
Greetings hackers, doxers, skids, and doxbin,
Today i bring you the dox of DarkST for the following reasons:
distribution of child Pornography, extortion of multiple Females and Owning an extortion cult.

Horror from scare is agony from vital/escapre and he is an ex extorter who steals info just so you know.
Horror is also doxed on the old alias agony which was taken down on doxbin, but it is floating around the com.

║0x01║           COM INFORMATION    ║     ║  
- Pseudonyms: Dark, Resin, Ghost, Zay, Xavior, Rise  
- Groups: 764, KNR, Slittown, Zone, 7.1.7  

║0x02║       PERSONAL INFORMATION   ║     ║  
- First Name: Xzavion  
- Last Name: Jones  
- Age: 15  
- Date of Birth: N/A (will add later)  
- Gender: Male  
- Nationality: American  
- Phone Number: +1 518-817-3401  
- IRL: https://files.catbox.moe/riteqf.png

║0x03║        FAMILY DETAILS        ║     ║  
- Grandma's Name: Kristel L Fennicks  
- Mother's Name: Nahvasia Estepa  
- Father's Name: N/A (Fatherless)  
- Number of Siblings: 3  
- Sibling Ages: 1 set of Twins, girls (10)  
- His Sisters: https://files.catbox.moe/6kxfvj.png

║0x04║        FAMILY INFO           ║     ║  
- Mother's Age: 35 this year (1990)  
- Mother's Occupation: Living in Jail  
- Grandma's Age: 52 (October 20th)  
- Father's Age: N/A (Fatherless)  
- Father's Occupation: N/A (Fatherless)  
- Grandma's Occupation: Works at Price Chopper  
- Mother's Court Case: https://unicourt.com/case/ny-loc1-oyeniyi-akinmorin-vs-estepa-nahvasia-p-1122068  

║0x05║        FAMILY CONTACT        ║     ║  
- Mom's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/public/Nahvasia%20P%20Estepa%20/  
- Grandma's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kristel.fennicks?mibextid=wwXIfr&mibextid=wwXIfr  
- Mom's Phone Number: (912) 441-4678  

║0x06║     PAST LOCATION DETAILS    ║     ║  
- City: Albany  
- State/Region: New York  
- Country: USA  

║0x07║     LOCATION DETAILS         ║     ║  
- City: Schenectady  
- State/Region: New York  
- Country: USA  

║0x08║        SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS    ║     ║  
- Guns.lol: https://guns.lol/resin  
- Discord: ghostof764  
- Discord ID: 320984546168406016  
- Instagram: @larplist  
- Snapchat: @ohicon  
- Telegram: @larplist  
- Telegram ID: 7320394775  
- Email: ghostcold1278@gmail.com   
- Email: xjghost@icloud.com 

║0x09║   EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND     ║     ║  
- School Name: Green Tech High  
- School Address: 99 Slingerland St. Albany, NY  
- College/University Name: N/A (Not of age)  
- Major/Field of Study: N/A (Not of age)  
- Current Grade/Year: Year 9  
- GPA: 3.7  
- Extracurricular Activities: Loner kid  

║0x09║            CREDITS           ║     ║  
- StabZone
- HasanZone
- CydistZone
- ExeZone
- SimZone

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