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Name: Mohan Nandi 
Ethnicity: Indian
Country/Region: United Kingdom Birmingham
Friends: Former paedophile Harminder Brom https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/black-country/george-dixon-academy-deputy-head-26753958
Linked In: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/mohan-nandi-5b445b32
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mohan.nandi83/?hl=en
Date of birth: March 1983 

Mohan Nandi
Has been practicing the bhakti tradition since his early childhood and has taught at the College since its inception. Having obtained a Bhakti Sastri in 2012, he has
been focusing on sharing what he has learnt with others. Currently, he speaks in various circles from the corperate world, university students and the Vedic world.
Mohan is currently an Assistant Headteacher at an inner city secondary school. He leads several Faculties, focusing on career and curriculum development and improving teacher practice.
He sits on the Senior Leadership Team and the Diversity Committee for the School.
He is also one of the Directors of Ahimsa West Midlands. He holds a Masters degree in Education and Leadership and is married with a young son.
His interests include travelling, reading, running, hiking and football.

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Old home: 636 Pershore Road, Selly Park, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom, B29 7HG
* IP address:
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