      8                                .d88
      8  oooooooooooooooooooooooooooood8888
      8  8888888888888888888888888P"   8888    oooooooooooooooo
      8  8888888888888888888888P"      8888    8 powered by   8
      8  8888888888888888888P"         8888    8 jewels      d8
      8  8888888888888888P" powering   8888    8            d88
      8  8888888888888P"          on   8888    8           d888
      8  8888888888P"                  8888    8          d8888
      8  8888888P"                     8888    8         d88888
      8  8888P"                        8888    8        d888888
      8  8888oooooooooooooooooooooocgmm8888    8       d8888888
      8 .od88888888888888888888888888888888    8      d88888888
      8888888888888888888888888888888888888    8     d888888888
                                               8    d8888888888
         ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo       8   d88888888888
        d                       ...oood8b      8  d888888888888
       d              ...oood888888888888b     8 d8888888888888
      d     ...oood88888888888888888888888b    8d88888888888888
    ╔ table of contents.exe ════════════════════════════════════════════ - □ x ╗
    ║                                                                          ║
    ║                 reason, Aiden, scoials, random, finale.                  ║
    ║                                                                          ║
    ╔ reason.exe ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════ - □ x ╗
    ║                                                                          ║
    ║                   pedophile, has cp on his phone                         ║
    ║                                                                          ║
    ╔ aiden.exe ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ - □ x ╗
    ║                                                                          ║
    ║ name > Aiden Inman                                                       ║
    ║ address > 8128 Highway 26, Clearview ON,Canada                           ║
    ║ age > 20                                                                 ║                                              
    ║ Birthday > July 19th                                                     ║
    ║ Number > (705) 433-1787                                                  ║
    ║ face >                           ║
    ║ picture of his mud hut >         ║

    ╔ Aidens socials.exe ═══════════════════════════════════════════════ - □ x ╗
    ║                                                                          ║
    ║ Discord > ikxu                                                           ║  
    ║ discord id > 971188397152550962                                          ║                                                                                                   
    ║ instragram > ax.dn                                                       ║                                                                                 
    ║ tiktok > .stocktd                                                        ║                    
    ║ epcic gams > DaddyAxdn                                                   ║
    ║ steam> > <3                                          ║
    ║                                                                          ║

    ╔ random.exe ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════ - □ x ╗
    ║  grown ass man btw                                                       ║
    ║                                  ║                                                                                             
    ║                                  ║ 
    ║                       comn now you to old for that g smh                 ║

    ╔ finale.exe ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════ - □ x ╗
    ║                                                                          ║
    ║                    ggs from rred, dumbasss slag                          ║
    ║               and if you feel a way come do sum about it aiden           ║
    ║                                            ║
      8                                .d88
      8  oooooooooooooooooooooooooooood8888
      8  8888888888888888888888888P"   8888    oooooooooooooooo
      8  8888888888888888888888P"      8888    8 powered by   8
      8  8888888888888888888P"         8888    8 jewels      d8
      8  8888888888888888P" powering   8888    8            d88
      8  8888888888888P"         off   8888    8           d888
      8  8888888888P"                  8888    8          d8888
      8  8888888P"                     8888    8         d88888
      8  8888P"                        8888    8        d888888
      8  8888oooooooooooooooooooooocgmm8888    8       d8888888
      8 .od88888888888888888888888888888888    8      d88888888
      8888888888888888888888888888888888888    8     d888888888
                                               8    d8888888888
         ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo       8   d88888888888
        d                       ...oood8b      8  d888888888888
       d              ...oood888888888888b     8 d8888888888888
      d     ...oood88888888888888888888888b    8d88888888888888