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Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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You scam little kids for money so u can continue ur drug addiction. You called me harmless after I literally took ur accounts from you LOL. ──────────────────────────────── □ » CREDITS: [locks] ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ .m. ,_ ' ;M; ,;m ` ;M;. , , ;SMM; ;;Mm; ,; ____ ;, ;SMM; ;;;MM; ; (.MMMMMM.) ; ,SSMM;; ,;;;mMp' l ';mmmm;/ j SSSMM;; .;;;;;MM; .\,.mmSSSm,,/, ,SSSMM;;; ;;;;;;mMM; .;MMmSSSSSSSmMm; ;MSSMM;;;; ;;;;;;mMSM; ,_ ;MMmS;;;;;;mmmM; -,;MMMMMMm;;;; ;;;;;;;MMSMM; \"*;M;( ( '') );m;*"/ ;MMMMMM;;;;;, .;;;;;;mMMSMM; \(@;! _ _ !;@)/ ;MMMMMMMM;;;;;, ;;;;;;;MMSSSM; ;,;.*o*> <*o*.;m; ;MMMMMMMMM;;;;;;, .;;;;;;;MMSSSMM; ;Mm; ;M;,MMMMMMMMMMm;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;mmMSSSMMMM, ;Mm;, '- ,;M;MMMMMMMSMMMMm;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;MMMSSSMMMMMMMm;Mm;;, ___ ,;SmM;MMMMMMSSMMMM;;;;;;;; ;;'";;;MMMSSSSMMMMMM;MMmS;;, " ,;SmMM;MMMMMMSSMMMM;;;;;;;;. ! ;;;MMMSSSSSMMMMM;MMMmSS;;._.;;SSmMM;MMMMMMSSMMMM;;;;;;;;; ;;;;*MSSSSSSMMMP;Mm*"'q;' `;p*"*M;MMMMMSSSSMMM;;;;;;;;; ';;; ;SS*SSM*M;M;' `-. ;;MMMMSSSSSMM;;;;;;;;;, ;;;. ;P `q; qMM. ';MMMMSSSSSMp' ';;;;;;; ;;;; ', ; .mm! \. `. / ;MMM' `qSS' ';;;;;; ';;; ' mmS'; ; , `. ;'M' `S ';;;;; `;;. mS;;`; ; ; ;M,! ' luk ';;;; - Welcome to hell, [Grummet] enjoy the ride. ';; .mS;;, ; '. o ; oMM; ;;;; ';; MMmS;; `, ;._.' -_.'MM; ;;; `;; MMmS;;; ; ; ; MM; ;;; `'. 'MMmS;; `;) ', .' ,M;' ;;; \ '' ''; ; ; ; ;' ;; ; ; `, ; ; ; ;; |. ; ; (. ; ; _.-. ;; .-----..__ / ; ; ;' ;\ _.-" .- `. ;; ;' ___ `*; `; '; ; ; ;' .-' : ; ; """*-. `. ; ; ; ; ' ,' / | ', `-_ (.--',`--'..' .' ', `-_ `*-._'.\\\;||\\) ,' `"*-._ "*`-ll_ll'l ,' ,==;*-._ "-. .' _-' "*-=`*;-._ ;' ." ;' ;"*-. ` ; ____ ;//' "- `, `+ .-/ ".\\; `*" / "' ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ 0x02 | » ─────────────── ☐ Aliases -Grummet -JacK ────────── ☐ Full Details ─────────────── Name: Jack Trenary (Real name is John but has gone by Jack his entire life) Pictures: https://gyazo.com/cc77a88248aad1b6cfe42f84452878c9 Number: 540-450-6213 DOB:6/24/1999 ☐ Address(s) - Homeless due to being kicked out by his parents. Parents are some chill ass people so not disclosing this info. ───────── » ."". ."", | | / / | | / / | | / / | |/ ;-._ } ` _/ / ; Hey, [Grummet]. | /` ) / / Say hi to your girlfriend for me :) | / /_/\_/\ |/ / | ( ' \ '- | \ `. / | | | | ☐ Emails ──────── jtrenary2@gmail.com ☐ Discord ───────── Discord Tag: OWNED BY ME NOW LOL Discord ID: OWNED BY ME NOW LOL ☐ NameMC ──────── All his accounts aren't even owned by him but he mainly goes under the IGN Grummet. ☐ Socials Misc ─────────────── Snapchat: jacktrenary/jacktrenary2 Status: Likely Inactive Instagram: N/A Status: N/A ☐ Common Password ─────────────── Perc30s! ☐ Message to Grummet ─────────────── Grummet if you see this hop off the drugs bro. You planned to go to rehab but instead said you would solve it yourself and now you're scamming again to make a living. Proof of dealing drugs: https://gyazo.com/02be8cbbb0728a987dd7db8e5d29bc6b https://gyazo.com/ee8d98831c1207a5b3f292ca0ac1a208 https://gyazo.com/42f22a420e8c47aaf1f54717f1c59d7d https://gyazo.com/aff94b048672d695419965bf39e82a65 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ 0x03 | » Family ──────────────── Not gonna disclose <!> _.---,._,' /' _.--.< /' `' /' _.---._____ \.' ___, .-'` /' \\ . /' `-. -|- | | | .-'~~~`-. | .' `. | | R I P | | | B O Z O ! | | | | \ \\| |// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ .-----. .' - - '. / .-. .-. \ | | | | | | \ \o/ \o/ / _/ ^ \_ | \ '---' / | / /`--. .--`\ \ / /'---` `---'\ \ - You just got fucked! '.__. .__.' `| |` | \ \ '--. '. `\ `'---. | ,__) / `..' 0x05 » Credits ────────────────────── .-. locks /aa \_ __\- / ) .-. (__/ / _/ ..\ / \ ( \ u/__ / \__ \ \__) \_.-._._ ) / \ `-` __/ \ ( _._.-._/ '-'
3 years ago