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       _____------           __      ----_
___----             ___------              \
   ----________        ----                 \
               -----__    |             _____)
                    __-                /     \
        _______-----    ___--          \    /)\           Today we will be doxxing the Costco Guys.
  ------_______      ---____            \__/  /           The Costco Guys are a father-son duo who make brainrot content online.
               -----__    \ --    _          /\           We can't dox his son due to site rules, but it isn't his fault his dad is using him for money.
                      --__--__     \_____/   \_/\         Enjoy the dox <3
                              ----|   /          |
                                  |  |___________|
                                  |  | ((_(_)| )_)
                                  |  \_((_(_)|/(_)
                                  \             (

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Name: Andrew C. Befumo Jr.
Aliases: A.J., Andrew Befumo Jr., Big A.J.
Age: 48 (born January 16, 1976)
Address: 2941 NW 29th Ave, Boca Raton, FL 33434
Phone: (732) 449-7026, (609) 652-8842, (732) 921-3180

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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@a.j.befumo
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@a.j.befumo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a.j.andbigjustice
Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/ajandbigjustice
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ajandbigjustice
Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/a.j.andbigjustice
Andrew's Zillow: https://www.zillow.com/lender-profile/ABefumo/

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Zillow Estimate: $1,044,300
Built: 1989
Parking space: 2
HOA: Yes
HOA Fee: $175 monthly
Tax History:
Year	Property taxes	Tax assessment
2023	$12,489 +13.9%	$609,090 +10%
2022	$10,965 +15.9%	$553,718 +10%
2021	$9,462 +9.2%	$503,380 +9.5%
2020	$8,667 -5.4%	$459,585 -4.3%
2019	$9,161	$480,323 +4.7%
2018	$9,161 +7.7%	$458,618 +0.2%
2017	$8,502 +0.8%	$457,861 +13.8%
2016	$8,435 +8.5%	$402,312 -5.7%
2015	$7,774 -0.8%	$426,459 +10%
2014	$7,834 +4.2%	$387,690 +4.7%
2013	$7,517 +7.8%	$370,251 +9.8%
2012	$6,976 +1.9%	$337,240 +3%
2011	$6,849 +0.1%	$327,271
2010	$6,842 +14.7%	$327,271 -2.9%
2009	$5,967 +4.3%	$337,020 -4.2%
2008	$5,721 -0.7%	$351,902 +3%
2007	$5,761 -5.5%	$341,652 +2.5%
2006	$6,093	$333,319 +3%
2005	--	$323,611 +3%
2004	$3,216 +2246.6%	$314,185 +1.9%
2003	$137 -97.7%	$308,327 +10.8%
2002	$5,882 +5.2%	$278,182 +7.2%
2001	$5,589 +9.2%	$259,487 +9.1%
2000	$5,119 +6.6%	$237,946 +0.1%
1999	$4,802	$237,670