                  .'` `'. ================================================================================================================================================================           
                 /    ,-.\     =           ||_ ```---..__     `-.reson: this guy loged in my gmail changed the passwordd loged in my discord changed messges ppl now ill trmatize him 
                /    /:::\\    =          /|//}          ``--._  `.doxxed by devils delight 
                |    |:::||    =         |////}                `-. \==================================================================================================================
                |    |:::||    =        //'///                    `.\                
                |    |:::||    =       //  ||'= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                      
                /    |:::|/    =   _,-//\  ||=   name: xhemail jashari                                 =   devices            
               /`    |:::|`-,__,-'`  |/  \ ||=  age: 15                                                =  s9                                     
             /`  |   |'' ||           \   |||=   discord name sleppydemon smth                         =  note 50                                          
           /`    \   |   ||            |  /||=   discord username termux owner                         =  his family has laptops but he dosent                                               
         |`       |  |   |)            \ | ||=   allies no fucking one harmless wana be hackeer skid   =  ======================================                                            
        |          \ |   /      ,.__    \| ||=    religion : islam                                     =  his socials are tiktok and youtbe he has discord snapchat whatsapp                                           
        /           `         /` =  `\   | ||=   skin color : white                                    =  more info below                                             
       |                     /   =    \  / ||=    cuntry kosovo                                        =                                             
       |                     |   =    | /  ||=    city vushtri                                         =                                              
       /         /           |   =    `(   ||=    village oshlan                                       =                                               
      /          .           /   =     ===============================================================================================================================================                                               
     |            \          |   =         ||=  games he plays roblox  and stupid mobile games           ===== hahahahahahahahhahhhhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahhaha                                      
    /             |          /   =         ||=  his hacking skills : pshishing thats it and i helped him  ==== hahahaahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhaahhahahahahahahah                                              
   |\            /          |    =         || --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                 
   \/`-._       |           /    =         ||= his socials
    //   `.    /`           |    =         ||=TIKTOK OLD : https://www.tiktok.com/@noname_xhema02?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
   //`.    `. |             \    =         ||=YOUTBE NEW : https://youtube.com/@sleepydemonn?si=XQqiJOnbDfi3dHV2
  ///\ `-._  )/             |    =         ||= SNAPCHAT OLD : XHEMA_02 NEW IDK 
 //// )   .(/               |    =         ||=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ||||   ,'` )               /    =         //========================================================================================== UPDATE COMING SONE
 ||||  /                    /  ==================================================================================================================================================================
 `\\` /`                    |    =  XHEMA //= | 
     |`                     \    =  IS   ||=  |
    /                        |   =  GAY //=  | 
  /`                          \  =      //=   |
/`                            |  =     ||=    |
|-.___,-. _ _ _ _ .-. _ _ ___,'  =     (/ ============================================================================================================================================================
XHEMAIL JASHARI SHOLD KHS║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║====================================================================================================                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ║|───────────────────────────────┤ [\] 01 [/] ├──────────────────────────────|║                         FACE PICTURES   
/////////////////////   ║|                               └────────────┘                              |║ 1)https://
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  ║|  xhemail jashari                                                          |║ 2)https
||||OOOO|||||||00000||   ║|                                                                           |║ 3) https://
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  ║|  xhemail is a 15 year old that participated in a romantic lesbian rela-
 \\\\\\\=======\\\\\\\  ║|  -tionship with a 27 year old. The age gap is crazy and is considered     |║ =======================================================================
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  ║|  pedophilia. Furthermore, he's also had death wishes for her me lol. and  |║ HIS BF  PICS HES GAY BTW
  DEVILS DELIGHT        ║|  hopes i got gets hurt. Has plans to get back with her to 'play' her.     |║ \5)\
                        ║|  Witness conversations indicate that xhmaili and her friends have...      |║ \6)\
                        ║|  gathered victim's nudes at the time she was 26 years old.                |║ \7)\
                        ║|                                                                           |║=======================================================================================================
                        ║|  According to the United States Federal law, it prohibits the production, |║
                        ║|  distribution, reception, and possession of an image of a naked minor.    |║
                        ║|  Specifically, 18 U.S. Code Section 2251 makes it illegal to persuade,    |║
                        ║|  induce, entice, or coerce a minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct |║
                        ║|  for purposes of producing visual depictions of that conduct.             |║                       
                        ║|  This includes making nude content public.                                 = ========================================================================
                        ║|                                                                           |║
                        ║|  This paste may eventually be updated to edit inaccurate or missing info. |║
                        ║|  We may also include newer reports down the line, for example credrepts.  |║
                        ║| and they have that of a 13 yr                                             |║
                        ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ============================================================================================================
good bye xhema you shold have not fucked around you know what they say fuck around and get hurt lil femboy aahhahah bhahahahahhahha                                                                                  

                                                  |        | ___\          /~~~| 
                                                 _:_______|/'(..)`\_______/  | | --Stay tuned for more doxxes..............
                                                <_|``````  \__~~__/       ___|_|
                                                  :\_____(=========,   ,--\__|_/
                                                  |       \       /---'
                                                            |     /
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