The Pray Trials.
             .---.                      .---.                         .---.                       .---.                       .---.         
             |   |                      |   |                         |   |                       |   |                       |   |         
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   ║ 0x00 -                      Table Of Contents                              |                                                         ║

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        		        J J      |  |      L L                      
        		        | |      |  |      | |  	              
                                J J      |  |      F F                              
        		         \ \     |  |     / /          ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗  
        		          \ `.   |  |   .' /			                                                 
--------╠═══════════════════╣----- `. `-.|  |.-' .'               : ̗̀➛     0x00 Introduction.............................. 
        ║                   ║        `-. |.-' .-'                 : ̗̀➛     0x01 Identity..................................
        ║   IF YOU ARE A    ║           . .-' .-'.                : ̗̀➛     0x02 Personal Information......................
        ║      VICTIM       ║        .' .-' |. `.                 : ̗̀➛     0x03 Email...................................
        ║    CONTACT US     ║       / .' |  | `. \                : ̗̀➛     0x04 Outro....................................
        ║                   ║      / /   |  |   \ \               : ̗̀➛     0x05 Credits.................................
        ║ [Info in Credits] ║     J J    |  |    L L            ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
        ║                   ║	  | |    |  |    | |            
        ╠═══════════════════╣	  J J    |  |    F F          
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   ║ 0x00 -                      Introduction                                   |                                                         ║

                                 This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system 
                      announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by The 414 Foundation

                      Let the purge commence.
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   ║ 0x01 -                      Identity                                       |                                                         ║

                                » Affiliations
				⤷ N/A

				» Alias
				⤷ Bam
				» Detraces 
				⤷ N/A
				⤷ N/A
				⤷ N/A
            /                                                \
           |    _________________________________________     |
           |   |                                         |    |
           |   |  T:\> Doxed by textbooks                |    |
           |   |       loading..                 |    |
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           |   |                                         |    |
           |   |_________________________________________|    |
           |                                                  |
             _-'    .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.  --- `-_
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 _-'.-.-.-.-.-. .---.-. .-------------------------. .-.---. .---.-.-.-.`-_
   ║ 0x02 -                      Personal Information                           |                                                         ║

                                » Name: Bamshak Dalong Hope,
                                » Associated Names:

                                » Age: 33,
                                » Sex: M,
                                » Address: N/A,
			        » State: Sango Otta, Ogun
				» Country: Nigeria,

                                » Phone Number: 703 249 3891,
				⤷ "name": "Bamshak Hope"
				⤷ "carrier: N/A,
				⤷ "lata": N/A,
				⤷ "number": "6055533182",
				⤷ "ocn": "7139",
				⤷ "portable": ?,
				⤷ "rate_center": N/A,
				⤷ "state": "NRA",

                                » Phone Number Connections: + () -
				⤷ facebook
				⤷ google
				⤷ twitter
				⤷ insta
              ;::::; :;                          
            ;:::::'   :;                         
           ;:::::;     ;.                        
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    ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;,   /  /        DOOO  
   ;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/  /          DOOO  - Time's up.
   :`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::#  /            DOOO
   ::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# /              DOO
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      ::::::`:::::;'  /  /   `#              

   ║ 0x03 -                      Email Addresses                                |                                                         ║

				  ⤷ Name: Bamshak Hope
				  ⤷ Google ID: N/A
				  ⤷ Linked with: 
				    - facebook
				    - gmail

Home Sweet Home
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   ║ 0x04 -                      Outro                                       |                                                            ║

                            This is a message to Bamshak. 
                            Bamshak, you are disgusting, and the world needs more people like me to get rid of people like you.
                            I hope if you have any, or plan to, your kids find out the truth about you as well as your wife.

                            Now your name will sit here rotting as it deserves for what you did
                            I'm praying you get caught and judged by your own people for what you sent to that 12 year old.
                            waiting for your actions.

                               - pray

   ║ 0x05 -                      Credits                                     |                                                            ║
                                     » Format: Resist //

                                     » Dox: Pray //