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────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ➣➣➣ REASONS Exploiting the dead, Watching CP, Pedophilia, Doxing innocent people who don't like him also remade this cause cxr's dox is a little messy ABOUT ➣ "Plagued Moth" created his YT on February 4th, 2011 Due to strong interest in Gore, CP, and all around disgusting videos on the internet Dillan likes to call himself "Gore God" like a super edge lord will be updated with time + more info ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ NAME ➣ Dillan Matthew Morgan DOB ➣ 10/19/1994 AGE ➣ 29 SSN ➣ 408-77-XXXX LAST RECORDED IP ➣ / ADDRESS ➣ 4650 Sherry Ln Hixson, TN 37343 NUMBERs ➣ none found :( SOCIALS ➣ https://linktr.ee/plaguedmoth EMAILS ➣ dillan.morgan02@gmail.com, dillan955@gmail.com, dillan955@comcast.net Password ➣ "bringme115" ↳ "3b303dcdc5038efd205ebcf6939be8ae" ↳ "0325_NEXUSMODS_COM_6M_GAMING_2015.txt" Password ➣ "nagrom19" ↳ "410c88a73e345c81e084132ef49d329de05d3499" ↳ "0641_MYSPACE_COM_357M_SOCIAL_2008.txt" Password ➣ "bringme115" ↳ "736560e7ad6a01b3b5ff16977a63473cefe7230b" ↳ "1099_MYHERITAGE_COM_92M_EDU_102017.txt" Password ➣ "Dillan123" ↳ "$2a$10$jD2uXqEymadjvZ6WExiAsObIaiGvwqLQ0Cb1z9nebzgkvnmat7Bou" Court Case ➣ https://trellis.law/case/12081/2012dr006502ax/2012dr006502ax Password ➣ banana777 ↳ "5265efd719f7f52f056bb169b832df87" ↳ "0500_2844_DATABASES_218M_COMPILATION_2018" Note ➣ Dillan has a Hongfire account for hentai porn xd ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── NAME ➣ Laurie Ann Morgan ( MOTHER ) DOB ➣ 10/??/1958 AGE ➣ 64 SSN ➣ 362-48-4517 LAST RECORDED IP ➣ ADDRESS ➣ 15450 Garrison Ln Southgate, MI 48195 NUMBERs ➣ 248-249-2764, 239-573-9359 SOCIALS ➣ EMAILS ➣ morg185@yahoo.com, llichtner@yahoo.com Password ➣ ashley ↳ "$2a$10$d5Detg0a8QNaNcKkwzzQEePNrwfJNtRgSzmfhiqEyFCAeTu24jM5e" ↳ "1101_POSHMARK_COM_34M_MARKETPLACE_2018" Password ➣ ashley ↳ "e2e12f3dc31b61641aa344795f0fa13e0ca3a589" ↳ "1099_MYHERITAGE_COM_92M_EDU_102017" ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── NAME ➣ Ronald James Morgan ( FATHER ) DOB ➣ 12/??/1965 AGE ➣ 56 SSN ➣ Unknown LAST RECORDED IP ➣ ADDRESS ➣ 3540 Hartsell Rd Owendale, MI 48754 NUMBERs ➣ 586-565-0096, 586-727-2829 SOCIALS ➣ https://www.facebook.com/people/_/1826954929 EMAILS ➣ tlb640@aol.com, tlbm0215@hotmail.com Password ➣ katiebug1 ↳ "01261e0a23988737070a2628224919fa3a01a239" ↳ "1215_AVVO_COM_4M_STORE_2018" Password ➣ cheyenne77 ↳ "1891eb229eba5ca378e73a3ed0d9171d314716dd" ↳ "0641_MYSPACE_COM_357M_SOCIAL_2008" ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── NAME ➣ Andrea Dawn Morgan ( WIFE ) DOB ➣ 2/??/1986 AGE ➣ 36 SSN ➣ UNKNOWN LAST RECORDED IP ➣ ADDRESS ➣ 4650 Sherry Ln Hixson, TN 37343 NUMBERs ➣ 941-312-3304, 425-765-6337, 941-741-9611 SOCIALS ➣ https://www.facebook.com/andrea.johnson.988711/ EMAILS ➣ kittiekat1817r2@msn.com Password ➣ none found :( ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝