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Title:empavk , jesreijo , jesunki , suiesien .
Created:Dec 11th, 2023
Created by: bhc
Views: 429
Comments: 0
Edited at: Feb 1st, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Область Волховский Р-Н Г.Волхов,Лукьянова, Д.16, Кв.13 [reg2023] ║ >> [bhc]: food order data leak: Санкт-Петербург, Большой проспект Васильевского острова, 62, подъезд 2, подъезд 2, кв. 67, этаж 4 [bhc_repetitive] ║ >> [bhc]: born: 07.02.1999 [leaked & vk data, why even try to hide it, Grigory?] ║ >> [bhc]: num from uslugi.yandex: +7 906 255‑00‑97 ║ >> [bhc]: main num: +79218756205 ║ ├─── .. vk.com/id270168673 [@yaneager] ║ └─── .. telegram: @suiesien ║ ├─── .. possible server connections: Moscow[RU] ║ ├─── .. geo tag: 59.9332242, 30.2692813 [06.04.2021] ║ ├─── .. geo tag: 59.933969, 30.267693 [31.03.2021] ║ ├─── .. geo tag: 59.9362213, 30.2841957 [21.03.2021] ║ ├─── .. geo tag: 59.939703, 30.27785 [11.03.2021] ║ ├─── .. geo tag: 59.941312, 30.28385 [11.03.2021] ║ ├─── .. what on the earth was the fucking reason you did enable GEO TAGS in telegram? ║ └─── .. oh wait you are a pedophile, why am I even asking... ║ >> [bhc]: His telegram channel: https://t.me/altgirl_ap (also moderated by a dude named "jbebovy" t.me/jbyob) ║ >> [bhc]: careerist.ru: https://spb.careerist.ru/resume/tsvetaev-grigoriy-4944118.html ║ >> [bhc]: uslugi.yandex: https://uslugi.yandex.ru/profile/GrigorijCvetaev-1963541 ║ >> [bhc]: pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/siendeo1999/ ║ >> [bhc]: ru-world: https://ru-world.net/profile/tsvetaev-grigoriy-7259635672?ysclid=lq14pjfw95878130726 ║ >> [bhc]: dorking results & facepic: https://imgur.com/a/oHQpHuK ║ >> [bhc]: facepic from korovina vid: https://imgur.com/a/gqdCrEE ║ >> [bhc]: info: Underdeveloped minor-loving chimp. He spends his time shitposting pictures of egirls and terrorism memes in his tg channel. ║ ├─── .. Brags about cp and can't live a day without making a post about Libertarianism, big disappointment for the Libertarianism in general. ║ ├─── .. Jokes about him getting doxed and swatted. Proud of being 'the guy who made egirls popular in Russian military&politic telegram. ║ ├─── .. After a series of bad jokes he got doxed, became scared and decided to laugh it off. (Spoiler: didn't work) ║ ├─── .. Uses crypto all the time, tries to stay anonymous, flashes his balance sometimes. ║ ├─── .. Hates and jokes about goverment officials, but he is afraid of them to the point of trembling in his teeth. ║ └─── .. I bet he's mentally ill. Y-y-o-o-u-u r-r-r-r on doxbin! WELCOME. ║<<─────────────┐ ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: [!!!] 1st mention found: ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: Лилия Солкан Валентиновна ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: solkanly@gmail.com ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: Санкт-Петербург, Большой проспект Васильевского острова, 62, подъезд 2, кв. 67, этаж 4 ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: ИНН: 253800938906 ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: +79110193110 ║ │ └─── .. telegram: @Liliya_Solkan ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: [!!!] 2nd mention found: ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: Василиса Михайловна Солкан ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: 2000-09-28 ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: +79817606801 [according to vk.com, email adr for this num is er***@mail.ru] [strange] ║ │ └─── .. telegram: @Sol_kan ║ │ └─── .. photo: imgur.com/a/yVI1Rvc ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: Санкт-Петербург, Большой проспект Васильевского острова, 62, подъезд 2, кв. 67, этаж 4 ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: littlejesus1374@gmail.com ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: psswrd hash: 335a6f416a87dca36f0dba762b43e736 ║ │ └─── .. [md5 dehasher]: 50376086 ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: psswrd hash: RH7M4Hcvb3d8b6d273e756da9387c0c3fd72f3eb ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: psswrd hash: 89ed4627-219e-4de0-bdc6-0be26cf11785 ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: vk.com/id729413852 [not her, but her num is there. wtf] [strange] ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: https://www.facebook.com/vasilisa.solkan/ ║ │ >> [bhc_repetitive]: Академический художественный им. Иогансона РАХ (СПГАХЛ, СХШ) [graduated] ══════════╝<<─────────────┘ [bhc]: ../mom ███╗ ███╗ ██████╗ ████████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ ████╗ ████║██╔═══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗ ██╔████╔██║██║ ██║ ██║ ███████║█████╗ ██████╔╝ ██║╚██╔╝██║██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║╚██████╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ══════════╗ ║ >> [bhc]: Mom: Цветаева Марина Рудольфовна ║ >> [bhc]: born: 10.08.1973 ║ >> [bhc]: registered at: Лен. Область Волховский Р-Н Г.Волхов,Лукьянова, Д.16, Кв.13 [reg2023] [same as Grigory] ║ >> [bhc]: INN: 470201439361 [nodata] ║ >> [bhc]: SNILS: 00857553970 ║ >> [bhc]: owes: 22121 (rubles) ══════════╝ [bhc]: ../theend ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ _ _ ║ ║ _(,_/ \ \____________ _______ ║ ║ |`. \_@_@ `. ,' / \\ ║ ║ |\ \ . `-,-' / \\ ║ ║ || | `-.____,-' | @ @ || ║ ║ || / / \ | | || ║ ║ |/ | | oh look, supervisor! | /##\ || ║ ║`.. / \ | __ ||\ ║ ║ \\ / | \ //_/ ║ ║ || | \ / \______// ║ ║ \\ /-. | i like mushrooms __|| __|| ║ ║ ||/ /_ | (____(____) ║ ║ \(_____)-'_) ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ══════════╗ ║ >> [bhc]: special thanks: everyone. ║ ├─── .. tobayas (In love with your dox format idea) ║ ├─── .. mothersembrace (extra osint + format edit) ║ └─── .. pizzarestaurantemployee (yep, thats him) ══════════╝ [bhc]: ..