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Title:Idalgo dox
Created:Mar 16th, 2023
Created by: internetscourge
Views: 431
Comments: 0
Edited at: Apr 2nd, 2023
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In case of that I'll put proofs into the text with links to the previous posts on her, who are still made by other professional doxers, although making mistakes is a human nature. Reason: "подозревать в подставе" будешь свою никчёмную жизнь / "imitation" is your miserable life. There's somewhat more information. Здесь инфы чуток больше. Contents: I. Main info II. Contacts III. Game info IV. Education V. Relatives VI. Other info VII. Notes ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× I. Main information Full name: Соловьёва София Евгеньевна Birth date: 19.07.2001 Locations: [1] Озёрск, Карла Маркса пр-т, 19, 48 [2] Озёрск, Карла Маркса пр-т, 9, 21 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× II. Contact information VK: [1] https://vk.com/id199204562 [2] https://vk.com/id166512398 OK: [1] https://ok.ru/profile/538978192885 [2] https://ok.ru/profile/551329368672 Instagram: [1] https://www.instagram.com/idalgone/ (old nickname) [2] https://www.instagram.com/neidalgo/ Ask.fm: [1] https://ask.fm/IdalgoGO Telegram: [1] https://t.me/+79320173839 (id 598044829) Discord: [1] vRottedam#4392 (id 293377655779229696) Youtube: [1] https://youtube.com/channel/UCT39ph2zK_i_hA-WTROlJ9w Twitch: [1] https://www.twitch.tv/idalgoone Phone numbers (see note #1): [1] 79320173839 (actual) [2] 79080737708 (old) Email with password leaks (see note #2): idalgoone@gmail.com ... Idalgo741852963 ... 4567678 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× III. Game information IGN: Idalgo, Indago, ProstoZi Steam: [1] https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198241715706 Vimetop: [1] https://vimetop.ru/player/Idalgo [2] https://vimetop.ru/player/ProstoZi Data leaks (nickname:password:ip-address:email): [1] Idalgo:$2y$10$rtfq97qIZleU6oXEYFgfueY4M.b51hkUiGZsfGyY37nc8WDlp8pbS(hash bcrypt): (Vimeworld, 2018) [2] Idalgo:$2y$10$UGfVwgsmf/kV54brYo0hh.NYTNggljzHj.32D9iHN1qthxa8E918G(hash bcrypt): (StreamCraft, 07.2020) [3] Idalgo:Idalgo741852963: (ShadowCraft) [4] Idalgo:4567678: (unknown) [5] Idalgo:4567678 (EvgexaCraft, 2018) [6] Indago:4567678: (Vimeworld, 2018) [7] ProstoZi:4567678: (Vimeworld, 2018) ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× IV. Information about education: School 25, Ozyorsk Address: Матросова, 12а Website: [1] http://schooloz25.ucoz.ru/ [2] https://school25-ozersk.nethouse.ru/ Phone number: [1] 73513072237 [2] 73513072277 [3] 73513095596 Email: school25ozersk@mail.ru ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× V. Information about relatives Mother: Full name: Порозова (Соловьёва) Ольга Сергеевна Birth date: 11.01.1980 Passport number: 7500 829824 Contacts: VK: https://vk.com/id26747721 Email with password leaks: [1] laim29@yandex.ru laim29@yandex.ru:80NNZYFRJD189123 laim29@yandex.ru:123werty laim29@yandex.ru:6330rjhj laim29@yandex.ru:astor1236 laim29@yandex.ru:laim290 laim29@yandex.ru:,jkbdfh laim29@yandex.ru:45676 laim29@yandex.ru:456767 laim29@yandex.ru:4567678 laim29@yandex.ru:666666 laim29@yandex.ru:laim29 Laim29@yandex.ru:s231190 laim29@yandex.ru:z-a0908 Phone numbers: [1] 79320102261 [2] 79514389513 Stepfather: Full name: Порозов Алексей Викторович Birth date: 29.05.1980 Passport number: 7502 911848 Contacts: VK: https://vk.com/id341411138 Phone number: 79514389512 Locations: [1] ул. Семёнова, 16, 41 [2] ул. Дзержинского, 39, 17 Father: Full name: Соловьев Евгений Николаевич Birth date: 01.01.1974 Passport number: [1] 4518 997344 (actual) [2] 7500 828587 (old) Contacts: VK: [1] https://vk.com/id618885743 [2] https://vk.com/id13463413 OK: [1] https://ok.ru/profile/51148007674 Emails with password leaks(see note #3): [1] eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:775784924 eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:f123456boy eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:123456b eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:123456bo eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:123456boy0 eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:eldorado-ozr123 eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:yob654321 eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru: eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:52345678 eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:75784924 eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:123456 eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:12345678 eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:123456boy eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru: eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:solo2710 eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:123bonyca eldorado-ozr@yandex.ru:rtktfifl [2] jbsh1999@gmail.com jbsh1999@gmail.com:3baf13 jbsh1999@gmail.com:123456 jbsh1999@gmail.com:123Bonyca Phone numbers: [1] 79168848865 [2] 79519021901 [3] 73513021901 [4] 73515102020 [5] 79068697679 Locations: [1] Москва, поселение Новофёдоровское, п. Архангельское, ул. Девичья Поляна, 28 [2] Озерск, ул. Иртяшская, 7, 54 Father's wife: Full name: Соловьева Анна Александровна Birth date: 18.02.1977 Passport number: 7506 022530 Contacts: Email with password leaks: [1] solovyeva27@gmail.com solovyeva27@gmail.com:JWZQhC Phone number: 79168850898 Location: Москва, Ленинский пр-т, 107к3, 200 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× VI. Other information IP-addresses: inetnum: - (Kirov): [1] inetnum: - (Ozyorsk): [2] [3] [4] inetnum: - (Ozyorsk): [5] VK administrated groups: https://vk.com/club37194317 https://vk.com/club37196550 https://vk.com/club37209037 https://vk.com/club37209192 https://vk.com/club37241419 https://vk.com/club37242168 https://vk.com/club37291525 https://vk.com/club37291552 https://vk.com/club37291636 https://vk.com/club37316078 https://vk.com/club37488995 https://vk.com/club38056694 https://vk.com/club38056729 https://vk.com/club38655180 https://vk.com/club40445649 https://vk.com/club45600913 https://vk.com/club46435084 https://vk.com/club46538870 https://vk.com/club50091531 https://vk.com/club124454885 https://vk.com/club171737556 https://vk.com/club185232978 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× VII. Notes Note #1: https://doxbin.org/upload/IdalgoVimeWorld contains the third one phone number, 79019794186, I understand the author found it by this chain: idalgo20:idalgoone@gmail.com (leak wattpad.com, 2020) - nickname idalgo20 - idalgo20@mail.ru - password 89019794186. The idea itself is too unreliable, futhermore, if we start to lookup the password 89019794186, we will find some extraneous emails, and also the phone number is located in Saint-Petersburg region. Note #2: I've written in note #1 why idalgo20@mail.ru is unreliable, and what's more, skype registered on this emails belongs to Serbian man, named Roman. Other email idalgo20@gmail.com belongs to a nice Brazilian couple: MAURICIO IDALGO DA COSTA and his wife MARIA DAS GRACAS IDALGO SAALFELD. The last one, iozhig74@yandex.ru, belongs to the new owner of phone number 79080737708, which seems not to be connected to Sonya. To sum up, idalgoone@gmail.com is the only one valid email. Note #3: Maybe I'm doing smth wrong, but vbn27@nm.ru belongs to another person and is found by passwords, that's about nothing. eldoradoozr@yandex.ru doesn't exist. Previous Doxbin posts on Sonya mentioned here: https://doxbin.org/upload/idalgoo https://doxbin.org/upload/IdalgoVimeWorld https://doxbin.org/upload/IdalgoVimeWorldModerator https://doxbin.org/upload/doxedbysaitekoIdalgo Let me be the last and do perfectly. ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× Info by @internetscourge | groups @vaiennetuttc & @puritascordis