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                                                                      TINA MOGS BTW

                                        1. Fat Stinky And Retarded
                                        2. Scammed someone out of a car WAY back in the day

                                        3. Calling CPS on people for no reason

                                        4. Lied about calling CPS then admitted it Lol


                                             https://youtu.be/Q27qpVjPILE (her being a retard with proof)



  ➤NAME: Tina Marie Dandridge
  ➤EMAILS: | albertdandridge54@gmail.com | dandridgealbert@yahoo.com | tinadandridge545@gmail.com
     ↳ Leaked Passwords: albertlee5, 
  ➤SSN: Soon
  ➤ID NUMBER: Soon
  ➤ACCOUNTS: |  https://www.youtube.com/@TheOneAndOnlyNeighbourTinaD | https://cash.app/$Angrytinad
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 2/19/1969
  ➤HOUSE NUMBERS: (843) 771-4907
  ➤ADDRESS: 1925 Bacons Bridge Rd Lot 5, Summerville, SC 29485
  ➤NUMBER: (843) 771-4907
  ➤FACE: https://files.catbox.moe/ydg41s.png (geeked), https://files.catbox.moe/w090aj.png (Locked in)
  ➤note: Gotta Keep the game fair cant just get Becky



  ➤NAME: Albert Lynn Dandridge
  ➤EMAILS: | goatdan@icloud.com | tinadandridge2@gmail.com
     ↳ Leaked Passwords: N/A
  ➤SSN: Soon
  ➤ID NUMBER: Soon
  ➤ACCOUNTS: |  https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/AlbertDandridgelll
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 10/19/2002
  ➤HOUSE NUMBERS: (843) 771-4907
  ➤ADDRESS: 1925 Bacons Bridge Rd Lot 5, Summerville, SC 29485
  ➤NUMBER: (843) 771-0182
  ➤FACE: https://files.catbox.moe/xyaida.jpg
  ➤note: https://youtu.be/JGtethz97Hk Albert Crashing out



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                                                      ╚═╝  ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝    ╚═╝   ╚══════╝



                            Will update if they move or change any numbers + will add more info if i find any                                           

