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Created:Aug 24th, 2024
Created by: S7T [Rich]
Views: 12,008
Comments: 25
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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[] | (((()) ..|____|_|_|____|..................................)(... ldb ╔═══════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════๑◥◣◆◢◤๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ▓ Table of Contents ║ ▓▓ [ @SETH ] & [ #SEVEN ] ▓▓ ║ 0x00 ║ ▓▓ ▓ _ ║═══════════════════════║═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════║══════════║══════║ |\---/| / )║ Introduction..........║ Introduction to the document................................................................║ 0x01 ║ ║ ; |-/ / ║ Personal Information..║ Name, address, phone number, education......................................................║ 0x02 ║ ║ ) (' / ║ Database..............║ username, address, ip, email, password......................................................║ 0x03 ║ ║ ( ,' ║ Family................║ Information about family members............................................................║ 0x04 ║ ║ | | ║ Investigation Board...║ An investigation board visually organizes case evidence and connections.....................║ 0x05 ║ ║ / ) | | ║ Note..................║ Analytical notes, interim conclusions, and hypotheses developed from the investigation......║ 0x06 ║ ║ ( ( / ; ║ Credit................║ Acknowledgment of key contributors..........................................................║ 0x07 ║ ║ \ `._/ / ║ Signature.............║ Names and signatures of individuals who contributed to the investigation or the document....║ 0x08 ║ ║ `._ / ╚═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════๑◢◤◆◥◣๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╩══════════╩══════╝ |\ _/ .' ) | \ | | \ \ `-. `-`---' )\._.,--....,'``. .b--. /; _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. <--𝗦𝗘𝗧𝗛 𝗔𝗠𝗠𝗢 --> `=,-,-'~~~ `----(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' ╔═══════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════๑◥◣◆◢◤๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ▓ Introduction ║ ▓▓ [ @SETH ] & [ #SEVEN ] ▓▓ ║ 0x01 ║ ▓▓ ▓ ╚═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════๑◢◤◆◥◣๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╩══════════╩══════╝ » Introduction: Greetings Hackers! (-) ENG: After several verifications, it turns out that Djibril Allouche is indeed the person in question. However, just having this information wasn't enough for us. We wanted to dig deeper and investigate further, so we decided to explore more thoroughly. It all started on TikTok, where a user named "Ammo the Boss" claims to be an antagonist who enjoys spreading panic online. He says he bans influencers and streamers from their platforms by reporting them using a verified account that he temporarily renames with his target's username. His goal is to gain influence by instilling fear among influencers, and it seems to be working, as many are starting to fear for their accounts. However, one day, Seth Yuz, Zy, and I, clever amateur investigators, decided to look into Ammo. He enjoys creating "dox" by using first names, last names, and other personal information to make people believe that a person named Djibril Allouche is actually him. Yet, nothing proves this claim. Despite unsuccessful attempts by some on Doxbin to link Ammo to Djibril Allouche, we discovered that there is no evidence to confirm this connection. But don't worry, we succeeded where others failed. (-) FR: Après plusieurs vérifications, il s'avère que Djibril Allouche est bien la personne en question. Cependant, cela ne nous suffisait pas d'avoir simplement cette information. Nous avons voulu aller plus loin et enquêter plus en détail, alors nous avons décidé de creuser davantage. Tout a commencé sur TikTok, où un utilisateur nommé "Ammo le Boss" prétend être un antagoniste qui s'amuse à semer la panique en ligne. Il affirme bannir des influenceurs et streamers de leurs plateformes en les signalant à l'aide d'un compte certifié qu'il renomme temporairement avec le pseudo de sa cible. Son objectif est de gagner en influence en semant la peur parmi les influenceurs, et il semble y parvenir, car beaucoup commencent à craindre pour leurs comptes. Cependant, un jour, Seth Yuz, Zy, enquêteurs amateurs très rusés, avons décidé d'enquêter sur Ammo. Ce dernier s'amuse à créer des "dox" en utilisant le prénom, le nom, et d'autres informations personnelles pour faire croire qu'une personne nommée Djibril Allouche est en réalité lui. Pourtant, rien ne prouve cette affirmation. Malgré les tentatives infructueuses de certains sur Doxbin de lier Ammo à Djibril Allouche, nous avons découvert que rien ne permet de confirmer cette connexion. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, nous avons réussi là où les autres ont échoué. » Reason: (-) ENG: We decided to dig into Ammo's personal information after noticing something intriguing: despite several attempts by others to unmask him, no one had successfully proven who he really was. We observed that his name and first name appeared multiple times in various doxes, but nothing definitively confirmed that it was actually him. This motivated us to go further, to investigate where others had failed, and finally uncover the truth behind this figure who hid behind a screen and spread fear online. (-) FR: Nous avons décidé de chercher des informations personnelles sur Ammo après avoir remarqué un détail intrigant : malgré les tentatives de plusieurs personnes pour le démasquer, personne n’avait réussi à prouver qui il était réellement. Nous avons constaté que son nom et prénom apparaissaient à plusieurs reprises dans divers dox, mais rien ne confirmait avec certitude qu'il s'agissait vraiment de lui. Cela nous a motivés à aller plus loin, à enquêter là où d'autres avaient échoué, pour enfin dévoiler la vérité derrière ce personnage qui se cachait derrière un écran et semait la terreur en ligne. ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝ 08/25/2024 / 7:54PM (EDT) (-) ENG: Adding image links in a table, sorting images hosted on a website for display. (-) FR: Ajout de liens d'images dans un tableau, tri des images hébergées sur un site web pour leur affichage. /\_/\ >^.^<.---. _'-`-' )\ https://sleuth.cat/ (6--\ |--\ (`.`-. --' --' ``-'SETH ╔═══════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════๑◥◣◆◢◤๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ▓ Personal Information ║ ▓▓ [ @SETH ] & [ #SEVEN ] ▓▓ ║ 0x02 ║ ▓▓ ▓ ╚═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════๑◢◤◆◥◣๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╩══════════╩══════╝ » Ammo: (-) Info: (-) First name: ALLOUCHE, ALUNE (-) Last name: Djibril (-) Gender: man (-) Picture: https://sleuth.cat/ammo/cni.png (+) Relevancy: High (-) Current Address: (-) Address: 5 Rue de la rheinmatt Etg 1 __..--''``\--....___ _..,_ (-) City: Strasbourg _.-' .-/"; ` ``<._ ``-+'~=. (-) Postal: 67100 _.-' _..--.'_ \ `(^) ) (-) Region: Bas-Rhin ((..-' (< _ ;_..__ ; `' 77 (-) Coordinates: `-._,_)' ``--...____..-' (-) Latitude: 48.5563636 (-) Longitude: 7.7595136 (+) Relevancy: High (-) Old Address: (-) Address: 25 Boulevard de Nancy (-) City: Strasbourg (-) Postal: 67000 (-) Region: Bas-Rhin (-) Coordinates: (-) Latitude: 48.58153533935547 (-) Longitude: 7.732030391693115 (+) Relevancy: High (-) Discord: (-) ID: 612132105174122507 (-) Username: ammotheking (-) DisplayName: Ammo (+) Relevancy: High (-) Twitter: (-) Username: Ammotheboss (-) Link: https://x.com/Ammotheboss (+) Relevancy: High (-) Telegram: (-) Username: Ammotheking (-) link: https://t.me/Ammotheking (+) Relevancy: High (-) Old Instagram: (-) Username: Ammoleking (-) Link: https://instagram.com/Ammoleking (+) Relevancy: High (-) Snapchat: (-) Username: ammothekingg (-) Link: https://www.snapchat.com/add/ammothekingg (+) Relevancy: High (-) Guns lol: (-) Username: ammo (-) Link: https://guns.lol/ammo (+) Relevancy: High (-) Second Guns lol: (-) Username: king (-) Link: https://guns.lol/king (+) Relevancy: High (-) PlayStation Network: (-) Current Username: irod_Ammo (-) Old Username: irod_Ammo (-) Link: https://psnprofiles.com/Ammotheking (+) Relevancy: High (-) Mobile Phone Number: (+33) 7 66 75 55 41 (-) ID: 48382483 Address (-) First name: ALLOUCHE (-) Last name: Djibril (-) Address: 5 Rue de la rheinmatt Etg 1, Strasbourg 67100 (-) Registration date: 04/08/2020 04:49PM (-) Supplier: Free mobile (+) Relevancy: High (-) Email: (GMAIL) djbrilallouche2@gmail.com (-) Info: (-) ID: 111387683475665881411 (-) Last Update : 2024-08-17 11:05:57 (UTC) (-) Pic : https://sleuth.cat/ammo/111387683475665881411.png (-) Websites: (-) https://deezer.com (-) https://deliveroo.com (-) https://spotify.com (-) https://picsart.com (-) https://pinterest.com (-) Leaks: (-) Combolists Posted to Telegram (2024-05-28) (-) deezer.com (2019-04-22) (GMAIL) djibrilallouche44@gmail.com (-) Info: (-) ID: 109973460274274566969 (-) Last Update : 2024-08-23 12:07:36 (UTC) (-) Pic : https://sleuth.cat/ammo/109973460274274566969.png (-) Websites: (-) https://deezer.com (-) https://spotify.com (-) Leaks: (-) Combolists Posted to Telegram (2024-05-28) (-) deezer.com (2019-04-22) (+) Relevancy: High /\ /\ |`\\_,--="=--,_//`| \ ." :'. .': ". / ==) _ : ' : _ (== |>/O\ _ /O\<| | \-"~` _ `~"-/ | >|`===. \_/ .===`|< s7t .-"-. \===' | '===/ .-"-. ╔═════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════════════════╦════════{'. '`}═══════════════════{.'. '}═══════════════╗ ║ Document ID ║ Type ║ Description ║ Date `"---"║ Location `"---"` ║ ╠═════════════╬═══════════════════╬═════════════════════════════════╬══════════════╬═════════════════════════════════════════╣'\ ║ DOC-001 ║ Image ║ Harassment ║ 2024-08-25 ║ https://sleuth.cat/ammo/harassment2.png ║.'`\ ║ DOC-002 ║ Image ║ Harassment ║ 2024-08-25 ║ https://sleuth.cat/ammo/harassment.png ║'.'`} ╚═════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════════════════╩══════════════╩═════════════════════════════════════════╝} '. } /.'`./ /. './ /.`'./ {.'. { `\.'`\ \.'.\ }'.'} {'.'/ `~` |\__/,| (`\ |o o |__ _) ) _.( T ) ` / <--𝗦𝗘𝗧𝗛 n n._ ((_ `^--' /_< \ 𝗔𝗠𝗠𝗢 --> <" _ }=- `` `-'(((/ (((/ ╔═══════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════๑◥◣◆◢◤๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ▓ Database ║ ▓▓ [ @SETH ] & [ #SEVEN ] ▓▓ ║ 0x03 ║ ▓▓ ▓ ╚═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════๑◢◤◆◥◣๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╩══════════╩══════╝ » FAKEBOOK: (-) file: France 02.txt (-) Result: 33698182357,100021915660812,Djibril,Allouche,male,,,,,1/1/0001 12,00,00 AM,, (+) Relevancy: High » DEEZER: (-) file: Deezer.rar (-) Result: 1734448442,1734448442,1734448442,FR,FR,M,0,1,0,1997-01-01,Yes,djibrilallouche44@gmail.com,fr,connexion6767,deezer, 0,1,1,1,1,mobile,\N,\N,0,0,2018-05-07T00:00:00.000Z,Yes,2017-09-22,2017-09-22,2017-09-22,1,0,0,8,0,2.0,"", 0,0.0,0.05,Yes,No,No Payment Offer,"","",No,No,-572,-572,-572,"","","","","","","",-572,-557,"",-572,-345, 3.0,0.0,0.2500000000000000,0E-16,1.0000000000000000,0E-16,0E-16,1,"",Inactive Listeners,Free,1,"","","","", \N,0,0,Opted Out,Opted In,Opted In,Opted Out,Opted Out,Opted In,Opted Out,Opted In,Opted In,Opted Out,Opted Out, Opted In,Opted Out,Opted In,Opted In,Opted Out,Opted Out,Opted In,Opted Out,Opted In,Opted In,Opted Out,Opted Out, Opted In,0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0E-16,0.0,0E-16,0E-16,0E-16,0E-16,0E-16,"","",One Day,No Free Sessions,One Month, No Subscription,No Payments,No Current Subscription,"","","","","","","","","" (+) Relevancy: High » Backdoor: (-) Result: (-) URL: https://login.live.com/login.srf (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE101 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE100 ___ (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default _.-| | |\__/,| (`\ { | | |o o |__ _) ) (-) URL: https://signup.euw.leagueoflegends.com/fr/signup/index "-.|___| _.( T ) ` / (-) Username: manou84 .--'-`-. _((_ `^--' /_< \ (-) Password: maissa123 .+|______|__.-||__)`-'(((/ (((/ (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://1fichier.com/register.pl (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/ (-) Mail: miss2103@LIVE.FR (-) Password: Nassima2611 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://discord.com/login (-) Mail: maissavioletta2005@gmail.com (-) Password: maissa123 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://fr.shein.com/user/auth/login (-) Mail: maissavioletta2005@gmail.com (-) Password: maissa123 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://twitter.com/explore (-) Username: mai84000 (-) Password: maissa123 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://signup.euw.leagueoflegends.com/fr/signup/index (-) Username: mayaa84 (-) Password: maissa123 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://speed.btt.network/gui/index.html (-) Username: UNKNOWN (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://sso.garena.com/ui/register (-) Username: modz84 (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://www.nicehash.com/my/login (-) Mail: BENFADELL@OUTLOOK.FR (-) Password: Ilyesse100@ (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://www.amazon.fr/ap/signin (-) Username: 33768091344 (-) Password: ILYESSE101 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://www.epicgames.com/account/password (-) Username: UNKNOWN (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://www.amazon.fr/ap/signin (-) Mail: BENFADELL@OUTLOOK.FR (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://www.amazon.com/ap/signin (-) Mail: BENFADELL@OUTLOOK.FR (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://www.twitch.tv/login (-) Mail: M0DZGAMING (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default (-) URL: https://www.paypal.com/signin (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr .-o=o-. (-) Password: ILYESSE100 , /=o=o=o=\ .--. (-) Application: Google_[Chrome]_Default _|\|=o=O=o=O=| \ __.' a`\=o=o=o=(`\ / (-) URL: https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/challenge/pwd '. a 4/`|.-""'`\ \ ;'`) .---. (-) Mail: m0dzspeedrun@gmail.com \ .' / .--' |_.' / .-._) (-) Password: ILYESSE101 `) _.' / /`-.__.' / (-) Application: Opera GX_Unknown `'-.____; /'-.___.-' `"""` (-) URL: https://accounts.google.com/ (-) Mail: djibrilallouche44@gmail.com (-) Password: connexion6767 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://accounts.google.com/ (-) Mail: m0dzspeedrun@gmail.com (-) Password: ILYESSE101 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://accounts.google.com/ (-) Mail: tahra.nacer88@gmail.com (-) Password: TNalpha88 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://assure.ameli.fr/ (-) Username: 2 74 11 38 544 061 (-) Password: 21032004 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://fc.assure.ameli.fr/ (-) Username: 2 74 11 38 544 061 (-) Password: 21032004 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://id.maxon.net/ (-) Mail: nextlogo31@gmail.com (-) Password: Ilyessedu31 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://playuncensored.com/ (-) Mail: tahra.nacer88@gmail.com (-) Password: TNalpha88 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://public.codesrousseau.fr/ (-) Username: ILYESSEABDELKRIM.BENFADEL (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://wifi.free.fr/ (-) Username: 82830377 (-) Password: 82830377 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.etoro.com/ (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.nds-passion.xyz/ (-) Username: M0DZ (-) Password: ILYESSE (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://login.live.com/login.srf (-) Mail: benfaded@hotmail.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://users.wix.com/signin (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.turbosquid.com/Login/Index.cfm (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://users.wix.com/signin (-) Mail: packfood31@gmail.com (-) Password: Benfadel31770 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://forum.plutonium.pw/register (-) Username: Ilyesse84 (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.shopify.fr/essai-gratuit/vendre-en-ligne-now (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://play.bitcasino.io/wager-get-100-free-spins-exclusive-offer-fr/index.html (-) Username: M0DZ (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://eu.battle.net/login/fr/ (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://eu.battle.net/login/fr/ (-) Mail: BENFADED@HOTMAIL.FR (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://moneyguru.co/register (-) Username: fderz (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.nds-passion.xyz/index.php (-) Mail: BENFADELL@OUTLOOK.FR (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.unrealengine.com/id/login/epic (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default _.---.._ _.---...__ (-) URL: https://auth.turbosquid.com/users/sign_in .-' /\ \ .' /\ / (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr `. ( ) \ / ( ) / (-) Password: ILYESSE6 `. \/ .'\ /`. \/ .' (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default ``---'' ) ( ``---'' .';.--.;`. (-) URL: https://www.nicehash.com/my/register .' /_...._\ `. (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr .' `.a a.' `. (-) Password: Ilyesse100@ ( \/ ) (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default `.___..-'`-..___.' \ / (-) URL: https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount `-.____.-' (-) Username: nasser310000 (-) Password: Nasser31@ (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://id.maxon.net/login/authenticatePreflight.html (-) Mail: nasser310000@gmail.com (-) Password: Nasser31@ (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.vistaprint.fr/vp/ns/sign_in.aspx (-) Username: BENFADEL (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.vistaprint.co.uk/vp/ns/sign_in.aspx (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.roblox.com/ (-) Username: m0dzgaming84 (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://mega.nz/register (-) Mail: benfadell@outlook.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://mega.nz/register (-) Mail: benfaded@hotmail.fr (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://signup.live.com/signup (-) Mail: ilyesse@outlook.be (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://login.live.com/ppsecure/secure.srf (-) Mail: m0dz@outlook.be (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://mega.nz/confirmQ29uZmlybUNvZGVWMh8jbK5eAwADJDZwCbrLp00wRFpAT1VUTE9PSy5CRQlGR0ZEQiBWQiBDQt7UxSlC8d_0 (-) Mail: M0DZ@OUTLOOK.BE (-) Password: ILYESSE6 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (-) URL: https://www.twitch.tv/login (-) Username: m0dzgaming (-) Password: ILYESSE100 (-) Application: Microsoft_[Edge]_Default (+) Relevancy: High ___ _.-| | |\__/,| (`\ { | | |o o |__ _) ) "-.|___| _.( T ) ` / .--'-`-. _((_ `^--' /_< \ .+|______|__.-||__)`-'(((/ (((/ ╔═══════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════๑◥◣◆◢◤๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ▓ Family ║ ▓▓ [ @SETH ] & [ #SEVEN ] ▓▓ ║ 0x04 ║ ▓▓ ▓ ╚═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════๑◢◤◆◥◣๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╩══════════╩══════╝ ╔═══════╗ ║ Aïssa ║\ ╔════════╗ ╚═══════╝ | /║ Jibril ║ |/ ╚════════╝ | v . ._,\|_/ ., `-._\/ . \ / |/_ \\ _\, y | \// ___\_.___\\, \\/ -.\|| `7-,--.`._|| / / , /' `-. `./ / |/_.'-- | |// |_ / |- | | =| | | --------------------/ , . \--------._ , -=-~{ .-^- _ ╔═════════════════╗ ║ Allouche Family ║ ╚═════════════════╝ » Sister: (-) Info: (-) First name: Aïssa (-) Last name: ALLOUCHE (-) Gender: women (-) NIR: 2741138544061 (-) DOB: (-) Age: 49 years old (-) Date of Birth: 01/11/1974 (+) Relevancy: High (-) Current Address: (-) Address: 5 Rue de la rheinmatt Etg 1 (-) City: Strasbourg (-) Postal: 67100 (-) Region: Bas-Rhin (-) Coordinates: (-) Latitude: 48.5563636 (-) Longitude: 7.7595136 (+) Relevancy: High (-) Old Address: (-) Address: 25 Boulevard de Nancy (-) City: Strasbourg (-) Postal: 67000 (-) Region: Bas-Rhin (-) Coordinates: (-) Latitude: 48.58153533935547 (-) Longitude: 7.732030391693115 (+) Relevancy: High (-) Email: (GMAIL) maissavioletta2005@gmail.com (-) Info: (-) ID: 112337809705729554936 (-) Last Update : 2024-01-07 09:24:31 (UTC) (-) Pic : https://sleuth.cat/ammo/112337809705729554936.png (-) Websites: (-) https://deezer.com (-) https://deliveroo.com (-) https://spotify.com (-) https://picsart.com (-) https://pinterest.com (-) https://picmonkey.com (-) Leaks: (-) Combolists Posted to Telegram (2024-05-28) (-) deezer.com (2019-04-22) (-) dubsmash.com (2018-12-01) (+) Relevancy: High /> フ | _ _| /` ミ_xノ / | / ヽ ノ │ | | | / ̄| | | | ( ̄ヽ____ヽ_)__) ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ \二) ╔═══════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════๑◥◣◆◢◤๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ▓ Investigation Board ║ ▓▓ [ @SETH ] & [ #SEVEN ] ▓▓ ║ 0x05 ║ ▓▓ ▓ ╚═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════๑◢◤◆◥◣๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╩══════════╩══════╝ ╔═════════════════════╦══════╗ ║ Mobile Phone Number ║ 0x04 ║ ╚═╦════════════════╦══╩══════╝ ║ ║ ╔═════════╩╗ ╔═════╩════════════════╦══════╗ target -> ║ AMMO ║═════════║ Personal Information ║ 0x03 ║ ╚════╦═════╝ ╚═══╦══════════════════╩══════╝ ║ ║ ║ ╔══╩═══╗ ║ ║ MAIL ║ ║ ╚══╦═══╝ ║ ║ ╔════╩═══════╗ ╔═════╩════╦══════╗ ║ BACKDOOR ║═════║ DATABASE ║ 0x04 ║ ╚════════════╝ ╚══════════╩══════╝ * ,MMM8&&&. * MMMM88&&&&& . MMMM88&&&&&&& * MMM88&&&&&&&& MMM88&&&&&&&& 'MMM88&&&&&&' 'MMM8&&&' * _ |\___/| \\ ) ( |\_/| . || ' =\ /= )a a `,_.-""""-. // )===( =\Y_= / \// / \ `"`\ / / | | | \ | / / \ \ /- \ \ \ / || | // /` ╔═══════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════๑◥◣◆◢◤๑════════════════════\_ _/═════════((_|\((_/╦══════════╦══════╗ ▓ Note ║ ▓▓ [ @SETH ] & [ #SEVEN ] ( ( ║ 0x06 ║ ▓▓ ▓ ╚═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════๑◢◤◆◥◣๑═══════════════════════) )═══════════════════╩══════════╩══════╝ (_( NOTES ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ (-) ENG: To isolate and track "AMMO," we began by conducting basic research on his various pseudonyms. He had indeed used several aliases and different profiles to throw people off, hoping to evade any tracking attempts. However, he wasn't as clever as he thought. During our investigation, we discovered that he had made the mistake of linking one of his pseudonyms to a personal email composed of his first and last name. Digging a bit deeper, we noticed that he had even used a profile picture where the pseudonym "AMMO" was clearly visible, which was certainly not the wisest decision on his part. Seeing this, we delved further into our research by analyzing his old videos and combing through the traces left by his previous accounts, including his PayPal account. This information allowed us to broaden our search to databases like those on Facebook, Wakanim, and even through several hard-to-access registries. We cross-referenced the information obtained, eliminating false leads to finally isolate the correct profile. Thus, despite his attempts to conceal his identity, "AMMO" was eventually discovered and tasted the Excalibur. Did it taste good? Only Ammo knows the answer to that question. To start the search, I based it on his old username. I found his Twitter account and went through each of his posts until (-) FR: Pour isoler et traquer "AMMO", nous avons commencé par effectuer des recherches basiques sur ses divers pseudos. Il avait en effet utilisé plusieurs alias et profils différents pour brouiller les pistes, espérant ainsi échapper à toute tentative de traque. Toutefois, il n'était pas aussi futé qu'il le pensait. Lors de nos investigations, nous avons découvert qu'il avait fait l'erreur de lier l'un de ses pseudos à un email personnel composé de son nom et prénom. En creusant un peu plus, nous avons remarqué qu'il avait même utilisé une photo de profil où le pseudo "AMMO" apparaissait clairement, ce qui n'était certainement pas la décision la plus judicieuse de sa part. Voyant cela, nous avons approfondi nos recherches en analysant ses anciennes vidéos et en parcourant les traces laissées par ses anciens comptes, y compris son compte PayPal. Ces informations nous ont permis d'élargir la recherche à des bases de données comme celles de Facebook, Wakanim, et même par le biais de plusieurs registres difficiles d'accès. Nous avons croisé les informations obtenues, éliminant les fausses pistes pour finalement isoler le bon profil. C'est ainsi que, malgré ses tentatives pour dissimuler son identité, "AMMO" a fini par être découvert et a goûté à l'Excalibur. Avait-elle bon goût ? Seul Ammo a la réponse à cette question. Pour lancer la recherche, je me suis basé sur son ancien pseudo. ╔═══════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════๑◥◣◆◢◤๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ▓ Credit ║ ▓▓ [ @SETH ] & [ #SEVEN ] ▓▓ ║ 0x07 ║ ▓▓ ▓ ╚═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════๑◢◤◆◥◣๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╩══════════╩══════╝ ____________________ | | | DJIBRIL ALLOUCHE | | ___ WANTED ____ | | | | | | |.--, .--,| | | |( \.---./ )| | | |'.__/o o\__.'| | | | {= ^ =} | | | | > - < | | | |.""`-------`"".| | | | o | | | | o o | | | |o o | | | |_______________| | | AMMO$ | |___________________| ╔════════════════╗ ║ Plata o DOXBIN ║ ╚════════════════╝ ⛤ Default <-> majority of dox <-> x ⛤ Yuz <-> trace the entire family of the victim <-> x ⛤ Zy <-> to find all passwords and email addresses <-> x ⛤ Albator <-> OSINT MASTER <-> x ⛤ Self <-> makes you laugh <-> x ╔═══════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════๑◥◣◆◢◤๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ▓ Signature ║ ▓▓ [ @SETH ] & [ #SEVEN ] ▓▓ ║ 0x08 ║ ▓▓ ▓ ╚═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════๑◢◤◆◥◣๑═════════════════════════════════════════════╩══════════╩══════╝ [X] SIGNATURES .-. .-. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ / \ / \ ✗ Seth & Default & Yuz & Zy & Albator .-. | || | .-. / \ \ / \ / / \ | | '`.-.`' | | \_.' .-` `-. '._/ .-' '-. / \ | | \ / '.___...___.'
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