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                                   - Contents of Dox -
                                 [0.1] - Reason of Dox
                                 [0.2] - Information on Ivan Heunis
                                 [0.3] - Relatives
                                 [0.3] - Relatives

                                      Reason of Dox

    - Ivan Heunis thought it would be funny to make calls,
    - and tell people he "fucked the shit" out of someone's sister...
    - very funny Ivan very funny...

                                   Information on Ivan Heunis

    - (Alias)(s)..................   Ivan

    - (Full Name).................   Ivan Heunis

    - (Ethnicity).................   UNKNOWN

    - (Country)...................   United States

    - (State).....................   New York

    - (Occupation)................   STUDENT

    - (Sexuality).................   Gay

    - (Social Media)..............
    - Instagram...................   https://www.instagram.com/chicken_is_good 
    - Instagram...................   https://www.instagram.com/ivanheunis/   
    - Instagram...................   https://www.instagram.com/ivan_heunis/ 
    - Instagram...................   https://www.instagram.com/ivanheunisspammmm/  
    - Instagram...................   https://www.instagram.com/ivan.heunis/
    - Instagram...................   https://www.instagram.com/dogeatter115/
    - Facebook....................   https://www.facebook.com/ivan.heunis    
    - Youtube.....................   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtwib7-SWdc58MX4Ya3xfsg

    - (School)....................   Our Lady of Lourdes High School

    - (Phone number)..............   +1 (845) 600-5512

    - (Hight).....................   Prolly abt 4'3

    - (Year Of Graduation)........   2024

    - (Ivan Heunis Images)........
    - Ivan after getting doxxed...   https://ibb.co/ZHWrpVd
    - What Are You Doing Step Bro.   https://ibb.co/bj90dj2  
    - What a View.................   https://ibb.co/Pg5z79S  
    - Learn how to smile kid......   https://ibb.co/wM2fMfQ


    - (Mother's Full Name)......... Claudia J Heunis
    - (Mother's Age)............... 51
    - (Mother's Emails)............ conner@webzone.net --- bridgejumper12545@yahoo.com
    - (Passwordsfor emails)........ turkeyshoot --- turkey  
    - (Mother's Phone Numbers)..... (845) 677-5241 - Landline --- (845) 677-2038 - Landline --- (845) 454-0099 - Landline  

    - (Father's Full Name)......... Jonathan A Heunis
    - (Father's Age)............... 50
    - (Father's Emails)............ NONE FOUND
    - (Father's Phone Numbers)..... (845) 677-5241 - Landline --- (914) 489-2071 - Wireless  

                                     Home Information

    - (Address).................... 2 Hillside St Millbrook, NY 12545
    - (Type Of Home)............... One Family Year-Round Residence
    - (Room #)..................... 3
    - (Land Size).................. 0.48
    - (Floor Size)................. 1,180
    - (Package ID)................. 6.765-14-484.354
    - (FIPS)....................... 36027
    - (Latitude, Longitude)........ 41.79236 -73.6915