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Created:Nov 15th, 2024
Created by: waitress [VIP]
Views: 541
Comments: 7
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ This paste contains archives/contents and discussion of self harm, extortion and blackmail, you have been warned. ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ + . . . . + . . . + ║ ║ . . + . . . . . . . . ║ ║ . + .. . .d8888b .d8888b 8888b. 888d888 .d88b. . + . . ║ ║ . . + 88K d88P" "88b 888P" d8P Y8b . . + . . ║ ║ . . . "Y8888b. 888 .d888888 888 88888888 . . + . + . ║ ║ + . 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Of course, scare decided o step in. Our invesigation was swift, we wasted no time uncovering every piece of ║ ║ information on this person. Allow me to give you a bit more of a explanation as to why this individual was in ║ ║ our particular interest. ║ ║ ║ ║ Fear646, Rain, Cameron, is a extortionist commonly operating among his peers and groups known as 646 and kys. ║ ║ He is commonly found in gcs, swatting egirls, or begging in peoples dms for the google voices that he uses to swat. ║ ║ You know, your typical extorter. ║ ║ ║ ║ We are unsure what led Cameron down this path, his life is seemingly fine, perhaps its the non-existent love ║ ║ he recieves from his parents. Whatever it is Cameron, we are truly sorry. We are sorry you ruined your life ║ ║ over the petty pleasure you get when you see a girl cut your name into her skin. ║ ║ ║ ║ Your reasoning behind these twisted actions does not concern us, what does concern us, is making sure we deliver the ║ ║ proper punishment in regards to your activities. ║ ║ ║ ║ Cameron, you have ruined your life and that of those around you for short lasting pleasure, now, let the ║ ║ realization sink in as you will soon confront more severe consequences. You will not know when or how, but that day ║ ║ is approaching. ║ ║ ║ ║ Rain's identity has been given to federal agencies along with the sufficient proof of his online actions. ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Confirmation: https://files.catbox.moe/3hm7ad.txt ║ ║ Proof of Extortion: https://files.catbox.moe/p5ax83.jpg [TW] ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/hyxe5l.MP4 [TW] ║ ║ ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ ║ ║ -= Jacked Accounts Series =- ║ ║ ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/7vj132.jpg -- blacknut ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/lvcf0a.jpg -- calligraphr ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/1sphcd.jpg -- mail.ru ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/qhed9l.jpg -- octosniff ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/wsspjm.jpg -- pocketoption ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/jg1z5j.jpg -- greasyfork ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/h1647o.jpg -- xresolver ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/o6it27.jpg -- soundcloud ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/61fyre.jpg -- mega.nz ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/ls79px.jpg -- facebook ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/gi4d2q.jpg -- quackr ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/q85pg1.jpg -- cracked.io ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/frq5zk.jpg -- doxbin ║ ║ ║ ║ -= Extras =- ║ ║ ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/mupn8x.jpg -- cucked! ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/t20mfx.jpg -- threatening to kill himself ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/yuqdq2.jpg -- larping getting fedded ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[0x02 - ALIASES]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ Alias(s): rain Group(s): kys Psuedonyms: Cameron Pechaver ║ ║ auxibtww 646 Cameron A. Pechaver ║ ║ cman soulwritten ║ ║ fear ║ ║ fearswats ║ ║ fear646 ║ ║ usfeds ║ ║ auxi ║ ║ KLIS646 ║ ║ mk4drifter ║ ║ v2xevil ║ ║ federation ║ ║ ghosts ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[0x03 - PERSONAL INFORMATION]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ » Full Name: - Cameron Pechaver ║ ║ » Age: - 16-17 ║ ║ » Date Of Birth: - ??/??/2008 -- MM/DD/YYYY ║ ║ ║ ║ » Home Address: - 5470 264th St Wyoming MN 55092 [Current] ║ ║ 633 Linden Ct Taylors Falls MN 55084 [Current, switches between the two] ║ ║ ║ ║ » Ethnicity: - White ║ ║ » IRLs: - https://files.catbox.moe/zzeaet.jpg ║ ║ » Gender: - Male ║ ║ ║ ║ » Sexuality: - Straight ║ ║ ║ ║ » Mobile Number: - +1 (763) 312-3791 ║ ║ │ Cell Info ║ ║ └──│ Service Provider: Verizon Wireless ║ ║ │ Type: Wireless ║ ║ │ Registered: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Microsoft, Cashapp ║ ║ │ International Report: https://files.catbox.moe/1ecl6c.pdf ║ ║ ║ ║ +1 (218) 721-7017 ║ ║ │ Cell Info ║ ║ └──│ Service Provider: AT&T ║ ║ │ Type: Wireless ║ ║ │ Registered: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Microsoft ║ ║ │ International Report: https://files.catbox.moe/gqfd1j.pdf ║ ║ ║ ║ » Debit Card Owned: - XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5917 ║ ║ └── Type: Visa Debit ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[0x04 - EMAIL(s)]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ E-Mail Addresses : + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ . + . . . . . .║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ auxibtww@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / Pinterest.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 113394933341954040915 / Microsoft.com + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : auxi btww [] Facebook.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : ca••••••@gmail.com & iPhone \ Github.com . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Active \ Spotify.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ rainsopsec@pissmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : XXXXXX / Imgur.com + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : rainsopsec [] Discord.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : XXXXXX \ Yahoo.com . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Temporary \ . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ xevil0001@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / Yahoo.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 111459935217316459176 / Microsoft.com + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : xevil [] Instagram.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : iPhone & Android \ Spotify.com . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Active \ Discord.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ usfedsrunscom@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 106534618197809633783 / + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : usfedsrunscom [] Imgur.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : XXXXXX \ . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Inactive/Throwaway \ . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ alwayslostworld@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / Amazon.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 108698745842342267837 / Spotify.com + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : alwayslostworld [] Github.com Quora.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : iPhone & Android \ Twitter.com Cashapp.com . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Active \ Imgur.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ cpechaver2@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / Instagram.com Amazon.com Pandora.com . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 116586525054616581233 / Apple.com Discord.com Firefox.com . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : cpechaver [] Skype.com Spotify.com Imgur.com . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : (•••) •••-••91 \ Facebook.com Pinterest.com Samsung.com + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Personal \ Microsoft.com Adobe.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ fsusfeds1@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / Discord.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 110365280238147849506 / Microsoft.com + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : fsusfeds1 [] Amazon.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : iPhone \ Minecraft.net . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Inactive \ Imgur.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ » Password : fortnite662233 + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . + + . . . . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ usfedsrunsyou@outlook.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : XXXXXX / + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : usfedsrunsyou [] Imgur.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : iPhone \ . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Inactive/Throwaway \ . . . . + . . ║ ║ » Password : fortnite6 + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ 2025cpechaver@isd2144.org + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / Discord.com Quora.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : XXXXXX / Instagram.com Imgur.com + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : 2025cpechaver [] Apple.com Amazon.com Skype.com . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : XXXXXX \ Pinterest.com Adobe.com + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Education \ Spotify.com Snapchat.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ ccam31885@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / Yahoo.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 116679876103144563262 / Microsoft.com + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : ccam [] Facebook.com Discord.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : Android \ Spotify.com Imgur.com . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Active \ Twitter.com . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ cpechaver3@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 104417680901906565859 / Spotify.com + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : cpechaver [] Microsoft.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : (•••) •••-••91 \ Imgur.com . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Active \ . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ tt6wa6m@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 116026901719809417085 / + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : tt6wa6m [] Yahoo.com . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : XXXXXX \ Discord.com . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Inactive \ . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║ auxicam540@gmail.com + . + . . . . ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ / . . . . + . . ║ ║ » GUID : 109522831970936489268 / + . . + . . + . ║ ║ » Name : auxicam [] N/A [Tool Down] . . . . + . + . ║ ║ » Recovery : Android \ . + + . . . . ║ ║ » Status : Active \ . . . . + . . ║ ║ + . . + . . + . ║ ║ . . . . . + . + . ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ ║ ║ According to stealer logs, there may indeed be up to 100+ emails, the ones listed above are the most relevant/in-use. ║ ║ Cameron also uses a variety of temp mails, the main ones being: ║ ║ ║ ║ rainkys@tutamail.com ║ ║ rains@child.pizza ║ ║ usfeds@gmx.com ║ ║ mercedez7764@gmail.com ║ ║ tayplupydak198686@rambler.ru ║ ║ camwillerbk301@gmail.com [May still be in-use/have activity] ║ ║ alex.ericson21@outlook.com ║ ║ blackiebackup1@gmail.com ║ ║ ║ ║ And a random partial mail from his instagram, f********u@gmail.com. [Most likely feds*****u@gmail.com] ║ ║ ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ ║ ║ Here is the full rat-log, containing all of his passwords, autofills, etc. ║ ║ ║ ║ » https://files.catbox.moe/9b71ew.zip ║ ║ ║ ║ Below, I will list the publicly attainable databreaches on his emails. ║ ║ ║ ║ » Email Addresses ║ ║ │‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │Email: cpechaver2@gmail.com ║ ║ │‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │─ Database: 1265_EPAL_GG_158K_GAMING_102022 ║ ║ │─ Data: {Username: 'midnight air175' Email: 'cpechaver2@gmail.com'] ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Database: 1097_STRIPCHAT_COM_10M_ADULT_112021 ║ ║ │─ Data: {Username: 'hgdhhchnb', Email: 'cpechaver2@gmail.com', Lastip: '2001:48f8:704e:320c:11c8:e2d6:595c:1767', ║ ║ │ ID: '55999627', Domain: 'stripchat'} ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │Email: 2025cpechaver@isd2144.org ║ ║ │‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │─ Database: 0981_WISHBONE_IO_40M_SOCIAL_012020 ║ ║ │─ Data: {Username: 'Sebastianbails6', Email: '2025cpechaver@isd2144.org', Hash: 'b67a8f3075a787a46b8016f8ccb0b0fb'] ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Database: 0645_ZYNGA_COM_202M_GAMING_092019 ║ ║ │─ Data: {Username: '2025cpechaver', Email: '2025cpechaver@isd2144.org', Created: '2018-10-22 23:46:09', ║ ║ │ Salt: '2f0a632b7f88215c3b0f749967d66d7bbb1ed12f'] ║ ║ │ ║ ║ └── ║ ║ ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ ║ ║ Now, for the most part, when it comes to passwords Cameron finally has basic internet hygiene, as he uses randomly ║ ║ generated passwords. However, we did manage to fish many passwords from when Cameron wasnt worried about his opsec. ║ ║ ║ ║ Here is a list of all recorded passwords used by Cameron. ║ ║ ║ ║ » Passwords: Allyisgay69 ║ ║ fortnite662233 - Most common ║ ║ fortnite54 ║ ║ irunyou1` ║ ║ simp4sunny ║ ║ Aaliyah12@ ║ ║ fortnhite662233 ║ ║ wildcats ║ ║ law34 ║ ║ AG5C89puyX ║ ║ Lisherd2451 ║ ║ fortnite54$ ║ ║ 25021100C$ ║ ║ 25021100 ║ ║ fortnite6 ║ ║ xevillol$$ ║ ║ lol12345 ║ ║ Galaxy5656! ║ ║ fortnite6! ║ ║ 25021100cm ║ ║ fortnite5$ ║ ║ fortnite ║ ║ fortnite6?? ║ ║ illswatumaybe101 ║ ║ pinkghoul1 ║ ║ PENSTER6477 ║ ║ pornhub123 ║ ║ wc250142 ║ ║ Sarge6477 ║ ║ Usfeds123$ ║ ║ 21alexericson21. ║ ║ $nARVEeyLq8 ║ ║ welovefortnite9696 ║ ║ 111111111w ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[0x05 - DEVICE INFORMATION]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ │ + . + . . . ║ ║ ├── DEVICE . . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ └─── PC + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │ . + . . . . . ║ ║ │ │── HOSTNAME + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │ └── DESKTOP-Q72PNV3 . . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │── USERNAME . . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ └── auxib + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │ . . . . + . .║ ║ │ └─── SPECS + . . + . . + ║ ║ │ │ . . . . + . ║ ║ │ │── OPERATING SYSTEM + . . + . . + ║ ║ │ │ └── Windows 10.0.22631 . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │── HWID . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ └── 03000200-0400-0500-0006-000700080009 + . . + . . + ║ ║ │ │ . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │── MAC ADDRESS + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │ └── 39:e6:9b:6f:be:fa . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │── CPU . . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ └── Intel64 Family 6 Model 122 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel, 4 Core . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ + . . + . . + ║ ║ │ │── RAM + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │ └── 7.82Go . . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │── PUBLIC IP . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ └── + . . + . . + ║ ║ │ │ . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ └── LOCAL IP + . . + . . + ║ ║ │ └── . + + . . . ║ ║ │ + . + . . . ║ ║ │ . . . . + . .║ ║ │── DEVICE . . . . + . .║ ║ │ └─── PHONE + . + . . . ║ ║ │ │ . + + . . . ║ ║ │ │── OPERATING SYSTEM . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ │ └── IOS + . . + . . + ║ ║ │ │ . . . . + . ║ ║ │ └── MODEL + . + . . . ║ ║ │ └── iPhone 11 . . . . + . + ║ ║ │ . . + . . + ║ ║-------┴-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[0x06 - SOCIAL MEDIA]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ Snapchat Discord ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ » https://www.snapchat.com/add/cman_lol » @swattingschools (1260005695017980034) ║ ║ » @gvoices (1299586044378878058) ║ ║ » @cplovingg (1229163195508457523) ║ ║ GitHub ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ Doxbin ║ ║ » https://github.com/za5n ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ └── email hint: a*******@gmail.com » https://doxbin.com/user/usfedsss ║ ║ » https://doxbin.com/user/soulwritten ║ ║ SoundCloud » https://doxbin.com/user/fear646 ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ » https://doxbin.com/user/kqr ║ ║ » https://soundcloud.com/user-557375069 ║ ║ ║ ║ Instagram Cashapp ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ » https://www.instagram.com/v2xevil/ » https://cash.app/$cmanvw ║ ║ └── email hint: f*******u@gmail.com ║ ║ » https://www.instagram.com/nott.cman/ ║ ║ └── email hint: x*******1@gmail.com ║ ║ ║ ║ Roblox Telegram ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ » https://www.roblox.com/users/7416024951/profile » https://t.me/cookiemonsterisa ║ ║ ║ ║ Ethereum Wallet Twitter ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ » 0x329258E3CAB2A9b4FA0430110878c597859089aB » https://x.com/auxibtww ║ ║ ║ ║ Pinterest TikTok ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ » https://www.pinterest.com/auxibtww/ » https://www.tiktok.com/@auxibtww ║ ║ » https://www.pinterest.com/za5n/ ║ ║ ║ ║ Xbox Spotify ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ » https://www.xbox.com/en-CA/play/user/za5n » https://open.spotify.com/user/3164g6e7rdr22icrbt573mtk4mfu ║ ║ ║ ║ Quora Twitch ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ » https://www.quora.com/profile/Cameron-Pechaver » https://www.twitch.tv/usfeds ║ ║ └── email hint: a****@g***.com ║ ║ PayPal ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ Steam ║ ║ » auxibtww@gmail.com ‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ └── phone hint: +1 7••-•••-3791 » https://steamcommunity.com/id/fedsikonik78 ║ ║ └── email hint: *@outlook.com ║ ║ GreasyFork ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ » https://greasyfork.org/en/users/901367-kjhiufydtcgvh ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[0x07 - IP INFORMATION]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ » IPs ║ ║ ‾‾‾ ║ ║ IP: ║ ║ |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │─ VPN: False ║ ║ │─ Proxies: False ║ ║ │─ Hosting: False ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Country: United States of America ║ ║ │─ State: Minnesota ║ ║ │─ City: Wyoming ║ ║ │─ Postal: 55092 ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Internet Protocol: IPv4 ║ ║ │─ ISP: Midcontinent Communications ║ ║ │─ Hostname: 184-83-190-124-dynamic.midco.net ║ ║ └── Long, Lat: 45.3364, -92.9972 ║ ║ ║ ║ IP: ║ ║ |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │─ VPN: False ║ ║ │─ Proxies: False ║ ║ │─ Hosting: False ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Country: United States of America ║ ║ │─ State: Minnesota ║ ║ │─ City: Minneapolis ║ ║ │─ Postal: 55401 ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Internet Protocol: IPv4 ║ ║ │─ ISP: Verizon Business ║ ║ │─ Hostname: 131.sub-174-255-0.myvzw.com ║ ║ └── Long, Lat: 44.9800, -93.2639 ║ ║ ║ ║ IP: 2001:48f8:704a:fb9:819:b18a:4e4f:8156 ║ ║ |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │─ VPN: False ║ ║ │─ Proxies: False ║ ║ │─ Hosting: False ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Country: United States of America ║ ║ │─ State: Minnesota ║ ║ │─ City: Wyoming ║ ║ │─ Postal: 55092 ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Internet Protocol: IPv6 ║ ║ │─ ISP: Midcontinent Communications ║ ║ │─ Hostname: 2001-48f8-704a-fb9-819-b18a-4e4f-8156-dynamic.midco.net ║ ║ └── Long, Lat: 45.33636, -92.99716 ║ ║ ║ ║ IP: -- Local IP ║ ║ |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │─ VPN: False ║ ║ │─ Proxies: False ║ ║ │─ Hosting: False ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Country: N/A ║ ║ │─ State: N/A ║ ║ │─ City: N/A ║ ║ │─ Postal: N/A ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Internet Protocol: IPv4 ║ ║ │─ ISP: Private IP Address LAN ║ ║ │─ Hostname: N/A ║ ║ └── Long, Lat: N/A ║ ║ ║ ║ IP: -- Proxy/VPN used by Rain ║ ║ |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │─ VPN: Yes ║ ║ │─ Proxies: Yes ║ ║ │─ Hosting: False ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Country: Canada ║ ║ │─ State: Ontario ║ ║ │─ City: Toronto ║ ║ │─ Postal: M3B 0A3 ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Internet Protocol: IPv4 ║ ║ │─ ISP: Tzulo TOR ║ ║ │─ Hostname: static-198-54-132-119.cust.tzulo.com ║ ║ └── Long, Lat: 38.6794, -121.5339 ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[0x08 - MISC INFORMATION]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ » Education ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ School: TRIO Wolf Creek MN Online High School ║ ║ |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │─ Type: Online ║ ║ │─ Campus: 10363 Liberty Ln, Chisago City, MN 55013, USA ║ ║ │─ Number: +1 (651) 213-2095 | FAX: +1 (651) 257-0576 ║ ║ │─ Students: 206 ║ ║ │─ District: TRIO WOLF CREEK DISTANCE LEARNING ║ ║ │─ Graduation: 2025-2026 ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Website: https://www.monticello.k12.mn.us/ ║ ║ │─ NCES Report: https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?ID2=2700235 ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Principal: Mike Hamernick ║ ║ │─ Desk Phone: +1 (651) 213-2017 ║ ║ └── Email: mhamernick@wolfcreekhs.org ║ ║ ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ ║ ║ » Address Property Records ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ ║ ║ Address: 5470 264th St Wyoming MN 55092 ║ ║ |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ │─ Location ║ ║ │ │─ Street Address: 5470 264TH ST ║ ║ │ │─ City: Wyoming ║ ║ │ │─ State: MN ║ ║ │ │─ ZIP: 55092-9023 ║ ║ │ │─ Parcel Number: 21-00297-10 ║ ║ │ │─ Account Number: 3370379 ║ ║ │ │─ Jurisdiction: Chisago MN ║ ║ │ │─ Property Usage: Residential ║ ║ │ └── Legal Description: SUBDIVISIONNAME ROGERS ADDITION TO WYOMING LOT 006 BLOCK 016 SUBDIVISIONCD 21030 ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Tax Bill Details ║ ║ │ │─ Tax Bill: $2,680 ║ ║ │ │─ Tax Roll Date: 01-Feb-2023 ║ ║ │ │─ Last Checked: March 2024 ║ ║ │ └── File Exemptions: Homeowners ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Tax Assessment Details ║ ║ │ │─ Assessment Year: 2022 ║ ║ │ │─ Total Assessed Value: $208,000 ║ ║ │ └── Previous Assessment: $160,200 ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │─ Deeds ║ ║ │ └── November 2017: Deed of Trust, Mortgage ║ ║ │ │─ Document Type: Deed of Trust ║ ║ │ │─ Jurisdiction: CHISAGO MN ║ ║ │ │─ Transaction Type: Mortgage ║ ║ │ │─ Record Updated: 01-Nov-2017 ║ ║ │ │─ Last Checked: June 2023 ║ ║ │ └── Buyer: Cheryl A Pechaver ║ ║ │ ║ ║ └── Mortgage Details ║ ║ │─ Document Number: ,A598336 ║ ║ │─ Date: 02-May-2017 ║ ║ │─ Type: Credit Union ║ ║ │─ Address: SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 ║ ║ └── Lender Name: ASSOCIATED HEALTHCARE CU ║ ║ ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[1x01 - MOTHER]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ » Full Name: - Cheryl Ann Pechaver ║ ║ » Age: - 66 ║ ║ » Date Of Birth: - 07/16/1958 ║ ║ ║ ║ » Home Address: - 5470 264th St Wyoming MN 55092 [Current] ║ ║ ║ ║ » Ethnicity: - White ║ ║ » Gender: - Female ║ ║ ║ ║ » SSN: - 468-78-8361 [ISSUED IN MINNESOTA] ║ ║ │ SSN Info ║ ║ └──│ Issued In: MINNESOTA ║ ║ │ Date of Insurance: 1973 ║ ║ │ SSN Report: https://files.catbox.moe/q0codr.txt ║ ║ ║ ║ » Mobile Number: - +1 (651) 261-7684 ║ ║ │ Cell Info ║ ║ └──│ Service Provider: AT&T ║ ║ │ Type: Wireless ║ ║ │ Registered: No data found ║ ║ │ International Report: https://files.catbox.moe/4uo3ff.pdf ║ ║ ║ ║ +1 (612) 849-3939 [Now belongs to Hassan M Abdi] ║ ║ │ Cell Info ║ ║ └──│ Service Provider: Verizon Wireless ║ ║ │ Type: Wireless ║ ║ │ Registered: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ║ ║ │ International Report: https://files.catbox.moe/aeuq4l.pdf ║ ║ ║ ║ » Emails: pechaver@hotmail.com ║ ║ └── Registered: Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Myspace, Pinterest, Bible ║ ║ ║ ║ » Occupation: Administration Department Secretary @ Fairview Health Services ║ ║ └── Number: +1 (612) 672-7272 ║ ║ └── Address: 2450 Riverside Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55454 ║ ║ ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ Records ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/dd5l53e8oe37c ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/doexqi6jt93e1 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/n4dlsu1et76e2 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/ne7z29ux6dc07 ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[1x02 - Father]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ » Full Name: - Frank A Pechaver ║ ║ » Age: - 69 ║ ║ » Date Of Birth: - 06-17-1955 ║ ║ ║ ║ » Home Address: - 5470 264th St Wyoming MN 55092 [Current] ║ ║ ║ ║ » Ethnicity: - White ║ ║ » Gender: - Male ║ ║ ║ ║ » SSN: - 473-68-2136 [ISSUED IN MINNESOTA] ║ ║ │ SSN Info ║ ║ └──│ Issued In: MINNESOTA ║ ║ │ Date of Insurance: 1970 ║ ║ │ SSN Report: https://files.catbox.moe/zlqoc7.txt ║ ║ ║ ║ » Mobile Number: - +1 (651) 261-7638 ║ ║ │ Cell Info ║ ║ └──│ Service Provider: AT&T ║ ║ │ Type: Wireless ║ ║ │ Registered: Google, Facebook ║ ║ │ International Report: https://files.catbox.moe/9rrph3.pdf ║ ║ ║ ║ +1 (651) 462-3157 [Now belongs to Samantha Nicole Milosch] ║ ║ │ Cell Info ║ ║ └──│ Service Provider: Frontier Communications ║ ║ │ Type: Wireless ║ ║ │ Registered: No data found ║ ║ │ International Report: https://files.catbox.moe/qgt6m5.pdf ║ ║ ║ ║ » Emails: fpechaver@gmail.com ║ ║ └── Registered: Likely deleted email, no social data found however heres the breaches: ║ ║ https://files.catbox.moe/btns19.txt ║ ║ └── Registrant IP: ║ ║ ║ ║ ufpechaverf45@gmail.com ║ ║ └── Registered: Dead email ║ ║ ║ ║ » Occupation: Mechanic @ Brothers Small Engine Repair ║ ║ └── Address: 18531 Highway 65 NE East Bethel MN 55011 ║ ║ ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ Records ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/dd5lyv4iuca71 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/ns8sutyax88cf ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/vywbd7k3c10a0 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/d0vqp3yjbb3f6 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/v941gjehxb8a8 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/d6gbl5kexfb16 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/n2k1zhtxsed59 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/v948eqm0xd706 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/n8x7vkbduce13 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/n3mpdi9tpd588 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/n4dlsu1et76e2 ║ ║ https://www.judyrecords.com/record/ne7z29ux6dc07 ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[1x03 - MISC INFORMATION]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ » Vehicle Information [Both Dad & Mom] ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ ║ ║ » VIN: 1G1AS58H097106970 ║ ║ │ VIN Info ║ ║ └──│ Style/Body: Sedan 4DEngine: 2.2L I4 SMPI Gasoline ║ ║ │ Date: 2009 ║ ║ │ Model: COBALT ║ ║ │ Make: CHEVROLET ║ ║ │ City: WYOMING ║ ║ ║ ║ » VIN: 1G8ZY12772Z241708 ║ ║ │ VIN Info ║ ║ └──│ Style/Body: Coupe 3DEngine: 1.9L I4 FI Gasoline ║ ║ │ Date: 2002 ║ ║ │ Model: S-SERIES ║ ║ │ Make: SATURN ║ ║ │ City: WYOMING ║ ║ ║ ║ » VIN: 6G2VX12G64L249450 ║ ║ │ VIN Info ║ ║ └──│ Style/Body: Coupe 2DEngine: 5.7L V8 FI Gasoline ║ ║ │ Date: 2004 ║ ║ │ Model: GTO ║ ║ │ Make: PONTIAC ║ ║ │ City: WYOMING ║ ║ ║ ║ » VIN: 6G2VX12U25L405927 ║ ║ │ VIN Info ║ ║ └──│ Style/Body: Coupe 2DEngine: 6.0L V8 SMPI Gasoline ║ ║ │ Date: 2005 ║ ║ │ Model: GTO ║ ║ │ Make: PONTIAC ║ ║ │ City: WYOMING ║ ║ ║ ║-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------║ ║ ║ ║ I did not feel like Angela Warner deserved the privilege of having her own section, so I decided to just provide you ║ ║ with her basic details here. ║ ║ ║ ║ » Name: Angela Warner ║ ║ » DOB: 05/??/1982 [Age 42] ║ ║ » Address: 633 Linden Ct, Taylors Falls, MN, 55084 ║ ║ » Phone Number: (651) 239-8701 [Verizon Wireless] ║ ║ » Emails: apechaver@hotmail.com, awarner77@hotmail.com ║ ║ » SSN: 391-92-5003 [SSN Report: https://files.catbox.moe/kesakc.txt] ║ ║ » VIN: 2GNFLFEK0E6172288 [2014 Chevrolet Equinox] ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║[1x04 - CREDITS]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[scare]║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Horror @ scare.sh Stalingrad @ scare.sh Confederate @ scare.sh ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ Majority of the dox Majority of the dox Base leads & Expanding ║ ║ OSINT / CSINT / Format OSINT / CSINT / Format OSINT / CSINT ║ ║ ║ ║ Disappear @ scare.sh Jones @ scare.sh ║ ║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ║ ║ Expanding & Base leads Expanding ║ ║ OSINT OSINT / CSINT ║ ║ ║ ║ . + . + + . . + . + . . + . ║ ║ + . . .d8888b .d8888b 8888b. 888d888 .d88b. . + . . ║ ║ . . + 88K d88P" "88b 888P" d8P Y8b . . + . . ║ ║ . . . 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