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Title:Kaskar Taunt True Dox
Created:Jul 8th, 2022
Created by: hurtcore
Views: 1,074
Comments: 12
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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"but god laughs at the wicked, for he knows when their day is coming." Introduction - well, here we are, again ; this dox is on former "764" taunt, and current kaskar taunt. taunt is apart of one of the well known extorting groups in extortion com, he's done alot of terrible things. some of these things consist of selling child pornography, grooming minors, & forcing minors to cut themselves and ultimately kill themselves on a call, for his personal pleasure. personally, i've had a few encounters with this weirdo, he has a massive ego, and he admits to being a pedophile Backstory - he wasn't always this bad, he actually used to be a good person, suprising, right? he's gone through plenty groups, but he's been in kaskar the longest, the first group was a group called "Aghori Sec" this group was made by someone called envy & marley. he was supposedly doing some good in the group, he was around for the hells swatting drama ect, he gained a relitively high rank in the group also, there was also once a time where he disagreed with what groups like 764 and kaskar believed in. next, we have ghoul squad. taunt was a member of the group for a few weeks, cherry claims she supposedly "taught" him how to dox correctly and how to make them look good whilst using correct and proper formats. getting close to current time, taunt was recruited into kaskar by the now fedded "almighty" courtbox, taunt and court were somewhat close, but nowhere near as close as some of the other more "og" kaskar members. taunt was also recruited into 764 by trippy, he stayed there for about a week before leaving, with others, such as "vore , steve , priest" because in his words the group is a "fed honeypot" Main events - taunt got known through releasing one of his extorts with court, they both had extorted a young boy called "Austin Daschel Spencer" he has now fled from taunt and is currently doing his own thing, although he had recently returned to cut for taunt again. (the reason is currently unknown) they had made the boy cut all over his body, resulting in him having to go to hospital & getting stitches, and being assisted with his mental health, although he still chose to return to taunt to do as he told him, which was dumb, as it resulting in the boy even more hurt. all with the doxes he was releasing on doxbin, this also inflated his ego, and sadly reputation. he would flex his cutsigns, and flaunt the amount of child pornography, personally i find this disgusting. Main Information - Name - Jospeh Bentley (this has now been confirmed) Phone Number - 07488262298 / +44 7488262298 Address - 16 Belmont Road, Adlington, Chorley, PR6 9PT Age - 16 (confirmed by his parents) Location - Northwest of england Gender - Male Ethnicity - White Socials - twitter : @CabinOfBlood @kaskarraunt tαuηt#4578 telegram : https://t.me/childaddict Ip Information - Ip - Decimal - 1370401338 Hostname - stjohnshf2.plus.com ASN - 6871 ISP - British Telecommunications Country - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland City - London Mother - Name - Jane Bentley Address - 16 Belmont Road, Adlington, Chorley, PR6 9PT (same as taunt) Age - 41 Gender - Female Ethnicity - White Location - Northwest of england Socials - N/A Father - Name - John Bentley Address - 16 Belmont Road, Adlington, Chorley, PR6 9PT (same as taunt) Age - 47 Gender - Male Ethnicity - White Location - Northwest of england Socials - N/A Housing Information - the house has 3 bedrooms, 1 bath & 2 receptions https://www.google.com/maps/place/16+Belmont+Rd,+Adlington,+Chorley+PR6+9PT/@53.6143224,-2.597919,3a,75y,135.4h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sosu8MFfI5vCXzynO3-dBEg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x487b0eac53b2c197:0xc1e01e36693e3543!8m2!3d53.6141702!4d-2.5976645 you had this coming taunt, weird ass fucking nigger. please grow up & realise what you're doing is wrong (THIS DOX WAS CREATED AND COMPILED BY HURTCORE, ANYONE ELSE WHO REPOSTS THIS IS FALSECLAIMING.)
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