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Title:bob thornton
Created:Jan 4th, 2025
Created by: JOHNERDY12
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Full name billy bob thornton age 69 address 11601 Wilshire Blvd, STE 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90025-175 date of birth August 4, 1955 Phone numbers (310) 231-0800 location Los Angeles California Streets Wilshire ================ 9663 Santa Monica Blvd, APT 328, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-4303 801 N Roxbury Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3017 11777 San Vicente Blvd, STE 880, Los Angeles, CA 90049-5053 4000 Warner Blvd, Burbank, CA 91522-0001 ===================================================== Previous Phone Number (310) 456-8001 - Landline (323) 951-4335 - Landline ========================== Relatives Connie Angland Harry Thornton Jennifer Thornton John Thornton Thornton Pietra William Thornton Andrew Jones Audrey Usery Barry Green ============== Associates Robert Myman Amy Yasbeck Andrea Rouse Deborah Myman Elizabeth Korte Jerry Myman Karen Harris Andrew Orenstein Bruce Cervi ================== Current Address Property Details 11601 Wilshire Blvd, Unit 2200 Los Angeles CA 90025 Los Angeles County =============================== Square Feet 500,629 Year Built 1984 Last Sale Amount $50,000,000 Last Sale Date 2017-06-08 Occupancy Type Owner Occupied Ownership Type Corporate Land Use Commercial Office (General) Property Class Office Subdivision Westgate Tract Lot SqFt. 69,730 ======= Businesses Billy Thornton in Los Angeles, CA is associated with the following businesses: THREE FINGERS RECORDS 11601 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD SUITE 2200 LOS ANGELES CA 90025- BILLY BOB THORNTON OWNER Since October 2009 PRIVATE RADIO TOUR, INC 11601 WilshireBlvd Ste2200 Los Angeles CA 90025 BILLY BOB THORNTON PRESIDENT Since August 2001 MEATHOUSE, INC 11601 WilshireBlvd Ste2200 Los Angeles CA 90025 BILLY BOB THORNTON PRESIDENT Since January 1997 BBT RECORDS, INC 11601 WilshireBlvd Ste2200 Los Angeles CA 90025 BILLY BOB THORNTON PRESIDENT Since June 2000 MEATHOUSE INC 11601 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 2200 LOS ANGELES CA 90025-1758 BILLY BOB THORNTON PRESIDENT Since June 2013 MEATHOUSE INC 11601 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 2200 LOS ANGELES CA 90025-1758 BILLY BOB THORNTON DIRECTOR Since June 2013 Education for Billy Thornton ================= Email: alieninpa25@yahoo.com billy.thornton@wmconnect.com ============================ lso Known As Billy Thornton Billy Bob Thorton Billy Bob Thronton William B Thornton William Thornton Billy Bobthornton ===================== Billy B Thornton is 69 years old and was born in August of 1955. Currently Billy lives at the address 11601 Wilshire Blvd, Unit 2200, Los Angeles CA 90025. Billy has lived at this Los Angeles, CA address for about 23 years, after moving in around January of 2002. Billy previously lived at 9663 Santa Monica Blvd, Unit 328, Beverly Hills CA 90210, starting in June of 2007. Going further back, starting in June of 2000, Billy lived at 801 N Roxbury Dr, Beverly Hills CA 90210 for 12 years. Public records do not indicate that Billy B Thornton is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Billy: Connie Angland(60), Harry Thornton(30), Jennifer Thornton(53), John Thornton(56), Thornton Pietra(54), William Thornton(31), Andrew Jones(59), Audrey Usery(77), Barry Green(71), Betty Earls(71) and Betty Martin(73). Billy's current phone number is (310) 231-0800. This Landline number was issued by 'Frontier California Inc', first reported in public records on June of 2014. Past phone numbers for Billy include (310) 456-8001 and (323) 951-4335. The primary email address for Billy is alieninpa25@yahoo.com. Billy has also used the following email accounts: and billy.thornton@wmconnect.com. Frequently Asked Questions How old is Billy B Thornton? Billy Thornton is 69 years old, and was born in August of 1955. Where does Billy Thornton live currently? Billy Thornton's current address is 11601 Wilshire Blvd, Unit 2200, Los Angeles CA 90025. Billy has lived there for about 23 years, since January of 2002. Who is related to Billy Thornton? Billy Thornton is likely related to the following people: Connie Angland, Harry Thornton, Jennifer Thornton, John Thornton, Thornton Pietra, William Thornton, Andrew Jones, Audrey Usery, Barry Green, Betty Earls, Betty Martin What is the best phone number for Billy Thornton? Billy Thornton's latest phone number is a landline at (310) 231-0800. What is the best email for Billy Thornton? alieninpa25@yahoo.com is the most current email on record for Billy Thornton. Is Billy Thornton alive today? Yes! Billy Thornton is living today. Does Billy Thornton go by any other names or aliases? Billy Thornton may also go by the following names or aliases: Billy Thornton, Billy Bob Thorton, Billy Bob Thronton, William B Thornton, William Thornton, Billy Bobthornton Who does Billy Thornton associate with? The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Billy Thornton: Robert Myman, Robert Myman, Amy Yasbeck, Andrea Rouse, Deborah Myman, Elizabeth Korte, Jerry Myman, Karen Harris, Andrew Orenstein, Bruce Cervi, Charles Schlissel Where did Billy Thornton live previously? Billy Thornton was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 9663 Santa Monica Blvd, Unit 328, Beverly Hills CA 90210 | 801 N Roxbury Dr, Beverly Hills CA 90210 | 11777 San Vicente Blvd, Unit 880, Los Angeles CA 90049 | 4000 Warner Blvd, Burbank CA 91522 | 16070 W Sunset Blvd, Unit 205, Pacific Palisades CA 90272 What email addresses have been used by Billy Thornton? Billy Thornton has used the following email addresses: alieninpa25@yahoo.com, billy.thornton@wmconnect.com What phone numbers have been used by Billy Thornton? Billy Thornton has been registered with the following phone numbers: (310) 231-0800, (310) 456-8001, (323) 951-4335 Is Billy Thornton associated wth any businesses? Billy Thornton is associated with the following businesses: THREE FINGERS RECORDS, PRIVATE RADIO TOUR, INC, MEATHOUSE, INC, BBT RECORDS, INC, MEATHOUSE INC, MEATHOUSE INC ============================================================================================================== Possible Business Ownership Three Fingers Records 11601 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2200 Los Angeles Ca 90025- Private Radio Tour, Inc 11601 Wilshireblvd Ste2200 Los Angeles Ca 90025 Meathouse, Inc 11601 Wilshireblvd Ste2200 Los Angeles Ca 90025 Bbt Records, Inc 11601 Wilshireblvd Ste2200 Los Angeles Ca 90025 Meathouse Inc 11601 Wilshire Blvd Ste 2200 Los Angeles Ca 90025-1758 ====================================================== Education and Employment Company Warner Bros. Job Title Nut From N/A To N/A Company N/A Job Title N/A From N/A To N/A == Where does Billy Bob Thornton live? Billy Bob Thornton's address is 11601 Wilshire Blvd #2200 Los Angeles, CA 90025. How old is Billy Bob Thornton? Billy Bob Thornton's age is 69 years old. What is Billy Bob Thornton's phone number? Billy Bob Thornton's number is (310) 231-0800. Is Billy Bob Thornton married? Billy Bob Thornton does not appear to be married. =================================================