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║                         Reason                              ║  
║               Targetted for being a rapist.                 ║

║                       Table of Contents                     ║  
║ [ Personal Info ]  [ Email Info ]  [ IP & Provider Info ]  ║  
║ [ Relatives & Connections ]  [ Financial History ]  [ SSN ] ║  

║                       Personal Info                         ║ 
║ Full Name:    David Kalani Naluai                           ║ 
║ Last Name:    Naluai                                        ║ 
║ First Name:   David                                         ║ 
║ Middle Name:  Kalani                                        ║ 
║ Date of Birth: 03/01/1968                                   ║ 
║ Key Dates:                                                  ║ 
║ First Encountered: 09/02/1995                               ║ 
║ Last Recorded:  11/05/2024                                  ║ 
║ Addresses:                                                  ║ 
║ 1. 199 Railroad St, Bayport, NY 11705                       ║ 
║    County:        Suffolk                                   ║ 
║    State:         New York                                  ║ 
║    Zip Code:     11705                                      ║ 
║    Plus Four:    1404                                       ║ 

║                       Email Information                     ║ 
║ 1. MySpace                                                 ║ 
║    Email:           my3kidsforlife@yahoo.com               ║ 
║    Username:        kutubu8717                             ║ 
║    Password:        kutubu8717                             ║ 
║ 2. Breach Compilation                                      ║ 
║    Email:           my3kidsforlife@yahoo.com               ║ 
║    Username:        kutubu8717                             ║ 
║ 3. AntiPublic                                              ║ 
║    Email:           my3kidsforlife@yahoo.com               ║ 
║    Username:        kutubu8717                             ║ 
║    Password:        kutubu8717                             ║ 
║ 4. Collections                                             ║ 
║    Email:           my3kidsforlife@yahoo.com               ║ 
║    Username:        kutubu8717                             ║ 
║    Password:        kutubu8717                             ║ 

║                    IP & Provider Information               ║ 
║ IP Address:                                 ║ 
║ Provider:     Localnet                                      ║ 
║ Email:        dnaluai@localnet.com                          ║ 

║                    Relatives & Connections                 ║ 
║ 1. Anita W. Naluai - Date of Birth: 00/00/1942              ║ 
║ 2. Eugene Arnold Naluai - Date of Birth: 00/00/1941         ║ 
║ 3. Kristine Haunani Naluai - Date of Birth: 00/00/1976      ║ 
║ 4. Matthew Keahi Naluai - Date of Birth: 00/00/1999         ║ 
║ 5. Michael K. Naluai - Date of Birth: 00/00/1991            ║ 
║ 6. Michael Ka'imi Naluai - Date of Birth: 00/00/1972        ║ 
║ 7. Steven Kaleo Naluai - Date of Birth: 00/00/1970          ║ 
║ 8. Caroline Mariah Westervelt - Date of Birth: 00/00/1968   ║ 

║                    Financial History                        ║ 
║ Bankruptcies:     0                                         ║ 
║ Bankruptcy Records: 0                                       ║ 
║ Liens:            0                                         ║ 
║ Judgements:       0                                         ║ 

║                    Address History                         ║ 
║ 1. Full Street:    428 Bayport Ave                          ║ 
║    House Number:  428                                       ║ 
║    Street Name:   Bayport                                   ║ 
║    Street Type:   Ave                                       ║ 
║    City:          Bayport                                   ║ 
║    County:        Suffolk                                   ║ 
║    State:         New York                                  ║ 
║    Zip Code:      11705                                     ║ 
║    Plus Four:     1404                                      ║ 

║                       SSN Information                       ║ 
║ SSN:                   266-73-3923                          ║ 

║             Credit to: Tah X Pistolwhip                     ║  