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Title:Grace Curtis Welcome To The Afterlife
Created:Apr 2nd, 2024
Created by: lvxz
Views: 369
Comments: 1
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`"-._________.-"` `"`'` `"-._________.-"` `"`'` `"-. ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Doxxed by kills | Grace Doxxed ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║Emily Elizabeth Curtis ║ ║Age:42 (July, 17th, 1981) ║ ║Address:412 Taggart Trl, WILLIAMSON, Jarrell, TX 76537 ║ ║Relatives:JONATHAN DWIGHT CURTIS, JONI S CURTIS, MATTHEW LEE CURTIS, MICHAEL L CURTIS, MICHAEL DAVID CURTIS ║ ║Social Security Number : 600-7983 ║ ║https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-curtis-2021 ║ ║https://www.instagram.com/emcurtmusic/ ║ ║https://twitter.com/emlurs13 ║ ║https://www.facebook.com/public/Emily-Curtis/ ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║ Phone Numbers ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║Carrier: Phone Number: Line Type: Date Reported: Details: ║ ║NEW CINGULAR WRLS IL 940-368-3949 Not on File 02/21/2024 ║ ║T-MOBILE USA INC. 940-595-5176 Not on File 07/03/2004 ║ ║FRONTIER COMM OF TX 940-565-9468 Not on File 10/01/2004 ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║ Email Addresses ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║Provider: Name: Address: IP Address: Email: Date Reported: Details: ║ ║gMail Emily Curtis 2705 Burnwood Ct, Arlington, TX 76016 equitationgirl213@gmail.com Not on File ║ ║worldnet.att.net Emily Curtis 2309 Red Maple Rd, Flower Mound, TX 75022 Not on File trentc3908@worldnet.att.net ║ ║mindspring.com Emily Curtis 6062 Copperfield Dr, Ft Worth, TX 76132 ecurtis@mindspring.com ║ ║excite.com Emily Curtis 206 N 25 Mile Ave Apt B, Hereford, TX 79045 ladyemc@excite.com ║ ║Hotmail Emily Curtis 702 Fawn, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657 Not on File maryc2614@hotmail.com Not on File ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║ Automobiles ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║# City Make Model Year VIN ║ ║1 JARRELL KIA SOUL 2020 KNDJ63AU5L7123388 ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║ Previous Address(es) ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║599 University Blvd Apt 626, Round Rock, TX 78665 ║ ║901 Hidden Valley Dr Apt 13103, Round Rock, TX 78665 ║ ║901 Hidden Valley Dr Apt 18208, Round Rock, TX 78665 ║ ║3503 Rock Shelf Ln, Round Rock, TX 78681 ║ ║9171 Culp Branch Rd, Sanger, TX 76266 ║ ║402 Audra Ln Apt B, Denton, TX 76209 ║ ║1030 Dallas Dr Apt 1236, Denton, TX 76205 ║ ║913 Beechwood Dr, Denton, TX 76210 ║ ║1011 Segundo Dr, Georgetown, TX 78628 ║ ║11915 Stonehollow Dr Apt 331, Austin, TX 78758 ║ ║521 E Windsor Dr Apt 21, Denton, TX 76209 ║ ║410 Audra Ln Apt A, Denton, TX 76209 ║ ║2700 Colorado Blvd Apt 111, Denton, TX 76210 ║ ║4600 Elmont Dr Apt 1024, Austin, TX 78741 ║ ║3108 Jeanne Marie Ct, Austin, TX 78745 ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║ IPV4 - ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║Name: Emily Curtis ║ ║Latitude: 42.996091 ║ ║Longitude: -71.459845 ║ ║Address Line 1: 412 Taggart Trl ║ ║City: Jarrel ║ ║State: TX ║ ║Postal Code: 76537 ║ ║Address Key: 8237029734 ║ ║Email Address: kittene123@aol.com ║ ║Domain Name: aol.com ║ ║IP address: ║ ║Region: Texas ║ ║Country: US ║ ║Loc: 38.9839,-77.3675 ║ ║Postal: 20170 ║ ║Timezone: America/Central ║ ║ASN: AS1239 ║ ║ASN - Name: Sprint ║ ║ASN - Domain: sprint.net ║ ║ASN - Route: ║ ║ASN - Type: isp ║ ║Company: Sprint ║ ║Company Domain: sprint.com ║ ║Company Type: isp ║ ║VPN Check: No ║ ║Proxy Check: No ║ ║Tor Check: No ║ ║Relay Check: No ║ ║Hosting Check: No ║ ║Abuse Address: US, VA, Herndon, 198 Van Buren St, 20170 ║ ║Abuse Country: US ║ ║Abuse Email: abuse@cogentco.com ║ ║Abuse Name: SprintLink Wireline AUP Enforcement Team ║ ║Abuse Network: ║ ║Abuse Phone: +1-800-232-6895 ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║ IPV4 - ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║Name: Emily Curtis ║ ║Latitude: 43.190742 ║ ║Longitude: -112.345625 ║ ║Address Line 1: 412 Taggart Trl ║ ║City: Jarrel ║ ║State: TX ║ ║Postal Code: 76537 ║ ║Address Key: 3865823995 ║ ║Email Address: azreavess62@cintasmail.com ║ ║Domain Name: cintasmail.com ║ ║IP address: ║ ║Region: Hesse ║ ║Country: DE ║ ║Loc: 50.1155,8.6842 ║ ║Postal: 60306 ║ ║Timezone: America/Central ║ ║ASN - Name: Jagex Limited ║ ║ASN - Domain: jagex.com ║ ║ASN - Route: ║ ║ASN - Type: business ║ ║Company: Jagex Limited ║ ║Company Domain: jagex.com ║ ║Company Type: business ║ ║VPN Check: No ║ ║Proxy Check: No ║ ║Tor Check: No ║ ║Relay Check: No ║ ║Hosting Check: No ║ ║Abuse Address: 220 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Rd, CB4 0WA, Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM ║ ║Abuse Country: DE ║ ║Abuse Email: sysadmin@jagex.com ║ ║Abuse Name: Abuse-C Role ║ ║Abuse Network: ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║ IPV4 - ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ║IP address: ║ ║Hostname: mobile-166-205-010-176.mycingular.net ║ ║City: Jarrel ║ ║Region: Texas ║ ║Country: US ║ ║Loc: 37.3394,-121.8950 ║ ║Postal: 95103 ║ ║Timezone: America/Central ║ ║ASN: AS7018 ║ ║ASN - Name: AT&T Services, Inc. ║ ║ASN - Domain: att.com ║ ║ASN - Route: ║ ║ASN - Type: isp ║ ║Company: Wireless Data Service Provider Corporation ║ ║Company Domain: wirelessdataspco.org ║ ║Company Type: isp ║ ║VPN Check: No ║ ║Proxy Check: No ║ ║Tor Check: No ║ ║Relay Check: No ║ ║Hosting Check: No ║ ║Abuse Address: US, PA, Doylestown, PO Box 1381, 18901-0137 ║ ║Abuse Country: US ║ ║Abuse Email: ipabuse@wirelessdataspco.org ║ ║Abuse Name: WDSPCo Helpdesk ║ ║Abuse Network: ║ ║Abuse Phone: +1-215-489-7599 ║ ║======================================================================================================================================║ ▄█ ▄█▄ ▄█ ▄█ ▄█ ▄████████ ███ ▄███▀ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███▐██▀ ███▌ ███ ███ ███ █▀ ▄█████▀ ███▌ ███ ███ ███ ▀▀█████▄ ███▌ ███ ███ ▀███████████ ███▐██▄ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ▀███▄ ███ ███▌ ▄ ███▌ ▄ ▄█ ███ ███ ▀█▀ █▀ █████▄▄██ █████▄▄██ ▄████████▀
10 months ago