| Weirdo / Fag / Retard / Larp / Liar | 

| He sucked a girls toes, shows his ass to little kids   |
| and sends unsolicited dick pics (his ex's pussy tastes |
| good)                                                  |

| Name: Zayne Alexander Jaber                   |
| Address: 23039 Mobile St. West Hills, CA 91307|                

| https://www.instagram.com/glvtchyyy/                                              |
| https://www.instagram.com/zayne_jaber/                                            |
| https://www.youtube.com/@YTGlitchyBOI                                             |
| https://www.youtube.com/@glvtchy                                                  |
| https://soundcloud.com/glitchyboi666                                              |
| https://discord.gg/BCQTESvV                                                       |
| https://open.spotify.com/artist/5CrQZaIMlwc2fF5hIqgPC6?si=CS8qYUoqSwKjYMDAlLgTsg  |


|================|His Mom|=====================|
|Name: Michele R Jaber                         |
|Address: 23039 Mobile St. West Hills, CA 91307|
|Phone: (818) 436-2575                         |

|================|His Dad|=====================|
|Name: Michael "Mike" Jaber                    |
|Address: 23039 Mobile St. West Hills, CA 91307|
|Phone: (480) 836-0391                         |

| His Mom: https://www.instagram.com/michelejaber/ |
| His Dad: https://www.instagram.com/mjaber1210/   |


Note: that bitch ass fag dekkainred is pedo so go spam his shit

ldexus: twitter
dekkainred: instagram

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