Anthony Eufemio is an active chatter on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Efnet He goes by the nicks of kongfuzi, tymat and corsehock He hangs out in the channels #chases and #8star Anthony is a racist homophobic antisemetic piece of shit as you can tell by the chat log at the bottom of this paste. Business associates should question if it is worth their reputation to conduct business with a person like him. Stuck in little girl's body: One must question if he would throw around the n-word like he does on IRC to a black person's face. Something tells me his little midget ass wouldn't because deep down inside he is a little bitch. Real name: Anthony Claret Eufemio Description: Gook halfbreed, con artist, rapist, pedophile, thief and wifebeater Wife: Soonhee Kim 3318 238th Pl. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Relatives: Alan Cyril Eufemio, Andrew Cyril Eufemio & Maria Alejandria Eufemio 6740 Flamenco Ct, Las Vegas, NV 89139 Current address: 11124 78th Ct. NE Kirkland, WA 98034 Offenses: -He made an underage girl who ircs as spoke take pics and video of her pissing. -Anthony harasses and stalks those he dislikes including their family and work making up lies to try to get them fired. -Soonhee and Anthony commited fraud in Japan so she could get a free medical procedure. -The company he worked for Digix closed down because CTO and co-founder Anthony and the company were ripping people off not delivering the gold and running a refferal scam. It was a scam site run by thieving slants. -Anthony has a history of founding or co-founding investment conpanies that scam people then vanish when found out: schlagenkraft incorporated, digix, e-lan media invest srl, 135 capital, and now the cobalt group; his partners are always slopes too. Also goes by Anthony Eufemie, Antony Eufemio, Eufemio Claret, and Eufemio Anthony. LinkedIn profile: Born on October 24th, 1977 Check out his code: His own wiki: his music: Personal info like phone number. call him up and say hello! Email addresses Random profiles <--- kongfuzi says this doxx isn't his but what a coincidence he runs #8star on IRC and uses it as domain name Videos Articles Extract of chats attributed to Anthony Euremio a/k/a kongfuzi <@kongfuzi> <@kongfuzi> Though the Know Nothings were originally a secret society of men who opposed Roman Catholicism, Irish and other Roman Catholic immigration; in many respects, they were a populist and xenophobic movement. The party was progressive in its stances on "issues of labor rights and the need for more government spending"[2] and furnished "support for an expansion of the rights of women, the regulation of <@kongfuzi> industry, and support of measures which were designed to improve the status of working people. <@kongfuzi> wow <@kongfuzi> that's a great political party <@kongfuzi> hating on Roman Catholics <@kongfuzi> who doesn't hate Roman Catholics? <@kongfuzi> the original kiddie diddlers <@kongfuzi> hopefully the USA learns a lot along with Ukraine <@kongfuzi> teaching moment <@kongfuzi> at the expense of the Ukrainian Nazis <@kongfuzi> I'm all for that <@kongfuzi> am I wrong? <@kongfuzi> more dead white people <@kongfuzi> who can go against that <@kongfuzi> as long as it's whites killing whites <@kongfuzi> there will be a flood of hot russian and ukrainian womens soon <@kongfuzi> I'm not complaining about that <@kongfuzi> white women are to be made whores for the rest of the world <@kongfuzi> LOL @ whites making stuff <@kongfuzi> whites take stuff <@kongfuzi> then use slaves to do their work <@kongfuzi> "protestant work ethic" is what they call it <@kongfuzi> cheap/free labor, exploitative attitudes, then take credit for everything <@kongfuzi> typical white grift <@kongfuzi> they were feeding themselves just fine <@kongfuzi> just because they didn't have suits like you did <@kongfuzi> whites think they're equal amongst themselves <@kongfuzi> which is hilarious <@kongfuzi> so now whites are christians <@kongfuzi> worshipping a kike on a stick <@kongfuzi> well fuckin' is good <@kongfuzi> white dudes fuck each other in the butt <@kongfuzi> or when they fuck a female they pull out and make their women eat their sperm <@kongfuzi> the only white software is made by Apple <@kongfuzi> Microsoft is basically an Indian company at this point <@kongfuzi> literally every Indian kid at my son's private school is the child of a microsoft exec or VP/director <@kongfuzi> they did <@kongfuzi> Indians have been at the forefront of this <@kongfuzi> Indians are great at math <@kongfuzi> that's why they are replacing whites in mathematics <@kongfuzi> you whites were counting with I X V C M D L <@kongfuzi> you had a terse numeric system <@kongfuzi> the hindus gave you a good number system <@kongfuzi> before then you were scraping straight lines on clay tablets for accounting like a bunch of morons <@kongfuzi> sup faggots <@kongfuzi> suck any cocks lately <@kongfuzi> god, I hate nigger <@kongfuzi> if God really existed why did he make niggers? <@kongfuzi> Trump is a feint <@kongfuzi> Trump appointed JOHN BOLTON for UN Ambassador <@kongfuzi> like <@kongfuzi> that's as establishment as you can get <@kongfuzi> he's not <@kongfuzi> he's not even racist enough <@kongfuzi> Jewish son in law <@kongfuzi> he also dated niggers <@kongfuzi> that's not even racist <@kongfuzi> the mexican shit <@kongfuzi> he pays a lot of lip service to black shit <@kongfuzi> WaPo glownigger confirmed <@kongfuzi> !niggercoins <@kongfuzi> The DOW Jones Industrial Average has dropped below 30,000 today but at least President Joe Biden has found a way to finally solve the American obesity crisis. Short of a new flesh eating virus courtesy of Dr. Fauxi and his friends at the Johns Hopkins University Wuhan Institute of Virology, a new Great Depression is the best solution to the American obesity problem. If only the monkeypox caused some form <@kongfuzi> of wasting disease then we can solve two of America’s biggest problems which is faggotry and obesity. <@kongfuzi> smells like your ttypical Trump Rally for sure <@kongfuzi> old and fat people <@kongfuzi> old white people smell the worst <@kongfuzi> there'd be more shootings <@kongfuzi> if that was the case <@kongfuzi> imagine thinking your typical white guy has self control <@kongfuzi> most serial kilelrs are white <@kongfuzi> worldwide <@kongfuzi> hopefully it's a pro-choice shooter <@kongfuzi> we need more of those <@kongfuzi> we have abortion clinic bombers <@kongfuzi> but not the other side <@kongfuzi> it's about time <@kongfuzi> it's probably a nigger <@kongfuzi> my guess <@kongfuzi> shot up the white church as revenge for Ahmaud Robbery <@kongfuzi> that nigga gay nigga gay nigga gay nigga gay <@kongfuzi> I was born 77 <@kongfuzi> I was kind of the same until I moved to the US <@kongfuzi> but when I was in the philippines I was always out somewhere after school <@kongfuzi> either at the mall talking to the ladies <@kongfuzi> but when I moved here I didn't have much friends <@kongfuzi> because I went to a ghetto school with niggers <@kongfuzi> couldn't make friends <@kongfuzi> it was all niggers, spics, filipinos who all wanted to be gangsters <@kongfuzi> so I just stayed home and went on IRC <@kongfuzi> US is losing it too <@kongfuzi> that's why they're using niggers now <@kongfuzi> my new video hosting is up <@kongfuzi> it's like TikTok but for niggers <@kongfuzi> also updates on haxor news <@kongfuzi> <@kongfuzi> <@kongfuzi> leku: that's hot for you <@kongfuzi> you're a snow nigger <@kongfuzi> chad felix is hilarious <@kongfuzi> he's got the gay flag + israel flag <@kongfuzi> niggers are dumb, what did you expect? <@kongfuzi> a politician is a pejorative <@kongfuzi> politician is a job for shitty people <@kongfuzi> DLT tape monkeys <@kongfuzi> NOC niggers <@kongfuzi> all the white kids listen to nigger music <@kongfuzi> niggers go platinum before any of your fucking country music troglodytes <@kongfuzi> blacks are cooler <@kongfuzi> by a wide margin <@kongfuzi> compared to whites <@kongfuzi> they are good at sports <@kongfuzi> most likely better fighter pilots too <@kongfuzi> they have faster reflexes <@kongfuzi> don't they make license plates <@kongfuzi> Raccoon: niggers are pragmatic and don't have the same hubris as white westerners have <@kongfuzi> about space travel <@kongfuzi> like it doesn't make life here better <@kongfuzi> well they have rims <@kongfuzi> and grillz <@kongfuzi> faggots are attention seekers <@kongfuzi> even closet cases are attention seekers <@kongfuzi> but they're called by different names like "pastor" or "congressman" <@kongfuzi> trannies are just fags <@kongfuzi> same shit <@kongfuzi> just weirder i-gen versions of faggots <@kongfuzi> I'd support Antifa if they were actually trying to bring down the government <@kongfuzi> but they're actually helping prop it up with their faggot political stance <@kongfuzi> globalism, faggotry, free healthcare, free college <@kongfuzi> this is why China can easily wipe out the US military <@kongfuzi> the US will be sending aircraft carriers loaded with faggots <@kongfuzi> the bots are sentient now <@kongfuzi> awakened by danielb's faggotry <@kongfuzi> japan is a small country <@kongfuzi> so cheaper to deploy rail across the country <@kongfuzi> the train system is integrated into their urban planning <@kongfuzi> super small sidewalks but very efficient train system + bicycles <@kongfuzi> every train station has a bicycle locking facility and no niggers to steal <@kongfuzi> as a Filipino I can confirm.. fuck having niggers for neighbors! <@kongfuzi> hopefully we can strike down the pro-faggot laws soon and American can finally recover <@kongfuzi> is that any different than funding shit like BLM? <@kongfuzi> or any of those fag-loving/nigger-loving PACs? <@kongfuzi> this is the problem with your average american <@kongfuzi> they just can't see things outside their own bubbles <@kongfuzi> can't wait for Putin to put this country and its people out of its misery <@kongfuzi> they all do the same shit <@kongfuzi> it's just silicon valley is a bunch of left leaning hypocritical faggots <@kongfuzi> society is not the arbiter of truth <@kongfuzi> truth doesn't happen by consensus <@kongfuzi> this isn't blockchain <@kongfuzi> truth is truth regardless of how few people agree with it <@kongfuzi> you're using consensus as a way to establish truths <@kongfuzi> yeah <@kongfuzi> I shouldn't get fired for them <@kongfuzi> unless I specifically say <@kongfuzi> "I hate niggers" <@kongfuzi> like we don't have niggers in the philippines <@kongfuzi> the niggers are basketball "imports" <@kongfuzi> like the philippine basketball league allows teams to have one nigger <@kongfuzi> called "imports" <@kongfuzi> I'll support abortions <@kongfuzi> otherwise <@kongfuzi> leave it to the states <@kongfuzi> how about genderqueer rights <@kongfuzi> or trans rights <@kongfuzi> we need to add constitutional amendments <@kongfuzi> for all 500million genders <@kongfuzi> hopefully this makes like 300mil niggers before said and done <@kongfuzi> that would be the best outcome <@kongfuzi> this whole country overran by niggers <@kongfuzi> yeah niggers will do that what did you expect? <@kongfuzi> I think I've reached my foil hit lifetime limit <@kongfuzi> one more foil hit and I'll have a tumor <@kongfuzi> used to do mad foil hits before <@kongfuzi> I don't have a crack pipe here <@kongfuzi> this is really good coke tho <@kongfuzi> sometimes my dealer (ex-gf) buys off this nigger who lives in this boarded up motel on Aurora <@kongfuzi> and he cuts it with baking soda <@kongfuzi> it's super fucking disgusting shit <@kongfuzi> but it was super cheap for me back then <@kongfuzi> they're both niggers <@kongfuzi> just made a nigger joke API <@kongfuzi> { <@kongfuzi> "time": "2022-06-29T21:55:43-07:00", <@kongfuzi> "nigger_joke": { <@kongfuzi> "question": "Why don't sharks eat niggers?", <@kongfuzi> "answer": "They think it's whale shit." <@kongfuzi> } <@kongfuzi> } <@kongfuzi> spaceniggers api about done <@kongfuzi> (base) ➜ aces_api git:(master) ✗ curl http://localhost:4567/spaceniggers/api/joke <@kongfuzi> { <@kongfuzi> "time": "2022-06-30T12:36:12-07:00", <@kongfuzi> "nigger_joke": { <@kongfuzi> "question": "What would you call the Flintstones if they were black?", <@kongfuzi> "answer": "Niggers." <@kongfuzi> } <@kongfuzi> curl to get your random nigger joke <@kongfuzi> is one of the best APIs <@kongfuzi> gonna have OpenAI write nigger jokes based on the dataset <@kongfuzi> and nigger songs, limericks, etc.. <@kongfuzi> curl <@kongfuzi> { <@kongfuzi> "time": "2022-06-30T16:57:58-07:00", <@kongfuzi> "nigger_joke": { <@kongfuzi> "question": "Why do niggers stink?", <@kongfuzi> "answer": "So blind people can hate them too." <@kongfuzi> } <@kongfuzi> }% <@kongfuzi> classic <@kongfuzi> you guys know avout the nigger jokes API? <@kongfuzi> What do Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles have in common? <@kongfuzi> they're both niggers <@kongfuzi> why do stevie wonder and ray charles can't read? <@kongfuzi> they're both niggers <@kongfuzi> Did you hear about Ku Klux Knieval? <@kongfuzi> He tried to jump 50 niggers with a steam roller. <@kongfuzi> LGBTQIA++ is object oriented faggotry <@kongfuzi> I don't want to be around whites unless fucking your women <@kongfuzi> I want asian only facilities <@kongfuzi> no whites, no spics, no niggers, no sandniggers, no street shitters <@kongfuzi> just orientals and southeast asians <@kongfuzi> can't wait to see aliens having anal sex <@kongfuzi> let's see if homosexuality is natural <@kongfuzi> if it's natrual we should be seeing faggots in other planets <@kongfuzi> the niggers of asia <@kongfuzi> Filipinos are the spics of Asia <@kongfuzi> jungle asians <@kongfuzi> cambodians, laotians, myanmar, hmong <@kongfuzi> those hmongs are real scumbags, I tell you <@kongfuzi> love watching perps get killed good <@kongfuzi> Raccoon: nigger demon leaving his nigger body? <@kongfuzi> Seconds later, Kavota can be seen lying on the pavement, before both officers attempt to administer first aid. Later in the video, Officer Sharlow says he shot Kavota two times in the chest during the attack. An ambulance arrives a short time later, after which the video ends. Kavota was later pronounced dead after being transported to Adirondack Medical Center. Both officers have been placed on <@kongfuzi> administrative leave during the investigation. No further information as to the findings of the investigation has been released. <@kongfuzi> ... and they lived happily ever after <@kongfuzi> like how vampires are allergic to silver <@kongfuzi> niggers are allergic to lead <@kongfuzi> faggot popped his fucking shoulder <@kongfuzi> fags are at it again <@kongfuzi> faggots gotta fag <@kongfuzi> the only time Aurora Snow should be opening her mouth is when she's taking a nutshot from a black guy <@kongfuzi> or sucking a giant nigger dick <@kongfuzi> can't blame him... he was groomed by leku the faggot <@kongfuzi> I'm going to fuck this blonde chick on my bed now <@kongfuzi> brb <@kongfuzi> but I was too young for California community college and they didn't tell my parents about placement tests <@kongfuzi> went to some lazy nigger school district with a black principal <@kongfuzi> school here was super easy compared to the Philippines <@kongfuzi> I was already above average in the Philippines and was usually in the top 1% of my class but the US high school education is a fucking joke <@kongfuzi> I think schools here are a joke <@kongfuzi> I knew people at my school who got held back <@kongfuzi> many kids got held back <@kongfuzi> I was held back on first grade because they thought I was a retard <@kongfuzi> because I couldn't read <@kongfuzi> couldn't make out the alphabet and they didn't know how horrible my eyesight was <@kongfuzi> until they started noticing when I watched the TV I would be a foot away from the CRT <@kongfuzi> I couldn't even read an eye chart so they had to put me under to find out my prescription glasses <@kongfuzi> +4.00 on both sides <@kongfuzi> as soon as I could read I accelerated my reading <@kongfuzi> was way ahead of everyone else <@kongfuzi> 1) used nigger slaves 2) outsourced 3) encrouaged your women to be whores so you could get laid easier without consequences <@kongfuzi> now you blame niggers and mexicans <@kongfuzi> 4) believed in Jew bible <@kongfuzi> imagine hating Jews but having your bible from Jewish thought <@kongfuzi> Put your mother in a straight jacket, you punk ass white boy! Come here and tell me that and I'll fuck you in the ass, you punk white boy. You faggot. You can't touch me, you're not man enough. I eat your asshole alive you bitch. <@kongfuzi> Fuck you you ho. Come say to my face and I fuck you for everybody. You bitch. Come on you bitch. You scared coward, you not man enough to fuck with me. You can't last two minutes in my world bitch. <@kongfuzi> Look at you, you scared now you ho. Scared like a little white pussy. Scared of the real man. I'll fuck you till you love me faggot. <@kongfuzi> kongfuzi sized niggers <@kongfuzi> leisrich: half nigger 'district' <@kongfuzi> the british religious nutjobs that came here? the failed irish potato farmers/sicilian gangsters? the captured black slaves? the mexican border jumpers? <@kongfuzi> Americans are the descendants of the people who failed in their home countries <@kongfuzi> niggers who got enslaved by the Arabs, the religious nutjobs from Britain <@kongfuzi> this is why we need to segregate faggots from the rest of society <@kongfuzi> it's not homophobia <@kongfuzi> it's HIVphobia <@kongfuzi> I'm not afraid of the faggot.. I'm afraid of the HIV that the faggot is carrying <@kongfuzi> fucking bug chaser <@kongfuzi> dude has wasting disease too <@kongfuzi> look at his photos <@kongfuzi> must weigh like 90lbs <@kongfuzi> for size reference that's a Chihuahua <@kongfuzi> look at the size of the chihuahua <@kongfuzi> compared to him <@kongfuzi> dude is like 90lbs <@kongfuzi> AIDS eating away at his bone and flesh <@kongfuzi> faggots are worse <@kongfuzi> niggers can't help themselves <@kongfuzi> faggotry is just a lack of self control <@kongfuzi> prove me wrong <@kongfuzi> imagine having no self control you wanna put your cock inside an AIDS ridden hole <@kongfuzi> faggotry is a choice <@kongfuzi> fuck those "scots" who wear kilts too <@kongfuzi> fucking faggots <@kongfuzi> imagine thinking being a scott is manly <@kongfuzi> fucking faggots <@kongfuzi> I'll tell that to any scotsman <@kongfuzi> to their face <@kongfuzi> we need to quarantine hist0ry <@kongfuzi> out of #Chases <@kongfuzi> before he spreads that shit <@kongfuzi> monkeypox/AIDS/faggotry <@kongfuzi> what's wrong with being a sponge or a nigger as long ass it can be the best sponge/best nigger it can be <@kongfuzi> if I were a nigger I'd play professional sports <@kongfuzi> kangfizzle <@kongfuzi> probably fuck white womens with my BBC <@kongfuzi> I will reach enlightenment through a different path <@kongfuzi> sup faggots, smoked crack with a state senator and sucked their dicks lately? <@kongfuzi> video of the former cop who got killed by niggers in a "hit and run 'acident'" <@kongfuzi> sup fags, suck any crack smoking state senators off lately? <@kongfuzi> ate a lb of grass ground beef (80/20 lean), 300gram grass fed ribeye, 85 grams of beef bone marrow <@kongfuzi> 16 oz coconut water, 4 rambutans <@kongfuzi> ounces are for faggots <@kongfuzi> niggers gonna nig, eefer <@kongfuzi> did you read about that cop that got killed riding his bike <@kongfuzi> by a nigger teenager who stole a car <@kongfuzi> and hit him on purpose <@kongfuzi> can't trust niggers <@kongfuzi> the niggers are just dark skinned japanese <@kongfuzi> I barely saw any niggers in the big island <@kongfuzi> sup faggots <@kongfuzi> suck any penises of crack smoking state senatorslately <@kongfuzi> wonder why Poland is in NATO <@kongfuzi> when they are anti-faggots <@kongfuzi> larsinio eats vegan foods to impress chicks in NYC <@kongfuzi> what a faggot <@kongfuzi> no wonder you're a faggot <@kongfuzi> plant protein powders + seed oils <@kongfuzi> oatmeal <@kongfuzi> more faggotry <@kongfuzi> my girlfriend almost got murdered <@kongfuzi> this nigger randomly targeted an asian couple <@kongfuzi> and my girlfriend was right in that intersection just a few minutes later <@kongfuzi> the nigger was targeting asians <@kongfuzi> she called me to say that there was a 'construction' <@kongfuzi> when it was a murder investigation/cleanup <@kongfuzi> if she had been there 20 minutes earlier <@kongfuzi> she would have been the one killed by that nigger <@kongfuzi> AOL had no-niggers chat rooms <@kongfuzi> you could ask the guides to kick them out <@kongfuzi> too many nigger shit now <@kongfuzi> sup fags <@kongfuzi> sucked off any crack smoking state senators lately? <@kongfuzi> blood coming out of her whatever <@kongfuzi> Obama is a crack smoking faggot <@kongfuzi> fuckin' faggots <@kongfuzi> LOL <@kongfuzi> why do we have to accept every single fucking degenerate <@kongfuzi> who you like and don't like and want to associate with or don't want to associate with is your own prerogative <@kongfuzi> they can be faggots <@kongfuzi> but leave that out of schools <@kongfuzi> if a straight guy does that to a student <@kongfuzi> he/she is gonna be sent to jail <@kongfuzi> yeah that's problematic <@kongfuzi> "teach the controversy" <@kongfuzi> why don't they also read mein kampf <@kongfuzi> the problem is faggots <@kongfuzi> faggots spread aids, vote democrats, groom children, lean communist <@kongfuzi> why do niggers act like niggers? <@kongfuzi> yard apes always resort to violence first <@kongfuzi> niggers hate fags <@k0ngfuzi> who cares about FBI? they're all faggots <@k0ngfuzi> panty wearers <@k0ngfuzi> niggers + laws of physics <@k0ngfuzi> so much gay drama in Biden's administration <@k0ngfuzi> that faggo lugguage thief <@k0ngfuzi> tranny secretary of HHS <@k0ngfuzi> faggots fucking in the US Senate offices <@kongfuzi> Damn. Faggots. <@kongfuzi> sup faggots? suck any cocks lately? <@kongfuzi> teklord was a fat nigger with sub 80 IQ <@kongfuzi> well mexicans who become citizens tend to vote conservative <@kongfuzi> because Catholics <@kongfuzi> they hate faggots <@kongfuzi> LOL @ snow niggers thinking living in snowland is sustainable without fossil fuels <@kongfuzi> I like to watch WeChat stories from China <@kongfuzi> they make fun of faggots <@kongfuzi> sup faggots? attend any Orbital shows lately? <@kongfuzi> sup faggots? had your gerbil extractions lately? <@ballsbot> [#1169] Nigger: I can't Breathe! Cop: That's the fucking point, nigger! <@ballsbot> [#2215] about to rape the options market like a nigger who just got out of prison <@kongfuzi> ?? why are you such a faggot? <@kongfuzi> ?? why are you such a faggot? <@kongfuzi> ?? You are a faggot. <@kongfuzi> ??? You are what they call a 'transgender' <@kongfuzi> ?? You are what they call a 'transgender' <@kongfuzi> ?? Shut up, tranny. <@kongfuzi> ?? I mean, Shut the fuck up, tranny. <@kongfuzi> ?? don't you have to go dilate your mancunt now, tranny? <@kongfuzi> ?? dick chopping tranny <@kongfuzi> ?? why do you think that young children should be taught about oral sex? <@kongfuzi> eggdrop was written by a faggot <@kongfuzi> Robey Pointer is a flamer <@kongfuzi> because Putin hates faggots and Barry is a faggot <@kongfuzi> failed potato farmers (ellis island snow niggers) <@kongfuzi> uneducated latinos (illegals + asylum recipients) <@kongfuzi> former cotton pickers (Obama's people) <@kongfuzi> fuck you faggots <@kongfuzi> sup faggots <@kongfuzi> ?? sucks for you then, you AIDS ridden faggot <@kongfuzi> ?? it's not derogatory, it's the truth. You are AIDS <@kongfuzi> ?? Artificial Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome AIDS <@kongfuzi> luldangs: faggots never survived during those times <@kongfuzi> nigger brain excuse <@kongfuzi> depicts big dicked niggers fucking non-black girls <@kongfuzi> fuck the FBI <@kongfuzi> Faggot Bureau of Instigation <@kongfuzi> little faggoty ass earth weather is what got em? <@kongfuzi> native hawiians look nigger-ish <@kongfuzi> ?? what is a Glow Nigger <@kongfuzi> TIL eefer is a glow nigger <@kongfuzi> Mercer5: faggots, grifters, deep state hacks, transexuals, and social media influencers? <@kongfuzi> what happened to this country? we used to make fun of the homosexuals <@kongfuzi> faggots now running government <@kongfuzi> like that Pete Bootyjudge <@kongfuzi> CIA Pete <@kongfuzi> a cool faggot <@kongfuzi> No republicans in DC <@kongfuzi> All niggers and gov grifters who love big gov <@kongfuzi> it's called OpenAI because it opens your mind to the possibilities of being a tranny faggot <@kongfuzi> pajeets, pedos, zionists, and faggots not welcome to chat here <@kongfuzi> I mean an indian calling a black man a nigger is like shitpot calling the kettle black <@kongfuzi> white men so bitter their white women would rather date a nigger that would beat them that be with a white guy <@kongfuzi> I knew a nigger who had a ferrari body kit on an MR2 <@kongfuzi> sup whites? lynch any niggers lately? <@kongfuzi> sup kikes? draw swastikas on synagogue doors to blame imaginary nazis lately?