - Lockwood Rd Henrico, VA Zip - 20190 B'Day - September 5, 1976 (35 years old) Visa - 4916 5207 0220 XXXX UPS tracking number -1Z 8Y3 327 95 5468 353 9 Email ID: nathacsh@cia.gov Password - Nee1zu3Ai91d4 2. Daniel Vida Address - Pretty Lake Ave Norfolk, VA B'Day - January 10, 1974 (38 years old) Visa - 4716 5639 4375 XXXX CVV2 - 027 UPS tracking number - 1Z 199 062 00 5717 481 2 Email ID: dan.vida3@cia.gov Password - tiXue2vooL4fdwq 3. Kevin Morehead Address - Ox Rd Woodstock, VA Zip - 20194 B'Day - October 27, 1975 (36 years old) Visa - 5207 9306 2697 XXXX CVC2 - 370 UPS tracking number - 1Z 831 725 07 7755 563 5 EMail ID : morehead.kev@cia.gov Password - MeijaaG8eimm6 4. Ronnie B. Allen Address - Richmond VA Zip - 20191 B'Day - April 5, 1973 (39 years old) MasterCard - 5208 6923 4319 XXXx CVC2 - 947 UPS tracking number - 1Z 581 796 27 1185 535 6 Email ID - RonnieBAllen@cia.gov Password - eiqu7kae1Rt 5. Darrell A. Dunleavy Address - Montpelier Ct Woodbridge, VA Zip - 20194 B'Day - November 20, 1973 (38 years old) MasterCard - 5480 7450 0976 XXXX CVC2 - 820 UPS tracking number - 1Z 054 879 87 9434 053 8 Email ID : darrelladunl41@cia.gov Password - Uth2a675hheG ........ SOme more details will be leaked soon, CIA Beware! -CyberZeist (Against Online Censorship) http://pastebin.com/3RNmH53Q ::::::::::::::::::::::HACKED BY GRENXPARTA::::::::::::::::::: Hacked BY Anonymous GrenXparta Hey Admin ! This website's security is too low. Please upgrade your security now ! __^__ __^__ ( ___ ) -----------------------------------------------------------( ___ ) | / | GrenXparta Was here Come Back© | | | / | | | | / | Email: grenalio.kristian@hotmail.com Twitter: @gren_siahaan | | | / | | | | / | http://web-grenalio.net23.net | | | / |--------------------------------------------------------------| | | / | Hacking is not be a crime | | |___| Regard's GrenXparta |___| (_____)------------------------------------------------------------(___) 1- CIA [55] abuse@cia.gov abused@cia.gov admin@cia.gov ajones@cia.gov alonseven@cia.gov antitrust@cia.gov bigbrother@cia.gov bill.lopez@cia.gov bin_lad@cia.gov <========== bin laden blackops11@cia.gov bob.jones@cia.gov cha@cia.gov cia.info@cia.gov cia@cia.gov contact@cia.gov cookiemonster@cia.gov dan.vida3@cia.gov david.webb@cia.gov dborahdupre@cia.gov department@cia.gov dgray@cia.gov dwebb@cia.gov ech@cia.gov echelon@cia.gov george.w@cia.gov goss@cia.gov gotsomerealproblems@cia.gov info@cia.gov internships@cia.gov jbristow@cia.gov lepanetta@cia.gov linda@cia.gov mail@cia.gov mclaughlin@cia.gov office@cia.gov oscar@cia.gov peaches@cia.gov pos@cia.gov post@cia.gov poweredge@cia.gov recogn@cia.gov sam@cia.gov sanna.ukkola@cia.gov speaker@cia.gov spyguy26@cia.gov stfu@cia.gov tegeland@cia.gov tip@cia-gov 2- Defense.gov [21] amanderly@defense.gov barack.obama@defense.gov <===== Obama cmndntbloodfyst@defense.gov danielle.veira@defense.gov gencfranklin@defense.gov info@defense.gov john.achong@defense.gov leigh.mcphan@defense.gov leon.panetta@defense.gov lindy.savelle@defense.gov nhall@defense.gov nona.hall@defense.gov pierre.blais@defense.gov raymond.witkowski@defense.gov robyn.johnston@defense.gov scott.squires@defense.gov secretary2@defense.gov shc.admin@defense.gov www.jnlwp@defense.gov yves.chochois@defense.gov 3- FBI [40] admin@fbi.gov attention-fine@fbi.gov bbudowle@fbi.gov bill.nicholson@fbi.gov bonehead@fbi.gov busts@fbi.gov cybercrime@fbi gov cyberinvestigation@fbi.gov don.smith@fbi.gov fbi@fbi.gov fbidirectoroffice@fbi.gov fbinotification@fbi.gov fbiwashingtondc@fbi.gov fine@fbi gov fine@fbi,gov fine@fbi.gov hrm@fbi.gov info@fbi.gov infragard-al@fbi.gov infragard@fbi.gov investigations@fbi.gov jamesmcjunckin@fbi.gov lnfo@fbi.gov mail@fbi.gov mueller.r@fbi.gov nccs@fbi.gov nipc.watch@fbi.gov nipc@fbi.gov police@fbi.gov post@fbi.gov publicalert@fbi.gov ricecollier@fbi.gov robertmueller@fbi.gov root@fbi.gov sbooth@fbi.gov tips@fbi.gov usdjvgov@fbi.gov 4- NATO airn.pao@nato.int f-117@nato.int horny.pony@nato.int info@nato.int investigations@nato.int israil.ftw@nato.int jaap.de.hoop.scheffer@nato.int patrick.cordin@nato.int rueb@nato.int sage@nato.int sheltontoolkitochoa@nato.int soares.carlos@nato.int spdelehq@nato.int 5- Justice.gov [146] achaitram@justice.gov akekana@justice.gov albert.hicking@justice.gov alexanderv@justice.gov alicel@justice.gov alicem@justice.gov amaraba@justice.gov amjikeliso@justice.gov anatho@justice.gov anatn2@justice.gov annoosthuizen@justice.gov arben.brace@justice.gov arield@justice.gov asakling@justice.gov asaptoe@justice.gov asmith@justice.gov astreet@justice.gov atsolekile@justice.gov avnerg@justice.gov benalilou@justice.gov bill.spiby@justice.gov bmasuku@justice.gov bventer@justice.gov chiefmaster@justice.gov clachman@justice.gov contact@justice.gov court.info@justice.gov daniel.stafford@justice.gov dasenekal@justice.gov dbosman@justice.gov deputyminister@justice.gov di.askwith@justice.gov donald.kernaghan@justice.gov dover@justice.gov dschoeman@justice.gov dturner@justice.gov ecross@justice.gov edanaka@justice.gov edcameron@justice.gov eduard.halimi@justice.gov elouasbi@justice.gov emily.langlie@justice.gov enquiries@justice.gov esebego@justice.gov filatova@justice.gov fvahed@justice.gov gary.greaves@justice.gov estrydom@justice.gov gjokhadze@justice.gov gmfundisi@justice.gov grimalschi@justice.gov gvanrooyen@justice.gov hcele@justice.gov hiwar2012@justice.gov hiwaradala@justice.gov info@justice.gov jacguelineb@justice.gov janette.berry@justice.gov jdelange@justice.gov jgovind@justice.gov justice@justice.gov kchoeunyane@justice.gov kmaditla@justice.gov kmasilo@justice.gov kmathye@justice.gov ladam@justice.gov lawrence_kalinoe@justice.gov lilouw@justice.gov lishkatyoetz@justice.gov lmbatha@justice.gov lmoatlhudi@justice.gov lmokonyama@justice.gov ludmila.popa@justice.gov mahashjr@justice.gov mankal@justice.gov marcia.shimelt@justice.gov marifourie@justice.gov mark.nester@justice.gov mbala@justice.gov mdreyer@justice.gov minieuwoudt@justice.gov ministri@justice.gov mmamabolo@justice.gov mnicholls@justice.gov moazar@justice.gov moked-amutot@justice.gov moked-tagid@justice.gov moshes@justice.gov mthatha-fa@justice.gov mugbaluyot@justice.gov nationaloffice-fa@justice.gov nberuashvili@justice.gov nburt@justice.gov nchiliza@justice.gov ngovender@justice.gov nicolai.bujor@justice.gov nmaqambayi@justice.gov nmbizweni-dyani@justice.gov nmpolweni@justice.gov notvva@justice.gov nrina@justice.gov nsaginashvili@justice.gov nvanzyl@justice.gov offices@justice.gov osewpaul@justice.gov patent@justice.gov pbeesham@justice.gov pdurand@justice.gov peretzs@justice.gov pmahadave@justice.gov pmoodley@justice.gov pph@justice.gov reform@justice.gov rlalchand@justice.gov rlaue@justice.gov robronkhorst@justice.gov samir.seferov@justice.gov samsterdam@justice.gov sar@justice.gov sbudaza@justice.gov secretariat@justice.gov shareefk@justice.gov siriol.david@justice.gov spasiwe@justice.gov taxdik@justice.gov tketshem@justice.gov tmahlangu@justice.gov tomashvili@justice.gov trainingcenter@justice.gov ttlali@justice.gov uappolis@justice.gov victimservices@justice.gov vkrishna@justice.gov vmbamali@justice.gov vsewlal@justice.gov webmaster@justice.gov wollewagen@justice.gov zsentongo@justice.gov 6- nsa.gov [117] admin@nsa.gov adthoma@nsa.gov ajdavis@nsa.gov ajprice@nsa.gov algorin@nsa.gov aossowiecki@nsa.gov aryoun2@nsa.gov askcaeia@nsa.gov askcaeiae@nsa.gov askiace@nsa.gov askiasp@nsa.gov azowczak@nsa.gov b.gouker@nsa.gov bajohn1@nsa.gov bao@nsa.gov bkind@nsa.gov bmcrumm@nsa.gov bmkaspa@nsa.gov bmstite@nsa.gov bshalks@nsa.gov cas@nsa.gov cbmayna@nsa.gov ccammon@nsa.gov cchh@nsa.gov ceander@nsa.gov cemitch@nsa.gov cjones7@nsa.gov cmburle@nsa.gov contact@nsa.gov crystal.cammon@nsa.gov customercare@nsa.gov dabonan@nsa.gov dahatch@nsa.gov daschr2@nsa.gov dbmuzzy@nsa.gov dbschaf@nsa.gov devarie@nsa.gov dfmuzzy@nsa.gov dgboth@nsa.gov eaengle@nsa.gov eecorma@nsa.gov elblue@nsa.gov enc@nsa.gov erodri6@nsa.gov everdich@nsa.gov fbcole1@nsa.gov foialo@nsa.gov gddoney@nsa.gov history@nsa.gov hugodrax@nsa.gov ig_hotline@nsa.gov igcomplaints@nsa.gov info@nsa.gov informacje@nsa.gov ioss@nsa.gov irymarz@nsa.gov ist@nsa.gov izbaadm@nsa.gov jiaoli@nsa.gov jmboot3@nsa.gov jprange@nsa.gov kellan@nsa.gov kent@nsa.gov kgsieg@nsa.gov kmigoe@nsa.gov lahodgs@nsa.gov lcastr2@nsa.gov ldcarro@nsa.gov librarian@nsa.gov liming@nsa.gov ljmcwee@nsa.gov lmburdi@nsa.gov majordomo@nsa.gov math@nsa.gov mathjobs@nsa.gov mdwagn4@nsa.gov mepp@nsa.gov mkulikowska@nsa.gov mltowns@nsa.gov mpcarte@nsa.gov mrander@nsa.gov mtferti@nsa.gov nic@nsa.gov noreply@nsa.gov nsaadmin@nsa.gov nsets@nsa.gov patriot.act@nsa.gov pbrannon@nsa.gov pisa@nsa.gov plgillma@nsa.gov plmizra@nsa.gov radicke@nsa.gov rftygar@nsa.gov rjsmit2@nsa.gov rsj_adm@nsa.gov schao@nsa.gov sdbutl2@nsa.gov sethioz@nsa.gov smallbusiness@nsa.gov smscot8@nsa.gov snac.guides@nsa.gov sssmit3@nsa.gov sunsunny@nsa.gov sunyingchun@nsa.gov twestr@nsa.gov w2kguides@nsa.gov wcorndo@nsa.gov webteam@nsa.gov wfszewc@nsa.gov whmetzl@nsa.gov wrhensl@nsa.gov xuebao@nsa.gov xzglgg@nsa.gov ysz-mmalysz@nsa.gov zl@nsa.gov By : -̶̶•-̶̶•̸ •̸GrenXparta_Hacker ™•̸ •̸-̶•-̶ http://pastebin.com/uRV5eXe9 ::::::::::::::::::::::HACKED BY GRENXPARTA::::::::::::::::::: Hacked BY Anonymous GrenXparta Hey Admin ! This website's security is too low. Please upgrade your security now ! __^__ __^__ ( ___ ) -----------------------------------------------------------( ___ ) | / | GrenXparta Was here Come Back© | | | / | | | | / | Email: grenalio.kristian@hotmail.com Twitter: @gren_siahaan | | | / | | | | / | http://web-grenalio.net23.net | | | / |--------------------------------------------------------------| | | / | Hacking is not be a crime | | |___| Regard's GrenXparta |___| (_____)------------------------------------------------------------(_____) [URL: https://www.cia.gov/] Email: 123@cia.gov [*] 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov [*] 473925@cia.gov [*] 4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov [*] a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov [*] ab...@cia.gov [*] abu...@cia.gov [*] abuse@cia.gov [*] abused@cia.gov [*] admin@cia.gov [*] alonseven@cia.gov [*] assholeincharge@cia.gov [*] bigbrother@cia.gov [*] bin_lad@cia.gov [*] blackops11@cia.gov [*] cha@cia.gov [*] dan.vida3@cia.gov [*] david.webb@cia.gov [*] dborahdupre@cia.gov [*] department@cia.gov [*] dgray@cia.gov [*] director@cia.gov [*] dumas@cia.gov [*] dwebb@cia.gov [*] eballen@cia.gov [*] echelon@cia.gov [*] ehowardhunt@cia.gov [*] info@cia-gov [*] james_bond@cia.gov [*] jdeutch@cia.gov [*] jerrym@cia.gov [*] jsmith.1@cia.gov [*] linda@cia.gov [*] mail@cia.gov [*] mib@cia.gov [*] morell...teikoku-ryu@cia.gov [*] office@cia.gov [*] oscar@cia.gov [*] post@cia.gov [*] publicaffairs@cia.gov [*] sam@cia.gov [*] sanna.ukkola@cia.gov [*] spyguy26@cia.gov [*] stfu@cia.gov [*] ufo@cia-gov [*] zns12@cia.gov By : -̶̶•-̶̶•̸ •̸GrenXparta_Hacker ™•̸ •̸-̶•-̶ http://pastebin.com/5RFyhk0f By @AnonTrumanSec 202 email addresses for apple.com [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] %253ca640ae47-28e9-42c0-b81f-9f4866385bf6@apple.com 65ca06c0-6380-4629-ac6c-ffb8b641cb3d@apple.com aaker@apple.com aasac_sl@apple.com abuse@apple.com aek@apple.com afields@apple.com agmt_refunds@apple.com akemp@apple.com akneissl@apple.com alamoana@apple.com andrewa@apple.com andy_davidson@apple.com anearhoof@apple.com app-store@apple.com apple_headquarters@apple.com applecert@apple.com appledevfunds@apple.com applefonts@apple.com appleretail_jobs@apple.com appreview@apple.com appstorenotices@apple.com arangel@apple.com ast_viewer@apple.com ato@apple.com barraclough@apple.com baylinson@apple.com bdavis@apple.com begasse@apple.com beidson@apple.com ben@apple.com best@apple.com bill@apple.com bob@apple.com brentcross@apple.com brinkerhoff@apple.com brooks@apple.com bruins@apple.com callie@apple.com cam@apple.com cassano@apple.com cblackmon@apple.com cedelen@apple.com christi@apple.com christine_young@apple.com cmarrin@apple.com comcommunityaffairsinfo@apple.com communityaffairinfo@apple.com compatibility@apple.com comsjobs@apple.com culp@apple.com curbow@apple.com cwilhelmy@apple.com darin@apple.com deemurray@apple.com desalvo@apple.com devenroll@apple.com devprograms@apple.com dhes...@apple.com dieter@apple.com [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] dmedina@apple.com dnash@apple.com dnorman@apple.com dowling@apple.com drborges@apple.com droot@apple.com dsadmin_ato@apple.com dsimon@apple.com dude1@apple.com dushka_zapata.edelman@apple.com ec8@apple.com emailrememberingsteve@apple.com ems@apple.com eoconnor@apple.com eric.carlson@apple.com erics@apple.com fair@apple.com feedback@apple.com firstname@apple.com foobar@apple.com fsanchez@apple.com golko@apple.com govepp@apple.com grandarcade@apple.com greenhillsbusiness@apple.com gupta@apple.com gwg@apple.com hayes.jason@apple.com hereno_reply@apple.com hoover1@apple.com hrhelpline@apple.com hyatt@apple.com igiglibusiness@apple.com independentlabels@apple.com info@apple.com insideapple@apple.com investor_relations@apple.com ipwn@apple.com irecycle@apple.com itsbanking@apple.com itspayments@apple.com itstax@apple.com itunesadmin@apple.com itunesappreporting@apple.com itunesconnect@apple.com itunesstoresupport@apple.com jbarrios@apple.com jdespotakis@apple.com jdorsey@apple.com jeff.williams@apple.com jeffrey.williams@apple.com jhoneycutt@apple.com jkeller@apple.com jmiller@apple.com jnellis@apple.com jobs@apple.com john.apples...@apple.com joshm@apple.com jross@apple.com jroth@apple.com [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] jsales@apple.com katiec@apple.com kay2@apple.com khuguet@apple.com kkhambadk...@apple.com landauer@apple.com linda@apple.com lisag@apple.com llester@apple.com loehman@apple.com mailinrepair@apple.com marketing_team@apple.com mattack@apple.com mcdanie1@apple.com mcoronel@apple.com mjs@apple.com most_unique@apple.com mote@apple.com msmac@apple.com mwebb@apple.com mxmora@apple.com nergis.sonja3652@apple.com no-reply@apple.com no_reply@apple.com noreply@apple.com normandgaudreault@apple.com oliver@apple.com paco.lara@apple.com paxton1@apple.com pine8ridge@apple.com pingxuemin@apple.com product-security@apple.com proeger@apple.com promotions@apple.com r5a@apple.com raltherr@apple.com randi@apple.com rbs@apple.com remeberingsteve@apple.com rememberingsteve@apple.com remembersteve@apple.com rjw@apple.com rob.janoff@apple.com s.jobs@apple.com schorsch@apple.com sgorman@apple.com shebs@apple.com simon.fraser@apple.com singer@apple.com sjobs@apple.com sramish@apple.com sridhar@apple.com stanley_lin@apple.com statelocalsales@apple.com steve.jobs@apple.com steve@apple.com stevejobs@apple.com steven.kuo@apple.com support@apple.com susan_sullivan@apple.com [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] _____ svc.authorize@apple.com sw.license@apple.com tbrennan@apple.com tcook@apple.com tedn@apple.com tg@apple.com tim@apple.com tmuller@apple.com tneumayr@apple.com toappstorenotices@apple.com tramos@apple.com twakeman@apple.com tyyeh@apple.com unique@apple.com user.support@apple.com webmaster@apple.com weinig@apple.com welch@apple.com wellness_internship@apple.com workswithimovie@apple.com xxxxxxxxxx@apple.com yjarow@apple.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _|__ __ _ _ __ | || |__ _ __| |_(_)_ _ __ _ /_ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _| |_(_)_ _ ___ | |/ -_) _` | ' | __ / _` / _| / / | ' / _` |/ _ | '_/ _` / -_) ' _| | ' / _ |_|_____,_|_|_|_|_||___,___|___|_||___, /_/ __| __, ___|_||___|_|_||____/ |___/ |___/ 51 email addresses of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States (CIA) By @HackerArgentino #TeamHackingArgentino #THA Twitter: @HackerArgentino Facebook: www.facebook.com/TeamHackingArgentino Now they can send their complaints =) 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov 473925@cia.gov 4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov ab...@cia.gov abuse@cia.gov abused@cia.gov admin@cia.gov admin@cia_gov ajones@cia.gov alonseven@cia.gov antitrust@cia.gov bigbrother@cia.gov bin_lad@cia.gov blackops11@cia.gov bsherman@cia.gov carl.bildt@cia.gov cha@cia.gov cia.info@cia.gov cia@cia.gov contact@cia.gov dan.vida3@cia.gov david.webb@cia.gov dborahdupre@cia.gov department@cia.gov dgray@cia.gov director@cia.gov dumas@cia.gov dwebb@cia.gov echelon@cia.gov goss@cia.gov info@cia-gov info@cia.gov jdeutch@cia.gov jerrym@cia.gov jsmith.1@cia.gov leon.panetta@cia.gov linda@cia.gov mail@cia.gov manny@cia.gov mclaughlin@cia.gov morell...teikoku-ryu@cia.gov office@cia.gov oscar@cia.gov post@cia.gov publicaffairs@cia.gov sanna.ukkola@cia.gov spyguy26@cia.gov stfu@cia.gov windwin@cia.gov zns12@cia.gov http://pastebin.com/40yTUTEC URL: https://www.cia.gov/ Email: 123@cia.gov [*] 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov [*] 473925@cia.gov [*] 4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov [*] a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov [*] ab...@cia.gov [*] abu...@cia.gov [*] abuse@cia.gov [*] abused@cia.gov [*] admin@cia.gov [*] alonseven@cia.gov [*] assholeincharge@cia.gov [*] bigbrother@cia.gov [*] bin_lad@cia.gov [*] blackops11@cia.gov [*] cha@cia.gov [*] dan.vida3@cia.gov [*] david.webb@cia.gov [*] dborahdupre@cia.gov [*] department@cia.gov [*] dgray@cia.gov [*] director@cia.gov [*] dumas@cia.gov [*] dwebb@cia.gov [*] eballen@cia.gov [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] echelon@cia.gov ehowardhunt@cia.gov info@cia-gov james_bond@cia.gov jdeutch@cia.gov jerrym@cia.gov jsmith.1@cia.gov linda@cia.gov mail@cia.gov mib@cia.gov morell...teikoku-ryu@cia.gov office@cia.gov oscar@cia.gov post@cia.gov publicaffairs@cia.gov sam@cia.gov sanna.ukkola@cia.gov spyguy26@cia.gov stfu@cia.gov ufo@cia-gov zns12@cia.gov http://pastebin.com/Ld2pFf1x David Webb Sales Sales Representative dwebb@cia.gov david.webb@cia.g ov Reston VA Pamela Landy Sales Sales Representative plandy@cia.gov pamela.landy@cia .gov Reston VA Terry Thompson Marketing Program Manager tthompson@cia.gov terry.th ompson@cia.gov Purcellville VA Elizabeth Brambo Marketing Public Relations ebrambo@cia.gov elizabeth.brambo@cia.gov Reston VA Tamara Smoot Marketing College Relations tsmoot@cia.gov tamara.s moot@cia.gov Reston VA Simon Marsh Marketing Employment and Communications Director smarsh@c ia.gov simon.marsh@cia.gov London Paul Graver Marketing Deputy Chief, Global Communications Services pgraver@cia.gov paul.graver@cia.gov Washington DC Jeff Kilkenny Marketing Senior Product Evaluator jkilkenny@cia.go v jeff.kilkenny@cia.gov Washington DC Ricky Hayes Finance & Administration Chief Program Practices Group rhayes@cia.gov ricky.hayes@cia.gov Washington DC Gary Noakes Finance & Administration Program Manager gnoakes@cia.gov gary.noakes@cia.gov Washington DC Petra Lewis Finance & Administration diversity Program Manager plewis@cia.gov petra.lewis@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Cooper Finance & Administration Chief Operating Officer jcooper@ cia.gov joseph.cooper@cia.gov Washington DC Warner Workman Finance & Administration Senior Program Manager wworkman @cia.gov warner.workman@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA Dale Grove Finance & Administration Senior Project Officer dgrove@c ia.gov dale.grove@cia.gov Washington DC Jeri Benedict Finance & Administration Program Manager for Training Ope rations jbenedict@cia.gov jeri.benedict@cia.gov Washington DC Bambi Coupland Finance & Administration Consultant bcoupland@cia.go v bambi.coupland@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Brisky Finance & Administration Program Manager lbrisky@cia.gov larry.brisky@cia.gov Washington DC Michelle Cq Finance & Administration Program Manager mcq@cia.gov michelle.cq@cia.gov Washington DC Michelle Murphy Finance & Administration Program Manager mmurphy@cia.gov michelle.murphy@cia.gov Reston VA Donna Snead Finance & Administration Program Manager dsnead@cia.gov donna.snead@cia.gov Warrenton VA Calvin Andrus Finance & Administration Program Manager candrus@cia.gov calvin.andrus@cia.gov Sterling VA Wesley Wilson Finance & Administration Program Manager wwilson@cia.gov wesley.wilson@cia.gov Washington DC James Mast Finance & Administration Program Manager jmast@cia.gov james.mast@cia.gov Manassas VA Linda Swiatowy Finance & Administration Program Manager-Information Arch itecture lswiatowy@cia.gov linda.swiatowy@cia.gov Chantilly VA Scott Easterwood Finance & Administration Network Administrator seasterwood@cia.gov scott.easterwood@cia.gov Washington DC Patricia Casey Finance & Administration Office Director Directorate of S cience and Technology pcasey@cia.gov patricia.casey@cia.gov Washington DC Molly Hale Finance & Administration Procurement Analyst mhale@ci a.gov molly.hale@cia.gov Reston VA Lane Hartle Finance & Administration Deputy Chief Enterprise Search P rogram Office lhartle@cia.gov lane.hartle@cia.gov Washington DC Andre Williams Finance & Administration Program Manager awilliams@cia.go v andre.williams@cia.gov Washington DC Alesia Rose Finance & Administration Program Manager arose@cia.gov alesia.rose@cia.gov Washington DC Brain McCormack Finance & Administration Dissemination Program Manager bmccormack@cia.gov brain.mccormack@cia.gov Washington DC Mitzie Hayes Finance & Administration Contracts Officer mhayes@c ia.gov mitzie.hayes@cia.gov Washington DC Randal Moon Finance & Administration Director Program on Employee Eng agement and Retention rmoon@cia.gov randal.moon@cia.gov Washington DC Jac Cooney Finance & Administration Production Manager Office of Tra ining and Education jcooney@cia.gov jac.cooney@cia.gov Washington DC Richard Tolar Finance & Administration Vice President of Accounting rtolar@cia.gov richard.tolar@cia.gov Biloxi MS Glen Kirk-Patrick Finance & Administration Partner-Management Team gkirk-patrick@cia.gov glen.kirk-patrick@cia.gov Washington DC Mary Greene Finance & Administration Finance Officer mgreene@cia.gov mary.greene@cia.gov Washington DC Jean Koch Finance & Administration Chief Program Production Office jkoch@cia.gov jean.koch@cia.gov Washington DC Christine Peles Finance & Administration Finance Manager cpeles@cia.gov christine.peles@cia.gov Herndon VA John Rizzo Finance & Administration General Counsel jrizzo@cia.gov john.rizzo@cia.gov Reston VA James Weakland Finance & Administration Contracts Management jweaklan d@cia.gov james.weakland@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Payne Finance & Administration Contracts Management bpayne@c ia.gov barbara.payne@cia.gov Washington DC Karen Stepka Finance & Administration Contracts Management kstepka@ cia.gov karen.stepka@cia.gov Washington DC Sean Casterline Finance & Administration President scasterline@cia. gov sean.casterline@cia.gov Washington DC Randal Moon Finance & Administration Director, Program on Employee En gagement and Retention rmoon@cia.gov randal.moon@cia.gov Washington DC Mary Corrado Finance & Administration Chief Financial Officer mcorrado @cia.gov mary.corrado@cia.gov Washington DC Karen Killmeyer Finance & Administration Contracting Officer kkillmey er@cia.gov karen.killmeyer@cia.gov Washington DC Michelle Willia Finance & Administration IC Data Center Program, Deputy P rogram M mwillia@cia.gov michelle.willia@cia.gov Washington DC Jean Hess Finance & Administration Office of theProcurementExecutiv e jhess@cia.gov jean.hess@cia.gov Washington DC Anna Romine Finance & Administration Chief of Student Program aromine@cia.gov anna.romine@cia.gov Washington DC Kevin Lynch Finance & Administration Vice President klynch@cia.gov kevin.lynch@cia.gov Washington DC Lauren Halverson Finance & Administration Vice President lhalvers on@cia.gov lauren.halverson@cia.gov Washington DC FannieR Gee Finance & Administration Vice President fgee@cia.gov fannier.gee@cia.gov Washington DC Charlotte Del Duca Finance & Administration Office Director cdel duc a@cia.gov charlotte.del duca@cia.gov Washington DC Wanda Horn Finance & Administration Secretary whorn@cia.gov wanda.horn@cia.gov Washington DC Genevieve Fessenden Finance & Administration PROCUREMENT Analyst gfessenden@cia.gov genevieve.fessenden@cia.gov Clifton VA Hays McCormick Finance & Administration Vice President hmccormick@cia.g ov hays.mccormick@cia.gov Washington DC Michael Mau Finance & Administration Chief Diversity Program mmau@cia .gov michael.mau@cia.gov Washington DC Alvin Leak Finance & Administration Office Manager aleak@cia.gov alvin.leak@cia.gov Reston VA Edward Holmes Finance & Administration Program Manager eholmes@cia.gov edward.holmes@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Wood Finance & Administration Senior Program Manager rwood@ci a.gov robert.wood@cia.gov Washington DC Sheila Morgan Human Resources Human Resources Program Manager smorgan@cia.gov sheila.morgan@cia.gov Reston VA Todd Fine Human Resources Human Resources tfine@cia.gov todd.fine@cia.go v Falls Church VA Stephen Peyton Human Resources Mid-Atlantic Recruiter speyton@cia.gov stephen. peyton@cia.gov Washington DC Janice Broderick Human Resources Recruiter jbroderick@cia.gov janice.broderick@cia.gov Reston VA CynthiaR Bower Human Resources Chief of Human Resources cbower@cia.gov cynthiar.bower@cia.gov Oakton VA Henry Medina Human Resources Midwest Multi-Disciplinary Recruiter hmedina@ cia.gov henry.medina@cia.gov Washington DC Bonnie Seeley Human Resources Human Resources Officer bseeley@cia.gov bonnie.s eeley@cia.gov Ashburn VA Kathy Donovan Human Resources Recruiter kdonovan@cia.gov kathy.do novan@cia.gov Washington DC Heather Homan Human Resources Human Resource Officer hhoman@cia.gov heather. homan@cia.gov Washington DC Anita Hurt Human Resources Human Resource Consultant ahurt@cia.gov anita.hurt@cia.gov Washington DC Sharon Cordero Human Resources Recruiter scordero@cia.gov sharon.c ordero@cia.gov Washington DC Karen McCarty Human Resources Human Resources kmccarty@cia.gov karen.mc carty@cia.gov Washington DC Christine... Westbrook Human Resources Recruiter, Analytical Hiring Division cwestbrook@cia.gov christine....westbrook@cia.gov Washington DC Craig P Human Resources Recruiter cp@cia.gov craig.p@cia.gov Reston VA Suzanne Passarelli Human Resources Human Resource Consultant spassare lli@cia.gov suzanne.passarelli@cia.gov Washington DC Peggy Tuten Human Resources Southeast Recruiter ptuten@cia.gov peggy.tu ten@cia.gov Washington DC Doug Mc Human Resources Human Resources Manager dmc@cia.gov doug.mc@cia.gov Washington DC Christina Petrosian Human Resources Recruiting Manager cpetrosian@cia.g ov christina.petrosian@cia.gov Reston VA Suzan Park Support Chief of Staff Management Support Appli spark@cia.gov suzan.park@cia.gov Washington DC Bill Caufield Support Chief Support Officer bcaufield@cia.gov bill.cau field@cia.gov Washington DC Steven Walsky Support Community Training Branch swalsky@cia.gov steven.w alsky@cia.gov Washington DC Linda Nichols Support Training Specialist lnichols@cia.gov linda.ni chols@cia.gov Washington DC Ida Leong Support Customer Requirements Officer ileong@cia.gov ida.leon g@cia.gov Vienna VA Tom Strong Support Training Manager tstrong@cia.gov tom.strong@cia.g ov Shelby Township MI Stephanie Smith Support Director-Support ssmith@cia.gov stephanie.smith@ cia.gov Washington DC Mark Edelstein Support Director Training and Performance Development medelste in@cia.gov mark.edelstein@cia.gov New York NY Michael Lancaster Support Training Manager mlancaster@cia.gov michael.lancaster@cia.gov London Joseph Dizzel Support Customer Service Representative jdizzel@cia.gov joseph.d izzel@cia.gov Reston VA Robert Like Engineering & Research Senior Programmer rlike@cia.gov robert.like@cia.gov Washington DC Rosetta Sesley Engineering & Research Network Engineer rsesley@cia.gov rosetta.sesley@cia.gov Herndon VA Joseph O'Bryan Engineering & Research Systems Integrator/Engineer jo'bryan @cia.gov joseph.o'bryan@cia.gov Centreville VA Afton McDougle Engineering & Research Computer Engineer amcdougle@cia.go v afton.mcdougle@cia.gov Washington DC Kevin Daniels Engineering & Research Systems Engineer kdaniels@cia.gov kevin.daniels@cia.gov Vienna VA Jennifer Link Engineering & Research Enterprise Systems Engineer jlink@ci a.gov jennifer.link@cia.gov Washington DC Jeffrey Wooden Engineering & Research Senior Analyst-Diplomatic and Mil Fac jwooden@cia.gov jeffrey.wooden@cia.gov Washington DC Jean Wastrack Engineering & Research Senior Systems Engineer jwastrack@cia.go v jean.wastrack@cia.gov Washington DC Thomas Smith Engineering & Research Senior Network Engineer tsmith@cia.gov thomas.smith@cia.gov Purcellville VA Alexander Andreeff Engineering & Research Network Engineer aandreef f@cia.gov alexander.andreeff@cia.gov Sumerduck VA Karen Sweeney Engineering & Research System Architect ksweeney@cia.gov karen.sweeney@cia.gov Reston VA Sue Wilkerson Engineering & Research System Engineer swilkerson@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov Chantilly VA Thomas Murphy Engineering & Research Information Assurance Architect tmurphy@ cia.gov thomas.murphy@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Henry Gabriel Engineering & Research System Architect hgabriel@cia.gov henry.gabriel@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Bernier Engineering & Research System Engineer bbernier@cia.gov barbara.bernier@cia.gov Washington DC Teresa Westfall Engineering & Research Enterprise Systems Engineer twestfal l@cia.gov teresa.westfall@cia.gov Washington DC Dipesh Patel Engineering & Research Network Engineer dpatel@cia.gov dipesh.patel@cia.gov Herndon VA Kenneth Royster Engineering & Research Computer Engineer kroyster@cia.gov kenneth.royster@cia.gov Richmond VA Ronald McDermott Engineering & Research Principal Engineer rmcdermo tt@cia.gov ronald.mcdermott@cia.gov Germantown MD Phillip Boyd Engineering & Research Senior InfoSec Engineer pboyd@cia.gov phillip.boyd@cia.gov Washington DC Terrence Pickron Engineering & Research Storage Engineer tpickron @cia.gov terrence.pickron@cia.gov Alexandria VA Dan Olson Engineering & Research Storage Architect dolson@cia.gov dan.olson@cia.gov Washington DC Tony Dilisio Engineering & Research Lab Admin tdilisio@cia.gov tony.dilisio@cia.gov Washington DC Tanishia Griffin Engineering & Research Infosec Engineer tgriffin @cia.gov tanishia.griffin@cia.gov Woodbridge VA Carl Schwab Engineering & Research Scientist cschwab@cia.gov carl.sch wab@cia.gov Reston VA Alan Turner Engineering & Research Chief Scientist aturner@cia.gov alan.tur ner@cia.gov Richland WA Jim Reavis Engineering & Research Senior Engineer jreavis@cia.gov jim.reav is@cia.gov Edgewater MD Dennis Mirr Engineering & Research Engineer dmirr@cia.gov dennis.m irr@cia.gov Washington DC David Vaughan Engineering & Research Imagery Scientist Analytical Methodologi st dvaughan@cia.gov david.vaughan@cia.gov Washington DC Jim Lay Engineering & Research Engineer jlay@cia.gov jim.lay@cia.gov Chantilly VA Paul Ruud Engineering & Research Storage Architect pruud@cia.gov paul.ruud@cia.gov Washington DC Timothy West Engineering & Research Enterprise Architect twest@cia.gov timothy.west@cia.gov Washington IN Andrea Crabb Engineering & Research Mechancial Engineer acrabb@cia.gov andrea.crabb@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Putman Engineering & Research Enterprise Architect rputman@cia.gov robert.putman@cia.gov Burke VA Lisa Belch Engineering & Research Senior Engineering lbelch@cia.gov lisa.belch@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Casper Engineering & Research Chief Architect rcasper@cia.gov robert.c asper@cia.gov Reston VA Tyler Mahy Engineering & Research Researcher tmahy@cia.gov tyler.ma hy@cia.gov Gaithersburg MD Mai Nguyen Engineering & Research Research Scientist mnguyen@cia.gov mai.nguyen@cia.gov Washington DC Kathy Rutter Engineering & Research Architect krutter@cia.gov kathy.ru tter@cia.gov Washington DC Peter Jobusch Engineering & Research Senior Scientist pjobusch@cia.gov peter.jobusch@cia.gov Washington DC Albert Rabassa Engineering & Research Architecture Engineering arabassa @cia.gov albert.rabassa@cia.gov Washington DC Al Scheffter Engineering & Research Technical Services Engineer aschefft er@cia.gov al.scheffter@cia.gov Annandale VA Sam Lopez Operations Maintenance Manager slopez@cia.gov sam.lope z@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Joseph Cooper Operations Chief of Operations-Information Systems jcooper@ cia.gov joseph.cooper@cia.gov Manassas VA Scott Willey Operations Team Chief swilley@cia.gov scott.willey@cia .gov Fairfax VA Matthew Park Operations Information Technology Security Manager mpark@ci a.gov matthew.park@cia.gov Reston VA Michael Rodgers Operations Chief Information Security Officer mrodgers @cia.gov michael.rodgers@cia.gov Washington DC David Farnham Operations Chief Information Officer/Chief Technology Offic er/Chief Sec... dfarnham@cia.gov david.farnham@cia.gov Washington DC Mark Bellamah Operations Deputy Director for Operations mbellamah@cia.go v mark.bellamah@cia.gov Reston VA James Colombo Operations Head of Security jcolombo@cia.gov james.colombo@cia.gov Washington DC Maryrose McCaffrey Operations Director DCI Special Security Center mmccaffrey@cia.gov maryrose.mccaffrey@cia.gov Washington DC Charlene Leubecker Operations ESSG Chief of Operations cleubeck er@cia.gov charlene.leubecker@cia.gov Washington DC Patricia Brennan Operations Construction Security Officer pbrennan @cia.gov patricia.brennan@cia.gov Edgewater MD Stephanie Smith Operations Plant Manager ssmith@cia.gov stephanie.smith@ cia.gov Washington DC Jessica King Operations Director of Geospatial Operations jking@ci a.gov jessica.king@cia.gov Washington DC Stuart Hillman Operations Technical Security Advisor shillman@cia.gov stuart.hillman@cia.gov Washington DC Dave Farnham Operations Security Manager dfarnham@cia.gov dave.farnham@cia.gov Washington DC Tami Brennan Operations Operations Manager tbrennan@cia.gov tami.brennan@cia.gov Sterling VA Nancy Shaw IT & IS Deputy Chief Technology Officer nshaw@cia.gov nancy.sh aw@cia.gov Washington DC David Rz IT & IS Information Technology drz@cia.gov david.rz@cia.gov Washington DC Jeff Henry IT & IS Chief Information Officer jhenry@cia.gov jeff.hen ry@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA Sherry Burns IT & IS Business Information Technology Manager sburns@cia.gov sherry.burns@cia.gov Reston VA Randall Reardon IT & IS Project Manager rreardon@cia.gov randall.reardon@ cia.gov New Market MD Petra Lewis IT & IS Diversity Program Manager plewis@cia.gov petra.le wis@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Cassiano IT & IS Senior Web Developer bcassiano@cia.gov barbara.cassiano@cia.gov Washington DC Jill King IT & IS Systems Integrator jking@cia.gov jill.king@cia.go v Leesburg VA MarianWells Hemmer IT & IS Economic Analyst mhemmer@cia.gov marianwe lls.hemmer@cia.gov Washington DC Cheri Bradley IT & IS Program Analyst cbradley@cia.gov cheri.bradley@ci a.gov Washington DC LindaR Dixon IT & IS Program Analyst ldixon@cia.gov lindar.dixon@cia.gov Washington DC Dale Kelley IT & IS Senior Resource Analyst dkelley@cia.gov dale.kelley@cia. gov Washington DC Katherine Emrisek IT & IS Resource Analyst kemrisek@cia.gov katherine.emrisek@cia.gov GaithersburgMD Elizabet... Bennington IT & IS Chief Employee Development Systems ebenning ton@cia.gov elizabet....bennington@cia.gov Washington DC Susan Lewin IT & IS Chief Logistics Systems slewin@cia.gov susan.lewin@cia. gov Washington DC Stephanie Cline IT & IS Director Science and Technology scline@cia.gov stephani e.cline@cia.gov Reston VA Shawn Clune IT & IS Information Systems/Information Technology Consultant sclune@cia.gov shawn.clune@cia.gov Washington DC Craig Powell IT & IS Program Manager cpowell@cia.gov craig.powell@cia.gov Washington DC Carl Schwab IT & IS Analyst cschwab@cia.gov carl.schwab@cia.gov Reston VA Michelle Marcolla IT & IS Project Manager mmarcolla@cia.gov michelle .marcolla@cia.gov Washington DC Kenneth Westbrook IT & IS Chief Business and Information Strategy kwestbro ok@cia.gov kenneth.westbrook@cia.gov Reston VA Andy Varipapa IT & IS Information Manager avaripapa@cia.gov andy.var ipapa@cia.gov Washington DC Coyne Terrance IT & IS Senior Analyst cterrance@cia.gov coyne.terrance@c ia.gov Washington DC Clark Portia IT & IS Information Technology Project Manager cportia@cia.gov clark.portia@cia.gov Washington IN Steve Swiatowy IT & IS Information Technology sswiatowy@cia.gov steve.sw iatowy@cia.gov Chantilly VA Sherrill Nicely IT & IS Chief Information Officer snicely@cia.gov sherrill .nicely@cia.gov Reston VA Amanda Frost IT & IS Computer Specialist afrost@cia.gov amanda.frost@cia .gov Washington DC Erika Proctor IT & IS Manager Information Technology Application eproctor @cia.gov erika.proctor@cia.gov Washington DC Al Tarasiuk IT & IS Chief Information Officer atarasiuk@cia.gov al.tarasiuk@cia.gov Washington DC Alan Wade IT & IS Chief Information Officer awade@cia.gov alan.wad e@cia.gov Washington DC Anna Jones IT & IS Project Manager ajones@cia.gov anna.jones@cia.gov Washington DC Bob Flores IT & IS Chief Technology Officer bflores@cia.gov bob.flor es@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Gudyka IT & IS Chief Information Officer jgudyka@cia.gov joseph.g udyka@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA James Lantzy IT & IS Deputy Chief Technology Officer jlantzy@cia.gov james.la ntzy@cia.gov Sterling VA Joshua Levine IT & IS Chief Technology Officer jlevine@cia.gov joshua.l evine@cia.gov Washington DC SherrillL Nicely IT & IS Chief Information Officer snicely@cia.gov sherrilll.nicely@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Tishman IT & IS Information Assurance Architectural Engi rtishman @cia.gov robert.tishman@cia.gov Millersville MD Dale Appell IT & IS Storage Project Manager dappell@cia.gov dale.appell@cia. gov Charles Town WV Michael Toth IT & IS Systems Integrator mtoth@cia.gov michael.toth@cia .gov Washington DC Bryan Leavitt IT & IS Developer bleavitt@cia.gov bryan.leavitt@ci a.gov Mc Lean VA Brian Sowers IT & IS Project Manager bsowers@cia.gov brian.sowers@cia.gov Washington DC Joe Waters IT & IS Computer Systems Analyst jwaters@cia.gov joe.wate rs@cia.gov Sterling VA Bob Sorensen IT & IS Computer Performance Analyst bsorensen@cia.gov bob.sorensen@cia.gov Reston VA Deborah Peabody IT & IS Information Systems Governance Lead dpeabody@cia.gov deborah.peabody@cia.gov Falls ChurchVA KarenL Borenstein IT & IS Project Manager kborenstein@cia.gov karenl.b orenstein@cia.gov Washington DC Sharon Mason IT & IS Chief Wireless Technology Officer smason@cia.gov sharon.mason@cia.gov Washington DC Jo Townsend IT & IS Web Manager jtownsend@cia.gov jo.townsend@cia. gov London Maude Bourne IT & IS Information Technology Manager mbourne@cia.gov maude.bo urne@cia.gov Reston VA Maryanne Evans IT & IS Director-Hiring and Employee Development mevans@c ia.gov maryanne.evans@cia.gov Reston VA Ron Bryan IT & IS Chief Network Defense Division rbryan@cia.gov ron.brya n@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Lambert IT & IS Director Information Management jlambert@cia.gov joseph.lambert@cia.gov Washington DC Martha Williams IT & IS Project Manager mwilliams@cia.gov martha.williams@ cia.gov Mc Lean VA Mike Caudill IT & IS Information Technology mcaudill@cia.gov mike.cau dill@cia.gov Washington DC ElizabethL Fugitt IT & IS Analyst efugitt@cia.gov elizabethl.fugitt@cia.go v Fredericksburg VA AnnaMarie Jones IT & IS Project Manager ajones@cia.gov annamarie.jones@cia.gov Leesburg VA Bj Thomajd IT & IS Information Technology bthomajd@cia.gov bj.thoma jd@cia.gov Washington VA Lisa Chandler IT & IS Unix Systems Engineer lchandler@cia.gov lisa.cha ndler@cia.gov Laurel MD Sandra Lee-Say IT & IS AnalystGlobal Information and Influence slee-say@cia.gov sandra.lee-say@cia.gov Reston VA Margaret Smith IT & IS Application Developer msmith@cia.gov margaret.smith@c ia.gov Herndon VA Trent Wise IT & IS Developer twise@cia.gov trent.wise@cia.gov Washington DC Gregory Cermin IT & IS Programmer/Analyst gcermin@cia.gov gregory.cermin@c ia.gov Lititz PA David Roberts IT & IS Enterprise Data Architect droberts@cia.gov david.roberts@cia.gov Washington DC Jack Carlson Other Director Application Services jcarlson@cia.gov jack.carlson@cia.gov Reston VA Barry Berringer Other Senior Applications Manager bberringer@cia.gov barry.berringer@cia.gov Washington DC Allen Wallace Other Senior Contracting Officer awallace@cia.gov allen.wallace@cia.gov Washington DC Greg Mazur Other COMMANDER COOL gmazur@cia.gov greg.mazur@cia.gov Washington DC Tom McCluskey Other Director HIRING and EMPLOYEE DEVMT tmccluskey@cia.g ov tom.mccluskey@cia.gov Washington DC Christophe... Lanphere Other Senior Projects Officer clanphere@cia.gov christophe....lanphere@cia.gov Springfield VA Paul Forster Other Senior Data STORAGE Architect pforster@cia.gov paul.forster@cia.gov Leesburg VA Patty Brandmaier Other Chief of the Recruitment Center pbrandmaier@cia. gov patty.brandmaier@cia.gov Washington DC Clay Adams Other Technician cadams@cia.gov clay.adams@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Kerry Zimmerman Other Mitre Consultant kzimmerman@cia.gov kerry.zi mmerman@cia.gov Reston VA LeonardEdward Tagg Other Analytical Hiring Division ltagg@cia.gov leonardedward.tagg@cia.gov Washington DC James Watson Other Applications Architect jwatson@cia.gov james.watson@cia .gov Washington DC Edward Fox Other Chief Architect efox@cia.gov edward.fox@cia.gov Washington DC EnriqueF Gonzalez Other Senior Advisor for IC Issues and Outreach egonzalez@cia.gov enriquef.gonzalez@cia.gov Washington DC Blane Ampthor Other Library Manager bampthor@cia.gov blane.ampthor@ci a.gov Washington DC Melissa Miller Other Safety Officer mmiller@cia.gov melissa.miller@cia.gov Washington DC Carmen Medina Other Associate Deputy Director for Intelligence cmedina@ cia.gov carmen.medina@cia.gov Washington DC Jana McBayne Other Chief Critical Mission jmcbayne@cia.gov jana.mcb ayne@cia.gov Waldorf MD Eduardo Morales Other C/Enterprise Application Architecture emorales@cia.gov eduardo.morales@cia.gov Washington DC April Austin Other User Services aaustin@cia.gov april.austin@cia.gov Columbia MD Lin Edelen Other Chief DS/ISC/Applications/ATS ledelen@cia.gov lin.edel en@cia.gov Washington DC David Bernholz Other Senior Technical Advisor dbernholz@cia.gov david.bernholz@cia.gov Reston VA Dolores Halloran Other Instructor dhalloran@cia.gov dolores. halloran@cia.gov Vienna VA Michael Stepp Other Chief Internet Intranet mstepp@cia.gov michael.stepp@ci a.gov Washington DC Joseph Flynn Other Chief/Records Preservation and Archives jflynn@cia.gov joseph.flynn@cia.gov Columbia MD Dolly Greenwood Other DCIO dgreenwood@cia.gov dolly.greenwood@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Vicki Hupp Other Manager Federal Government vhupp@cia.gov vicki.hu pp@cia.gov Herndon VA John Saunders Other US Federal Government jsaunders@cia.gov john.sau nders@cia.gov Chantilly VA Edward Fox Other Chief Enterprise Architect efox@cia.gov edward.f ox@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Kerr Other Senior Bio Advisor National Counterproliferation Center lkerr@cia.gov larry.kerr@cia.gov Washington DC Ilka Rodriguez-Diaz Other Deputy Director of the Mission Academy irodrigu ez-diaz@cia.gov ilka.rodriguez-diaz@cia.gov Washington DC Grady Hayman Other Vendor Showcase Director ghayman@cia.gov grady.ha yman@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Gartin Other Director-Leadership and Diversity jgartin@cia.gov joseph.gartin@cia.gov Washington DC Thomas McCluskey Other Director-Hiring and Employee Devmt tmcclusk ey@cia.gov thomas.mccluskey@cia.gov Washington DC Gary Stopa Other Storage Specialist gstopa@cia.gov gary.stopa@cia.g ov Washington DC Joel Etherton Other Division Chief jetherton@cia.gov joel.etherton@ci a.gov Reston VA Deborah Barger Other Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence dbarger@cia.gov deborah.barger@cia.gov Washington DC Donald Kerr Other Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence dkerr@cia.gov donald.kerr@cia.gov Washington DC Stephen Kappes Other Deputy Director skappes@cia.gov stephen.kappes@cia.gov Washington DC Jeffrey Kuhn Other Production Supervisor jkuhn@cia.gov jeffrey.kuhn@cia .gov Washington DC Lynda Godal Other Publications Officer lgodal@cia.gov lynda.godal@cia. gov Washington DC Pat Marstall Other Consultant pmarstall@cia.gov pat.marstall@cia .gov Washington DC PaulM Johnson Other Director-Intelligence Study Center pjohnson@cia.gov paulm.johnson@cia.gov Washington DC Demetria Goode Other Trainer dgoode@cia.gov demetria.goode@cia.gov Washingt on DC MiyongS Fujihara Other Advocacy Group mfujihara@cia.gov miyongs. fujihara@cia.gov Washington DC Peggy Monos Other Librarian pmonos@cia.gov peggy.monos@cia.gov Washington DC Tom Murphy Other Selection Officer tmurphy@cia.gov tom.murphy@cia.g ov Washington DC Sandra Blumberg Other Reference Officer sblumberg@cia.gov sandra.b lumberg@cia.gov Washington DC Margaret Tuten Other Senior Associate mtuten@cia.gov margaret.tuten@c ia.gov Washington DC Judith Hauver Other Senior Acquisitions Officer jhauver@cia.gov judith.h auver@cia.gov Washington DC Marianne Riley Other Senior Associate mriley@cia.gov marianne.riley@c ia.gov Washington DC Barbara Bresnan Other Senior Associate bbresnan@cia.gov barbara. bresnan@cia.gov Washington DC Audrey Stuart Other Senior Associate astuart@cia.gov audrey.stuart@ci a.gov Washington DC Jane Burgess Other Acquisitions Librarian jburgess@cia.gov jane.bur gess@cia.gov Washington DC Bryan Hamilton Other Acquisition Librarian bhamilton@cia.gov bryan.ha milton@cia.gov Washington DC Andrea Brantley Other Principal Conslt/President Hamilton Ridg abrantle y@cia.gov andrea.brantley@cia.gov Stephens City VA Margaret Augustine Other Chief of Acquisition Strategy maugustine@cia.g ov margaret.augustine@cia.gov Fairfax VA Quintrell... Cahee Mba Other Director, Human Capital Management qcahee m ba@cia.gov quintrell....cahee mba@cia.gov Reston VA Tim Jessel Other Senior Executive tjessel@cia.gov tim.jessel@cia.g ov London Arthur Brophy Other Environmental Safety Officer abrophy@cia.gov arthur.b rophy@cia.gov Washington DC John Betar Other AIG/A jbetar@cia.gov john.betar@cia.gov Washingt on DC Debora Wasem Other Trainer dwasem@cia.gov debora.wasem@cia.gov Reston VA Tony Keller Other Technical Manager tkeller@cia.gov tony.keller@cia. gov Reston VA Donna Erdman Other Business Management Officer derdman@cia.gov donna.er dman@cia.gov Washington DC Liz Sampson Other Director/Management, Strategy and Resource lsampson @cia.gov liz.sampson@cia.gov Woodbridge VA Deanna Winterbottom Other ITRO dwinterbottom@cia.gov deanna.winterbot tom@cia.gov Washington DC Aleksander Hansen Other Senior Risk Manager ahansen@cia.gov aleksand er.hansen@cia.gov Saint Louis MO Patrick Odle Other Manager Compliance podle@cia.gov patrick.odle@cia .gov Saint Louis MO Bob Moritsugu Other Special Agent bmoritsugu@cia.gov bob.moritsugu@ci a.gov Washington DC Joseph Keogh Other Director/SEAO jkeogh@cia.gov joseph.keogh@cia.gov Washington DC Kennith Whitson Other Director of Innovation/SEAO kwhitson@cia.gov kennith.whitson@cia.gov Washington DC Neil Harvey Other Head of International Trade nharvey@cia.gov neil.har vey@cia.gov Arlington VA Teryl West Other Other Non-Manager twest@cia.gov teryl.west@cia.g ov Washington DC DarrenVan Booven Other Senior Forensics Examiner dbooven@cia.gov darrenvan.booven@cia.gov Washington DC Diane Oates Other Chief Technical Manager doates@cia.gov diane.oates@cia. gov Reston VA Gary Joyner Other Librarian gjoyner@cia.gov gary.joyner@cia.gov Reston VA David Timko Other Contract Specialist dtimko@cia.gov david.timko@cia. gov Washington DC Thomas Benjamin Other Director In-Q-Tel Interface Center tbenjamin@cia.go v thomas.benjamin@cia.gov Washington DC Debra Lang Other Directorate Intelligence dlang@cia.gov debra.la ng@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Gump Other Chief Human Capital Strategies rgump@cia.gov robert.g ump@cia.gov Washington DC Heidi Paxton Other Chief of Leadership hpaxton@cia.gov heidi.paxton@cia .gov Washington DC William Danvers Other Director, Congressional Affairs wdanvers@cia.gov william.danvers@cia.gov Washington DC Nora Dee Other Professional Shopper ndee@cia.gov nora.dee@cia.gov Washington DC Sue Wilkerson Other Chief/Plans and Programs Staff swilkerson@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov Chantilly VA Kevin Fitzpatrick Other EXPLOITATION Specialist kfitzpatrick@cia.gov kevin.fitzpatrick@cia.gov Washington DC David Lankford Other Major dlankford@cia.gov david.lankford@cia.gov Washington DC James Sullivan Other In-Q-Tel Interface Center jsullivan@cia.gov james.sullivan@cia.gov Washington DC Justin Louis Other Geospatial Manager jlouis@cia.gov justin.louis@cia .gov Washington DC Carl... Stuekerjuergen Other Chief-ANALYTIC Methods Center cstuekerjuergen@ cia.gov carl....stuekerjuergen@cia.gov Washington DC Barry Fields Other Associate Director bfields@cia.gov barry.fields@cia .gov Washington DC James Downs Other Issm jdowns@cia.gov james.downs@cia.gov Washingt on DC CarlR Gussgard Other Infosec Liaison cgussgard@cia.gov carlr.gussgard@c ia.gov Washington DC Kathryn Kennedy Other Issm kkennedy@cia.gov kathryn.kennedy@cia.gov Washington DC Marie Vanderhoof Other CollegeRelationsChief mvanderhoof@cia.gov marie.vanderhoof@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Sobek Other Acquisitions Officer lsobek@cia.gov larry.sobek@cia. gov Washington DC Andrea Hayden Other Dioti ahayden@cia.gov andrea.hayden@cia.gov Washingt on DC HaroldA Tate Other Chief of Recruitment htate@cia.gov harolda.tate@cia .gov Silver Spring MD Heather Akins Other Process Improvement Consultant hakins@cia.gov heather. akins@cia.gov Washington DC Daesha Hensler Other Process Improvement Consultant dhensler@cia.gov daesha.hensler@cia.gov Washington DC Patrice Carson Other Project Management Professional pcarson@cia.gov patrice. carson@cia.gov Washington DC Stephani... O'Sullivan Other Deputy Director so'sullivan@cia.gov stephani ....o'sullivan@cia.gov Reston VA Edward Hogan Other Branch Chief ehogan@cia.gov edward.hogan@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Carra Other Geographer rcarra@cia.gov robert.carra@cia.gov Washington DC Hugh Wiggins Other Electronic Publisher hwiggins@cia.gov hugh.wig gins@cia.gov Washington DC David Schmidt Other Electronic Publisher dschmidt@cia.gov david.sc hmidt@cia.gov Washington DC Diane Oates Other Chief, Server Services Division doates@cia.gov diane.oa tes@cia.gov Washington DC Frank Gac Other Group Leader Washington DC James Hammond Other FPED Member a.gov Washington http://pastebin.com/GpwDSiRw fgac@cia.gov jhammond@cia.gov frank.gac@cia.gov james.hammond@ci Target: Patricia L. Schatz Reason: Working For Goverment Address: 1631 Big Indian Metairie, LA 70001 Phone: 504-628-9374 Email Address: PatriciaLSchatz@cia.gov Username: Wasend Password: AhrieCowui7 Birthday: November 28, 1959 MasterCard: 5226 8835 4490 7005 Expires: 10/2014 CVC2 287 SSN:437-03-4245 Occupation: CIA Officer Weight: 130.0 pounds Height: 5' 6" Enjoy :D http://pastebin.com/zMVWkqBQ Tired of all the phony scams that claim they can hack any email? Today I'm here to share with you my toolkit that is used to hack into any email account. Sure, many sites claim that if you download their program and enter the account information in, that they will provide a password. Many people have failed to re alize that there is no magic program that can hack an account at the flip of a s witch. Thats why today I'm going to share this kit with you. It comes with a keylogger, spoofer, binder, and pumper. All these tools are essential for everyday hackers and I have even included a read-me just for the noobies :). I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I have enjoyed sharing it with you Download Link: http://sharesend.com/x9oct Notice: Your AV will pick this up as a virus (false-positive) since this package contains tools that are usually used for malicious purposes. You may need to di sable your AV and/or Firewall to download this pack. Disclaimer: I am in now way or shape responsible for the actions that you take using this to ol. You acknowledge that privacy invasion is a punishable crime by law and agree to not cause damage to others with this. http://pastebin.com/xN58ZGLJ CIA Hacked By Superman Target: www.cia.gov IP Address Status active Server Type AkamaiGHost Phone (800) 553-6847 https://www.cia.gov/ehl/start.do Name Server relay12.ucia.gov relay7.ucia.gov relay2.ucia.gov relay1.ucia.gov Name Server Email Serial Number Refresh Retry Expiry Minimum IP Location Washington, DC, US Reston, VA, US Washington, DC, US Washington, DC, US relay7.ucia.gov monrpt@ucia.gov 2012110600 2 hours 1 hour 28 days 15 minutes DNS Records – CIA.GOV Record Type TTL Priority Content cia.gov A 15 minutes (Washington, DC, US) cia.gov MX 15 minutes 10 mail2.cia.gov cia.gov MX 15 minutes 20 mail1.cia.gov cia.gov NS 15 minutes relay12.ucia.gov cia.gov NS 15 minutes relay7.ucia.gov cia.gov NS 15 minutes relay2.ucia.gov cia.gov NS 15 minutes relay1.ucia.gov mail2.cia.gov A 15 minutes (Washington, DC, US) mail1.cia.gov A 15 minutes (Washington, DC, US) cia.gov SOA 15 minutes relay7.ucia.gov. monrpt.ucia.gov. 201211 0600 7200 3600 2419200 900 cia.gov TXT 15 minutes v=spf1 mx a:mail1a.cia.gov a:mail1b.cia. gov a:mail2a.cia.gov a:mail2b.cia.gov mx:cia.gov mx:ucia.gov ~all www.cia.gov CNAME 15 minutes www.cia.gov.edgekey.net == == == == == Info: About to connect() to www.cia.gov port 443 (#0) Info: Trying == Info: connected Info: Connected to www.cia.gov ( port 443 (#0) Info: successfully set certificate verify locations: Info: CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CApath: none == Info: SSLv2, Client hello (1): => Send SSL data, 124 bytes (0x7c) 0000: 01 03 01 00 63 00 00 00 10 00 00 39 00 00 38 00 ....c......9..8. 0010: 00 35 00 00 88 00 00 87 00 00 84 00 00 16 00 00 .5.............. 0020: 13 00 00 0a 07 00 c0 00 00 33 00 00 32 00 00 2f .........3..2../ 0030: 00 00 45 00 00 44 00 00 41 00 00 07 05 00 80 03 ..E..D..A....... 0040: 00 80 00 00 05 00 00 04 01 00 80 00 00 15 00 00 ................ 0050: 12 00 00 09 06 00 40 00 00 14 00 00 11 00 00 08 ......@......... 0060: 00 00 06 04 00 80 00 00 03 02 00 80 c9 f7 89 ff ................ 0070: 74 f1 92 59 c8 a0 f1 ba ab c0 dd 89 t..Y........ == Info: Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to www.cia.gov:443 == Info: Closing connection #0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Monaco 89.68 Macau 84.43 Japan 83.91 Singapore 83.75 San Marino 83.07 Andorra 82.50 Guernsey 82.24 Hong Kong 82.12 Australia 81.90 Italy 81.86 Liechtenstein 81.50 Canada 81.48 Jersey 81.47 France 81.46 Spain 81.27 Sweden 81.18 Switzerland 81.17 Israel 81.07 Iceland 81.00 Anguilla 80.98 Netherlands 80.91 Bermuda 80.82 Cayman Islands 80.80 Isle of Man 80.76 New Zealand 80.71 Ireland 80.32 Norway 80.32 Germany 80.19 Jordan 80.18 United Kingdom 80.17 Greece 80.05 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 80.00 Austria 79.91 Faroe Islands 79.85 Malta 79.85 European Union 79.76 Luxembourg 79.75 Belgium 79.65 Virgin Islands 79.47 Finland 79.41 Korea, South 79.30 Turks and Caicos Islands 79.26 Wallis and Futuna 79.12 Puerto Rico 79.07 Bosnia and Herzegovina 78.96 Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha Gibraltar 78.83 Denmark 78.78 Portugal 78.70 Guam 78.50 United States 78.49 Taiwan 78.48 Bahrain 78.29 Chile 78.10 Qatar 78.09 Cyprus 78.00 78.91 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Panama 77.96 British Virgin Islands 77.95 Costa Rica 77.89 Cuba 77.87 Libya 77.83 Albania 77.59 Slovenia 77.48 Dominican Republic 77.44 Czech Republic 77.38 Georgia 77.32 Kuwait 77.28 Northern Mariana Islands Argentina 77.14 Saint Lucia 77.04 New Caledonia 76.94 United Arab Emirates 76.71 Mexico 76.66 Uruguay 76.41 Paraguay 76.40 French Polynesia 76.39 Brunei 76.37 Poland 76.25 Dominica 76.18 Morocco 76.11 Slovakia 76.03 Croatia 75.99 Sri Lanka 75.94 Ecuador 75.94 Aruba 75.93 Antigua and Barbuda 75.69 Lithuania 75.55 Tonga 75.38 Macedonia 75.36 West Bank 75.24 Tunisia 75.24 Lebanon 75.23 Hungary 75.02 Cook Islands 74.92 Syria 74.92 China 74.84 Saint Kitts and Nevis 74.84 Colombia 74.79 Algeria 74.73 Mauritius 74.71 Maldives 74.69 Serbia 74.56 Barbados 74.52 Oman 74.47 American Samoa 74.44 Solomon Islands 74.42 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saudi Arabia 74.35 Romania 74.22 Gaza Strip 74.16 Venezuela 74.08 Malaysia 74.04 Bulgaria 73.84 Thailand 73.83 Seychelles 73.77 El Salvador 73.69 77.27 74.39 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 Estonia 73.58 Armenia 73.49 Jamaica 73.43 Montserrat 73.41 Grenada 73.30 Egypt 72.93 Latvia 72.93 Brazil 72.79 Turkey 72.77 Uzbekistan 72.77 Peru 72.73 Samoa 72.66 Vietnam 72.41 Nicaragua 72.18 Palau 72.06 Marshall Islands 72.03 Philippines 71.94 Micronesia, Federated States of Trinidad and Tobago 71.67 Indonesia 71.62 Fiji 71.59 Belarus 71.48 Bahamas, The 71.44 Azerbaijan 71.32 Greenland 71.25 Guatemala 71.17 Suriname 71.12 Cape Verde 71.00 Iraq 70.85 Honduras 70.71 Iran 70.35 Bangladesh 70.06 Kazakhstan 69.63 Moldova 69.51 Kyrgyzstan 69.45 Korea, North 69.20 Turkmenistan 68.84 Ukraine 68.74 Mongolia 68.63 Belize 68.28 Timor-Leste 68.27 Bolivia 67.90 Bhutan 67.88 Guyana 67.39 India 67.14 Nepal 66.51 Papua New Guinea 66.46 Russia 66.46 Tajikistan 66.38 Pakistan 66.35 Nauru 65.70 Burma 65.24 Tuvalu 65.11 Vanuatu 65.06 Kiribati 64.76 Yemen 64.11 Madagascar 64.00 Gambia, The 63.82 Sao Tome and Principe 63.49 Togo 63.17 71.80 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 Kenya 63.07 Cambodia 63.04 Eritrea 62.86 Laos 62.77 Equatorial Guinea 62.75 Comoros 62.74 Sudan 62.57 Haiti 62.51 Djibouti 61.57 Mauritania 61.53 Western Sahara 61.52 Ghana 61.45 Benin 60.26 Senegal 60.18 Burundi 59.24 Guinea 58.61 Rwanda 58.44 Liberia 57.41 Cote d'Ivoire 57.25 Ethiopia 56.56 Sierra Leone 56.55 Botswana 55.74 Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the 55.27 Cameroon 54.71 Angola 54.59 Burkina Faso 54.07 Niger 53.80 Uganda 53.45 Tanzania 53.14 Mali 53.06 Zambia 52.57 Malawi 52.31 Gabon 52.29 Namibia 52.17 Nigeria 52.05 Mozambique 52.02 Lesotho 51.86 Zimbabwe 51.82 Somalia 50.80 Central African Republic Afghanistan 49.72 Swaziland 49.42 South Africa 49.41 Guinea-Bissau 49.11 Chad 48.69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 China $ 3,213,000,000,000 Japan $ 1,296,000,000,000 European Union $ 812,800,000,000 Saudi Arabia $ 541,100,000,000 Russia $ 498,600,000,000 Taiwan $ 390,600,000,000 Brazil $ 352,000,000,000 Switzerland $ 331,900,000,000 Korea, South $ 306,400,000,000 India $ 297,900,000,000 Hong Kong $ 285,400,000,000 Germany $ 238,900,000,000 55.74 50.48 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Singapore $ 237,900,000,000 Algeria $ 183,100,000,000 Thailand $ 175,100,000,000 Italy $ 173,300,000,000 France $ 171,900,000,000 Mexico $ 149,300,000,000 United States $ 148,000,000,000 Malaysia $ 133,600,000,000 Indonesia $ 110,100,000,000 Libya $ 105,000,000,000 Poland $ 97,860,000,000 United Kingdom $ 94,540,000,000 Turkey $ 88,210,000,000 Denmark $ 85,050,000,000 Iran $ 79,860,000,000 Philippines $ 75,300,000,000 Israel $ 74,870,000,000 Canada $ 65,820,000,000 Iraq $ 58,960,000,000 Netherlands $ 51,270,000,000 Sweden $ 50,350,000,000 Norway $ 49,400,000,000 Peru $ 48,930,000,000 South Africa $ 48,870,000,000 Hungary $ 48,840,000,000 Lebanon $ 48,140,000,000 Romania $ 48,060,000,000 Spain $ 47,100,000,000 Australia $ 46,830,000,000 Argentina $ 46,350,000,000 Chile $ 41,940,000,000 Czech Republic $ 40,290,000,000 United Arab Emirates $ 37,270,000,000 Nigeria $ 35,210,000,000 Macau $ 34,030,000,000 Colombia $ 31,910,000,000 Ukraine $ 31,790,000,000 Venezuela $ 29,890,000,000 Belgium $ 29,430,000,000 Kazakhstan $ 29,330,000,000 Angola $ 27,010,000,000 Kuwait $ 25,910,000,000 Austria $ 25,160,000,000 Portugal $ 21,340,000,000 Morocco $ 20,640,000,000 Turkmenistan $ 19,400,000,000 Pakistan $ 18,090,000,000 Egypt $ 17,660,000,000 Bulgaria $ 17,270,000,000 New Zealand $ 17,010,000,000 Qatar $ 16,820,000,000 Serbia $ 15,600,000,000 Uzbekistan $ 15,000,000,000 Syria $ 14,830,000,000 Croatia $ 14,480,000,000 Oman $ 14,370,000,000 Vietnam $ 14,050,000,000 Jordan $ 12,110,000,000 Bolivia $ 12,020,000,000 Trinidad and Tobago $ 10,500,000,000 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Finland $ 10,350,000,000 Uruguay $ 10,300,000,000 Azerbaijan $ 10,270,000,000 Bangladesh $ 9,192,000,000 Iceland $ 8,550,000,000 Lithuania $ 8,210,000,000 Botswana $ 8,082,000,000 Sri Lanka $ 7,900,000,000 Tunisia $ 7,357,000,000 Greece $ 6,900,000,000 Latvia $ 6,383,000,000 Guatemala $ 6,184,000,000 Belarus $ 6,011,000,000 Ghana $ 5,805,000,000 Congo, Republic of the $ 5,658,000,000 Afghanistan $ 5,268,000,000 Cuba $ 5,147,000,000 Paraguay $ 4,979,000,000 Kenya $ 4,893,000,000 Costa Rica $ 4,756,000,000 Yemen $ 4,531,000,000 Papua New Guinea $ 4,323,000,000 Cote d'Ivoire $ 4,316,000,000 Bahrain $ 4,245,000,000 Bosnia and Herzegovina $ 4,150,000,000 Dominican Republic $ 4,117,000,000 Cambodia $ 4,069,000,000 Burma $ 3,931,000,000 Tanzania $ 3,726,000,000 Nepal $ 3,631,000,000 Cameroon $ 3,245,000,000 Equatorial Guinea $ 3,054,000,000 Ecuador $ 2,958,000,000 Georgia $ 2,818,000,000 Honduras $ 2,785,000,000 Mauritius $ 2,779,000,000 Macedonia $ 2,677,000,000 Ethiopia $ 2,671,000,000 Uganda $ 2,617,000,000 El Salvador $ 2,504,000,000 Albania $ 2,473,000,000 Mozambique $ 2,469,000,000 Slovakia $ 2,462,000,000 Zambia $ 2,324,000,000 Panama $ 2,315,000,000 Jamaica $ 2,282,000,000 Gabon $ 2,177,000,000 Moldova $ 1,966,000,000 Senegal $ 1,946,000,000 Armenia $ 1,932,000,000 Nicaragua $ 1,892,000,000 Kyrgyzstan $ 1,835,000,000 Namibia $ 1,758,000,000 Ireland $ 1,703,000,000 Madagascar $ 1,279,000,000 Cyprus $ 1,207,000,000 Haiti $ 1,195,000,000 Lesotho $ 1,109,000,000 Bahamas, The $ 1,070,000,000 Rwanda $ 1,050,000,000 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 Suriname $ 1,048,000,000 Luxembourg $ 1,014,000,000 Slovenia $ 991,300,000 Chad $ 968,100,000 Burkina Faso $ 957,000,000 Benin $ 887,400,000 Fiji $ 833,500,000 Barbados $ 812,600,000 Guinea $ 806,800,000 Guyana $ 801,800,000 Togo $ 774,300,000 Laos $ 773,500,000 Congo, Democratic Republic of the $ 726,300,000 Swaziland $ 600,500,000 Tajikistan $ 532,400,000 Malta $ 515,500,000 Zimbabwe $ 461,000,000 Montenegro $ 400,000,000 Cape Verde $ 339,000,000 Burundi $ 295,500,000 Sudan $ 295,000,000 Seychelles $ 252,300,000 Belize $ 237,100,000 Gambia, The $ 223,200,000 Malawi $ 213,100,000 Estonia $ 207,500,000 Vanuatu $ 173,800,000 Samoa $ 166,800,000 Tonga $ 143,300,000 Eritrea $ 114,800,000 Dominica $ 81,120,000 Micronesia, Federated States of $ 75,060,000 Sao Tome and Principe $ 51,300,000 Kiribati $ 8,370,000 David Webb Sales Sales Representative dwebb@cia.gov david.webb@cia.g ov Reston VA Pamela Landy Sales Sales Representative plandy@cia.gov pamela.landy@cia .gov Reston VA Terry Thompson Marketing Program Manager tthompson@cia.gov terry.th ompson@cia.gov Purcellville VA Elizabeth Brambo Marketing Public Relations ebrambo@cia.gov elizabeth.brambo@cia.gov Reston VA Tamara Smoot Marketing College Relations tsmoot@cia.gov tamara.s moot@cia.gov Reston VA Simon Marsh Marketing Employment and Communications Director smarsh@c ia.gov simon.marsh@cia.gov London Paul Graver Marketing Deputy Chief, Global Communications Services pgraver@cia.gov paul.graver@cia.gov Washington DC Jeff Kilkenny Marketing Senior Product Evaluator jkilkenny@cia.go v jeff.kilkenny@cia.gov Washington DC Ricky Hayes Finance & Administration Chief Program Practices Group rhayes@cia.gov ricky.hayes@cia.gov Washington DC Gary Noakes Finance & Administration Program Manager gnoakes@cia.gov gary.noakes@cia.gov Washington DC Petra Lewis Finance & Administration diversity Program Manager plewis@cia.gov petra.lewis@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Cooper Finance & Administration Chief Operating Officer jcooper@ cia.gov joseph.cooper@cia.gov Washington DC Warner Workman Finance & Administration Senior Program Manager wworkman @cia.gov warner.workman@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA Dale Grove Finance & Administration Senior Project Officer dgrove@c ia.gov dale.grove@cia.gov Washington DC Jeri Benedict Finance & Administration Program Manager for Training Ope rations jbenedict@cia.gov jeri.benedict@cia.gov Washington DC Bambi Coupland Finance & Administration Consultant bcoupland@cia.go v bambi.coupland@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Brisky Finance & Administration Program Manager lbrisky@cia.gov larry.brisky@cia.gov Washington DC Michelle Cq Finance & Administration Program Manager mcq@cia.gov michelle.cq@cia.gov Washington DC Michelle Murphy Finance & Administration Program Manager mmurphy@cia.gov michelle.murphy@cia.gov Reston VA Donna Snead Finance & Administration Program Manager dsnead@cia.gov donna.snead@cia.gov Warrenton VA Calvin Andrus Finance & Administration Program Manager candrus@cia.gov calvin.andrus@cia.gov Sterling VA Wesley Wilson Finance & Administration Program Manager wwilson@cia.gov wesley.wilson@cia.gov Washington DC James Mast Finance & Administration Program Manager jmast@cia.gov james.mast@cia.gov Manassas VA Linda Swiatowy Finance & Administration Program Manager-Information Arch itecture lswiatowy@cia.gov linda.swiatowy@cia.gov Chantilly VA Scott Easterwood Finance & Administration Network Administrator seasterwood@cia.gov scott.easterwood@cia.gov Washington DC Patricia Casey Finance & Administration Office Director Directorate of S cience and Technology pcasey@cia.gov patricia.casey@cia.gov Washington DC Molly Hale Finance & Administration Procurement Analyst mhale@ci a.gov molly.hale@cia.gov Reston VA Lane Hartle Finance & Administration Deputy Chief Enterprise Search P rogram Office lhartle@cia.gov lane.hartle@cia.gov Washington DC Andre Williams Finance & Administration Program Manager awilliams@cia.go v andre.williams@cia.gov Washington DC Alesia Rose Finance & Administration Program Manager arose@cia.gov alesia.rose@cia.gov Washington DC Brain McCormack Finance & Administration Dissemination Program Manager bmccormack@cia.gov brain.mccormack@cia.gov Washington DC Mitzie Hayes Finance & Administration Contracts Officer mhayes@c ia.gov mitzie.hayes@cia.gov Washington DC Randal Moon Finance & Administration Director Program on Employee Eng agement and Retention rmoon@cia.gov randal.moon@cia.gov Washington DC Jac Cooney Finance & Administration Production Manager Office of Tra ining and Education jcooney@cia.gov jac.cooney@cia.gov Washington DC Richard Tolar Finance & Administration Vice President of Accounting rtolar@cia.gov richard.tolar@cia.gov Biloxi MS Glen Kirk-Patrick Finance & Administration Partner-Management Team gkirk-patrick@cia.gov glen.kirk-patrick@cia.gov Washington DC Mary Greene Finance & Administration Finance Officer mgreene@cia.gov mary.greene@cia.gov Washington DC Jean Koch Finance & Administration Chief Program Production Office jkoch@cia.gov jean.koch@cia.gov Washington DC Christine Peles Finance & Administration Finance Manager cpeles@cia.gov christine.peles@cia.gov Herndon VA John Rizzo Finance & Administration General Counsel jrizzo@cia.gov john.rizzo@cia.gov Reston VA James Weakland Finance & Administration Contracts Management jweaklan d@cia.gov james.weakland@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Payne Finance & Administration Contracts Management bpayne@c ia.gov barbara.payne@cia.gov Washington DC Karen Stepka Finance & Administration Contracts Management kstepka@ cia.gov karen.stepka@cia.gov Washington DC Sean Casterline Finance & Administration President scasterline@cia. gov sean.casterline@cia.gov Washington DC Randal Moon Finance & Administration Director, Program on Employee En gagement and Retention rmoon@cia.gov randal.moon@cia.gov Washington DC Mary Corrado Finance & Administration Chief Financial Officer mcorrado @cia.gov mary.corrado@cia.gov Washington DC Karen Killmeyer Finance & Administration Contracting Officer kkillmey er@cia.gov karen.killmeyer@cia.gov Washington DC Michelle Willia Finance & Administration IC Data Center Program, Deputy P rogram M mwillia@cia.gov michelle.willia@cia.gov Washington DC Jean Hess Finance & Administration Office of theProcurementExecutiv e jhess@cia.gov jean.hess@cia.gov Washington DC Anna Romine Finance & Administration Chief of Student Program aromine@cia.gov anna.romine@cia.gov Washington DC Kevin Lynch Finance & Administration Vice President klynch@cia.gov kevin.lynch@cia.gov Washington DC Lauren Halverson Finance & Administration Vice President lhalvers on@cia.gov lauren.halverson@cia.gov Washington DC FannieR Gee Finance & Administration Vice President fgee@cia.gov fannier.gee@cia.gov Washington DC Charlotte Del Duca Finance & Administration Office Director cdel duc a@cia.gov charlotte.del duca@cia.gov Washington DC Wanda Horn Finance & Administration Secretary whorn@cia.gov wanda.horn@cia.gov Washington DC Genevieve Fessenden Finance & Administration PROCUREMENT Analyst gfessenden@cia.gov genevieve.fessenden@cia.gov Clifton VA Hays McCormick Finance & Administration Vice President hmccormick@cia.g ov hays.mccormick@cia.gov Washington DC Michael Mau Finance & Administration Chief Diversity Program mmau@cia .gov michael.mau@cia.gov Washington DC Alvin Leak Finance & Administration Office Manager aleak@cia.gov alvin.leak@cia.gov Reston VA Edward Holmes Finance & Administration Program Manager eholmes@cia.gov edward.holmes@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Wood Finance & Administration Senior Program Manager rwood@ci a.gov robert.wood@cia.gov Washington DC Sheila Morgan Human Resources Human Resources Program Manager smorgan@cia.gov sheila.morgan@cia.gov Reston VA Todd Fine Human Resources Human Resources tfine@cia.gov todd.fine@cia.go v Falls Church VA Stephen Peyton Human Resources Mid-Atlantic Recruiter speyton@cia.gov stephen. peyton@cia.gov Washington DC Janice Broderick Human Resources Recruiter jbroderick@cia.gov janice.broderick@cia.gov Reston VA CynthiaR Bower Human Resources Chief of Human Resources cbower@cia.gov cynthiar.bower@cia.gov Oakton VA Henry Medina Human Resources Midwest Multi-Disciplinary Recruiter hmedina@ cia.gov henry.medina@cia.gov Washington DC Bonnie Seeley Human Resources Human Resources Officer bseeley@cia.gov bonnie.s eeley@cia.gov Ashburn VA Kathy Donovan Human Resources Recruiter kdonovan@cia.gov kathy.do novan@cia.gov Washington DC Heather Homan Human Resources Human Resource Officer hhoman@cia.gov heather. homan@cia.gov Washington DC Anita Hurt Human Resources Human Resource Consultant ahurt@cia.gov anita.hurt@cia.gov Washington DC Sharon Cordero Human Resources Recruiter scordero@cia.gov sharon.c ordero@cia.gov Washington DC Karen McCarty Human Resources Human Resources kmccarty@cia.gov karen.mc carty@cia.gov Washington DC Christine... Westbrook Human Resources Recruiter, Analytical Hiring Division cwestbrook@cia.gov christine....westbrook@cia.gov Washington DC Craig P Human Resources Recruiter cp@cia.gov craig.p@cia.gov Reston VA Suzanne Passarelli Human Resources Human Resource Consultant spassare lli@cia.gov suzanne.passarelli@cia.gov Washington DC Peggy Tuten Human Resources Southeast Recruiter ptuten@cia.gov peggy.tu ten@cia.gov Washington DC Doug Mc Human Resources Human Resources Manager dmc@cia.gov doug.mc@cia.gov Washington DC Christina Petrosian Human Resources Recruiting Manager cpetrosian@cia.g ov christina.petrosian@cia.gov Reston VA Suzan Park Support Chief of Staff Management Support Appli spark@cia.gov suzan.park@cia.gov Washington DC Bill Caufield Support Chief Support Officer bcaufield@cia.gov bill.cau field@cia.gov Washington DC Steven Walsky Support Community Training Branch swalsky@cia.gov steven.w alsky@cia.gov Washington DC Linda Nichols Support Training Specialist lnichols@cia.gov linda.ni chols@cia.gov Washington DC Ida Leong Support Customer Requirements Officer ileong@cia.gov ida.leon g@cia.gov Vienna VA Tom Strong Support Training Manager tstrong@cia.gov tom.strong@cia.g ov Shelby Township MI Stephanie Smith Support Director-Support ssmith@cia.gov stephanie.smith@ cia.gov Washington DC Mark Edelstein Support Director Training and Performance Development medelste in@cia.gov mark.edelstein@cia.gov New York NY Michael Lancaster Support Training Manager mlancaster@cia.gov michael.lancaster@cia.gov London Joseph Dizzel Support Customer Service Representative jdizzel@cia.gov joseph.d izzel@cia.gov Reston VA Robert Like Engineering & Research Senior Programmer rlike@cia.gov robert.like@cia.gov Washington DC Rosetta Sesley Engineering & Research Network Engineer rsesley@cia.gov rosetta.sesley@cia.gov Herndon VA Joseph O'Bryan Engineering & Research Systems Integrator/Engineer jo'bryan @cia.gov joseph.o'bryan@cia.gov Centreville VA Afton McDougle Engineering & Research Computer Engineer amcdougle@cia.go v afton.mcdougle@cia.gov Washington DC Kevin Daniels Engineering & Research Systems Engineer kdaniels@cia.gov kevin.daniels@cia.gov Vienna VA Jennifer Link Engineering & Research Enterprise Systems Engineer jlink@ci a.gov jennifer.link@cia.gov Washington DC Jeffrey Wooden Engineering & Research Senior Analyst-Diplomatic and Mil Fac jwooden@cia.gov jeffrey.wooden@cia.gov Washington DC Jean Wastrack Engineering & Research Senior Systems Engineer jwastrack@cia.go v jean.wastrack@cia.gov Washington DC Thomas Smith Engineering & Research Senior Network Engineer tsmith@cia.gov thomas.smith@cia.gov Purcellville VA Alexander Andreeff Engineering & Research Network Engineer aandreef f@cia.gov alexander.andreeff@cia.gov Sumerduck VA Karen Sweeney Engineering & Research System Architect ksweeney@cia.gov karen.sweeney@cia.gov Reston VA Sue Wilkerson Engineering & Research System Engineer swilkerson@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov Chantilly VA Thomas Murphy Engineering & Research Information Assurance Architect tmurphy@ cia.gov thomas.murphy@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Henry Gabriel Engineering & Research System Architect hgabriel@cia.gov henry.gabriel@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Bernier Engineering & Research System Engineer bbernier@cia.gov barbara.bernier@cia.gov Washington DC Teresa Westfall Engineering & Research Enterprise Systems Engineer twestfal l@cia.gov teresa.westfall@cia.gov Washington DC Dipesh Patel Engineering & Research Network Engineer dpatel@cia.gov dipesh.patel@cia.gov Herndon VA Kenneth Royster Engineering & Research Computer Engineer kroyster@cia.gov kenneth.royster@cia.gov Richmond VA Ronald McDermott Engineering & Research Principal Engineer rmcdermo tt@cia.gov ronald.mcdermott@cia.gov Germantown MD Phillip Boyd Engineering & Research Senior InfoSec Engineer pboyd@cia.gov phillip.boyd@cia.gov Washington DC Terrence Pickron Engineering & Research Storage Engineer tpickron @cia.gov terrence.pickron@cia.gov Alexandria VA Dan Olson Engineering & Research Storage Architect dolson@cia.gov dan.olson@cia.gov Washington DC Tony Dilisio Engineering & Research Lab Admin tdilisio@cia.gov tony.dilisio@cia.gov Washington DC Tanishia Griffin Engineering & Research Infosec Engineer tgriffin @cia.gov tanishia.griffin@cia.gov Woodbridge VA Carl Schwab Engineering & Research Scientist cschwab@cia.gov carl.sch wab@cia.gov Reston VA Alan Turner Engineering & Research Chief Scientist aturner@cia.gov alan.tur ner@cia.gov Richland WA Jim Reavis Engineering & Research Senior Engineer jreavis@cia.gov jim.reav is@cia.gov Edgewater MD Dennis Mirr Engineering & Research Engineer dmirr@cia.gov dennis.m irr@cia.gov Washington DC David Vaughan Engineering & Research Imagery Scientist Analytical Methodologi st dvaughan@cia.gov david.vaughan@cia.gov Washington DC Jim Lay Engineering & Research Engineer jlay@cia.gov jim.lay@cia.gov Chantilly VA Paul Ruud Engineering & Research Storage Architect pruud@cia.gov paul.ruud@cia.gov Washington DC Timothy West Engineering & Research Enterprise Architect twest@cia.gov timothy.west@cia.gov Washington IN Andrea Crabb Engineering & Research Mechancial Engineer acrabb@cia.gov andrea.crabb@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Putman Engineering & Research Enterprise Architect rputman@cia.gov robert.putman@cia.gov Burke VA Lisa Belch Engineering & Research Senior Engineering lbelch@cia.gov lisa.belch@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Casper Engineering & Research Chief Architect rcasper@cia.gov robert.c asper@cia.gov Reston VA Tyler Mahy Engineering & Research Researcher tmahy@cia.gov tyler.ma hy@cia.gov Gaithersburg MD Mai Nguyen Engineering & Research Research Scientist mnguyen@cia.gov mai.nguyen@cia.gov Washington DC Kathy Rutter Engineering & Research Architect krutter@cia.gov kathy.ru tter@cia.gov Washington DC Peter Jobusch Engineering & Research Senior Scientist pjobusch@cia.gov peter.jobusch@cia.gov Washington DC Albert Rabassa Engineering & Research Architecture Engineering arabassa @cia.gov albert.rabassa@cia.gov Washington DC Al Scheffter Engineering & Research Technical Services Engineer aschefft er@cia.gov al.scheffter@cia.gov Annandale VA Sam Lopez Operations Maintenance Manager slopez@cia.gov sam.lope z@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Joseph Cooper Operations Chief of Operations-Information Systems jcooper@ cia.gov joseph.cooper@cia.gov Manassas VA Scott Willey Operations Team Chief swilley@cia.gov scott.willey@cia .gov Fairfax VA Matthew Park Operations Information Technology Security Manager mpark@ci a.gov matthew.park@cia.gov Reston VA Michael Rodgers Operations Chief Information Security Officer mrodgers @cia.gov michael.rodgers@cia.gov Washington DC David Farnham Operations Chief Information Officer/Chief Technology Offic er/Chief Sec... dfarnham@cia.gov david.farnham@cia.gov Washington DC Mark Bellamah Operations Deputy Director for Operations mbellamah@cia.go v mark.bellamah@cia.gov Reston VA James Colombo Operations Head of Security jcolombo@cia.gov james.colombo@cia.gov Washington DC Maryrose McCaffrey Operations Director DCI Special Security Center mmccaffrey@cia.gov maryrose.mccaffrey@cia.gov Washington DC Charlene Leubecker Operations ESSG Chief of Operations cleubeck er@cia.gov charlene.leubecker@cia.gov Washington DC Patricia Brennan Operations Construction Security Officer pbrennan @cia.gov patricia.brennan@cia.gov Edgewater MD Stephanie Smith Operations Plant Manager ssmith@cia.gov stephanie.smith@ cia.gov Washington DC Jessica King Operations Director of Geospatial Operations jking@ci a.gov jessica.king@cia.gov Washington DC Stuart Hillman Operations Technical Security Advisor shillman@cia.gov stuart.hillman@cia.gov Washington DC Dave Farnham Operations Security Manager dfarnham@cia.gov dave.farnham@cia.gov Washington DC Tami Brennan Operations Operations Manager tbrennan@cia.gov tami.brennan@cia.gov Sterling VA Nancy Shaw IT & IS Deputy Chief Technology Officer nshaw@cia.gov nancy.sh aw@cia.gov Washington DC David Rz IT & IS Information Technology drz@cia.gov david.rz@cia.gov Washington DC Jeff Henry IT & IS Chief Information Officer jhenry@cia.gov jeff.hen ry@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA Sherry Burns IT & IS Business Information Technology Manager sburns@cia.gov sherry.burns@cia.gov Reston VA Randall Reardon IT & IS Project Manager rreardon@cia.gov randall.reardon@ cia.gov New Market MD Petra Lewis IT & IS Diversity Program Manager plewis@cia.gov petra.le wis@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Cassiano IT & IS Senior Web Developer bcassiano@cia.gov barbara.cassiano@cia.gov Washington DC Jill King IT & IS Systems Integrator jking@cia.gov jill.king@cia.go v Leesburg VA MarianWells Hemmer IT & IS Economic Analyst mhemmer@cia.gov marianwe lls.hemmer@cia.gov Washington DC Cheri Bradley IT & IS Program Analyst cbradley@cia.gov cheri.bradley@ci a.gov Washington DC LindaR Dixon IT & IS Program Analyst ldixon@cia.gov lindar.dixon@cia.gov Washington DC Dale Kelley IT & IS Senior Resource Analyst dkelley@cia.gov dale.kelley@cia. gov Washington DC Katherine Emrisek IT & IS Resource Analyst kemrisek@cia.gov katherine.emrisek@cia.gov GaithersburgMD Elizabet... Bennington IT & IS Chief Employee Development Systems ebenning ton@cia.gov elizabet....bennington@cia.gov Washington DC Susan Lewin IT & IS Chief Logistics Systems slewin@cia.gov susan.lewin@cia. gov Washington DC Stephanie Cline IT & IS Director Science and Technology scline@cia.gov stephani e.cline@cia.gov Reston VA Shawn Clune IT & IS Information Systems/Information Technology Consultant sclune@cia.gov shawn.clune@cia.gov Washington DC Craig Powell IT & IS Program Manager cpowell@cia.gov craig.powell@cia.gov Washington DC Carl Schwab IT & IS Analyst cschwab@cia.gov carl.schwab@cia.gov Reston VA Michelle Marcolla IT & IS Project Manager mmarcolla@cia.gov michelle .marcolla@cia.gov Washington DC Kenneth Westbrook IT & IS Chief Business and Information Strategy kwestbro ok@cia.gov kenneth.westbrook@cia.gov Reston VA Andy Varipapa IT & IS Information Manager avaripapa@cia.gov andy.var ipapa@cia.gov Washington DC Coyne Terrance IT & IS Senior Analyst cterrance@cia.gov coyne.terrance@c ia.gov Washington DC Clark Portia IT & IS Information Technology Project Manager cportia@cia.gov clark.portia@cia.gov Washington IN Steve Swiatowy IT & IS Information Technology sswiatowy@cia.gov steve.sw iatowy@cia.gov Chantilly VA Sherrill Nicely IT & IS Chief Information Officer snicely@cia.gov sherrill .nicely@cia.gov Reston VA Amanda Frost IT & IS Computer Specialist afrost@cia.gov amanda.frost@cia .gov Washington DC Erika Proctor IT & IS Manager Information Technology Application eproctor @cia.gov erika.proctor@cia.gov Washington DC Al Tarasiuk IT & IS Chief Information Officer atarasiuk@cia.gov al.tarasiuk@cia.gov Washington DC Alan Wade IT & IS Chief Information Officer awade@cia.gov alan.wad e@cia.gov Washington DC Anna Jones IT & IS Project Manager ajones@cia.gov anna.jones@cia.gov Washington DC Bob Flores IT & IS Chief Technology Officer bflores@cia.gov bob.flor es@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Gudyka IT & IS Chief Information Officer jgudyka@cia.gov joseph.g udyka@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA James Lantzy IT & IS Deputy Chief Technology Officer jlantzy@cia.gov james.la ntzy@cia.gov Sterling VA Joshua Levine IT & IS Chief Technology Officer jlevine@cia.gov joshua.l evine@cia.gov Washington DC SherrillL Nicely IT & IS Chief Information Officer snicely@cia.gov sherrilll.nicely@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Tishman IT & IS Information Assurance Architectural Engi rtishman @cia.gov robert.tishman@cia.gov Millersville MD Dale Appell IT & IS Storage Project Manager dappell@cia.gov dale.appell@cia. gov Charles Town WV Michael Toth IT & IS Systems Integrator mtoth@cia.gov michael.toth@cia .gov Washington DC Bryan Leavitt IT & IS Developer bleavitt@cia.gov bryan.leavitt@ci a.gov Mc Lean VA Brian Sowers IT & IS Project Manager bsowers@cia.gov brian.sowers@cia.gov Washington DC Joe Waters IT & IS Computer Systems Analyst jwaters@cia.gov joe.wate rs@cia.gov Sterling VA Bob Sorensen IT & IS Computer Performance Analyst bsorensen@cia.gov bob.sorensen@cia.gov Reston VA Deborah Peabody IT & IS Information Systems Governance Lead dpeabody@cia.gov deborah.peabody@cia.gov Falls ChurchVA KarenL Borenstein IT & IS Project Manager kborenstein@cia.gov karenl.b orenstein@cia.gov Washington DC Sharon Mason IT & IS Chief Wireless Technology Officer smason@cia.gov sharon.mason@cia.gov Washington DC Jo Townsend IT & IS Web Manager jtownsend@cia.gov jo.townsend@cia. gov London Maude Bourne IT & IS Information Technology Manager mbourne@cia.gov maude.bo urne@cia.gov Reston VA Maryanne Evans IT & IS Director-Hiring and Employee Development mevans@c ia.gov maryanne.evans@cia.gov Reston VA Ron Bryan IT & IS Chief Network Defense Division rbryan@cia.gov ron.brya n@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Lambert IT & IS Director Information Management jlambert@cia.gov joseph.lambert@cia.gov Washington DC Martha Williams IT & IS Project Manager mwilliams@cia.gov martha.williams@ cia.gov Mc Lean VA Mike Caudill IT & IS Information Technology mcaudill@cia.gov mike.cau dill@cia.gov Washington DC ElizabethL Fugitt IT & IS Analyst efugitt@cia.gov elizabethl.fugitt@cia.go v Fredericksburg VA AnnaMarie Jones IT & IS Project Manager ajones@cia.gov annamarie.jones@cia.gov Leesburg VA Bj Thomajd IT & IS Information Technology bthomajd@cia.gov bj.thoma jd@cia.gov Washington VA Lisa Chandler IT & IS Unix Systems Engineer lchandler@cia.gov lisa.cha ndler@cia.gov Laurel MD Sandra Lee-Say IT & IS AnalystGlobal Information and Influence slee-say@cia.gov sandra.lee-say@cia.gov Reston VA Margaret Smith IT & IS Application Developer msmith@cia.gov margaret.smith@c ia.gov Herndon VA Trent Wise IT & IS Developer twise@cia.gov trent.wise@cia.gov Washington DC Gregory Cermin IT & IS Programmer/Analyst gcermin@cia.gov gregory.cermin@c ia.gov Lititz PA David Roberts IT & IS Enterprise Data Architect droberts@cia.gov david.roberts@cia.gov Washington DC Jack Carlson Other Director Application Services jcarlson@cia.gov jack.carlson@cia.gov Reston VA Barry Berringer Other Senior Applications Manager bberringer@cia.gov barry.berringer@cia.gov Washington DC Allen Wallace Other Senior Contracting Officer awallace@cia.gov allen.wallace@cia.gov Washington DC Greg Mazur Other COMMANDER COOL gmazur@cia.gov greg.mazur@cia.gov Washington DC Tom McCluskey Other Director HIRING and EMPLOYEE DEVMT tmccluskey@cia.g ov tom.mccluskey@cia.gov Washington DC Christophe... Lanphere Other Senior Projects Officer clanphere@cia.gov christophe....lanphere@cia.gov Springfield VA Paul Forster Other Senior Data STORAGE Architect pforster@cia.gov paul.forster@cia.gov Leesburg VA Patty Brandmaier Other Chief of the Recruitment Center pbrandmaier@cia. gov patty.brandmaier@cia.gov Washington DC Clay Adams Other Technician cadams@cia.gov clay.adams@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Kerry Zimmerman Other Mitre Consultant kzimmerman@cia.gov kerry.zi mmerman@cia.gov Reston VA LeonardEdward Tagg Other Analytical Hiring Division ltagg@cia.gov leonardedward.tagg@cia.gov Washington DC James Watson Other Applications Architect jwatson@cia.gov james.watson@cia .gov Washington DC Edward Fox Other Chief Architect efox@cia.gov edward.fox@cia.gov Washington DC EnriqueF Gonzalez Other Senior Advisor for IC Issues and Outreach egonzalez@cia.gov enriquef.gonzalez@cia.gov Washington DC Blane Ampthor Other Library Manager bampthor@cia.gov blane.ampthor@ci a.gov Washington DC Melissa Miller Other Safety Officer mmiller@cia.gov melissa.miller@cia.gov Washington DC Carmen Medina Other Associate Deputy Director for Intelligence cmedina@ cia.gov carmen.medina@cia.gov Washington DC Jana McBayne Other Chief Critical Mission jmcbayne@cia.gov jana.mcb ayne@cia.gov Waldorf MD Eduardo Morales Other C/Enterprise Application Architecture emorales@cia.gov eduardo.morales@cia.gov Washington DC April Austin Other User Services aaustin@cia.gov april.austin@cia.gov Columbia MD Lin Edelen Other Chief DS/ISC/Applications/ATS ledelen@cia.gov lin.edel en@cia.gov Washington DC David Bernholz Other Senior Technical Advisor dbernholz@cia.gov david.bernholz@cia.gov Reston VA Dolores Halloran Other Instructor dhalloran@cia.gov dolores. halloran@cia.gov Vienna VA Michael Stepp Other Chief Internet Intranet mstepp@cia.gov michael.stepp@ci a.gov Washington DC Joseph Flynn Other Chief/Records Preservation and Archives jflynn@cia.gov joseph.flynn@cia.gov Columbia MD Dolly Greenwood Other DCIO dgreenwood@cia.gov dolly.greenwood@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Vicki Hupp Other Manager Federal Government vhupp@cia.gov vicki.hu pp@cia.gov Herndon VA John Saunders Other US Federal Government jsaunders@cia.gov john.sau nders@cia.gov Chantilly VA Edward Fox Other Chief Enterprise Architect efox@cia.gov edward.f ox@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Kerr Other Senior Bio Advisor National Counterproliferation Center lkerr@cia.gov larry.kerr@cia.gov Washington DC Ilka Rodriguez-Diaz Other Deputy Director of the Mission Academy irodrigu ez-diaz@cia.gov ilka.rodriguez-diaz@cia.gov Washington DC Grady Hayman Other Vendor Showcase Director ghayman@cia.gov grady.ha yman@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Gartin Other Director-Leadership and Diversity jgartin@cia.gov joseph.gartin@cia.gov Washington DC Thomas McCluskey Other Director-Hiring and Employee Devmt tmcclusk ey@cia.gov thomas.mccluskey@cia.gov Washington DC Gary Stopa Other Storage Specialist gstopa@cia.gov gary.stopa@cia.g ov Washington DC Joel Etherton Other Division Chief jetherton@cia.gov joel.etherton@ci a.gov Reston VA Deborah Barger Other Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence dbarger@cia.gov deborah.barger@cia.gov Washington DC Donald Kerr Other Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence dkerr@cia.gov donald.kerr@cia.gov Washington DC Stephen Kappes Other Deputy Director skappes@cia.gov stephen.kappes@cia.gov Washington DC Jeffrey Kuhn Other Production Supervisor jkuhn@cia.gov jeffrey.kuhn@cia .gov Washington DC Lynda Godal Other Publications Officer lgodal@cia.gov lynda.godal@cia. gov Washington DC Pat Marstall Other Consultant pmarstall@cia.gov pat.marstall@cia .gov Washington DC PaulM Johnson Other Director-Intelligence Study Center pjohnson@cia.gov paulm.johnson@cia.gov Washington DC Demetria Goode Other Trainer dgoode@cia.gov demetria.goode@cia.gov Washingt on DC MiyongS Fujihara Other Advocacy Group mfujihara@cia.gov miyongs. fujihara@cia.gov Washington DC Peggy Monos Other Librarian pmonos@cia.gov peggy.monos@cia.gov Washington DC Tom Murphy Other Selection Officer tmurphy@cia.gov tom.murphy@cia.g ov Washington DC Sandra Blumberg Other Reference Officer sblumberg@cia.gov sandra.b lumberg@cia.gov Washington DC Margaret Tuten Other Senior Associate mtuten@cia.gov margaret.tuten@c ia.gov Washington DC Judith Hauver Other Senior Acquisitions Officer jhauver@cia.gov judith.h auver@cia.gov Washington DC Marianne Riley Other Senior Associate mriley@cia.gov marianne.riley@c ia.gov Washington DC Barbara Bresnan Other Senior Associate bbresnan@cia.gov barbara. bresnan@cia.gov Washington DC Audrey Stuart Other Senior Associate astuart@cia.gov audrey.stuart@ci a.gov Washington DC Jane Burgess Other Acquisitions Librarian jburgess@cia.gov jane.bur gess@cia.gov Washington DC Bryan Hamilton Other Acquisition Librarian bhamilton@cia.gov bryan.ha milton@cia.gov Washington DC Andrea Brantley Other Principal Conslt/President Hamilton Ridg abrantle y@cia.gov andrea.brantley@cia.gov Stephens City VA Margaret Augustine Other Chief of Acquisition Strategy maugustine@cia.g ov margaret.augustine@cia.gov Fairfax VA Quintrell... Cahee Mba Other Director, Human Capital Management qcahee m ba@cia.gov quintrell....cahee mba@cia.gov Reston VA Tim Jessel Other Senior Executive tjessel@cia.gov tim.jessel@cia.g ov London Arthur Brophy Other Environmental Safety Officer abrophy@cia.gov arthur.b rophy@cia.gov Washington DC John Betar Other AIG/A jbetar@cia.gov john.betar@cia.gov Washingt on DC Debora Wasem Other Trainer dwasem@cia.gov debora.wasem@cia.gov Reston VA Tony Keller Other Technical Manager tkeller@cia.gov tony.keller@cia. gov Reston VA Donna Erdman Other Business Management Officer derdman@cia.gov donna.er dman@cia.gov Washington DC Liz Sampson Other Director/Management, Strategy and Resource lsampson @cia.gov liz.sampson@cia.gov Woodbridge VA Deanna Winterbottom Other ITRO dwinterbottom@cia.gov deanna.winterbot tom@cia.gov Washington DC Aleksander Hansen Other Senior Risk Manager ahansen@cia.gov aleksand er.hansen@cia.gov Saint Louis MO Patrick Odle Other Manager Compliance podle@cia.gov patrick.odle@cia .gov Saint Louis MO Bob Moritsugu Other Special Agent bmoritsugu@cia.gov bob.moritsugu@ci a.gov Washington DC Joseph Keogh Other Director/SEAO jkeogh@cia.gov joseph.keogh@cia.gov Washington DC Kennith Whitson Other Director of Innovation/SEAO kwhitson@cia.gov kennith.whitson@cia.gov Washington DC Neil Harvey Other Head of International Trade nharvey@cia.gov neil.har vey@cia.gov Arlington VA Teryl West Other Other Non-Manager twest@cia.gov teryl.west@cia.g ov Washington DC DarrenVan Booven Other Senior Forensics Examiner dbooven@cia.gov darrenvan.booven@cia.gov Washington DC Diane Oates Other Chief Technical Manager doates@cia.gov diane.oates@cia. gov Reston VA Gary Joyner Other Librarian gjoyner@cia.gov gary.joyner@cia.gov Reston VA David Timko Other Contract Specialist dtimko@cia.gov david.timko@cia. gov Washington DC Thomas Benjamin Other Director In-Q-Tel Interface Center tbenjamin@cia.go v thomas.benjamin@cia.gov Washington DC Debra Lang Other Directorate Intelligence dlang@cia.gov debra.la ng@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Gump Other Chief Human Capital Strategies rgump@cia.gov robert.g ump@cia.gov Washington DC Heidi Paxton Other Chief of Leadership hpaxton@cia.gov heidi.paxton@cia .gov Washington DC William Danvers Other Director, Congressional Affairs wdanvers@cia.gov william.danvers@cia.gov Washington DC Nora Dee Other Professional Shopper ndee@cia.gov nora.dee@cia.gov Washington DC Sue Wilkerson Other Chief/Plans and Programs Staff swilkerson@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov Chantilly VA Kevin Fitzpatrick Other EXPLOITATION Specialist kfitzpatrick@cia.gov kevin.fitzpatrick@cia.gov Washington DC David Lankford Other Major dlankford@cia.gov david.lankford@cia.gov Washington DC James Sullivan Other In-Q-Tel Interface Center jsullivan@cia.gov james.sullivan@cia.gov Washington DC Justin Louis Other Geospatial Manager jlouis@cia.gov justin.louis@cia .gov Washington DC Carl... Stuekerjuergen Other Chief-ANALYTIC Methods Center cstuekerjuergen@ cia.gov carl....stuekerjuergen@cia.gov Washington DC Barry Fields Other Associate Director bfields@cia.gov barry.fields@cia .gov Washington DC James Downs Other Issm jdowns@cia.gov james.downs@cia.gov Washingt on DC CarlR Gussgard Other Infosec Liaison cgussgard@cia.gov carlr.gussgard@c ia.gov Washington DC Kathryn Kennedy Other Issm kkennedy@cia.gov kathryn.kennedy@cia.gov Washington DC Marie Vanderhoof Other CollegeRelationsChief mvanderhoof@cia.gov marie.vanderhoof@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Sobek Other Acquisitions Officer lsobek@cia.gov larry.sobek@cia. gov Washington DC Andrea Hayden Other Dioti ahayden@cia.gov andrea.hayden@cia.gov Washingt on DC HaroldA Tate Other Chief of Recruitment htate@cia.gov harolda.tate@cia .gov Silver Spring MD Heather Akins Other Process Improvement Consultant hakins@cia.gov heather. akins@cia.gov Washington DC Daesha Hensler Other Process Improvement Consultant dhensler@cia.gov daesha.hensler@cia.gov Washington DC Patrice Carson Other Project Management Professional pcarson@cia.gov patrice. carson@cia.gov Washington DC Stephani... O'Sullivan Other Deputy Director so'sullivan@cia.gov stephani ....o'sullivan@cia.gov Reston VA Edward Hogan Other Branch Chief ehogan@cia.gov edward.hogan@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Carra Other Geographer rcarra@cia.gov robert.carra@cia.gov Washington DC Hugh Wiggins Other Electronic Publisher hwiggins@cia.gov hugh.wig gins@cia.gov Washington DC David Schmidt Other Electronic Publisher dschmidt@cia.gov david.sc hmidt@cia.gov Washington DC Diane Oates Other Chief, Server Services Division doates@cia.gov diane.oa tes@cia.gov Washington DC Frank Gac Other Group Leader fgac@cia.gov frank.gac@cia.gov Washington DC James Hammond Other FPED Member jhammond@cia.gov james.hammond@ci a.gov Washington DC # # robots.txt for https://www.cia.gov ## Please note if you're irresponsible with your bot you will be blocked. # advertising-related bots: User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: / # Wikipedia work bots: User-agent: IsraBot Disallow: User-agent: Orthogaffe Disallow: User-agent: UbiCrawler Disallow: / User-agent: DOC Disallow: / User-agent: Zao Disallow: / # Some bots are known to be trouble, particularly those designed to copy # entire sites. 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demetria.goode@cia.gov, mfujihara@cia.gov, peggy.monos@cia.gov, tmurphy@cia.gov, sblumberg@cia.gov, mtuten@cia.gov, mriley@cia.gov, bbresnan@cia.gov, astuart@ci a.gov, jburgess@cia.gov, bhamilton@cia.gov, tjessel@cia.gov, john.betar@cia.gov, debora .wasem@cia.gov, tkeller@cia.gov, deanna.winterbottom@cia.gov, podle@cia.gov, bmoritsugu@cia.gov, joseph.keogh@cia.gov, twest@cia.gov, gary.joyner@cia.gov, dtimko@cia.gov, dlang@ cia.gov, ndee@cia.gov, kfitzpatrick@cia.gov, david.lankford@cia.gov, jlouis@cia.gov, bfie lds@cia.gov, james.downs@cia.gov, cgussgard@cia.gov, kathryn.kennedy@cia.gov, marie.vanderhoo f@cia.gov, lsobek@cia.gov, andrea.hayden@cia.gov, s.osullivan@cia.gov, ehogan@cia.gov, robe rt.carra@cia.gov, hwiggins@cia.gov, dschmidt@cia.gov, fgac@cia.gov, jhammond@cia.gov, david.webb@c ia.gov, pamela.landy@cia.gov, terry.thompson@cia.gov, elizabeth.brambo@cia.gov, tamara. smoot@cia.gov jkilkenny@cia.gov, bcoupland@cia.gov, scasterline@cia.gov, whorn@cia.gov, tfine@ cia.gov, speyton@cia.gov, janice.broderick@cia.gov, kathy.donovan@cia.gov, sharon.cordero @cia.gov, kmccarty@cia.gov, craig.p@cia.gov,ptuten@cia.gov, cpetrosian@cia.gov, bcaufield@ cia.gov, swalsky@cia.gov, linda.nichols@cia.gov, ileong@cia.gov, tom.strong@cia.gov, michael.lancaster@cia.gov, jdizzel@cia.gov, cschwab@cia.gov, dmirr@cia.gov, jlay @cia.gov, tmahy@cia.gov, krutter@cia.gov, sam.lopez@cia.gov, scott.willey@cia.gov, jcolomb o@cia.gov, pbrennan@cia.gov, stephanie.smith@cia.gov, shillman@cia.gov, dave.farnham@cia.go v, tami.brennan@cia.gov, cschwab@cia.gov, bleavitt@cia.gov, efugitt@cia.gov, twise@ cia.gov, gcermin@cia.gov, jcarlson@cia.gov, bberringer@cia.gov, awallace@cia.gov, greg.ma zur@cia.gov, clanphere@cia.gov, kerry.zimmerman@cia.gov, ltagg@cia.gov, james.watson@cia.gov, edward.fox@cia.gov, blane.ampthor@cia.gov, melissa.miller@cia.gov, jmcbayne@cia. gov, emorales@cia.gov, april.austin@cia.gov, lin.edelen@cia.gov, dbernholz@cia.g ov, mstepp@cia.gov, vhupp@cia.gov, jsaunders@cia.gov, efox@cia.gov, ghayman@cia.gov, jgartin@cia.gov , gary.stopa@cia.gov, joel.etherton@cia.gov, stephen.kappes@cia.gov, jeffrey.kuhn@ cia.gov, lynda.godal@cia.gov, pjohnson@cia.gov, miyongs.fujihara@cia.gov, tom.murphy@cia. gov, sandra.blumberg@cia.gov, margaret.tuten@cia.gov, jhauver@cia.gov, marianne. riley@cia.gov, barbara.bresnan@cia.gov, audrey.stuart@cia.gov, jane.burgess@cia.gov, bryan.hami lton@cia.gov, tim.jessel@cia.gov, abrophy@cia.gov, tony.keller@cia.gov, derdman@cia.gov, ahans en@cia.gov, patrick.odle@cia.gov, bob.moritsugu@cia.gov, kwhitson@cia.gov, teryl.west@cia.go v, dbooven@cia.gov, doates@cia.gov, david.timko@cia.gov, debra.lang@cia.gov, hpa xton@cia.gov, wdanvers@cia.gov, nora.dee@cia.gov, kevin.fitzpatrick@cia.gov, jsullivan@cia.gov , justin.louis@cia.gov, cstuekerjuergen@cia.gov, barry.fields@cia.gov, carlr.gus sgard@cia.gov, larry.sobek@cia.gov, htate@cia.gov, hakins@cia.gov, dhensler@cia. gov, pcarson@cia.gov, stephani.osullivan@cia.gov, edward.hogan@cia.gov, hugh.wiggins@cia.gov, david.sc hmidt@cia.gov, frank.gac@cia.gov, james.hammond@cia.gov, smarsh@cia.gov, jeff.kilkenny@cia.gov, gnoakes@cia.gov, bambi.coupland@cia.gov, lbrisky@cia.gov, mcq@cia.gov, mmurphy@c ia.gov, dsnead@cia.gov, candrus@cia.gov, wwilson@cia.gov, jmast@cia.gov, seasterwood@cia .gov, mhale@cia.gov, awilliams@cia.gov, arose@cia.gov, mhayes@cia.gov, gkirk-patrick@c ia.gov, mgreene@cia.gov, cpeles@cia.gov, jrizzo@cia.gov, jweakland@cia.gov, bpayne@cia.g ov, kstepka@cia.gov, sean.casterline@cia.gov, kkillmeyer@cia.gov, klynch@cia.gov, lh alverson@cia.gov, fgee@cia.gov, wanda.horn@cia.gov, gfessenden@cia.gov, hmccormick@cia.gov, aleak@ cia.gov, eholmes@cia.gov, todd.fine@cia.gov, stephen.peyton@cia.gov, hmedina@cia.gov, bse eley@cia.gov, hhoman@cia.gov, ahurt@cia.gov, karen.mccarty@cia.gov, spassarelli@cia.gov, peggy .tuten@cia.gov, dmc@cia.gov, christina.petrosian@cia.gov, bill.caufield@cia.gov, steven.walsky@c ia.gov, ida.leong@cia.gov, joseph.dizzel@cia.gov, rlike@cia.gov, rsesley@cia.gov, j.obry an@cia.gov, amcdougle@cia.gov, kdaniels@cia.gov, aandreeff@cia.gov, ksweeney@cia.gov, swilke rson@cia.gov, hgabriel@cia.gov, bbernier@cia.gov, dpatel@cia.gov, kroyster@cia.gov, rmcdermott @cia.gov, tpickron@cia.gov, dolson@cia.gov, tdilisio@cia.gov, tgriffin@cia.gov, carl.schwa b@cia.gov, aturner@cia.gov, jreavis@cia.gov, dennis.mirr@cia.gov, jim.lay@cia.gov, pruud@ci a.gov, twest@cia.gov, acrabb@cia.gov, rputman@cia.gov, lbelch@cia.gov, rcasper@cia.gov, tyler.mahy@cia.gov, mnguyen@cia.gov, kathy.rutter@cia.gov, pjobusch@cia.gov, arabassa@cia.gov, jcooper@cia.gov, mpark@cia.gov, mrodgers@cia.gov, mbellamah@ci a.gov, james.colombo@cia.gov, cleubecker@cia.gov, patricia.brennan@cia.gov, jking@cia.g ov, stuart.hillman@cia.gov, drz@cia.gov, rreardon@cia.gov, jking@cia.gov, mhemmer@ci a.gov, cbradley@cia.gov, ldixon@cia.gov, kemrisek@cia.gov, cpowell@cia.gov, carl.schwab @cia.gov, mmarcolla@cia.gov, avaripapa@cia.gov, cterrance@cia.gov, sswiatowy@cia.gov, afro st@cia.gov, ajones@cia.gov, mtoth@cia.gov, bryan.leavitt@cia.gov, bsowers@cia.gov, kborenste in@cia.gov, jtownsend@cia.gov, mwilliams@cia.gov, mcaudill@cia.gov, elizabethl.fugitt@cia.go v, ajones@cia.gov, bthomajd@cia.gov, msmith@cia.gov, trent.wise@cia.gov, gregory.cermin@cia.gov, ja ck.carlson@cia.gov, barry.berringer@cia.gov, allen.wallace@cia.gov, christophe.l anphere@cia.gov, pforster@cia.gov, leonardedward.tagg@cia.gov, jana.mcbayne@cia.gov, eduardo.mora les@cia.gov, david.bernholz@cia.gov, michael.stepp@cia.gov, jflynn@cia.gov, vicki.hupp@cia.go v, john.saunders@cia.gov, edward.fox@cia.gov, grady.hayman@cia.gov, joseph.garti n@cia.gov, tmccluskey@cia.gov, paulm.johnson@cia.gov, judith.hauver@cia.gov, abrantley@cia. gov, maugustine@cia.gov, arthur.brophy@cia.gov, donna.erdman@cia.gov, lsampson@c ia.gov, aleksander.hansen@cia.gov, kennith.whitson@cia.gov, nharvey@cia.gov, dar renvan.booven@cia.gov, diane.oates@cia.gov, tbenjamin@cia.gov, rgump@cia.gov, heidi.paxton@cia.gov, wil liam.danvers@cia.gov, swilkerson@cia.gov, james.sullivan@cia.gov, carl.stuekerju ergen@cia.gov, harolda.tate@cia.gov, heather.akins@cia.gov, daesha.hensler@cia.gov, patrice.car son@cia.gov, doates@cia.gov, simon.marsh@cia.gov, pgraver@cia.gov, gary.noakes@cia.gov, plewi s@cia.gov, jcooper@cia.gov, wworkman@cia.gov, dgrove@cia.gov, larry.brisky@cia.gov, michell e.cq@cia.gov, michelle.murphy@cia.gov, donna.snead@cia.gov, calvin.andrus@cia.gov, wesley.wils on@cia.gov, james.mast@cia.gov, lswiatowy@cia.gov, scott.easterwood@cia.gov, molly.hale@cia. gov, andre.williams@cia.gov, alesia.rose@cia.gov, bmccormack@cia.gov, mitzie.hay es@cia.gov, glen.kirk-patrick@cia.gov, mary.greene@cia.gov, christine.peles@cia. gov, john.rizzo@cia.gov, james.weakland@cia.gov, barbara.payne@cia.gov, karen.stepka@cia.gov, mcorrado@ci a.gov, karen.killmeyer@cia.gov, jhess@cia.gov, kevin.lynch@cia.gov, lauren.halverson@ci a.gov, fannier.gee@cia.gov, genevieve.fessenden@cia.gov, hays.mccormick@cia.gov, mmau@c ia.gov, alvin.leak@cia.gov, edward.holmes@cia.gov, rwood@cia.gov, smorgan@cia.gov, cbowe r@cia.gov, henry.medina@cia.gov, bonnie.seeley@cia.gov, heather.homan@cia.gov, a nita.hurt@cia.gov, cwestbrook@cia.gov, suzanne.passarelli@cia.gov, doug.mc@cia.gov, medelstein@cia. gov, robert.like@cia.gov, rosetta.sesley@cia.gov, joseph.obryan@cia.gov, afton.mcdoug le@cia.gov, kevin.daniels@cia.gov, jlink@cia.gov, jwastrack@cia.gov, tsmith@cia.gov, alexand er.andreeff@cia.gov, karen.sweeney@cia.gov, sue.wilkerson@cia.gov, tmurphy@cia.gov, henry.gabriel@cia .gov, barbara.bernier@cia.gov, twestfall@cia.gov, dipesh.patel@cia.gov, kenneth.royste r@cia.gov, ronald.mcdermott@cia.gov, pboyd@cia.gov, terrence.pickron@cia.gov, dan.olson@cia .gov, tony.dilisio@cia.gov, tanishia.griffin@cia.gov, alan.turner@cia.gov, jim.reavis@ cia.gov, paul.ruud@cia.gov, timothy.west@cia.gov, andrea.crabb@cia.gov, robert.putman@cia .gov, lisa.belch@cia.gov, robert.casper@cia.gov, mai.nguyen@cia.gov, peter.jobusch@cia .gov, albert.rabassa@cia.gov, ascheffter@cia.gov, joseph.cooper@cia.gov, matthew.park@ cia.gov, michael.rodgers@cia.gov, mark.bellamah@cia.gov, mmccaffrey@cia.gov, charlene.leu becker@cia.gov, jessica.king@cia.gov, david.rz@cia.gov, jhenry@cia.gov, randall.reardon@cia.gov, plewis@cia.gov, bcassiano@cia.gov, jill.king@cia.gov, marianwells.hemmer@cia.gov, cheri.bradley@ cia.gov, lindar.dixon@cia.gov, dkelley@cia.gov, katherine.emrisek@cia.gov, slewin@cia.gov , craig.powell@cia.gov, michelle.marcolla@cia.gov, andy.varipapa@cia.gov, coyne. terrance@cia.gov, steve.swiatowy@cia.gov, snicely@cia.gov, amanda.frost@cia.gov, atarasiuk@cia.gov , awade@cia.gov, anna.jones@cia.gov, bflores@cia.gov, jgudyka@cia.gov, jlevine@cia.gov, snicely@c ia.gov, dappell@cia.gov, michael.toth@cia.gov, brian.sowers@cia.gov, jwaters@cia.gov, bs orensen@cia.gov, karenl.borenstein@cia.gov, jo.townsend@cia.gov, mbourne@cia.gov, jlambert@cia.go v, martha.williams@cia.gov, mike.caudill@cia.gov, annamarie.jones@cia.gov, bj.th omajd@cia.gov, lchandler@cia.gov, margaret.smith@cia.gov, droberts@cia.gov, tmcc luskey@cia.gov, paul.forster@cia.gov, pbrandmaier@cia.gov, cmedina@cia.gov, jose ph.flynn@cia.gov, thomas.mccluskey@cia.gov, andrea.brantley@cia.gov, margaret.au gustine@cia.gov, liz.sampson@cia.gov, neil.harvey@cia.gov, thomas.benjamin@cia.g ov, robert.gump@cia.gov, sue.wilkerson@cia.gov, diane.oates@cia.gov, paul.graver@cia.gov, rhayes@cia.gov, petra.lewis@cia.gov, joseph.cooper@cia.gov, warner.workman@cia.gov,dale.grove@ci a.gov, linda.swiatowy@cia.gov, brain.mccormack@cia.gov, rtolar@cia.gov, jkoch@cia.gov, mary.corrado@cia.gov, jean.hess@cia.gov, aromine@cia.gov, duca@cia.gov, michael. mau@cia.gov, robert.wood@cia.gov, sheila.morgan@cia.gov, cynthiar.bower@cia.gov, christine.we stbrook@cia.gov, spark@cia.gov, mark.edelstein@cia.gov, jennifer.link@cia.gov, jean.wastrack@cia. gov, thomas.smith@cia.gov, thomas.murphy@cia.gov, teresa.westfall@cia.gov, phill ip.boyd@cia.gov, dvaughan@cia.gov, al.scheffter@cia.gov, dfarnham@cia.gov, maryrose.mccaffrey@cia .gov, nshaw@cia.gov, jeff.henry@cia.gov, sburns@cia.gov, petra.lewis@cia.gov, barbara. cassiano@cia.gov, dale.kelley@cia.gov, ebennington@cia.gov, susan.lewin@cia.gov, scline@cia.gov, s clune@cia.gov, cportia@cia.gov, sherrill.nicely@cia.gov, eproctor@cia.gov, al.tarasiuk@cia.gov, alan.wade@cia.gov, bob.flores@cia.gov, joseph.gudyka@cia.gov, jlantzy@cia.gov, joshua.levine@cia.go v, sherrilll.nicely@cia.gov, rtishman@cia.gov, dale.appell@cia.gov, joe.waters@c ia.gov, bob.sorensen@cia.gov, dpeabody@cia.gov, smason@cia.gov, maude.bourne@cia .gov, mevans@cia.gov, rbryan@cia.gov, joseph.lambert@cia.gov, lisa.chandler@cia. gov, slee-say@cia.gov, david.roberts@cia.gov, tom.mccluskey@cia.gov, patty.brandmaier@cia.gov, carmen.m edina@cia.gov, lkerr@cia.gov, irodriguez-diaz@cia.gov, dbarger@cia.gov,dkerr@cia.gov, ricky.hay es@cia.gov, jbenedict@cia.gov, richard.tolar@cia.gov, jean.koch@cia.gov,anna.romine@cia.gov, suzan.park@cia.gov, jwooden@cia.gov, david.vaughan@cia.gov, david.farnham@cia.g ov, nancy.shaw@cia.gov, sherry.burns@cia.gov, elizabet.bennington@cia.gov, steph anie.cline@cia.gov, shawn.clune@cia.gov, kwestbrook@cia.gov, clark.portia@cia.gov, erika.proctor@cia .gov, james.lantzy@cia.gov, robert.tishman@cia.gov, deborah.peabody@cia.gov, sharon.ma son@cia.gov, maryanne.evans@cia.gov, ron.bryan@cia.gov, sandra.lee-say@cia.gov, egonzalez@cia .gov, larry.kerr@cia.gov, ilka.rodriguez-diaz@cia.gov, deborah.barger@cia.gov, donald. kerr@cia.gov, jeri.benedict@cia.gov, lhartle@cia.gov, duca@cia.gov, jeffrey.wooden@cia.gov, k enneth.westbrook@cia.gov, enriquef.gonzalez@cia.gov, mba@cia.gov, pcasey@cia.gov , lane.hartle@cia.gov, rmoon@cia.gov, jcooney@cia.gov, rmoon@cia.gov,mwillia@cia.g ov, patricia.casey@cia.gov, randal.moon@cia.gov, jac.cooney@cia.gov, randal.moon@cia .gov, michelle.willia@cia.gov, 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov, 473925@cia.gov, 4ppr3n71c3@c ia.gov, a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov, ab.@cia.gov, abuse@cia.gov, abused@cia.gov, admin@c ia.gov, admin@cia.gov, ajones@cia.gov, alonseven@cia.gov, antitrust@cia.gov, bigbrother@ cia.gov, bin_lad@cia.gov, blackops11@cia.gov, bsherman@cia.gov, carl.bildt@cia.gov, cha@c ia.gov, cia.info@cia.gov, cia@cia.gov, contact@cia.gov, dan.vida3@cia.gov, david.webb@ci a.gov, dborahdupre@cia.gov, department@cia.gov, dgray@cia.gov, director@cia.gov, dumas@ cia.gov, dwebb@cia.gov, echelon@cia.gov, goss@cia.gov, info@cia.gov, info@cia.gov, jdeutc h@cia.gov, jerrym@cia.gov, jsmith.1@cia.gov, leon.panetta@cia.gov, linda@cia.gov, mail@cia. gov, manny@cia.gov, mclaughlin@cia.gov, morell.teikoku-ryu@cia.gov, office@cia.g ov, oscar@cia.gov, post@cia.gov, publicaffairs@cia.gov, sanna.ukkola@cia.gov, spyguy 26@cia.gov, stfu@cia.gov, windwin@cia.gov, zns12@cia.gov, 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov, ab.@cia .gov, abu.@cia.gov, abuse@cia.gov, abused@cia.gov, admin@cia.gov, alonseven@cia.gov, b igbrother@cia.gov, bin_lad@cia.gov, blackops11@cia.gov, cha@cia.gov, cia.info@ci a.gov, cia@cia.gov, cookiemonster@cia.gov, dan.vida3@cia.gov, david.webb@cia.gov, department@cia.gov, dgray@cia.gov, dwebb@cia.gov, ech@cia.gov, echelon@cia.gov, george.w@cia.gov, info@cia.gov, info_database@cia.gov, internships@cia.gov, jbri stow@cia.gov, lepanetta@cia.gov, linda@cia.gov, mail@cia.gov, office@cia.gov, oscar@cia.gov, p eaches@cia.gov, post@cia.gov, robert_crawford@cia.gov, sanna.ukkola@cia.gov, speaker@cia.gov, sp yguy26@cia.gov, tip@cia.gov, unnombrequenorecuerdo@cia.gov, werner@cia.gov, nathacsh@cia.gov, da n.vida3@cia.gov, morehead.kev@cia.gov, RonnieBAllen@cia.gov, darrelladunl41@cia. gov, 123@cia.gov, 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov, 473925@cia.gov, 4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov, a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov, ab.@cia.gov, abu.@cia.gov, abuse@cia.gov, abused@ci a.gov, admin@cia.gov, alonseven@cia.gov, assholeincharge@cia.gov, bigbrother@cia.gov, b in_lad@cia.gov, blackops11@cia.gov, cha@cia.gov, dan.vida3@cia.gov, david.webb@cia.gov,dborahdup re@cia.gov, department@cia.gov, dgray@cia.gov, director@cia.gov, dumas@cia.gov, dwebb@cia.go v, eballen@cia.gov, echelon@cia.gov, ehowardhunt@cia.gov, info@cia.gov, james_bond@ cia.gov, jdeutch@cia.gov, jerrym@cia.gov, jsmith.1@cia.gov, linda@cia.gov, mail@cia.gov, mib@cia.gov, morell.teikoku-ryu@cia.gov, office@cia.gov, oscar@cia.gov, post@cia.gov, publica ffairs@cia.gov, sam@cia.gov, sanna.ukkola@cia.gov, spyguy26@cia.gov, stfu@cia.gov, ufo@cia.gov, zns12@cia.gov, PatriciaLSchatz@cia.gov, 123@cia.gov, 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov, 473925@cia.gov, 4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov, a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov, ab.@cia.gov, abu.@cia.gov, abu se@cia.gov, abused@cia.gov, admin@cia.gov, alonseven@cia.gov, assholeincharge@cia.gov, bigbrother@cia.gov, bin_lad@cia.gov, blackops11@cia.gov, cha@cia.gov, dan.vida3@ cia.gov, david.webb@cia.gov, dborahdupre@cia.gov, department@cia.gov, dgray@cia.gov, dire ctor@cia.gov, dumas@cia.gov, dwebb@cia.gov, eballen@cia.gov, echelon@cia.gov, ehowardhunt@cia. gov, info@cia.gov, james_bond@cia.gov, jdeutch@cia.gov, jerrym@cia.gov, jsmith.1@cia. gov, linda@cia.gov, mail@cia.gov, mib@cia.gov, morell.teikoku-ryu@cia.gov, offic e@cia.gov, oscar@cia.gov, post@cia.gov, publicaffairs@cia.gov, sam@cia.gov, sanna.ukkola@cia.gov, spyguy26 @cia.gov, stfu@cia.gov, ufo@cia.gov, zns12@cia.gov, jamescg2@ucia.gov, lesterag@ ucia.gov, tracikg@ucia.gov, ronsp@ucia.gov, HOW TO MAKE SYMBOLS WITH KEYBOARD Alt + 0153..... ™... trademark symbol Alt + 0169 .... ©.... copyright symbol Alt + 0174..... ®....registered ¬ trademark symbol Alt + 0 176 ...°......degree symbol Alt + 0177 ... ....plus-or ¬-minus sign Alt + 0182 ...¶..... paragraph mark Alt + 0190 ...¾....fraction, three-fourths Alt + 0215 ....×.....multi ¬plication sign Alt + 0162...¢....the ¬ cent sign Alt + 0161.....¡..... ¬.upside down exc lamation point Alt + 0191.....¿..... ¬upside down question mark Alt + 1.......☺....sm¬il ey face Alt + 2 ......☻.....black smiley face Alt + 15.....☼.....sun Alt + 12......♀.. ...f¬emale sign Alt + 11.....♂......m ¬ale sign Alt + 6....... .....spade Alt + 5....... . ..... ¬Club Alt + 3....... ...... ¬Heart Alt + 4....... ...... ¬Diamond Alt + 13......♪..... e¬ighth note Alt + 14......♫...... ¬beamed eighth note Alt + 8721.... ∑.... N-ary summat ion (auto sum) Alt + 251.....√.....square root check mark Alt + 8236.....∞..... ¬infin ity Alt + 24.......↑..... ¬up arrow Alt + 25......↓...... ¬down arrow Alt + 26.....→.....r ight arrow Alt + 27......←.....left arrow Alt + 18.....↕......u p/down arrow Alt + 29 ......↔...left right arrow Name: Jason A Lucas Age: 37 Date of Birth: 04/10/1974 SSN: 595-84-8767 http://www.godlikeproductions.com/ Address: Po Box 344 Shalimar, FL 32579 Phone Numbers: 850-651-5535 850-609-1247 517-339-0475 850-424-5533 850-424-7019 850-474-9171 850-609-0933 850-830-8372 Po Box 344, Shalimar, FL 32579 06/2008 44 Berwick Cir Apt 2, Shalimar, FL 32579 16560 La Fleur Dr, East Lansing, MI 48823 16560 La Fleur Dr, Bath Twp, MI 48823 05/2003 931 Spring Creek Cir, Pensacola, FL 32514 Po Box 330, Shalimar, FL 32579 11/2000 2907 Shalimar Ln, Shalimar, FL 32579 11/2000 Po Box 4893, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32549 5325 Pinetree Ave # B, Panama City, FL 32408 23 Bayview Dr, Shalimar, FL 32579 11/1990 4 Old South Ct # 5GE, Bluffton, SC 29910 4266 Beachside Two Dr, Miramar Beach, FL 32550 69 Lakeshore Dr, Shalimar, FL 32579 62 Colony Park Dr, Miramar Beach, FL 32550 154 Bonaire Blvd, Miramar Beach, FL 32550 Po Box 743, Linville, NC 28646 11/2004 06/2004 03/2002 07/1998 07/1996 11/1990 http://doxbin.i2p.in/doxviewer.php?dox=Jason_A_Lucas_CIA_Agent Mirrored from exposed.su John O Brennan SSN: 146-42-3250 DOB: 09/22/1955 Phone Number's: (703) 435-8772, (703) 738-2877, (703) 435-7720,(703) 435-8772, (703) 742-3349 Address: 13251 Point Rider Ln Herndon, VA 20171 Previous Addresses: PO Box 597 Warrenton, VA 20188 6857 Lafayette Park Dr Annandale, VA 22003 http://doxbinumfxfyytnh.onion/media/ExposedSuSecretFiles.rar Bueno hola a todos somos HACKER HISPANOS RNWO esto es solo un primicio de lo que vamos a filtrar de agentes de la cia,todos y cada uno de los que estan aqui,ser an desvelado sus identidades y sus respectivos facebook y twitter en caso de ten er,bueno gente proximamente terminaremos de desvelar todo....@H4CK3RNWO v Falls Church VA Janice Broderick Human Resources Recruiter jbroderick@cia.gov janice.broderick@cia.gov Reston VA CynthiaR Bower Human Resources Chief of Human Resources cbower@cia.gov cynthiar.bower@cia.gov Oakton VA Henry Medina Human Resources Midwest Multi-Disciplinary Recruiter hmedina@ cia.gov henry.medina@cia.gov Washington DC Bonnie Seeley Human Resources Human Resources Officer bseeley@cia.gov bonnie.s eeley@cia.gov Ashburn VA Kathy Donovan Human Resources Recruiter kdonovan@cia.gov kathy.do novan@cia.gov Washington DC Heather Homan Human Resources Human Resource Officer hhoman@cia.gov heather. homan@cia.gov Washington DC Karen McCarty Human Resources Human Resources kmccarty@cia.gov karen.mc carty@cia.gov Washington DC Christine... Westbrook Human Resources Recruiter, Analytical Hiring Division cwestbrook@cia.gov christine....westbrook@cia.gov Washington DC Craig P Human Resources Recruiter cp@cia.gov craig.p@cia.gov Reston VA Peggy Tuten Human Resources Southeast Recruiter ptuten@cia.gov peggy.tu ten@cia.gov Washington DC Sharon Cordero Human Resources Recruiter scordero@cia.gov sharon.c ordero@cia.gov Washington DC Stephen Peyton Human Resources Mid-Atlantic Recruiter speyton@cia.gov stephen. peyton@cia.gov Washington DC Anita Hurt Human Resources Human Resource Consultant ahurt@cia.gov anita.hurt@cia.gov Washington DC Suzanne Passarelli Human Resources Human Resource Consultant spassare lli@cia.gov suzanne.passarelli@cia.gov Washington DC Christina Petrosian Human Resources Recruiting Manager cpetrosian@cia.g ov christina.petrosian@cia.gov Reston VA Doug Mc Human Resources Human Resources Manager dmc@cia.gov doug.mc@cia.govW ashington DC Bill Caufield Support Chief Support Officer bcaufield@cia.gov bill.cau field@cia.gov Washington DC Steven Walsky Support Community Training Branch swalsky@cia.gov steven.w alsky@cia.gov Washington DC Linda Nichols Support Training Specialist lnichols@cia.gov linda.ni chols@cia.gov Washington DC Ida Leong Support Customer Requirements Officer ileong@cia.gov ida.leon g@cia.gov Vienna VA Tom Strong Support Training Manager tstrong@cia.gov tom.strong@cia.g ov Shelby Township MI Stephanie Smith Support Director-Support ssmith@cia.gov stephanie.smith@ cia.gov Washington DC Suzan Park Support Chief of Staff Management Support Appli spark@cia.gov suzan.park@cia.gov Washington DC Mark Edelstein Support Director Training and Performance Development medelste in@cia.gov mark.edelstein@cia.gov New York NY Michael Lancaster Support Training Manager mlancaster@cia.gov michael.lancaster@cia.gov London Joseph Dizzel Support Customer Service Representative jdizzel@cia.gov joseph.d izzel@cia.gov Reston VA Robert Like Engineering & Research Senior Programmer rlike@cia.gov robert.like@cia.gov Washington DC Rosetta Sesley Engineering & Research Network Engineer rsesley@cia.govr osetta.sesley@cia.gov Herndon VA Jean Wastrack Engineering & Research Senior Systems Engineer jwastrack@cia.go v jean.wastrack@cia.gov Washington DC Jeffrey Wooden Engineering & Research Senior Analyst-Diplomatic and Mil Fac jwooden@cia.gov jeffrey.wooden@cia.gov Washington DC Thomas Smith Engineering & Research Senior Network Engineer tsmith@cia.gov thomas.smith@cia.gov Purcellville VA Alexander Andreeff Engineering & Research Network Engineer aandreef f@cia.gov alexander.andreeff@cia.gov Sumerduck VA Karen Sweeney Engineering & Research System Architect ksweeney@cia.gov karen.sweeney@cia.gov Reston VA Sue Wilkerson Engineering & Research System Engineer swilkerson@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov Chantilly VA Thomas Murphy Engineering & Research Information Assurance Architect tmurphy@ cia.gov thomas.murphy@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Henry Gabriel Engineering & Research System Architect hgabriel@cia.gov henry.gabriel@cia.gov Washington DC Kevin Daniels Engineering & Research Systems Engineer kdaniels@cia.gov kevin.daniels@cia.gov Vienna VA Joseph O'Bryan Engineering & Research Systems Integrator/Engineer jo'bryan @cia.gov joseph.o'bryan@cia.gov Centreville VA Afton McDougle Engineering & Research Computer Engineer amcdougle@cia.go v afton.mcdougle@cia.gov Washington DC Jennifer Link Engineering & Research Enterprise Systems Engineer jlink@ci a.gov jennifer.link@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Bernier Engineering & Research System Engineer bbernier@cia.gov barbara.bernier@cia.gov Washington DC Teresa Westfall Engineering & Research Enterprise Systems Engineer twestfal l@cia.gov teresa.westfall@cia.gov Washington DC Kenneth Royster Engineering & Research Computer Engineer kroyster@cia.gov kenneth.royster@cia.gov Richmond VA Dipesh Patel Engineering & Research Network Engineer dpatel@cia.gov dipesh.patel@cia.gov Herndon VA Ronald McDermott Engineering & Research Principal Engineer rmcdermo tt@cia.gov ronald.mcdermott@cia.gov Germantown MD Terrence Pickron Engineering & Research Storage Engineer tpickron @cia.gov terrence.pickron@cia.gov Alexandria VA Dan Olson Engineering & Research Storage Architect dolson@cia.gov dan.olson@cia.gov Washington DC Tony Dilisio Engineering & Research Lab Admin tdilisio@cia.gov tony.dilisio@cia.gov Washington DC Tanishia Griffin Engineering & Research Infosec Engineer tgriffin @cia.gov tanishia.griffin@cia.gov Woodbridge VA Carl Schwab Engineering & Research Scientist cschwab@cia.gov carl.sch wab@cia.gov Reston VA Alan Turner Engineering & Research Chief Scientist aturner@cia.gov alan.tur ner@cia.gov Richland WA Jim Reavis Engineering & Research Senior Engineer jreavis@cia.gov jim.reav is@cia.gov Edgewater MD Dennis Mirr Engineering & Research Engineer dmirr@cia.gov dennis.m irr@cia.gov Washington DC David Vaughan Engineering & Research Imagery Scientist Analytical Methodologi st dvaughan@cia.gov david.vaughan@cia.gov Washington DC Jim Lay Engineering & Research Engineer jlay@cia.gov jim.lay@cia.govC hantilly VA Paul Ruud Engineering & Research Storage Architect pruud@cia.gov paul.ruud@cia.gov Washington DC Timothy West Engineering & Research Enterprise Architect twest@cia.gov timothy.west@cia.gov Washington IN Andrea Crabb Engineering & Research Mechancial Engineer acrabb@cia.gov andrea.crabb@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Putman Engineering & Research Enterprise Architect rputman@cia.govr obert.putman@cia.gov Burke VA Tyler Mahy Engineering & Research Researcher tmahy@cia.gov tyler.ma hy@cia.gov Gaithersburg MD Mai Nguyen Engineering & Research Research Scientist mnguyen@cia.govm ai.nguyen@cia.gov Washington DC Kathy Rutter Engineering & Research Architect krutter@cia.gov kathy.ru tter@cia.gov Washington DC Peter Jobusch Engineering & Research Senior Scientist pjobusch@cia.gov peter.jobusch@cia.gov Washington DC Phillip Boyd Engineering & Research Senior InfoSec Engineer pboyd@cia.gov phillip.boyd@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Casper Engineering & Research Chief Architect rcasper@cia.gov robert.c asper@cia.gov Reston VA Lisa Belch Engineering & Research Senior Engineering lbelch@cia.gov lisa.belch@cia.gov Washington DC Albert Rabassa Engineering & Research Architecture Engineering arabassa @cia.gov albert.rabassa@cia.gov Washington DC Al Scheffter Engineering & Research Technical Services Engineer aschefft er@cia.gov al.scheffter@cia.gov Annandale VA Sam Lopez Operations Maintenance Manager slopez@cia.gov sam.lope z@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Joseph Cooper Operations Chief of Operations-Information Systems jcooper@ cia.gov joseph.cooper@cia.gov Manassas VA Scott Willey Operations Team Chief swilley@cia.gov scott.willey@cia .gov Fairfax VA Matthew Park Operations Information Technology Security Manager mpark@ci a.gov matthew.park@cia.gov Reston VA Michael Rodgers Operations Chief Information Security Officer mrodgers @cia.gov michael.rodgers@cia.gov Washington DC David Farnham Operations Chief Information Officer/Chief Technology Offic er/Chief Sec... dfarnham@cia.gov david.farnham@cia.gov Washington DC Mark Bellamah Operations Deputy Director for Operations mbellamah@cia.go v mark.bellamah@cia.gov Reston VA Maryrose McCaffrey Operations Director DCI Special Security Center mmccaffrey@cia.gov maryrose.mccaffrey@cia.gov Washington DC Charlene Leubecker Operations ESSG Chief of Operations cleubeck er@cia.gov charlene.leubecker@cia.gov Washington DC Patricia Brennan Operations Construction Security Officer pbrennan @cia.gov patricia.brennan@cia.gov Edgewater MD Stephanie Smith Operations Plant Manager ssmith@cia.gov stephanie.smith@ cia.gov Washington DC Jessica King Operations Director of Geospatial Operations jking@ci a.gov jessica.king@cia.gov Washington DC Stuart Hillman Operations Technical Security Advisor shillman@cia.gov stuart.hillman@cia.gov Washington DC James Colombo Operations Head of Security jcolombo@cia.gov james.colombo@cia.gov Washington DC Dave Farnham Operations Security Manager dfarnham@cia.gov dave.farnham@cia.gov Washington DC Tami Brennan Operations Operations Manager tbrennan@cia.gov tami.brennan@cia.gov Sterling VA Sherry Burns IT & IS Business Information Technology Manager sburns@cia.gov sherry.burns@cia.gov Reston VA David Rz IT & IS Information Technology drz@cia.gov david.rz@cia.gov Washington DC Jeff Henry IT & IS Chief Information Officer jhenry@cia.gov jeff.hen ry@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA Robert Tishman IT & IS Information Assurance Architectural Engi rtishman @cia.gov robert.tishman@cia.gov Millersville MD Dale Appell IT & IS Storage Project Manager dappell@cia.gov dale.appell@cia. gov Charles Town WV Michael Toth IT & IS Systems Integrator mtoth@cia.gov michael.toth@cia .gov Washington DC Bryan Leavitt IT & IS Developer bleavitt@cia.gov bryan.leavitt@ci a.gov Mc Lean VA Brian Sowers IT & IS Project Manager bsowers@cia.gov brian.sowers@cia.gov Washington DC Joe Waters IT & IS Computer Systems Analyst jwaters@cia.gov joe.wate rs@cia.gov Sterling VA Bob Sorensen IT & IS Computer Performance Analyst bsorensen@cia.gov bob.sorensen@cia.gov Reston VA Deborah Peabody IT & IS Information Systems Governance Lead dpeabody@cia.gov deborah.peabody@cia.gov Falls Church VA Ron Bryan IT & IS Chief Network Defense Division rbryan@cia.gov ron.brya n@cia.gov Washington DC Maude Bourne IT & IS Information Technology Manager mbourne@cia.gov maude.bo urne@cia.gov Reston VA Joseph Lambert IT & IS Director Information Management jlambert@cia.gov joseph.lambert@cia.gov Washington DC Martha Williams IT & IS Project Manager mwilliams@cia.gov martha.williams@ cia.gov Mc Lean VA Mike Caudill IT & IS Information Technology mcaudill@cia.gov mike.cau dill@cia.gov Washington DC Maryanne Evans IT & IS Director-Hiring and Employee Development mevans@c ia.gov maryanne.evans@cia.gov Reston VA ElizabethL Fugitt IT & IS Analyst efugitt@cia.gov elizabethl.fugitt@cia.go v Fredericksburg VA AnnaMarie Jones IT & IS Project Manager ajones@cia.gov annamarie.jones@cia.govL eesburg VA Bj Thomajd IT & IS Information Technology bthomajd@cia.gov bj.thoma jd@cia.gov Washington VA Lisa Chandler IT & IS Unix Systems Engineer lchandler@cia.gov lisa.cha ndler@cia.gov Laurel MD Sandra Lee-Say IT & IS AnalystGlobal Information and Influence slee-say@cia.gov sandra.lee-say@cia.gov Reston VA Margaret Smith IT & IS Application Developer msmith@cia.gov margaret.smith@c ia.gov Herndon VA Trent Wise IT & IS Developer twise@cia.gov trent.wise@cia.gov Washington DC Gregory Cermin IT & IS Programmer/Analyst gcermin@cia.gov gregory.cermin@c ia.gov Lititz PA David Roberts IT & IS Enterprise Data Architect droberts@cia.gov david.roberts@cia.gov Washington DC Randall Reardon IT & IS Project Manager rreardon@cia.gov randall.reardon@ cia.gov New Market MD Petra Lewis IT & IS Diversity Program Manager plewis@cia.gov petra.le wis@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Cassiano IT & IS Senior Web Developer bcassiano@cia.gov barbara.cassiano@cia.gov Washington DC Jill King IT & IS Systems Integrator jking@cia.gov jill.king@cia.go v Leesburg VA MarianWells Hemmer IT & IS Economic Analyst mhemmer@cia.gov marianwe lls.hemmer@cia.gov Washington DC Cheri Bradley IT & IS Program Analyst cbradley@cia.gov cheri.bradley@ci a.gov Washington DC LindaR Dixon IT & IS Program Analyst ldixon@cia.gov lindar.dixon@cia.gov Washington DC Dale Kelley IT & IS Senior Resource Analyst dkelley@cia.gov dale.kelley@cia. gov Washington DC Katherine Emrisek IT & IS Resource Analyst kemrisek@cia.gov katherine.emrisek@cia.gov Gaithersburg MD Amanda Frost IT & IS Computer Specialist afrost@cia.gov amanda.frost@cia .gov Washington DC Sherrill Nicely IT & IS Chief Information Officer snicely@cia.gov sherrill .nicely@cia.gov Reston VA Sharon Mason IT & IS Chief Wireless Technology Officer smason@cia.gov sharon.mason@cia.gov Washington DC Jo Townsend IT & IS Web Manager jtownsend@cia.gov jo.townsend@cia. gov London KarenL Borenstein IT & IS Project Manager kborenstein@cia.gov karenl.b orenstein@cia.gov Washington DC Coyne Terrance IT & IS Senior Analyst cterrance@cia.gov coyne.terrance@c ia.gov Washington DC Clark Portia IT & IS Information Technology Project Manager cportia@cia.govc lark.portia@cia.gov Washington IN Steve Swiatowy IT & IS Information Technology sswiatowy@cia.gov steve.sw iatowy@cia.gov Chantilly VA Elizabet... Bennington IT & IS Chief Employee Development Systems ebenning ton@cia.gov elizabet....bennington@cia.gov Washington DC Susan Lewin IT & IS Chief Logistics Systems slewin@cia.gov susan.lewin@cia. gov Washington DC Stephanie Cline IT & IS Director Science and Technology scline@cia.gov stephani e.cline@cia.gov Reston VA Carl Schwab IT & IS Analyst cschwab@cia.gov carl.schwab@cia.gov Reston VA Michelle Marcolla IT & IS Project Manager mmarcolla@cia.gov michelle .marcolla@cia.gov Washington DC Kenneth Westbrook IT & IS Chief Business and Information Strategy kwestbro ok@cia.gov kenneth.westbrook@cia.gov Reston VA Andy Varipapa IT & IS Information Manager avaripapa@cia.gov andy.var ipapa@cia.gov Washington DC Shawn Clune IT & IS Information Systems/Information Technology Consultant sclune@cia.gov shawn.clune@cia.gov Washington DC Craig Powell IT & IS Program Manager cpowell@cia.gov craig.powell@cia.gov Washington DC Erika Proctor IT & IS Manager Information Technology Application eproctor @cia.gov erika.proctor@cia.gov Washington DC Al Tarasiuk IT & IS Chief Information Officer atarasiuk@cia.gov al.tarasiuk@cia.gov Washington DC Alan Wade IT & IS Chief Information Officer awade@cia.gov alan.wad e@cia.gov Washington DC Anna Jones IT & IS Project Manager ajones@cia.gov anna.jones@cia.gov Washington DC Bob Flores IT & IS Chief Technology Officer bflores@cia.gov bob.flor es@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Gudyka IT & IS Chief Information Officer jgudyka@cia.gov joseph.g udyka@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA James Lantzy IT & IS Deputy Chief Technology Officer jlantzy@cia.gov james.la ntzy@cia.gov Sterling VA Joshua Levine IT & IS Chief Technology Officer jlevine@cia.gov joshua.l evine@cia.gov Washington DC SherrillL Nicely IT & IS Chief Information Officer snicely@cia.govs herrilll.nicely@cia.gov Washington DC Nancy Shaw IT & IS Deputy Chief Technology Officer nshaw@cia.gov nancy.sh aw@cia.gov Washington DC Jack Carlson Other Director Application Services jcarlson@cia.gov jack.carlson@cia.gov Reston VA Barry Berringer Other Senior Applications Manager bberringer@cia.gov barry.berringer@cia.gov Washington DC Tom McCluskey Other Director HIRING and EMPLOYEE DEVMT tmccluskey@cia.g ov tom.mccluskey@cia.gov Washington DC Greg Mazur Other COMMANDER COOL gmazur@cia.gov greg.mazur@cia.gov Washington DC Christophe... Lanphere Other Senior Projects Officer clanphere@cia.gov christophe....lanphere@cia.gov Springfield VA Allen Wallace Other Senior Contracting Officer awallace@cia.gov allen.wallace@cia.gov Washington DC Ilka Rodriguez-Diaz Other Deputy Director of the Mission Academy irodrigu ez-diaz@cia.gov ilka.rodriguez-diaz@cia.gov Washington DC PaulM Johnson Other Director-Intelligence Study Center pjohnson@cia.gov paulm.johnson@cia.gov Washington DC Demetria Goode Other Trainer dgoode@cia.gov demetria.goode@cia.gov Washingt on DC MiyongS Fujihara Other Advocacy Group mfujihara@cia.gov miyongs. fujihara@cia.gov Washington DC Peggy Monos Other Librarian pmonos@cia.gov peggy.monos@cia.gov Washington DC Tom Murphy Other Selection Officer tmurphy@cia.gov tom.murphy@cia.g ov Washington DC Sandra Blumberg Other Reference Officer sblumberg@cia.gov sandra.b lumberg@cia.gov Washington DC Margaret Tuten Other Senior Associate mtuten@cia.gov margaret.tuten@c ia.gov Washington DC Judith Hauver Other Senior Acquisitions Officer jhauver@cia.gov judith.h auver@cia.gov Washington DC Marianne Riley Other Senior Associate mriley@cia.gov marianne.riley@c ia.gov Washington DC Barbara Bresnan Other Senior Associate bbresnan@cia.gov barbara. bresnan@cia.gov Washington DC Audrey Stuart Other Senior Associate astuart@cia.gov audrey.stuart@ci a.gov Washington DC Jane Burgess Other Acquisitions Librarian jburgess@cia.gov jane.bur gess@cia.gov Washington DC Bryan Hamilton Other Acquisition Librarian bhamilton@cia.gov bryan.ha milton@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Sobek Other Acquisitions Officer lsobek@cia.gov larry.sobek@cia. gov Washington DC Andrea Hayden Other Dioti ahayden@cia.gov andrea.hayden@cia.gov Washingt on DC HaroldA Tate Other Chief of Recruitment htate@cia.gov harolda.tate@cia .gov Silver Spring MD Heather Akins Other Process Improvement Consultant hakins@cia.gov heather. akins@cia.gov Washington DC Daesha Hensler Other Process Improvement Consultant dhensler@cia.gov daesha.hensler@cia.gov Washington DC Patrice Carson Other Project Management Professional pcarson@cia.gov patrice. carson@cia.gov Washington DC Stephani... O'Sullivan Other Deputy Director so'sullivan@cia.gov stephani ....o'sullivan@cia.gov Reston VA Dolores Halloran Other Instructor dhalloran@cia.gov dolores. halloran@cia.gov Vienna VA Michael Stepp Other Chief Internet Intranet mstepp@cia.gov michael.stepp@ci a.gov Washington DC Joseph Flynn Other Chief/Records Preservation and Archives jflynn@cia.gov joseph.flynn@cia.gov Columbia MD Dolly Greenwood Other DCIO dgreenwood@cia.gov dolly.greenwood@cia.govM c Lean VA Vicki Hupp Other Manager Federal Government vhupp@cia.gov vicki.hu pp@cia.gov Herndon VA John Saunders Other US Federal Government jsaunders@cia.gov john.sau nders@cia.gov Chantilly VA James Sullivan Other In-Q-Tel Interface Center jsullivan@cia.gov james.sullivan@cia.gov Washington DC Justin Louis Other Geospatial Manager jlouis@cia.gov justin.louis@cia .gov Washington DC Carl... Stuekerjuergen Other Chief-ANALYTIC Methods Center cstuekerjuergen@ cia.gov carl....stuekerjuergen@cia.gov Washington DC Barry Fields Other Associate Director bfields@cia.gov barry.fields@cia .gov Washington DC James Downs Other Issm jdowns@cia.gov james.downs@cia.gov Washingt on DC CarlR Gussgard Other Infosec Liaison cgussgard@cia.gov carlr.gussgard@c ia.gov Washington DC Kathryn Kennedy Other Issm kkennedy@cia.gov kathryn.kennedy@cia.govW ashington DC Marie Vanderhoof Other CollegeRelationsChief mvanderhoof@cia.gov marie.vanderhoof@cia.gov Washington DC Thomas McCluskey Other Director-Hiring and Employee Devmt tmcclusk ey@cia.gov thomas.mccluskey@cia.gov Washington DC Gary Stopa Other Storage Specialist gstopa@cia.gov gary.stopa@cia.g ov Washington DC Joel Etherton Other Division Chief jetherton@cia.gov joel.etherton@ci a.gov Reston VA Deborah Barger Other Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence dbarger@cia.gov deborah.barger@cia.gov Washington DC Donald Kerr Other Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence dkerr@cia.gov donald.kerr@cia.gov Washington DC Stephen Kappes Other Deputy Director skappes@cia.gov stephen.kappes@cia.gov Washington DC Jeffrey Kuhn Other Production Supervisor jkuhn@cia.gov jeffrey.kuhn@cia .gov Washington DC Lynda Godal Other Publications Officer lgodal@cia.gov lynda.godal@cia. gov Washington DC Pat Marstall Other Consultant pmarstall@cia.gov pat.marstall@cia .gov Washington DC Joseph Keogh Other Director/SEAO jkeogh@cia.gov joseph.keogh@cia.gov Washington DC Kennith Whitson Other Director of Innovation/SEAO kwhitson@cia.gov kennith.whitson@cia.gov Washington DC Neil Harvey Other Head of International Trade nharvey@cia.gov neil.har vey@cia.gov Arlington VA Teryl West Other Other Non-Manager twest@cia.gov teryl.west@cia.g ov Washington DC DarrenVan Booven Other Senior Forensics Examiner dbooven@cia.govd arrenvan.booven@cia.gov Washington DC Andrea Brantley Other Principal Conslt/President Hamilton Ridg abrantle y@cia.gov andrea.brantley@cia.gov Stephens City VA Margaret Augustine Other Chief of Acquisition Strategy maugustine@cia.g ov margaret.augustine@cia.gov Fairfax VA Quintrell... Cahee Mba Other Director, Human Capital Management qcahee m ba@cia.gov quintrell....cahee mba@cia.gov Reston VA Tim Jessel Other Senior Executive tjessel@cia.gov tim.jessel@cia.g ov London Arthur Brophy Other Environmental Safety Officer abrophy@cia.gov arthur.b rophy@cia.gov Washington DC John Betar Other AIG/A jbetar@cia.gov john.betar@cia.gov Washingt on DC Debora Wasem Other Trainer dwasem@cia.gov debora.wasem@cia.gov Reston VA Tony Keller Other Technical Manager tkeller@cia.gov tony.keller@cia. gov Reston VA Donna Erdman Other Business Management Officer derdman@cia.gov donna.er dman@cia.gov Washington DC Liz Sampson Other Director/Management, Strategy and Resource lsampson @cia.gov liz.sampson@cia.gov Woodbridge VA Deanna Winterbottom Other ITRO dwinterbottom@cia.gov deanna.winterbot tom@cia.gov Washington DC Blane Ampthor Other Library Manager bampthor@cia.gov blane.ampthor@ci a.gov Washington DC Melissa Miller Other Safety Officer mmiller@cia.gov melissa.miller@cia.gov Washington DC Carmen Medina Other Associate Deputy Director for Intelligence cmedina@ cia.gov carmen.medina@cia.gov Washington DC Jana McBayne Other Chief Critical Mission jmcbayne@cia.gov jana.mcb ayne@cia.gov Waldorf MD Eduardo Morales Other C/Enterprise Application Architecture emorales@cia.gov eduardo.morales@cia.gov Washington DC April Austin Other User Services aaustin@cia.gov april.austin@cia.gov Columbia MD Aleksander Hansen Other Senior Risk Manager ahansen@cia.gov aleksand er.hansen@cia.gov Saint Louis MO Patrick Odle Other Manager Compliance podle@cia.gov patrick.odle@cia .gov Saint Louis MO Bob Moritsugu Other Special Agent bmoritsugu@cia.gov bob.moritsugu@ci a.gov Washington DC Paul Forster Other Senior Data STORAGE Architect pforster@cia.gov paul.forster@cia.gov Leesburg VA Patty Brandmaier Other Chief of the Recruitment Center pbrandmaier@cia. gov patty.brandmaier@cia.gov Washington DC Clay Adams Other Technician cadams@cia.gov clay.adams@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Kerry Zimmerman Other Mitre Consultant kzimmerman@cia.gov kerry.zi mmerman@cia.gov Reston VA LeonardEdward Tagg Other Analytical Hiring Division ltagg@cia.gov leonardedward.tagg@cia.gov Washington DC James Watson Other Applications Architect jwatson@cia.gov james.watson@cia .gov Washington DC Edward Fox Other Chief Architect efox@cia.gov edward.fox@cia.gov Washington DC Edward Hogan Other Branch Chief ehogan@cia.gov edward.hogan@cia.gov Washington DC James Hammond Other FPED Member jhammond@cia.gov james.hammond@ci a.gov Washington DC Lin Edelen Other Chief DS/ISC/Applications/ATS ledelen@cia.gov lin.edel en@cia.gov Washington DC David Bernholz Other Senior Technical Advisor dbernholz@cia.gov david.bernholz@cia.gov Reston VA EnriqueF Gonzalez Other Senior Advisor for IC Issues and Outreach egonzalez@cia.gov enriquef.gonzalez@cia.gov Washington DC Diane Oates Other Chief Technical Manager doates@cia.gov diane.oates@cia. gov Reston VA Grady Hayman Other Vendor Showcase Director ghayman@cia.gov grady.ha yman@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Gartin Other Director-Leadership and Diversity jgartin@cia.govj oseph.gartin@cia.gov Washington DC Gary Joyner Other Librarian gjoyner@cia.gov gary.joyner@cia.gov Reston VA David Timko Other Contract Specialist dtimko@cia.gov david.timko@cia. gov Washington DC Thomas Benjamin Other Director In-Q-Tel Interface Center tbenjamin@cia.go v thomas.benjamin@cia.gov Washington DC Debra Lang Other Directorate Intelligence dlang@cia.gov debra.la ng@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Gump Other Chief Human Capital Strategies rgump@cia.gov robert.g ump@cia.gov Washington DC Heidi Paxton Other Chief of Leadership hpaxton@cia.gov heidi.paxton@cia .gov Washington DC William Danvers Other Director, Congressional Affairs wdanvers@cia.gov william.danvers@cia.gov Washington DC Nora Dee Other Professional Shopper ndee@cia.gov nora.dee@cia.gov Washington DC Sue Wilkerson Other Chief/Plans and Programs Staff swilkerson@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov Chantilly VA Kevin Fitzpatrick Other EXPLOITATION Specialist kfitzpatrick@cia.gov kevin.fitzpatrick@cia.gov Washington DC David Lankford Other Major dlankford@cia.gov david.lankford@cia.gov Washington DC Hugh Wiggins Other Electronic Publisher hwiggins@cia.gov hugh.wig gins@cia.gov Washington DC David Schmidt Other Electronic Publisher dschmidt@cia.gov david.sc hmidt@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Carra Other Geographer rcarra@cia.gov robert.carra@cia.gov Washington DC Diane Oates Other Chief, Server Services Division doates@cia.gov diane.oa tes@cia.gov Washington DC Frank Gac Other Group Leader fgac@cia.gov frank.gac@cia.gov Washington DC Edward Fox Other Chief Enterprise Architect efox@cia.gov edward.f ox@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Kerr Other Senior Bio Advisor National Counterproliferation Centerl kerr@cia.gov larry.kerr@cia.gov Washington DC http://pastebin.com/yRw4nn6j dwebb@cia.gov plandy@cia.gov tthompson@cia.gov ebrambo@cia.gov tsmoot@cia.gov jbroderick@cia.gov kdonovan@cia.gov scordero@cia.gov lnichols@cia.gov tstrong@cia.gov stephanie.smith@cia.gov mlancaster@cia.gov slopez@cia.gov swilley@cia.gov ssmith@cia.gov dfarnham@cia.gov tbrennan@cia.gov gmazur@cia.gov clay.adams@cia.gov kzimmerman@cia.gov jwatson@cia.gov efox@cia.gov bampthor@cia.gov mmiller@cia.gov aaustin@cia.gov ledelen@cia.gov dolores.halloran@cia.gov dolly.greenwood@cia.gov gstopa@cia.gov jetherton@cia.gov skappes@cia.gov jkuhn@cia.gov lgodal@cia.gov pat.marstall@cia.gov demetria.goode@cia.gov mfujihara@cia.gov peggy.monos@cia.gov tmurphy@cia.gov sblumberg@cia.gov mtuten@cia.gov mriley@cia.gov bbresnan@cia.gov astuart@cia.gov jburgess@cia.gov bhamilton@cia.gov tjessel@cia.gov john.betar@cia.gov debora.wasem@cia.gov tkeller@cia.gov deanna.winterbottom@cia.gov podle@cia.gov bmoritsugu@cia.gov joseph.keogh@cia.gov twest@cia.gov gary.joyner@cia.gov dtimko@cia.gov dlang@cia.gov ndee@cia.gov kfitzpatrick@cia.gov david.lankford@cia.gov jlouis@cia.gov bfields@cia.gov james.downs@cia.gov cgussgard@cia.gov kathryn.kennedy@cia.gov marie.vanderhoof@cia.gov lsobek@cia.gov andrea.hayden@cia.gov so'sullivan@cia.gov ehogan@cia.gov robert.carra@cia.gov hwiggins@cia.gov dschmidt@cia.gov fgac@cia.gov jhammond@cia.gov david.webb@cia.gov pamela.landy@cia.gov terry.thompson@cia.gov elizabeth.brambo@cia.gov tamara.smoot@cia.gov jkilkenny@cia.gov bcoupland@cia.gov scasterline@cia.gov whorn@cia.gov tfine@cia.gov speyton@cia.gov janice.broderick@cia.gov kathy.donovan@cia.gov sharon.cordero@cia.gov kmccarty@cia.gov craig.p@cia.gov ptuten@cia.gov cpetrosian@cia.gov bcaufield@cia.gov swalsky@cia.gov linda.nichols@cia.gov ileong@cia.gov tom.strong@cia.gov michael.lancaster@cia.gov jdizzel@cia.gov cschwab@cia.gov dmirr@cia.gov jlay@cia.gov tmahy@cia.gov krutter@cia.gov sam.lopez@cia.gov scott.willey@cia.gov jcolombo@cia.gov pbrennan@cia.gov stephanie.smith@cia.gov shillman@cia.gov dave.farnham@cia.gov tami.brennan@cia.gov cschwab@cia.gov bleavitt@cia.gov efugitt@cia.gov twise@cia.gov gcermin@cia.gov jcarlson@cia.gov bberringer@cia.gov awallace@cia.gov greg.mazur@cia.gov clanphere@cia.gov kerry.zimmerman@cia.gov ltagg@cia.gov james.watson@cia.gov edward.fox@cia.gov blane.ampthor@cia.gov melissa.miller@cia.gov jmcbayne@cia.gov emorales@cia.gov april.austin@cia.gov lin.edelen@cia.gov dbernholz@cia.gov mstepp@cia.gov vhupp@cia.gov jsaunders@cia.gov efox@cia.gov ghayman@cia.gov jgartin@cia.gov gary.stopa@cia.gov joel.etherton@cia.gov stephen.kappes@cia.gov jeffrey.kuhn@cia.gov lynda.godal@cia.gov pjohnson@cia.gov miyongs.fujihara@cia.gov tom.murphy@cia.gov sandra.blumberg@cia.gov margaret.tuten@cia.gov jhauver@cia.gov marianne.riley@cia.gov barbara.bresnan@cia.gov audrey.stuart@cia.gov jane.burgess@cia.gov bryan.hamilton@cia.gov tim.jessel@cia.gov abrophy@cia.gov tony.keller@cia.gov derdman@cia.gov ahansen@cia.gov patrick.odle@cia.gov bob.moritsugu@cia.gov kwhitson@cia.gov teryl.west@cia.gov dbooven@cia.gov doates@cia.gov david.timko@cia.gov debra.lang@cia.gov hpaxton@cia.gov wdanvers@cia.gov nora.dee@cia.gov kevin.fitzpatrick@cia.gov jsullivan@cia.gov justin.louis@cia.gov cstuekerjuergen@cia.gov barry.fields@cia.gov carlr.gussgard@cia.gov larry.sobek@cia.gov htate@cia.gov hakins@cia.gov dhensler@cia.gov pcarson@cia.gov stephani....o'sullivan@cia.gov edward.hogan@cia.gov hugh.wiggins@cia.gov david.schmidt@cia.gov frank.gac@cia.gov james.hammond@cia.gov smarsh@cia.gov jeff.kilkenny@cia.gov gnoakes@cia.gov bambi.coupland@cia.gov lbrisky@cia.gov mcq@cia.gov mmurphy@cia.gov dsnead@cia.gov candrus@cia.gov wwilson@cia.gov jmast@cia.gov seasterwood@cia.gov mhale@cia.gov awilliams@cia.gov arose@cia.gov mhayes@cia.gov gkirk-patrick@cia.gov mgreene@cia.gov cpeles@cia.gov jrizzo@cia.gov jweakland@cia.gov bpayne@cia.gov kstepka@cia.gov sean.casterline@cia.gov kkillmeyer@cia.gov klynch@cia.gov lhalverson@cia.gov fgee@cia.gov wanda.horn@cia.gov gfessenden@cia.gov hmccormick@cia.gov aleak@cia.gov eholmes@cia.gov todd.fine@cia.gov stephen.peyton@cia.gov hmedina@cia.gov bseeley@cia.gov hhoman@cia.gov ahurt@cia.gov karen.mccarty@cia.gov spassarelli@cia.gov peggy.tuten@cia.gov dmc@cia.gov christina.petrosian@cia.gov bill.caufield@cia.gov steven.walsky@cia.gov ida.leong@cia.gov joseph.dizzel@cia.gov rlike@cia.gov rsesley@cia.gov jo'bryan@cia.gov amcdougle@cia.gov kdaniels@cia.gov aandreeff@cia.gov ksweeney@cia.gov swilkerson@cia.gov hgabriel@cia.gov bbernier@cia.gov dpatel@cia.gov kroyster@cia.gov rmcdermott@cia.gov tpickron@cia.gov dolson@cia.gov tdilisio@cia.gov tgriffin@cia.gov carl.schwab@cia.gov aturner@cia.gov jreavis@cia.gov dennis.mirr@cia.gov jim.lay@cia.gov pruud@cia.gov twest@cia.gov acrabb@cia.gov rputman@cia.gov lbelch@cia.gov rcasper@cia.gov tyler.mahy@cia.gov mnguyen@cia.gov kathy.rutter@cia.gov pjobusch@cia.gov arabassa@cia.gov jcooper@cia.gov mpark@cia.gov mrodgers@cia.gov mbellamah@cia.gov james.colombo@cia.gov cleubecker@cia.gov patricia.brennan@cia.gov jking@cia.gov stuart.hillman@cia.gov drz@cia.gov rreardon@cia.gov jking@cia.gov mhemmer@cia.gov cbradley@cia.gov ldixon@cia.gov kemrisek@cia.gov cpowell@cia.gov carl.schwab@cia.gov mmarcolla@cia.gov avaripapa@cia.gov cterrance@cia.gov sswiatowy@cia.gov afrost@cia.gov ajones@cia.gov Architectural mtoth@cia.gov bryan.leavitt@cia.gov bsowers@cia.gov kborenstein@cia.gov jtownsend@cia.gov mwilliams@cia.gov mcaudill@cia.gov elizabethl.fugitt@cia.gov ajones@cia.gov bthomajd@cia.gov msmith@cia.gov trent.wise@cia.gov gregory.cermin@cia.gov jack.carlson@cia.gov barry.berringer@cia.gov allen.wallace@cia.gov christophe....lanphere@cia.gov pforster@cia.gov leonardedward.tagg@cia.gov jana.mcbayne@cia.gov eduardo.morales@cia.gov david.bernholz@cia.gov michael.stepp@cia.gov jflynn@cia.gov vicki.hupp@cia.gov john.saunders@cia.gov edward.fox@cia.gov grady.hayman@cia.gov joseph.gartin@cia.gov tmccluskey@cia.gov paulm.johnson@cia.gov judith.hauver@cia.gov abrantley@cia.gov maugustine@cia.gov arthur.brophy@cia.gov donna.erdman@cia.gov lsampson@cia.gov aleksander.hansen@cia.gov kennith.whitson@cia.gov nharvey@cia.gov darrenvan.booven@cia.gov diane.oates@cia.gov tbenjamin@cia.gov rgump@cia.gov heidi.paxton@cia.gov william.danvers@cia.gov swilkerson@cia.gov james.sullivan@cia.gov carl....stuekerjuergen@cia.gov harolda.tate@cia.gov heather.akins@cia.gov daesha.hensler@cia.gov patrice.carson@cia.gov doates@cia.gov simon.marsh@cia.gov pgraver@cia.gov gary.noakes@cia.gov plewis@cia.gov jcooper@cia.gov wworkman@cia.gov dgrove@cia.gov larry.brisky@cia.gov michelle.cq@cia.gov michelle.murphy@cia.gov donna.snead@cia.gov calvin.andrus@cia.gov wesley.wilson@cia.gov james.mast@cia.gov lswiatowy@cia.gov scott.easterwood@cia.gov molly.hale@cia.gov andre.williams@cia.gov alesia.rose@cia.gov bmccormack@cia.gov mitzie.hayes@cia.gov glen.kirk-patrick@cia.gov mary.greene@cia.gov christine.peles@cia.gov john.rizzo@cia.gov james.weakland@cia.gov barbara.payne@cia.gov karen.stepka@cia.gov mcorrado@cia.gov karen.killmeyer@cia.gov jhess@cia.gov kevin.lynch@cia.gov lauren.halverson@cia.gov fannier.gee@cia.gov genevieve.fessenden@cia.gov hays.mccormick@cia.gov mmau@cia.gov alvin.leak@cia.gov edward.holmes@cia.gov rwood@cia.gov smorgan@cia.gov cbower@cia.gov henry.medina@cia.gov bonnie.seeley@cia.gov heather.homan@cia.gov anita.hurt@cia.gov cwestbrook@cia.gov suzanne.passarelli@cia.gov doug.mc@cia.gov medelstein@cia.gov robert.like@cia.gov rosetta.sesley@cia.gov joseph.o'bryan@cia.gov afton.mcdougle@cia.gov kevin.daniels@cia.gov jlink@cia.gov jwastrack@cia.gov tsmith@cia.gov alexander.andreeff@cia.gov karen.sweeney@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov tmurphy@cia.gov henry.gabriel@cia.gov barbara.bernier@cia.gov twestfall@cia.gov dipesh.patel@cia.gov kenneth.royster@cia.gov ronald.mcdermott@cia.gov pboyd@cia.gov terrence.pickron@cia.gov dan.olson@cia.gov tony.dilisio@cia.gov tanishia.griffin@cia.gov alan.turner@cia.gov jim.reavis@cia.gov paul.ruud@cia.gov timothy.west@cia.gov andrea.crabb@cia.gov robert.putman@cia.gov lisa.belch@cia.gov robert.casper@cia.gov mai.nguyen@cia.gov peter.jobusch@cia.gov albert.rabassa@cia.gov ascheffter@cia.gov joseph.cooper@cia.gov matthew.park@cia.gov michael.rodgers@cia.gov mark.bellamah@cia.gov mmccaffrey@cia.gov charlene.leubecker@cia.gov jessica.king@cia.gov david.rz@cia.gov jhenry@cia.gov randall.reardon@cia.gov plewis@cia.gov bcassiano@cia.gov jill.king@cia.gov marianwells.hemmer@cia.gov cheri.bradley@cia.gov lindar.dixon@cia.gov dkelley@cia.gov katherine.emrisek@cia.gov slewin@cia.gov craig.powell@cia.gov michelle.marcolla@cia.gov andy.varipapa@cia.gov coyne.terrance@cia.gov steve.swiatowy@cia.gov snicely@cia.gov amanda.frost@cia.gov atarasiuk@cia.gov awade@cia.gov anna.jones@cia.gov bflores@cia.gov jgudyka@cia.gov jlevine@cia.gov snicely@cia.gov dappell@cia.gov michael.toth@cia.gov brian.sowers@cia.gov jwaters@cia.gov bsorensen@cia.gov karenl.borenstein@cia.gov jo.townsend@cia.gov mbourne@cia.gov jlambert@cia.gov martha.williams@cia.gov mike.caudill@cia.gov annamarie.jones@cia.gov bj.thomajd@cia.gov lchandler@cia.gov margaret.smith@cia.gov droberts@cia.gov tmccluskey@cia.gov paul.forster@cia.gov pbrandmaier@cia.gov cmedina@cia.gov joseph.flynn@cia.gov thomas.mccluskey@cia.gov andrea.brantley@cia.gov margaret.augustine@cia.gov liz.sampson@cia.gov neil.harvey@cia.gov thomas.benjamin@cia.gov robert.gump@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov diane.oates@cia.gov paul.graver@cia.gov rhayes@cia.gov petra.lewis@cia.gov joseph.cooper@cia.gov warner.workman@cia.gov dale.grove@cia.gov linda.swiatowy@cia.gov brain.mccormack@cia.gov rtolar@cia.gov jkoch@cia.gov mary.corrado@cia.gov jean.hess@cia.gov aromine@cia.gov duca@cia.gov michael.mau@cia.gov robert.wood@cia.gov sheila.morgan@cia.gov cynthiar.bower@cia.gov christine....westbrook@cia.gov spark@cia.gov mark.edelstein@cia.gov jennifer.link@cia.gov jean.wastrack@cia.gov thomas.smith@cia.gov thomas.murphy@cia.gov teresa.westfall@cia.gov phillip.boyd@cia.gov dvaughan@cia.gov al.scheffter@cia.gov dfarnham@cia.gov maryrose.mccaffrey@cia.gov nshaw@cia.gov jeff.henry@cia.gov sburns@cia.gov petra.lewis@cia.gov barbara.cassiano@cia.gov dale.kelley@cia.gov ebennington@cia.gov susan.lewin@cia.gov scline@cia.gov sclune@cia.gov cportia@cia.gov sherrill.nicely@cia.gov eproctor@cia.gov al.tarasiuk@cia.gov alan.wade@cia.gov bob.flores@cia.gov joseph.gudyka@cia.gov jlantzy@cia.gov joshua.levine@cia.gov sherrilll.nicely@cia.gov rtishman@cia.gov dale.appell@cia.gov joe.waters@cia.gov bob.sorensen@cia.gov dpeabody@cia.gov smason@cia.gov maude.bourne@cia.gov mevans@cia.gov rbryan@cia.gov joseph.lambert@cia.gov lisa.chandler@cia.gov slee-say@cia.gov david.roberts@cia.gov tom.mccluskey@cia.gov patty.brandmaier@cia.gov carmen.medina@cia.gov lkerr@cia.gov irodriguez-diaz@cia.gov dbarger@cia.gov dkerr@cia.gov ricky.hayes@cia.gov jbenedict@cia.gov richard.tolar@cia.gov jean.koch@cia.gov anna.romine@cia.gov suzan.park@cia.gov jwooden@cia.gov david.vaughan@cia.gov david.farnham@cia.gov nancy.shaw@cia.gov sherry.burns@cia.gov elizabet....bennington@cia.gov stephanie.cline@cia.gov shawn.clune@cia.gov kwestbrook@cia.gov clark.portia@cia.gov erika.proctor@cia.gov james.lantzy@cia.gov robert.tishman@cia.gov deborah.peabody@cia.gov sharon.mason@cia.gov maryanne.evans@cia.gov ron.bryan@cia.gov sandra.lee-say@cia.gov egonzalez@cia.gov larry.kerr@cia.gov ilka.rodriguez-diaz@cia.gov deborah.barger@cia.gov donald.kerr@cia.gov jeri.benedict@cia.gov lhartle@cia.gov duca@cia.gov jeffrey.wooden@cia.gov kenneth.westbrook@cia.gov enriquef.gonzalez@cia.gov mba@cia.gov pcasey@cia.gov lane.hartle@cia.gov rmoon@cia.gov jcooney@cia.gov rmoon@cia.gov mwillia@cia.gov patricia.casey@cia.gov randal.moon@cia.gov jac.cooney@cia.gov randal.moon@cia.gov michelle.willia@cia.gov 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov 473925@cia.gov 4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov ab...@cia.gov abuse@cia.gov abused@cia.gov admin@cia.gov admin@cia_gov ajones@cia.gov alonseven@cia.gov antitrust@cia.gov bigbrother@cia.gov bin_lad@cia.gov blackops11@cia.gov bsherman@cia.gov carl.bildt@cia.gov cha@cia.gov cia.info@cia.gov cia@cia.gov contact@cia.gov dan.vida3@cia.gov david.webb@cia.gov dborahdupre@cia.gov department@cia.gov dgray@cia.gov director@cia.gov dumas@cia.gov dwebb@cia.gov echelon@cia.gov goss@cia.gov info@cia-gov info@cia.gov jdeutch@cia.gov jerrym@cia.gov jsmith.1@cia.gov leon.panetta@cia.gov linda@cia.gov mail@cia.gov manny@cia.gov mclaughlin@cia.gov morell...teikoku-ryu@cia.gov office@cia.gov oscar@cia.gov post@cia.gov publicaffairs@cia.gov sanna.ukkola@cia.gov spyguy26@cia.gov stfu@cia.gov windwin@cia.gov zns12@cia.gov 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov ab...@cia.gov abu...@cia.gov abuse@cia.gov abused@cia.gov admin@cia.gov alonseven@cia.gov bigbrother@cia.gov bin_lad@cia.gov blackops11@cia.gov cha@cia.gov cia.info@cia.gov cia@cia.gov cookiemonster@cia.gov dan.vida3@cia.gov david.webb@cia.gov department@cia.gov dgray@cia.gov dwebb@cia.gov ech@cia.gov echelon@cia.gov george.w@cia.gov info@cia-gov info_database@cia.gov internships@cia.gov jbristow@cia.gov lepanetta@cia.gov linda@cia.gov mail@cia.gov office@cia.gov oscar@cia.gov peaches@cia.gov post@cia.gov robert_crawford@cia.gov sanna.ukkola@cia.gov speaker@cia.gov spyguy26@cia.gov tip@cia-gov unnombrequenorecuerdo@cia.gov werner@cia.gov nathacsh@cia.gov dan.vida3@cia.gov morehead.kev@cia.gov RonnieBAllen@cia.gov darrelladunl41@cia.gov URL: https://www.cia.gov/ Email: 123@cia.gov 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov 473925@cia.gov 4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov ab...@cia.gov abu...@cia.gov abuse@cia.gov abused@cia.gov admin@cia.gov alonseven@cia.gov assholeincharge@cia.gov bigbrother@cia.gov bin_lad@cia.gov blackops11@cia.gov cha@cia.gov dan.vida3@cia.gov david.webb@cia.gov dborahdupre@cia.gov department@cia.gov dgray@cia.gov director@cia.gov dumas@cia.gov dwebb@cia.gov eballen@cia.gov echelon@cia.gov ehowardhunt@cia.gov info@cia.gov james_bond@cia.gov jdeutch@cia.gov jerrym@cia.gov jsmith.1@cia.gov linda@cia.gov mail@cia.gov mib@cia.gov morell...teikoku-ryu@cia.gov office@cia.gov oscar@cia.gov post@cia.gov publicaffairs@cia.gov sam@cia.gov sanna.ukkola@cia.gov spyguy26@cia.gov stfu@cia.gov ufo@cia-gov zns12@cia.gov PatriciaLSchatz@cia.gov Email: 123@cia.gov 43db07c4.e0a613e4@cia.gov 473925@cia.gov 4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov a2cdd.8dd3f08ed5f32@cia.gov ab...@cia.gov abu...@cia.gov abuse@cia.gov abused@cia.gov admin@cia.gov alonseven@cia.gov assholeincharge@cia.gov bigbrother@cia.gov bin_lad@cia.gov blackops11@cia.gov cha@cia.gov dan.vida3@cia.gov david.webb@cia.gov dborahdupre@cia.gov department@cia.gov dgray@cia.gov director@cia.gov dumas@cia.gov dwebb@cia.gov eballen@cia.gov echelon@cia.gov ehowardhunt@cia.gov info@cia-gov james_bond@cia.gov jdeutch@cia.gov jerrym@cia.gov jsmith.1@cia.gov linda@cia.gov mail@cia.gov mib@cia.gov morell...teikoku-ryu@cia.gov office@cia.gov oscar@cia.gov post@cia.gov publicaffairs@cia.gov sam@cia.gov sanna.ukkola@cia.gov spyguy26@cia.gov stfu@cia.gov ufo@cia-gov zns12@cia.gov Here are some Leaked Accounts of some CIA Field Agents(stationed at Virginia), D ocuments, and website infos of - https://cia.gov To CIA - Where is your security gals ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------website - https://www.cia.gov/ Location - Virginia - Reston WebSite Last Updated - Mon, 09 Apr 2012 16:53:44 GMT (At time of exploitation) --------------------------------------DETAILS------------------------------------[ localityName=Mclean stateOrProvinceName=Virginia countryName=US serialNumber=Government Entity businessCategory=Government Entity ] Website SSL serial Number - 1B6E90CFD3E033B37EA656F068ECB80F(Registered to Jason Robert, cia-intercom chief) using SSL v3.0[non updated] Server IP - (apache) Lookup for A records of cia.gov Host - cia.gov. TTl - 14400 A answer- Site Etag : 890e-4bd41d95b3600 Admin Login Handle - ucia-gw.customer.alter.net ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[[[[[[[[[ Hacked Accounts ]]]]]]]]]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Nathan C. Shea Address - Lockwood Rd Henrico, VA Zip - 20190 B'Day - September 5, 1976 (35 years old) Visa - 4916 5207 0220 XXXX UPS tracking number -1Z 8Y3 327 95 5468 353 9 Email ID: nathacsh@cia.gov Password - Nee1zu3Ai91d4 2. Daniel Vida Address - Pretty Lake Ave Norfolk, VA B'Day - January 10, 1974 (38 years old) Visa - 4716 5639 4375 XXXX CVV2 - 027 UPS tracking number - 1Z 199 062 00 5717 481 2 Email ID: dan.vida3@cia.gov Password - tiXue2vooL4fdwq 3. Kevin Morehead Address - Ox Rd Woodstock, VA Zip - 20194 B'Day - October 27, 1975 (36 years old) Visa - 5207 9306 2697 XXXX CVC2 - 370 UPS tracking number - 1Z 831 725 07 7755 563 5 EMail ID : morehead.kev@cia.gov Password - MeijaaG8eimm6 4. Ronnie B. Allen Address - Richmond VA Zip - 20191 B'Day - April 5, 1973 (39 years old) MasterCard - 5208 6923 4319 XXXx CVC2 - 947 UPS tracking number - 1Z 581 796 27 1185 535 6 Email ID - RonnieBAllen@cia.gov Password - eiqu7kae1Rt 5. Darrell A. Dunleavy Address - Montpelier Ct Woodbridge, VA Zip - 20194 B'Day - November 20, 1973 (38 years old) MasterCard - 5480 7450 0976 XXXX CVC2 - 820 UPS tracking number - 1Z 054 879 87 9434 053 8 Email ID : darrelladunl41@cia.gov Password - Uth2a675hheG ........ SOme more details will be leaked soon, CIA Beware! -CyberZeist (Against Online Censorship) ============================================================================== ===================================== ::::::::::::::::::::::HACKED BY GRENXPARTA:::::::::::::: ::::: Hacked BY Anonymous GrenXparta Hey Admin ! This website's security is too low. Please upgrade your security now ! __^__ __^__ ( ___ ) -----------------------------------------------------------( ___ ) | / | GrenXparta Was here Come Back© | | | / | | | | / | Email: grenalio.kristian@hotmail.com Twitter: @gren_siahaan | | | / | | | | / | http://web-grenalio.net23.net | | | / |--------------------------------------------------------------| | | / | Hacking is not be a crime | | |___| Regard's GrenXparta |___| (_____)------------------------------------------------------------(___) [https://cia.gov leaked by GrenXPaRTa] To CIA - Where is your security ############################################################ ############## # L E A K B Y G R E N X P A R T A # ############################################################ ############## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------website - https://www.cia.gov/ (i didn't deface CIA just like the FBI.) Location - Virginia - Reston WebSite Last Updated - 11 Apr 2013 16:53:44 GMT (At time of exploitation) --------------------------------------DETAILS------------------------------------[ localityName=Mclean stateOrProvinceName=Virginia countryName=US serialNumber=Government Entity businessCategory=Government Entity ] Website SSL serial Number - 1B6E90CFD3E033B37EA656F068ECB80F(Registered to Jason Robert, cia-intercom chief) using SSL v3.0[non updated] Server IP - (apache) Lookup for A records of cia.gov Host - cia.gov. TTl - 14400 A answer- Site Etag : 890e-4bd41d95b3600 Admin Login Handle - ucia-gw.customer.alter.net ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[[[[[[[[[ Hacked Accounts ]]]]]]]]]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Nathan C. Shea Address - Lockwood Rd Henrico, VA Zip - 20190 B'Day - September 5, 1976 (35 years old) Visa - 4916 5207 0220 XXXX UPS tracking number -1Z 8Y3 327 95 5468 353 9 Email ID: nathacsh@cia.gov Password - Nee1zu3Ai91d4 2. Daniel Vida Address - Pretty Lake Ave Norfolk, VA B'Day - January 10, 1974 (38 years old) Visa - 4716 5639 4375 XXXX CVV2 - 027 UPS tracking number - 1Z 199 062 00 5717 481 2 Email ID: dan.vida3@cia.gov Password - tiXue2vooL4fdwq 3. Kevin Morehead Address - Ox Rd Woodstock, VA Zip - 20194 B'Day - October 27, 1975 (36 years old) Visa - 5207 9306 2697 XXXX CVC2 - 370 UPS tracking number - 1Z 831 725 07 7755 563 5 EMail ID : morehead.kev@cia.gov Password - MeijaaG8eimm6 4. Ronnie B. Allen Address - Richmond VA Zip - 20191 B'Day - April 5, 1973 (39 years old) MasterCard - 5208 6923 4319 XXXx CVC2 - 947 UPS tracking number - 1Z 581 796 27 1185 535 6 Email ID - RonnieBAllen@cia.gov Password - eiqu7kae1Rt 5. Darrell A. Dunleavy Address - Montpelier Ct Woodbridge, VA Zip - 20194 B'Day - November 20, 1973 (38 years old) MasterCard - 5480 7450 0976 XXXX CVC2 - 820 UPS tracking number - 1Z 054 879 87 9434 053 8 Email ID : darrelladunl41@cia.gov Password - Uth2a675hheG Source: Roger Landry WTPNetwork™(312-94876) Updated List (3/17/12) These groups, pages and websites will be added to the terrorists watch list pending investigation. Justin Stout* (312-94877) Lynn Nichols*(312-94878) Jeff Phelps *(312-94879) Bonnie Ross*(312-94880) John Jackson*(312-94881) Jerry Lewis * (312-94882) (*) Above subjects to be resolved pending investigation. List of Partner Forums A Free and Voluntary Society Owner: Justin Stout A Truly Free Market Owner: Justin Stout Abolish the Department of Education Owner: Justin Stout Abolish the Dept. of Homeland Security! Owner: Justin Stout Abolish the FDA Owner: Justin Stout Abolish the IRS Owner: Justin Stout Abolish the IRS DHS TSA ATF DEA FDA SSA DOE FBI ED NSA CIA DOD EPA FCC CDC Owner: Justin Stout Abolish the TSA Owner: Justin Stout Abolishing the Federal Reserve Owner: Justin Stout "Action Group to Uphold the Constitution" Owner: Steven Danielson American LiberTEA Owner: Bill Walker Anarchism Owner: Justin Stout Anarcho-Capitalism Owner: Justin Stout Article V Convention Advocacy Forums Owner: John De Herrera Article V Convention | We The People are being denied our constitutional ri ght Owner: John De Herrera Australians for Ron Paul Owner: Brett Carle Bay Area Citizens against Chemtrails Being Libertarian Owner: Justin Stout Boycott Flying Owner: Get the GeTSApo out of your pants Boycott Lame Stream Media Owner: Jerry Davis Boycott Msnbc,FOX, CNBC and Affiliated supporters Owner: Jerry Davis Can't Stop Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Unkle Skunky Care2NN (News Network) Owner: Robert Marsh Civil Disobedience and Non-Cooperation Owner: Justin Stout Columbia Missouri for Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Jacob Fred Kerner Combat Veterans For Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Antonio Buehler and Nick Allison Committees of Safety of the Several StatesOwner: Roger Landry Consciousness TV Owner: Edward Consciousness Levite Conspiracy Examiner Owner: Jeff Phelps Constitutional Convention Two Owner : Landon Lehrman Daddy Justice Owner: Anne Marie Whaley Deadheads for Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Robyn Lansford Debate the 2012 Republican Candidates Owner: Jennifer Hyatt Deficit Reduction Project Guy Kuzbyte, Journalist Democrats and Republicans are Destroying America Owner: Justin Stout De-Occupy your TV & Main Stream Media Owner: Patrick Legendaryhero Educating America Freedom Not Fear Owner: Bonnie Ross Educators of Liberty! Owner: Rand Cottrell Either We Have A Constitution or We Don't Owner: Rand Cottrell Election Calendar Owner: Justin Stout End the Fed Owner: Justin Stout End the War on Drugs Owner: Justin Stout Everyone & Anyone -> for a dictatorship/theocracy free World... Owner:Roger Landry Facebook gave me 15 days probation for making political posts Nicly Nelson Founders Revolution Owner: Johnny Law FREE Antonio Buehler Owner: Antonio Buehler and Leo Buehler Free-Thinking Society Owner: Justin Stout Friends Of the Article V Convention Owner: Bill Walker Friends Networking & Supporting Ron Paul for President 2012 Owner: Bridie G allagly-Gleeson Gardening Spirits Owner: Jason Wettstin Global Mass ResignationsOwner:Roger Landry Global Strike Owner: Lynn Nichols & Keith Liberty Gorilla Gardening Owner:Roger Landry Graphic artists for Ron Paul Owner: Dwayne Lambert Grass-Fed Revolution Owner: Justin Stout Growing Organic, Eating Organic Owner: Justin Stout Gun Owners Owner: Tyler Weaver Hey We're Filming Here Owner: Mike Skuthan Homeschooling / Unschooling Owner: Justin Stout Homesteading / Survivalism Owner: Justin Stout I'm Voting For Ron Paul and I've Got News For You - He CAN Win Owner: Tom B arton International Supporters for Ron Paul 2012 Appu Mathew Ignorance is the Enemy of Freedom Owner:Roger Landry Info Warriors United (website) Owner: John Jackson Info Warriors United (FB group) Owner: John Jackson Jury Nullification Owner: Justin Stout Kudzu League Owner: James G. Cook Life, Liberty and Lies Owner: Jerry Davis Listen, Think, Question & Be Owner:Roger Landry Live free or Expat! Owner: Ray Fernandez Living off the Land Owner: Justin Stout Modern Bulgarian Revolution Owner: Brett Backman Модерната българска революция. The Modern Bulgarian Revolution Owner: Brett Backman Money Message Owner:Roger Landry Murray Rothbard Owner: Justin Stout National Youth For Ron Paul Owner: John Jackson Natural Living and Parenting Owner: Justin Stout New Creation Unlimited Professional Hosting and Development Owners: Peter T uzzolino and Carol Hannonmail NewsWithViews.com Owner:Roger Landry New World Opposition Owner: Brett Backman New World Order Information Center Owner: Brett Backman NO to Mitt Romney Owner: Justin Stout NO to Newt Gingrich Owner: Justin Stout NO to Rick Santorum Owner: Justin Stout Nobody for President Owner: Justin Stout !North Americans Against A North American Union! Owner: Lynn Nichols and Be n OftheRocks Morgan NOTEGA – STOP ELDER ABUSE AND GUARDIANSHIP ABUSE Owner: Latifa S. Ring Occupy Economics Owner: Brian McNamara Occupy Educate Owner: Giles Domkam Occupy Kelown Owner: Roger Landry Occupy: One World, One Movement Owner:Steven Danielson Occupy the Federal Reserve Owner: Justin Stout One Big A$$ Mistake America Owner: Rand Cottrell, Roger Landry OPERATION WAKE UP! Owner: Rand Cottrell Orion Talk Radio Owner: Roger Landry, Orion Paulistics SLC Owner: Jacob Alexander Jones People Empowerment Group Owner: Roger Landry PRESIDENT RON PAUL TAKES THE OATH OF OFFICE Owner: Roger Landry Press For Truth Owner: Dan Dicks Press For Truth TV Owner: Dan Dicks Radio Free Canada Owner: Darin Howard (Box 20013 Kelowna BC V1Y 9H2 Darins Desk@hotmail.com) Reoccupy Corruption Owner: NeoPop Realism Journalism Repeal the Patriot Act Owner: Justin Stout Republicans for Ron Paul Owner: Eamon James Cahall Richmond Liberty Movement Owner: Raub Brandon Rick "google" Santorum would make the worst President Owner: Jefferson King Davis Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Justin Stout Ron Paul 2012 - So you want your Country Back. Then join the revolution! Ow ners: James Smith & Sr Admin Ted Jotte Ron Paul because he scares the shit out of ASSHOLES Owner: Bill Walker Ron Paul for President 2012 - Restore America Now Owner: Ramon K. Madden Ron Paul 2012 - Summit County Owner: Craig Thompson Ron Paul Revolution Owner: Roger Landry, Justin Stout Ron Paul Rocks! A group for rabid, die-hard Ron Paul fans! John Ronpaul Jon es Ron Paul Strategic Think Tank Owner:Mary Incerto Tomlin, John Nibarger Ron Paul vs. Barack Obama in 2012 Owner: Justin Stout Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke Owner: Justin Stout Scotia Bank Complaints Owner: Roger Landry Serious Action To Get Ron Paul Elected In 2012 Owner: Ted Jotte Socialism is Garbage Owner: Geoffrey Miller Sound Money Owners: Justin Stout, Adam Keller Speak Your Mind Owner:Roger Landry Standinfreedom's Blog website Owner: Roger Landry Stop IRS Tax Lien Levy & Beat Home Foreclosure | ToolsforJustice (FB group) Owner: David, Ron, Randy Southeast Liberty Project Owner: Raub Brandon Stop IRS Tax Lien Levy & Beat Home Foreclosure | ToolsforJustice (website) Owner: David, Ron, Randy Stopping Government-Run Healthcare Owner: Roger Landry Taxation is Theft Owner: Justin Stout Telling Ben Bernanke he's full of crap Owner: Roger Landry The Anti-Obama Nation Owner:Roger Landry The Daily Paul Owner: Zak Cruise Carter The Libertarian Atheist Owner: Justin Stout The Modern American Revolution (FB group) Owner: Brett Backman The Modern American Revolution (website) Owner: Brett Backman The Modern Canadian Revolution Owner: Brett Backman The Modern UK Revolution Owner: Brett Backman The New World Order Information Center Owner: Brett Backman The No Party Owner: Roger Landry The Petey T and Robby Radio Show THE RED PILL Owner: Joshua Johnson The Truth About Vaccines Owner: Justin Stout The Truths Owner: Peter Behan THE UPRISING! Owner: Debbie Lewis The Watchers Society Owner: Roger Landry Tools for Justice (website) Owner: David,Ron,Randy Tools for Justice (FB group) Owner: David,Ron,Randy Truth Media Owner: Jeff Phelps Truth the main stream media misses. Owner: Steven Danielsen TSA = Thefts, Sexual assaults, and Arrests Owner: Lynn Nichols Urgent Message....It's all hitting the fans!!! Owner: Justin Stout Voluntaryism Owner: Justin Stout Vote For The Man, Ron Paul! Reguardless... Owner Joe Bright Vote Obama Out of Office 2012 Owner: Justin Stout Wake the Fuck Up People Owner: Ottis Oatmeal Stout Person WAKE UP! Owner: Peter Behran WatchtheVote2012 Owner: Nancy Jacques and Tammy Cech We are the people of the United States of America Owner: Richard Chase Halb rook WE THE PEOPLE Owner: Roger Landry "We The People" Have Our Own Terrorists List! Owner: Nena Espinosa We The People Network™ Owner: Roger Landry WE THE PEOPLE TAR Owner: Roger Landry,Edward Consciousness Levite World Truth TV Owner: Roger Landry WTPN™ (WE THE PEOPLE NETWORK™) Owner: Roger Landry WTPN™ Community Owner: Roger Landry Z Great Debate Owner: Joe Zajac 1,000,000 Against ChemTrails Owner: Chem Trail 24/7 TRUTH TALK NEWS Host: Howard Nema This File is HUGE. Contains Details of Suspetced Terrorists & their links, personal Information & M ORE! This File is HUGE. Contains Details of Suspetced Terrorists & their links, personal Information & M ORE! @ThisIsGameOver REGISTER NAME terrorist AN INDEPENDENT pure, amnesty (Decrease Penalty), PB (Conditional Release), CMB ( Holidays By Independent) & DEATH Lapas I FIELD: 1. Syarifudin Bin Sulaiman, Ds. Minjei mature, 12-12-1974, 30 th, Laki2, Islam, Sales jobs Smoking Ds. Minjei mature Districts. Aron Syamtalira potentials. Nort h Aceh, Country Ranto, KEC. Land, Land and sailors. North Aceh, Jl. D.I. Ardath cigarette kiosk Panjaitan Fields, criminal '6 Yr 7 Billion, date and No. Verdict Date 09-12-2004 No. 1768 / Pid.B / 2004 / PN MDN, Expirasi 13-02-2010, 01-07-20 06 Amnesty. Bomb involvement emery fields. 2. Anwaruddin Anwar als als als Atman. Sidin, Lhok Seutuy, November 1984, 20 th, Laki2, Islam, PT Employee job. Hakcheri July FORUM East, artisan muddy, July FO RUM Timu Country Districts. Jeumpa Kab. North Aceh, Jl. Bull Edge Gulama Mushall a Aceh Sepakat Districts. Medan Medan Belawan, '6 criminal Yr 7 Billion, date an d No. Verdict Date 09-12-2004 No.1767/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi 16-02-2010, Am nesty '01-08-2006. Bomb involvement emery fields. 3. Abdul Samad als. Dosama als. Mamad als. Mad als Amad, Teupinjok Aceh, 24 th, L, Islam, Sales, Ds. Teupinjok Districts. Land Area Kab. North Aceh. Jl. Acacia Raya. Helvetia 14 fields (Warung Mie Aceh Kagura), criminal 6 Yr, date and No. V erdict Date 13-12-2004 No.1774/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi 17-07-2009, Amnesty ' 01-08-2006. Bomb involvement emery fields. 4. Tengku Usman als Man, Ds. Sago North Aceh, 31 th, L, Islam, Imam Mosque Deal Guru Ngaji Belawan, Jl. Bull Edge Gulama Belawan, criminal 6 Yr, date and No. Ve rdict Date 13-12-2004 No.1773/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi '20-07-2009, Amnesty ' 01-08-2006. Bomb involvement emery Field 5. Fauzi bin Kasim als Adi, East Aceh Binjai City, 23 th, L, Islam, Fishers, Jl. Perum hostel complex. Earth Asri, Block-A No. Helvetia 21 fields, 3 Yr criminal , date and No. Verdict Date 24-03-2005 No.2654/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi '16-0 8-2006, Amnesty 20-04-2006. Involvement of Law. 15/2003 Terrorism. 6. Ismael Ridwan als. Iwan Alopecia, Cape Awe, North Aceh, 43 th, L, Islam, Fish ers, Jl. No barracudas. 31 Edge Banting Districts. Medan, Medan Kodya Belawan, D s. KEC Mulieng junction. Aron Syamtalira Kab, North Aceh, criminal 6 Yr 7 Billio n, date and No. Verdict Date 09-12-2004 No. 1772/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi '16 -02-2010, Amnesty '18-08-2006. Involvement of Law. 15/2003 Terrorism. 7. Rani Idris Apekrih als, Ds. Aceh East Nangrau Pidie, 59 th, L, Islam, Fishers , Paloh Swimming Ex. Belawan Happy, criminal 5 Yr 4 Billion, date and No. Verdic t Date 09-12-2004 No.1769/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi '14-11-2008, Amnesty '18-0 8-2006, the involvement of Law. 15/2003 Terrorism. 8. Basri John als Basri, Medan, 07-04-1971, 33 th, Laki2, Islam, Entrepreneurs, Jl. No Sustenance Gang bridge board. 39 Ex. Sei Sikambing D Districts. PETISAH M edan Medan, criminal 3 Yr, date and No. Date 28-03-2005 No.2878/Pid.B/2004/PN ve rdict MDN, Expirasi '12-10-2006, Amnesty '20-04-2006, the involvement of Law. 15 /2003 Terrorism. 9. Saifullah als. Lerek als. Ipul, Banda Aceh, 30 th, L, Islam, Fishermen, Food, Belawan Lr. Happy Belawan Kulam hammer field, criminal 6 Yr 7 Billion, date and No. Verdict Date 09-12-2004 No.1770/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi '15-02-2010, Am nesty '01-08-2006, the involvement of Law. 15/2003 Terrorism. 10. Marzuki Safrizal als.Udin als. Saiful, Country Senembuk Punteet, Idi Rayeuk, East Aceh, 05-05-1975, 29 th, L, Islam, Jl. Rawe within Tangkahan Districts VII . Field labuhan criminal 5 Yr 6 Billion, date and No. Date 15-02-2005 No verdict . 2882/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi '28-08-2009, Amnesty '01-08-2006, the involve ment of Law. 15/2003 Terrorism. 11. Mortar Friznal als. Revelation, Sabang, 17-06-1979, 26 th, L, Islam, Entrepr eneurs, Jl. Exemplar / Pioneer Square I, Jl. Lk parrot. V Rt 01/Rw 01, Ex. New G ambier City range, 6 Yr criminal, date and No. Date 14-02-2005 No verdict. 2287/ Pid.B/2005/PN MDN, Expirasi '09-04-2010, Amnesty 08/1/2006 12. Muhammad Nur als. Azhar als. Raju als. King Bodrin, Idi East Aceh, 05-05-197 7, 27 th, L, Islam, Jl. Medio Santoso No. 103-C Field, Idi Rural Districts. Peud awa Kab. East Aceh, criminal Yr 8, date and No. Date 14-02-2005 No verdict. 2288 /Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi '07-04-2012, Amnesty 8/1/2006, involvement Law. 15/ 2003 of terrorism. 13. Hamdani als. Dani, Brandan Base, 12-01-1982, Lk I Melati, New Complex, Ex. E ast blade, KEC. SEI LEPAN Kab. Langkat, criminal 3 Yr 6 Billion, date and No. Da te 23-03-2005 No verdict. 2656/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Amnesty '20-04-2006, the invol vement of Law. 15/2003 Terrorism. 14. Sincere, criminal 4 Yr, date and No. Date of decision. No. 14-02-2005. 2286/ Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, expirasi '04-03-2008, Amnesty '01-08-2006, the involvement of Law. 15/2003 Terrorism. 15. Mustafa Harahap als Hendra, BI.200/05 Islam Indonesia, Belawan, 29-01-1973 ( 35 th), Jl. Works Lr 25 Gg. No amber. 22 Ex. General Sei, KEC. Kodya wavy coral fields, criminal 13 Yr, date and No. tgl verdict. No. 13-12-2004. K/Pid/2004/MAR I 1952, Expirasi '10 -04 - 2014, and PB. 13-10-2009. 16. Purwadi al Pur al Soni al Lamsir, BI. 359/05 Islam Indonesia, Klaten, 17-02- 1970 (38 th), Komp.Prim Kopad Perne Shower Block A # 23 stone, 13 Yr criminal, d ate and No. Date 27-12-2004 No.1943K/Pid/2004/MA.RI verdict, Expirasi '23-12-201 4 and PB 12-06-2010. IIA Lapas Binjai 1. Husen Cahrial Dugan als. Samsol als. Son, criminal 4 Yr 7 Billion, date and N o. Date 14-02-2005 No verdict. 2283 / Pid.B / 2004 / PN MDN, Expirasi 06-05-2008 , 01-08-2006 Amnesty, involvement Law. 15/2003 Terrorism. Lapas IIA CHILD FIELD: 1. Joseph Hami als. Usuf, Binjai City, East Aceh, 26 Yr, Jl. Dormitory Complex P erum Earth Asri Block A No. Helvetia 21 fields, 3 Yr criminal, date and No. No v erdict tgl 24-03-2005. 2654/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Amnesty 20-04-2006, involvement L aw. 15/2003 Terrorism. Lapas WOMEN FIELD: 1. Naradiah daughter Kasim, Kota Binjai Kab. East Aceh, 31 yrs, Earth Asri Housi ng Block A No. 21 Fields, criminal 2 Yr, date and No. Date of decision. No. 24-0 3-2005. 265 / Pid.B / 2004 / PN MDN, Expirasi 14-10-2005, Free SDH, Bomb involve ment Pertamina. 2. Happy daughter Langsa Kasim, 22 th Earth Asri Housing Block A No. 21 Fields, criminal 2 Yr, date and No. Date 21-03-2005 No verdict. 265/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, E xpirasi 15-10-2005, Free SDH, Pertamina's involvement Bomb Rutan I FIELD: 1. Masroel als. Nasroel als. Dad Moustache, Ds. Aceh leisure Yr 1966, 40 yrs, 12 Yr criminal, date and No. Date 12-10-2004 No verdict. K/PID/2004/MARI 1588, Exp irasi 01-05-2015, 18-08-2006 Amnesty, the involvement of Terrorism. 2. Ridwan bin Muhammad Thaib als. Iwan, Ds. Manasseh FORUM Pedawa Rayeu East Ace h, 21 December 1936, 28 yrs, 3 Yr criminal, date and No. Date 12-05-2005 No verd ict. 036/Pid.B/TAH/PP/05/MA, Expirasi 06-04-2007, 18-08-2006 Amnesty, the involv ement of Terrorism. 3. T. Abid Johan als. Als tampons. Pak Tuha, Ds. Mateng, Geulumpang Two (Aceh Je umpa), 16 April 1935, Jl. Kuswari Gg. No Muslim. 10 Sei Sikambing B Fields, crim inal 6 Yr, date and No. Date 08-04-2004 No verdict. 66/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Amnest y 20-04-2006. 4. Abdullah Sulaiman als. Dolay, Ulim Aceh Pidie, 1964 yr, 39 yr, 6 Yr criminal, date and No. Date 12-10-2004 No verdict. K/PID/2004/MARI 1452, Expirasi 03-05-2 009, 01-08-2006 Amnesty, the involvement of Terrorism. 5. Musliadi als. Als Mus. Sis Gam bin Muhammad, Nur Pedawa Rayeuk East Aceh, 10 July 1981, 23 th, L, Islam, Member of Intel, Jl. Between Lk. Four Trieng Junctio n City, KEC. Witnesses City, Jalan Paya Bakong, Jl. Paya Bakong No. 1-A Salt Lan cang village, Campus Pemkot Lhoksemawe UNIMA North Aceh, criminal Yr 8, date and No. No verdict tgl 13-10-2004. K/PID/2004/MARI 1505, Expirasi 03-04-2011, 18-08 -2006 Amnesty, the involvement of Terrorism. 6. Ilyas Abdurahman als. Lian father als. Lias, 4 Yr criminal, date and No. Date 14-02-2005 No verdict. 2284/Pid.B/2005/PN MDN, Expirasi 03-04-2008, 18-08-2006 Amnesty, the involvement of Terrorism. 7. Anwar Adam als. Iwan Long, Nisam North Aceh, 1 February 1971, 32 yrs, 6 Yr cr iminal, date and No. No verdict tgl 12-10-2004. K/PID/2004/MARI 1586, Expirasi 0 1-05-2009, 01-08-2006 Amnesty, the involvement of Terrorism. 8. Muhammad Nur als. Azhar als. Raju als. King, Bodrin, criminal Yr 8, date and No. No verdict tgl 14-02-2005. 2288/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi 07-04-2012, 01-0 8-2006 Amnesty, involvement Law. 15 Yr 2003/Terorisme. 9. Abdi Manaf als. Tengku Peusangan, MA als. Abu Hendon als. Abu Wahab, 14 Yr cr iminal, date and No. No verdict tgl 08-11-2004. K/2004/MARI 1771, Expirasi 30-04 -2017, 01-08-2006 Amnesty, involvement Law. 15 Yr 2003 / Terrorism. 10. Musliadi als. Tahir Mahmud als. Mus, criminal Yr 8, date and No. No verdict tgl 13-10-2004. K/2004/MARI 1585, Expirasi 03-04-2011, 01-08-2006 Amnesty, invol vement Law. 1 Yr 2002/Terorisme. 11. T. Azhar Said als. Adehar, criminal Yr 9, date and No. No verdict tgl 21-122004. K/2004/MARI 1767, Expirasi 09-04-2012, 01-08-2006 Amnesty, the involvement of Terrorism. 12. Subki als. Marzuki als. Kiki, Lhok Seutuy, 27 th, L, Islam, Fishers, Munye M aturity Country Districts. Aron Syamtalira potentials. North Aceh Gampong Lhok S eutuy, KEC. Baktiya Kab. North Aceh, Jl. M. Jacob No. 19 Fields, criminal Yr 8, date and No. No verdict tgl 09-12-2004. K/2004/MARI 1771, Expirasi 20-01-2012, 0 1-08-2006 Amnesty, emery Field Bomb involvement. 13. Deni Albar Nur als. Samsol als. Son, 4 Yr criminal, date and No. No verdict tgl 14-02-2005. 2285/Pid.B/2004/PN MDN, Expirasi 06-04-2008, 01-08-2006 Amnesty, involvement Law. 15 Yr 2003/Terorisme. Lapas II A Pekanbaru 1. Basuki als. Iqbal bin Ngatma, handsome, 14-09-1969, 32 th, L, Islam, Orchard Head Country Districts Xylophone. Gundo East Java, criminal Yr 9, date and No. N o verdict tgl 06-06-2002. 37/Pid.B/2002/PN BKN, Expirasi 03-03-2008, 04-12-2006 PB, Christmas Eve Bomb Bangkinang involvement. 2. Sudigdoyo Sudiq als als. Dual bin Muryoto, Blitar, 07-07-1961, 42 th, L, Isla m, Hamlet Kelampok DS. Jimut Districts. Nglegok potentials. Blitar East Java, Jl . Rokan Jaya New Dawn Long tip, New Town, criminal 6 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 29-07-2004. 140/Pid.B/2004/PN PBR, Date 23-09-2004No. 91/Pid/2004/PT Riau, Expirasi 07-08-2008, PB '12-10-2007, the involvement of Christmas Eve bomb New T own. Lapas I CIPINANG 1. Abdillah Sukarso Abdurrahman Als Als Rohman, 01-11-1980, 29 Years, L, Islam, Ds. Bumiarjo Block C Unit 7 Districts. Lampung Kab. OKI, South Sumatra, criminal 4 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 21-04-2009. 2247 / Pid.B / 2008 / PN.JS, Expi rasi 06-01-2011, teacher involvement in Madrasa Islamiya Al Furqon Baitus Sufa L ampung. Help to perform criminal acts, terrorism, possession of firearms, gave a terror. Lapas Jambi 1. Als Busriadi dedi Edi bin Burhanudin, Perum Bougenvilie # 20 Ex. About the Gr eat, KEC. New City of Jambi, criminal 2 Years 8 Months, date and No. tgl verdict . 26-05-2009, Date. 26-05-2009 No.65/Pid/2009/PT.JAMBI, RU 09 = 1 Billion RK 09 = 15 Hr, Expirasi 20-05-2011, 17-01-2011 PB. Lapas II B KUALA TUNGKAL 1. Wayan Supane al. Wayan bin Kasan, criminal 2 Th 6 Billion, date and No. No ve rdict tgl 17-01-2008. 787 K/Pid.sus/2007, detained since 27-01-2007, Expirasi 4/ 25/2008, were free, involvement in Kuala TUNGKAL molotov bombs. Lapas Palembang 1. Ani Sugandi al. Huzair Abdullah bin Sudarjo, BI.42/10, 41, Bumiarjo Rural Blo ck C Ex. Bumiarjo Districts. Clay sailors. Disabled South Sumatra, criminal 5-ye ar, date and No. tgl verdict. No. 08-04-2009. 2244 / Pid.B / 2008 / PN.Jaksel, A rrested Date. 07-07-2008, RU 10 = 2 BL, RK 10 = 1 BL 3 bl, Free PB, TPP Conferen ce tgl. 24-05-2011. Lapas II A Bengkulu 1. Sardona Siliwangi bin Azwar, Bengkulu, 28-09-1980, Jl. Grapefruit KM 6.5 RT 0 1 / No. 43, Bengkulu, criminal Yr 8, date and No. No verdict tgl 31-08-2004. K/P ID/2004 1288 MARI, Expirasi 10-02-2010, 30-3-2007 PB, JW Marriot Bomb involvemen t. Lapas CIPINANG 1. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir Abdus Somad als als. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir bin Abud Ba'asyir, handsome, 17-08-1938, 66 th, L, Islam, Religion Teacher, Ngruki Rt. 004/017, Ru ral Cemani, KEC. Grogol, Sukoharjo, Solo, Central Java, criminal 2 Yr 6 Billion, date and No. No verdict tgl 03-08-2005. 117 K/Pid/2005/MARI, Expirasi 14-06-200 6, independent SDH, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 2. Ismail als. Edi, Surabaya, 28-03-1978, L, Islam, Entrepreneurs, Jl. Lor Kedin ding Tanjung Gang # 14, Ex. Kali Land Districts. Kenjeran Surabaya, East Java, c riminal 3 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 03-05-2005. Flywheels 77/Pid.B/2005/PN SLT, Expirasi 04-11-2006, PB: 28-08-06, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 3. Slamet Widodo als. Als diagonal. Urwah als. Mamat bin Sumarto General, Jakart a, 11-11-1966 / 35 th, L, Islam, Commerce, Jl. Cikini Raya no. 82 Rt. 014/05 Ex Cikini Menteng, Central Jakarta, criminalist 3 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 1 5-06-2004. Flywheels 267/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, RU 05 = 2 Billion, RD 05 = 3 Billion , Expirasi 06-03-2006, CMB: 07-10-05, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 4. Lutfi FADHILLAH als. Zubair als. Roy, Jakarta, 35 yr, L, Islam, Commerce, Rur al Sukamaju Rt. 04 Rw. 02 Village Council Mukti, KEC. Sukmajaya Depok, West Java , criminal 3 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 15-06-2004. Flywheels 204/Pid.B/200 4/PN SLT, Expirasi 23-08-2006, CMB: 30-09-05, involvement Terrorism / Support. 5. Adhi Suryana als. Qital als. Abu Mahi, Forest, 01-11-1962 / 41 th, L, Islam, School of Chemical Engineering Students SMT VIII, UGM, Teacher Les Privat, Jl. N o schoolboy. 32 Asem Rowo, Surabaya, East Java, criminal 4 Yr, date and No. No v erdict tgl 10-11-2004. Flywheels 1046/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 05-04-2007, CM B: 04-10-06, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 6. Ir. Sutikno als. Zani als. Zein, Sragen, 05-09-1963 / 40 th, L, Islam, Entrep reneurs, Jl. Acacia Super Block H. No. 19. 17, Rt. 003/014, Perum Tridaya Park B eautiful chubby Bekasi, West Java, criminal 3 Yr, date and No. Flywheels No.1729 /Pid.B/2003/PN verdict SLT tgl 27-05-2004, 11-04-2006 Expirasi, CMB 18-08-05, th e involvement of explosives. 7. Son Hadi bin Muhadjir, Bangil, 32 th, L, Islam, preachers / Private, Jl. II/3 0 Simolawang Surabaya, Jl. Gondang Legi 08 Beji Pasuruan, East Java, criminal 4 Yr, date and No. Flywheels No.150/Pid.B/2005/PN verdict SLT tgl 17-05-2005, Expi rasi 1/23/2007, PB: 27-12-06, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 8. Syamsul Bahri bin Husein als. Farhan, Kedah, Malaysia, 20-09-1966 / 37 th, L, Islam, Private Employee, Jl. Kemandoran, Pekayon Jaya, South Bekasi, Jl. No Sal ut Public. 10 River, Oyster, Upper Tipu Johar Malaysia, criminal 3 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 15-07-2004. Flywheels 320/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 16-01-2 006, sdh independent, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 9. Utomo als. Abu Faruq, XII, 45 th, L, Islam, Commerce, Jl. No Pitara exclamati on. 34 Ds. Pancoran, Kodya Depok, criminal 3 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 2107-2004. Flywheels 424/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 19-09-2006, PB: 30-08-2005, J W Marriot Bomb involvement. 10. Malikul Zurkoni bin Abu Masrik, Lumajang, 35 th, L, Islam, Labor, Jl. No Pit ara Setu. 34A Ex. Pancoran Mas Kodya Depok Depok, criminal 3 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 23-06-2004. Flywheels 244/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 20-08-2006, P B: 30-08-2005, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 11. Sanuri Farich Mustofa als. Ari als. Arman als. Mushoffa, Klaten, 21-01-1968 / 36 th, L, Islam, Commerce, Jl. Buton Island Gg. Consensus II, Ex. Jayabaya Dis tricts. SukabumiBandar Lampung, criminal 3 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 23-06 -2004. Flywheels 357/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 09-04-2006, CMB: 03-11-05, Terr orism involvement. 12. Solihin als. Rofi, Jakarta, 14-05-1961 / 42 th, L, Islam, Entrepreneurs, Jl. Western Bean hut No. 27 Rt. 02/04, Ex. Western Bean hut, KEC. Hut, Aren, Tanger ang, criminal 3 Yr 6 Billion, date and No. No verdict tgl 21-06-2004. Flywheels 206/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 17-08-2006, sdh free, Terrorism involvement. 13. Thoriquddin als. Abu Rusydan als. Hamzah, Holy, 16-08-1960 / 43 th, L, Islam , Entrepreneurs, Prambanan Kidul Rt. 07/02 Holy Kaliwungu, criminal 3 Yr 6 Billi on, date and No. No verdict tgl 25-02-2004. Flywheels 1395/Pid.B/2003/PN SLT, Ex pirasi 27-10-2006, 03-11-05 CMB, the involvement of Terrorism. 14. Praise Rahmad Prabowo als. Jonah als. Bejo, Solo, 29 th, L, Islam, Entrepren eurs, Jl. Mutihan Rt. 01/12 Ex. Sondakan Laweyan Kab. Surakarta, criminal 3 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 21-04-2005. Flywheels 2152/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expira si 10-10-2006, 15-09-2006 CMB, the involvement of the Bali Bombings. 15. Syahrul bin Junaedi als. Drs. S. Aryadi, Binjai, 28-04-1966, 36 th, L, Islam , Tabloid Journalists, Jl. Maharta V block 18 Rt. 016 Rw. COMP 010. Maharta pd. East Kabang Tangerang, 15 Yr criminal, date and No. No verdict tgl 06-05-2003. F lywheels 1756/Pid.B/2002/PN Tim, Date 29-07-2003 No. 119/Pid/2003/PT DKI, Amnest y 18-08-2006, involvement Bomb Atrium. 16. Suramto als. Muh. Faiz als. Ahmad als. Ziad als. Deni son Resowiyono, Sukoha rjo, 02-12-1979, 26 th, L, Islam, Guru Ngaji, Cuwono Rt. 06/Rw. 03, the Village of Karangasem, KEC. Wool and sailors. Sukoharjo, Surakarta, Central Java, crimin al 3 Yr, date and No. No verdict tgl 26-04-2005. Flywheels 79/Pid.B/2005/PN SLT, Expirasi 24-10-2006, sdh independent, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 17. Usman bin SEF als. Fahim als. Abu Umar als. Abu Mohammed als Sobron, Surabay a, 39 th, L, Islam ¸ preachers, merchants, Jl. KEC brown. MAGETAN, East Java, crimi nal 3 Yr, date and No. Date 21-04-2005 No verdict. Flywheels 418/Pid.B/2005/PN S LT, Expirasi 11-10-2006, CMB: 15-09-06, Bali Bombings involvement. 18. Akhmad Sofyan als. Tamim, Palembang, 15-08-1969 / 34 th, L, Islam, Piping De signer PT. Engineering Engineering, Jl. Pecan Jaya Rt. 07/Rw. 1 No. 42, Ex. Beji , Depok, West Java, Cipecang Gria Beautiful Complex Block E-5 No. 1, Cileungsi, Bogor, West Java, criminal 5 Yr, date and No. Date 21-06-2004 No verdict. Flywhe els 205/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 10/24/2007, PB: 24-11-06, JW Marriot Bomb in volvement. 19. Edi Suprapto als. Yasir als. Tsalabah, Bangil, 20-02-1955 / 49 th, L, Islam, Trade ingredients Shirts, Jl. Sukarno Hatta, Binglu Village, Circle II Rt. 16/R w. 5, Ex. Wailunik, KEC. Gulf South Sewer, City City, Lampung or Home General Rt . 19/Rw. 5, 5 Yr criminal, date and No. Date 03-02-2005 No verdict. K/Pid/2004/M ARI 2214, Expirasi 24-11-2007, PB: 15-12-06, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 20. Surono als. Satria als. Basri Abdul Fadli als als. M. Faruq, Coral Newer, 13 -06-1964 / 39 th, L, Islam, Free Lance Bureau of Tax Services, SAWAHAN Ngrawoh, Ex. Forest Gede, KEC. Newer coral, Surakarta Jateng, criminal 5 Yr, date and No. Date 16-02-2005 No verdict. 36 K/PID/2005/MARI, Expirasi 18-07-2008, PB: 18-0107, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 21. Fidra Jindro Usman als. Grace als. Abdul Hamid Mat als als. Asrudin als. Udi n, criminal 8 Billion, date and No. Date 23-08-2006 No verdict. 136/Pid.B/06/PN TLT, free sdh, involvement Terrorism. 22. Lutfi Haedaroh als. Ubaid, Ngawi, 26 th, Islam, L, Teacher Ngaji, Jl. Nitika n Kidul Rt. 13 Rw. 3 Resources, General Plaosan, MAGETAN East Java, criminal 3 Y r 6 Billion, date and No. Date 17-05-2005 No verdict. 78/Pid.B/2005/PN.Jkt SLT, Expirasi 04-04-2007, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 23. Agus Ahmad, BI.1045/DS-2006, criminal 4 Yr, date and No. Date 28-07-2005 No verdict. Flywheels 499/Pid.B/2005/PN SLT, Expirasi 24-06-2008, PB 11-07-07, invo lvement BALI BOMB II. 24. Sabturani als. Ruslan bin Abd Hafidz als. Usman als. Anwar als. Burhan, Send akan Sabah (Malaysia), 21-01-1967, L, Islam, Public Accounting MNZ Consultan Cor porate in Malaysia, No. 3A Apartement Sri Tanjung Hill, Lucky Rawang, Selangor M alaysia, criminal 4 Yr, date and No. Date 13-04-2005 No verdict. Flywheels 2154/ Pid.B/2005/PN SLT, Expirasi 11-09-2007, 17-08-2007, sdh free, involvement BOM BA LI I, INDEPENDENT RU II. 25. Bagus Budi Pranoto als. Urwah, Holy, 02-11-1978, 26 th, L, Islam, Guru Ngaji , Rt.08/01 Klisat Rural Districts. Kaliwungu potentials. Holy, criminal 3 Yr 6 B illion, date and No. 17-05-2005 No verdict. Flywheels 76/Pid.B/2005/PN SLT, RD: 05 = 3 Billion, RK: 05 = 1 Billion, 05 = 2 Billion RU, RU 06 = 3 Billion, RK 06 = 1 Billion, Expirasi 04-04-2007 , Independent Noble, JW Marriot Bomb involvemen t, detained since 02-08-2004, shot dead in Solo. 26. Irun Hidayat, BI.1046/DS-2006, 32 yrs, Kp. Ciliwek, Rt. O7/02, Ds. South Cik ampek, KEC. Cikampek potentials. Tangerang, West Java, criminal 3 Yr 6 Billion, date and No. Date 21-07-2005 No verdict. Flywheels 419/Pid.B/2005/PN SLT, Expira si 23-09-2007, Free, BALI BOMB II involvement. 27. Imam Buchori als. Imam lump bin Sanadi, criminal 3 Yr 6 Billion, date and No . Date 25-07-2006 No verdict. 497/Pid.B/2006/PN. Flywheels SLT, Expirasi 08-12-2 008, 11-11-2007 PB, involvement Ambon case. 28. Nurdin Saifan als. Ipan, Jakarta, 13-07-1966, L, Islam, Coffee Shops, Jl. Ta nah Merdeka, Wednesday Market, East Jakarta, criminalist 12 Yr, date and No. Dat e 18-04-2002 No verdict. 167 K/Pid/2002/MARI, Expirasi 04-12-2010, 10-09-2007 PB , Malaysia Embassy Bomb involvement, PB ended 04-12-2011. 29. Mohd Rais als. Edi Indra als. Iskandar als. Ryan Arifin als. Fendi als. Roni binRusdi bin Hamid, Dumai, 29 th, L, Islam, Entrepreneurs, Jl. Pomegranate Peka n Baru Jakarta, Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 24 F Hill High in West Sumatra, Enchantme nt Land Asri complex Rt. 002/01, Ex. Public Water Districts. East TPI, Baru Jaka rta, criminalist 7 Yr, date and No. Date 18-05-2004 No verdict. Flywheels 113/Pi d.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 29-05-2009, JW Marriot Bomb involvement, PB berkhir 30 -05-2010. 30. Heru Setyanto son Sean Pt Klaten, 03-04-1974/29 th, L, Islam, Entrepreneurs, Jl. Zarona Gg. Ekasarti Rt. 09, Rw. 01 Ex. West Sidomulyo, KEC. Kodya handsome, Pekan Baru Jakarta, criminalist 7 Yr, date and No. Date 01-07-2004 No verdict. Flywheels 261/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 22-06-2009, 10-09-2007 PB, JW Marriot Bomb involvement, PB ended 23-06-2010. 31. Suprapto bin Parsam, Ngawi, East Java, 21-06-1968 / 35 th, L, Islam, Employe e PT. Caltex Pacific Indonesia. Jl. Bhakti Gg. Scenic Rt. 01 Rw. 02, Ex. Fort pa ddocks, KEC. Saber potentials. Palembang, Jakarta, criminalist 7 Yr, date and No . Date 01-07-2004 No verdict. Flywheels 261/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Date 10-08-2004 N o. 116/Pid/2004/PT DKI, Expirasi 22-06-2009, 10-09-2007 PB, JW Marriot Bomb invo lvement. 32. Sholihin Muhammad bin Abdul Salam, Klaten, Central Java, 19-07-1979 / 24 yr, L, Islam, Traders, Jl. Bhakti Gg. Permai, Ex. Pudu paddocks, KEC. Saber / Thorn s potentials. Sentul Jakarta, criminalist 7 Yr, date and No. Date 01-07-2004 No verdict. Flywheels 261/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 22-06-2009, 10-09-2007 PB, JW Marriot Bomb involvement, PB ended 23-06-2010. 33. Joko Tripriyanto als. Joko drop it als. Joko Jihad als. Anto, criminal 3 Yr, date and No. Date 21-06-2006 No verdict. 103/Pid.B/2006/PT DKI, Expirasi 08-122007, pure independent, Ambon case involvement. 34. Umar Burhanuddin als.Daud Iskandar als. Heri als. Zaid bin Bukhori, criminal 3 Yr 6 Billion, date and No. Date 05-12-2006 No verdict. 1434/Pid.B/2005/PN. Fl ywheels SLT, Expirasi 23-04-2009, 23-03-2008 PB, involvement Ambon case. 35. Imron Bayhaqi Mustofa als als. Yuda regulation Abu Tholut als als. Yono, cri minal 7 Yr, date and No. Date 01-03-2004 No verdict. Flywheels 1800/Pid.B/2003/P N Tim, Date 09-08-2004 No. 103/Pid/2004/PT DKI, Expirasi 06-03-2009, 27-08-2007 PB, involvement Bomb Atrium Senen 36. Kamal Yudianto als. Reza als. Yasin bin Suhanto, criminal 3 Yr 6 Billion, da te and No. Date 20-07-2006 No verdict. 498/Pid.B/2006/PN. Flywheels SLT, Expiras i 08-12-2008, 03-12-2007 PB, involvement Ambon case. 37. Joko Sumanto als. Joko Als. Kunto, criminal 4 Yr, date and No. Date 27-04-20 06 No verdict. 2615/Pid.B/2005/PN. Flywheels SLT, Expirasi 07-12-2008, 13-10-200 7 PB, Brass Bomb involvement. 38. Fatchurrohman als. Fat bin Madenur, criminal 3 Yr 6 Billion, date and No. Da te 24-07-2006 No verdict. 499/Pid.B/2006/PN. Flywheels SLT, Expirasi 08-12-2008, Free Pure RU II, involvement of Ambon case. 39. Joni Achmad Fauzani als. Joni, 4 Yr criminal, date and No. Date 01-05-2006 N o verdict. 2619/Pid.B/2005/PN. Flywheels SLT, Expirasi 16-08-2008, Free Pure RU II, involvement Kuningan bomb. 40. Danny Chandra als. Joseph, criminal 4 Yr, date and No. Date 12-06-2006 No ve rdict. 84/Pid/2006/PT. DKI, Expirasi 07-12-2008, Free Pure RU II, Bomb involveme nt artrium Monday. 41. Kurnia Enceng als. Rahman als. Arnold, criminal 6 Yr, date and No. Date 07-0 2-2007 No verdict. 115 K/Pid/2007/MARI, Expirasi 08-07-2010, PB tgl 12-11-2008, involvement Kuningan bomb, was shot dead in solo. 42. Anto Dewanto, criminal 2 Yr, date and No. Date of decision. No. 21-11-2007. 1381/Pid.B/2007 / PN.JS, RU: 08 = 2 Billion, Free Pure, 13-12-2008, 43. Sunarto bin Kartodiharjo als. Abu Soim als. Adung als als Imam Abdul Hadi Go zal, 55 th, L, Islam, Private, Near Al-Amin Mosque, Ex. Clover, Market Kliwon, S urakarta, Jl. Sagara Gg. I No. 5 Pamekasan Madura, criminal 7 Yr, date and No. F lywheels 13-04-2005 Date of decision No.2151/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, PB Free 3.4.2009 , JW Mariot BOM involvement. 44. Heri Sigu Samboja als. Nery Ansyori als. Muhamad als. Ansyori als. M. Nurdin , BI.1048/DS-2006, Solo, 23 th, Islam, ft., Visual Sari, Cotton Districts Associ ate, Surabaya, criminal 7 Yr, date and No. Date 05-09-2005 No verdict. Flywheels 801/Pid.B/2005/PN SLT, PB Free 12/04/2008, 17-11-2010, involvement of the Austr alian Embassy bomb. 45. Abdullah Sunata als. Arman Kristanto als. Andri, BI.1724/DS-2006, Jakarta, 2 8 th, Islam, Traders, Jl. Mosque II Rt 08/06 Cipayung East Jakarta, criminalist 7 Yr, date and No. Date 19-07-2006 No verdict. 135/Pid.B/2006/PT DKI, PB Indepen dent, 01/03/2009, Case involvement Ambon. 46. Courtesy of Mohamad Idris als als Joni Hendrawan Fat ass, Rokan Hulu, 12-091973 (35 Th), L, Islam, Entrepreneurs, Jl. General Sudirman No. 297 New Town Jak arta, criminalist 10 Yr, date and No. Date 24-08-2004 No verdict. Flywheels 579/ Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, PB Free 18/02/2009, 11-01-2012, JW Marriot Bomb involvement, BONDS National Police Headquarters, 09-03-2006, Hiding information about Terrori sm. 47. Purnama Putra als. Usman als Usamah, BI.634/DS-2007, Sukoharjo ,5-10-1981 (2 6 th), L, Islam, Students, Mountain II # 10 Rt 01/02 Ex Jombor Bendosari, Sukoha rjo, Central Java, criminal 7 yr, date and No. Date 07-02-2007 No verdict. 2612/ Pid.B/2005/PN. Flywheels SLT, Free PB, 14-05-2009, 11-07-2011 Expirasi, involvem ent Bomb Brass, BOM National Police Headquarters, 09-08-2007, Hiding information about Terrorism. 48. Iqbal Husaini als. Ramli als. Andrian Alamsyah als. Ryan als. Rambo, BI.267/ DS-2007, Lampung, 24 th, Islam, Entrepreneurs, COMP. Dephan Jl. Bhayangkara Rt 0 1/02 # 13, South Mountain Sand, Cimanggis, Depok, criminal 7 Yr, date and No. Da te 20-04-2006 No verdict. 2617/Pid.B/2005/PN. Flywheels SLT, Date 07-02-2007 No. 114 K / Pid/2007/MARI, PB. 28-02-2009, 09-07-2011 Expirasi, PB. 28-02-2009, Cas e Ambon. 49. Arifin Als paraffins, criminal 2 Yr, Expirasi 8/17/2009, Pure Independent. 50. Ahmad Rofiq Ridho als. Ali Zein als. Allen, BI.268/DS-2007, Madison, 30 th, Islam, Entrepreneurs, Country Mojorejo Rt 02/01 # 49 Every Woman sari, Madison, East Java, criminal Yr 8, date and No. Date 25-07-2006 No verdict. 138/Pid.B/200 6/PT DKI, Expirasi 12-02-2011, PB.18-08-2009, (not yet implemented) wait mandate . 51. Ismail als. M. Als Brotherhood. Agus als. Iwan als. Ridwan als. Zaki als. Ar i Kumala, AEK Nopan, North Sumatra, 25-08-1980 / 23 th, L, Islam, Farmer, Jl. Le ft Bangko Bagan Batu Dumai Jakarta, Cempaka Putih Rt. 03/01 Thorns Mandau Jakart a, Jl. Pancasila No. 4 Bandung, West Java, criminal 12 Yr, date and No. Date 1609-2004 No verdict. Flywheels 703/Pid.B/2004/PN SLT, Expirasi 29-01-2014, 17-112009 PB, JW Marriot Bomb involvement. 52. Masykur Abdul Kadir, BI/LK/134/2005, 45 th, Jl. Penang, Gg. Rembingan I / 9, the Denpasar, BI.198/DP-2009 II, 15 Yr criminal, date and No. Date 23-04-2004 N o verdict. 242 K/PID/2004/MARI, involvement BOM BALI I, Expirasi 10-01-2016, PB. 01-03-2010, Address PB.Jl. KBN South Pineapple 8, # 31 Rt.08/05 Districts. Jatin egara Prev. 53. Muhammad Nuh als. Cholid als. Olid bin Muji Taba, 16/DT-2008, Jl. RT Polnia Perum 14/RW No. 06. 3 Ex. Chinese Bidara, KEC. Jatinegara East Jakarta, criminal ist 4 yr, date and number. 9-10-2007 tgl verdict No.365/Pid/2007/PT DKI, Justice cassation, date withheld = 22 -11-2006, Pure Independent 09-05-2011, involvemen t Bomb Kramat Jati Indah, no verdict MA. 54. Hargobind P Tahilramani, 05-02-1982, 30 Years, Indonesia, Jl. Great Bungur N o.27E Raya, Central Jakarta, criminalist 3 Yr, date and number. Date of decision . No.520/Pen.Pid.2009/PT.DKI, Article 6 Perppu No. 1 Th 2002 Jo, UURI No. 15 of 2003, Arrested 08-12-2008 + 3 Yr, RU 10 = 2 BL, Expirasi 06-01-2012, SMS embassy terror TO AMERICA, PB preparations 21-03-2011, Date of PB. 18-04-2011. 55. Syaiful Bahri als. Apuy als. EPU als. Ahmad, BI.1047/DS-2006, prose, 26 th, Islam, Entrepreneurs, Kp Ranji Cikagung Rt 03/09 Country Kebon Pedes, prose, Kp PB address. Rock of Ds. Pedes janitor Sukabumi, criminal 10 Yr, date and number. Date 10-10-2005 No verdict. Flywheels 1966/Pid.B/2005/PN SLT, Expirasi 23-10-20 12, Australian Embassy Bomb involvement, Date. PB. 19-04-2011, PB. IMMEDIATELY. 56. Dedi Mulyadi Als Als Embong Bai, 05-02-1982, 28 Years, Indonesia, Ds. Cimand iri Pesanggrahan. Banten, criminal 3 Yr, date and number. Date 18-06-2009 No ver dict. 354 / Pid.B, / 2009 / PN.JS, RU.10 = 2 Billion, RK.10 = 1 Billion, 11-08-2 011 (FREE), the involvement of Regional Police Bomb Terror SMS, (Terror SMS). 57. Najamuddin bin Adanan Causeway Causeway, 34 Years 31-01-1976, Islamic Indone sia, Dusun Tanggo Mas Village of Huta Godang, KEC. Rivers, Senior Sei potentials . Labuan Miles North Sumatra Province, criminal 3 Yr 4 Billion, date and No. Dat e of decision. No. 26-05-2010. 25/Pid.B/2010/PN.JS, Date from 11-08-2009 detaine d, RU 2011 = 2 MM, RK 2011 = 1 MM, 3 MM, Expirasi 10-10-2012, Terror Bomb RS. Pe rtamina, (Terror SMS), the Council TPP 29/07/2011. Rutan Salemba 1. Muh. Saifudin als. Mus'ab als. Ayyash, Sleman, 24 th, Gg. Bison Rt. 02/RW. 15 , General Resources Mayudan, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta., Criminal 2 Yr, date and N o. Date 10-01-2005 No verdict. 08/Pid/2005/PT DKI, Expirasi 17-08-2005 INDEPENDE NT pure, Jayakarta Hotel. Lapas CLASS II A Salemba 1. Purnomo Tolibin als Sodik Libin bin Jafar, 20 Years, Sand Country Districts. Cikarang Kab. Bekasi, criminal 2 Yr 2 Billion, date and No. Date of decision. No . 21-11-2007. 1380/Pid.B/2007/PN.Jak Cells, (Date detained 15-03-2007 by Metro J aya Regional Police) RU: 08 = 2 BL, RK: 08 = 1 BL, 13-02-2009, British embassy b omb threat . 2. Salahudin al. Ayubi al. General al. Bambang al. Sukri, al. Fadlan al. Risa Su rhadi, criminal 4 Yr, date and number. Date 14-12-2006 No verdict. 1561/Pid.B/20 06/PN.JP, Date 23-02-2007 No. 32/Pid/2006/PT DKI, Date 18-07-2007 No. O1/K/Pid/S us/2007, (Pushing application cassation), Expirasi 31-12-2009, PB.22 -10-2008, A trium Senen Bomb involvement. EAST JAKARTA Rutan 1. Sri Winarsih als. ADT bt. Sumardi AV. (Postmenopausal), criminal 1 Yr 6 Billi on, date and number. No verdict. 58 / Pid.Sus/2009/PT.DKI, 11-10-2009, involveme nt SMS THREAT TO STORE MPR / DPR Lapas I TANGGERANG 1. Gun Gun Gunawan Rusmanto als. Let Let al. Abdul Hadi al. Abdul Karim al. Bukh ori, Cianjur, 06-07-1977, Jl. K.H. Saleh SH, RT 02/04 No. 446 Pemokolan, Sukaman ah, Cianjur, West Java, criminal 4 Yr, date and number, judgments Date 26-10-200 4 No. Flywheels 1001/Pid.B/04/PN Pst, Expirasi 23-03-2007, PB: 07-10-06, JW Marr iot Bomb involvement. 2. Syamsudin als. Udin als. Din als. Rudi als. Din Leupong, Aceh Besar, 42 yr, J l. Dongkal Sukatani, Cimanggis, Bogor. Home of Mr. Sean RT 01/03, Jl. Bojong Men teng, Ex. Bojong Menteng, Rawa Lumbu, Bekasi, criminal Yr 8, date and number. Fl ywheels 02-03-2004 Date of decision No.1733/Pid.B/03/PN Pst, Date 31-05-2004 No. 68/Pid/2004/PT DKI, Expirasi 04-12-2010, 01-08-2006 amnesty, involvement Jayaka rta Hotel. 3. Rev. Handoko bin Kadir, Gombong, 24 yr Country Kedung Praise Rt. 02/RW. 03, K EC. Gombong, Kebumen, criminal 7 Yr, date and no.putusan Date 19-09-2002 No. 135 /Pid/2002/PT.DKI, Expirasi 14-02-2008, PB: 29-11-06, Petra Church Bomb involveme nt. 4. Hafidin S.Ag als. Heri als. Munawar als. Iksan Miarso als. Miasso als. Andi b in As'adi, Attack, 03-06-1970, Jl. Waringin Kurug No. 154 Attack, Banten, crimin al 6 Yr, date and number. Date 12-02-2004 No.528/Pid.B/2003/PN.DPS verdict, Expi rasi 06-01-2008, PB: 02-12-06, BALI BOMB involvement I. 5. Andi Hidayat als. Agus BI/LK/100/2005 24 th, Ds. Cilangkahan, KEC. MALINGPING Kab. Valley, Rangkasbitung Banten. 15 Yr criminal, date and number. Date 15-042004 No verdict. 259 K/PID/2004/MARI, expirasi 01-01-2015, 02-11-2014, PB TGL .. ., involvement BOM BALI I. 6. Junaedi als. Amin, als. Engkong BI/LK/99/2005 27 th, Village Moncor, Ds Cilen tung, KEC. SAKETI potentials. Pandeglang Banten, criminal 15 Yr, date and number . Date 23-03-2004 No verdict. 220 K/PID/2004/MARI. NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE BOOK SECURITY ISSUE clearence FOR FOREIGN RESIDENTS TO BE DO RELATED ACTIVITIES WITH TNI TNI commander confirmed with regulations Perpang/98/XII/2009 ID December 29th 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TNI Commander Rules Perpang/98/XII/2009 removable ID December 2009 on the Implem entation Indicators Book Publishing Security Clearance for foreigners who will p erform activities related to the military. IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE BOOK PUBLICATIONS APPENDIX SECURITY CLEARANCE FOR FOREIGN P EOPLE WILL DO THE ACTIVITIES RELATED TO TNI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. General ................................................................... 3 2. The Meaning and Purpose .................................................. 3 3. Scope ........................................................ 4 4. Position ............................................................. 4 5. Policy .................................................................... 4 6. Meaning ............................................................. 4 CHAPTER II GENERAL PROVISIONS 7. General .................................................................. 5 8. Classification foreigners ........................... 5 9. Granting Conditions ........................................ 6 CHAPTER III MAINTENANCE 10. General .................................................................. 7 11. Publishing Security Clearance Procedures .................... 7 CHAPTER IV level authority 12. General .................................................................. 1 1 13. Authorities and Responsibilities .............................. 11 14. Sanctions .................................................................. 13 CHAPTER V Conclusion NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters TNI commander RULES Number Perpang/98/XII/2009 About IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE BOOK ISSUANCE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE FOR FOREIGN RESIDENTS WHO WILL PERFORM ACTIVITIES RELATED TO TNI Considering: 1. That to secure vertical fixed the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia in securing territory against possible action espionage, sabotage and obstruction from a foreign party who wil l perform activities related to the military in the framework of cooperation in the military field, the need Security Clearance for foreign citizens. 2. To ensure the uniform management of Security Clearance for foreign citizens w ho will perform activities related to the military, there has to be an indicatio n of progress. Given: 1. Decree Law No. 34 Year 2004 date 16 October 2004 on the Indonesian Nat ional Army. 2. TNI Commander Decree No. Skep/110/IV/2004 April 8, 2004 on the temporary guid ance of Friends of the National Military Representative Office to the State Accr editation. 3. TNI Commander Decree No. Skep/374/X/2006 19 October 2006 concerning the maint enance Presentations, Demonstrations and Testing Services for the material or th e military requirements. 4. Letter Telegram Pangab STR/379/1997 removable ID 3 April 1997 concerning the filing and granting procedures Security Clearance for foreign workers who have a n interest / connection with ABRI. DECIDE Setting: 1. Implementation handbook Publishing Security Clearance for Foreign na tionals who will perform activities related to the TNI as listed in the appendix to this rule. 2. Implementation guidebook as referred to in article 1, is used as a guide in t he processing security clearance for foreign nationals who will perform activiti es related to the military. 3. For further completion of this booklet will be evaluated after implementation carried out over two years. 4. This rule berlakuk of the date specified. NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE BOOK ABOUT ISSUANCE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE FOR FOREIGN PEOPLE WILL DO THE ACTIVITIES RELATED TO TNI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. General. a. Based on the Law Decree No. 34 Year 24 of the Indonesian National Army that t he military's main duty is to uphold the country's sovereignty, defending territ orial integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, and protect all the people and the entire country of Indon esia from the threat and disruption of the integrity of the nation. To achieve w hat you want then needed an ideal TNI posture and have professional capabilities supported adequate good defense equipment procurement strategic industry in the country and abroad as well as military cooperation with other countries. b. To complete the administrative requirements of foreign nationals and implemen t activities related to the TNI Military cooperation in fulfillment of the milit ary defense equipment required a supervision and control, it is essential to war d off the negative impact that may arise from leveraged foreign parties to obtai n data and information Intelligence. c. One of the preventive action to prevent the occurrence of things you do not w ant to there is a clue in the form of guidelines that govern the implementation of Security Clearance publication for every foreign national who will perform ac tivities related to the military. 2. The Meaning and Purpose a. Purpose. Implementation guidance that is intended to regulate the issuance of maintenance Security Clearance for foreign nationals who will be doing activiti es with the TNI. b. Purposes. The purpose of this restructuring exercise booklet is a publication of the guidelines in the maintenance Security Clearance for foreign nationals t o be held in relation to the military activities and to be implemented in an eff ective, efficient, orderly and peaceful. SECRET 3. Scope. Performance indicators are arranged with massage procedures as follows : a. Chapter I Introduction b. Chapter II General Conditions c. Chapter III Maintenance d. Chapter IV Upgrade Authority e. Chapter V Conclusion 4. Position. This implementation booklet located under Main Indicators Book Inte lligence. 5. Policy. a. Decree Law No. 34 Year 2004 on the Indonesian National Army. b. TNI Commander Decree No. Skep/110/IV/2004 April 8, 2004 on the temporary guid ance of Friends of the National Military Representative Office of Accreditation at RI rule. c. TNI Commander Decree No. Skep/374/X/2006 19 October 2006 concerning the maint enance Presentations, Demonstrations and Testing material or services to the nee ds of the military. d. Pangab lettergram STR/379/1997 removable ID 3 April 1997 concerning the filin g and granting procedures Security Clearance for foreign workers who have an int erest / connection with ABRI. 6. Meaning. a. Foreigners. Foreign nationals are those who have the status of non-citizens c itizenship of Indonesia Military or civilian service will do activities / nondin as associated with TNI. b. Security Clearance. Security Clearance is a form of written permission for fo reign citizens better military or civilian Asintel issued by the military comman der in the name of the military commander expressed do not mind foreigners are d oing activities related to the TNI. c. Road Permit (SIJ). Road Permit is a document issued by the office of TNI Head quarter and Headquarter dilingkungan Force after obtaining the consent form Asin tel Security Clearance from the name of the TNI Commander in Chief of the milita ry's requirements for foreign citizens can do activities related to the TNI. d. Counterparts. Counterparts are the agents / partners / enterprises apply to t he Assistant Chief of the TNI and / or its Aspam Kabalakpus cash TNI forces asso ciated with foreigners visit to the range or the range of TNI Headquarter Headqu arter Armed and board. e. Implementing Agency. Implementing Agency is the Central Executive Agency TNI Headquarter level and is located directly under the TNI Commander to perform the duties and functions of the appropriate field. CHAPTER II GENERAL CONDITIONS 7. General. Cooperation between TNI and National / Foreign institutions are urge ntly needed in order to improve the ability of TNI TNI in order to form a strong and professional. Forms of cooperation between the military and the country / f oreign institutions can be classified based on the status and domicile. Such as cooperation with foreign nationals with the status of military, civil, industria l or Non Profit Organization (NGO) foreign. Collaboration is done basically prof itable TNI. 8. Classification foreigners. Foreign nationals who will be doing activities wit h the TNI can be grouped into the following sebagi: a. Based Status. 1) Personnel foreign embassy staff. 2) Offices military or civilian foreign persons. 3) Operators / good foreign enterprises coming from the country of origin or rep resentation in Indonesia. 4) Personnel / employees Non Profit Organization (NGO) that come from the foreig n country of origin or representation in Indonesia. 5) Any other foreign people are those who are not included in the above criteria that will perform activities related to the military. b. Based on Domicile. 1) Who lived in Indonesia. Foreign nationals for work or live in Indonesia and i mportance as well as staff personnel Diploma / Defense Attache foreign country, foreign enterprises, Non Profit Organization (NGO) or perpetrator foreign resear ch activities. 2) Not reside in Indonesia. Foreign Defence Attachés accredited Staff Indonesia and foreign nationals to temporarily come to Indonesia for good work or interests a s foreign government offices, entrepreneurs / enterprises officers, personnel No n Profit Organization (NGO) actors mupun research activities. c. Based on the relationship. 1) Foreign Nationals that country has diplomatic relations with the Government o f Indonesia in accordance with applicable regulations. 2) Foreign Nationals that his country does not have diplomatic relations with th e Indonesian government, but because there is interest among foreign nationals i n the military and have received approval from the department of foreign affairs and Dephan. 3) Specific foreigners originating from Taiwan and Israel Security Clearance is not granted until there is a political decision with the Government of Indonesia . 9. Granting Conditions. a. Every foreign national who will perform related activities must obtain permis sion TNI Commander of TNI TNI Commander dhi Asintel Security Clearance form, by first applying for permission to the relevant office (the Assistant Chief of TNI , The And / Kabalakpus TNI, and the cash Aspam Forces ). b. Associated office and then submit an application to the Chief Commander of TN I TNI Asintel cq. c. TNI Commander Asintel on submission of related office then do research / rein vestigate. When has fulfilled the appropriate arrangements occur, further Asinte l TNI Chief Security Clearance issued. d. Associated office after receiving a Security Clearance follow up by issuing a Permit Road (SIJ) and monitored the activities of foreign nationals. e. Filing Security Clearance limited to requirements related to: 1) Presentation / display. 2) Negotiation of procurement of goods, services and facilities. 3) The test materil 4) research and comparative study. 5) Survey. 6) Cooperation with the military forces of other countries: a) b) c) d) e) Education. Discussion. Seminar. Training together. exchange of experts. 7) ASP techniques. 8) Visit honor (coutesy call) f. Applicants are required to fill out forms and checklists are available as Sec urity Clearance Security Clearance application requirements. g. Security Clearance granted for one visit up to three months and can be extend ed according to your needs by following a predetermined order. h. Qualification and classification determined by the district office visits rel ated. i. Passenger ships of foreign armed forces who came to Indonesia and will perfor m activities related to the military's land must have a Security Clearance. j. Citizens or companies from Taiwan and Israel Security Clearance is not grante d until there is a political decision with the Government of Indonesia. k. When filing an application Security Clearance violates the above shall not be processed. CHAPTER III MAINTENANCE 10. General. Security Clearance is an absolute requirement that should belong to all foreign nationals who will perform activities related to the military. To b etter facilitate the management, it should be translated in the form of granting permission conditions and procedures Security Clearance publication. 11. Security Clearance Procedures Publication. a. Headquarter within TNI. 1) The agent / partners / enterprises apply to the relevant office (the Assistan t Chief of the military, the And / Kabalakpus TNI) about the article visit forei gn nationals. 2) a letter submitted proposals should mention the purpose, goal, time, date, an d location visits accompanied administration equipment. a) Copy of the passport (original taken at interview). b) Curriculum Vitae (CV). c) Pass 4 x 6 color photo 2 pieces (without headgear). 3) related to the Office to apply for a Security Clearance Asintel TNI Commander at least two weeks prior to the implementation of activities. 4) Asintel Commander of TNI through Paban V / Pump Sintel TNI doing research: a) Administration of the form: (1) The validity of documents filed agents / partners / enterprises. (2) Completing Security Clearance checklist include: (A) the applicant's personal data, company name and company address. (B) Data on foreign labor personnel. (C) Policy letter of application, meaning, purpose and time of the visit. (D) Other applicants form relationships with foreign labor, has / does not get i nto the military agency before. b) Implement the interview to agents / partners / enterprises apply. c) To coordinate and confirmation of suspicious matters related institution (Dep han, department of foreign affairs, BIN, Immigration, Bais TNI, and Athan RI). d) assessment by the end of Paban V / Pump Sintel TNI over the legality of the d ocuments and security considerations for agents / partners / enterprises who app ly for, as well as foreign nationals who will do activities in the military sphe re. Further determined and recommended to be Commander of TNI Asintel evaluation criteria as follows: (1) Qualified (MS). Security Clearance will be given by category Fulfilled (MS) on all aspects of evaluation security considerations are met. (A) The validity of the documents. (B) Foreign Nationals who will perform activities within TNI not delinquent (net ). (C) Agent / partners / enterprises to apply to perform activities within TNI not delinquent (net). (2) Ineligible (TMS) Security Clearance issued by category Ineligible (TMS) in t he form of a Certificate of Research Results (SKHP), on all aspects of evaluatio n security considerations are not met: (A) Documents are not valid, and false terindikasi has expired. (B) Foreign Nationals who will perform activities within TNI not delinquent (net ). (C) Agent / partners / enterprises applying to do activities in the military sph ere problem (not clean). 5) Asintel TNI commander will issue security clearance addressed to the relevant office (the Assistant Chief of the military, the And / KabalakpusTNI) when ther e is no suspicious things. 6) Asintel TNI chief delegate to Waasintel / Paban designated to sign the Securi ty Clearance with time of up to three months and can be extended according to yo ur needs by following a predetermined order. 7) Staff at Headquarter within the TNI and TNI Executive Agency, after receiving a Security Clearance from TNI Commander Asintel make a Permit Road (SIJ) for fo reign citizens and the responsibility for overseeing the implementation of activ ities and interesting back road permit (SIJ) after activities executed . 8) Nationals-I to be in touch with the military personnel or visit the agency TN I, compulsory come to Staff Paban V / Pump Sintel TNI to do an interview and com plete data. 9) Specific foreign personnel into collaboration / activities programmed by the military can be represented by the associated office staff apply. b. Within TNI AD, TNI AL, and TNI AU 1) The agent / company apply to the Assistant Peacekeeping Forces (Aspam purpose , Kasal and Rafters) about the article visit foreign nationals at least two week s before the activity undertaken. 2) a letter submitted proposals should mention the purpose, goal, time, date and location of the visit, accompanied administration equipment: a) Copy of the passport (original passport taken at interview) b) Curriculum Vitae (CV) c) Pass 4 x 6 color photo 2 pieces (without headgear) d) other supporting documents. 3) Staff peacekeeping TNI AD, AL and AU do research: a) Administration. b) Provide blank checlist Security Clearance to agents / partners / enterprises. c) To coordinate with relevant agencies. 4) Foreign Nationals who will travel to the range Headquarter Forces / Armed For ces are required to come to Spam to do an interview and complete data. 5) Once done the inspection / examination by Staff Peacekeeping Forces Armed Asp am cash then apply for Security Clearance requests to Asintel Commander of TNI a t least two weeks before the activity undertaken. 6) Cash Aspam filed Forces Chief of Security Clearance to Asintel TNI by enclosi ng the required data. 7) Cash Aspam Armed make a Permit Road (SIJ) to foreigners after receiving the C hief of Security Clearance from Asintel with copies Asintel TNI Commander of TNI , and pull back the Road Permit (SIJ) after the activity undertaken. 8) Cash Aspam forces required to conduct surveillance for the implementation of these activities take place and report immediately when problems occur to Asinte l Commander of TNI. CHAPTER IV Upgrade authority 12. General. Grant of Security Clearance to foreign nationals who will perform a ctivities related to the military, you need to follow suit with its authority le vel from the beginning to the supervision of licensing for activities take place that involve existing TNI personnel Territories. Authority of each unit to moni tor and performs preventive action when finding mistakes or violations of proced ures adapted to tingkatannya, from TNI Headquarter Staff, Staff Peacekeeping For ces TNI Ops Kotama up with bands underneath. 13. Authorities and Responsibilities. a. Asintel Commander of TNI. 1) Security Clearance Process application filed by the Assistant Chief of TNI an d the And / Kabalakpus TNI. 2) Issue appropriate Security Clearance petition filed by the Assistant Chief of TNI and the And / Kabalakpus TNI. 3) Reject Security Clearance issued when not eligible, replaced by issuing a Cer tificate of Research Results (SKHP). 4) Implement a monitor / surveillance of the activities conducted during the ope ration of foreign nationals held. 5) Provide administrative sanctions for violations committed by foreign citizens and business partners / agents / companies. b. The Assistant Chief of TNI and the And / Kabalakpus TNI. 1) Processing or reject the application Security Clearance letter from the agent / partners / enterprise 2) Submitting an application letter to the Security Clearance Asintel Commander of TNI. 3) Issue of License Road (SIJ) after receiving a Security Clearance from Asitel Pnaglima TNI. 4) Implement monitoring during the operation period. 5) Withdraw License Road (SIJ) after activity. 6) Provide administrative sanctions for violations committed by partners / agent s / companies. 7) Report the implementation of activities to Asintel Commander of TNI. c. The cash Aspam Forces. 1) Accept or reject applications from agents / partners / enterprises that will involve foreign nationals to conduct activities dilingkungan Forces. 2) Process and apply for Security Clearance to Asintel Commander of TNI. 3) Issue of License Road (SIJ) after receiving a Security Clearance from Asitel Commander of TNI. 4) Implement monitoring during the operation period. 5) Withdraw License Road (SIJ) after activity. 6) Provide administrative sanctions for violations committed by partners / agent s / companies. 7) Report the implementation of activities to Asintel Commander of TNI. d. The Pang / Ka / And Kotama / Satker / Agencies visited. 1) Implement monitoring and safeguards against foreign nationals who perform act ivities in the range satuannya. 2) Report the implementation of activities to Asintel Commander of TNI and cash Aspam Forces. 14. Sanctions. Given administrative sanction in the event of an infringement com mitted by foreign nationals or companies / agents / partners who do activities, as follows: a. Requesting clarification of foreign delegates / Athan alleged infringement co mmitted by its citizens. b. Provide letter of reprimand to agents / partners / enterprises. c. Jot down the name of a foreign national personnel who have committed violatio ns and the question could be blocking for the next activity. d. Unit implementers when found deviations endanger military and national instit utions to implement appropriate action advances Asintel authority, then report t o the Commander of TNI and cash Aspam Forces. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION 15. Book publishing performance indicators Security Clearance for foreign nation als who will perform this TNI activities occur relating to the date set and the matters specified opposite does not happen again. NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE ID: R/SC-607/WNA/VIII/2009/Sin 1. Based on letter No. Aspam Kasal R/120-SC/WNA/VII/2009 July 30 2009 on Securit y Clearance application. 2. Having held research and security considerations expressed no incriminating m atters related to the visit, so he was given permission to a person of foreign n ationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the following data: a. Name: Mr. Cristopher Mary Potocki de Montalk Department: Sales Director Date of Birth: October 26, 1963 Nationality: France No. Passport: 08CZ95839 b. Purpose: Mabesal Jakarta and Surabaya Puspenerbal c. Requirements: Presentation ATR French products d. Happen: 2 Detachable s.d 30 August 2009 3. Note: SECRET SECRET a. In carrying out activities intended to obey and observe security barriers tha t occur in agencies that visit. b. Clerance Security Certificate is not an absolute guarantee against legal acti on from time to time. c. Security Clearance Certificate is valid for one time / range of activities. d. Visit work permit for foreigners are issued by Aspam Kasal. SECRET SECRET NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF RESEARCH (SKHP) ID: R/SKHP-607/WNA/VIII/2009/Sin 1. Based on letter No. Aspam Kasal R/120-SC/WNA/VII/2009 July 30 2009 on Securit y Clearance application. 2. Having held research and security considerations found damning things to do r elated to visits to the military sphere, it can not currently be given permissio n to a person of foreign nationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the fol lowing data: a. Name: Mr. Cristopher Mary Potocki de Montalk Department: Sales Director Date of Birth: October 26, 1963 Nationality: France No. Passport: 08CZ95839 b. Purpose: Mabesal Jakarta and Surabaya Puspenerbal c. Requirements: Presentation ATR French products d. Happen: 2 Detachable s.d 30 August 2009 3. Note: SKHP is not a letter of consent and can not be used for visits to agencies in th e military sphere. SECRET SECRET GROUND FORCES GENERAL HEADQUARTERS                  STAFF peacekeeping SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES CONSENT LETTER ROAD ID: R/SIJ-201/X/2009/Spamad 1. Based on TNI Commander Letter ID R/SC-145/WNA/IX/2009 September 30, 2009 on a Security Clearance. n. Mr. Rezel Brian Luke. 2. Having held research and security considerations expressed no incriminating m atters related to the visit, so he was given permission to a person of foreign n ationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the following data: a. Name: Mr. Rezel Brian Luke Department: Sales Director Date of Birth: October 26, 1963 Nationality: France No. Passport: 08CZ95839 b. Purpose: Mabesad Jakarta and Lanumad A. Yani Semarang c. Requirements: Presentation ATR French products d. Place: Date 11 s.d October 30, 2009 . SECRET SECRET Testimony agencies visited (required): 1. Report comes this date: ...................... 2. Report Return date: ...................... 3. Note: ...................... Note: 1. Road Permit is not an absolute guarantee against legal action from time to ti me. 2. Basis district out of TNI AD that report to the duty officer / Pump and compl y with local safety regulations. 3. Road Permit is immediately returned to the Spamad after visits / activities i mplemented. 4. Road Permit is only valid for one time / range of activities. Tunneling: 1. TNI Commander Asintel 2. Aspam purpose SECRET SECRET Admiralty                  STAFF peacekeeping SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES CONSENT LETTER ROAD ID: R/SIJ-321/X/2009/Spamal 1. Based on TNI Commander Letter ID R/SC-155/WNA/X/2009 October 5 2009 on Securi ty Clearance an Mr. Oliver Luc Bernard Perrot. 2. Having held research and security considerations expressed no incriminating m atters related to the visit, so he was given permission to a person of foreign n ationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the following data: a. Name: Mr. Oliver Bernard Luc Perrot Department: Logistic Manager for Customer Support MBDA Date of Birth: October 29, 1963 Nationality: France No. Passport: 04BF87990 b. Purpose: Mako Armatim Surabaya and Madura Batuporon Arsenal c. Requirements: Site Survey Instalation d. Place: Date 17 s.d October 25, 2009 . SECRET SECRET Testimony agencies visited (required): 1. Report comes this date: ...................... 2. Report Return date: ...................... 3. Note: ...................... Note: 1. Road Permit is not an absolute guarantee against legal action from time to ti me. 2. Basis district out of TNI AL that report to the duty officer / Pump and compl y with local safety regulations. 3. Road Permit is immediately returned to the Spamal after visits / activities i mplemented. 4. Road Permit is only valid for one time / range of activities. Tunneling: 1. TNI Commander Asintel 2. Kasal Aspam SECRET SECRET BIG AIR FORCES HEADQUARTERS                  STAFF peacekeeping SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES CONSENT LETTER ROAD ID: R/SIJ-341/XI/2009/Spamau 2. Based on TNI Commander Letter R/SC-185/WNA/XI/2009 ID 3 November 2009 on Secu rity Clearance an Mr. Joshua Ang Kok Wee. 2. Having held research and security considerations expressed no incriminating m atters related to the visit, so he was given permission to a person of foreign n ationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the following data: a. Name: Mr. Joshua Ang Kok Wee Department: Logistic Manager Singapore Air Force Date of Birth: January 29, 1960 Nationality: Singapore No. Passport: S1412027 b. Purpose: Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma c. Requirements: Training Simulator aircraft C-130H d. Occur: 10th s.d 29 November 2009 SECRET SECRET Testimony agencies visited (required): 1. Report comes this date: ...................... 2. Report Return date: ...................... 3. Note: ...................... Note: 1. Road Permit is not an absolute guarantee against legal action from time to ti me. 2. Basis district out of TNI AU that report to the duty officer / Pump and compl y with local safety regulations. 3. Road Permit is immediately returned to the Spamau after visits / activities i mplemented. 4. Road Permit is only valid for one time / range of activities. Tunneling: 1. TNI Commander Asintel 2. Aspam Rafters SECRET MILITARY COMMAND AREA VII / Wirabuana MILITARY COMMAND 143/HALU Oleo RESORT STATE INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE VICE PRESIDENT VISITS CITY KENDARI PROV RI. SULTRA ON 12 OCTOBER 2011 I. INTRODUCTION 1. General. a. The dynamics of political, economic, social, cultural, defense and national s ecurity is very influential in the region of Southeast Sulawesi especially Kenda ri. This is caused existence of some specific organizations, NGOs and students w ho always responds national issues, especially the policy of the central governm ent, national and local political agenda by conducting demonstrations both again st and support. b. Security conditions Prov region. Sultra especially Kendari and conducive surr oundings, however lately occurred various demonstrations were performed by stude nts or groups of society, especially in dealing with central government policy / regions, especially on the fuel price hike, corruption and street vendors Issue s and plans Prov. Sultra as KEK. This situation is likely be a central issue by certain groups to undertake actions / activities that may interfere with activit ies of the Vice President and his entourage. c. Circumstances Intelligence Estimate is a document that contains the actual pr oblems in the field of ideology, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Defence, both national and local scales, including the source of a direct threa t to the subjects, which need to be considered leaders and other concerned offic ials in determining the feasibility region Kendari as the object of the visit th e Vice President and his entourage as well as in formulating anticipatory measur es to secure a series of activities during the visit of the Vice President and h is entourage in Kendari. 2. Purpose and Objectives. a. Purpose. Provide an overview to the Upper Command about the situation in the region of Southeast Sulawesi in connection with the visit by U.S. Vice President and his entourage in Kendari of Southeast Sulawesi. b. Purpose. Provide input to the leadership to determine policy and decision-mak ing as well as further guidance in implementing VVIP security in the field. 3. Scope. Discussion on Intelligence state estimates include state / objects and likely to be faced and the steps that need to be done in order to provide secur ity to the Vice President and his entourage during a visit in Kendari, the seque ntial order as follows: a. b. c. d. e. f. Introduction. The state Regional Against Situation and Development. Regional situation analysis, Fight Situation and Development. Possible Threats / Barriers. Conclusion. Closing. II. REGIONAL EVENT, OPPONENT AND DEVELOPMENT SITUATIONS 4. Regional state. a. Climate and Weather. 1) South East Sulawesi province has a tropical climate with a comparison between the rainy season and the dry season is relatively balanced, with an average tem perature of 26 "- 29" C, the highest temperature of 35 "C and the lowest tempera ture of 22" c. Regional rainfall in Prov. Sultra can be divided into 2 parts: a) wet area with rainfall of over 2,000 mm / year covers an area north Kendari, Kolaka, the northern island of Buton and Wawonii island. b) semi-arid area with annual rainfall of 2,000 mm / year covers south Kendari, Kolaka, island areas south and southeast peninsula of Sulawesi. 2) In October in Kendari city and surrounding areas are generally cloudy weather and a chance of rain, can occur during the day and early morning time periods r anging from 1 s / d 2 hours with the nature of light to moderate rain. General d escription of the weather conditions for the area of ​​Southeast Sulawesi and surroundin g Kendari particularly applicable for the date 10 s / d October 30, 2011 are as follows: a) air temperature. (1) The maximum range between 31 "C - 33" C (2) Minimum range from 22 "C - 25" C. b) The air humidity (RH). (1) air humidity (RH) maximum range 90-95 MB (2) air humidity (RH) range minimum 60-65 MB c) Pressure Air. (1) The maximum air pressure ranges from 1011 s / d 1013 MB. (2) the minimum air pressure ranges from 1005 s / d 1007 MB. d) Wind. At an altitude of 3000 (feet) predominantly blowing from the Northeast to the Southeast with speeds ranging from 5 s / d 25 KM / Hr. e) High Waves for Water Southeast Sulawesi is: (1) Bone Bay: 0.3 M s / d 1.5 M (2) Water Junior Iron (Wakatobi): 0.5 M s / d 2.5 M (3) Kendari Tolo Bay: 0.5 M s / d 1.8 M f) Light. (1) The sun rises at 5:45 pm and sunset at around. 18:05 pm. (2) the Moon rises and sets every day is kuurang 53 minutes from the previous da y. b. Medan. 1) Halu Oleo Airport is an airport that can accommodate Boeing 737 aircraft, cur rently in good condition and is routinely used for the landing of a commercial a ircraft from several national airline. 2) Net-road linking the airport with Halu Oleo Kendari and the City / County and the object of other excursions, generally quite good, paved and can be passed s moothly and safely. 3) sea port in the city of Kendari are Class III port. This port is a port that can dirapati marine transport vessels Pelni and unloading containers, while peop le can only dirapati port by timber ship / boat motors. 4) The protrusion Medan. a) The coast generally consists of sandy soil, normal soil, rock and swamp. Sand y soil derived from river sediments and river Wanggu Pohara. b) river located in Kendari is Pohara River, River Lanumbuti, Konaweha and Wangg u River. The state of the river is not much effect on the smooth mobility, given the availability of facilities have adequate bridge to pass all kinds of vehicl es. 5. Opponents state. a. Disposition. Opponents consists of group Radical Left, Radical Right and the Radical Other (class resentment, faction dissatisfied, frustrated groups and the ir supporters and sympathizers) who mingle in society and spread throughout the city and surrounding Kendari. b. Composition. 1) Radical Left (RAKI). PRD / POPOR / PAPERNAS until now remained active and spr ead throughout society and students, forming underbouw organizations within the student movement as a base, Miskot, labor / street vendors, among others; LMND ( National Student League for Democrats), Indonesian Women's Coalition ( KPI), Wel fare Committee, FRD (Democratic People's Front), Alliance Merchant Street Market s, NGOs Fitra Sijar, UNPLINK, States of the Poor City (SRMK) and SCH (Study Club Law), Thema / claims made in any conduct demonstrations populist flavor nuances always the pretext of defending and fighting for the poor, developing Issues co rruption in government bureaucratic agencies Prop / Regency / City, developing i ssues and partisanship on the poor. Some activities and demonstrations will be u ndertaken in the period April s / d September 2011 are as follows: (1). On April 24, 2011 at 9:30 pm, the 10 students who are members of the Group of the National Student League for Democracy led Sultra in Sdr. Hasan (Mhs. F-Me chanical Unhalu) staged speeches around the roundabout Mandonga Kendari. Mass ac tion in order oration International Day Against Colonial. In the mass action cal led for the government to take over foreign mining to the welfare of society. (2) On April 27, 2011 at 9:00 pm, around 30 people from the group LMND, LBH and Hipka of Bau-Bau incorporated in the People's Front led Anti Neoliberalme in Sdr . Laaha (Mhs. F. Law Unidayan) perform the action oration at the intersection mo nument Kirap Betoambari district. Murhum of Bau-Bau with the demands of Parliame nt and the Governor urged Prov. Sultra planning to reject unequivocally the Spec ial Economic Zones (SEZ) Prov. Sultra and demanding Parliament and the Governor to resolve all conflicts existing mining in Prov. Sultra. (3) On May 21, 2011 in front of the court of Ex MTQ Kendari Kendari Jalan Ahmad Yani, a group of students who are members Unhalu Student League for Democracy (L MND) Sultra were led by Bro. Hasan (Students Faculty. Technique unhalu / Chairma n LMND Sultra) has to take action by establishing shelters / tents and a banner that reads "Command Post (Stop Neolibi, Realizes People Program LMND) and 13 yea rs have failed to reform Sejahterakan People Come People unite to lower SBY-Boed iono in stone, we are not a slave in the land of our own. (4) On June 1, 2011 At 10:30 pm, 50 + students from Sultra LMND elements, Bem F. Law Unhalu and BEM F. Unhalu techniques incorporated in the Radical Student Mil itia (MMR) in the lead Sdr. Hasan K (Chairman LMND Sultra / Mhs. Unhalu F. Law A ngk. 2008) held a demonstration at the office of Parliament Prov. Sultra Kendari . The action was carried on in order to commemorate the birth of Pancasila as we ll as commemorating the 13 years of reform have failed sejahterakan people. The protesters also carried signs that read "Let's unite people down SBY - Boediono, We're Not Slaves in the Land Alone, Against Neoliberalism system because it has been depriving the people, the smells Act Unplug foreign interests, education, free health for the welfare of the poor and SBY - Budiono capitalist dogs. "In t his action the protesters demanded that the SBY-Boediono must immediately step d own. The statement of the protesters are as follows: (A) Democratic Party Corruptor nest. (B) Capture, judgmental, confiscation of property ranging from corruption in the Palace (C) Remove the Neoliberal Act that hijack our constitution (D) nationalism against foreign mining and other strategic sectors for the devel opment of national industry (E) Remove the foreign debt instrument creating national economic and political dependency and burden the state budget (5) On June 6, 2011 At 11:25 pm, 30 + Front Anti neolib Prees Radical Realist (F ANPR) in the lead Sdr. Hasan F. Technics Unhalu rallied on Parliament Office Pro v. Sultra Kendari Road Tebau Waiting Kendari. In his speech demanded that Sby-Bu diono resign (6) On July 22, 2011 at the office of City Council Bau-Bau has occurred unras ac tion amounted to + 40 of the Combined League Mhs. National Democracy (LMND) by F raim, PRD, IMM, PMII, FPB, KPJB, MEI and KBFHU of Bau-Bau led Bro. Dedi Feriyant o (LMND Chairman) and Mr.. Thamrin (Chairman PRD), in a speech delivered mob's s tatement: (A) State Officials now in case the government of SBY-Boediono strayed from the ideals of national goals as outlined in the preamble of the founding fathers of the 1945 Constitution, (B) SBY-Boediono can not prosper the people and create social justice gap for al lowing the national economy dominated by outsiders of the States Imperialism. 2) Radical Right (RAKA). a) Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Sultra a fundamentalist group that is exclusiv e, developed the implementation of Islamic law and the Caliphate and of the syst em of ignorance towards Hijrah Islamic system "has a network of International an d active in his faith through activities such as social visits open fellow membe rs, lectures limited and rallied. Some activities and demonstrations conducted i n the period from April s / d September 2011 are as follows: (1) On June 12, 2011 at 08:00 pm in the Main Area EXS national MTQ has lasted Co nference of Rajab 1432 H Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia with Thema "Living Well under the shade of the Caliphate" organized by the DPD board I Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesi a Prov.Sultra, activities was attended by DPP Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia Sdr.Al Sy aid Ustad Abu Ahmad Al and Sdr.Al Ustat Junaidi, Manager of the Hizb ut-Tahrir I ndonesia and the board DPD Prov.Sultra districts / cities as well as all members of the HTI + Sesultra who numbered 10,000 people (2) 161 600 On August 2011, at the roundabout take Mandonga Kendari Oration of H izb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) with ± 250 people led by Bro. Muh. Ismail Yusanto (23 yr) of calls Nuzulul commemorate the Qur'an with the theme "Enforce the Qur'an and Sunnah in order to achieve the ultimate freedom" and called on all Muslims W orship Ramadan Indonesia to run with the best, humility and sincerity to all Off icials from the high to the lowest for really cling to the Quran so essential li berty to materialize. b) Jamaat Tablighi (JT) active Sultra conduct lectures in mosques to influence t he public, gathering activities / visits by visiting among fellow members. Teach ings given a narrow lead to fanaticism (anti-other religions / Christian;) with the aim to fight for enactment of Islamic law in the region of Southeast Sulawes i. However, the activities carried out during the period of April s / d Septembe r 2011 was nil. 3) other radicals (Hurt Group / Group Dissatisfied and frustrated). Is a group o f community leaders, scholars, youth, campus activists and other disgruntled gro ups were then formed an umbrella organization composed of a certain mass but not yet in the composition of good stewardship. The group is still working to carry out the activities of the meeting, discussion and advocacy on social issues suc h as human rights, the environment, democracy and land in order to discredit the government and exploit vulnerabilities Defense Ipoleksosbud field. Organization s, among others; MAK Sultra, FORDA, Lider, FSLDK, KAMMI, FMPR, AMPR, HMI, HIPMAS and groups / CBOs other formations. Several demonstrations were performed perio d April s / d September 2011: (A) On April 13, 2011 at 12:15 pm, ± 15 people from the Students Against Corruption (MAK Sultra) led by Br. Julman Hijrah rallied on Parliament Office Prov. Sultra Jln. Park Surapati Kendari with demands to the Governor asking Sultra within 2 x 24 hours giving warning to North Buton Regent officials to enable the North Bo ton Capital, buranga to serve as a center of Urban and asked Police Chief that t he Regents examination Kab. Butur related to misuse of development outside the d istrict area. Butur. (B) On 20 April 2011 at 11:00 pm, ± 15 people from Barisan Law Student Observer (BM PH) Sultra be led Sdr.LM. Taha Ramadan (Mhs. Unhalu) held a demonstration at the office of Jalan Ahmad Yani Kejati Sultra Kendari with urgent demands Ka. Kejati Sultra and Mayor Kendari and their staffs for being consistent and not selectiv e law enforcement in Southeast Sulawesi in order to eradicate corruption in Sout heast Sulawesi and Kendari Mayor shall be responsible for the movement of a few civil servants who carry identity Kendari Mayor personnel and facilities (C) On June 13, 2011 at 7:00 pm held at home led BKN Chairman-RI (RI-State honor s Agency) BTN address Medibrata jln. Bau-bau eagle has lasted opening BKN-RI Tra ining opened by the chairman of the BKN-RI (Major General LM. Syahrial, SH) ± which was attended by 80 participants in the training event BKN-RI president gave a s peech that essentially gives enlightening, thought senangtiasa charged, nuanced character development and lead to nation / state berkehormatan RI Pancasila, ber ketuhanan, human one, united, prosperous, equitable proficiency level training a ctivities carried on from 13 s / d June 18, 2011 6. Development of the situation. a. Ideology. 1) There are certain groups that aims to change the ideology of Pancasila with a nother ideology-oriented liberal ideology, religion, and communist ideology. His but Tabliq Jamaat Tahrir Indonesia and still want the implementation of Islamic law, PRD / POPOR / PAPERNAS and underbownya and the Ex-Political prisoners / pri soners PKI want persistence socialist communist ideology and other radical group s tend to liberal ideology. Some of the prominent activities undertaken radical Left / Right in collaboration with the frustration / hurt / not satisfied, among others: a) On June 1, 2011 At 10:30 pm, 50 + students from Sultra LMND elements, Bem F. Law Unhalu and BEM F. Unhalu techniques incorporated in the Radical Student Mili tia (MMR) in the lead Sdr. Hasan K (Chairman LMND Sultra / Mhs. Unhalu F. Law An gk. 2008) held a demonstration at the office of Parliament Prov. Sultra Kendari. The action was carried on in order to commemorate the birth of Pancasila as wel l as commemorating the 13 years of reform have failed sejahterakan people. The p rotesters also carried signs that read "Let's unite people down SBY - Boediono, We're Not Slaves in the Land Alone, Against Neoliberalism system because it has been depriving the people, the smells Act Unplug foreign interests, education, f ree health for the welfare of the poor and SBY - Budiono capitalist dogs. "In th is action the protesters demanded that the SBY-Boediono must immediately step do wn. The statement of the protesters are as follows: (1) Democrats Corruptor nest. (2) Capture, judgmental, confiscation of property ranging from corruption in the Palace (3) Remove the Neoliberal Act that hijack our constitution (4) nationalism against foreign mining and other strategic sectors for the devel opment of national industry (5) Remove the foreign debt instrument creating national economic and political dependency and burden the state budget b) On June 6, 2011 At 11:25 pm, 30 + Front Anti neolib Prees Radical Realist (FA NPR) in the lead Sdr. Hasan F. Technics Unhalu rallied on Parliament Office Prov . Sultra Kendari Road Tebau Waiting Kendari. In his speech demanded that Sby-Bud iono resign c) On July 22, 2011 at the office of City Council Bau-Bau has occurred unras act ion amounted to + 40 of the Combined League Mhs. National Democracy (LMND) by Fr aim, PRD, IMM, PMII, FPB, KPJB, MEI and KBFHU of Bau-Bau led Bro. Dedi Feriyanto (LMND Chairman) and Mr.. Thamrin (Chairman PRD), in a speech delivered mob's st atement: (1) The State now in case the government of SBY-Boediono strayed from the ideals of national goals as outlined in the preamble of the founding fathers of the 19 45 Constitution, (2) SBY-Boediono can not prosper the people and create social justice gap for al lowing the national economy dominated by outsiders of the States Imperialism. 2) Physically certain group activities who want to change Pancasila as an ideolo gy has not been seen, but caution must be taken considering the current state ha s given freedom to the people to establish an organization (association), and fr ee expression. b. Politics. 1) Some areas in Prov. Sultra has just completed the 2011-2016 period including Election District North Konawe, Wakatobi and Bombana except in the district. But on still leaves the problem, the results of the elections in August 4, 2011, whi ch was won pair Feisal M.Si-Yaudu Agus Salam Adjo S.Pd, but was sued by the eigh t other candidates, which in the judgment the Court (the Constitutional Court) i n favor of the plaintiff so the election Buton canceled and will be implemented over the plan General Election will be held in December 2011. (A) On August 15, 2011, at the Commission's office Prov. Sultra has lasted actio n unras Institute of Election Monitoring Team Student Guard led Bro. Albert Mhs Unhalu in his speech asked the Commission Prov. Sultra Br. Bosman S.Si MH to res ign from his post for failing to carry out their duties, which the Commission Pr ov. Sultra not execute a letter of recommendation from the Central Election Comm ission Election District contents cancellation. Buton as assessed disability law . b) On August 18, 2011 at the office of Parliament Prov. Sultra take action unras of Community Caregivers Forum Buton (FPMB) the number of ± 20 people led by Bro. H erman Somba Mhs. Unhalu to reject the demands of the plenary Commission issued K ab. Buton the implementation of Election District. Buton on August 4, 2011, as d eemed unlawful and asked the parliament Prov. Sultra form a working committee to combat mafia in Election District. Buton. Enterprising safe and orderly. c) On September 30, 2011 at approximately 9:15 pm at the office of the Election Commission Prov.Sultra Jl. Tebaununggu has lasted action unras of Community Care givers Forum totaling buton + 20 people with korlap Br. Herman Mpone Mhs. Electi on-related Unhalu in Kab.Buton Attitude statement include: - Urge Election Commission Prov.Sultra immediately ratify the Honorary Board of the Election Commission had been established previously Prov.Sultra no later tha n Sunday October 2, 2011 - Urge Election Commission Prov.Sultra 9 Honorary Board member of the Election C ommission to call the Election Commission Sultra Buton related to violation of c ode of conduct by the Election Commission members Buton - Insist the police chief to immediately inspect Sultra members KPUD related But on District Election irregularities. Buton. 3) Establishment of Provincial Buton Kingdom. The idea of ​​the establishment of the pro vince of Buton Kingdom emerged since former Gububernur Sultra (Laode Kaimuddin) rolled out a new discourse about "Buton Kingdom" as a forerunner to the formatio n of the formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in the area. Discourse re-fou ght by a group of political elites from Kab. Buton including DPR-RI origin Sultr a (HM Laode Djeni Hasmar), Regent Buton (Safei Kahar) and Chairman of the Distri ct Council. Buton (Umar Samiun). The formation of the formation of new areas sur rounding Wakatobi, Bombana, North Buton Buton and business formation Central and South Buton as the autonomous region shall be considered as one of the requirem ents in the formation of a new province if the district later. Muna and Kab. Bom bana did not join into Prov. Buton Kingdom where one of the requirements is supp orting the establishment of a new province should have a minimum area of ​​five (5) dist ricts and the establishment discourse has entered into discussions at the centra l level. 4) Expansion Region. Since North Buton region and Northern region Konawe success ful expansion into the district, and the local political elite students battled back to make regional divisions in the region. The region has struggled to split the division into districts is Wawonii Island / Konawe islands (Kab. Konawe), e xpansion of cities and Muna Raha west (Kab. Muna), the division Buton Buton Cent ral and South District. Buton). But the protest action demanding the expansion r egion for the period of April s / d September is nil. c. Economics. 1) The occupation of Southeast Sulawesi province are staples of the farmers, fis hermen and ranchers with a number of around 75%. While the other 25% consists of Servants / Private, small traders and laborers. The economy in general is contr olled by descendants of Chinese citizens and Bugis. 2) The discovery of natural resources (gold) in the district. Bombana (Tahi Ite, Bumbubangka and Barito) and some mining areas has increased the economic resour ces of society including the development of traditional markets around the minin g area. However, some areas that pose the pros and cons between the owners of th e mining company with the surrounding community this can be used as the theme fo r student groups and NGOs in conducting demonstrations. 3) There are still kind of timber smuggling of teak and rattan Ereke island dist rict. Muna regency Kulisusu to Surabaya. 4) Trading of used clothing and electronics originating from abroad, sent throug h the cruise line directly to the P Wanci Singapore Regency Wakatobi and Muna re gency P Ereke be distributed to Region Southeast Sulawesi. 5) There are still smuggling fertilizer from Surabaya and Singapore are used as a homemade bomb ingredients fish, through the inter-island shipping. Wanci towar ds the coast of the island and Batu Gong Soropia Kendari. d. Social Culture. 1) The student protests. Demonstrations by students and some community organizat ions in addition to highlighting the problems of internal problems within the ca mpus and the local government agencies identified vertical laden with corruption . Several demonstrations were prominent during the period of April s / d Septemb er 2011 are as follows: (A) On May 3, 2011 10:30 pm pkl housed in the Office of the Police Sultra Halu O leo City KDI has lasted action unras of Students Against Corruption Sultra (MAKSultra) with 40 + Mass led by the brothers. Julman mass Hijra requested that pol ice arrest Sultra Sdr.Drs. H.Lukman Sulaiman.SH. Corruption related Msi fund loc al government official travel TK.II District. Konut and mass statement read Al: (1) Police Chief Urges Sultra to pursue corruption Konut local government offici al travel. (2) Urge Police Chief Sultra immediately detained and freed former District dist rict. Konut Drs. H. Lukman Abunawas.SH.Msi. (3) If the Chief of Police Sultra no response then we will have a proposal to th e Chief of Police. (B) On May 23, 2011 At 10:45 pm held at the Governor's office Prov. Sultra Jl. H alu Oleo Kendari has been ongoing demonstrations of Youth Against Corruption (PA K) with ± 7 people were led by the brothers. Rino Suryo (Law Faculty Students Unhal u) in a speech addressing the mass of Education budget of the Ministry of Educat ion where many agencies received budget does not meet the requirements of even s ome institutions that have a budget cut 30-50% of the total budget they get. (C) On May 24, 2011 At 10:45 pm held at the Mayor's office Kendari jl. Ahmad Yan i Kendari has been ongoing demonstrations of Movement Observer Kendari policy by the number of ± 15 people, led by Bro. Hardiman Butur indication in his speech hig hlighted the corruption in city government Kendari, mass requires urgent municip al government to eliminate the brokers at the Department of Licensing and proces s people who do corruption that could damage the image of the City Government Ke ndari (D) On June 8, 2011 at approximately 10:40 pm, the 10 + Student Anti-Corruption (MAK) which was led by Sultra Sdr.Firman (Mhs.Fak.Hukum Unhalu) unras action Kej ati Office Prov.Sultra Yani Jl.Ahmad with the pressing demands Kejati Sultra Sul tra and Police Chief to make calls at the same time check the Head of Communicat ions of North Buton related cases Ereke People who harbor construction cost and demanding project Rp. Saver. (E) On June 9, 2011 at 10:30 pm, 71 + people who joined the Unite Student Forum Bombana Sultra led Bro. Irman (Mhs. Unhalu FKIP) rallied in the Southeast Sulawe si Police Headquarters Halu Oleo Kendari Police Corruption Sultra urged to immed iately detain Br. H. Rustam Supendi (District Secretary. Bombana) that has long defined as a suspect in a corruption case heading relief fund of Rp. 412 000 000 , - and a follow up report related to misuse of the special allocation fund (DAK ) involving Br. Drs. Sulkarnaeni (former Kadiknas District. Bombana) which has c ost the state Rp. 16,261,000,000, (F) On June 14, 2011 at approximately 11:50 pm, 10 + person march Student Govern ment Student of Law (BMPH-Sultra) in the lead Sdr. LM Taha Ramadan (Mhs. F. Law Unhalu) held a demonstration at the office of Parliament Prov. Sultra Road S.Par man Kendari with urgent demands Prov.Sultra Council and its members to call Kend ari Mayor and Head of PU to hold a hearing on the misuse of funds budgets year 2 009-2011 budget of 1.5 billion rupiah to dredge the bay Kendari reputed budget w aste (G) On July 22, 2011 at the office of City Council Bau-Bau has occurred unras ac tion amounted to + 40 of the Combined League Mhs. National Democracy (LMND) by F raim, PRD, IMM, PMII, FPB, KPJB, MEI and KBFHU of Bau-Bau led Bro. Dedi Feriyant o (LMND Chairman) and Mr.. Thamrin (Chairman PRD), in a speech delivered mob's s tatement: (1) The State now in case the government of SBY-Boediono strayed from the ideals of national goals as outlined in the preamble of the founding fathers of the 19 45 Constitution, (2) SBY-Boediono can not prosper the people and create social justice gap for al lowing the national economy dominated by outsiders of the States Imperialism. 2) Monetary assistance for refugees EXS Teams. The existence of a demonstration by refugees EXS Teams in Prov. Sultra because until now there has been signals t o pass through the allocation of government funding has been promised by the dif ferences of the data held by the Ministry of Social Affairs Prov. Sultra with FS MPST (Center for Refugee Solidarity Forum Community of Southeast Sulawesi Post O pinions trail East Timor). Demonstrations conducted period April s / d September 2011 are as follows: On September 2011 191 030, + 30 from Barisan Prosperous In tegran North Maluku (Bahteramas) rallied in the Office of Social Service Prov. S ultra Jl. Prince Antasari with the demand that the exodus from central funds amo unting to Rp. 500 billion are earmarked + 50 000 households with details Rp.10.0 00.000 / KK clarified. 3) Nickel Mine in the district. Konawe. The discovery of Natural Resources (Nick el) in some areas district Prov. Sultra especially in the district. Konawe one h and gives the benefit of the local community, but on the other hand is very vuln erable to conflicts of interest that could lead to the horizontal and vertical c onflicts. This is due to the absence of clear rules that can be guided by local people / migrants and mining companies that already have KP (Mining). Several ac tivities and demonstrations that stand in the April s / d September 2011 are as follows: On 28 September 2011 at approximately 11:30 pm in the Office of Police Headquarters Sultra act has occurred unras of NGOs Consortium Konsel totaling 20 0 + with korlap Sdr. Abdul Kadir NGOs Kendari Simponi, in a speech demanding: - To be arrested and processed Br. Yawan horizon INFESDECO leader who wishes tha t the words should not be spoken in front of police officers Konsel payment of a ll stakeholders and policy makers in Southeast Sulawesi, especially in Kab.Konse l. - To immediately called Regent Konsel H. Imran, M.Si karen issued a letter to PT INFESDECO SKKP in 2010 and closed SK PT and PT Ashari Baula Buana work with SK in 2008 - Urge the police chief that Sultra Sultra Police Mobile Brigade troops who serv ed the company of the order drawn. 3) The level of social life. There are several districts in Southeast unproducti ve condition of the area so as to encourage its citizens to make a living in the city of Kendari as rickshaw pullers, laborers and street vendors off the harbor . The state has been added to the list of existing pockets of poverty in the cit y of Kendari and it is possible to be a potential vulnerability e. Defense and Security. 1) Defense. Southeast Sulawesi region which has a long coastline with 110,000 Km broad waters are on trajectory ALKI-III are highly vulnerable to the possibilit y of Subversive activities / Infiltration, transnational crimes such as theft of seafood, smuggling of arms / ammunition, explosives and other illegal activitie s. 2) Security Situation in the region of Southeast Sulawesi is generally quite fav orable. Some notable cases that occurred in the period of April s / d September 2011 include: a) The presence of foreign citizens. Sultra The area is one of the target of for eign citizens with a variety of purposes / reasons. This needs to be aware of th e possibility of infiltration for the intent and purpose that can be detrimental as it happens On May 29, 2011 at approximately 19:20 pm held at the home Dr.Suk irman Jl.Patimura Kel.Watulondo Kec.Puuwatu Kendari, Criminal Police Unit Kendar i led by Ipda Pol.Senos (Kanit ReskrimPolresta Kendari) carried out the arrest o f 12 persons WNA (11 people from Afghanistan WNA WNA and 1 from Iran) because th ey do not have a permit / citizenship paperwork (Visa / Passport). The WNA names origin (Afghanistan and Iran) An.Sadir, Musawin, Muh.Yasir, Abdullah, Alidad, K huda, Abd.Halib, Qadir, Hamid, Muh.Ali, Zdolan, Mustafa (Iran) and to the 12 for eigners are has been secured in Mapolresta Kendari for further investigation. b) Misuse senpi. (1) On April 6, 2011 at approximately 15:25 pm located at Jln. Kapitalau Bau-bau robberies have occurred with the use of firearms by type colt An unscrupulous p olice. Brigadier Abdullah (members Poltresta smells) the mister. H. Abuharu age 57 years Pek. Seaweed lrg address. PK Ex. Lamangga district. Murhum Bau-bau. As a result of the incident Br. H. Abuharu (victim) suffered bullet wounds to the l eft thigh and head right and was currently undergoing treatment in hospital emer gency handling bau.Kasus Bau-Bau-Bau Propam Police. (2) On May 24, 2011 at approximately 16:15 pm in the Airport District Halu Oleo. Konsel been implemented discomfiture senpi delivery models M.16.A1 Cal.5 barrel length, 56 mm, two Magazen, senpi will be sent to Jakarta, the sender An. Men S ofyan, address Jl.Lasolo Kendari No. 37 and sent via Cargo PCP for SMU Jono Mas Surya Genta Nusantara.Barang SN is obtained disperpak car, the evidence has been handled by the Police (Police Kendari) c) Drugs. (1) On May 6, 2011 at 11:00 pm at the home of Brigadier Rustam Efendi (members B rimobda Sultra) Roads City Hall III Kendari have made arrests of PFC Deden Nrp. 31010707810181 Ta. Kipan C Battalion 721/Makasau with two of his friends (Mr. Gr ace and Mr. Nur. Sapriadi) allegedly involved in drug use by type shabu-shabu Po lice Narcotics Investigation Unit and the Provost Brimobda Kendari Sultra.Dalam arrest also secured one package of tools suction of the illicit drug methampheta mine and senpi Non Standard TNI brand Shotgan Perbakin standard with two Magazen FN 45 and 6 points were in the bag munitions Deden.Saat PFC is Brigadier Rustam Efendi with 3 civilians as well as the evidence of one package of straws in the Police shabudiamankan Kendari , while PFC Deden with senpi Non Standard Shotgun TNI brand standard with two Magazen Perbakin FN 45 and 6 grain ammunition secur ed in Denpom VII / 5 KDI for further investigation. (2) On 29 September 2011 at approximately 12:00 pm in front of Primkopad Kodim 1 417/Kdi Jl. Arif Samratulangi sergeant-Sabu Sabu transactions with members of th e Police Sultra posing as buyers, the time the transaction was about Sultra Poli ce members will catch sergeant Arif, however sergeant fled towards housing Arif Kodim Department 1417/Kdi but was eventually arrested by the Police Narcotics In vestigation Unit combined Sultra and assisted by members of Denpom VII / 5 KDI w ith evidence secured in Denpom VII / 5 KDI for further investigation. d) Fighting among students. 1) On August 7, 2011, around 19:00 pm at Jln. Mokodompit Lrng Stars and Lrng. Ne w campus rainbow Unhalu + 30 people to use masks attacked the students interest Muna using weapons such as spears, machetes and bows, but the incident did not c ause casualties as quickly secured by the police. Police in the investigation of the case Kendari 2) On August 15, 2011, in the office of Police Sultra has lasted action unras of Care Campus Student Alliance (AMPK) in the amount of ± 50 people led Bro. Maul Gan i Mhs Unhalu with urgent demands the police to investigate the case of Assault, Murder, Looting, and Burning Dormitory Sexual Harassment and take stern action a gainst the perpetrators of terror and spreading very troubling issues that campu s residents. 3) On August 22, 2011, in Mapolres Kendari Jl. DI Panjaitan lasted unras of Stat e Youth Students Tolaki (TPPMT) amounting to + 45 people led by Bro. M. Kasim Ka lenggo Mhs Unhalu with the demands asked Police Chief and Police Chief Kendari r esponsible for the murders and persecution on July 30, 2011 because the police s eemed to let the murder. 4) On September 8, 2011 at 1830 pm around campus Unhalu Jl. HE A Mokodompit (lrg front springs III) Kec.Kambu Kendari has happened to Mr. AH stabbing 23-year-ol d student employment rate Muna FKIP Unhalu Lrg address Pioneers (Dormitory heart ). And the 24-year-old Sdr.Zainuddin Tribes Students work Muna Muna Faperta Unha lu interest (Dormitory Rian) conducted by a group of unknown people + 20 people that left both victims died. Cases of police cooperation in the handling of rela ted elements. 5) On September 12, 2011 at 11:15 pm in the office of Parliament Prov. Sultra Jl . Parks Surapati has lasted action unras of Youth and Students Alliance of South east Sulawesi (AP2-Sultra) accounted for 100 + led Bro. Hasanuddin (AP2-Sultra B oard of Trustees) and Sdr.Arwan (Chairman BPK2K-East Sulawesi) to demand that th e Governor and the Deputy Mayor Kendari Sultra soon give recommendation that cam pus security area taken over the military because it is considered the police ar e unable to solve a problem related to the conflict on campus and can not provid e security for the people Kendari. e) Conflict of military-police-community. In the period from April s / d Septemb er 2011 in the Korem 143/HO been some cases of abuse / violence perpetrated agai nst the elements of the army and the persecution of members of the army carried out by civil society. Several prominent cases are as follows: (1) On April 22, 2011 at 3:00 pm located at the point Sari Sea "Mas Joko" Road S heikh Yusuf Kendari has been threatening to use a firearm (pistol) and torture a llegedly committed by the sergeant Beni (Member Denpom VII / 5 Kendari ) against Br. Djainal Pek. Contractor / Advisory Chair Gapensi District. Konawe address K onawe and abuse by using the butt of the gun against Br. Jefri (sea sari shop vi sitors Mas Joko). As a result of the incident Br. Djainal suffered severe schock while Bro. Jefri had injuries in the head 5 cm. (2) On 24 April 2011 at approximately 0:05 pm The house is located in H.Dg.Ngera ng Jl.Poros Kolaka Kab.kolaka has occurred by using the bayonet stabbing that do ne by Andi Akbar Kopda NRP 31,970,641,020,176 Title Ta Cookers Pokko Kipan Batta lion 725 B / WRG to Sergeant Major Jabalnur (1407 Bakodim Bone) and Sdr.Salahudd in (people), a result of the incident and his Sergeant Major Jabalnur Salahudin both suffered injuries due to stab wounds in the left armpit bayonet Kopda Adi A kbar and is currently hospitalized in hospitals Kab.Kolaka. Case handling Denpom VII / 5 Kendari. (3) On May 25, 2011 at 10:30 pm Andonohu ​​housed in the Market district. Poasia Kendari has been a misunderstanding / fight between La Serda Nrp Uku. 590 246 Babinsa K oramil 1417-13/Poasia Dim 1417/Kendari with Bro. Members Rianta Laode Kendari mu nicipal police on duty at the scene Andonuhu.Akibat market Serda La Uku had blis ters on both her middle finger and a bruise on the right upper lip while Bro. La ode Rianta have bruises on her right cheek and left upper lip bag broke. The cas e has been resolved peacefully / family. (4) On June 11, 2011 at about 0:15 pm held at Ex. Ranomeeto district. Ranomeeto Kab. Konsel has happened beatings of PFC Hasan Nrp. Jab 31030287871282. Tabak Pa n Ru 3 Ton III Battalion 725/Wrg Kipan C by three young men. As a result of this incident PFC Hasan suffered serious wound on the nose, right cheek, ear, left s houlder and torn at the back. Currently victims while still getting treatment at RSAD Dr. Ismoyo Korem 143/HO.Kasus Denpom handling VII / 5 Police Kendari coord ination. III. STATE REGIONAL ANALYSIS, OPPONENT AND DEVELOPMENT SITUATION. 7. Regional state. a. Climate and Weather. Current weather climate in the region surrounding Kendar i and apply the dry season but the rain is still often the case that the time is uncertain both in the morning / afternoon / evening. Similarly, the state of th e cloud, cloudy weather and fog was still going on around the city including the airport Halu Oleo Kendari. Thus the general climate and weather conditions sign ificantly influence the current aircraft flight including landing and take of. b. The state of Medan. 1) Conditions airport Halu Oleo Kendari good and able to accommodate Boeing 737 aircraft, to facilitate the landing and take of the Presidential aircraft, inclu ding emergency action in the event of an emergency to the Vice President and his entourage. 2) Net-road linking the airport with Halu Oleo Kendari and the City / County and the object of other excursions, generally quite good and paved, thus facilitati ng the mobility of the Vice President and his entourage headed to places of acti vity. 3) class III sea port in the city of Kendari a sea port that can dirapati Pelni, conditions facilitate emergency action by sea in the event of an emergency to t he Vice President and his entourage. 8. Development of the situation. a. Ideology. An indication of certain social groups to change the ideology of Pa ncasila with other schools of religious-oriented schools will likely decline fro m the previous recall some of the high-ranking of this particular organization o f the Radical Right has been elected members of the Legislative As with particul arly at the central level. Action related to issues likely to come from the ideo logy Radical Left and Radical others, especially the PRD and underbownya. Althou gh physical activity and Rala Raki group that wants to replace Pancasila ideolog y is not visible, but still need to watch out because it remains a potential thr eat at any time can come to the surface. b. Politics. 1) The pros and cons of the determination of the district of North Buton is stil l a problem that must be resolved immediately because these problems are very vu lnerable when used as an issue to create a map of the conflict, in addition to t he discourse of the political elite to fight for the establishment of Prov. Buto n Kingdom that the discussion has come to the central level and the plans of the government Prov. Sultra to make Prov.Sultra as an area of ​​Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is also reaping the pros and cons that have implications for the simmering poli tical situation in the Prov. Sultra. 2) There was the desire of the community to form Prov. Buton Kingdom, Kab. Tenga South Buton Buton and so they continue to make efforts so that what is expected soon realized one of them was the effort by rally was held and when coincide du ring the visit the Vice President and his entourage will certainly obstruct and interfere with the implementation of activities Vice President for in Kendari. c. Economics. Problems that can be issues by the community groups, students and groups of radicals to carry out actions that obstruct and disrupt the activities of the Vice President and his entourage while in Kendari are as follows: 1) The local government policy to make wilaya Prov. Southeast Sulawesi as a Spec ial Economic Zone area have been raised to the level of the center with the aim of improving the economy of Southeast Sulawesi but some organizations, NGOs reje cted the plan so that the problem can be used as the theme for student groups an d NGOs rallied when the Vice President was in Kendari. 2) Frequent fuel shortages in particular types of Solar in Kendari can be used a s the theme for student groups and NGOs in conducting demonstrations. d. Social Culture. Socio-cultural issues that stand out are unresolved issues UM R (UMP / MSE) for labor workers not living according to eligibility standards, y et signals to pass Dik funds (BOS) as intended, yet dilaksankanannya Dik budget as mandated by the state budget at least 20%, the number of beggars and children streets and the age of the children of school age in each mall as a waitress pa rking services that are not handled well by the local government which will affe ct Prop government programs. Sultra on in running government, especially in the near future can be a theme of the student protest groups and NGOs, which can int erfere with the activities of the Vice President and his entourage while in Kend ari. e. Defense and Security. 1) Defense. Defense in circumstances Kendari not there are things stand out but still need to watch out. 2) Safety. a) The security situation in Kendari prominent in recent times is konfilk betwee n student interest Buton / Muna with tribal Tolaki and PKL with Mayor Kendari re lated policies / legislation on regulating street vendors and street cleaning Ke ndari, then this problem has been in the ride by the group particular in order t o expand and enhance the intensity of the conflict, including ethnic-based confl icts Tolaki by Muna / Buton in Kendari, it can obstruct and interfere with activ ities of the President and his entourage while in the city in anticipation Kenda ri so need to avoid things that are not desired for the Vice President and his e ntourage were in Kendari. b) The distribution of firearms (assembly) significant illegally in Southeast Su lawesi region, can be used by some individuals / groups to prevent and disrupt c ertain activities of the Vice President while in town kendari. IV. POSSIBLE THREATS / BARRIERS 9. Climate and Weather. In general, the climate and the weather will not much af fect the flight of Kendari to other cities or vice versa, but unexpected changes are high risk in aviation such as rain, clouds and overcast weather when the ai rcraft landing / take of caution must be taken. 10. Medan. In general, the state of the field in both airports and roads complex emergency prepared in pretty good shape, so the possibility of threats and obst acles in terms of field is very small. 11. Opponent. Conducting mass rallies to draw attention and anarchic acts to inh ibit, interfere with, disrupt and thwart the visit the Vice President and his en tourage to carry out activities such as: deployment issues / pamphlets, banners, demonstrations, sabotage, torture / murder and shooting . a. Distribution Issues, pamphlets and banners. Installation of pamphlets and ban ners carried by the sudden certain places the object of the visit or on the rout e the Vice President and his entourage. b. Demonstrations / aspiration. Mobilizing the masses who recruited / assembled by certain groups on the streets and the object of the visit can affect / inhibi t visit by Vice President and his entourage. c. Sabotage. Performed in certain places that get less attention from the securi ty forces or the result of inadvertence. Places that might be targeted sabotage include: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) airport control tower, runway / airport or on a plane. VVIP Room Baruga and common terminal. Route to be traversed. communication tools. Vehicle Convoy. In the places for the event / activity Vice President. d. Persecution / murders and shootings. Performed by using poison, firearms stan dards / assemblies or sharp weapons possessed by way of infiltration to achieve a certain distance that allows actors to perform the action. V. CONCLUSION 12. Climate and weather. In general, the climate and the weather will not much a ffect the flight of Kendari to other cities or vice versa, but unexpected things like sudden weather changes that may interfere with or impede flight, especiall y when the aircraft landing / take off remains to watch and diantasisipasi. 13. Medan. In general, the physical terrain Halu Oleo both airports and roads em ergency prepared in pretty good shape so the possibility of threats and obstacle s in terms of field is very small. 14. Possible threats. Judging from the development of the situation for some tim e then some of the possible threats and obstacles that may occur include distrib uting flyers, banners mounting protests motivated by the PRD / POPOR and underbo wnya, students, NGOs, labor / Miskot and groups of people who are not satisfied with the central and local government policy. 15. Step Anticipation. Every business activity opponent might do, faced with sec urity in Kendari and strength and security capabilities that exist and can be mo ved, then the probability of threats and obstacles can be anticipated and solved with preventive and repressive action either before, during and after visit the Vice President and his entourage. VI. CLOSING Similarly Intelligence Estimate Prov region. Southeast Sulawesi Kendari especial ly created in order to visit the Vice President and his entourage to be used as consideration in order to determine the policy further. Kendari, October 2011 A.n. Military Commander for Oleo 143/Halu Chief of Intelligence Today Murdani Lieutenant Colonel Kav. NRP 1910042580969 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT No. B / ND - / X/2012/Sintel To: Commander Paspampres From: Asintel Danpaspampres Subject: Application for the addition Bachelor's Degree 1 (S-1) _____________________ 1. Basics: a. Dirajenad Circular No. SE/11/XI/2005 dated 25 November 2005 concerning additi onal administrative requirements degree Army personnel. b. High school diploma in Economics and Management Business Development S1-MN120 10053 numbers on behalf Edmil Nurjamil, MN12010029 Dwi-S1 and S1-MN12010030 Bali ono Roy Andersen Warokka. 2. In connection with the above basis with respect filed his petition adding Str ata 1 (S-1) on behalf of: a. Col. Inf Edmil Nurjamil NRP 1900004141067 Asintel Danpaspampres, photo copy o f certificate attached. b. Lt. Col. Dwi Cpm Baliono NRP Pabandya Lids Paspampres Sintel, photo copy of c ertificate attached. c. Sergeant Major Roy Andersen March 91 975 NRP Warokka Baurlahta Bandya Lids Pa spampres Sintel, a copy of the certificate attached. 3. So please be tolerated. SECRET MILITARY COMMAND AREA II / SRIWIJAYA Dempo 044/GARUDA MILITARY COMMAND RESORT Book No. Of : : Book INTEL KIRKA REGION KOREM 044/GAPO Not received by Vice President PALEMBANG TO CITY PROV. Sumatra READINESS REVIEW IN ORDER TO SEA GAMES-26 DATE 10 OCTOBER 2011 INTRODUCTION. General. 1. In an effort to anticipate and control the threat, distractions and obstacles in South Sumatra, Korem 044/Gapo principal duty deter, prevent and combat all forms of threats from within and outside the country in the entire region of South Sumatr a. To be estimate the extent of the threat depends Intelligence officials the ability to monitor the development of the situation Ipoleksosbud Defense and Security in the South Sumatra. 2. Successful implementation of the basic tasks very Korem 044/Gapo influenced by the ability of intelligence officers in the ranks of Korem 044/Gap o detect any vulnerabilities that may arise can to threats, harassment, obstruction and a real challenge in order early warning. 3. From the result of early detection, the State Intelligence Estimate made fit the real conditions in the region to support the operation Korem 044/Gapo working visiting VVIP security. These estimates are expected to be Top Command consideration in determining policy more further. Basic. 1. The results in the Provincial Security Coordination Meeting. South Sumatra dated October 5, 2011 on Plan not received by the Vice President to the city Palembang Prov. Sumatra on October 10, 2011 in the ordinary reviewing the readiness of the 26th Sea Games in Palembang in 2011. 2. Implementation persuade TNI on Presidential Security Operations, Vice President and state level are heads of state / heads government and his family Perpang/60/IX/2010 No. 8 th September 2010. Korem 044/Gapo TA Program. 2011 Field Intelligence. Purpose and Objectives. 1. Purpose. Provides an overview of the state estimate Intelligence area in order Korem 044/Gapo Vice Working Visit President to the city of Palembang Prov. Sumatra on October 10, 2011 review of readiness in the event activity to the 26th Sea Games in the City Palembang Prov. Sumatra in 2011. SECRET SECRET 2 D. 2. Purpose. As an input for the Top Command order to make decisions and subsequent policy. Scope and Tata Sort. Introduction. Regional conditions. Development of the situation. Analysis. Estimated Threat and Contingency. Special Situations / Things Stand. Estimated Threat. Actions And Effort To Overcome Threats. Closing. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. II. EVENT AREAS. A. Weather. 1. Prevailing circumstances. a) Climate. Season in April s.d. In October 2011 very hot but can occasionally occur with heavy rains rainfall reaches 2372 mm / quarter so often cause flooding in some areas and roads point. b) Temperature. (1) Lowlands at 27 º C during the day s.d. 32 º C Relative humidity 4 º Cs / s 938 º C and 21.2 º C night sd 24 º C. (2) Plateau at 19.8 º C during the day s.d. 41.5 º C Relative humidity is 18.4 º C s.d. 20 º C. c) Wind. Blowing from the East to the West with speed average of 4.5 knots / hour. d) Light. Early dawn ranged at 05.00 pm, the sun sunrise at 5:30 am and sunset at 18:00 pm. e) Deposition. (1) Smog, which occurs during the dry season, there is a in South Sumatra caused because of the large combustion fields and forests by farmers who move on before the rice planting season in August, the situation often disrupt flights and landings for aircraft / jumpers. (2) Fog clouds located along the eastern coast of province South Sumatra and along a hillside rows of Northwestern (Lubuk Linggau, Pagar Alam, Muara Dua, Banyan Island, Krui and sekiarnya). (3) Fog clouds in Palembang and the surrounding area it is disturbing flying and jumping. 2. Influence on how your opponent acts. SECRET SECRET 3 a) With temperatures hot enough and is starting drought that will cause considerable dust many, allowing opponents to infiltrate the group VVIP convoy and groups. b) With the onset of the dry season will help fire hazards, whether residential, offices and plant that is so easy for the other side exploit the situation to cause a disruptive situation security which resulted in disruption of the implementation of activities events and inhibition of convoys traveling troupe. c) The haze that occurs during the dry season, which because many burning of fields and forests by farmers on the move, can be exploited by the opponent to infiltrate the group and forces as well as do things that are not desirable. d) Heavy rain can not be predicted cause flooding, disrupting travel route so can be used by the opposition to approach the vehicle VVIP. Effect on how to act alone. a) Utilizing the fine weather to make it easier travel route and the implementation of program activities. b) Tightened security in times of a disaster fire or unrest that can disrupt the way the group convoy or event so that intruders can be known. c) Prepare everything in case of rain that sudden trip convoy and implementation event activities can still run well, smoothly and safely. d) Security is very tight in the possibility of sabotage opposite party to take advantage of the prevailing weather conditions sabotage opponents by using the technique is needed to prevent anything undesirable. Medan. Prevailing circumstances. a) Protrusion shape terrain on the east coast of South Sumatra Generally beaches, muddy and the river and its tributaries navigable all the small boats, motor boat while cliffcliff ramps and flat, muddy shores and on the basis of river estuaries sufficiently small boats can pass. b) On the East Coast there are swampy mangroves and other shrubs, so it is not good for the port unless small boats, because of the many-branched rivers branch and thus vulnerable to infiltration. c) Forest. Forest is so dense heterogeneous traverse difficult man. d) Benda-banda earth's surface is divided into 4 parts: SECRET SECRET 4 (1) The area is very vast swamp on the east coast Sumatra are cut by large rivers and soil mushy / muddy. (2) Lowland is the largest area of ​​Sumatra consisting of clay, in the rainy season sticky / tacky. (3) Longitudinally along the lower mountain areas frontier province which is arable land. (4) Area plain high constitute protrusionprotrusion of the hill there is a row in the mountains Dempo. 2. Influence on how your opponent acts. a) South Sumatra Province is an area surrounded many streams tributary of the river Musi centered and rivers Ogan, will easily infiltrate the enemy, allowing you to easily master the city / county. b) The number of tributary streams that connect the sea the river Musi, easier opponents and strangers to go to the City / County to spread the issues and made in order to sabotage the implementation of activities to be disrupted. c) Many mountains that used the counterparty to do the hiding and reconnaissance. d) Many swamps and forests in the region heterogeneous Prov. Sumatra, allowing the opponent to do the ambush and find ways to escape escape. Effect on how to act alone. 3. a) Utilizing fishermen / traders as the eyes and ears (The net) and tighten security foreigners entrance to the City / County. b) Tightening security on the trip and each location activities to avoid doing business counterparty ambush and sabotage. c) Working closely with local government / local government and related institution s personnel to provide information to military / police and people not to be influenced to issues that can be divide between military / police and the community. III. DEVELOPMENT SITUATION. A. General situation. In general, the condition of stability in the city Palembang Prov. Sumatra in 2011 was normal and there was no protrusion and there is no significant security threats. The protests that occurred a picture of a vibrant community life, but still there actions can be addressed anarchic but still be functional by relevant authoritie s. B. Ideology situation. Pancasila as the state has accepted by the city of Palembang Prov. Sumsel but practice and understanding still needs to be developed and improved, especially for among the younger generation in cities and regions. Cooperation between Muspida SECRET SECRET 5 necessary for understanding the continuous coordination. 1. Radical Left. Ex PKI, Prisoner / prisoners and offspring still grudge / resentment against the government indicated cons against Pancasila can pose dangers latent communist at any time can make a serious threat if not monitored currently trying to promote unity within the container Organizations / Foundatio ns as including Murder Victims Research Foundation 1965 - 1966 (YPKP), Institute for Victims Struggle New Order regime (LPKROB) joined the PRD, LBH, Students and Labor as a reason for developed in an open environment of the party, but there are preventive measures that have been dilakasanakan community and government. a) Data Real Ex G 30 S / PKI. NO 1 1 UNITY 2 Kodim 0418/Plg TOTAL REAL DATA NOW B C JML 4 5 6 A 3 1 49th 1 49th 2649 2649 2699 2699 b) On July 14, 2010, the Islamic People's Forum (FUI) Sumsel held Talkshow "Beware of the Communist Revival" in the Bina Praja South Sumatra provincial government, specifically discuss concerns Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) will appeared in South Sumatra. FUI Sumsel warned residents to always be alert and be careful to understand that teaches freedom and behalf of the people and democracy movement since the Communist movement always use issues being thrive on poor people who will fight for fate of workers and welfare. The phenomenon of the emergence of communist in South Sumatra is also reinforced by the Assistant Territorial Kasdam II / Sri wijaya Inf Col. Bambang Byantri that communism developed by Papernas Lampung with implementing exceptional Konferda dated January 28, 2008, attended by 120 supporters. In this case Aster Kasdam II / Sriwijaya convey an effort to prevent the spread of communism was so for always strengthening and functioning of civil society organizations (CBOs) and youth organizations (OKP) then disseminate information about the dangers of communism in order to prevent the spread of ideas and communism in South Sumatra. 2. Radical Right. In the city of Palembang Prov. Sumatra today for a while yet many found the radical group activity Right. a) Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). Chairman Habil Muhammad and Secretary KH. Misbahul Anam, actively mobilize members to take action against the destruction of places of worship / devotional Christians and places of entertainment such as gambling, karaoke, nightclubs, cafe and prostitution on the eve of the month of fasting and while fasting SECRET SECRET 6 but in the Prov. Sumsel now for a while yet many found the FPI group activities. On June 30, 2011 was approximately 10:00 am take action in Bundara unras Fountain and Government Prov. Sumatra by the Muslim Association of South Sumatra comprising of LPI, FPI, UMP BEM, BEM IAIN Raden Patah, LPD Prabumulih and Sumatra MUI with a mass totaling ± 200 people with action coordinator Br. Great (IAIN PLG), Korlap (Mr. Ustad Arfan (disciple of Ustad Mahdit and leader of Action Unras Br. Ustad Mehdi with his demands, among others: (A) Reject plan Governor Sumsel in RS development. Siloam behind the Sea Games. (B) Reject Christianization in the Bumi Sriwijaya with reason Sea Games. At 11:50 GMT the protesters accepted by DR. H. Aidit Aziz (Assistant III Bid. Welfare) with response "begging the protesters to be patient, as Governor of South Sumatra still follow Rehearsal Visits President of the Bay area Gelam district. OIC in order The IX National Jamboree in 2011. b) Front Hezbollah. Active do action destruction the house used as a place of worship / service people Christian and entertainment venues such as gambling, karaoke, nightclubs, cafes and prostitution on the eve of the month of fasting and while fasting but in the city of Palembang Prov. Sumatra today to while many have not found any activity of the Front Hezbollah. c) Mujahideen Council. Group this organize sending jihadists to the Moluccas and in Congress I Mujahideen in Yogyakarta Yogyakarta has instituted Charter which contains between other: 1) Obligatory to implement Islamic law Muslims in Indonesia and the world at large. 2) Reject any ideology as opposed to Islam and Shirk resulting infaq and violating human rights. 3) Build a solid unity Mujahideen shaf by forming Mujahideen Council to enforce Islamic law. 4) Conducting institutional measures for the Mujahideen in order for the creation of Immanah Islamiyah. 5) Calls upon Muslims to uphold da'wah and jihad around the world for the sake of Islam as Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin. Prominent among the Mujahideen Council Other: Abu Bakr Basyiir, Prof. Dr. Deliar Noer, Ohan Sudjana, KH. Abdullah Rashid (KISDI), Prof.. Ahmad Mansour Suryanegara, KH. Aef M. Afandi, KH. Sidiq Amin, Ust. Abdul Qadir Baraja, Tengku Daud Zamsami, etc.. SECRET SECRET 7 But in the city of Palembang Prov. Sumatra today to while many have not found any group activity Mujahidin Assembly. On 21 April 2011 at approximately 9:30 pm housed in a roundabout fountain JI. Jend. Sudirman was ongoing protest by the masses + 60 person on behalf of Hizb ut Tahir led by Sdr. Mirza (Koorlap) and Br. Saiful (Koraks). The activities stained with the demands and banners, among others: (A) No one saw how much number of Muslims and no one doubted wealth that exist in the countries of the Muslims all wide spread. (B) In the Government's economic system should be manage the well being of the people, should not be turn it over to the private sector especially to the foreigners. (C) In the Islamic legal system that serves as Zawdjir (prevention) and Jawabir (redeemer sin), Islamic law will deter perpetrators crime and preventing people to do criminal act, of course this will give a sense of safe to the public. (D) In the foundation of Islamic education curriculum makes people born into the human and also a pious man high intellectual. At 11.30 pm on the disperse in an orderly and safe. d) Heresy Flow / Flow Religious. In the region of Palembang Prov. Sumsel now there are some activities that lead to religious divisions namely the cult still controversial among others: Flow Ahmadiyya centered in the city Palembang, Jemaah Ahmadiyah in conducting its activities are always closed and interactions only among themselves. People who Ahmadiyya jema'at not difficult to join or interact. Jema'at Ahmadiyah not believe that Prophet Muhammad Muhammad Ahmad Mirzam but Gulama. Not require followers to pray 5 times and fasting in the month of Ramadan. The two sentences Creed Ahmadiyya version "Ashaduallah illahailaullah waashadu ahmad mirza anna ". Jami'ah Flow Expert Tghorigoh Mu'tabaroh Indonesia (Jatmi Bengkulu branch) in the district. Pumu Regency Tanjung Sakti. Lahat with members of ± 70 people with Young priest or teacher Shaykh Tantawi with teachings deployed in the Order is contrary to religious teachings Islam where one ajaranya ie when a member The congregation must cut the chicken or Thanksgiving fellow members and also with the shrouded purification bath. Cult with the name of the Divine Majesty Amanah (AKI). The doctrine protesters taste SECRET SECRET 8 considered heresy against the religion of Islam Grace Divine made bevy Amanah (AKI) is the lets not fast during Ramadan and not perform prayers but perform dhikr. 1) On June 8, 2011 at Hall Hotel Hakma Tuba has been implemented socialization Taba increased socialization carried Tolerasnsi harmony religious communities in the district. Mura totaled approximately 150 people who attended Wabup Mura, Chaldean 0406/Mura, MUI chairman Kab. Mura, the element Muspida District. Mura, The Assistant District Government District Mura religious leaders. Mura and community events run safely and smoothly. 2) Following up on the activities of the Post-raid Ahmadiyya Jema'ah Naqsabandiyah by citizens Prumnas Nikon Ex. Nikon Jaya district. I Lubuklinggau City East Lubuklinggau, recently threatened prohibited activity for 3 months starting in May sd July 2011 future. Case this justified Builder The congregation Naqsabandiyah Ahmad Nuryudi has coordinated with Head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) H. Saidi HZ in the office MORA Jalan Soekarno Hatta Ex. Petanang district. East Lubuklinggau I Lubuklinggau city to prevent the undesirable and, considering the public safety at this time, then we enforce ban because there are people who do not understand the Tariqa Naqsabandiyah. And we know this fact terekat There have always been, and in the teachings of Islam taught to always malakukan dhikr. 3) On June 19, 2011 at 8:00 pm has been Conference of Rajab 1432 H held by DPD II Hizb Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) at Ex Cinema City Sindang Lubuklinggau, by DPD I Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) with speakers, namely Ustad Abu Miqdad DPD I Hizb Indonesia (HTI) from Jakarta, Ustad Budianto Haris, ST DPD I Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) from Sumatra, Ustad Mahmud DPD jurnhiir I Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Sumatra, Ustad Supartono, Spd DPD II Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Lubuklinggau, paper and conference rajab with theme of "Living Well under the auspices of the Caliphate" principal bahasannya: (A) Indonesia in the grip of global capitalism. (B) Khilafah in solution. (C) Living well in the shade of the Khilafah. (D) Caliphate superpower front mass welfare. (E) Potential ideological caliphate state. (F) The potential of the country's military empire. (G) Potential economic empire. (H) Potential geographical caliphate state. (I) Potenal geostrategic caliphate state. (J) Khilafah great promise of Allah. SECRET (K) (L) (M) SECRET 9 The promise of Allah in Assunnah. The world needs caliphate. Calls warm for the Muslims. 3. Other radicals. PRD and underbownya, openly undertake enterprising form of protest against the theme of wisdom government and as if to defend the people, but this time activities performed is closed is joined by NGOs attended various seminars organized by NGOs. Join forces to form a committee within the Student / Forum with Students as Student Committee for Struggle Democracy (Company), Student Reform Committee (KOREM), the Committee Solidarity for Democracy (KOSTRAD), National Student League for Democracy (LMND), Indonesian National Front for Labor Struggle (FNPBI), Indonesia Student Executive Council (BEMI), the People's Movement AntiParliament (working on), Front anti-New Order (FAOB) etc., in order pressure on the government / security forces rallied developed towards anarchy. The central theme raised still about growing problems in society related the issue of land, labor and basic rights of other workers, rising prices of goods, electricity and fuel. a) On July 2, 2011 the planned demonstrations conducted by mass + 200, consisting of a combination of LSM Three In One SMB II held at Palembang airport led by Bro. Yoppi, with demands including complete Investigate allegations of corruption creation Cross Road East Lampung and Palembang PalembangJambi against the officials concerned. b) On July 2 and July 3, 2011 the planned protest made by the Nation Child Justice Forum Sumatra (FOR-KAB) held at the Fountain roundabout, Airport Over SMB II and Play South Sumatra Police Headquarters by the mass Longmars + 150 people led Bro. Alvarez (Kooraks) and Br. M. Januar (Koorlap) with the demand: 1) Reject the arrival of SBY. 2) Urge the Commission to resolve the alleged bribery case homestead athletes Palembang. c) On July 7, 2011 approximately 10:35 pm pkl held at Police Palembang has lasted Unras action by + 30 Solidity action on behalf of the NGOs and journalists Sumsel led by Br. Okta Poiyadi (PWI chairman Sumatra) colored action with a statement of attitude and demands are: 1) Capture and perpetrators prosecuted the mastermind behind the persecution reporters. 2) Capture and prosecuted Prosperous businessmen Setiawan and officials Bank high in Sumatra which broke hundreds meliyar money people. 3) Give security to civilians, journalists and NGOs to aspirations and demands and shoot place thugs were hired criminals. The protesters received by Invisible Criminal Police Palembang Kompol Frido Sitomorang. SH, Sik with responses SECRET SECRET 10th incidents of persecution that occurred already at the scene, and our check in been aware of the problem hopefully in time perpetrators can be caught close at 10:55 pm the demonstrators dissolve safely. d) On August 1, 2011 at 10:00 am by 10 people Joint Forum of Non Governmental Organizations (FOBER) Sumatra led by Bro. M. Nur Samsu a protest in Sumsel Kajati Office with demands, thoroughly investigate allegations of corrupt ion Boundary-making project 3 Pinang River Bridges and roads Kab. OIC at a cost of 11 billion budget on Roads and Bridges Prov. Sumatra in 2010. At 10:10 GMT the protesters received by Mr. Kasi Pidum Kajati. Afandi, SH with responses reports will be followed up what it claims to be the protesters. At 10:35 GMT the protesters broke up, the situation is safe and orderly. e) On 21 September 2011 at approximately 09:00 pm housed Office of the High Court in South Sumatra has been undertaken by the Alliance un ras Anti Robber State (A2PN) Sumatra led by Bro. Rifen Calendar (Korlap), Br. Ing Suardi aka Cakuk (Korak) and mass + 50 people along with a staged, among others: 1) Organize the contents of the banner "Alliance Anti Robbers State (A2PN) South Sumatra, South Sumatra Exempt from Corruption ". 2) Statement of the core attitude of "Investigate thoroughly indication corruption Rp. 7 M more on building bridges Ds. Ulak Flower district. Leko Batanghari Kab. Muba currently The bridge that collapsed claimed the lives of two people on PT. WK ". 3) Claims as follows: a) Investigate thoroughly indication of abuse of authority raises the possibility of corruption act Ds bridge construction project development. Ulak Flower district. Leko Batanghari Kab. Muba. b) There was corruption Ds bridge construction. Ulak Flower district. Leko Batanghari Kab. Muba with 2010 -2011 budget allocation from the district. Muba numbered Rp. 21.4 M. c) Building Bridges Ds. Flower Ulak district. Leko Batanghari Kab. Muba should be completed in in 2011 carried out by PT. WK yet in fact 40% of new job so bridge collapse disaster occurs with Koban consuming souls. At approximately 9:15 pm the protesters received by Mr.. Afandi, SH (Head of Information and Public Relations Law) with responses the point: "Say thank you and accepted by positive aspirations of the protesters to be submitted to Kajati Sumsel to set up an investigative team regarding issues , but it takes time to mengukapkannya ". Approximately pm 9:30 pm the protesters dispersed in an orderly and safe. SECRET SECRET 11th f) On 26 September 2011 approximately pkl 13 00 hrs at the office Governor of South Sumatra has been going on in the name Unras " People's Alliance for renewal Agrararia Sumatra "consists from South Sumatra Walhi, SHI South Sumatra, Indonesia Green Students, States Farmers Indonesia Sumatra, Farmers Forum Nusantara United, States Farmers Rengas and Lubuk Bandung Consortium Updates Agrarian Jakarta Bogor Oil Wacth led Bro. Anwar Shadadd (director WALHI) and Hadi Sujatmiko (Koraks) with 1,000 + number of mass action of the characterized by long mach Monpera towards cahritas intersection and ended up in front of the office Governor of South Sumatra mass tuntuatan include: 1) Provide assurance Agrarian Assets and Access for the farmers in South Sumatra. 2) Complete konfilk land in South Sumatra. 3) Stop the bullying and the violence of the peasants. 4) Stop the Bill of developing the land acquisition for. At 15.30 pm the protesters received by Assistant I Mr. provincial government. Mukti Sulaiman, regional head of BPN Sumsel Mr. Suhai ni with aspirations responses received will be sealed and followed up with the Governor of South Sumatra. At 16:35 pm the Protesters dispersed safely. Political Situation. Political situation in 2011 in the city Palembang Prov. Sumatra is quite stable but need to anticipate and monitor continuous development in order not to arise the things that are not desirable by the political elite players in the area - the area as a precaution to future security and stability. 1. Political Parties. The activity of the Political Parties often held in the city of Palembang Prov. Sumsel is likely to cause friction between their supporters each party. This can lead to a situation not conducive area and did not rule can be exploited by elements certain to lead to a situation causing friction which then end up with anarchy. a) On July 8, 2011 at Hotel Grand Ambassador Palembang, the event has taken place sillahturahmi with presents three pairs of candidates Regents and Cawabup Muba period 2012-2017, held Family Association (IKA) Muba. In the event was attended by the couple Dodi-Islan Hanura, Sulgani Pakuali Suljati came alone because her partner was in East Java, while pair-Beni Pahri not present and did not give a clear statement to the committee, because the invitations are Direct Pahri said the most likely to be present. The meeting took place lively, relaxed and full of family. The absence of Bro. Pahri-Beni among residents Muba in Palembang, inviting residents committee as well disappointment Muba overseas in general. During the event in safe and controlled circumstances. b) On 20 September 2011 the Chairman of PDI Struggle Mr. South Sumatra. Eddy Santana Putra ensure DPP Chairman PDIP Megawati Soekarno Putri fully support partner SECRET SECRET 12th Pahri Azhari-Beni Hernedi in elections Muba 27 September future. Statement PDIP cadre who served Mayor Palembang was once dismissed rumors that Mega does not approve couple. At the peak of the campaign later Pahri-Beni Bu Mega will be present in the City Sekayu with DPP chairman Puan Maharani PDIP and the public will know kebenaranya. 2. CBOs / active political organizations rallied. In general conditions of security and stability in the region of Palembang Prov. Sumsel eno ugh control, was normal and there are no security threats means. The protests were going on in the name of the community, demonstrations against the development programs be loaded with corruption and considered less touching interests society, the central theme raised was about the problems developed in the community with regard to land, labor and the basic rights of other workers, rising prices of goods, electricity and BBM, is a picture of a vibrant community life still within tolerance limits can be overcome by the apparatus functionally related. D. Geography situation. 1. Temperature, wind and weather. At the present time the weather conditions are ve ry erratic, sometimes very high temperatures and hot weather once thus causing vulnerability to fire hazard and often The sudden rain with rainfall reaches 2372 mm / Quarter (148 days) that flow directly to the river and the sea increased water discharge. In case of high tide and rain and still There will be inundated lowland areas of the city are caused Palembang Prov. Sumatra were accompanied by strong winds that cause prone to landslide hazards. 2. Medan. a) The terrain is relatively flat and hilly knoll majority rocky limestone soil only a fraction of existing marsh but there are some mountains that warrant concern. b) There are small tributaries leading to the Sea so the area is flooded, but much less likely area directly adjacent to the sea (beach) which is often make many people worry about the frequent issues that stunami growing lately. c) The main streets in the city of Palembang Prov. Sumsel pretty good condition only a small part in the regions remote serious need of improvement by the government local and central levels. E. Demographic situation. The population of the city of Palembang Prov. South Sumatra soul with 1,438,938 + density of 3572 people / km, from various tribes such as the Malays, Palembang, Ogan, Pasemah, Son In, Java, Lampung, Bugis, Batak, Bali, China, Minang, Sunda Madura etc.. Of the tribe most of whom are Multiple entrants / transmigarasi and everyday language use SECRET SECRET 13th appropriate local language of each tribe. F. Economic Situation. Community's economy is relatively stable, but still there is a group of people who take advantage of the economic crisis Groceries and keep raising prices keep increasing transportation costs. Crush economic needs of the particular community to trigger action criminal. Activities are economically motivated protests made public because influenced and ridden party / group. 1. Livelihoods are mostly trading, employees, miners and farming / gardening and labor while residents who live along the river Musi average work as fishermen. 2.Kejadian - Economics prominent events in the Prov. Sumsel the period of 3 months as follows: a) On April 1, 2011 obtained information that the store precious metals in gold jewelry demand more than in gold bullion, because in addition to functioning as an instrument investment, gold jewelry has added value because any time can be worn / used. According to information from multiple sellers gold, gold does not ogled buyer and usually only be purchased by consumers from out of town. Buyers are more likely to choose gold jewelry has become because it can be used. Price levels of 92 to 99.9% gold bullion, valued USD. 400 thousand - Rp. 415 thousand per gram, but if packaged dalam100 gram, the number of is almost equivalent to 15 tribes, estimated to cost Rp. 40 million. The price of gold is currently in a day could rise and down, it is not certain as it depends on the situation and condition of the country. For the price of gold which yield 65-70% or 22 rust, Rp. 340 thousand per gram. Addition of 20 and 18 carat gold, each each range of Rp. 320 thousand and Rp. 160 thousand per gram. The price of gold highest since 5 (five) years is Rp. 2.7 million per tribe which resulted in decreased sales due to lack of buyers. b) On July 5, 2011 at 09.30 pm Train various majors in South Sumatra from class train Economics, Business and Executive invaded passengers. During the past week there has been a surge passengers reach as much as 50% of the days normally, even section looks loketpun passengers huddled in front of the station Counters KA Lahat, they are passengers who would go on vacation to Palembang and Lubuklinggau. Hundreds of residents who want to to the city of Palembang, Lubuklinggau and a number of other areas seen lining up to be able to obtain a train ticket and Economy Class Business as KA Serelo, a mainstay class citizens like a vacation because cheap and avoid congestion during the trip. G. Socio-cultural situations. The existence of social inequalities in society becau se differences greatly affect the economic well-being and social life. Harmony among ethnic and religious work well. The number of cases overlapping land ownership remains unresolved problems that are prone to conflict. Intervention from government SECRET SECRET 14th in solving the problem areas. 1. Labor Cases. During the last 3 months is still going action demonstrations related to labor issues / labor. Emergence The labor problems overshadow their backs by some Among other demands minimum wage increases, the demand for workers in severance Layoffs, demands for increased employee benefits / labor issues local and foreign labor. In carrying out their demands backed up by NGOs / Legal Aid and Student. a) On May 1, 2011 at 11:00 pm occurred unras in roundabout fountain of FORUM Announcers (Union of Journalists) Sumatra with korak Retno Palupi, Korlap Haryanto, mass number + #ORIGINAL# PASUKAN PENGAMANAN PRESIDEN STAF INTELIJEN SURAT PENYERAHAN ID CARD BDF V TH. 2012 ----- Pada hari ini ........................... tanggal ........... Nopember 201 2, sekira pukul ......... Saya : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nama Pangkat/ Nrp Jabatan Kesatuan Telah menyerahkan barang berupa Id Card BDF V sebanyak .................. (..... ....... ..................................................) buah, kepada : -----------------------------------------------Nama Pangkat/ Nrp Jabatan Kesatuan No HP Selanjutnya yang bersangkutan bertanggung jawab dalam pendistribusiaanya. Demikian Surat Penyerahan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya dan di tanda tangani bers ama. : : : : Paspampres : : : : : ........................., Nopember 2012 Yang menerima Yang menyerahkan .......................................... ............................................... #ENGLISH TRANSLATION# Peacekeeping TEAM PRESIDENT STAFF Adventure LETTER OF SUBMISSION OF ID CARD BDF V TH. 2,012 ----- In today ........................... removable ........... November 2012, approximately at ......... I: ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------name Rank / NRP office unity Has delivered the goods in the form of Id Card BDF V .................. (....... ..... .................................................. ) fruit, to: -------------------------------------------- ---name Rank / NRP office unity No HP Further concerned pendistribusiaanya responsible. The same letter was made with actual submission and sign together. : : : : Paspampres : : : : : ........................., SECRET 1 JAYA THE MILITARY COMMAND / JAYAKARTA Detachment INTELLIGENCE NUMBER: R / 18 / BANGSIT / V / 2012 BANGSIT AREAS AND PREDICTION IN JAKARTA WEEK II MAY 2012 1. INTRODUCTION The development of the situation on Sunday II in May 2012 there has been a 12-ti me activity. The most prominent activity of each group of the field of ideology, Right flow, Bekasi residents protest construction of church refused HKBP Tambun Filladelphia in Bekasi. Flow Left, protests in front JSKK Jakpus palace. Politics, single action Br. Erian in Central Jakarta roundabout. Other flow, Rallies Circle roundabout Ganja Nusantara in Central Jakarta. Sosbud, Rallies Education Action Committee for People in Gd. The Court of Centra l Jakarta. Defense and Security, Action Red and White Army rally at the Embassy of Malaysia . The development of mass action events occurring on the second Sunday in May 2012 in quantity and quality is still favorable. However, the condition This should still watch out since there are many important momentum fore the potential to be utilized by the various elements of the action in order interests. Report the situation and predictions Second Week in May 2012 meant as input and leadership in taking strategic action next. 2. FACTS a. Ideology 1) Flow Right a) Villagers Jejalen Jaya Bekasi as much as ± 200 people Ustad Naimun leaders have deterrence against HKBP commu Filladelphia totaling 60 people led Pdt. Palti Panjaitan attorney accompanied Bro. Saur Siagian to be conduct worship services on May 6, 2012 at 07:50 PM in front gate house Pertigaan teacher Nora RT.02/04 district. Chubby Northern District. Bekasi. The chronology of events: (1) At 07:50 hrs the villagers had gathered Jejalen Jaya Bekasi as much as ± 200 people in front of Gate Junction the teacher Nora RT.02/04 district. North Tambun district. Bekasi to confront and memseeping HKBP congregation to be Worship services do. SECRET SECRET 2 (2) At 08:15 hrs the coming commu HKBP Filladelphia amounted to 60 people led Pastor. Palti Panjaitan accompanied Mr. legal counsel. Saur Siagian, to avoid clashes between the two sides of the security forces by 1 units of three-quarters of the government bus Kab.Bekasi confront these people to evacuate. (3) Mr. Atang (Kasbangpol Head) and Mr Agus Riswandi (Head of municipal police) to negotiate with Pdt. Palti Panjaitan and Mr. Attorney. Saur Siagian. (4) Since there is no agreement between the two parties and the situation was not conducive end at 8:50 PM the Filladelphia HKBP congregation numbering 60 persons kawaloleh security forces while the villagers Jejalen Jaya Bekasi as much as ± 200 people pursue the congregation until the housing Villa Bekasi Indah II until it was do not worship. (5) The situation is not conducive Jaya villagers Jejalen Bekasi are increasingly ± 500 people and has ready for an attack against the church HKBP Filladelphia totaling 60 people led Pdt. Palti Panjaitan. (6) At 19:10 hrs been secured by security forces Tantowi an alleged provocateur Anwari (Journalists for Diversity), Address Jl. West Tevet In VI, 10 South Jakarta and taken to the police station to Tambun held statement. (7) At 09:30 hrs Rev. Comr Hadiningrar (Police Kab.Bekasi) provide guidance to citizens Desa Jaya Bekasi Jejalen that essentially asks people to not provoked by this situation and ask citizens to jointly safeguard the security situation Jejalen Desa Jaya area of ​​Bekasi. (8) At 10:30 hrs the villagers Jejalen Jaya Bekasi growing number of ± 500 people dispersed orderly and safe for the congregation HKBP Filladelphia amounted to 60 people led Pastor. Palti Panjaitan cancel worship and return to their homes. 2) Flow Left a) Front Caring Environment, the National Student League for Democracy (LMND), Blue Sky Karachi NGO, Care Forum Love Lake (FPCD) Karachi, and the States of the Poor (SRMI) as much as ± 300 people led Didin Supriyatna and Arif Fachrudin Ahmad (Chairman LMND) has conducted a demonstration on dated May 2, 2012 at 10:35, at the Ministry of the Environment Life Jl. DI. Panjaitan Kebon Nanas Jaktim in order deliver its core demands: SECRET SECRET 3 (1) Implement Article 33 UUD 1945 in response to the rescue the archipelago. (2) SBY as the President shall be responsible for Indonesia diseantero environmental damage, particularly in attitude towards the policy recommendations issued Minister of Environment. (3) Revoke Permit PT. Quiet Jaya Sejahtera as waste utilization company. (4) Investigate thoroughly scandal B3 waste and destruction environments involving unscrupulous officials KLH. (5) Build clean water, proper health for True Mulya villagers district. Ciampel Kab. Falkirk Jabar. (6) Clean Up Waste from the earth straight Mulya village district. Ciampel Kab. Falkirk. b) Victims Solidarity Network for Justice (JSKK) as 15 people Sumarsih leaders have rallied on dated May 3, 2012 at 16:10 in front of the State Palace Jl. Field Merdeka Utara Central Jakarta in order to address the demands which essentially completely investigate human rights violations in Indonesia. Protesters staged silent and distribute mail addressed to Mr President Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Open letter number 225/Surat JSKK / VI / 2012 subject: manifest justice and provide welfare for society. The contents of the letter in commemoration International Labor Day (Mayday) and the National Education Day dated May 2, 2012 due to labor rights are not fulfilled by the government as the state. Likewise the right to education is also not met expectations, because protesters (JSKK), urged the government to: (1) Immediately appoint temporary teachers who have long devoted himself in the world of education to Civil Servants (PNS). (2) Adjust the placement of teachers evenly throughout the country, in order to achieve equity and equity in education. c) National Student League for Democracy (LMND) of 20 Adang Sanjaya has led people rallied on dated May 4, 2012 at 14:15 in Bekasi Parliament Building Jl. No. Chaaairil Anwar. 17 Ex. Margahayu district. East Bekasi City Bekasi in order to address the demands of al: (1) Reject the draft Higher Education Act contrary to Article 31 Paragraph 1.2 and 3 Constitution , 1945. (2) Eliminate commercial and liberalization of education and BOS transparency. SECRET SECRET 4 (3) Free education for the poor of SD to Higher Education. (4) Creating the world of education meencerdaskan nation and qualified. b. Politics 1) Sdr. Erian has rallied (single action) on May 3, 2012 at 10:30 am at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout Jl. MH. Thamrin Menteng, Central Jakarta in order to address the demands of the bottom line: a) Judgmental SBY - Boediono. b) Complete Century case. Held banners that read: a) Judgmental SBY - Boediono. b) Complete Century case. c. Economy Nothing stands out Other flow d. 1) Ganja Nusantara circumference as much as ± 50 people led Dhira Naraya and Personal Heru had rallied on May 5, 2012 at 14.00 at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout Jl. MH. Thamrin in Central Jakarta in order to address the demands of the essence; a. Do legalizing marijuana b. Asked the government to revise the Narcotics Act, especially the chapter on marijuana. c. Urge the Indonesian government to marijuana users who dragged the law to be rehabilitated. d. The government to undertake in-depth study about the marijuana. Sosbud e. 1) People's Action Committee for Education (LIME) as much as ± 100 people Andre leaders have rallied on May 2, 2012 at 12:30 PM in Court Building Jl. Merdeka Barat in Central Jakarta order to address the demands of the bottom line: a) Reject the implementation of the UN Illegal. b) Eliminate RSBI and SBI. c) Reject legalization plan higher education bill. d) Unplug the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 and Act forms of educ ation new, democratic, scientific, and visionary populist free equivalent. e) Eliminate illegal charges in educational institutions. f) Investigate thoroughly the case of corruption in educational institutions. g) welfare guarantee for education. SECRET SECRET 5 2) Perjungan People's Front (FPR) as much as ± 100 leaders of Rudy HB. Daman has conducted demonstrations on 02 May 2012 at 15:40 hrs. in Indonesia roundabout. Jl. MH. Thamrin in Central Jakarta order to address the demands of the bottom line: a) Stop the commercialization of education and remove illegal levies education sector. b) Reject legalization bill PT. c) Revision No. Sisdiknas. 20 of 2003. d) Realized education budget 20 percent of the budget outside of salaries teachers and education personnel. e) Create jobs for the youth and the entire people. f) Increase the welfare of teachers and lecturers. g) Stop the violence and discrimination education sector. h) Remove the Directorate General of Higher Education Decree No. RI. 26/Dikti/Ke p/2002 date June 5, 2002 on the prohibition of the organization or campus Extras political parties in campus life. i) Investigate thoroughly corruption in education. j) Implement genuine agrarian reform to build industry nationwide. 3) Volunteers Struggle Democracy (Repdem), Barisan Love Mega Struggle (BCMP) and Expense Miserable People (RICE) by 10 Borges had the leadership Suryadi rallied on dated May 2, 2012 at 10:00 housed in the Office of Education Jl. Kingdom Rahman Hakim Ex. Depok district. Panmas Depok in order deliver its core demands: a) Give the diploma to the people who can not afford free. b) The Department shall impose sanctions on schools that hold diploma. c) Dismiss the school committee who hold diploma. 4) Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Union (FSPMI) as much as ± 1000 the leader Hosni Ari Wijaya and Amir Mahmud has been waging rally on May 3, 2012 at 11:05 in front of the Manpower Kab. Jl.Komplek Bekasi regency government. Bekais Sukamahi Village district. Cik arang Central District. Bekasi in order to convey the essence demands clear outsourcing are not in accordance with the Act and the contract prolonged. At 12:30 till 15:10 as much as ± 30 representatives protesters a meeting with the District Manpower. Bekasi represented by Ms. Ratna Susilawati SH (Industrial Relations and Requirements Work), Mr. Doni Sirait Syafri Ap, Msi. (Field Supervision Labour The Kingdom) and Mr Ajis (Mediation Sector Industrial Relations), with the resul t meeting as follows: a) Manpower Kab. Bekasi will revoke the license of outsourcing violated Law. 13 of 2003. b) Follow up and freeze the outsourcing that violates Law no. 13 through Memorandum Office of Inspection. SECRET SECRET 6 f. c) Punish severely outsourcing company violated Law. 13. d) Manpower given one month to resolve complaints 23 companies that use outsourcing and not appropriate by Act no. 13. 5) Confederation of All Indonesian Workers Union (KSPSI) as much as ± 500 people Yorris Raweyai leaders have rallied on dated May 3, 2012 at 12:45 in front of the Embassy of Malaysia Jl. HR. Rasuna Said in South Jakarta Setiabudi in order to deliver statement to the effect: a) Condemn hard against cruel and sadistic Malaysian Police the three migrant workers in Malaysia. b) Malaysia is not allied nations and a good neighbor for Indonesia, therefore all Indonesian citizens (WNI) to no longer show the attitude of friendship towards Malaysia in any form. Defense and Security 1) Red and White Army as much as ± 300 leaders of H. Adek Erfil have held a demonstration on May 7, 2012 at 10:00 Embassy of Malaysia Jl. HR Rasuna Said in South Jakarta Setiabudi order to address the demands of the bottom line: a) To urge the governments of Malaysia and Indonesia the supervision of the UN to immediately conduct inquiries exstra judicial killing for killing and selling of organs 3 people TKI. b) Urge the President to immediately evaluate the negligence, omission and inaction Embassy in Kuala Lumpur in the handling and sale of organs TKI 3 people Malaysia. 3. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE THAT GOING TO HAPPEN a. DISCUSSION 1) Ideology a) Flow Right The most prominent group activity stream Right in the Second Week in May 2012 were: Bekasi citizen action reject the establishment of houses of worship Batak Christians Church Protestant (HKBP) Filadelfia Tambun Bekasi. Obstacle religious activities and the construction / establishment of houses of worship The congregation Huria Kristen Batak Protestant (HKBP) Filadelfia Tambun Bekasi still true today. Action Villagers ambush Jejalen Jaya Bekasi against SECRET SECRET 7 commu HKBP Filadelfia a string of events denial of the existence of HKBP Filadelfia Church as well as religious activities / services performed by congregation in Tambun Bekasi area. Rejection reaction such as is known gone on long enough around 2000 since HKBP church community Filadefia formed / Tambun was founded in Bekasi. This problem is enough public attention because it involves tolerance among religions, so it is the duty and obligation state in this case to resolve the Bekasi government this problem. Members of the congregation HKBP Filadefia claimed that the rejection reaction Jaya villagers Jejalen Bekasi shows denial and serious violations human rights as citizens of Philadelphia Church HKBP countries, particularly the right to worship and build the house / places of worship, as guaranteed and protected in Article 28E Paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution, Article 29 paragraph (2) of th e 1945 Constitution, Article 22 of Law no. 39 Year 1999 on Human Rights, and Article 18 paragraph (1) of Law No. 12 Year 2005 On Ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Politics. On one hand, efforts rejection Bekasi citizens against establishment of the church and religious activities / meetings no regardless of the agenda being run by a network of Right alliance that has long been done in the area of ​​Bekasi. In any event public lectures in Bekasi, figures the right alliances like Ustad Murali BARDA (FPI), Ustad Abu Jibril (MMI) is often delivered lectures stressed the importance of implementing Islamic Shariah fanatic, so people who do not follow the teachings of the delivered are considered infidels and must be fought. While on the other hand, the attitude of government Bekasi mediating dispute concerns the establishment of places of worship in Bekasi being debated and very difficult to solve. Bekasi which became one of the buffers in Jakarta population came to be dominated by the presence of people Jakarta who lives in Bekasi. This condition causes Bekasi residents heterogeneous elements that are no longer dominated Betawi people are average Muslim. From this base Bekasi government should long ago prepared and plans in the face of population and permitting the establishment of places of worship. The influence and provocation of the Igaras in the establishment of a places of worship utilizing the Bekasi government inaction not regulate this issue completely. Until now figures right alliance groups often raise the issue of enforcement of Islamic law and issues Kritenisasi / apostasy in religious activities. Bekasi region as one central location to socialize issues SECRET SECRET 8 , so it is not uncommon Bekasi Islamic organizations continue trying to resist all forms of activity that is claimed violated aqeedah taught in Islam (Shari'a Islam) and rejected efforts wrapped kritenisasi in social activities. Dilajankan provocation by Hard-line Islamic group in Jakarta and some buffer zone (Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) directed to create communal conflicts SARA nuanced. b) Flow Left The most prominent group activity stream Kir the second Sunday in May 2012 were: JSKK rallies in Jakpus the front of the Palace. Rallies Network Solidarity with Victims for Justice (JSKK) in front of the Palace State Jakpus generally related course of action demanded settlement of human rights violations in Indonesia. JSKK peace rally this week is that to 255 times in front of the State Palace. JSKK deliver the letter statement to the President to reopen various cases of alleged past sebgai caseHam infringement cases. The issue of human rights violations to current carried by a leftist group utilization issues that deliberately curl-ups to the surface to give legal action movements with the aim of certain political. The group left alliance in Indonesia take advantage of opportunities to make the reform era past political vendetta by opening cases (Black history) of Indonesia as an issue of infringement HAM. Strategic interests of the group also left alliance motivated by some motive of interest include attempt to provoke political inter-national elements especially among the political elite nationalist or agamais. Conflict prolonged political elite level will be maintained and widened by the alliance left up to the creation of conditions (pre-conditions) revolution where people began to fret and do not believe the official institutions both government (executive), the Legislature and the Judiciary. While other interests that dominate the national political map is which has been dominated by nationalist political elite forces and agamais. Faham ideological alliance groups left little gradually introduced to the public either directly or indirectly. The stronger regeneration and planting of schools left in the level of youth Indonesia by the leftist alliance is a testament to the agenda strategic in building political power in the left front. Meanwhile, in sympathy and SECRET SECRET 9 community support JSKK also tried to raise the issue regarding the appointment of part-time teachers as civil servants, and demands for free education funds as additional issues. Meanwhile, the National Education Day on May 2, 2012 was also used by the left to encourage the problems in the world of education. From some peremasalahan appearing on Higher Education Bill above, is predicted to be very easy to be momentum the strategic interest groups (opposition national) to further marginalize the government through the issue of an impartial education of the people. Some of the (Observer study) considers that the draft Law Higher Education Act (Bill PT), will only make education in Indonesia is increasingly reduced, if the government and Parliament enacted the Higher Education, tuition fees will be higher so it is possible will be many students who can not solve education because of lack of funds. Indication efforts to politicize issues seen from the Higher Education Bill dissemination actions of the activists left the alliance network elements base among students to encourage action denial PT bill proposed in different regions Kemendikbud. The problem of education is one of the strategic issues for the leftist alliance that has always made political commodity, so special issue of Higher Education Bill will continue widened by the leftist alliance. 2) Politics Activities that are most prominent in the field of Politics in Second Week in May 2012 were: single action Br. Erian on roundabout Central Jakarta Hotel Indonesia. Demonstrations conducted by Bro. Erian at the Roundabout Hotel Indonesia Jl. MH. Thamrin Menteng Jakarta Centers in general in order to demand the settlement of cases Century Bank. Bank Century corruption issue has long been a commodities political elite in the government's political opposition cornering the SBY-Boediono government policy. Polemic case Bank Century obviously directed to the circle of power at that time, although it has yet to be proven legally. Various issues or rumors deliberately disseminated to the public by interest groups with strategic goals dropped public confidence in the government. Defrauding Bank Century made by most of the economic mafia employers are on board, but the issuance of policy of the Bank Century rescue by the Minister of Economy (Sri Mulyani) have a negative impact and result in the polemic alleged government involvement. Rapidly opportunities exploited and widened by interest groups SECRET SECRET 10th aimed dropped kepercaraan community. Demonstration flavor by Br. Erian deliberately conditioned by elite interests by raising the case of Bank Century be an indication of the political setting of the political elite national who began trying to exploit the situation especially the issue corruption in the government of SBY-Boediono discredit. Approaching the momentum of the SBY-3 years Boediono on October 20, 2012 the national political elite opposed to government would also raise the issue of corruption as the central issue of openly criticizing the government. 3) Economy Nothing stands out 4) Other flow Activities that are most prominent in the group Other Flows Second Week in May 2012 are: Circumference rallies Ganja Nusantara (LGN) in the roundabout in Central Jakarta. Action resumed convoy with a demonstration by a group on behalf of Circumference Ganja Nusantara (LGN) in Central Jakarta roundabout above is one of the activities in order to further action submit claims in essence asking the government to revise the Narcotics Act, especially the chapter on marijuana, marijuana legalization done, urging the government urged Indonesia that cannabis users are drawn to law rehabilitated. The idea of ​​legalizing marijuana in Indonesia reap the pros and cons of various circles. However the pros and cons of any such Indonesia might not legalize marijuana, as well as the been done by the Dutch since the second condition states different. Our laws say marijuana is harmful to society and we are not a free country, so that we can compare the conditions with other countries such as the Netherlands are already from the first to legalize marijuana. Because the law in the Netherlands is more clearly so there is no problem to legalize marijuana because it can still be controlled. Unlike the Netherlands, the law Indonesia says that marijuana is harmful to society. Negative impacts of the cannabis plant is very dangerous for people of Indonesia because it has been misused for the benefit of its use. Back aware that the idea of ​​legalizing marijuana in Indonesia has come from a group called the Circle Ganja Nusantara (LGN). The group assessed, marijuana has more Among many other benefits than harm for the purposes of medical and industrial. During this time, Law No. 3/2009 Narcotics Narcotics include cannabis as class I. That is, this plant should only be used for the benefit of science SECRET SECRET 11th knowledge and should not be used for other purposes, including health services. Not only in Indonesia, the legality of cannabis become controversial in many countries. Even in liberal countries like United States though, only 16 of the 42 states that have legalize marijuana, and even then limited to medical purposes. Action rally the rim Ganja Nusantara (LGN) above is one of the annual action agenda for convey ideas summarized in an agenda action demands that the government legalize marijuana in Indonesia. The existence of the Ring Ganja Nusantara (LGN) in action rally above is a minority who deliberately was formed as an organization to fight for the elimination of marijuana section of law on narcotics. Presence the possibility of protests carried out by Rim Ganja Nusantara (LGN) has received financial support from the network national marijuana. Because of the demands presented above of course, is contrary to the culture and laws Indonesia. So the demonstration of Ganja Nusantara Ring (LGN) above of course need to watch where the organization in Indonesia, as this does not rule out the action behind Circumference organization Ganja Nusantara (LGN) stored agenda Covert will continue to fight to legalize marijuana funded interest groups. 5) Sosbud Activities that are most prominent in the field of Social and Cultural the second Sunday in May 2012 were: demonstration Action Committee Education for the People (LIME) in Gd. The Court of Central Jakarta. Demonstrati on sense by the People's Action Committee for Education (LIME) and Perjungan People's Front (FPR) in Gd. MK and roundabout HI Jakarta Pusat generally highlights education in Indonesia and as a form of criticism of the government are considered not capable of managing the national education system (Education) to the fullest. 's Day National Education (Hardiknas) dated May 2, 2012, a number of mass elements have taken advantage of the momentum to raised to the surface the issue of education in the country. They demanded the government to open up access to education quality widely to every citizen of Indonesia (WNI) as mandated by the constitution. One way, the government have to allocate 20 percent of the state budget purely for education. In the opening of the '45 Constitution, the government is in charge of "intellec tual life of the nation ". task is then defined in Article 31, the government should be unqualified right of every citizen to to education. So the government has a role as the party most responsible for education. Both elements of the action above the view that the education system SECRET SECRET 12th national (Education) is still not siding with all citizens Indonesia. The reality on the ground there are still many students do not to school because of financial problems. Though the government's job opened the broadest access to all citizens and true also of quality education is the gateway establishment of the quality of human resources (HR) quality. However, as a country with huge human resource potential Indonesia has not been able optimize the education sector. Qualified human resources can only be generated through integrated policy, planned and directed the the education sector. When education is successful, the development of a countries will be much progress. However, the practice commercialization, neo-liberalism, neo-capitalism and discrimination education is still a lot going on in Indonesia, starting from the early childhood education (ECD) to higher education. At the level of Early childhood, educational opportunities are limited. Government target of at least 75 percent from 30.2 million in early childhood can enjoy access to early childhood education. In fact, there are approximately 15 m illion Indonesian children aged zero to six years old has not been served educational facilities. At the high school level, the Action Committee Education for the People (LIME) and FPR highlight aspects the high cost of education and extortion in school. Other points criticized is the application of standard schools stubs International (RSBI) considered deflect orientation education as a commodity service. Enforcement RSBI / SBI also kastanisasi childbirth education. Education becomes expensive, and discriminate on the public to enjoy education. While the higher education sector, which is highlighted increasingly unclear partisanship society increasingly not clear. Mechanism of Higher Education bill which shows indication the government wants to get out of hand in the affairs of education. One is freedom campus regulating mechanism funding of education makes education more expensive. PT bill the government wants to impose more BHP Law confirms revival that has been canceled The Constitutional Court (MK) on March 31, 2010. Moreover, the government also requires the concept of internationalization of education erode national identity and values. Therefore, the momentum Hardiknas 2012 attempted exploited and used as legality to urge the government of SBY-Boediono order RSBI delete, revise, and reject the notion Education Law commercialization of education as well as more in favor of the interests of national education in the spirit of nationality. 6) Defense and Security Activities that are most prominent in the field of defense and security in the Second Week in May 2012 were: Warriors rally in Red and White SECRET SECRET 13th Embassy of Malaysia Jl. HR Rasuna Said in South Jakarta Setiabudi. Demonstrations conducted by Laskar Merah Putih in embassy Malaysia Jl. HR Rasuna Said in South Jakarta Setiabudi general in order to urge the government of Malaysia and the government Indonesia to thoroughly investigate the murder of and organ sales 3 people migrant workers in Malaysia. The group behalf of Laskar Merah Putih continue to highlight problems Indonesian workers abroad and assess pemerinmtah SBYBoediono has failed to provide protection and security safety to the workers in the State. On the other hand the on behalf of Laskar Merah Putih urged Indonesian Government to sign and ratify the UN Convention of 1990 on protection of migrant workers and members of their families. Cases of violence perpetrated by the Malaysian police have attract public sympathy Indonesia especially Red and White Army to re-appoint human rights violations and violence against migrant workers abroad. Strategic goals is create an opinion in public that the government had failed in provide protection and assurance of safety for the workers in abroad. With the acts of violence committed by Malaysian police against three migrant workers from Indonesia to the above has led to a variety of political pressure on the government between Another condemned the Malaysian government has been ill treatment against migrant workers from Indonesia because they have violate human rights. The Indonesian government demanded immediately decided diplomatic relations with the government of Malaysia. Many similar cases affecting workers abroad forced the government issued a moratorium to stop sending workers to the outside land, while the improvements are carried out to be able to walk such as the placement of law and human rights attaché abroad, and improve surveillance of the workers abroad so presence of migrant workers abroad can be well controlled. b. PREDICTION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF GOING TO HAPPEN. Appropriate description of the data and discussions on the situation Sunday II in May 2012 predictions that will likely occur as follows: 1) National opposition interest groups will continue to exploit some national momentum in May as a warning SECRET MILITARY COMMAND AREA II / SRIWIJAYA Dempo 044/GARUDA MILITARY COMMAND RESORT Book No. Of : : Book INTEL KIRKA REGION KOREM 044/GAPO Not received by Vice President PALEMBANG TO CITY PROV. Sumatra READINESS REVIEW IN ORDER TO SEA GAMES-26 DATE 10 OCTOBER 2011 INTRODUCTION. General. 1. In an effort to anticipate and control the threat, distractions and obstacles in South Sumatra, Korem 044/Gapo principal duty deter, prevent and combat all forms of threats from within and outside the country in the entire region of South Sumatr a. To be estimate the extent of the threat depends Intelligence officials the ability to monitor the development of the situation Ipoleksosbud Defense and Security in the South Sumatra. 2. Successful implementation of the basic tasks very Korem 044/Gapo influenced by the ability of intelligence officers in the ranks of Korem 044/Gap o detect any vulnerabilities that may arise can to threats, harassment, obstruction and a real challenge in order early warning. 3. From the result of early detection, the State Intelligence Estimate made fit the real conditions in the region to support the operation Korem 044/Gapo working visiting VVIP security. These estimates are expected to be Top Command consideration in determining policy more further. Basic. 1. The results in the Provincial Security Coordination Meeting. South Sumatra dated October 5, 2011 on Plan not received by the Vice President to the city Palembang Prov. Sumatra on October 10, 2011 in the ordinary reviewing the readiness of the 26th Sea Games in Palembang in 2011. 2. Implementation persuade TNI on Presidential Security Operations, Vice President and state level are heads of state / heads government and his family Perpang/60/IX/2010 No. 8 th September 2010. Korem 044/Gapo TA Program. 2011 Field Intelligence. Purpose and Objectives. 1. Purpose. Provides an overview of the state estimate Intelligence area in order Korem 044/Gapo Vice Working Visit President to the city of Palembang Prov. Sumatra on October 10, 2011 review of readiness in the event activity to the 26th Sea Games in the City Palembang Prov. Sumatra in 2011. SECRET SECRET 2 D. 2. Purpose. As an input for the Top Command order to make decisions and subsequent policy. Scope and Tata Sort. Introduction. Regional conditions. Development of the situation. Analysis. Estimated Threat and Contingency. Special Situations / Things Stand. Estimated Threat. Actions And Effort To Overcome Threats. Closing. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. II. EVENT AREAS. A. Weather. 1. Prevailing circumstances. a) Climate. Season in April s.d. In October 2011 very hot but can occasionally occur with heavy rains rainfall reaches 2372 mm / quarter so often cause flooding in some areas and roads point. b) Temperature. (1) Lowlands at 27 º C during the day s.d. 32 º C Relative humidity 4 º Cs / s 938 º C and 21.2 º C night sd 24 º C. (2) Plateau at 19.8 º C during the day s.d. 41.5 º C Relative humidity is 18.4 º C s.d. 20 º C. c) Wind. Blowing from the East to the West with speed average of 4.5 knots / hour. d) Light. Early dawn ranged at 05.00 pm, the sun sunrise at 5:30 am and sunset at 18:00 pm. e) Deposition. (1) Smog, which occurs during the dry season, there is a in South Sumatra caused because of the large combustion fields and forests by farmers who move on before the rice planting season in August, the situation often disrupt flights and landings for aircraft / jumpers. (2) Fog clouds located along the eastern coast of province South Sumatra and along a hillside rows of Northwestern (Lubuk Linggau, Pagar Alam, Muara Dua, Banyan Island, Krui and sekiarnya). (3) Fog clouds in Palembang and the surrounding area it is disturbing flying and jumping. 2. Influence on how your opponent acts. SECRET SECRET 3 a) With temperatures hot enough and is starting drought that will cause considerable dust many, allowing opponents to infiltrate the group VVIP convoy and groups. b) With the onset of the dry season will help fire hazards, whether residential, offices and plant that is so easy for the other side exploit the situation to cause a disruptive situation security which resulted in disruption of the implementation of activities events and inhibition of convoys traveling troupe. c) The haze that occurs during the dry season, which because many burning of fields and forests by farmers on the move, can be exploited by the opponent to infiltrate the group and forces as well as do things that are not desirable. d) Heavy rain can not be predicted cause flooding, disrupting travel route so can be used by the opposition to approach the vehicle VVIP. Effect on how to act alone. a) Utilizing the fine weather to make it easier travel route and the implementation of program activities. b) Tightened security in times of a disaster fire or unrest that can disrupt the way the group convoy or event so that intruders can be known. c) Prepare everything in case of rain that sudden trip convoy and implementation event activities can still run well, smoothly and safely. d) Security is very tight in the possibility of sabotage opposite party to take advantage of the prevailing weather conditions sabotage opponents by using the technique is needed to prevent anything undesirable. Medan. Prevailing circumstances. a) Protrusion shape terrain on the east coast of South Sumatra Generally beaches, muddy and the river and its tributaries navigable all the small boats, motor boat while cliffcliff ramps and flat, muddy shores and on the basis of river estuaries sufficiently small boats can pass. b) On the East Coast there are swampy mangroves and other shrubs, so it is not good for the port unless small boats, because of the many-branched rivers branch and thus vulnerable to infiltration. c) Forest. Forest is so dense heterogeneous traverse difficult man. d) Benda-banda earth's surface is divided into 4 parts: SECRET SECRET 4 (1) The area is very vast swamp on the east coast Sumatra are cut by large rivers and soil mushy / muddy. (2) Lowland is the largest area of ​​Sumatra consisting of clay, in the rainy season sticky / tacky. (3) Longitudinally along the lower mountain areas frontier province which is arable land. (4) Area plain high constitute protrusionprotrusion of the hill there is a row in the mountains Dempo. 2. Influence on how your opponent acts. a) South Sumatra Province is an area surrounded many streams tributary of the river Musi centered and rivers Ogan, will easily infiltrate the enemy, allowing you to easily master the city / county. b) The number of tributary streams that connect the sea the river Musi, easier opponents and strangers to go to the City / County to spread the issues and made in order to sabotage the implementation of activities to be disrupted. c) Many mountains that used the counterparty to do the hiding and reconnaissance. d) Many swamps and forests in the region heterogeneous Prov. Sumatra, allowing the opponent to do the ambush and find ways to escape escape. Effect on how to act alone. 3. a) Utilizing fishermen / traders as the eyes and ears (The net) and tighten security foreigners entrance to the City / County. b) Tightening security on the trip and each location activities to avoid doing business counterparty ambush and sabotage. c) Working closely with local government / local government and related institution s personnel to provide information to military / police and people not to be influenced to issues that can be divide between military / police and the community. III. DEVELOPMENT SITUATION. A. General situation. In general, the condition of stability in the city Palembang Prov. Sumatra in 2011 was normal and there was no protrusion and there is no significant security threats. The protests that occurred a picture of a vibrant community life, but still there actions can be addressed anarchic but still be functional by relevant authoritie s. B. Ideology situation. Pancasila as the state has accepted by the city of Palembang Prov. Sumsel but practice and understanding still needs to be developed and improved, especially for among the younger generation in cities and regions. Cooperation between Muspida SECRET SECRET 5 necessary for understanding the continuous coordination. 1. Radical Left. Ex PKI, Prisoner / prisoners and offspring still grudge / resentment against the government indicated cons against Pancasila can pose dangers latent communist at any time can make a serious threat if not monitored currently trying to promote unity within the container Organizations / Foundatio ns as including Murder Victims Research Foundation 1965 - 1966 (YPKP), Institute for Victims Struggle New Order regime (LPKROB) joined the PRD, LBH, Students and Labor as a reason for developed in an open environment of the party, but there are preventive measures that have been dilakasanakan community and government. a) Data Real Ex G 30 S / PKI. NO 1 1 UNITY 2 Kodim 0418/Plg TOTAL REAL DATA NOW B C JML 4 5 6 A 3 1 49th 1 49th 2649 2649 2699 2699 b) On July 14, 2010, the Islamic People's Forum (FUI) Sumsel held Talkshow "Beware of the Communist Revival" in the Bina Praja South Sumatra provincial government, specifically discuss concerns Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) will appeared in South Sumatra. FUI Sumsel warned residents to always be alert and be careful to understand that teaches freedom and behalf of the people and democracy movement since the Communist movement always use issues being thrive on poor people who will fight for fate of workers and welfare. The phenomenon of the emergence of communist in South Sumatra is also reinforced by the Assistant Territorial Kasdam II / Sri wijaya Inf Col. Bambang Byantri that communism developed by Papernas Lampung with implementing exceptional Konferda dated January 28, 2008, attended by 120 supporters. In this case Aster Kasdam II / Sriwijaya convey an effort to prevent the spread of communism was so for always strengthening and functioning of civil society organizations (CBOs) and youth organizations (OKP) then disseminate information about the dangers of communism in order to prevent the spread of ideas and communism in South Sumatra. 2. Radical Right. In the city of Palembang Prov. Sumatra today for a while yet many found the radical group activity Right. a) Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). Chairman Habil Muhammad and Secretary KH. Misbahul Anam, actively mobilize members to take action against the destruction of places of worship / devotional Christians and places of entertainment such as gambling, karaoke, nightclubs, cafe and prostitution on the eve of the month of fasting and while fasting SECRET SECRET 6 but in the Prov. Sumsel now for a while yet many found the FPI group activities. On June 30, 2011 was approximately 10:00 am take action in Bundara unras Fountain and Government Prov. Sumatra by the Muslim Association of South Sumatra comprising of LPI, FPI, UMP BEM, BEM IAIN Raden Patah, LPD Prabumulih and Sumatra MUI with a mass totaling ± 200 people with action coordinator Br. Great (IAIN PLG), Korlap (Mr. Ustad Arfan (disciple of Ustad Mahdit and leader of Action Unras Br. Ustad Mehdi with his demands, among others: (A) Reject plan Governor Sumsel in RS development. Siloam behind the Sea Games. (B) Reject Christianization in the Bumi Sriwijaya with reason Sea Games. At 11:50 GMT the protesters accepted by DR. H. Aidit Aziz (Assistant III Bid. Welfare) with response "begging the protesters to be patient, as Governor of South Sumatra still follow Rehearsal Visits President of the Bay area Gelam district. OIC in order The IX National Jamboree in 2011. b) Front Hezbollah. Active do action destruction the house used as a place of worship / service people Christian and entertainment venues such as gambling, karaoke, nightclubs, cafes and prostitution on the eve of the month of fasting and while fasting but in the city of Palembang Prov. Sumatra today to while many have not found any activity of the Front Hezbollah. c) Mujahideen Council. Group this organize sending jihadists to the Moluccas and in Congress I Mujahideen in Yogyakarta Yogyakarta has instituted Charter which contains between other: 1) Obligatory to implement Islamic law Muslims in Indonesia and the world at large. 2) Reject any ideology as opposed to Islam and Shirk resulting infaq and violating human rights. 3) Build a solid unity Mujahideen shaf by forming Mujahideen Council to enforce Islamic law. 4) Conducting institutional measures for the Mujahideen in order for the creation of Immanah Islamiyah. 5) Calls upon Muslims to uphold da'wah and jihad around the world for the sake of Islam as Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin. Prominent among the Mujahideen Council Other: Abu Bakr Basyiir, Prof. Dr. Deliar Noer, Ohan Sudjana, KH. Abdullah Rashid (KISDI), Prof.. Ahmad Mansour Suryanegara, KH. Aef M. Afandi, KH. Sidiq Amin, Ust. Abdul Qadir Baraja, Tengku Daud Zamsami, etc.. SECRET SECRET 7 But in the city of Palembang Prov. Sumatra today to while many have not found any group activity Mujahidin Assembly. On 21 April 2011 at approximately 9:30 pm housed in a roundabout fountain JI. Jend. Sudirman was ongoing protest by the masses + 60 person on behalf of Hizb ut Tahir led by Sdr. Mirza (Koorlap) and Br. Saiful (Koraks). The activities stained with the demands and banners, among others: (A) No one saw how much number of Muslims and no one doubted wealth that exist in the countries of the Muslims all wide spread. (B) In the Government's economic system should be manage the well being of the people, should not be turn it over to the private sector especially to the foreigners. (C) In the Islamic legal system that serves as Zawdjir (prevention) and Jawabir (redeemer sin), Islamic law will deter perpetrators crime and preventing people to do criminal act, of course this will give a sense of safe to the public. (D) In the foundation of Islamic education curriculum makes people born into the human and also a pious man high intellectual. At 11.30 pm on the disperse in an orderly and safe. d) Heresy Flow / Flow Religious. In the region of Palembang Prov. Sumsel now there are some activities that lead to religious divisions namely the cult still controversial among others: Flow Ahmadiyya centered in the city Palembang, Jemaah Ahmadiyah in conducting its activities are always closed and interactions only among themselves. People who Ahmadiyya jema'at not difficult to join or interact. Jema'at Ahmadiyah not believe that Prophet Muhammad Muhammad Ahmad Mirzam but Gulama. Not require followers to pray 5 times and fasting in the month of Ramadan. The two sentences Creed Ahmadiyya version "Ashaduallah illahailaullah waashadu ahmad mirza anna ". Jami'ah Flow Expert Tghorigoh Mu'tabaroh Indonesia (Jatmi Bengkulu branch) in the district. Pumu Regency Tanjung Sakti. Lahat with members of ± 70 people with Young priest or teacher Shaykh Tantawi with teachings deployed in the Order is contrary to religious teachings Islam where one ajaranya ie when a member The congregation must cut the chicken or Thanksgiving fellow members and also with the shrouded purification bath. Cult with the name of the Divine Majesty Amanah (AKI). The doctrine protesters taste SECRET SECRET 8 considered heresy against the religion of Islam Grace Divine made bevy Amanah (AKI) is the lets not fast during Ramadan and not perform prayers but perform dhikr. 1) On June 8, 2011 at Hall Hotel Hakma Tuba has been implemented socialization Taba increased socialization carried Tolerasnsi harmony religious communities in the district. Mura totaled approximately 150 people who attended Wabup Mura, Chaldean 0406/Mura, MUI chairman Kab. Mura, the element Muspida District. Mura, The Assistant District Government District Mura religious leaders. Mura and community events run safely and smoothly. 2) Following up on the activities of the Post-raid Ahmadiyya Jema'ah Naqsabandiyah by citizens Prumnas Nikon Ex. Nikon Jaya district. I Lubuklinggau City East Lubuklinggau, recently threatened prohibited activity for 3 months starting in May sd July 2011 future. Case this justified Builder The congregation Naqsabandiyah Ahmad Nuryudi has coordinated with Head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) H. Saidi HZ in the office MORA Jalan Soekarno Hatta Ex. Petanang district. East Lubuklinggau I Lubuklinggau city to prevent the undesirable and, considering the public safety at this time, then we enforce ban because there are people who do not understand the Tariqa Naqsabandiyah. And we know this fact terekat There have always been, and in the teachings of Islam taught to always malakukan dhikr. 3) On June 19, 2011 at 8:00 pm has been Conference of Rajab 1432 H held by DPD II Hizb Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) at Ex Cinema City Sindang Lubuklinggau, by DPD I Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) with speakers, namely Ustad Abu Miqdad DPD I Hizb Indonesia (HTI) from Jakarta, Ustad Budianto Haris, ST DPD I Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) from Sumatra, Ustad Mahmud DPD jurnhiir I Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Sumatra, Ustad Supartono, Spd DPD II Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Lubuklinggau, paper and conference rajab with theme of "Living Well under the auspices of the Caliphate" principal bahasannya: (A) Indonesia in the grip of global capitalism. (B) Khilafah in solution. (C) Living well in the shade of the Khilafah. (D) Caliphate superpower front mass welfare. (E) Potential ideological caliphate state. (F) The potential of the country's military empire. (G) Potential economic empire. (H) Potential geographical caliphate state. (I) Potenal geostrategic caliphate state. (J) Khilafah great promise of Allah. SECRET (K) (L) (M) SECRET 9 The promise of Allah in Assunnah. The world needs caliphate. Calls warm for the Muslims. 3. Other radicals. PRD and underbownya, openly undertake enterprising form of protest against the theme of wisdom government and as if to defend the people, but this time activities performed is closed is joined by NGOs attended various seminars organized by NGOs. Join forces to form a committee within the Student / Forum with Students as Student Committee for Struggle Democracy (Company), Student Reform Committee (KOREM), the Committee Solidarity for Democracy (KOSTRAD), National Student League for Democracy (LMND), Indonesian National Front for Labor Struggle (FNPBI), Indonesia Student Executive Council (BEMI), the People's Movement AntiParliament (working on), Front anti-New Order (FAOB) etc., in order pressure on the government / security forces rallied developed towards anarchy. The central theme raised still about growing problems in society related the issue of land, labor and basic rights of other workers, rising prices of goods, electricity and fuel. a) On July 2, 2011 the planned demonstrations conducted by mass + 200, consisting of a combination of LSM Three In One SMB II held at Palembang airport led by Bro. Yoppi, with demands including complete Investigate allegations of corruption creation Cross Road East Lampung and Palembang PalembangJambi against the officials concerned. b) On July 2 and July 3, 2011 the planned protest made by the Nation Child Justice Forum Sumatra (FOR-KAB) held at the Fountain roundabout, Airport Over SMB II and Play South Sumatra Police Headquarters by the mass Longmars + 150 people led Bro. Alvarez (Kooraks) and Br. M. Januar (Koorlap) with the demand: 1) Reject the arrival of SBY. 2) Urge the Commission to resolve the alleged bribery case homestead athletes Palembang. c) On July 7, 2011 approximately 10:35 pm pkl held at Police Palembang has lasted Unras action by + 30 Solidity action on behalf of the NGOs and journalists Sumsel led by Br. Okta Poiyadi (PWI chairman Sumatra) colored action with a statement of attitude and demands are: 1) Capture and perpetrators prosecuted the mastermind behind the persecution reporters. 2) Capture and prosecuted Prosperous businessmen Setiawan and officials Bank high in Sumatra which broke hundreds meliyar money people. 3) Give security to civilians, journalists and NGOs to aspirations and demands and shoot place thugs were hired criminals. The protesters received by Invisible Criminal Police Palembang Kompol Frido Sitomorang. SH, Sik with responses SECRET SECRET 10th incidents of persecution that occurred already at the scene, and our check in been aware of the problem hopefully in time perpetrators can be caught close at 10:55 pm the demonstrators dissolve safely. d) On August 1, 2011 at 10:00 am by 10 people Joint Forum of Non Governmental Organizations (FOBER) Sumatra led by Bro. M. Nur Samsu a protest in Sumsel Kajati Office with demands, thoroughly investigate allegations of corrupt ion Boundary-making project 3 Pinang River Bridges and roads Kab. OIC at a cost of 11 billion budget on Roads and Bridges Prov. Sumatra in 2010. At 10:10 GMT the protesters received by Mr. Kasi Pidum Kajati. Afandi, SH with responses reports will be followed up what it claims to be the protesters. At 10:35 GMT the protesters broke up, the situation is safe and orderly. e) On 21 September 2011 at approximately 09:00 pm housed Office of the High Court in South Sumatra has been undertaken by the Alliance un ras Anti Robber State (A2PN) Sumatra led by Bro. Rifen Calendar (Korlap), Br. Ing Suardi aka Cakuk (Korak) and mass + 50 people along with a staged, among others: 1) Organize the contents of the banner "Alliance Anti Robbers State (A2PN) South Sumatra, South Sumatra Exempt from Corruption ". 2) Statement of the core attitude of "Investigate thoroughly indication corruption Rp. 7 M more on building bridges Ds. Ulak Flower district. Leko Batanghari Kab. Muba currently The bridge that collapsed claimed the lives of two people on PT. WK ". 3) Claims as follows: a) Investigate thoroughly indication of abuse of authority raises the possibility of corruption act Ds bridge construction project development. Ulak Flower district. Leko Batanghari Kab. Muba. b) There was corruption Ds bridge construction. Ulak Flower district. Leko Batanghari Kab. Muba with 2010 -2011 budget allocation from the district. Muba numbered Rp. 21.4 M. c) Building Bridges Ds. Flower Ulak district. Leko Batanghari Kab. Muba should be completed in in 2011 carried out by PT. WK yet in fact 40% of new job so bridge collapse disaster occurs with Koban consuming souls. At approximately 9:15 pm the protesters received by Mr.. Afandi, SH (Head of Information and Public Relations Law) with responses the point: "Say thank you and accepted by positive aspirations of the protesters to be submitted to Kajati Sumsel to set up an investigative team regarding issues , but it takes time to mengukapkannya ". Approximately pm 9:30 pm the protesters dispersed in an orderly and safe. SECRET SECRET 11th f) On 26 September 2011 approximately pkl 13 00 hrs at the office Governor of South Sumatra has been going on in the name Unras " People's Alliance for renewal Agrararia Sumatra "consists from South Sumatra Walhi, SHI South Sumatra, Indonesia Green Students, States Farmers Indonesia Sumatra, Farmers Forum Nusantara United, States Farmers Rengas and Lubuk Bandung Consortium Updates Agrarian Jakarta Bogor Oil Wacth led Bro. Anwar Shadadd (director WALHI) and Hadi Sujatmiko (Koraks) with 1,000 + number of mass action of the characterized by long mach Monpera towards cahritas intersection and ended up in front of the office Governor of South Sumatra mass tuntuatan include: 1) Provide assurance Agrarian Assets and Access for the farmers in South Sumatra. 2) Complete konfilk land in South Sumatra. 3) Stop the bullying and the violence of the peasants. 4) Stop the Bill of developing the land acquisition for. At 15.30 pm the protesters received by Assistant I Mr. provincial government. Mukti Sulaiman, regional head of BPN Sumsel Mr. Suhai ni with aspirations responses received will be sealed and followed up with the Governor of South Sumatra. At 16:35 pm the Protesters dispersed safely. Political Situation. Political situation in 2011 in the city Palembang Prov. Sumatra is quite stable but need to anticipate and monitor continuous development in order not to arise the things that are not desirable by the political elite players in the area - the area as a precaution to future security and stability. 1. Political Parties. The activity of the Political Parties often held in the city of Palembang Prov. Sumsel is likely to cause friction between their supporters each party. This can lead to a situation not conducive area and did not rule can be exploited by elements certain to lead to a situation causing friction which then end up with anarchy. a) On July 8, 2011 at Hotel Grand Ambassador Palembang, the event has taken place sillahturahmi with presents three pairs of candidates Regents and Cawabup Muba period 2012-2017, held Family Association (IKA) Muba. In the event was attended by the couple Dodi-Islan Hanura, Sulgani Pakuali Suljati came alone because her partner was in East Java, while pair-Beni Pahri not present and did not give a clear statement to the committee, because the invitations are Direct Pahri said the most likely to be present. The meeting took place lively, relaxed and full of family. The absence of Bro. Pahri-Beni among residents Muba in Palembang, inviting residents committee as well disappointment Muba overseas in general. During the event in safe and controlled circumstances. b) On 20 September 2011 the Chairman of PDI Struggle Mr. South Sumatra. Eddy Santana Putra ensure DPP Chairman PDIP Megawati Soekarno Putri fully support partner SECRET SECRET 12th Pahri Azhari-Beni Hernedi in elections Muba 27 September future. Statement PDIP cadre who served Mayor Palembang was once dismissed rumors that Mega does not approve couple. At the peak of the campaign later Pahri-Beni Bu Mega will be present in the City Sekayu with DPP chairman Puan Maharani PDIP and the public will know kebenaranya. 2. CBOs / active political organizations rallied. In general conditions of security and stability in the region of Palembang Prov. Sumsel eno ugh control, was normal and there are no security threats means. The protests were going on in the name of the community, demonstrations against the development programs be loaded with corruption and considered less touching interests society, the central theme raised was about the problems developed in the community with regard to land, labor and the basic rights of other workers, rising prices of goods, electricity and BBM, is a picture of a vibrant community life still within tolerance limits can be overcome by the apparatus functionally related. D. Geography situation. 1. Temperature, wind and weather. At the present time the weather conditions are ve ry erratic, sometimes very high temperatures and hot weather once thus causing vulnerability to fire hazard and often The sudden rain with rainfall reaches 2372 mm / Quarter (148 days) that flow directly to the river and the sea increased water discharge. In case of high tide and rain and still There will be inundated lowland areas of the city are caused Palembang Prov. Sumatra were accompanied by strong winds that cause prone to landslide hazards. 2. Medan. a) The terrain is relatively flat and hilly knoll majority rocky limestone soil only a fraction of existing marsh but there are some mountains that warrant concern. b) There are small tributaries leading to the Sea so the area is flooded, but much less likely area directly adjacent to the sea (beach) which is often make many people worry about the frequent issues that stunami growing lately. c) The main streets in the city of Palembang Prov. Sumsel pretty good condition only a small part in the regions remote serious need of improvement by the government local and central levels. E. Demographic situation. The population of the city of Palembang Prov. South Sumatra soul with 1,438,938 + density of 3572 people / km, from various tribes such as the Malays, Palembang, Ogan, Pasemah, Son In, Java, Lampung, Bugis, Batak, Bali, China, Minang, Sunda Madura etc.. Of the tribe most of whom are Multiple entrants / transmigarasi and everyday language use SECRET SECRET 13th appropriate local language of each tribe. F. Economic Situation. Community's economy is relatively stable, but still there is a group of people who take advantage of the economic crisis Groceries and keep raising prices keep increasing transportation costs. Crush economic needs of the particular community to trigger action criminal. Activities are economically motivated protests made public because influenced and ridden party / group. 1. Livelihoods are mostly trading, employees, miners and farming / gardening and labor while residents who live along the river Musi average work as fishermen. 2.Kejadian - Economics prominent events in the Prov. Sumsel the period of 3 months as follows: a) On April 1, 2011 obtained information that the store precious metals in gold jewelry demand more than in gold bullion, because in addition to functioning as an instrument investment, gold jewelry has added value because any time can be worn / used. According to information from multiple sellers gold, gold does not ogled buyer and usually only be purchased by consumers from out of town. Buyers are more likely to choose gold jewelry has become because it can be used. Price levels of 92 to 99.9% gold bullion, valued USD. 400 thousand - Rp. 415 thousand per gram, but if packaged dalam100 gram, the number of is almost equivalent to 15 tribes, estimated to cost Rp. 40 million. The price of gold is currently in a day could rise and down, it is not certain as it depends on the situation and condition of the country. For the price of gold which yield 65-70% or 22 rust, Rp. 340 thousand per gram. Addition of 20 and 18 carat gold, each each range of Rp. 320 thousand and Rp. 160 thousand per gram. The price of gold highest since 5 (five) years is Rp. 2.7 million per tribe which resulted in decreased sales due to lack of buyers. b) On July 5, 2011 at 09.30 pm Train various majors in South Sumatra from class train Economics, Business and Executive invaded passengers. During the past week there has been a surge passengers reach as much as 50% of the days normally, even section looks loketpun passengers huddled in front of the station Counters KA Lahat, they are passengers who would go on vacation to Palembang and Lubuklinggau. Hundreds of residents who want to to the city of Palembang, Lubuklinggau and a number of other areas seen lining up to be able to obtain a train ticket and Economy Class Business as KA Serelo, a mainstay class citizens like a vacation because cheap and avoid congestion during the trip. G. Socio-cultural situations. The existence of social inequalities in society becau se differences greatly affect the economic well-being and social life. Harmony among ethnic and religious work well. The number of cases overlapping land ownership remains unresolved problems that are prone to conflict. Intervention from government SECRET SECRET 14th in solving the problem areas. 1. Labor Cases. During the last 3 months is still going action demonstrations related to labor issues / labor. Emergence The labor problems overshadow their backs by some Among other demands minimum wage increases, the demand for workers in severance Layoffs, demands for increased employee benefits / labor issues local and foreign labor. In carrying out their demands backed up by NGOs / Legal Aid and Student. a) On May 1, 2011 at 11:00 pm occurred unras in roundabout fountain of FORUM Announcers (Union of Journalists) Sumatra with korak Retno Palupi, Korlap Haryanto, mass number + INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE MAGELANG REGION-CENTRAL JAVA IN WORKING VISIT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE FRAME WITH MOTHER Rl Hj. ANI BAMBANG YUDHOYONO S.D DATE 25 MAY 26 2012 1. General. Political and security situation in the region particularly in Java Java DIY Magelang and relatively favorable, but there were several activities includi ng MMI forcibly disperse the discussion held by the CRCS (Ershad Manji) in the DIY and HTI reject Ershad Manji activities, lectures and FPI in Waterford Magelang attended by Habib Riziq, denial of rising fuel prices, denial of appointment KPH Anglingkusumo as Paku Alam IX, Higher Education bill rejection, rejection sand m ining iron and outsourcing systems. In order to anticipate the visit of the President SBY and Mrs. Hj. Ani Bambang Yudhoyono on 25 s.d. May 26, 2012, it needs to be m ade estimate of the state intelligence to provide an overview of possible disturbanc es or threat in making security plans and consideration leadership in determining policy. 2. Development of the situation. a. b. Field Ideology 1) MMI forcibly disperse the discussion held by the CRCS (Ershad Manji). Dated May 9, 2012, at the Office LKIS (Institute of Islamic Studies and Social) Jl. Pura 01 Sorowajan Bam Ex. Plumbon district. Banguntapan Kab. Bantul have forcible dissolution occurs by mass ± 50 people from MMI (Mujahidin Council of Indonesia) Yogyakarta on discussions held by CRCS (Centre for Religious and Culture Studies) with the theme of Islamic Lib erty and Love by presenting Ershad Manji as a resource. Dissolution MMI forced by their demolition LKIS office window and beat up 5 people from LKIS. 2) HTI mass Unras reject Ershad Manji in DIY activities. Dated May 9, 2012 UGM roundabout located at Jl Colombo Sleman Yogyakarta has lasted action demonstrations carried out by elements of Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia in order to d eny Ershad Manji activities to conduct seminars on feminism in Yogyakarta followed ± 100 people koorlap Yayan with activities held posters and speeches that essential ly Irshad Manji to resist the arrival of Yogyakarta. 3) Habib Rizieq Shihab (FPI Chairman) will perform recitals in Waterford and Demak in Central Java. Dated May 12, 2012 at 12:40 pm, in Adi Sucipto Yogyakarta airport has arrived Chairman of the Islamic Defenders Fro nt (FPI) Habib Muhammad Rizieq Shihab with Lion Air plane in order to study in Waterford and Demak in Central Java. Habib Rizieq arrival in transfers by the Ch airman FPI Central Java-Yogyakarta Bambang Tedi with ± 100 FPI members to drive 10 cars and 20 motorcycles. Habib Rizieq Upon arrival at the airport, group directly to Waterford with Sleman Police traffic cop escort. In Habib Riziq speech calling for the enforcement of Islamic law. Politics. 1) Rejection of the fuel price increase by IMM and BEM UMM. Dated March 21, 2012 + 300 students from Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) Magelang with Student Executive Board (BEM) University Muhammadiyah Magelang (UMM), held public demonstrations at junction Blondo, Mungkid or in Jalan Magelang-Yogyakarta, in order to resist price increases BBM. 2) Rejection of the fuel price hike by BEM Magelang. March 29 2012 + 200 demonstrations took place the students in the Executive Board Students Joint Student Movement (Echoing) Magelang front fork Kedu pathway (Semarang-Magelang-Purworejo-Kebumen) in order to reject the plan rising fuel prices. The action took place uproar resulted from the burning of ti res former resulting in road congestion. 2 3) Rejection of the fuel price hike by the People's Alliance Yogyakarta. Dated April 1, 2012, in front of the Great House Yogyakarta Jl. Malioboro, has l asted rally by the People's Alliance Yogyakarta (ARY) followed ± 30 people Lessons Dinilah coordinator in order to reject the fuel price increase by activities held posters and speeches were essentially a rejection of the results of the trial Parliament plenary that add Article 7 paragraph 6a. 4) Rejection KPH Anglingkusumo appointment as Nails Alam IX. On 29 April 2012, held at Puro Pakualaman Jl. Yogyakarta has lasted Pisowanan Kusumanegara Supreme carried out by elements of Makar Anti consists of Paksikaton and Forum Jogya Rembug with Muhammad Suhud coordinator, SH event ± 400 people attended the agenda refuse removal KPH Anglingkusumo as Paku Alam IX and supportive setting. c. Economics. Economic issues in the region are not Magelang there are things that stand out. To sustain the economic needs of the region Magelang than most of the farmers, civil servants (military / police) and there are some industry that is developing among karoseri, furniture, textiles, home industry and tourism. d. e. Social and Cultural Rights. 1) Rejection of the bill by the Higher Education Student Forum Yogyakarta. On the March 5, 2012, at the Office of the Provincial Parliament DIY Jl. Malioboro Yogy akarta has been ongoing demonstrations conducted by the Student Forum Yogyakarta in order to reject the ratification of the Bill of Higher Education plans on 10 April 2012. Action followed ± 25 leaders of Demas Bayu with activities held posters and speeches that essentially reject legislation university. 2) Rejection iron sand mining. Dated April 1, 2012, held Aim at home. Clark Semirin DSN. II Garongan Kec.Panjatan District. Kulonprogo ha ve Anniversary event lasted Land Coastal Farmers Association (PPLP) Kulonprogo to 6 with the theme "Silence lethal move scary farm or die" which was attended by ± 2,000 residents organizing chairman Bro. Supriyadi (Chairman PPLP Kulonprogo) with the decision they still refused dipesisir iron sand mining Kulonprogo. 3) Discussion Papua Student Alliance (AMP). Dated April 2, 2012, held in Papua Kamasan Dormitory No 19 Jalan Kusuma country Yogyakarta has lasted closed discussion organized by the Papua Student Alliance (AMP) with the theme "Strategies Papua Student Movement". That was followed ± 35 people, chief organizer of Br. Karoba Roy (Chairman DIY AMP) with the changing direction a diplomatic struggle, took the concern about the human rights NGOs, international lobbied through a network of NGOs. 4) Unras workers reject outsourcing. Dated May 1, 2012 has been going demonstration in front of the Great House Jl. Malioboro Yogyakarta by Yogyakarta United People's Committee in commemoration of Labor Day ± 400 people attended the leadership of Ms.. Dede Marsinah activities held posters and speeches which essentially requires the welfare of the workers and remove ou tsourcing and lower food prices. Field of Military Security. Security issues are not prominent. 3. Analysis. a. The rejection of the arrival and activities of Ershad Manji by Islamist militant s hard as MMI and HTI in Yogyakarta due to lack of understanding that allows married to fellow kind, it would be misleading to the public, especially Muslims , Magelang FPI activities in the region is a routine activity undertaken to enforcing Islamic law. In addition, the rejection by rising fuel prices 3 elements of the People's Alliance Yogyakarta students and a licy government considered not siding with the people. While the t KPH Anglingkusumo as Paku Alam IX, for the appointment of a There menganturnya internal systems and if it is done is an Duchy Pakualaman demeaning. resistance to the po denial of appointmen Duke was act that b. Forum Mahawiswa Yogyakarta Higher Education rejected the bill because it is perc eived to be pushing Campus privatization impact on cost will be expensive so it can not reach by economic medium, iron sand mining in Kulonprogo-Yogyakarta been rejected by the local community because it feared would undermine can harm the environment and surrounding communities, doing discussions Alliance Papuan students in Yogyakarta as an effort to seek support and sympathy in OPM supports the movement or separation from the Republic and the workers who al ways raised problem wellbeing demands and demanded the abolition of the contract labor syste m as very detrimental to workers. Estimated Disorders, Threat and Contingency. 4. a. Disorders. The possibility of an element of mass protests, students and Igaras groups along the route and place a working visit President and Mrs. Hj. Ani Bambang Yudhoyono to Magelang-Java. b. Threats. Although there is no indication of terrorist threats against the Presid ent SBY and Mrs. Hj. Ani Bambang Yudhoyono, but the terrorist cells are still active in Java may at any time launch terror attacks against the President and Mrs. Hj. Ani Bambang Yudhoyono either on the route followed and in place event. c. Contingency. Protests by Islamic organizations and student activists and possible terrorist attacks. Suggested actions. 5. a. Pam WIP units attached mainly RI-1 in order to maintain the level of high alert to face any eventuality. b. Increase early detection and observation of the things that suspected especially in Ring 1 Pam WIP. B 1067 RFD TOYOTA INOVA MAYJEN TNI WARIS B 1188 RFD FORD EVEREST BPK. KURNIAWAN HABIS MASA BERLAKU B 1168 RFD NISSAN TERANO BPK. KURNIAWAN HABIS MASA BERLAKU B 76 BP B 1021 RFD FORD BPK. KURNIAWAN HABIS MASA BERLAKU B 1741 SF B 1170 RFD MITS LANCER BPK. KURNIAWAN HABIS MASA BERLAKU B 2336 DX B 1080 RFD PAJERO SPORT BPK. KURNIAWAN HABIS MASA BERLAKU B 1065 RFD TOYOTA AVANZA RANDIS DANDENPAL 6248 - 14 B 1175 RFD TOYOTA HARIER BPK KURNIAWAN HBS MASA BERLAKU B 1137 RFD TOYOTA RUSH RANDIS WADAN GRUP B 6268 - 14 B 1075 RFD TOYOTA CAMRY LETKOL CBA ZAENUDIN B 2019 RFD CHEROKE RANDIS ASINTEL 3952 - 14 B 1168 RFD SUZUKI BALENO MAYOR CBA ARISTON B 2627 JX B 1305 RFD TOYOTA INNOVA LETKOL INF ELKINES 6293 - 14 B 1106 RFD TOYOTA LC DANPASPAMPRES B 1993 RFD PAJERO SPORT LETKOL CPL SIGIT KARIYADI B 1094 RFD TOYOTA CROWN H. DEDI B 8002 CB B 1093 RFD MERCY BPK WILIAM JUK DANPASPAMPRES B 2677 RFD NISSAN X TRAIL BPK ALENG B 2689 FL B 1139 RFD HYUNDAI KOLONEL CBA ASNAN B 1196 RFD TOYOTA AVANZA BPK ALENG B 1157 RFD HILINE LETTU CPL ZAJULI 4825 - 14 B 1098 RFD HONDA CITY LETKOL CBA ROSID 3409 - 14 B 1160 RFD JEEP HILINE KOLONEL INF SUCIANTO B 1158 RFD KIA RANDIS PABANDYA LID 4141 - 14 B 1096 RFD NISSAN SERENA KOLONEL INF M. HASAN B 1166 RFD TOYOTA AVANZA LETKOL INF SINAGA B 1159 RFD TOYOTA FORTUNER KOL INF SJABAN L B 1160 RFD FORD ESCAFE KOLONEL INF EDMIL NURJAMIL B 1133 RFD SDN TIMOR LETKOL INF ISNAN SUSILO 3962 - 14 B 1050 RFD TOYOTA ALTIS WADAN PASPAMPRES 3050 - 14 LANTAH B 1161 RFD CAMRY KOLONEL INF EDMIL NURJAMIL B 1318 S MITS GTI DANPASPAMPRES 3056 - 14 B 2114 S MITS LANCER WADAN PASPAMPRES 3007 - 14 B 1049 RFD TOYOTA CAMRY DANPASPAMPRES 3021 - 14 B 1036 RFD JEEP MERCY WADAN PASPAMPRES 5026 - 14 B 1363 QZ FORD EXFLORER WADAN PASPAMPRES 4314 - 14 B 1051 RFD FORD EXFLORER DANPASPAMPRES 4315 - 14 B 2021 AR TOYOTA FORTUNER RANDIS DAN GRUP C 4192 - 14 B 1163 RFD SUZUKI ESCUDO RANDIS DANDENBEKANG 5470 - 14 B 1162 RFD TOYOTA ALFARD KOL INF EDMIL NURJAMIL 5470 - 14 B 1095 RFD NISSAN TERANO PABADYA RENOPS 4882 - 14 B 1164 RFD TOYOTA AVANZA LETKOL PSK NOVLA 6213 - 14 B 1055 RFD NISSAN TERANO RANDIS ASINTEL 4881 - 14 B 1165 RFD TOYOTA AVANZA MAYOR CKU NUR ALI 6271 - 14 B 1170 RFD FORD LANCER KAPTEN CHB ROETAN B 1167 RFD TOYOTA INNOVA LETKOL CPL SIGIT K D 1373 KT B 1160 RFD TOYOTA LC MAYJEN MAR (PUR) NONO 4202 - 14 B B 1133 BDTOYOTA HARIER BPK SUBUH PRIYAMBODO B 688 DIS 1171 RFD MITS LANCER KOL INF SJABAN LANTAH 3161 - 14 B 1169 RFD FORD ESCAFE BPK RUDI HARYANTO B 1909 UV B 1172 RFD MERCY BPK EKO SINTO B 8 IM JUK ASINTEL B 1174 RFD MERCY BPK KOL INF EDMIL NURJAMIL D 333 FM B 1173 RFD TOYOTA LC KOL INF EDMIL NURJAMIL B 3 PI B 1093 RFD TOYOTA ALFARD KOL INF EDMIL NURJAMIL B 1063 QZ JEEP MERCY WADAN PASPAMPRES 5026 - 14 SECRET PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY FORCES INTELLIGENCE STAFF DISBURSEMENT SYSTEM Fuel Paspampres AND Paspampres Fuel TNI Headquarter TOTAL: - MT 88 153 000 - HSD 225 000 - PERTAMINA 24,000 - Kerosene 25,000 - DEX PERTAMAX 30,000 - LUBRICANT: - PRIMA XP 5463 - MEDITRAN 5225 - RORET 3971 - GREASE 356 KG -ADDITIONAL: - PAM VVIP: - MT 5000 - HSD 8000 - EXERCISE READINESS: - MT 32 000 -HSD 48,000 -ADDITIONAL SUPPORT ROUTINE - MT 31 695 HSD-4760 - Secretary of State: - MT 88 29 020 - HSD 27,395 - PERTAMAX 8000 U.S. LOG DEN BEK PERTAMINA LETTER ALLOCATION (SA) ORDER DISTRIBUTION BBM (SP2M) LETTER ORDERS IMPLEMENTATION DECISION BBM (SP3M) REQUEST DO / LO -DANDEN -MAJOR REVELATION -CAPTAIN SURYATA -PNS GODHO SPBT PRINMIN -Lieutenant Colonel CBA Rosyid CBA-CAPTAIN Kosim COUPON -Sergeant Major MAR Gono -Sergeant Major David UNITS -GROUP A -GROUP B -GROUP C -Denma / Mako -YONWAL -DENZI -DRONKAVSER -DENHUB -DENKES -DENSIK -DENPAL -DENBEKANG Jakarta, October 2012 Lid Pabandya Sintel Paspampres Dwi Balyono Lieutenant Colonel Cpm Nrp 554 870 SECRET pat decisions taken and the steps required on the operational level and taktis.a nyak ± 50 Boga has led people rallied on February 14, 2012 at 16:20 PM in Roundabou t Hotel Indonesia Jl. MH. Thamrin in Central Jakarta in order to address the dem ands of the bottom line:  Merdeka Utara Central Jakarta in order to address the core demands:. Bil most po licy tepat.19 January 2012 at 13:00 Cikarang EJIP Region Western District. Bekas i in order to convey the essence demands that the Apindo immediately revoke the complaint to the administrative court regarding MSE Bandung.  Banten Governor revised MSE and sectoral minimum wage (UMS). Single) cars sound system and 15 units of SPM on 09 February 2012 at 08.30 to companies in the area of ​​Tangerang city with a rallying point PBI secretariat office Jl. Imam Bonjol Gg. H. Rain Ex. Bojong Jaya district. Karawaci Tangerang in order to socialize and UMS K MSE Tangerang City in 2012 according to SK Provincial Governor of Banten. hand with the 1945 Constitution.  Indonesian Christians who intends to make Bekasi as Lighthouse Christian develop ment has sparked tensions between religious communities in the Bekasi area. Decr eased morale and awareness between religious tolerance in Indonesia has led the public to easily incited by SARA nuanced issue. Lack of firmness of government i n determining the rules of religious life to be one that was supposed to be a na tional issue in the review and the need for restructuring related to some provis ions such as the LCS. Issues permits construction of the church has sparked a re action from minority groups (Christians) in the Bekasi government to demand just ice. This incident is certainly an impact on the growing tensions between the Is lamist group Hard Line (Igaras) with Christians in Bekasi.bangsa. a in Jakarta. The student movement has always been the driving force changes in Indonesian his tory has become a priority for interest groups to run political agenda. Legality of students rated as pure movement aspirations (not tercampuri by political int erests), post-reform has begun to shift. It is based on the number of operators who take advantage of the political mass base of students to carry out its polit ical interests such as by forming a network and control network elements nodes s tudents.  Democrats have successfully conditioned by the political opposition to governmen t as a vehicle to bring down public confidence in the government of SBY-Boediono at the same time making efforts internally splits the Democratic Party. From th is fact shows that the conditioning efforts carried out by the national oppositi on in the mass base of students began to run again, so predictable actions of a group of students next will increase in line with increasing competition (tensio n) in the level of political elites. sa labor lately in Jakarta, Bekasi and Tang erang (Greater Jakarta) is triggered by a dispute over the amount of minimum wag e increases and provincial / district / city (UMP / MSE). For the workers in Tan gerang strongly support the steps taken by the Governor of Banten in their polic y on revisions umpah minimum, but the entrepreneurs (Apindo) feel overwhelmed an d increasingly difficult position. Different views will impact on the harmonious relationships between local government and Apindo, while the labor groups will continue to fight the decision taken by the Governor of Banten as part of an eff ort to increase the welfare of the workers. Political motives of regional leader s in the face of Election 2012 also be one factor amongst teething problems with the local government in determining Apindo MSE / UMS 2012. Following up on this , today emerged insistence on Manpower to quickly create a new format in determi ning wages. Because for this format in the form of wages imposed yielded only th e workers and employers arguing and eventually tails strike. Without reform of t he current system, labor disputes and crippling industrial action and public fac ilities will continue to recur. It is feared will be utilized for the benefit of a particular political party, for industrial conflict that dragged only create legal uncertainty amid efforts to boost growth to reduce poverty and create jobs -wide mass action luasnya.ian Forum Communications Padang Island Rescue Society (FKMP3 ) Kep. Meranti Riau who survived for 57 days in front of the main gate of the House of Representatives and is currently last in the Ministry of Forestry Jl. Lake Winnipesaukee Jakpus generally still relevant course of action demandin g the termination of operations of PT. RAPP in Pulau Padang Kep. Meranti Riau. I n the normal actions taken earlier, some of the elements of the above actions ha ve been staged in the courtyard of the mouth sewing DPR / MPR. They demanded the government revoke the license of industrial timber plantations (HTI) on an area of ​​41 205 hectares of the island based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry. 327 /2009. The strong demand for the mass element assumes no central government and corporate transparency, so those affected are people of Padang Island. As is kno wn, on February 23, 2011 Meranti Islands Regency ago with some representatives o f the people of Padang Island, have sat together and form a unified team. A team of experts was tasked to assess the feasibility of Padang Island with peat soil s if timber operations. However, the results of the meeting that took place in h ospitals Selatpanjang was never realized to the public. Even they do not know at all the results than studies conducted by it. For the community, if the results of the study proved that PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (RAPP) worth of operation and it was delivered to the people, they would never refuse. However, the oppos ite happened. Integrated teams were formed even changed direction and was not im pressed Padang Island people cared. So the Padang Island community remains commi tted to its demands that ask the Minister of Forestry issued an operational term ination PT. RAPP in Pulau Padang Riau Islands Meranti and soon formed a national committee agrarian conflict resolution as well as the government revoked the Mi nister of Forestry Decree 327 of 2009 on the HTI (Industrial Forest Plantation).  agrarian reform (land reform) to provide political pressure on the government of SBY-Boediono. Land reform program is one of the agenda of the alliance of the l eft, so the above problems will possibly continue to be widened and the central issue to cause a public uprising against the government. The peasant farmers who are members of the National Farmers Union (STN) from Jambi province threatened to continue to survive as long as the Government and the Parliament is inconsist ent to implement the Basic Agrarian Law (BAL) in 1960 for the sake of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution because they thought the content of the BAL 1960 is Ri ght those that must be met as citizens. As is known, the demonstration of peasan ts who joined the Farmers Union Nani (STN) derived from the 3 provinces namely R iau, Jambi and Lampung has been ongoing since the date of December 12, 2011. Due to lack of response and a clear decision, they persist in the front of the DPR / MPR RI to set up tents and sewing mouth action. g surrendered the initials M. AO Group is a specialist group of terrorists to smuggle weapons from the Philipp ines to the terrorists. Abu Omar was arrested in Borneo in July 2011. M is known suspects named Mulya keep a long-barreled guns and a short-barreled firearms at the University of Indonesia's forests. Then once traced and checked directly by the team on the field, it was found one shoots senpi types Jungle and FN. Previ ous Team Detachment 88 found evidence of terrorism cases in the form of a long-b arreled firearm manufacturer with a dozen types of rounds of ammunition in the j ungle city of the University of Indonesia. Rifle was found under a pile of garba ge that has been buried in the ground filled with UI urban forest of acacia tree s. In November 2011, Detachment also conducting searches in UI woods and found a rifle, two types of FN firearms and 20 rounds. While the February 2012 sweeps r esults Detachment Team 88 has found a Magasen Bareta, 100 Grain Ammo AK-47 Calib er 5.6 MM and 200 Grain Ammo Caliber Revolver 2.2 MM.n kelompoknya. PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY FORCES INTELLIGENCE STAFF Pointers INTELLIGENCE STAFF 1. FIELD PAM a. Beware of scams claiming to be a commander mode or Paspampres via SMS. b. Be - careful in buying and selling vehicles, related to the number of veh icles asphalt letter mode since the time of Eid is near. c. More circumspect - careful in making friends because they do not rule out a c olleague or friend is involved in a case of drug or other criminal cases, partic ularly Business Savings and Loans (MLM) and the like, d. The number of members who violate THTI / desertion, because the amount of deb t, infidelity and even entertainers are affected by the lady turned-cruise ship crew (Westerling Dronkavser Prada, THTI An Koptu Ajat Sudrajat Group B). e. Order and tidiness Department or private vehicles parked on the chivalry Pasp ampres uniform position facing out. f. To warm up a vehicle is not more than Five Minutes, when more than Five Minut es would be a waste of fuel, can cause damage to the vehicle as well as unhealth y as inhaling smoke from the exhaust. 2. THE LID a. Bottom Unit Paspampres dijajaran follow when receiving the news of the operat ion carried out by the region Gaktib especially on holidays. b. In the fasting month of Islamic organizations (FPI) and other organizations t hat are carrying out operations when completed their fasting with a motorcycle, so it is necessary vigilance during their fasting individual members (Prada Wind ra Denkomlek). c. There is still found every Opersi Gaktib, there are no violations have requis ite work and personal vehicles to immediately to complete that operation netted gaktb outside, use official facilities for the maintenance of the completeness o f the vehicle through the Intelligence Staff. Jakarta, August 2012 Assistant Intelligence Edmil Nurjamil Col. Inf NRP 1900004141067 ~More to come! CIA Expect me! I am.... By : -̶̶•-̶̶•̸ •̸GrenXparta_Hacker ™•̸ •̸-̶•-̶ David Webb Sales Sales Representative dwebb@cia.gov david.webb@cia.g ov Reston VA Pamela Landy Sales Sales Representative plandy@cia.gov pamela.landy@cia .gov Reston VA Terry Thompson Marketing Program Manager tthompson@cia.gov terry.th ompson@cia.gov Purcellville VA Elizabeth Brambo Marketing Public Relations ebrambo@cia.gov elizabeth.brambo@cia.gov Reston VA Tamara Smoot Marketing College Relations tsmoot@cia.gov tamara.s moot@cia.gov Reston VA Simon Marsh Marketing Employment and Communications Director smarsh@c ia.gov simon.marsh@cia.gov London Paul Graver Marketing Deputy Chief, Global Communications Services pgraver@cia.gov paul.graver@cia.gov Washington DC Jeff Kilkenny Marketing Senior Product Evaluator jkilkenny@cia.go v jeff.kilkenny@cia.gov Washington DC Ricky Hayes Finance & Administration Chief Program Practices Group rhayes@cia.gov ricky.hayes@cia.gov Washington DC Gary Noakes Finance & Administration Program Manager gnoakes@cia.gov gary.noakes@cia.gov Washington DC Petra Lewis Finance & Administration diversity Program Manager plewis@cia.gov petra.lewis@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Cooper Finance & Administration Chief Operating Officer jcooper@ cia.gov joseph.cooper@cia.gov Washington DC Warner Workman Finance & Administration Senior Program Manager wworkman @cia.gov warner.workman@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA Dale Grove Finance & Administration Senior Project Officer dgrove@c ia.gov dale.grove@cia.gov Washington DC Jeri Benedict Finance & Administration Program Manager for Training Ope rations jbenedict@cia.gov jeri.benedict@cia.gov Washington DC Bambi Coupland Finance & Administration Consultant bcoupland@cia.go v bambi.coupland@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Brisky Finance & Administration Program Manager lbrisky@cia.gov larry.brisky@cia.gov Washington DC Michelle Cq Finance & Administration Program Manager mcq@cia.gov michelle.cq@cia.gov Washington DC Michelle Murphy Finance & Administration Program Manager mmurphy@cia.gov michelle.murphy@cia.gov Reston VA Donna Snead Finance & Administration Program Manager dsnead@cia.gov donna.snead@cia.gov Warrenton VA Calvin Andrus Finance & Administration Program Manager candrus@cia.gov calvin.andrus@cia.gov Sterling VA Wesley Wilson Finance & Administration Program Manager wwilson@cia.gov wesley.wilson@cia.gov Washington DC James Mast Finance & Administration Program Manager jmast@cia.gov james.mast@cia.gov Manassas VA Linda Swiatowy Finance & Administration Program Manager-Information Arch itecture lswiatowy@cia.gov linda.swiatowy@cia.gov Chantilly VA Scott Easterwood Finance & Administration Network Administrator seasterwood@cia.gov scott.easterwood@cia.gov Washington DC Patricia Casey Finance & Administration Office Director Directorate of S cience and Technology pcasey@cia.gov patricia.casey@cia.gov Washington DC Molly Hale Finance & Administration Procurement Analyst mhale@ci a.gov molly.hale@cia.gov Reston VA Lane Hartle Finance & Administration Deputy Chief Enterprise Search P rogram Office lhartle@cia.gov lane.hartle@cia.gov Washington DC Andre Williams Finance & Administration Program Manager awilliams@cia.go v andre.williams@cia.gov Washington DC Alesia Rose Finance & Administration Program Manager arose@cia.gov alesia.rose@cia.gov Washington DC Brain McCormack Finance & Administration Dissemination Program Manager bmccormack@cia.gov brain.mccormack@cia.gov Washington DC Mitzie Hayes Finance & Administration Contracts Officer mhayes@c ia.gov mitzie.hayes@cia.gov Washington DC Randal Moon Finance & Administration Director Program on Employee Eng agement and Retention rmoon@cia.gov randal.moon@cia.gov Washington DC Jac Cooney Finance & Administration Production Manager Office of Tra ining and Education jcooney@cia.gov jac.cooney@cia.gov Washington DC Richard Tolar Finance & Administration Vice President of Accounting rtolar@cia.gov richard.tolar@cia.gov Biloxi MS Glen Kirk-Patrick Finance & Administration Partner-Management Team gkirk-patrick@cia.gov glen.kirk-patrick@cia.gov Washington DC Mary Greene Finance & Administration Finance Officer mgreene@cia.gov mary.greene@cia.gov Washington DC Jean Koch Finance & Administration Chief Program Production Office jkoch@cia.gov jean.koch@cia.gov Washington DC Christine Peles Finance & Administration Finance Manager cpeles@cia.gov christine.peles@cia.gov Herndon VA John Rizzo Finance & Administration General Counsel jrizzo@cia.gov john.rizzo@cia.gov Reston VA James Weakland Finance & Administration Contracts Management jweaklan d@cia.gov james.weakland@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Payne Finance & Administration Contracts Management bpayne@c ia.gov barbara.payne@cia.gov Washington DC Karen Stepka Finance & Administration Contracts Management kstepka@ cia.gov karen.stepka@cia.gov Washington DC Sean Casterline Finance & Administration President scasterline@cia. gov sean.casterline@cia.gov Washington DC Randal Moon Finance & Administration Director, Program on Employee En gagement and Retention rmoon@cia.gov randal.moon@cia.gov Washington DC Mary Corrado Finance & Administration Chief Financial Officer mcorrado @cia.gov mary.corrado@cia.gov Washington DC Karen Killmeyer Finance & Administration Contracting Officer kkillmey er@cia.gov karen.killmeyer@cia.gov Washington DC Michelle Willia Finance & Administration IC Data Center Program, Deputy P rogram M mwillia@cia.gov michelle.willia@cia.gov Washington DC Jean Hess Finance & Administration Office of theProcurementExecutiv e jhess@cia.gov jean.hess@cia.gov Washington DC Anna Romine Finance & Administration Chief of Student Program aromine@cia.gov anna.romine@cia.gov Washington DC Kevin Lynch Finance & Administration Vice President klynch@cia.gov kevin.lynch@cia.gov Washington DC Lauren Halverson Finance & Administration Vice President lhalvers on@cia.gov lauren.halverson@cia.gov Washington DC FannieR Gee Finance & Administration Vice President fgee@cia.gov fannier.gee@cia.gov Washington DC Charlotte Del Duca Finance & Administration Office Director cdel duc a@cia.gov charlotte.del duca@cia.gov Washington DC Wanda Horn Finance & Administration Secretary whorn@cia.gov wanda.horn@cia.gov Washington DC Genevieve Fessenden Finance & Administration PROCUREMENT Analyst gfessenden@cia.gov genevieve.fessenden@cia.gov Clifton VA Hays McCormick Finance & Administration Vice President hmccormick@cia.g ov hays.mccormick@cia.gov Washington DC Michael Mau Finance & Administration Chief Diversity Program mmau@cia .gov michael.mau@cia.gov Washington DC Alvin Leak Finance & Administration Office Manager aleak@cia.gov alvin.leak@cia.gov Reston VA Edward Holmes Finance & Administration Program Manager eholmes@cia.gov edward.holmes@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Wood Finance & Administration Senior Program Manager rwood@ci a.gov robert.wood@cia.gov Washington DC Sheila Morgan Human Resources Human Resources Program Manager smorgan@cia.gov sheila.morgan@cia.gov Reston VA Todd Fine Human Resources Human Resources tfine@cia.gov todd.fine@cia.go v Falls Church VA Stephen Peyton Human Resources Mid-Atlantic Recruiter speyton@cia.gov stephen. peyton@cia.gov Washington DC Janice Broderick Human Resources Recruiter jbroderick@cia.gov janice.broderick@cia.gov Reston VA CynthiaR Bower Human Resources Chief of Human Resources cbower@cia.gov cynthiar.bower@cia.gov Oakton VA Henry Medina Human Resources Midwest Multi-Disciplinary Recruiter hmedina@ cia.gov henry.medina@cia.gov Washington DC Bonnie Seeley Human Resources Human Resources Officer bseeley@cia.gov bonnie.s eeley@cia.gov Ashburn VA Kathy Donovan Human Resources Recruiter kdonovan@cia.gov kathy.do novan@cia.gov Washington DC Heather Homan Human Resources Human Resource Officer hhoman@cia.gov heather. homan@cia.gov Washington DC Anita Hurt Human Resources Human Resource Consultant ahurt@cia.gov anita.hurt@cia.gov Washington DC Sharon Cordero Human Resources Recruiter scordero@cia.gov sharon.c ordero@cia.gov Washington DC Karen McCarty Human Resources Human Resources kmccarty@cia.gov karen.mc carty@cia.gov Washington DC Christine... Westbrook Human Resources Recruiter, Analytical Hiring Division cwestbrook@cia.gov christine....westbrook@cia.gov Washington DC Craig P Human Resources Recruiter cp@cia.gov craig.p@cia.gov Reston VA Suzanne Passarelli Human Resources Human Resource Consultant spassare lli@cia.gov suzanne.passarelli@cia.gov Washington DC Peggy Tuten Human Resources Southeast Recruiter ptuten@cia.gov peggy.tu ten@cia.gov Washington DC Doug Mc Human Resources Human Resources Manager dmc@cia.gov doug.mc@cia.gov Washington DC Christina Petrosian Human Resources Recruiting Manager cpetrosian@cia.g ov christina.petrosian@cia.gov Reston VA Suzan Park Support Chief of Staff Management Support Appli spark@cia.gov suzan.park@cia.gov Washington DC Bill Caufield Support Chief Support Officer bcaufield@cia.gov bill.cau field@cia.gov Washington DC Steven Walsky Support Community Training Branch swalsky@cia.gov steven.w alsky@cia.gov Washington DC Linda Nichols Support Training Specialist lnichols@cia.gov linda.ni chols@cia.gov Washington DC Ida Leong Support Customer Requirements Officer ileong@cia.gov ida.leon g@cia.gov Vienna VA Tom Strong Support Training Manager tstrong@cia.gov tom.strong@cia.g ov Shelby Township MI Stephanie Smith Support Director-Support ssmith@cia.gov stephanie.smith@ cia.gov Washington DC Mark Edelstein Support Director Training and Performance Development medelste in@cia.gov mark.edelstein@cia.gov New York NY Michael Lancaster Support Training Manager mlancaster@cia.gov michael.lancaster@cia.gov London Joseph Dizzel Support Customer Service Representative jdizzel@cia.gov joseph.d izzel@cia.gov Reston VA Robert Like Engineering & Research Senior Programmer rlike@cia.gov robert.like@cia.gov Washington DC Rosetta Sesley Engineering & Research Network Engineer rsesley@cia.gov rosetta.sesley@cia.gov Herndon VA Joseph O'Bryan Engineering & Research Systems Integrator/Engineer jo'bryan @cia.gov joseph.o'bryan@cia.gov Centreville VA Afton McDougle Engineering & Research Computer Engineer amcdougle@cia.go v afton.mcdougle@cia.gov Washington DC Kevin Daniels Engineering & Research Systems Engineer kdaniels@cia.gov kevin.daniels@cia.gov Vienna VA Jennifer Link Engineering & Research Enterprise Systems Engineer jlink@ci a.gov jennifer.link@cia.gov Washington DC Jeffrey Wooden Engineering & Research Senior Analyst-Diplomatic and Mil Fac jwooden@cia.gov jeffrey.wooden@cia.gov Washington DC Jean Wastrack Engineering & Research Senior Systems Engineer jwastrack@cia.go v jean.wastrack@cia.gov Washington DC Thomas Smith Engineering & Research Senior Network Engineer tsmith@cia.gov thomas.smith@cia.gov Purcellville VA Alexander Andreeff Engineering & Research Network Engineer aandreef f@cia.gov alexander.andreeff@cia.gov Sumerduck VA Karen Sweeney Engineering & Research System Architect ksweeney@cia.gov karen.sweeney@cia.gov Reston VA Sue Wilkerson Engineering & Research System Engineer swilkerson@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov Chantilly VA Thomas Murphy Engineering & Research Information Assurance Architect tmurphy@ cia.gov thomas.murphy@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Henry Gabriel Engineering & Research System Architect hgabriel@cia.gov henry.gabriel@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Bernier Engineering & Research System Engineer bbernier@cia.gov barbara.bernier@cia.gov Washington DC Teresa Westfall Engineering & Research Enterprise Systems Engineer twestfal l@cia.gov teresa.westfall@cia.gov Washington DC Dipesh Patel Engineering & Research Network Engineer dpatel@cia.gov dipesh.patel@cia.gov Herndon VA Kenneth Royster Engineering & Research Computer Engineer kroyster@cia.gov kenneth.royster@cia.gov Richmond VA Ronald McDermott Engineering & Research Principal Engineer rmcdermo tt@cia.gov ronald.mcdermott@cia.gov Germantown MD Phillip Boyd Engineering & Research Senior InfoSec Engineer pboyd@cia.gov phillip.boyd@cia.gov Washington DC Terrence Pickron Engineering & Research Storage Engineer tpickron @cia.gov terrence.pickron@cia.gov Alexandria VA Dan Olson Engineering & Research Storage Architect dolson@cia.gov dan.olson@cia.gov Washington DC Tony Dilisio Engineering & Research Lab Admin tdilisio@cia.gov tony.dilisio@cia.gov Washington DC Tanishia Griffin Engineering & Research Infosec Engineer tgriffin @cia.gov tanishia.griffin@cia.gov Woodbridge VA Carl Schwab Engineering & Research Scientist cschwab@cia.gov carl.sch wab@cia.gov Reston VA Alan Turner Engineering & Research Chief Scientist aturner@cia.gov alan.tur ner@cia.gov Richland WA Jim Reavis Engineering & Research Senior Engineer jreavis@cia.gov jim.reav is@cia.gov Edgewater MD Dennis Mirr Engineering & Research Engineer dmirr@cia.gov dennis.m irr@cia.gov Washington DC David Vaughan Engineering & Research Imagery Scientist Analytical Methodologi st dvaughan@cia.gov david.vaughan@cia.gov Washington DC Jim Lay Engineering & Research Engineer jlay@cia.gov jim.lay@cia.gov Chantilly VA Paul Ruud Engineering & Research Storage Architect pruud@cia.gov paul.ruud@cia.gov Washington DC Timothy West Engineering & Research Enterprise Architect twest@cia.gov timothy.west@cia.gov Washington IN Andrea Crabb Engineering & Research Mechancial Engineer acrabb@cia.gov andrea.crabb@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Putman Engineering & Research Enterprise Architect rputman@cia.gov robert.putman@cia.gov Burke VA Lisa Belch Engineering & Research Senior Engineering lbelch@cia.gov lisa.belch@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Casper Engineering & Research Chief Architect rcasper@cia.gov robert.c asper@cia.gov Reston VA Tyler Mahy Engineering & Research Researcher tmahy@cia.gov tyler.ma hy@cia.gov Gaithersburg MD Mai Nguyen Engineering & Research Research Scientist mnguyen@cia.gov mai.nguyen@cia.gov Washington DC Kathy Rutter Engineering & Research Architect krutter@cia.gov kathy.ru tter@cia.gov Washington DC Peter Jobusch Engineering & Research Senior Scientist pjobusch@cia.gov peter.jobusch@cia.gov Washington DC Albert Rabassa Engineering & Research Architecture Engineering arabassa @cia.gov albert.rabassa@cia.gov Washington DC Al Scheffter Engineering & Research Technical Services Engineer aschefft er@cia.gov al.scheffter@cia.gov Annandale VA Sam Lopez Operations Maintenance Manager slopez@cia.gov sam.lope z@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Joseph Cooper Operations Chief of Operations-Information Systems jcooper@ cia.gov joseph.cooper@cia.gov Manassas VA Scott Willey Operations Team Chief swilley@cia.gov scott.willey@cia .gov Fairfax VA Matthew Park Operations Information Technology Security Manager mpark@ci a.gov matthew.park@cia.gov Reston VA Michael Rodgers Operations Chief Information Security Officer mrodgers @cia.gov michael.rodgers@cia.gov Washington DC David Farnham Operations Chief Information Officer/Chief Technology Offic er/Chief Sec... dfarnham@cia.gov david.farnham@cia.gov Washington DC Mark Bellamah Operations Deputy Director for Operations mbellamah@cia.go v mark.bellamah@cia.gov Reston VA James Colombo Operations Head of Security jcolombo@cia.gov james.colombo@cia.gov Washington DC Maryrose McCaffrey Operations Director DCI Special Security Center mmccaffrey@cia.gov maryrose.mccaffrey@cia.gov Washington DC Charlene Leubecker Operations ESSG Chief of Operations cleubeck er@cia.gov charlene.leubecker@cia.gov Washington DC Patricia Brennan Operations Construction Security Officer pbrennan @cia.gov patricia.brennan@cia.gov Edgewater MD Stephanie Smith Operations Plant Manager ssmith@cia.gov stephanie.smith@ cia.gov Washington DC Jessica King Operations Director of Geospatial Operations jking@ci a.gov jessica.king@cia.gov Washington DC Stuart Hillman Operations Technical Security Advisor shillman@cia.gov stuart.hillman@cia.gov Washington DC Dave Farnham Operations Security Manager dfarnham@cia.gov dave.farnham@cia.gov Washington DC Tami Brennan Operations Operations Manager tbrennan@cia.gov tami.brennan@cia.gov Sterling VA Nancy Shaw IT & IS Deputy Chief Technology Officer nshaw@cia.gov nancy.sh aw@cia.gov Washington DC David Rz IT & IS Information Technology drz@cia.gov david.rz@cia.gov Washington DC Jeff Henry IT & IS Chief Information Officer jhenry@cia.gov jeff.hen ry@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA Sherry Burns IT & IS Business Information Technology Manager sburns@cia.gov sherry.burns@cia.gov Reston VA Randall Reardon IT & IS Project Manager rreardon@cia.gov randall.reardon@ cia.gov New Market MD Petra Lewis IT & IS Diversity Program Manager plewis@cia.gov petra.le wis@cia.gov Washington DC Barbara Cassiano IT & IS Senior Web Developer bcassiano@cia.gov barbara.cassiano@cia.gov Washington DC Jill King IT & IS Systems Integrator jking@cia.gov jill.king@cia.go v Leesburg VA MarianWells Hemmer IT & IS Economic Analyst mhemmer@cia.gov marianwe lls.hemmer@cia.gov Washington DC Cheri Bradley IT & IS Program Analyst cbradley@cia.gov cheri.bradley@ci a.gov Washington DC LindaR Dixon IT & IS Program Analyst ldixon@cia.gov lindar.dixon@cia.gov Washington DC Dale Kelley IT & IS Senior Resource Analyst dkelley@cia.gov dale.kelley@cia. gov Washington DC Katherine Emrisek IT & IS Resource Analyst kemrisek@cia.gov katherine.emrisek@cia.gov GaithersburgMD Elizabet... Bennington IT & IS Chief Employee Development Systems ebenning ton@cia.gov elizabet....bennington@cia.gov Washington DC Susan Lewin IT & IS Chief Logistics Systems slewin@cia.gov susan.lewin@cia. gov Washington DC Stephanie Cline IT & IS Director Science and Technology scline@cia.gov stephani e.cline@cia.gov Reston VA Shawn Clune IT & IS Information Systems/Information Technology Consultant sclune@cia.gov shawn.clune@cia.gov Washington DC Craig Powell IT & IS Program Manager cpowell@cia.gov craig.powell@cia.gov Washington DC Carl Schwab IT & IS Analyst cschwab@cia.gov carl.schwab@cia.gov Reston VA Michelle Marcolla IT & IS Project Manager mmarcolla@cia.gov michelle .marcolla@cia.gov Washington DC Kenneth Westbrook IT & IS Chief Business and Information Strategy kwestbro ok@cia.gov kenneth.westbrook@cia.gov Reston VA Andy Varipapa IT & IS Information Manager avaripapa@cia.gov andy.var ipapa@cia.gov Washington DC Coyne Terrance IT & IS Senior Analyst cterrance@cia.gov coyne.terrance@c ia.gov Washington DC Clark Portia IT & IS Information Technology Project Manager cportia@cia.gov clark.portia@cia.gov Washington IN Steve Swiatowy IT & IS Information Technology sswiatowy@cia.gov steve.sw iatowy@cia.gov Chantilly VA Sherrill Nicely IT & IS Chief Information Officer snicely@cia.gov sherrill .nicely@cia.gov Reston VA Amanda Frost IT & IS Computer Specialist afrost@cia.gov amanda.frost@cia .gov Washington DC Erika Proctor IT & IS Manager Information Technology Application eproctor @cia.gov erika.proctor@cia.gov Washington DC Al Tarasiuk IT & IS Chief Information Officer atarasiuk@cia.gov al.tarasiuk@cia.gov Washington DC Alan Wade IT & IS Chief Information Officer awade@cia.gov alan.wad e@cia.gov Washington DC Anna Jones IT & IS Project Manager ajones@cia.gov anna.jones@cia.gov Washington DC Bob Flores IT & IS Chief Technology Officer bflores@cia.gov bob.flor es@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Gudyka IT & IS Chief Information Officer jgudyka@cia.gov joseph.g udyka@cia.gov Fredericksburg VA James Lantzy IT & IS Deputy Chief Technology Officer jlantzy@cia.gov james.la ntzy@cia.gov Sterling VA Joshua Levine IT & IS Chief Technology Officer jlevine@cia.gov joshua.l evine@cia.gov Washington DC SherrillL Nicely IT & IS Chief Information Officer snicely@cia.gov sherrilll.nicely@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Tishman IT & IS Information Assurance Architectural Engi rtishman @cia.gov robert.tishman@cia.gov Millersville MD Dale Appell IT & IS Storage Project Manager dappell@cia.gov dale.appell@cia. gov Charles Town WV Michael Toth IT & IS Systems Integrator mtoth@cia.gov michael.toth@cia .gov Washington DC Bryan Leavitt IT & IS Developer bleavitt@cia.gov bryan.leavitt@ci a.gov Mc Lean VA Brian Sowers IT & IS Project Manager bsowers@cia.gov brian.sowers@cia.gov Washington DC Joe Waters IT & IS Computer Systems Analyst jwaters@cia.gov joe.wate rs@cia.gov Sterling VA Bob Sorensen IT & IS Computer Performance Analyst bsorensen@cia.gov bob.sorensen@cia.gov Reston VA Deborah Peabody IT & IS Information Systems Governance Lead dpeabody@cia.gov deborah.peabody@cia.gov Falls ChurchVA KarenL Borenstein IT & IS Project Manager kborenstein@cia.gov karenl.b orenstein@cia.gov Washington DC Sharon Mason IT & IS Chief Wireless Technology Officer smason@cia.gov sharon.mason@cia.gov Washington DC Jo Townsend IT & IS Web Manager jtownsend@cia.gov jo.townsend@cia. gov London Maude Bourne IT & IS Information Technology Manager mbourne@cia.gov maude.bo urne@cia.gov Reston VA Maryanne Evans IT & IS Director-Hiring and Employee Development mevans@c ia.gov maryanne.evans@cia.gov Reston VA Ron Bryan IT & IS Chief Network Defense Division rbryan@cia.gov ron.brya n@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Lambert IT & IS Director Information Management jlambert@cia.gov joseph.lambert@cia.gov Washington DC Martha Williams IT & IS Project Manager mwilliams@cia.gov martha.williams@ cia.gov Mc Lean VA Mike Caudill IT & IS Information Technology mcaudill@cia.gov mike.cau dill@cia.gov Washington DC ElizabethL Fugitt IT & IS Analyst efugitt@cia.gov elizabethl.fugitt@cia.go v Fredericksburg VA AnnaMarie Jones IT & IS Project Manager ajones@cia.gov annamarie.jones@cia.gov Leesburg VA Bj Thomajd IT & IS Information Technology bthomajd@cia.gov bj.thoma jd@cia.gov Washington VA Lisa Chandler IT & IS Unix Systems Engineer lchandler@cia.gov lisa.cha ndler@cia.gov Laurel MD Sandra Lee-Say IT & IS AnalystGlobal Information and Influence slee-say@cia.gov sandra.lee-say@cia.gov Reston VA Margaret Smith IT & IS Application Developer msmith@cia.gov margaret.smith@c ia.gov Herndon VA Trent Wise IT & IS Developer twise@cia.gov trent.wise@cia.gov Washington DC Gregory Cermin IT & IS Programmer/Analyst gcermin@cia.gov gregory.cermin@c ia.gov Lititz PA David Roberts IT & IS Enterprise Data Architect droberts@cia.gov david.roberts@cia.gov Washington DC Jack Carlson Other Director Application Services jcarlson@cia.gov jack.carlson@cia.gov Reston VA Barry Berringer Other Senior Applications Manager bberringer@cia.gov barry.berringer@cia.gov Washington DC Allen Wallace Other Senior Contracting Officer awallace@cia.gov allen.wallace@cia.gov Washington DC Greg Mazur Other COMMANDER COOL gmazur@cia.gov greg.mazur@cia.gov Washington DC Tom McCluskey Other Director HIRING and EMPLOYEE DEVMT tmccluskey@cia.g ov tom.mccluskey@cia.gov Washington DC Christophe... Lanphere Other Senior Projects Officer clanphere@cia.gov christophe....lanphere@cia.gov Springfield VA Paul Forster Other Senior Data STORAGE Architect pforster@cia.gov paul.forster@cia.gov Leesburg VA Patty Brandmaier Other Chief of the Recruitment Center pbrandmaier@cia. gov patty.brandmaier@cia.gov Washington DC Clay Adams Other Technician cadams@cia.gov clay.adams@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Kerry Zimmerman Other Mitre Consultant kzimmerman@cia.gov kerry.zi mmerman@cia.gov Reston VA LeonardEdward Tagg Other Analytical Hiring Division ltagg@cia.gov leonardedward.tagg@cia.gov Washington DC James Watson Other Applications Architect jwatson@cia.gov james.watson@cia .gov Washington DC Edward Fox Other Chief Architect efox@cia.gov edward.fox@cia.gov Washington DC EnriqueF Gonzalez Other Senior Advisor for IC Issues and Outreach egonzalez@cia.gov enriquef.gonzalez@cia.gov Washington DC Blane Ampthor Other Library Manager bampthor@cia.gov blane.ampthor@ci a.gov Washington DC Melissa Miller Other Safety Officer mmiller@cia.gov melissa.miller@cia.gov Washington DC Carmen Medina Other Associate Deputy Director for Intelligence cmedina@ cia.gov carmen.medina@cia.gov Washington DC Jana McBayne Other Chief Critical Mission jmcbayne@cia.gov jana.mcb ayne@cia.gov Waldorf MD Eduardo Morales Other C/Enterprise Application Architecture emorales@cia.gov eduardo.morales@cia.gov Washington DC April Austin Other User Services aaustin@cia.gov april.austin@cia.gov Columbia MD Lin Edelen Other Chief DS/ISC/Applications/ATS ledelen@cia.gov lin.edel en@cia.gov Washington DC David Bernholz Other Senior Technical Advisor dbernholz@cia.gov david.bernholz@cia.gov Reston VA Dolores Halloran Other Instructor dhalloran@cia.gov dolores. halloran@cia.gov Vienna VA Michael Stepp Other Chief Internet Intranet mstepp@cia.gov michael.stepp@ci a.gov Washington DC Joseph Flynn Other Chief/Records Preservation and Archives jflynn@cia.gov joseph.flynn@cia.gov Columbia MD Dolly Greenwood Other DCIO dgreenwood@cia.gov dolly.greenwood@cia.gov Mc Lean VA Vicki Hupp Other Manager Federal Government vhupp@cia.gov vicki.hu pp@cia.gov Herndon VA John Saunders Other US Federal Government jsaunders@cia.gov john.sau nders@cia.gov Chantilly VA Edward Fox Other Chief Enterprise Architect efox@cia.gov edward.f ox@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Kerr Other Senior Bio Advisor National Counterproliferation Center lkerr@cia.gov larry.kerr@cia.gov Washington DC Ilka Rodriguez-Diaz Other Deputy Director of the Mission Academy irodrigu ez-diaz@cia.gov ilka.rodriguez-diaz@cia.gov Washington DC Grady Hayman Other Vendor Showcase Director ghayman@cia.gov grady.ha yman@cia.gov Washington DC Joseph Gartin Other Director-Leadership and Diversity jgartin@cia.gov joseph.gartin@cia.gov Washington DC Thomas McCluskey Other Director-Hiring and Employee Devmt tmcclusk ey@cia.gov thomas.mccluskey@cia.gov Washington DC Gary Stopa Other Storage Specialist gstopa@cia.gov gary.stopa@cia.g ov Washington DC Joel Etherton Other Division Chief jetherton@cia.gov joel.etherton@ci a.gov Reston VA Deborah Barger Other Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence dbarger@cia.gov deborah.barger@cia.gov Washington DC Donald Kerr Other Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence dkerr@cia.gov donald.kerr@cia.gov Washington DC Stephen Kappes Other Deputy Director skappes@cia.gov stephen.kappes@cia.gov Washington DC Jeffrey Kuhn Other Production Supervisor jkuhn@cia.gov jeffrey.kuhn@cia .gov Washington DC Lynda Godal Other Publications Officer lgodal@cia.gov lynda.godal@cia. gov Washington DC Pat Marstall Other Consultant pmarstall@cia.gov pat.marstall@cia .gov Washington DC PaulM Johnson Other Director-Intelligence Study Center pjohnson@cia.gov paulm.johnson@cia.gov Washington DC Demetria Goode Other Trainer dgoode@cia.gov demetria.goode@cia.gov Washingt on DC MiyongS Fujihara Other Advocacy Group mfujihara@cia.gov miyongs. fujihara@cia.gov Washington DC Peggy Monos Other Librarian pmonos@cia.gov peggy.monos@cia.gov Washington DC Tom Murphy Other Selection Officer tmurphy@cia.gov tom.murphy@cia.g ov Washington DC Sandra Blumberg Other Reference Officer sblumberg@cia.gov sandra.b lumberg@cia.gov Washington DC Margaret Tuten Other Senior Associate mtuten@cia.gov margaret.tuten@c ia.gov Washington DC Judith Hauver Other Senior Acquisitions Officer jhauver@cia.gov judith.h auver@cia.gov Washington DC Marianne Riley Other Senior Associate mriley@cia.gov marianne.riley@c ia.gov Washington DC Barbara Bresnan Other Senior Associate bbresnan@cia.gov barbara. bresnan@cia.gov Washington DC Audrey Stuart Other Senior Associate astuart@cia.gov audrey.stuart@ci a.gov Washington DC Jane Burgess Other Acquisitions Librarian jburgess@cia.gov jane.bur gess@cia.gov Washington DC Bryan Hamilton Other Acquisition Librarian bhamilton@cia.gov bryan.ha milton@cia.gov Washington DC Andrea Brantley Other Principal Conslt/President Hamilton Ridg abrantle y@cia.gov andrea.brantley@cia.gov Stephens City VA Margaret Augustine Other Chief of Acquisition Strategy maugustine@cia.g ov margaret.augustine@cia.gov Fairfax VA Quintrell... Cahee Mba Other Director, Human Capital Management qcahee m ba@cia.gov quintrell....cahee mba@cia.gov Reston VA Tim Jessel Other Senior Executive tjessel@cia.gov tim.jessel@cia.g ov London Arthur Brophy Other Environmental Safety Officer abrophy@cia.gov arthur.b rophy@cia.gov Washington DC John Betar Other AIG/A jbetar@cia.gov john.betar@cia.gov Washingt on DC Debora Wasem Other Trainer dwasem@cia.gov debora.wasem@cia.gov Reston VA Tony Keller Other Technical Manager tkeller@cia.gov tony.keller@cia. gov Reston VA Donna Erdman Other Business Management Officer derdman@cia.gov donna.er dman@cia.gov Washington DC Liz Sampson Other Director/Management, Strategy and Resource lsampson @cia.gov liz.sampson@cia.gov Woodbridge VA Deanna Winterbottom Other ITRO dwinterbottom@cia.gov deanna.winterbot tom@cia.gov Washington DC Aleksander Hansen Other Senior Risk Manager ahansen@cia.gov aleksand er.hansen@cia.gov Saint Louis MO Patrick Odle Other Manager Compliance podle@cia.gov patrick.odle@cia .gov Saint Louis MO Bob Moritsugu Other Special Agent bmoritsugu@cia.gov bob.moritsugu@ci a.gov Washington DC Joseph Keogh Other Director/SEAO jkeogh@cia.gov joseph.keogh@cia.gov Washington DC Kennith Whitson Other Director of Innovation/SEAO kwhitson@cia.gov kennith.whitson@cia.gov Washington DC Neil Harvey Other Head of International Trade nharvey@cia.gov neil.har vey@cia.gov Arlington VA Teryl West Other Other Non-Manager twest@cia.gov teryl.west@cia.g ov Washington DC DarrenVan Booven Other Senior Forensics Examiner dbooven@cia.gov darrenvan.booven@cia.gov Washington DC Diane Oates Other Chief Technical Manager doates@cia.gov diane.oates@cia. gov Reston VA Gary Joyner Other Librarian gjoyner@cia.gov gary.joyner@cia.gov Reston VA David Timko Other Contract Specialist dtimko@cia.gov david.timko@cia. gov Washington DC Thomas Benjamin Other Director In-Q-Tel Interface Center tbenjamin@cia.go v thomas.benjamin@cia.gov Washington DC Debra Lang Other Directorate Intelligence dlang@cia.gov debra.la ng@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Gump Other Chief Human Capital Strategies rgump@cia.gov robert.g ump@cia.gov Washington DC Heidi Paxton Other Chief of Leadership hpaxton@cia.gov heidi.paxton@cia .gov Washington DC William Danvers Other Director, Congressional Affairs wdanvers@cia.gov william.danvers@cia.gov Washington DC Nora Dee Other Professional Shopper ndee@cia.gov nora.dee@cia.gov Washington DC Sue Wilkerson Other Chief/Plans and Programs Staff swilkerson@cia.gov sue.wilkerson@cia.gov Chantilly VA Kevin Fitzpatrick Other EXPLOITATION Specialist kfitzpatrick@cia.gov kevin.fitzpatrick@cia.gov Washington DC David Lankford Other Major dlankford@cia.gov david.lankford@cia.gov Washington DC James Sullivan Other In-Q-Tel Interface Center jsullivan@cia.gov james.sullivan@cia.gov Washington DC Justin Louis Other Geospatial Manager jlouis@cia.gov justin.louis@cia .gov Washington DC Carl... Stuekerjuergen Other Chief-ANALYTIC Methods Center cstuekerjuergen@ cia.gov carl....stuekerjuergen@cia.gov Washington DC Barry Fields Other Associate Director bfields@cia.gov barry.fields@cia .gov Washington DC James Downs Other Issm jdowns@cia.gov james.downs@cia.gov Washingt on DC CarlR Gussgard Other Infosec Liaison cgussgard@cia.gov carlr.gussgard@c ia.gov Washington DC Kathryn Kennedy Other Issm kkennedy@cia.gov kathryn.kennedy@cia.gov Washington DC Marie Vanderhoof Other CollegeRelationsChief mvanderhoof@cia.gov marie.vanderhoof@cia.gov Washington DC Larry Sobek Other Acquisitions Officer lsobek@cia.gov larry.sobek@cia. gov Washington DC Andrea Hayden Other Dioti ahayden@cia.gov andrea.hayden@cia.gov Washingt on DC HaroldA Tate Other Chief of Recruitment htate@cia.gov harolda.tate@cia .gov Silver Spring MD Heather Akins Other Process Improvement Consultant hakins@cia.gov heather. akins@cia.gov Washington DC Daesha Hensler Other Process Improvement Consultant dhensler@cia.gov daesha.hensler@cia.gov Washington DC Patrice Carson Other Project Management Professional pcarson@cia.gov patrice. carson@cia.gov Washington DC Stephani... O'Sullivan Other Deputy Director so'sullivan@cia.gov stephani ....o'sullivan@cia.gov Reston VA Edward Hogan Other Branch Chief ehogan@cia.gov edward.hogan@cia.gov Washington DC Robert Carra Other Geographer rcarra@cia.gov robert.carra@cia.gov Washington DC Hugh Wiggins Other Electronic Publisher hwiggins@cia.gov hugh.wig gins@cia.gov Washington DC David Schmidt Other Electronic Publisher dschmidt@cia.gov david.sc hmidt@cia.gov Washington DC Diane Oates Other Chief, Server Services Division doates@cia.gov diane.oa tes@cia.gov Washington DC Frank Gac Other Group Leader fgac@cia.gov frank.gac@cia.gov Washington DC James Hammond Other FPED Member jhammond@cia.gov james.hammond@ci a.gov Washington DC Target: Patricia L. Schatz Reason: Working For Goverment Address: 1631 Big Indian Metairie, LA 70001 Phone: 504-628-9374 Email Address: PatriciaLSchatz@cia.gov Username: Wasend Password: AhrieCowui7 Birthday: November 28, 1959 MasterCard: 5226 8835 4490 7005 Expires: 10/2014 CVC2 287 SSN:437-03-4245 Occupation: CIA Officer Weight: 130.0 pounds Height: 5' 6" Enjoy :D ############################################################### | email password | ############################################################### spassarelli@ucia.gov : 68e5c524d693e0557f685b554ca54480 dwayne.ring@ucia.gov : 4ba84feaa3a0c08d2c9db4ca210c0831 jmcbayne@ucia.gov : c7b535b23c398a848c96937eebb68dd8 roseann.ashe@ucia.gov : 39f7ad0f4d98f85e6664adac0f33a16d laura.tate@ucia.gov : 83240d5bb7752ffd71fd55c723ff074d mmccaffre@ucia.gov : 9d76c822b339353e85b026ed6d99a4a8 cbower@ucia.gov : bd952b019d396d92577c5adde91cd26c spark@ucia.gov : 79516a65af0381d5351292852658a0d4 kristen.crai@ucia.gov : 6a93e2ef2000d1d48a2d0178a83c56e0 ed.barnett@ucia.gov : ca29cb1e2e6f7fc8ddc2b2c4c60fd0bd felicia.dungy@ucia.gov : 7df34f2f8bd5f77bbf267d3e4db6c105 deniecereyes@ucia.gov : 7b30524d3d6e3d1c810235dfa3635755 nancy.mcginni@ucia.gov : 1ddbe3dcf5f27fd17de6fc08427c59e0 mcginnis@ucia.gov : 2830a182cf55f0993e5b743785a7fb73 patrick.sheffielducia.gov : f91a4fe1ba6f548212d8a2575a1cdccf priscilla.aleman@ucia.gov : 95f5368ff3c4f2735ae8b059c041010c gloria.bell@ucia.gov : 0427aad9acb0bff00dedc7b7f321fba1 annette.escarenio@ucia.gov : df92efbaaecf26dc63b131eccb270141 kandis.romhill@ucia.gov : 6affcabd4313ada3c8c3431ebd176ea9 angela.douglas@ucia.gov : 805855a3027b3627625909eeb5f597fd joseph.gudyka@ucia.gov : 83455648cc1d91d7aa9c5c92ba54a9b0 cah@ucia.gov : daf2432f794f401c15bdb9e16a3f1947 Name: Michael Scheuer Age: 60 DOB: 1952 Related People: Irene C Scheuer, Paul C Scheuer, Sarah A Scheuer, Jessica M Sche uer, Lee Ann Scheuer, Leeann Scheuer, Sarah A Nitsche and Jessica M Scherer Locations: 34th St S, Arlington, VA, US 2002 Cherri Dr, Falls Church, VA, US Paul Edwin Ter, Falls Church, VA, US Grand Island, NY, US Norcross, GA, US Phone: 703-442-4899 Owner Name: Jessica M Scheuer Address: 2002 Cherri Dr Falls Church, VA 22043-1343 Line Type: Landline Phone Carrier: Verizon Virginia Inc Latitude: 38.8915 Longitude: -77.1608 Owner Name: Available Full Address: Included when available Phone Type: Landline Carrier: VERIZON VIRGINIA, INC. Location: MC LEAN, VA Job: Counterterrorist Center Leeann E. 105th ave crown point, in 2192132064 1852 e 105th ave crown point in 46307 Related to larry age 57 Sarah 556 2nd st Brooklyn Ny 11215 Age 35-39 http://pastebin.com/YsZQVpeW Last time I released - http://pastebin.com/3RNmH53Q (CIA Dox and Hacked Accounts ) against Ongoing measures for Online Censorship! And within 24 Hrs of info rele ase they just discontinued the email ids and CCs of those 5 CIA Field Agents wit hout making any public comment! This time I am unfolding the Dox of 7 top notch FBI Agents who were involved in bringing down members of LuLzSec, namely [Ryan Ackroyd a.k.a. Kayla] [Jake Davis a.k.a. Topiary, of London] [Darren Martyn a.k.a. pwnsauce] [Donncha O’Cearrbhail a.k.a. palladium, of Ireland] [Jeremy Hammond a.k.a. Anarchaos, of Chicago] Also, I have doxed-in the internal server ports of FBI intranet connection! Looks like FBI forgot about their own security while playing Hide-n-Seek with Lu Lzsec ;D -----------------------------------------------------------http://twitter.com/le4ky (@le4ky) - CyberZeist (Team Plazma!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://FBI.GOV Website Server Dox - (On twitter, @le4ky) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20535 (202) 324-3000 ---------- A_RECORD ---------Server: Address: (node - 53) Canonical name = www.fbi.gov.c.footprint.net. Name:www.fbi.gov.c.footprint.net Address: __________ MX_record ---------Server: Address: Authoritative answers can be found from: c.footprint.net origin = admin.nsatc.org serial = 1319057938 refresh = 10800 retry = 2700 expire = 3600000 minimum = 900 _________ NS_RECORD --------a.gov-servers.net -> ns1.fbi.gov Server: Address: canonical name=www.fbi.gov.c.footprint.net. mailbox host =dl-cdn_infrastructure.level3.com serial = 1319057938(Serial Key R egistered to Allen Fuller) ________________________________________________________________________ Last System Update - Mon, 16 Apr 2012 11:05:15 UTC (from - -----------------------------------------------------------------------________________________________________________________________________________ _ Login Panel - ae-91-91.csw4.SanJose1.Level3.net ( Intercom Manager Login Cookie - user1_1:1NDVHdDfNxvaswzOjQWNLkMRfVrGiJw:xvQHg3Eo EowRkxOv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------_______________________________________________________________________________ Vulnerable Open Ports in FBI InterCommunication Intranet [REALLY GUYS, WHERES UR SECURITY] responding responding responding responding responding responding responding on on on on on on on port port port port port port port 118 (sqlserv) 3209 (asipx-webadmin) - Plaintext Passwords 4415 (mxxrlogin) 5613 (directplay6) - Remote Vulnerability 7429 (openmail-mod) 7440 (mppolicy-mgr) - Denial of Service 7495 (x11-ssh-offset) Note - is so misconfigured that with same version of the app on ur system, you can remotely view the conference inside the FBI Pre sentation Cell without any authentication :D U just need to provide the default username and password i.e "Admin" and "123456789" :D __________________________________________________ Agents Involved in bringing down LuLzSec! -------------------------------------------------- 1).Lawrence C. Taylor Mothers Name - Mullins DOB - December 9, 1974 (37 years old) Visa - 4916 4730 6468 52XX CVV2 - 069 UPS - 1Z A42 F76 40 1188 307 4 Address - 1410 V St SE Washington, DC 20020 Phone - (202) 678-1418 Email ID - lctaylor@leo.gov password - Ce&1ej4eiz2law 2).Vincent Weimer Mothers name - Faris DOB - January 11, 1973 (39 years old) MasterCard - 5232 6741 8205 51XX CVC2 - 716 UPS - 1Z 6Y1 W53 96 7787 574 5 Address - 4201 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC 20016 Phone - 362-1013 email - vincweimer@ic.fbi.gov password - O#hthieRai4#1 3).Joseph Robinson Mothers Name - Pearson DOB - December 23, 1981 (30 years old) Visa - 4716 9911 8191 40XX CVV2 - 177 UPS - 1Z 457 658 95 6988 011 0 Address - 343 Raleigh St SE Washington, DC 20032 Phone - 561-4259 email - JosephSRobinson92@fbi.gov password - EivahPha4Ch$192$ 4).Donald T. Slay Mothers Name - Noriega DOB - October 26, 1971 (40 years old) MasterCard - 5185 0508 3253 34XX CVC2 - 386 UPS - 1Z 070 561 74 6062 245 8 Address - 3100 Central Ave NE Washington, DC 20018 Phone - 506-1721 email - donald2671@fbi.gov password - 267CaTh9vaequ 5).Lester G. Bryan Mothers Name - Matamoros DOB - May 21, 1977 (34 years old) MasterCard - 5401 5179 4076 70XX CVC2 - 443 UPs - 1Z 816 802 30 7818 334 9 Address - Washington, DC Phone - 269-6349 email - bryanlesterb6@fbi.gov password - O5hx3op5ae3Oo 6).Frank Hall Mothers Name - Mary DOB - March 15, 1974 (38 years old) MasterCard - 5507 8062 4967 27XX CVC2 - 524 UPS - 1Z V33 299 74 5817 523 0 Address - 3220 17th St NW Washington, DC 20010 phone - 373-0454 email - frandhall@fbi.gov password - icieP478h3Be5m 7).Paul Seaver Jr Mothers Name - Reed DOB - January 9, 1981 (31 years old) MasterCard - 5199 1434 1035 80XX CVC2 - 424 UPS - 1Z 032 542 69 5382 615 9 Address - 5530 Chillum Pl NE Washington, DC 20011 phone - 635-0266 email - seaver901@fbi.gov password - nuoch697fieCai!# This is not the END, Revolution will continue! - CyberZeist (twitter.com/le4ky) - Against Online Censorship http://pastebin.com/u65NsrZf Here are some Leaked Accounts of some CIA Field Agents(stationed at Virginia), D ocuments, and website infos of - https://cia.gov To CIA - Where is your security gals ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------website - https://www.cia.gov/ Location - Virginia - Reston WebSite Last Updated - Mon, 09 Apr 2012 16:53:44 GMT (At time of exploitation) --------------------------------------DETAILS------------------------------------[ localityName=Mclean stateOrProvinceName=Virginia countryName=US serialNumber=Government Entity businessCategory=Government Entity ] Website SSL serial Number - 1B6E90CFD3E033B37EA656F068ECB80F(Registered to Jason Robert, cia-intercom chief) using SSL v3.0[non updated] Server IP - (apache) Lookup for A records of cia.gov Host - cia.gov. TTl - 14400 A answer- Site Etag : 890e-4bd41d95b3600 Admin Login Handle - ucia-gw.customer.alter.net ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[[[[[[[[[ Hacked Accounts ]]]]]]]]]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Nathan C. Shea Address - Lockwood Rd Henrico, VA Zip - 20190 BDay - September 5, 1976 (35 years old) Visa - 4916 5207 0220 XXXX UPS tracking number -1Z 8Y3 327 95 5468 353 9 Email ID: nathacsh@cia.gov Password - Nee1zu3Ai91d4 2. Daniel Vida Address - Pretty Lake Ave Norfolk, VA BDay - January 10, 1974 (38 years old) Visa - 4716 5639 4375 XXXX CVV2 - 027 UPS tracking number - 1Z 199 062 00 5717 481 2 Email ID: dan.vida3@cia.gov Password - tiXue2vooL4fdwq 3. Kevin Morehead Address - Ox Rd Woodstock, VA Zip - 20194 BDay - October 27, 1975 (36 years old) Visa - 5207 9306 2697 XXXX CVC2 - 370 UPS tracking number - 1Z 831 725 07 7755 563 5 EMail ID : morehead.kev@cia.gov Password - MeijaaG8eimm6 4. Ronnie B. Allen Address - Richmond VA Zip - 20191 BDay - April 5, 1973 (39 years old) MasterCard - 5208 6923 4319 XXXx CVC2 - 947 UPS tracking number - 1Z 581 796 27 1185 535 6 Email ID - RonnieBAllen@cia.gov Password - eiqu7kae1Rt 5. Darrell A. Dunleavy Address - Montpelier Ct Woodbridge, VA Zip - 20194 BDay - November 20, 1973 (38 years old) MasterCard - 5480 7450 0976 XXXX CVC2 - 820 UPS tracking number - 1Z 054 879 87 9434 053 8 Email ID : darrelladunl41@cia.gov Password - Uth2a675hheG ........ SOme more details will be leaked soon, CIA Beware! -CyberZeist (Against Online Censorship) http://pastebin.com/3RNmH53Q http://FBI.GOV/ Website Server Dox #By The Hackers Army -------------------------------------------------------------------------935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20535 (202) 324-3000 ---------A_RECORD ---------Server: Address: (node - 53) Canonical name = www.fbi.gov.c.footprint.net. Name:www.fbi.gov.c.footprint.net Address: __________ MX_record ---------Server: Address: Authoritative answers can be found from: c.footprint.net origin = admin.nsatc.org serial = 1319057938 refresh = 10800 retry = 2700 expire = 3600000 minimum = 900 _________ NS_RECORD --------a.gov-servers.net -> ns1.fbi.gov Server: Address: canonical name=www.fbi.gov.c.footprint.net. mailbox host =dl-cdn_infrastructure.level3.com serial = 1319057938(Serial Key Re gistered to Allen Fuller) ________________________________________________________________________ Last System Update - Mon, 16 Apr 2012 11:05:15 UTC (from - -----------------------------------------------------------------------________________________________________________________________________________ _ Login Panel - ae-91-91.csw4.SanJose1.Level3.net ( Intercom Manager Login Cookie - user1_1:1NDVHdDfNxvaswzOjQWNLkMRfVrGiJw:xvQHg3Eo EowRkxOv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------_______________________________________________________________________________ Vulnerable Open Ports in FBI InterCommunication Intranet [REALLY GUYS, WHERES UR SECURITY] responding responding responding responding responding responding responding on on on on on on on port port port port port port port 118 (sqlserv) 3209 (asipx-webadmin) - Plaintext Passwords 4415 (mxxrlogin) 5613 (directplay6) - Remote Vulnerability 7429 (openmail-mod) 7440 (mppolicy-mgr) - Denial of Service 7495 (x11-ssh-offset) ---------------------------------bill.nicholson@fbi.gov - billnoyr@!@ paul.thomasson@langley.af.mil - 987we.paul jerome.traughber@us.af.mil - Xktanh%67 ben.torreon@osd.mil - neb9182rrot charlesjohnston@fbi.gov - 1971.charles02 cyberinvestigation@fbi.gov - X&t%$ffalk1@# fbiwashingtondc@fbi.gov - 7284%Hags&4827 washington@fbi.gov - $hThasYTfgvas&and$ washington.field@ic.fbi.gov - MThadtgo5a91$a&% Baltimore@ic.fbi.gov - kasd1#a871&1a Chicago@ic.fbi.gov - 12h%asj19$kanht% Richmond@ic.fbi.gov - wpfHt18G5@&@d foiparequest@ic.fbi.gov - skfh27&da1$dawgk portland@ic.fbi.gov - portland9764&124$ SaltLakeCity@ic.fbi.gov - hko28g7c%ja&q$jf@ Seattle.fbi@ic.fbi.gov - fhGiASy1%ka&12 Boston@ic.fbi.gov - %adwjH619&12a cv@ic.fbi.gov - Oahvu&hf651$ kansas.city@ic.fbi.gov - jhdjAf918&23$ Memphis@ic.fbi.gov - kk22hero&1209 fbi.dallas@ic.fbi.gov - hiqy&1%1lsf Indianapolis@ic.fbi.gov - opajeufg17afsd tampa.division@ic.fbi.gov - jakvn12u2184 Miami@ic.fbi.gov - Xvkal12&%# minneapolis@ic.fbi.gov - ajkdo213## san.francisco@ic.fbi.gov - aj187v@1ld% SanFrancisco@ic.fbi.gov - frnssan&usa1001 Houston.Texas@ic.fbi.gov - tx129287347 Texas@ic.fbi.gov - Skauyr19%12 cleveland.cv@ic.fbi.gov - kKs12k826&12 Charlotte.public@ic.fbi.gov - hwifhj182kfq newhaven@ic.fbi.gov - i43w07Qg4238 ctmortgagefraud@ic.fbi.gov - 4Mb3Fl7f68WV toctsecuritiesfraud@ic.fbi.gov - kz6H4T93D48Y joseph.mcqueen@ic.fbi.gov - passwords123 SanAntonio@ic.fbi.gov - iHBP71x40IXK Little.Rock@ic.fbi.gov - Ww35K5u45kOq springfield@ic.fbi.gov - Bl5402e52CPs Norfolk_FO@ic.fbi.gov - T7IccXtY767V Colonial_Parkway_Murders@ic.fbi.gov - U5tcdkVcGkpd michael.brooks@ic.fbi.gov - michpassbrooks121 buffalo@ic.fbi.gov - zJs31n2Q541z Omaha@ic.fbi.gov - p016kjVUi2yf Braden@ic.fbi.gov - 3wF713cz5w6j58 Carbonara@ic.fbi.gov - V0dC33AN2P delivery@ic.fbi.gov - rC;65|=kK5 knoxville@ic.fbi.gov - J2Vd6x5bNb Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov - VjBn2dz7my Timothy.Lauster@ic.fbi.gov - rs6S33c4Y9 stlouis@ic.fbi.gov - EIx889SaSN applicants.stlouis@ic.fbi.gov - RF55135ye3 darrell.foxworth@ic.fbi.gov - qwert123password outreach.albany@ic.fbi.gov - fJdhw812994rajsJSDMA LifeAssociatesInvestigations@ic.fbi.gov - FonajTb%2i9 phoenix@ic.fbi.gov - ahGEfncja9128 dsac@ic.fbi.gov - jdfjHAkjdwIHabvqyH1== fbi.atlanta@ic.fbi.gov - Iiahsdfg&129dhoaj2 birmingham@ic.fbi.gov - aIhdHIAjdqqonv9128 mitredelivery@ic.fbi.gov - 918aguJhwhHsqo% paul.bresson@ic.fbi.gov - kavanaski129948 FBINNCP@ic.fbi.gov - polaowKJaoqjA$$ fbinncp@ic.fbi.gov - amicI71gGjaksd8Hwh theresa.powell@ic.fbi.gov - kiajsicnUYUGbub2 walestips@ic.fbi.gov - kiHbbfuU82j laura.eimiller@ic.fbi.gov - passwored12 Lourdes.arocho@ic.fbi.gov - password$qwerty William.So@ic.fbi.gov - cutelilyian191 Nevine.Aziz@ic.fbi.gov - aziz.nev14 Joline.Caron@ic.fbi.gov - qwertylol@me Sobonya@ic.fbi.gov - fullternHows Unger@ic.fbi.gov - 12nipster21 mueller.cv@ic.fbi.gov - letmein16011990 John.whalen@ic.fbi.gov - lovenancy18 Yolanda.Loya@ic.fbi.gov - becool$motorcor daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov - clegg.passwd James.turgal@ic.fbi.gov - barcelona2012 tammy.peter@ic.fbi.gov - 0128787284882 cheryll.leppert@ic.fbi.gov - clfbiintercomnode2 tammy.mchugh@ic.fbi.gov - passwords123456 easthaventips@ic.fbi.gov - foobartipsicfbi cchauvin@nas.edu - fruitcolours7 Kenneth.Chrosniak@us.army.mil - armament187489912 Rich.Ernst@osd.mil - ernst.richard sidney.macarthur@navy.mil - password123 thane.clare@verizon.net - 12345678987654321 egyptiandefence@verizon.net - 0199826742 dkrieger@nmic.navy.mil - armyman.light7 jrcb52g@hotmail.com - jhon&richard delse@crs.loc.gov - Hian12wfniHgu1927 matthew.klunder@navy.mil - matt123456 daniel.driscoll@navy.mil - dan7%alsij281 celkins@vertizontalinc.com - celkins.vertizon joseph.herold@us.af.mil - 128482joshqwerty joseph.s.dufresne@uscg.mil - qwerty9876 aelkins@vertizontalinc.com - mitmeanfollower mark.l.gorenflo@navy.mil - marklen129ingrad gavin.edward@bdsus.mod.uk - eduardopassword123 daniel.eleuterio@navy.mil - sallymylove1981 abby.gillett.ctr@pentagon.af.mil - ajcjIH7gqrkPASk012 marcus.thomas@ic.fbi.gov - 9816tom.mick IC_Complaints@ic.fbi.gov - JulianICcomplaints Philadelphia.complaints@ic.fbi.gov - phil.fbi.terminal Richard.VorderBruegge@ic.fbi.gov - ilovemydaughternancy ronald.menold@ic.fbi.gov - password111111 Villafranca@ic.fbi.gov - thisisme.villa angi.christensen@ic.fbi.gov - aweofjalsiowug Reid@ic.fbi.gov - KIiwbLajbd186$8a Lampo@ic.fbi.gov - aoJoqhFD717%12 brian.herrick@ic.fbi.gov - bebrian.nerd fauerso@ic.fbi.gov - frank.houser jkgrant@ic.fbi.gov - grant.commision jason.pack@ic.fbi.gov - pass911pass911 joseph.schadler@ic.fbi.gov - josheph8Fhqjda patti.hansen@ic.fbi.gov - jao20Hkskanf christopher.acton@ic.fbi.gov - oainB872bkasjd Rebecca.Wu@ic.fbi.gov - mnBUq71jdjkas Patricia.Villafranca@ic.fbi.gov - nhiabusd91i98bd larry.karl@ic.fbi.gov - uUbdkASU&JU1jd john.caruthers@ic.fbi.gov - n=naomykjasUghkdskansas Aranda@ic.fbi.gov - JarandaiUgda Jennifer.Joiner@ic.fbi.gov - so92hjuBUskawsc kevin.cornelius@ic.fbi.gov - jhIOBUswdiB% michael.tyler@ic.fbi.gov - incioq*(hoasd== Diego@ic.fbi.gov - opjwpoejt9U)(hfodkl nova.corruption@ic.fbi.gov - ja(hjasjnnuzu= gerald.rogeroiii@ic.fbi.gov - HhjsklnbHvgykaskB joseph.fenning@ic.fbi.gov - pass1234567890 chris.woiwode@ic.fbi.gov - knJIuusdkaksl thomas.weldon@ic.fbi.gov - qwertylolqwerty Riley@ic.fbi.gov - riley.mcalister mike.freeman@ic.fbi.gov - IH9oqkjb&freeman patricia.bunting@ic.fbi.gov - pJ)H()qwbjklcas%kjasj patrick.findlay@ic.fbi.gov - ONnnsyYnskNM Robert.Casey@ic.fbi.gov - Jop2jjn$kjasbj$ Jesse.Rollwagen@ic.fbi.gov - $$$$$$$$$$$$$ npo@ic.fbi.gov - aOPIho200a8skjd grizell.johnson@ic.fbi.gov - looskwoooish rochester.bf@ic.fbi.gov - whooosha010 elmira.bf@ic.fbi.gov - olNOIwbujdbBU71127 jamestown.bf@ic.fbi.gov - knzxcoqwibobiCIOAS mansfield.cv@ic.fbi.gov - HuwhcxUAgdi18 elyria.cv@ic.fbi.gov - JioqhdhiuHAihsi akron.cv@ic.fbi.gov - akron.cv mark.levett@ic.fbi.gov - marklevett j.klaver@ic.fbi.gov - klaver.j7726 betsy.bartko@ic.fbi.gov - betsy.skya01290 kirk.oberlander@ic.fbi.gov - 109297091729 douglas.klein2@ic.fbi.gov - aihUHuqhuh^51652 james.burrell@ic.fbi.gov - lalsd.jamesihi12 w.herrington@ic.fbi.gov - 012909891229usd robert.schuett@ic.fbi.gov - robertkajsoi12982 FBILabTraining@ic.fbi.gov - training.comission lisa.grossweiler@ic.fbi.gov - lisa.grossman romel.velasco@ic.fbi.gov - Adsgfege212Dwfswr Kathryn.sipes@ic.fbi.gov - sdfAdwbfVLjr45 kelli.glasgow@ic.fbi.gov - KgcbgiuGBcbiuGTCh jeffrey.mckinney@ic.fbi.gov - kin82896yugcqkj amy.dasaro@ic.fbi.gov - kiniGq7geduac michael.leverock@ic.fbi.gov - iohjwhia812 brian.chrostowski@ic.fbi.gov - n8Y2hkljzh88 Tamara.Meheux@ic.fbi.gov - i*(whdkjlasjd901 chrostowski@ic.fbi.gov - o9jaqh8hjGuws david.beyer@ic.fbi.gov - mo9U92hjka6h marybeth.king@ic.fbi.gov - NUi2gaksjdn g.jones@ic.fbi.gov - ioN2hhjkjba reed@ic.fbi.gov - opmabsyd761 SIOC@ic.fbi.gov - i(jhslb^HJ robert.mueller@ic.fbi.gov - kHibbk2b APPcampaign@ic.fbi.gov - ojpb1g72ygj Shernita.morris@ic.fbi.gov - noiq2n4ksd1pasword youngstown.cv@ic.fbi.gov - password404 Sims@ic.fbi.gov - 12080898hskl James.Wynne@ic.fbi.gov - 08847891829 Vukin@ic.fbi.gov - jhOIobwup1uas charlotte.public@ic.fbi.gov - ionOih892hakjs Egan@ic.fbi.gov - uiwkjao29gUKd gary.loeffert@ic.fbi.gov - klju189Gbvksasd= vicki.anderson@ic.fbi.gov - GUDFx67jsklds Onorato@ic.fbi.gov - I*Yx82ikjJTq john.cotter@ic.fbi.gov - lKUGx9o1mnlsho Fall2010_LanguageSpecialist@ic.fbi.gov - oiHHBNihbkajs paul.daymond@ic.fbi.gov - 09172jksdf9812 www.fbi.dallas@ic.fbi.gov - PIOHolobhlf gary.bumgardner@ic.fbi.gov - ponny.and.go Daniel.Roberts@ic.fbi.gov - oiu2o9*&tgjks VA@ic.fbi.gov - oIHwujrbisdu2u Cook@ic.fbi.gov - kJipownkkjOIy1qh Kim@ic.fbi.gov - iupj[ofoh9812h john.ed@ic.fbi.gov - lIHqwiuobf92 athena.lien@ic.fbi.gov - P(0uphk2ebkl public.affairs@ic.fbi.gov - LON0912hoskjdn paul.vitchock@ic.fbi.gov - OIUhalsdkjh2IO charles.ro@ic.fbi.gov - HuihhYU20 Shepherd@ic.fbi.gov - 082jkaskj Erin.Sheridan@ic.fbi.gov - gat8aGHub gregory.baker2@ic.fbi.gov - BybwnGtf29 findwhitey@ic.fbi gov - Buwkajsy Tumbleson@ic.fbi.gov - passowrds1234567 david.ego@ic.fbi.gov - 987712iugack kimberly.delgreco@ic.fbi.gov - 187289784 Katherine.Chen@ic.fbi.gov - nOHoiwbfkajs871 Shelley.Kato@ic.fbi.gov - uiT2iykjsdkl Sueyoshi@ic.fbi.gov - HiuHD8jbgdij1966 Wilkerson@ic.fbi.gov - haUgeyREfai816 Margo.Walker@ic.fbi.gov - JuegGF7718ghd Thea.Hammack@ic.fbi.gov - GulfWaripsug NPO@ic.fbi.gov - npo@fbi.gov sharon.mendez@ic.fbi.gov - qwerty98765 ali@ic.fbi.gov - noentryplease1897182 vieyra@ic.fbi.gov - 01728978975656127 rachel.vega@ic.fbi.gov - KJhiufbiuIbdka joshua.adames@ic.fbi.gov - jbiIUGkjd71 jeffrey.cugno@ic.fbi.gov - IUOhbdkwut2189 Linguist_Postings@ic.fbi.gov - 79adgs819gVGja patricia.kelleher@ic.fbi.gov - KGUiug2896kbJSgkk susan.myers@ic.fbi.gov - &1hkjhkck*677652 agnes.bell@ic.fbi.gov - *)(*^!@tyukjas Bjornstad@ic.fbi.gov - )(klhkdgkajst2 Jeanne.White@ic.fbi.gov - J^18gcvuq929G px_cashback@ic.fbi.gov - iubjkbd1982uk Krall@ic.fbi.gov - 6+Hiu489GYUe jose.orench@ic.fbi.gov - iT*&2gdkjask chicago@ic.fbi.gov - &U*&QT@FGCXTAS dean.fetterolf@ic.fbi.gov - ijkasjdb28 bill.hooton@ic.fbi.gov - p455w0rd18ohjaksd mrichard@ic.fbi.gov - Loihmsbdiu& REPORTBRIBES@ic.fbi.gov - oiasdhky28shd james.stewart@ic.fbi.gov - LIyhwITi7v[12g Thomas.Krall@ic.fbi.gov - JHfwjfaowkeuyfas william.r.krueger@ic.fbi.gov - (21vxtgSH10h suzanne.acar@ic.fbi.gov - Bui0918hd99 Laflin@ic.fbi.gov - 91827821772 Libby.Stern@ic.fbi.gov - Iidhqwo9187y6uias san.diego@ic.fbi.gov - LKskdl2i^1as Schlag@ic.fbi.gov - uy2lasojd2kd david.cudmore@ic.fbi.gov - KIUkbq2wo Stephen.Meagher@ic.fbi.gov - Hpwcgu1889h SCAM@ic.fbi.gov - juyt8&81igasd newark.media@ic.fbi.gov - Jgj2e909sduo1 julia.eichhorst@ic.fbi.gov - Ggoqo2ydggajs john.iannuzzi@ic.fbi.gov - oYa=hsguu2f Bogdan@ic.fbi.gov - 19127gasdg8991872 Mary.Dolan@ic.fbi.gov - Iugiu2ebkahdgw2is crystal.komara@ic.fbi.gov - bhiuoGFhj(612gj margaret.einspahr@ic.fbi.gov - HkjpLqyvs heather.stewart@ic.fbi.gov - KhyFhgodohGYs sandra.breault@ic.fbi.gov - &100288719%6172 agent.applicant@ic.fbi.gov - KGHhh&5182g9 reportbribes@ic.fbi.gov - iukastjak81872 diego@ic.fbi.gov - 98178416253 Montgomery@ic.fbi.gov - JygqocjuUql william.mcneill@ic.fbi.gov - OInwiiubqiwsjd linguist_postings@ic.fbi.gov - KhKFdkk2h1872 carolyn.woodbury@ic.fbi.gov - Igwkkao2gtj lisa.jackson@ic.fbi.gov - ncuwn271gtvdj rhonda.williams@ic.fbi.gov - JFadah2jbdkii antoine@ic.fbi.gov - passwords121212121 Rogers@ic.fbi.gov - KgwkdkuT&1auikb lisa.moore@ic.fbi.gov - moore.lisa thomas.gancarz@ic.fbi.gov - thomas.gancario mark.mahon@ic.fbi.gov - jh2i(921bhuid deborah.broderick@ic.fbi.gov - Iuk2g787athsd2 melissa.mcrae@ic.fbi.gov - JUY2hja9shdn Johnson@ic.fbi.gov - HJuaih^&*jsdk Raul.roldan@ic.fbi.gov - Buyr8^%^2jkas Tini.Leon@ic.fbi.gov - Hy72g&&92nj sharon.gray@ic.fbi.gov - B72829hgvjs Megan.mikes@ic.fbi.gov - H2981726ya jacksonville@ic.fbi.gov - 97tggsh821 baltimore@ic.fbi.gov - 218902hdui1877 Dallas.Public@ic.fbi.gov - I9818hdi81y dallas@ic.fbi.gov - vtT^17ghkK91y62fA David.Sobonya@ic.fbi.gov - Boiqmjhiasi1g ny1@ic.fbi.gov - IH892hyiguisu DSAC@ic.fbi.gov - BI88912hhduii18 Beth.McConn@ic.fbi.gov - N8ig1gvud8u127 loeffert@ic.fbi.gov - N89290hysdi McConn@ic.fbi.gov - B001hidas gary.loelTert@ic.fbi.gov - garyloel19287 Alicia.Sensibaugh@ic.fbi.gov - sensimarklover PRUrecruits@ic.fbi.gov - recruits.membership douglas.hares@ic.fbi.gov - hares$mich B.Bland@ic.fbi.gov - boblogover017876 Oscar.Hernandez@ic.fbi.gov - H92hdkH910hd seattle.division@ic.fbi.gov - Jnxiqoha=s stevendean@ic.fbi.gov - dean.donald Gretchen.Schlag@ic.fbi.gov - foxboi2u17 ctsecuritiesfraud@ic.fbi.gov - fraudadmin cyberwatch@ic.fbi.gov - Op9haius8 brett.johnson@ic.fbi.gov - BIu29uhausy982 r.mark.wood@ic.fbi.gov - mark.r.wood@ remingtoncomplaints@ic.fbi.gov - complaintboxno1299 almeta.austin@ic.fbi.gov - ausitn.almeta steven.martinez@ic.fbi.gov - 8877steveymillard http://pastebin.com/BjZMZV63 David H Petraeus Dox. Who Is David? Former director of the CIA. Until his resignation on 11/9/12 for a lleged "Sex Scandal" INFORMATION: Name: David Howell Petraeus Picture: http://speedcap.net/sharing/screen.php?id=1515/411594f4c368d4f5262eba66 6dd2df3c.png Relationship Status: Married to Holly Knowlton D.O.B: November 7, 1952 (60) Address 1: 130 N. Jackson St. Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: (910) 497-3155 Property Value: $500K Address 2: (Owner Of Washington Golf and Country Club) PO Box 7184 Arlington, VA 22207 Property Value: 1m. Spouse: Hollister "Holly Petraeus" Knowlton. Address: 5001 Screaming Eagle Dr Fort Campbell, KY 42223 Phone: (910) 497-3155 Property Value: $100K Other Relatives: Name: Anne Petraeus Dox Done by #DoXGoD @D_O_X_G_O_D [@D_O_X_E_D = Suspended] #LoneWolf Gathering and Organizing of PUBLIC Information. #CantArrestAnIdea #ProfessionalD oxes http://quickleak.ir/eB5q8ssv
1 year ago