_____                     ___  ___     _   __                  _____ _____ _____ 
           |_   _|                    |  \/  |    | | / /                 |_   _|_   _|_   _|
             | | ___ _ __ _ __ _   _  | .  . | ___| |/ /  ___  ___ _ __     | |   | |   | |  
             | |/ _ \ '__| '__| | | | | |\/| |/ __|    \ / _ \/ _ \ '_ \    | |   | |   | |  
             | |  __/ |  | |  | |_| | | |  | | (__| |\  \  __/  __/ | | |  _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ 
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                                __/ |                                                        
               |                                                               |
               |                         [TABLE OF CONTENTS]                   |
               |     [0x1 - INTRO]                          Reasons for doxx   |
               |     [0x2 - BASIC PERSONAL]                 Basic information  |
               |     [0x3 - P. I. I]                        Addy, #, IPs, etc. |
               |     [0x4 - DIGITAL FOOTPRINT]              Socials & emails   |
               |     [0x5 - FAMILY]                         Family info        |
               |     [0x6 - OUTRO]                          Outro              |
               |                               tandem                          |
               |                    https://doxbin.com/user/tandem             |
               |                               OSINT                           |
               |                                                               |
               |                               sorrow                          |
               |                   https://doxbin.com/user/sorrows_            |
               |                    scaryfederalentity.gov / disc              |
               |                          OSINT / formatting                   |
               |                                                               |
               |                            2 John Does                        |
               |                         - no DB accounts -                    |
               |                               OSINT                           |
               |                                                               |
                                           [0x1 - INTRO]
               |                                                               |
               | Welcome to the story of Terry Arthur McKeen III, a 15 y/o     |
               | no-life that somehow has apparent connections to Hezbollah    |
               | despite sitting on his ass all day and pretending he's a      |
               | millionaire.                                                  |
               |                                                               |
               | McKeen (who has gone by various aliases, most recently        |
               | "Shah Suleiman al-Zeprani") has been affiliated with the      |
               | "USR" group since 2021 - this group claims to be a USSR-style |
               | organization but operates more like a swatting/extortion      |
               | group. Alongside Tiziano Ejilevich, the head of the USR,      |
               | McKeen has been involved in swatting, doxing and extorting at |
               | least 10 individuals in the United States and United Kingdom. |
               |                                                               |
               | Besides his actions in relation to the USR, McKeen has        |
               | previously attempted to manipulate e-girls in an attempt      |
               | to form a cult of personality in "Zeprana", a fake nation     |
               | which he leads, and to profit off of them. Furthermore, he    |
               | has stated his intention to "prostitute Kuffar women" to      |
               | profit off of the "Kuffar men who masturbate to them". He also|
               | got some e-girl to write his name on her boobs, and has       |
               | previously been affiliated with Halberd/Unit-14, a Neo-Nazi / |
               | national socialist "terror cell", per his own words.          |
               |                                                               |
               | His family+local police are definitely aware of his actions,  |
               | but again, nothing has been done. Therefore, this is done as  |
               | a last resort.                                                |
               |                                                               |
               | (USR'K btw fuck ur retarded org and go touch grass)           |
               |                                                               |
               | [TL:DR]   extortion, swatting, doxing, manipulating e-girls,  |
               |           affiliation with extorters/Neo-Nazis, and           |
               |           overall being a no-life                             |
               |                                                               |
               | [PROOF]   https://ibb.co/album/1vQjy4                         |
               |                                                               |
                                      [0x2 - BASIC PERSONAL]
               |                                                               |                   
               | [NAME]            Terry Arthur McKeen III                     |        
               | [PHOTO]           https://ibb.co/PcJMBr5                      |
               | [AFFILIATIONS]    USR, ex-Halberd, ex-Discord larp groups     |
               | [ALIASES]         Suleiman al-Zeprani, Vladkova La-Hasa,      |      
               |                   Zephyr, Pavel Batov/Comrade Pavel, POTFRZ,  |
               |                   Terry McKeen, ShahSuleiman, Jiklinia, etc   |
               | [DOB]             14/06/2009 (15 y/o as of writing)           |
               | [RELIGION]        Shi'a Islam                                 |
               | [SEXUALITY]       Heterosexual                                |
               | [HIGH SCHOOL]     Chariho Regional High School                |
               |   [ADDRESS]       453 Switch Road,                            |
               |                   Wood River Junction, RI 02894               |
               | [MIDDLE SCHOOL]   Chariho Regional Middle School              |
               |   [ADDRESS]       455B Switch Road,                           |
               |                   Wood River Junction, RI 02894               |
               |                                                               |
                                         [0x3 - P. I. I.]
               |                                                               |
               | [ADDRESS]         56 Tefft Hill Road,                         |
               |                   Wyoming, RI 02898                           |
               |  [INFO]   https://gis.vgsi.com/richmondri/Parcel.aspx?pid=189 |
               | [PHONE #]         +1 (401) 430-5341                           |
               |   [CARRIER]       Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless   |
               |   [LOCATION]      Providence, RI                              |
               | [IP ADDRESS]                               |
               |   [TYPE]          Static IP                                   |        
               |   [ORGANIZATION]  RINET                                       |
               |   [HOST]          N/A                                         |
               |   [NETHANDLE]     NET-131-109-0-0-1                           |
               |   [CIDR]                              |
               |                                                               |
                                     [0x4 - DIGITAL FOOTPRINT]
               |                                                               |
               |                    - DOC - Date of Creation -                 |
               |                                                               |
               | [EMAILS]   [1] - globalmicronationalfederation@gmail.com      |
               |                 [NAME]   Global Micronational Federation      |
               |                 [ID]     115973651723883669242                |
               |                 [SITES]  academia.edu, adobe.com,             |
               |                          instagram.com, pinterest.com,        |
               |                          spotify.com                          |
               |           [2] - terrymckeen2009@gmail.com                     |
               |                 [NAME]   Terry McKeen                         |
               |                 [ID]     102772615110624497396                |
               |           [3] - alterraceo@gmail.com                          |
               |                 [NAME]   Terry McKeen                         |
               |                 [ID]     105351698668810169430                |
               |                 [LEAKS]  Pixlr                                |
               |                 [SITES]  academia.edu, adobe.com,             |
               |                          instagram.com                        |
               |           [4] - goofyahhah53645@gmail.com                     |
               |                 [NAME]   Goofy Ahhah                          |
               |                 [ID]     113404926476285103485                |
               |                 [SITES]  pinterest.com                        |
               |           [5] - zepranyia@gmail.com                           | 
               |                 [ID]     106923611772872585217                |
               |                 [SITES]  spotify.com                          |
               | [DISCORD] [1] - shahsuleiman                                  |
               |                 [NAME]   Suleimān ībn Isma’īl al-Zepranī      |
               |                 [ID]     1318352594674122798                  |
               |                 [DOC]    16 December 2024 23:02:32 UTC        | 
               |           [2] - daisuleiman                                   |
               |                 [NAME]   Sūleiman ibn Isma’īl al-Zeprani      |
               |                 [ID]     1185412208298053672                  |
               |                 [DOC]    16 December 2023 02:44:54 UTC        |
               |           [3] - urgirlbonita                                  |
               |                 [NAME]   -unknown-                            | 
               |                 [ID]     1291939432080867348                  |
               |                 [DOC]    5 October 2024 01:46:03 UTC          |
               | [TWITTER] [1] - PremierVladkova                               |
               |                 [NAME]   Pavel                                |
               |                 [DOC]    September 2021                       |
               |                 [OTHER]  384 followers, 1754 following        |
               |           [2] - ShahSuleimanI                                 |
               |                 [NAME]   Suleiman | سُلِيمَان                      |
               |                 [DOC]    June 2024                            |
               |                 [OTHER]  38 followers, 215 following          |
               |           [3] - RealTerryMcKeen                               |
               |                 [NAME]   Terry McKeen III                     |
               |                 [DOC]    April 2022                           |
               |                 [OTHER]  8 followers, 3 following             |
               | [INSTAGRAM]     terry.14067                                   |
               | [LINKEDIN]      /terry-mckeen-b512711b9                       |
               | [SPOTIFY]       31gvv3jxixhtdlo4sdq5rpipkynm                  |
               | [CHANGE.ORG]    1208338590                                    |
               |                                                               |
                                           [0x5 - FAMILY]
               |                                                               |
               | [FATHER]        Terry Arthur McKeen Jr.                       |
               |      [DOB]      23/01/1979 (45 y/o as of writing)             |
               |      [ADDRESS]  56 Tefft Hill Road,                           |
               |                 Wyoming, RI 02898                             |
               |      [STATUS]   Employed - workplace unknown                  |
               |      [PHONE #]  +1 (401) 491-9092                             |
               | [MOTHER]        Melissa Susan McKeen (nee Devoe)              |
               |      [DOB]      28/09/1981                                    |
               |      [ADDRESS]  88 West Shannock Road,                        |
               |                 Carolina, RI 02812                            |
               |      [STATUS]   Unknown                                       |
               |      [PHONE #]  +1 (860) 230-0285                             |
               |      [CRIMINAL HISTORY]                                       |
               |      [DUI]    https://archive.is/Ergvn                        |
               |                                                               |
                                        [0x6 - CONCLUSION]
               |                                                               |
               | I don't have a conclusion, the intro speaks for itself.       |
               | Can't believe I helped these retards for so long, but at some |
               | point it had to come to an end.                               |
               |                                                               |
               |     |V|                                                       |
               |  .::| |::.                                                    |
               | ::__| |__::    _____ ___   _   _______ ________  ___          |
               |>____   ____<  |_   _/ _ \ | \ | |  _  \  ___|  \/  |          |
               | ::  | |  ::     | |/ /_\ \|  \| | | | | |__ | .  . |          |
               |  '::| |::'      | ||  _  || . ` | | | |  __|| |\/| |          |
               |     | |         | || | | || |\  | |/ /| |___| |  | |          |
               |     | |         \_/\_| |_/\_| \_/___/ \____/\_|  |_/          |
               |     | |                                                       |
               |     |A|                                              (c) 2025 |
               |                                                               |