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Title:Racist guy by venzx and me
Created:May 17th, 2022
Created by: Killedakkkkkkkkkkkkk
Views: 371
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The building is 63 years old. The building is located on the parcel #33400536051. This is a one-storey house. The total size of the living area is 862 sqft. The land area is 6,429 sqft. The lot is 23 ft in width and 139 ft in depth. If the owner of the land decides to build a fence around it, its length will be 324 ft. This address is often written as 918 East Locust Strt, Laredo, TX 78040-2029. The ZIP code for this address is 78040 and the postal code suffix is 2029. The neighborhood is called Eastern Division. Latitude and longitude for the address: 27.525312,-99.486853. ZIP code 78040 (Laredo) average rent price for two bedrooms is $830 per month. The property is in Webb County, where tenants pay $915 a month for two bedrooms, according to HUD FMR data. Charter Communications Inc is the fastest internet provider available at this address. Cable Modem-DOCSIS 3.1 is a technology used by the ISP to provide connectivity. It provides clients with 940 mbit/s download speed and 35 mbit/s upload speed, FCC report shows Property Type Single Family Build Year 1959 Parcel # 33400536051 # of Floors 1 Total Living Area 862 sqft Lot Dimension Depth: 139 ft Width: 23 ft Land Sq. Footage 6,429 sqft Sales and Prices in the Neighborhood in Recent Years This chart shows the number of sales, minimum, maximum and average prices. The data is based on a study of information about the nearest 1,500 houses 2009 2012 2014 2016 2017 2018 Price, $ 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 Sales number min avg max sales 0 1 2 3 4 Min price: $0 Avg price: $0 Max price: $0 Date: 2018 Number of sales: 2 Floor Size Analysis The graph allows you to compare the floor size with 1000 of the nearest properties 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 sqft 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 #Households Current floor size: 862 sqft Land Sq. Footage 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 sqft 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 #Households Current lot size: 6,429 sqft ZIP Code 78040 Rent Values in Mar 2022 Fair market rent values for properties in the 78040 according to the HUD data Year 0 Bedrooms 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms 2022 $670 $670 $830 $1,080 $1,220 2021 $640 $640 $800 $1,050 $1,180 2020 $610 $610 $780 $1,020 $1,180 2019 $600 $610 $770 $1,020 $1,170 2018 $540 $580 $730 $970 $1,110 2017 $500 $530 $680 $900 $1,030 2016 $480 $520 $660 $870 $1,000 2015 $500 $540 $680 $890 $920 2014 $500 $540 $680 $890 $920 2013 $470 $510 $640 $840 $870 2012 $440 $480 $580 $760 $990 The graph shows how the Fair Rent Value changes over time 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Price, $ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 0 Bedrooms 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms Webb County Rent Values in Mar 2022 Below are fair market rent values established by the HUD for Webb County Year 0 Bedrooms 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms 2022 $756 $760 $942 $1,222 $1,349 2021 $730 $735 $915 $1,199 $1,351 2020 $683 $687 $862 $1,132 $1,293 2019 $664 $676 $857 $1,130 $1,307 2018 $583 $622 $788 $1,040 $1,196 2017 $598 $639 $815 $1,078 $1,235 2016 $539 $585 $756 $996 $1,109 2015 $573 $618 $777 $1,021 $1,057 2014 $573 $618 $777 $1,021 $1,057 2013 $543 $586 $736 $967 $1,001 2012 $531 $582 $696 $910 $1,192 2011 $514 $563 $674 $881 $1,154 2010 $510 $558 $668 $873 $1,144 2009 $498 $546 $653 $853 $1,118 2008 $475 $521 $623 $814 $1,067 2007 $437 $479 $573 $749 $981 2006 $420 $461 $551 $720 $943 Fair Rent Values in Webb County, 2012 - 2022 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Price, $ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400 0 Bedrooms 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms Internet Service Providers (ISP) A list of providers that may offer Internet access in this area, according to the FCC reports. The data is hyperlocal, because the area is defined by FIPS 484790009032027 Provider Name Technology Downstream Speed Upstream Speed Charter Communications Inc Charter Communications, Inc Cable Modem-DOCSIS 3.1 940 mbps* 35 mbps Autophone of Laredo B&B Communications, LTD Terrestrial Fixed Wireless 60 mbps 20 mbps Viasat Inc Viasat, Inc Satellite 35 mbps 3 mbps Hughesnet Hns License Sub, LLC Satellite 25 mbps 3 mbps Skycasters Vsat Systems, LLC Satellite 2 mbps 1.300 mbps At&T Southwest Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, L P ADSL2 1.500 mbps 0.384 mbps At&T Southwest Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, L P Asymetrical xDSL 1.500 mbps 0.128 mbps *mbps — megabits per second. 1mbit = 125 kilobytes Neighbors' Age Distribution The graph shows the distribution of age groups in the neighborhood based on data for the 500 households located nearby 45-65 YEARS Main Age Group 42% 43.26% 56.74% 18-25 years 1.8% 25-35 years 9.6% 35-45 years 13.6% 45-65 years 42% 65-90 years 32.9% Neighbors Education (based on FIPS data) 23 46 70 93 116 No schooling completed Nursery to 4th grade 5th and 6th grade 7th and 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade, no diploma High school graduate (includes equivalency) Some college, less than 1 year Some college, 1 or more years, no degree Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Professional school degree Doctorate degree Female Male Veterans in Community Total Veteran: 28 Male: 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 10 3 18 to 34 years 35 to 54 years 55 to 64 years 65 to 74 years 75 years and over Period of military service for veterans Total: 28 13 15 Vietnam Era, no Korean War, no World War II Between Gulf War and Vietnam Era only Housing 440 Number of housing units 403 Occupied 37 Vacant 253 Renter occupied 150 Owner occupied 306 (70%) 65 (15%) 25 (6%) 13 (3%) 440 UNITS IN STRUCTURE 1, Detached Unit - 306 1, Attached Unit - 9 2 Units - 10 3 Or 4 Units - 9 5 To 9 Units - 65 10 To 19 Unit - 25 20 To 49 Units - 0 50 Or More Units - 13 Mobile Home Units - 3 Boat, Rv, Van, Etc. Units - 0 7 (5%) 26 (17%) 18 (12%) 41 (27%) 19 (13%) 11 (7%) 14 (9%) 11 (7%) 150 UNITS OWNER OCCUPIED Less than $10,000 - 0 $10,000 to $39,999 - 0 $40,000 to $49,999 - 7 $50,000 to $59,999 - 26 $60,000 to $69,999 - 0 $70,000 to $79,999 - 18 $80,000 to $89,999 - 41 $90,000 to $99,999 - 19 $100,000 to $124,999 - 11 $125,000 to $149,999 - 14 $150,000 to $174,999 - 11 $175,000 to $199,999 - 3 $200,000 to $2,000,000 - 0 $2,000,000 or more - 0 Economics 81 (20%) 11 (3%) 17 (4%) 28 (7%) 57 (14%) 21 (5%) 28 (7%) 85 (21%) 43 (11%) 403 UNITS HOUSEHOLD INCOME Less than $10,000 - 81 $10,000 to $14,999 - 11 $15,000 to $19,999 - 0 $20,000 to $24,999 - 17 $25,000 to $29,999 - 28 $30,000 to $34,999 - 57 $35,000 to $39,999 - 21 $40,000 to $44,999 - 7 $45,000 to $49,999 - 5 $50,000 to $59,999 - 28 $60,000 to $74,999 - 7 $75,000 to $99,999 - 85 $100,000 to $124,999 - 43 $125,000 to $149,999 - 4 $150,000 to $199,999 - 0 $200,000 or more - 9 Demographics Median age 82927.6 1,563 28.0 73428.3 Population by age range 22 44 67 89 111 Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years 15 to 17 years 18 and 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 39 years 40 to 44 years 45 to 49 years 50 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 and 61 years 62 to 64 years 65 and 66 years 67 to 69 years 70 to 74 years 75 to 79 years 80 to 84 years 85 years and over Female Male Race and ethnicity Total: 1,563 6 Hispanic or Latino: 1,557 6 1,516 41 Not Hispanic or Latino: Black or African American alone Hispanic or Latino: White alone Hispanic or Latino: Some other race alone Families Type by household Total: 403 Family households: 275 Nonfamily households: 128 187 9 79 128 Family households: Married-couple family Family households: Other family: Male householder, no spouse present Family households: Other family: Female householder, no spouse present Nonfamily households: Householder living alone Type by population Total: 1,563 In family households: 1,435 128 128 960 44 388 43 In nonfamily households In family households: In married-couple family: Relatives In family households: In male householder, no spouse present, family: Relatives In family households: In female householder, no spouse present, family: Relatives In family households: In female householder, no spouse present, family: Nonrelatives Marital status Total: 1,061 Female: 535 Male: 526 210 201 38 15 42 29 215 225 26 44 5 11 Never married Married, spouse present Married, spouse absent: Separated Married, spouse absent: Other Widowed Divorced Address Geographic Information Latitude 27.525312 Longitude -99.486853 DMS Latitude 27° 31′ 31.1232″ N DMS Longitude 99° 29′ 12.6708″ W UTM Easting 451922.92858927 UTM Northing 3044714.9565546 UTM Zone 14R Address FIPS Code 484790009032027 State FIPS Code 48 County FIPS Code 48479 Census Tract Code 48479000903 Census Block Group Code 484790009032 Walkability Rating Laredo in a Nutshell Please see our full analysis of Laredo here 248,855 Population 26.79% Poverty 37.60% Share of Renter-Occupied Housing $112,400 Median Property Value $39,711 Median Household Income Search my Location View information about the place where you are now. This feature is based on HTML5 technologies and requires your consent. Please allow this website to access your current location to show you information about your address. See Also 920 East Locust Street Four names, including Gregorio Garza and Susie Resendez, are listed in the historical residence records. 33400536050 is the parcel's ID. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. It was constructed in 1962. The floor size is 938 sqft 916 East Locust Street Daniel P Perez was one of the previous tenants at this address. 33400536061 is the parcel number. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. The property has one unit. The floor size is 548 sqft. Info on parking: carport 3206 Hendricks Avenue Four names, including Jose L Bustamante and Rolando David Bustamante, are listed in the historical residence records 906 East Locust Street Cynthia Ortiz, Jose Ortiz and one other resident. Three names, including Ramiro Serna and Faustina Alvarez Martinez, are listed in the historical residence records 908 East Locust Street Javier Vasquez is a resident. Ana Laura Vela was one of the previous tenants at this address 917 East Elm Street Alicia Flores, Dora Flores and three other residents. Jamie M Flores was one of the previous tenants at this address. 33400536030 is the parcel number. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. It was built in 1958. The floor size is 1,008 sqft 915 East Locust Street Basilisa Lopez, and three other residents. Three names, including Adan Arce and Arturo J Arce, are listed in the historical residence records. 33400537031 is the parcel number. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. It was built in 1963. The home has bedroom. The floor size is 1,216 sqft. Parking features: carport, 1 space 3198 Hendricks Avenue Daniela Romula Navarro was one of the previous tenants at this address 919 East Elm Street Ester C Tovar and Jacobo F Tovar are residents. Eight names, including Adriana Castillo and Maria Hernandez, are listed in the historical residence records 907 East Elm Street Socorro Gonzalez and Jeanne Tapia are residents. Norma I Gonzalez and Gerardo Gonzalez were the previous tenants at this address. Parcel ID is 33400536031. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. It was built 22 years ago. The floor size is 1,080 sqft 1002 East Locust Street Lee F Atkinson, Mara Atkinson and four other residents. Six names, including Robert A Guzman and Aurora Joffe, are listed in the historical residence records. Parcel ID is 33500580120. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. It was built 65 years ago. The home has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The floor size is 1,652 sqft 904 East Locust Street Mario L Ortiz, Mary Ortiz and one other resident. Four names, including Alfonso Tamez and Maria Perez, are listed in the historical residence records. Parcel number is 33400536081. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. The floor size is 858 sqft. Info on parking: carport, 2 spaces 917 East Locust Street Francine Davila, Esmeralda Galicia and one other resident. Nine names, including Maria I Deavila and Francisca G Davila, are listed in the historical residence records. Parcel number is 33400537040. A single family home is located on a lot of 7,074 sqft. It has one unit. The floor size is 592 sqft 905 East Elm Street Gerardo Garcia, Alfredo A Liendo and one other resident. 33400536020 is the parcel number. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. It was built in 1999. The property has one unit. The floor size is 1,393 sqft. Parking features: attached garage, 260 sqft garage. Margarita Liendo linked to this address via UCC filing 3118 Hendricks Avenue David L Navarro was one of the previous tenants at this address 903 East Elm Street Ernesto Corona was one of the previous tenants at this address. Parcel ID is 33400536010. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. It was built 48 years ago. The floor size is 1,678 sqft. Info on parking: carport, 1 space 1004 East Locust Street Edith Chavez, Joseleen Chavez and one other resident. Seven names, including Edmundo Chavez and Marissa Garcia, are listed in the historical residence records. 33500580110 is the parcel's ID. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. It was constructed in 1988. The floor size is 1,152 sqft. Parking features: attached garage, 1 space, 288 sqft garage. Edmundo Chavez linked to this address via UCC filing 3207 Hendricks Avenue Ramiro Gonzalez and R Ramiro are residents 907 East Locust Street Adela Lira and Aurora Ramirez are residents. Roberto Gonzalez was one of the previous tenants at this address. 33400537020 is the parcel's ID. A single family home is located on a lot of 6,429 sqft. It was constructed in 1969. It has one unit. The floor size is 1,272 sqft. Parking features: carport 3116 Hendricks Avenue Gloria A Hinojosa and Roberto Hinojosa are residents. Six names, including Ana L Gali and Jose Hinojosa, are listed in the historical residence records. 33400537041 is the parcel number. A single family home is located on a lot of 5,741 sqft. It was built in 1997. The property has one unit. The floor size is 2,266 sqft. Info on parking: attached garage, 400 sqft garage ███████╗░█████╗░███╗░░░███╗██╗██╗░░░░░██╗░░░██╗ ██████╗░██╗░░░██╗███╗░░░███╗██████╗░ ██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗░████║██║██║░░░░░╚██╗░██╔╝ ██╔══██╗██║░░░██║████╗░████║██╔══██╗ █████╗░░███████║██╔████╔██║██║██║░░░░░░╚████╔╝░ ██║░░██║██║░░░██║██╔████╔██║██████╔╝ ██╔══╝░░██╔══██║██║╚██╔╝██║██║██║░░░░░░░╚██╔╝░░ ██║░░██║██║░░░██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔═══╝░ ██║░░░░░██║░░██║██║░╚═╝░██║██║███████╗░░░██║░░░ ██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║░╚═╝░██║██║░░░░░ ╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚═╝╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░ ╚═════╝░░╚═════╝░╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚═╝░░░░░ Maria Botello Laredo, age 78, female VIEW PUBLIC RECORD RESULTS✓ Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupation Graduate or professional degree Education Addresses + − Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors Marker Address Rent ? A 918 E Locust St, Laredo, TX 78040 $830 Search More About This Person Ads by BeenVerified Personal Information Full Name, Age, Job and Education Records Contact Information Phone Number, Email and Address History Family Data Relatives, Associates, Neighbors Possible Criminal & Traffic Records Publicly Available Info Photos & Social Media View Social Media Profiles & Photos in One Place Possible Owned Assets Estimated values of property, vehicles, aircraft and watercraft Quick Facts Education level was listed as Graduate or professional degree. Current occupation is listed as Executive, Administrative, and Managerial. She is in her seventies. Her age is 78. Maria lives at 918 East Locust Strt, Laredo, TX 78040-2029. Six persons linked to this address. Their names are Lydia Botello, Pedro Botello, and four others. She uses the phone numbers (956) 454-3881 (Sprint Spectrum LP), (956) 718-2468 (Southwestern BellSprint Spectrum LP). Various documents link the phone number (956) 454-3881 to different owners — Christine Wylie, Lydia Botello, Mtisha Michelle Wylie. There is a chance that the phone number (956) 718-2468 is shared by Pedro Botello, Lydia Botello. Renting a two bedroom apartment in the zip code 78040 may cost you $830 per month, PD&R says. The popularity rank for the name Maria was 108 in the US in 2020, the Social Security Administration's data shows Ads by BeenVerified Background Search: Maria Botello Search for Criminal & Traffic Records, Bankruptcies, Assets, Associates, & more Maria Botello Phone Numbers (956) 454-3881 Cellphone by Sprint Spectrum LP, three persons associated (956) 718-2468 Landline phone by Southwestern Bell, two persons associated Ads by BeenVerified Background Report Click here to view details Persons Associated with Address 918 E Locust St Lydia Botello Age 58 (956) 454-3881 Pedro Botello Age 78 (956) 718-2468 Javier Escobedo Age 57 Miguel A Escobedo Age 61 Francisco J Sosa JR Age 41 Persons Associated with Phone (956) 454-3881 Christine Wylie Age 41 1114 E Monroe Ave, Harlingen Lydia Botello Age 58 918 E Locust St, Laredo Mtisha Michelle Wylie Age 40 1117 S D St, Harlingen Persons Associated with Phone (956) 718-2468 Pedro Botello Age 78 918 E Locust St, Laredo Lydia Botello Age 58 918 E Locust St, Laredo Persons With the Same Name Maria Botello Age 53 7515 E Moonridge Ln, Anaheim Maria Botello 6905 Weston Pl NW, Albuquerque Maria D Botello Age 43 509 Eldora Rd, Alamo Maria M Botello 708 Westmont Dr, Alhambra Maria T Botello Age 59 435 Red Coat Ln, Arlington Maria Botello Age ~42 2852 Riesling St SW, Albuquerque FAQ About Maria Botello What is Maria Botello's education? Education level was listed as Graduate or professional degree What is their occupation? Executive, Administrative, and Managerial. Where does Maria Botello reside? Current address for Maria is 918 East Locust Strt, Laredo, TX 78040-2029. Who are the residents at 918 East Locust Street Laredo, in addition to Maria Botello? This address is also associated with the names of Lydia Botello, Pedro Botello, and four other individuals. Is there a way to contact Maria Botello by phone? The phone numbers (956) 454-3881 (Sprint Spectrum LP), (956) 718-2468 (Southwestern BellSprint Spectrum LP) belong to Maria. How to Search and Find Maria Botello The population of the US is 329,484,123 people (estimated 2020). There are at least 317 records for Maria Botello in our database alone. People with the same last name and sometimes even full name can become a real headache to search — for example, Linda Weber is found in our records 686 times. Alter Names The same person can appear under different names in public records. Quite often, people use short versions of their name (i.e. Tiff vs. Tiffany), sometimes they use their name’s international variations (Nicholas/Mykola). It is quite rare but still happens that a person can be found being listed under a completely different name. Alter Name * Full Name Persons Count ? Share ? M M Botello 4 24.04% Marie Marie Botello 11 10.84% Mary Mary Botello 52 10.42% Mario Mario Botello 45 3.65% Ma Ma Botello 1 3.07% Martha Martha Botello 56 3.05% Carmen Carmen Botello 17 2.25% Guadalupe Guadalupe Botello 46 2.02% Marta Marta Botello 3 1.81% Marla Marla Botello 1 1.81% Margarita Margarita Botello 14 1.69% Martin Martin Botello 31 1.63% Mark Mark Botello 14 1.59% Ana Ana Botello 35 1.5% Anna Anna Botello 16 1.49% Teresa Teresa Botello 31 1.44% Michael Michael Botello 43 1.4% * Other possible variations for this name: Mari, Mariaa, Marian, Mariai, Mariaelena. Last Name Possible Variations Foreign surnames can be transliterated and even translated (e.g. Smith vs. Smit). Sometimes names in public records are misspelled due to silly typos and OCR errors. For example, Jorgenson could be listed as Gorgenson. Make sure to check as many variants as possible. Alter Last Name Full Name Persons Count ? Share ? Garcia Maria Garcia 21,760 7.41% Bottello Maria Bottello 2 6.58% Botelho Maria Botelho 176 6.58% Botella Maria Botella 2 6.58% Rodriguez Maria Rodriguez 21,565 5.95% Hernandez Maria Hernandez 19,346 5.01% Martinez Maria Martinez 18,711 4.59% Botell Maria Botell 1 4.18% Lopez Maria Lopez 16,545 4.18% Perez Maria Perez 13,383 3.76% Gonzalez Maria Gonzalez 18,246 3.55% Ramirez Maria Ramirez 11,297 3.55% Otello Maria Otello 1 2.92% Batello Maria Batello 1 2.82% Sanchez Maria Sanchez 10,573 2.71% Gonzales Maria Gonzales 2,618 2.51% Cruz Maria Cruz 6,584 2.51% Castillo Maria Castillo 4,109 2.19% Sotelo Maria Sotelo 447 2.19% Gutierrez Maria Gutierrez 6,446 2.09% This surname is found in public records in various versions, some of which are Botelo, Botello botello, Dotello, Votello, Betello Check County Records Counties publish data that may contain information about people. Make sure to check Webb county records Check Facebook Maria Botello can be found on facebook https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Maria+Botello&epa=SEARCH_BOX. If this link does not work for you, you can also use FB directory https://www.facebook.com/directory/people/. Note, Facebook may ask you to prove you're not a bot - just solve CAPTCHA. LinkedIn Use this link https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/people/?keywords=Maria+Botelloto search employment history Check Classmate You can find school buddies by browsing Classmates.com yearbooks https://www.classmates.com/siteui/search/results?q=Maria+Botello&searchType=all ZIP Code 78040 Rent Values Maria lives in the 78040. HUD has the following fair market rent values (mar 2022): Year 0 Bedrooms 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms 2022 $670 $670 $830 $1,080 $1,220 2021 $640 $640 $800 $1,050 $1,180 2020 $610 $610 $780 $1,020 $1,180 2019 $600 $610 $770 $1,020 $1,170 2018 $540 $580 $730 $970 $1,110 2017 $500 $530 $680 $900 $1,030 2016 $480 $520 $660 $870 $1,000 2015 $500 $540 $680 $890 $920 2014 $500 $540 $680 $890 $920 2013 $470 $510 $640 $840 $870 2012 $440 $480 $580 $760 $990 Neighbors 920 E Locust St Nancy Trevino 3206 Hendricks Ave Iris Ramos 906 E Locust St Cynthia Ortiz, Jose Ortiz, Julia S Ortiz ads by BeenVerified Search Maria Botello's public records online. Run a background search to uncover their phone number, address, social photos, emails and more. View Details 908 E Locust St Javier Vasquez 917 E Elm St Alicia Flores, Dora Flores, Francisco Flores, Heriberto Flores, Heriverto Flores 915 E Locust St Conrado P Arce, Jose Cegueda, Lucila Cegueda, Basilisa Lopez, Maria Lopez 919 E Elm St Ester C Tovar, Jacobo F Tovar 907 E Elm St Socorro Gonzalez, Jeanne Tapia 1002 E Locust St Lee F Atkinson, Mara Atkinson, Daniel Guzman, Maria E Guzman, Melchor Guzman, Michael Guzman 904 E Locust St Mario L Ortiz, Mary Ortiz, Ramona Esperanza OrtizY Lydia Botello Laredo, age 58, female VIEW PUBLIC RECORD RESULTS✓ High school graduate Education Addresses + − Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors Marker Address Rent ? A 918 E Locust St, Laredo, TX 78040 $830 Search More About This Person Ads by BeenVerified Personal Information Full Name, Age, Job and Education Records Contact Information Phone Number, Email and Address History Family Data Relatives, Associates, Neighbors Possible Criminal & Traffic Records Publicly Available Info Photos & Social Media View Social Media Profiles & Photos in One Place Possible Owned Assets Estimated values of property, vehicles, aircraft and watercraft Quick Facts Lydia is a high school graduate. 30-11-1963 is the birth date of Lydia. Her age is 58. Lydia lives at 918 East Locust Strt, Laredo, TX 78040-2029. We assume that Maria Botello and Pedro Botello were among six dwellers or residents at this place. She can be reached by phone at (956) 454-3881 (Sprint Spectrum LP), (956) 718-2468 (Southwestern BellSprint Spectrum LP). The phone number (956) 454-3881 is also used by Christine Wylie, Maria Botello, Mtisha Michelle Wylie. Public records show that the phone number (956) 718-2468 is linked to Pedro Botello, Maria Botello. The expected price of renting a two bedrooms in the 78040 zip code is $830/month. The popularity rank for the name Lydia was 95 in the US in 2020, the Social Security Administration's data shows Ads by BeenVerified Background Search: Lydia Botello Search for Criminal & Traffic Records, Bankruptcies, Assets, Associates, & more Lydia Botello Phone Numbers (956) 454-3881 Cellphone by Sprint Spectrum LP, three persons associated (956) 718-2468 Landline phone by Southwestern Bell, two persons associated (979) 549-9420 Landline phone by Southwestern Bell, one person associated Ads by BeenVerified Background Report Click here to view details Persons Associated with Address 918 E Locust St Maria Botello Age ~78 (956) 454-3881 Pedro Botello Age 78 (956) 718-2468 Javier Escobedo Age 57 Miguel A Escobedo Age 61 Francisco J Sosa JR Age 41 Persons Associated with Phone (956) 454-3881 Christine Wylie Age 41 1114 E Monroe Ave, Harlingen Maria Botello Age ~78 918 E Locust St, Laredo Mtisha Michelle Wylie Age 40 1117 S D St, Harlingen Persons Associated with Phone (956) 718-2468 Pedro Botello Age 78 918 E Locust St, Laredo Maria Botello Age ~78 918 E Locust St, Laredo Persons Associated with Phone (979) 549-9420 Minh T Nguyen Age 78 2341 County Rd 220, Angleton Persons With the Same Name Lydia Botello Age 63 2912 Green Rd, Loganville Lydia Botello 116 Palencia Ave, Laredo Lydia Botello 357 E Corporate Dr, Lewisville Lydia Botello Age 45 2012 Mallard Dr, Lewisville Lydia Botello 11440 McCree Rd, Dallas Lydia Botello 512 S Carroll Blvd, Denton FAQ About Lydia Botello When was Lydia Botello born? Lydia Botello is 58. She was born on Nov 30, 1963. What is Lydia Botello's education level? Lydia Botello is a high school graduate What is the most recent address for Lydia Botello? Lydia lives at 918 East Locust Strt, Laredo, TX 78040-2029. Who are the residents at 918 East Locust Street Laredo, in addition to Lydia Botello? We know that Maria Botello, Pedro Botello, and four other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. Is there a way to contact Lydia Botello by phone? (956) 454-3881 (Sprint Spectrum LP), (956) 718-2468 (Southwestern BellSprint Spectrum LP) are the phone numbers for Lydia. How to Search and Find Lydia Botello The population of the US is 329,484,123 people (estimated 2020). There are at least 8 records for Lydia Botello in our database alone. People with the same last name and sometimes even full name can become a real headache to search — for example, Mary Lamb is found in our records 703 times. Alter Names The same person can appear under different names in public records. Quite often, people use short versions of their name (i.e. Rosie vs. Rosemary), sometimes they use their name’s international variations (Jeffrey/Godtfred). It is quite rare but still happens that a person can be found being listed under a completely different name. Alter Name * Full Name Persons Count ? Share ? Lidia Lidia Botello 5 34.48% L L Botello 1 29.26% Linda Linda Botello 20 6.06% Maria Maria Botello 317 1.65% Lisa Lisa Botello 25 0.91% Olga Olga Botello 12 0.77% Lilia Lilia Botello 5 0.77% Luis Luis Botello 53 0.71% * Other possible variations for this name: Lyndia, Lynda, Lidya, Lydiae, Lydi, Lyda, Ludia, Lydiaa, Lida. Last Name Possible Variations Foreign surnames can be transliterated and even translated (e.g. Martinson vs. Martinez). Sometimes names in public records are misspelled due to silly typos and OCR errors. For example, Billingsley could be l Pedro Botello Laredo, age 78, male VIEW PUBLIC RECORD RESULTS✓ Addresses + − Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors Marker Address Rent ? A 918 E Locust St, Laredo, TX 78040 $830 Search More About This Person Ads by BeenVerified Personal Information Full Name, Age, Job and Education Records Contact Information Phone Number, Email and Address History Family Data Relatives, Associates, Neighbors Possible Criminal & Traffic Records Publicly Available Info Photos & Social Media View Social Media Profiles & Photos in One Place Possible Owned Assets Estimated values of property, vehicles, aircraft and watercraft Quick Facts The birth date was listed as 1943-07-31. His age is 78. Pedro lives at 918 East Locust Strt, Laredo, TX 78040-2029. This address is also associated with the names of Lydia Botello, Maria Botello, and four other individuals. The phone number (956) 718-2468 belongs to he. There is a chance that the phone number (956) 718-2468 is shared by Lydia Botello, Maria Botello. It costs $830 per month to rent two bedrooms in the zip code 78040, according to HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research. The popularity rank for the name Pedro was 407 in the US in 2020, the Social Security Administration's data shows Ads by BeenVerified Background Search: Pedro Botello Search for Criminal & Traffic Records, Bankruptcies, Assets, Associates, & more Pedro Botello Phone Number (956) 718-2468 Landline phone by Southwestern Bell, two persons associated Ads by BeenVerified Background Report Click here to view details Persons Associated with Address 918 E Locust St Lydia Botello Age 58 (956) 454-3881 Maria Botello Age ~78 (956) 454-3881 Javier Escobedo Age 57 Miguel A Escobedo Age 61 Francisco J Sosa JR Age 41 Persons Associated with Phone (956) 718-2468 Lydia Botello Age 58 918 E Locust St, Laredo Maria Botello Age ~78 918 E Locust St, Laredo Persons With the Same Name Pedro Botello Age 73 209 San Fidel Ave, Avocado Heights Pedro Botello 519 E 2nd St, Calexico Pedro Botello 30 S Lashley Ln, Boulder Pedro N Botello Age 80 253 San Eugenio St, Brownsville Pedro Botello Age 26 3425 Granada Dr, Baton Rouge Pedro Botello 14307 Vandever St, Austin FAQ About Pedro Botello What is Pedro Botello age? Pedro Botello is 78. He was born on Jul 31, 1943. What's the current address of Pedro Botello? The residential address for Pedro is 918 East Locust Strt, Laredo, TX 78040-2029. Does 918 East Locust Street Laredo have any other residents besides Pedro Botello? Lydia Botello, Maria Botello, and four other persons spent some time in this place. What is Pedro Botello's contact number? (956) 718-2468 is his phone number. How to Search and Find Pedro Botello The population of the US is 329,484,123 people (estimated 2020). There are at least 47 records for Pedro Botello in our database alone. People with the same last name and sometimes even full name can become a real headache to search — for example, George Meyer is found in our records 681 times. Alter Names The same person can appear under different names in public records. Quite often, people use short versions of their name (i.e. Mal vs. Malcolm), sometimes they use their name’s international variations (Matthew/Mattéo). It is quite rare but still happens that a person can be found being listed under a completely different name. Alter Name * Full Name Persons Count ? Share ? Pete Pete Botello 4 22.84% Peter Peter Botello 7 21.91% P P Botello 4 17.03% Jose Jose Botello 291 2.03% Maria Maria Botello 317 1.93% Pablo Pablo Botello 20 1.63% Patricia Patricia Botello 56 1.26% Juan Juan Botello 151 1.03% Paul Paul Botello 16 0.95% Antonio Antonio Botello 58 0.85% * Other possible variations for this name: Pedroa, Pedr, Perdo, Padro, Perdro, Pedroe, Redro. Last Name Possible Variations Foreign surnames can be transliterated and even translated (e.g. Newman vs. Nowak). Sometimes names in public records are misspelled due to silly typos and OCR errors. For example, Lefeure could be listed as Lefebre. Make sure to check as many variants as possible. Alter Last Name Full Name Persons Count ? Share ? Garcia Pedro Garcia 3,456 7.41% Botelho Pedro Botelho 8 6.58% Botella Pedro Botella 1 6.58% Rodriguez Pedro Rodriguez 3,644 5.95% Hernandez Pedro Hernandez 3,117 5.01% Martinez Pedro Martinez 2,981 4.59% Lopez Pedro Lopez 2,540 4.18% Perez Pedro Perez 2,457 3.76% Gonzalez Pedro Gonzalez 2,823 3.55% Ramirez Pedro Ramirez 1,575 3.55% Sanchez Pedro Sanchez 1,628 2.71% Gonzales Pedro Gonzales 564 2.51% Cruz Pedro Cruz 1,311 2.51% Castillo Pedro Castillo 583 2.19% Sotelo Pedro Sotelo 56 2.19% Gutierrez Pedro Gutierrez 861 2.09% This surname is found in public records in various versions, some of which are Bottello, Botelo, Botell, Botello botello, Dotello, Otello, Batello, Votello, Betello Check County Records Counties publish data that may contain information about people. Make sure to check Webb county records Check Facebook Pedro Botello can be found on facebook https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Pedro+Botello&epa=SEARCH_BOX. If this link does not work for you, you can also use FB directory https://www.facebook.com/directory/people/. Note, Facebook may ask you to prove you're not a bot - just solve CAPTCHA. LinkedIn Use this link https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/people/?keywords=Pedro+Botelloto search employment history Check Classmate You can find school friends by browsing Classmates.com yearbooks https://www.classmates.com/siteui/search/results?q=Pedro+B Javier Escobedo Laredo, age 57 VIEW PUBLIC RECORD RESULTS✓ Addresses + − Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors Marker Address Rent ? A 918 E Locust St, Laredo, TX 78040 $830 Search More About This Person Ads by BeenVerified Personal Information Full Name, Age, Job and Education Records Contact Information Phone Number, Email and Address History Family Data Relatives, Associates, Neighbors Possible Criminal & Traffic Records Publicly Available Info Photos & Social Media View Social Media Profiles & Photos in One Place Possible Owned Assets Estimated values of property, vehicles, aircraft and watercraft Quick Facts Javier was born on 04.02.65. Javier's age is 57. Javier lives at 918 East Locust Strt, Laredo, TX 78040-2029. Lydia Botello, Maria Botello, and four other persons are connected to this place. It costs $830 per month to rent two bedrooms in the zip code 78040, according to HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research. The popularity rank for the name Javier was 247 in the US in 2020, the Social Security Administration's data shows Ads by BeenVerified Background Search: Javier Escobedo Search for Criminal & Traffic Records, Bankruptcies, Assets, Associates, & more Persons Associated with Address 918 E Locust St Lydia Botello Age 58 (956) 454-3881 Maria Botello Age ~78 (956) 454-3881 Pedro Botello Age 78 (956) 718-2468 Miguel A Escobedo Age 61 Francisco J Sosa JR Age 41 Persons With the Same Name Javier Escobedo 1470 Livorna Rd, Alamo Javier Escobedo 916 E Broadway, Anaheim Javier Escobedo Age ~36 9423 Vervain Dr NW, Albuquerque Javier L Escobedo 119 E North St, Anaheim Javier R Escobedo Age ~64 77 Via Athena, Aliso Viejo Javier Escobedo 2113 Grace St, Bay City FAQ About Javier Escobedo What is Javier Escobedo age? Javier Escobedo is 57. Javier was born on Apr 2, 1965. What is the last known address for Javier Escobedo? 918 East Locust Strt, Laredo, TX 78040-2029 is the last known address for Javier. Does 918 East Locust Street Laredo have any other residents besides Javier Escobedo? We assume that Lydia Botello and Maria Botello were among six dwellers or residents at this place. How to Search and Find Javier Escobedo The population of the US is 329,484,123 people (estimated 2020). There are at least 108 records for Javier Escobedo in our database alone. People with the same last name and sometimes even full name can become a real headache to search — for example, Rebecca Morgan is found in our records 816 times. Alter Names The same person can appear under different names in public records. Quite often, people use short versions of their name (i.e. Luke vs. Lucas), sometimes they use their name’s international variations (Anthony/Antonius). It is quite rare but still happens that a person can be found being listed under a completely different name. Alter Name * Full Name Persons Count ? Share ? J J Escobedo 60 19.67% Francisco Francisco Escobedo 175 13.9% Jose Jose Escobedo 676 6.8% Xavier Xavier Escobedo 15 3.97% Juan Juan Escobedo 363 3.12% Jesus Jesus Escobedo 213 2.24% Fransisco Fransisco Escobedo 2 2.04% Jaime Jaime Escobedo 62 1.98% Jabier Jabier Escobedo 1 1.97% Frank Frank Escobedo 65 1.88% Fransico Fransico Escobedo 1 1.64% Maria Maria Escobedo 759 1.58% Jamie Jamie Escobedo 9 1.45% Jorge Jorge Escobedo 107 1.35% Francis Francis Escobedo 5 1.12% James James Escobedo 26 1.03% * Other possible variations for this name: Havier, Javiera, Javie, Francisc, Franciso, Jaiver. Last Name Possible Variations Foreign surnames can be transliterated and even translated (e.g. Snyder vs. Schneider). Sometimes names in public records are misspelled due to silly typos and OCR errors. For example, Mcduffee could be listed as Mcduffer. Make sure to check as many variants as possible.
2 years ago