Full Name: Laniah emery fits Jerald 
Age: 16
Phone Number: (702)793-7923
Operating company number: 029F
Service Provider: ONVOY, LLC - NV
Assigned date: 11/19/2013
Line Type: Moblie
Country: USA
Address: 5880 Boulder Falls St, Henderson, NV 89011 Im in apartment 2066 
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Postal Code: 89011
Gender: Female
Race: Black 
Eye color: brown
Hair color: Black 
Date of birth: August 2
Citizenship: USA
Language: English
Timezone: PDT
Currency: USD
School: Thurman white middle school
                         HOUSE INFO
   5880 Boulder Falls St, Henderson, NV 89011 in apartment 2066                   
Mental Problems: Cuts her self 
Health Issues:bpd autism adhd

                     Social Information                 

VRC Name: cup`
IRL relationship Status:
Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/blxeberryiix (Blxeberryiix)
Discord: nyftyie
Discord ID: 803446836978909195
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199482887583
Naws SteamID
Vanity URL	not set
AccountID	1522621855 
SteamID	76561199482887583 
Steam2 ID	STEAM_1:1:761310927 
Steam3 ID	[U:1:1522621855] 
Invite URL	https://steamcommunity.com/user/hprc-htnw 
Invite URL (short)	https://s.team/p/hprc-htnw 
FiveM, HEX	steam:11000015ac15d9f 
Bans and restrictions
Game Bans	In Good Standing
VAC Bans	In Good Standing
Community Ban	In Good Standing
Trade Ban	In Good Standing
 Since 2019Hours per platform
Total	0h 0m
 Windows	0h 0m
 Linux	0h 0m
 MacOS	0h 0m
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31gn6acdhogrxq3u6fbrr4xvx44i
Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/2037470106/profile

                      IP Information                    
IP Address:
IP Type: IPV4
ISP: AS22773 Cox Communications Inc.
ASN Number: AS22773
Decimal: 1220653286
Hostname: ip72-193-176-230.lv.lv.cox.net
Proxie/VPN: NONE
                      Family & Friends                   
Additional Family Info
- Mom's Info
- Age: 32

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