____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Title:XXS John Smith
Created:Jul 21st, 2022
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 551
Comments: 4
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$ | $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$\ | \____$$\ $$ _____|$$ | $$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$ | $$ __$$\ $$$$$$$ |$$ / $$$$$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ | \__|$$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ _$$< $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ | \$$\ \$$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$ | \_______/ \_______| \_______|\__| \__| \____$$ |\__| \______/ \______/ \__| \__| \_______| $$\ $$ | \$$$$$$ | \______/ Thomas Silva is a 15 year old boy who thinks he alone is capable of stopping all pedophilia online. His little "Group" called "Pedohunters" is in reality a one man team. Thomas is known predominantly known among his peers for his doxing of pedophiles seen on his profile https://doxbin.com/user/pedohunters He is also known for his "Data Breach Service" that he claims posses over 60,000,000,000 indexed assets. Thomas has repeatedly stuck his nose where he does not belong becoming an issue for us as we don't like these kinds of people poking around in are area. We decided to put an end to his pedohunting and by proxy make him stop looking into us. 88888888888 888 .d8888b. d8b 888 888 888 d88P Y88b Y8P 888 888 888 Y88b. 888 888 88888b. .d88b. 88888b.d88b. 8888b. .d8888b "Y888b. 888 888 888 888 8888b. 888 888 "88b d88""88b 888 "888 "88b "88b 88K "Y88b. 888 888 888 888 "88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 .d888888 "Y8888b. "888 888 888 Y88 88P .d888888 888 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888 888 X88 Y88b d88P 888 888 Y8bd8P 888 888 888 888 888 "Y88P" 888 888 888 "Y888888 88888P' "Y8888P" 888 888 Y88P "Y888888 ●───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | Age: 15 | Passwords: zI#De1O1KI5$ | wpV3Na$2zXYy | Aliases: Doz | Dozzed | Doxerman | XXS | John | John Smith | High: 6'2 | Ethnitcy: White | Hair color: Brown | Eye Color: Brown | Teeth size: HUGE | Picture: | Telegram: @doxerman | Discord: xxs#1357 ID: 794472535881416724 | Session Name: Dox ID: 054ee8728ff380eb50d455b1ee56f97b3a40a20be241335e91236101715e065c4a ●───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● 888 888 .d8888b. d8b 888 888 888 d88P Y88b Y8P 888 888 888 Y88b. 888 888 8888b. 888 888 888d888 8888b. 888 "Y888b. 888 888 888 888 8888b. 888 "88b 888 888 888P" "88b 888 "Y88b. 888 888 888 888 "88b 888 .d888888 888 888 888 .d888888 888 "888 888 888 Y88 88P .d888888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 d8b Y88b d88P 888 888 Y8bd8P 888 888 88888888 "Y888888 "Y88888 888 "Y888888 88888888 Y8P "Y8888P" 888 888 Y88P "Y888888 NAME: Laura L. Silva Age: 42 Birth Date: May 1, 1979 - May 31, 1979 JOBS: Independent Arts and Crafts Professional Relatives: Aaron Silva, Aaron Michael Silva, Laura L Silva $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ \$$ \ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ \_$$ $$ |$$ _____| $$ ____/ $$ | $$ |$$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ ____| \_$$ $$ _| \____$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |$$ | $$$$$$$ | \__| \__| \__| \______/ \__| \__| \_______| \__|\__| \_______/ ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | Phone Number: (480) 760-3173 | | Details: | | Line Type: Mobile | | Carrier Location: Phoenix, AZ 85001 | | Prepaid: No | | Connected: No | | | | Phone Number: (928) 775-9518 | | Details: | | Line Type: Landline | | Carrier Location: Prescott-East, AZ 86301 | | Prepaid: No | | Connected: No | ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● $$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$ _____| \__|$$ | $$ | $$$$$$\$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$ | $$$$$\ $$ _$$ _$$\ \____$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ __| $$ / $$ / $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ |$$ | $$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ |$$ | \________|\__| \__| \__| \_______|\__|\__| ●─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | Email Valid Since Data Base Leak(s) | | laurascraftylife@gmail.com Disqus.com,houzz.com| | chatbook_person | | laurahalstead@hotmail.com Mar 2, 2009 | | schmoo2000@hotmail.com Sep 27, 2014 Collections,Adobe, | | MyHeritage,Myspace, | | Breachcomp,neopets | | schmoo2000@sbcglobal.net May 19, 2007 | | schmoo@sbcglobal.net Mar 14, 2008 | | schmoo@att.net | | schmoo2000@msn.com | | brianhal@aol.com AntiPublic,Fling, | | Collections, | | schmoo2000@aol.com Dropbox,Pemiblanc, | | MyFitnessPal, Evite | | zynga,eploit.it | | schmoo@netscape.net Collections,Myspace | | AntiPublic, | | schmoo2000@gte.net | | schmoo2000@netscape.net | | schmoo@earthlink.net Nov 10, 2008 | | schmoo@cs.com Sep 11, 2007 | ●─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$ __$$\ \__| $$ | $$ __$$\ \__|$$ | $$ / \__| $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ / \__|$$\ $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ _____|$$ | \____$$\ $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$$$\ $$ |$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ _____| \____$$\ $$ / $$ |$$ / $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ / $$ |$$ | \__|$$ / $$ |$$ _| $$ |$$ |$$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\ $$\ $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |$$ ____| \____$$\ \$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ | \______/ \______/ \_______|\__| \_______|\__| $$ ____/ \__| \______/ \__| \__|\__| \_______|\_______/ ●─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | TWITTER: laurascraftylif | | LINKEDIN: www.linkedin.com/in/laura-silva-6858b820 | | FACEBOOK: laura.halsteadsilva | | INSTAGRAM: laurascraftylife | | GOOGLE: plus.google.com/111789340042807840435/about | | PINTEREST:lauracraftylife | | AMAZON: www.amazon.com/wishlist/ZTJYWJY33FW7 | | OWN WEBSITE: LAURASCRAFTYLIFE.COM | | | | RELATED LINKS: | | MySpace: | | https://myspace.com/schmoo2000 | | | | Pinterest: | | http://pinterest.com/ACKNantucket/ | | http://pinterest.com/laurascraftylif/ | | http://pinterest.com/lauracraftylife/ | | | | Twitter | | https://twitter.com/i/user/485927910 | | | | LinkedIn: | | http://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-silva-6858b820 | | | | Facebook: | | http://www.facebook.com/people/_/1453724198 | | | | instagram.com: | | https://www.instagram.com/laurascraftylife/ | | | | Amazon: | | http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A2UM56781CI9JL/ | | http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/ZTJYWJY33FW7 | | | | laurascraftylife.com | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/home-decor/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/free-printables-home-management-binder/ | | http://www.laurascraftylife.com/contact | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/holiday-ideas/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/ninjago-party-invitation/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/ninjago-cake/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/disney-parties | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/category/diy/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/ornament-garland/ | | http://www.laurascraftylife.com/2013/01/ninjago-cupcake-liners.html | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/coupon-organization-binder/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/washi-tape-bunting/ | | http://www.laurascraftylife.com/2012/12/ninjago-lollipops-and-printable-ninjago | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/gevalia-girls-night-in/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/kids-crafts | | http://www.laurascraftylife.com/2012/11/friday-freebie-my-memories-take-out.html| | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/project-organize-make-the-beds/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/preschool-and-kindergarten-activity/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/contact/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/summer-fun-printable/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/lego-ninjago-party/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/life-n-reflection-photo-pizazz/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/1-teacher-tote-bag/ | | https://www.laurascraftylife.com/homework-caddy/?crlt.pid=camp.E6zUmlCDDAem | | | | todayscreativelife.com | | https://todayscreativelife.com/diy-patriotic-paper-garland/ | | http://www.facebook.com/laura.halsteadsilva | | https://linkinprofile.com/laurascraftylife | | http://twitter.com/LaurasCraftyLif | | https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/1453724198/ | | http://laurascraftylife.blogspot.com | ●─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$ __$$\ \__| \__| $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ / \__| $$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ |$$ _$$ _$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\ \____$$\ $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ _____|$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$ | $$ | $$ | \__|$$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ __$$< $$$$$$$$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ | \__|$$ / $$ | $$ | $$\ $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ ____|$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | \$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$$ | \______/ \__| \__|\__| \__| \__|\__|\__| \__| \_______|\__| \__| \__| \_______| \_______| \______/ \__| \_______| ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | Match Rating Based On: First Name Last Name Address | | Name: Laura Louise Silva | | Charges Filed Date: Feb 7, 2007 | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS (Arizona) | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS | | State: Arizona | | Personal Details | | First Name: Laura | | Middle Name: Louise | | Last Name: Silva | | Gender: Female | | Age: 42 | | Date Of Birth: May 16, 1979 | | Address: 1775 E Grasshopper Ln, Chino Valley, Yavapai | | Feb 7, 2007 - Charges Filed - Local Charge | | Charges Filed Date: Feb 7, 2007 | | Crime Location: Yavapai, AZ | | Crime Type: Traffic | | Offense Code: LOCAL CHARGE | | Offense Description: Local Charge | | Counts: 1 | | Case Type: Traffic | | Case Number: 20589707 | | Court Name: Prescott Valley Municipal | | Disposition: Bail/Deposit Given/Forfeited | | Disposition Date: Mar 9, 20 0 | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Last Name Address | | Name: Laura Louise Silva | | Charges Filed Date: Feb 7, 2007 | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS (Arizona) | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS | | State: Arizona | | Personal Details | | First Name: Laura | | Middle Name: Louise | | Last Name: Silva | | Gender: Female | | Age: 42 | | Date Of Birth: May 16, 1979 | | Address: 1775 E Grasshopper Ln, Chino Valley, Yavapai | | Feb 7, 2007 - Charges Filed - Local Charge | | Charges Filed Date: Feb 7, 2007 | | Crime Location: Yavapai, AZ | | Crime Type: Traffic | | Offense Code: LOCAL CHARGE | | Offense Description: Local Charge | | Counts: 1 | | Case Type: Traffic | | Case Number: 20606303 | | Court Name: Prescott Valley Municipal | | Disposition: Bail/Deposit Given/Forfeited | | Disposition Date: Mar 16, 2 0 | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name Address | | Name | | Laura L Silva | | Charges Filed Date | | Nov 18, 2019 | | Source: CALIFORNIA_COLUSA_COUNTY_SUPERIOR_COURT (California) | | Charges/Offenses: Exceeding 70 Mph Speed Where Posted | Eligible For Traffic School | | Source: CALIFORNIA_COLUSA_COUNTY_SUPERIOR_COURT | | State: California | | Personal Details | | First Name: Laura | | Middle Initial: L | | Last Name: Silva | | Nov 18, 2019 - Charges Filed - Exceeding 70 Mph Speed Where Posted | | Charges Filed Date | | Nov 18, 2019: Crime Classification | | Tv Offense Code: 22356(B) | | Offense Description: Exceeding 70 Mph Speed Where Posted | | Grade Of Offense: TRAFFIC | | Case Number: TR216799 | | Court Name: Superior | | Caseinfo | | Charge Number: 1 | | Nov 18, 2019 - Charges Filed - Eligible For Traffic School | | Charges Filed Date: Nov 18, 2019 | | Crime Classification: Tv | | Offense Description: Eligible For Traffic School | | Grade Of Offense: TRAFFIC | | Case Number: TR216799 | | Court Name: Superior | | Caseinfo | | Charge Number: 2 | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name Address | | Name: Laura L Silva | | Charges Filed Date: May 10, 2004 | | Source: CALIFORNIA_SAN_BERNARDINO_COUNTY (California) | | Charges/Offenses: Not Specified | | Source: CALIFORNIA_SAN_BERNARDINO_COUNTY | | State: California | | Personal Details | | First Name: Laura | | Middle Initial: L | | Last Name: Silva | | May 10, 2004 - Charges Filed - Not Specified | | Charges Filed Date: May 10, 2004 | | Crime Classification: Nos | | Offense Description: Not Specified | | Case Number: 216483 1 | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name Address | | Name: Laura L Silva | | Status: Closed | | Offense Date: Jun 15, 1989 | | Source: ILLINOIS_KANE_COUNTY_CIRCUIT_COURT (Illinois) | | Charges/Offenses: Driving 11 - 15 Mph Above Limit|Seat Belt Required/Driver|Driving 11-15 Above| | Source: ILLINOIS_KANE_COUNTY_CIRCUIT_COURT | | State: Illinois | | Personal Details | | First Name: Laura | | Middle Initial: L | | Last Name: Silva | | Gender: Femalemale | | Physical Appearance | | Height: NaN'NaN" | | Weight: 119 LBS Lbs | | Offense Date: Jun 15, 1989 - Offense - | | Charges Filed Date: Jun 15, 1989 | | Jun 19, 1989 | | Crime Classification: Tv | | Offense Description: Driving 11 - 15 Mph Above Limit | | Grade Of Offense: TRAFFIC | | Counts: 1 | | Case Number: 89-TR-035012 | | Court Name: Circuit | | Plea: Guilty | | Disposition: Terminated Satisfied | | Disposition Date: Sep 11, 1989 | | Status: Closed | | Caseinfo | | Citation: 279107 | | Jun 15, 1989 - Offense - | | Offense Date: Jun 15, 1989 | | Charges Filed Date: Jun 19, 1989 | | Crime Classification: Tv | | Offense Code: 95.5-12-603.1 | | Offense Description: Seat Belt Required/Driver | | Grade Of Offense: TRAFFIC | | Counts: 1 | | Case Number: 89-TR-035013 | | Court Name: Circuit | | Disposition: Stricken Off With Leave To Reinstate | | Disposition Date: Jul 11, 1989 | | Status: Closed | | Caseinfo | | Citation: 279108 | | Jun 25, 1989 - Offense - | | Offense Date: Jun 25, 1989 | | Charges Filed Date: Jun 28, 1989 | | Crime Classification: Tv | | Offense Description: Driving 11-15 Mph Above Limit | | Grade Of Offense: TRAFFIC | | Counts: 1 | | Case Number: 89-TR-036870 | | Court Name: Circuit | | Disposition: Terminated Satisfied | | Disposition Date: Oct 4, 1989 | | Status: Closed | | Caseinfo | | Citation: 3 0 | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name | | Name: Laura L Silva | | Charges Filed Date: Mar 30, 2003 | | Source: NORTH_CAROLINA_ADMINISTRATIVE_OFFICE_OF_THE_COURTS_DEMOGRAPHIC_INDEX (North Carolina) | | Charges/Offenses: Not Specified | | Source: NORTH_CAROLINA_ADMINISTRATIVE_OFFICE_OF_THE_COURTS_DEMOGRAPHIC_INDEX | | State: North Carolina | | Personal Details | | First Name: Laura | | Middle Initial: L | | Last Name: Silva | | Gender: Femaleemale | | Age: 53 | | Date Of Birth: Jul 4, 1968 | | Drivers License State: Nc | | Physical Appearance | | Complexion: Other | | Mar 30, 2003 - Charges Filed - Not Specified | | Charges Filed Date: Mar 30, 2003 | | Crime Classification: Nos | | Offense Description: Not Specified | | Case Type: Criminal | | Case Number: 7302003CR 0538 0 | | | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name | | Name: Laura L Silva | | Status: Closed | | Offense Date: Jan 25, 1991 | | Source: TEXAS_BEXAR_COUNTY_COURTS (Texas) | | Charges/Offenses: Theft Service-$20-200 W-Ck | Theft Service-$20-200 W-Ck |Theft Service$20-200| | Source: TEXAS_BEXAR_COUNTY_COURTS | | State: Texas | | Personal Details | | First Name: Laura | | Middle Initial: L | | Last Name: Silva | | Gender: Femaleemale | | Age: 51 | | Date Of Birth: Oct 17, 1970 | | Physical Appearance | | Complexion: White | | Jan 25, 1991 - Offense - | | Offense Date: Jan 25, 1991 | | Charges Filed Date: Aug 29, 1991 | | Crime Classification: M | | Offense Code: 230086 | | Offense Description: Theft Service-$20-200 W-Ck | | Grade Of Offense: MISDEMEANOR CLASS B | | Case Number: CR5 503700 | | Court Name | | County | | Disposition: Dismissed | | Disposition Date: Apr 21, 1992 | | Status: Closed | | Jan 25, 1991 - Offense - | | Offense Date: Jan 25, 1991 | | Charges Filed Date: Aug 29, 1991 | | Crime Classification: M | | Offense Code: 230086 | | Offense Description: Theft Service-$20-200 W-Ck | | Grade Of Offense: MISDEMEANOR CLASS B | | Case Number: CR5 503700 | | Court Name | | County | | Disposition | | Dsmd-Other: Disposition Date | | Apr 21, 1992 | | Status: Closed Jan 25, 1991 - Offense - | | Offense Date: Jan 25, 1991 | | Charges Filed Date: Aug 29, 1991 | | Crime Classification: M | | Offense Code: 230086 | | Offense Description: Theft Service-$20-200 W-Ck | | Grade Of Offense: MISDEMEANOR CLASS B | | Case Number: CR5 503700 | | Court Name | | County | | Court Costs: $0.00 | | Fines: $0.00 | | Disposition: Dsmd-Other | | Disposition Date: Apr 21, 1992 | | Status: Closed | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name | | Name | | Laura L Silva | | Status: Disposed | | Offense Date: Sep 30, 2002 | | Source: TEXAS_DENTON_COUNTY_JUSTICE_OF_THE_PEACE (Texas) | | Charges/Offenses: Failure To Pay Toll | | Source: TEXAS_DENTON_COUNTY_JUSTICE_OF_THE_PEACE | | State: Texas | | Personal Detail | | First Name: Laura | | Middle Initial: L | | Last Name: Silva | | Age: 58 | | Date Of Birth: Jul 26, 1963 | | Sep 30, 2002 - Offense - | | Offense Date: Sep 30, 2002 | | Charges Filed Date: Feb 20, 2003 | | Crime Classification: Mtv | | Offense Description: Failure To Pay Toll | | Grade Of Offense: MISDEMEANOR | | Case Number: T03350J6 | | Court Name: Justice Of The Peace Precinct 6 | | Plea: Nolo Contendere | | Disposition: Guilty | | Disposition Date: Mar 25, 2003 | | Status: Disposed | | CaseinfoCitation Number: Tx03awvbl4 | ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● d8888 888b d888 .d8888b. d8b 888 d88888 8888b d8888 d88P Y88b Y8P 888 d88P888 88888b.d88888 Y88b. 888 d88P 888 8888b. 888d888 .d88b. 88888b. 888Y88888P888 "Y888b. 888 888 888 888 8888b. d88P 888 "88b 888P" d88""88b 888 "88b 888 Y888P 888 "Y88b. 888 888 888 888 "88b d88P 888 .d888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 Y8P 888 "888 888 888 Y88 88P .d888888 d8888888888 888 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 " 888 d8b Y88b d88P 888 888 Y8bd8P 888 888 d88P 888 "Y888888 888 "Y88P" 888 888 888 888 Y8P "Y8888P" 888 888 Y88P "Y888888 ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | age: 47 | | Birth Date: Jan 30, 1974 | | Relatives: Laura L Silva, Andrea C Silva(deceased 2020),Rosemarie M Sharber| ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● ●──────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | Phone Number: (928) 775-9518 | | Details: | | Line Type: Landline | | Carrier Location:Prescott-East, AZ 86301 | | Prepaid: No | | Connected: No | | | | Phone Number: (928) 443-0317 | | Details: | | Line Type: Landline | | Carrier Location:Prescott-Main, AZ 86301 | | Prepaid: No | | Connected: No | | | | Phone Number: (520) 443-0317 | | Details: | | Line Type: Mobile | | Carrier Location:Tucson-Flowing Wells,AZ85118| | Prepaid: No | | Connected: No | ●──────────────────────────────────────────────────────● $$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$ _____| \__|$$ | $$ | $$$$$$\$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$ | $$$$$\ $$ _$$ _$$\ \____$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ __| $$ / $$ / $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ |$$ | $$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ |$$ | \________|\__| \__| \__| \_______|\__|\__| ●─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | Email Valid Since Data Base Leak(s) | | doubleasilva@gmail.com Zynga | | judanditu@yahoo.com Jan 21, 2010 Adobe, Disqus.com | | stefsilva@hotmail.com Dec 11, 2019 Acuity,Collections, | | MySpace, Instagram, | | BreachCompilation, | | Acuity, MyHeritage, | | aaron.silva@sbcglobal.net Nov 16, 2010 | | brianhal@aol.com AntiPublic,Fling, | | Collections, | | aaron.silva@cox.net Jan 1, 2010 Instagram, Acuity, | | usa_cell_db_2019, | | jersey2020@yahoo.com MyFitnessPal,Zynga | | LinkedIn,ModBSolutio| | triplebelles@gmail.com ModBSolutions, | | eatstreet | ●─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$ __$$\ \__| $$ | $$ __$$\ \__|$$ | $$ / \__| $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ / \__|$$\ $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ _____|$$ | \____$$\ $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$$$\ $$ |$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ _____| \____$$\ $$ / $$ |$$ / $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ / $$ |$$ | \__|$$ / $$ |$$ _| $$ |$$ |$$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\ $$\ $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |$$ ____| \____$$\ \$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ | \______/ \______/ \_______|\__| \_______|\__| $$ ____/ \__| \______/ \__| \__|\__| \_______|\_______/ ●───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | elitemate: elitemate.com/myJsp/viewProfile.jsp?id=Jonah123y | | USA CONSUMERS | | Aaron Silva | | Addresses: | | 167 Quaker Farms Road, Oxford, Connecticut, 06478 | | 35 Platt Street, Ansonia, Connecticut, 06401 | | Montana | | 1775 E Grasshopper Lane, Chino Valley, Arizona, 86323 | | 728 Loma Vista Drive Ne, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87106 | | Missouri | | RESIDENTIAL CONTACTS | | Silva Aaron | | Addresses: | | 2295 W Sundial Road, Chino Valley, Arizona, 86323 | | ANYWHO.COM | | Aaron Silva | | http://whitepages.anywho.com/results.php?ReportType=34&MoreInfoResult=1&RecID=5&qi=0&qk=10&qn=Sil+va&qs=NM| | Addresses: | | 728 Loma Vista Drive Ne, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87106 | | 167 Quaker Farms Road, Oxford, Connecticut, 06478 | | 35 Platt Street, Ansonia, Connecticut, 06401 | | USA MOBILE OWNERS | | Aaron Silva | | Addresses: | | 35 Platt Street, Ansonia, Connecticut, 06401 | | Missouri | | 167 Quaker Farms Road, Oxford, Connecticut, 06478 | | 1775 E Grasshopper Lane, Chino Valley, Arizona, 86323 | | EMAIL OWNERS USA | | Aaron Silva | | Addresses: | | 2295 W Sundial Road, Chino Valley, Arizona, 86323 | | 1775 E Grasshopper Lane, Chino Valley, Arizona, 86323 | | WHITE PAGES | | Aaron Silva | | Addresses: | | 167 Quaker Farms Road, Oxford, Connecticut, 06478 | | 1775 E Grasshopper Lane, Chino Valley, Arizona, 86323 | | USA CONSUMER PHONES | | Aaron Silva | | Addresses: | | 728 Loma Vista Drive Ne, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87106 | | 35 Platt Street, Ansonia, Connecticut, 06401 | | Missouri | | WORLDWIDE CONSUMERS | | Aaron Silva | | Addresses: | | 35 Platt Street, Ansonia, Connecticut, 06401 | | Missouri | | Montana | | Comments | ●───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$ __$$\ \__| \__| $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ / \__| $$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ |$$ _$$ _$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\ \____$$\ $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ _____|$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$ | $$ | $$ | \__|$$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ __$$< $$$$$$$$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ | \__|$$ / $$ | $$ | $$\ $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ ____|$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | \$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$$ | \______/ \__| \__|\__| \__| \__|\__|\__| \__| \_______|\__| \__| \__| \_______| \_______| \______/ \__| \_______| ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name Date Of Birth Address Age | | Name: Aaron Michael Silva | | Charges Filed Date: Aug 1, 2001 | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS (Arizona) | | Charges/Offenses: Lap And Shoulder Belts Required | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS | | State: Arizona | | Personal Details | | First Name: Aaron | | Middle Name: Michael | | Last Name: Silva | | Gender: Male | | Age: 47 | | Date Of Birth: Jan 30, 1974 | | Address: 1205 Sandretto Dr Apt C213, Prescott, Yavapai | | Physical Appearance | | Ethnicity: White | | Aug 1, 2001 - Charges Filed - Lap And Shoulder Belts Required | | Charges Filed Date: Aug 1, 2001 | | Crime Location: Yavapai, AZ | | Crime Type: Traffic | | Offense Code: LAP AND SHOULDER BELTS REQUIRED | | Offense Description: Lap And Shoulder Belts Required | | Counts: 1 | | Case Type: Traffic | | Case Number: 10709954 | | Court Name: Chino Valley Municipal | | Disposition: Plea Guilty/A Judgment Of Responsibility And/Or A Sentence Has Been Imposed | | Disposition Date: Aug 27, 2001 | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name Date Of Birth Address Age | | Name: Aaron Michael Silva | | Charges Filed Date: Jan 9, 2001 | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS (Arizona) | | Charges/Offenses: Drive In One Lane;Unsafe Lane Change | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS | | State: Arizona | | Personal Details | | First Name: Aaron | | Middle Name: Michael | | Last Name: Silva | | Gender: Male | | Age: 47 | | Date Of Birth: Jan 30, 1974 | | Address: 1205 Sandretto Dr Apt C213, Prescott, Yavapai | | Physical Appearance | | Ethnicity: White | | Charges Filed Date: Jan 9, 2001 - Charges Filed - Drive In One Lane; Unsafe Lane Change | | Jan 9, 2001 | | Crime Location: Yavapai, AZ | | Crime Type: Traffic | | Offense Code: DRIVE IN ONE LANE; UNSAFE LANE CHANGE | | Offense Description: Drive In One Lane; Unsafe Lane Change | | Counts: 1 | | Case Type: Traffic | | Case Number: 8684616 | | Court Name: Chino Valley Municipal | | Disposition: Complaint Dismissed By Court | | Disposition Date: Feb 19, 2001 | | Charges Filed Date: Jan 9, 2001 - Charges Filed - Fail To Produce Evidence Of Financial Resp | | Jan 9, 2001 | | Crime Location: Yavapai, AZ | | Crime Type: Traffic | | Offense Code: FAIL TO PRODUCE EVIDENCE OF FINANCIAL RESP | | Offense Description: Failure To Produce Evidence Of Financial Resp | | Counts: 2 | | Case Type: Traffic | | Case Number: 8684616 | | Court Name: Chino Valley Municipal | | Disposition: Complaint Dismissed By Court | | Disposition Date: Feb 19, 2001 | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name Date Of Birth Age | | Name: Aaron Michael Silva | | Charges Filed Date: May 27, 1993 | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS (Arizona) | | Charges/Offenses: Pos/Use Drug Paraphernalia|Pos/Use Marijuana<2Lb|Drug Paraphernalia-Pos/Use | | Source: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF COURTS | | State: Arizona | | Personal Details | | First Name: Aaron | | Middle Name: Michael | | Last Name: Silva | | Gender: Male | | Age: 47 | | Date Of Birth: Jan 30, 1974 | | Address: 230 Granite Vista Dr, Chino Valley, Yavapai | | May 27, 1993 - Charges Filed - Pos/Use Drug Paraphernalia | | Charges Filed Date: May 27, 1993 | | Crime Location: Pinal, AZ | | Offense Code: POS/USE DRUG PARAPHERNALIA | | Offense Description: Pos/Use Drug Paraphernalia | | Counts: 2 | | Case Type: Criminal | | Case Number: 16410918 | | Court Name: Yavapai County Superior | | Disposition: Guilty | | Disposition Date: Oct 25, 1993 | | May 27, 1993 - Charges Filed - Pos/Use Marijuana < 2 Lb | | Charges Filed Date: May 27, 1993 | | Crime Location: Pinal, AZ | | Crime Type: Misdemeanor | | Crime Classification: Misdemeanor | | Offense Code: POS/USE MARIJUANA < 2 LB | | Offense Description: Pos/Use Marijuana < 2 Lb | | Degree Of Offense: Misdemeanor | | Counts: 1 | | Case Type: Criminal | | Case Number: 16410918 | | Court Name: Yavapai County Superior | | Disposition: Guilty | | Disposition Date: Oct 25, 1993 | | Status: Defendant | | Count: 1 | | Party Description: Defendant | | Receive Date: 11/02/2021 | | May 27, 1993 - Charges Filed - Drug Paraphernalia-Possess/Use | | Charges Filed Date: May 27, 1993 | | Crime Location: Yavapai, AZ | | Crime Type: Misdemeanor | | Crime Classification: Misdemeanor | | Offense Code: DRUG PARAPHERNALIA-POSSESS/USE | | Offense Description: Drug Paraphernalia-Possess/Use | | Degree Of Offense: Misdemeanor | | Case Type: Criminal | | Case Number: 50766340 | | Court Name: Yavapai County Superior | | Disposition: Guilty | | Disposition Date: Oct 25, 1993 | | Status: Defendant | | Count: 2 | | Disclaimer: Party Description | | Defendant | | Receive Date: 11/02/2021 | | | | Match Rating Based On: First Name Middle Name Last Name Date Of Birth Age | | Name: Aaron Michael Silva | | Status: Petition | | Charges Filed Date: May 27, 1993 | | Source: ARIZONA_ADMINISTRATOR_OF_THE_COURTS (Arizona) | | Charges/Offenses | | Source: ARIZONA_ADMINISTRATOR_OF_THE_COURTS | | State: Arizona | | Personal Details | | First Name: Aaron | | Middle Name: Michael | | Last Name: Silva | | Gender: Male | | Age: 47 | | Date Of Birth: Jan 30, 1974 | | May 27, 1993 - Charges Filed - Drug Paraphernalia-Possess/Use | | Charges Filed Date: May 27, 1993 | | Crime Classification: M | | Offense Description: Drug Paraphernalia-Possess/Use | | Grade Of Offense: MISDEMEANOR | | Case Type: Criminal | | Case Number: P-1300-CR-930351 | | Court Name: 12 - Yavapai County Superior | | Disposition: Guilty | | Disposition Date: Oct 25, 1993 | | Status: Petition | | Status Date: Oct 23, 1996 | | May 27, 1993 - Charges Filed - Pos/Use Marijuana < 2 Lb | | Charges Filed Date: May 27, 1993 | | Crime Classification: M | | Offense Description: Pos/Use Marijuana < 2 Lb | | Grade Of Offense: MISDEMEANOR | | Case Type: Criminal | | Case Number: P-1300-CR-930351 | | Court Name: 12 - Yavapai County Superior | | Disposition: Guilty | | Disposition Date: Oct 25, 1993 | | Status: Petition | | Status Date: Oct 23, 1996 | ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● $$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$ _____|\__| $$ | $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\ \____$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ _____|$$ __$$\ $$ __| $$ |$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / $$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ ____| $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$$\ \__| \__|\__| \__| \_______|\__| \__| \_______| \_______| ●─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | JUDGMENT | | Name: Aaron Silva | | Address: 1205 Sandretto Dr Apt C213, Prescott, AZ, 86305 | | Court Name: PRESCOTT JUSTICE COURT | | Court ID: AZYAVM1 | | Court Address: Courthouse Po Box 2059, Prescott, AZ, 86301 | | Court Phone Number: (520) 771-3300 | | Filing Type: CIVIL JUDGMENT RELEASE | | Filing Date: Aug 26, 2003 | | Court Case Number: 200308081J | | Total Judgment Amount: $435.00 | | Filing Date: Aug 26, 2003 | | Release Date: Sep 24, 2004 | | | | JUDGMENT | | Name: Aaron Silva | | Address: 1205 Sandretto Dr Apt C213, Prescott, AZ, 86305 | | Court Name: PRESCOTT JUSTICE COURT | | Court ID: AZYAVM1 | | Court Address: Courthouse Po Box 2059, Prescott, AZ, 86301 | | Court Phone Number: (520) 771-3300 | | Filing Type: CIVIL JUDGMENT | | Filing Date: Aug 26, 2003 | | Court Case Number: 200308081J | | Total Judgment Amount: $415.00 | | Filing Date: Aug 26, 2003 | ●─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● ●──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● |$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$\ $$$\ | |$$ __$$\ $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ _____| $$ | $$ _| \$$\ | |$$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ | $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$ / $$$$$$$\ \$$\ | |$$ | $$ | \____$$\\_$$ _| \____$$\ $$$$$$$\ | \____$$\ $$ _____|$$ __$$\ $$$$$\ $$ __$$\\_$$ _| $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ _____| $$ | | |$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ | $$ __$$\ $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$ | $$ __| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | \__|$$ | $$ |$$ | \$$$$$$\ $$ | | |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$ | $$ |$$\ $$ __$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ __$$ | \____$$\ $$ ____| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |\$$\ \____$$\ $$ | | |$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ | \$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | \$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$$ | \$$$\ $$$$$$$ |$$$ / | |\_______/ \_______| \____/ \_______| \_______/ \_______|\_______/ \_______| \________|\__| \__| \____/ \__| \____$$ | \___|\_______/ \___/ | | $$\ $$ | | | \$$$$$$ | | | \______/ | ●──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● . .╰──╮ ╭──╯. . | _ _ _____ _ _ | | | | | | / ___(_) | | | | | __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ | | \ `--. _| |_ ____ _ | | | | / _` | | | | '__/ _` | | | `--. \ | \ \ / / _` | | | | |___| (_| | |_| | | | (_| | | |_____ /\__/ / | |\ V / (_| | | | \_____/\__,_|\__,_|_| \__,_| \_____(_) \____/|_|_| \_/ \__,_| | ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | _ _ _ _ _ | || | (_) | | | | ____ | | | || |__ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ | |__ __ _| | / __ \ __ _ ___ | | ___ ___ _ __ ___ | || '_ \| '__| |/ _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _` | |/ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \| | / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ | || |_) | | | | (_| | | | | | | | (_| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | || (_| (_) | | | | | | | ||_.__/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|_|\ \__,_|\__,_|\___/|_(_)___\___/|_| |_| |_| | ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● |{ | "entries": [ | { | "id": "2722303546", | "email": "brianhal@aol.com", | 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●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● | _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ | || | / _| | | (_)/ _| ____ (_) | | || | __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ __ _| |_| |_ _ _| |_| |_ ___ / __ \ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _| | ___ ___ _ __ ___ | || | / _` | | | | '__/ _` / __|/ __| '__/ _` | _| __| | | | | | _/ _ \/ / _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | | / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| || |___| (_| | |_| | | | (_| \__ \ (__| | | (_| | | | |_| |_| | | | || __/ | (_| | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | || (_| (_) | | | | | | ||______\__,_|\__,_|_| \__,_|___/\___|_| \__,_|_| \__|\__, |_|_|_| \___|\ \__,_|\__, |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_(_)___\___/|_| |_| |_| | __/ | \____/ __/ | | | |___/ |___/ | ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● |{ | "entries": [ | { | "id": "18893409885", | "email": "laurascraftylife@gmail.com", | "ip_address": "", | "username": 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|_|\___|\__| | | \____/ | | | | |_| | ●────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────● |{ | "entries": [ | { | "id": "13951059179", | "email": "schmoo@netscape.net", | "ip_address": "", | "username": "", | "password": "schmuck71", | "hashed_password": "", | "name": "", | "vin": "", | "address": "", | "phone": "", | "database_name": "Collections" | }, | { | "id": "5453520033", | "email": "schmoo@netscape.net", | "ip_address": "", | "username": "", | "password": "schmuck71", | "hashed_password": "", | "name": "", | "vin": "", | "address": "", | "phone": "", | "database_name": "BreachCompilation" | }, | { | "id": "2759181218", | "email": "schmoo@netscape.net", | "ip_address": "", | "username": "", | "password": "schmuck71", | "hashed_password": "", | "name": "", | "vin": "", | "address": "", | "phone": "", | "database_name": "AntiPublic" | }, | { | "id": "3463735580", | "email": "schmoo@netscape.net", | 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1 month ago
3 months ago
5 months ago
2 years ago