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Hello Skyguy! Congratulations on twitch partner, I know you've dreamed of getting partner forever so,
Perhaps you should see what the consequences are for the key to your growth - scamming.


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Paweł "Skyguy" Bartnicki is a 25yo Fortnite Twitch Streamer with 21.4k followers as of now. In the
beginning he was like any other Fortnite streamer, but as his channel grew, he quickly began doing 
sponsorship games, which he pushed his mostly very young audience to do, with a promise of giveaways
these giveaways ranged anywhere from PS5's or large sums of V-Bucks. Most of these giveaways though
were cancelled without notice and never to be mentioned again. In these sponsorships, he also often
asked his audience to do in-game purchases in these games, which would give him more money, again
with the promise of getting the money back, not everyone did. In the sponsorships he encouraged 
his viewers to play the game on other devices so he could complete the goals for money quicker,
getting his viewers to play the game on other devices was not allowed by the sponsor games, but he
did it anyway. He was later unable to continue doing the sponsorships, because he had already scammed
his viewers into doing them all, so he began alting and doing them through alt accounts so he could
continue getting money. Apart from sponsorships, he also promoted giving away "prizes" in big capital
letters in his titles for winning his Fortnite customs, which is the main things he streams, he never
openly put a number on these prizes until he made increased them, to be enough where it was marketable,
for the first year these prizes were barely pennies. He has also said he had some funny jokes while live
and said he couldn't say them on stream, but if people wanted to know what they were they could dm him.

Offensive Jokes:


Name=============: Paweł Bartnicki
Date of birth====: September 5th 1999 (25yo)
Address==========: Medemblikstraat 275/221 - Currently in the process of moving out, if new address is acquired, this will be updated.
Post Code========: 2547
Height===========: Approx. 190cm / 6'2
Country==========: Polish, now living in the Netherlands.
Selfie===========: https://prnt.sc/7TnYR9HO_EGT
Baby Paweł=======: https://prnt.sc/DzSuWuCzDNL5
September 2006-June 2007 Primary School of Lotników Polskich in Piła
September 2007-June 2012 Primary School of Mikołaj Kopernik in Pabianice
September 2012-October 2012 Gymnasium a Paulo in Pabianice
November 2012-June 2015 Surabaya European School
September 2013-June 2015 Libratus Polish Secondary (For polish people living abroad)
September 2015-2019 International School Eindhoven
2019-Present Den Haag University of Applied Science
Occupation=======: Gym in Den Haag
Ex Occupation====: Jumbo (Grocery Store) - Apparently he "quit" most likely got fired. 
Jumbo Adress=====: Volendamlaan 670
Email============: [email protected]

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▒█▄▄█ ▄█▄ ▒█░░▀█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄█
Twitch===========: https://www.twitch.tv/skyguy
Youtube==========: https://www.youtube.com/@sky_guy1492
Kick=============: https://kick.com/skyguy14
Tiktok===========: https://www.tiktok.com/@skyguyfn
Instagram========: https://www.instagram.com/pawelbart99/
Facebook=========: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004901670413


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▒█░░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄█ ░▒█░░ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░▒█
Name=============: Beata Bartnicka
Occupation=======: Complaint Specialist at Phillips
Lives in=========: Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Facebook=========: https://www.facebook.com/beata.bartnicka.79/
Selfie 1=========: https://prnt.sc/6mpeJjUulqwH
Selfie 2=========: https://prnt.sc/ZCqIfU1Qrtw6

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▒█░░░ ▒█░▒█ ░▒█░░ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░▒█
Name=============: Maciej Bartnicki
Occupation=======: Plant Manager at Signify
Lives in=========: Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Facebook=========: https://www.facebook.com/maciej.bartnicki.92/
Selfie===========: https://prnt.sc/2HordRsAdxCZ

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▒█▄▄▄█ ▄█▄ ▒█▄▄▄█ ░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░▒█
Name=============: Monika Bartnicka
Occupation=======: Shift Manager at Joe The Juice in Den Haag
Lives in=========: Den Haag, Netherlands
Education========: Graduated from Erasmus University in Rotterdam in Nov 2023
Facebook=========: https://www.facebook.com/monika.bartnicka.5494
Selfie===========: https://prnt.sc/m_OJTDkxwjn2

Little sidenote, yes this is not the most thorough dox ever, I know.
If your seeing this Paweł - Discord: .notxeno.