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                              Dox by Scarzy
Reason For Dox: Retard didn't like my work (made him a forum) and he
deleted everything and blocked me. Nigga thought myBB is better than XF

Proof of address / personal information: https://i.imgur.com/d9jeq71.png
Got into his account of where he bought his site using a cool exploit :)
Should get fixed tho, or misshosting has no IQ

╔═══╗──────╔═╗─╔╗╔═══╗╔═══╗     ╔══╗─╔╗──╔╗     ╔═══╗╔═══╗╔╗─╔╗
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Before continuing, want to ruin his site / add shit on it? 
(I've already removed everything but why not)
Here are the cPanel details:
Username: bmqgplsr
Password: WG8Y#2;1lgkH6w
Link: https://cpsrv33.misshosting.com:2083/
His site is http://fortroendet.com/

If anyone removes my name from there I'll make sure you will never 
see sunlight again

|                  0x01  Personal Information                   |

Full Name: Anton Karlsson
Personal Number / Org number: 801010-1515 (hot part <3)
Phone number: +46 72 584 65 45
Email: stereolovelixom@hotmail.se
Ethnicity: Swedish
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Face: https://i.imgur.com/udkcROp.png
Aliases: FreakerGate
Site: http://fortroendet.com/

|                  0x02  Social Media Accounts                  |

Discord: FreakerGate#7624
IG: https://www.instagram.com/freakergate90/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/FreakerGate
YouTube: hyoutube.com/channel/UCrDmmO75S5qHRr-gWPC0WTw
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198284184040
Other: https://www.identityrpg.com/community/profile/17256-freakergate/ - https://arkserverapi.com/members/freakergate.2167/ - https://forum.cfx.re/u/FreakerGate

|                 0x03  Address Information                     |

Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm
Street: Valhallagataen
House number: 20
Postnumber: 58244

|                      0x04  IP Information                     |

IP Address:
Country	SE - Sweden
Fraud Score: 0 - Low Risk
Mail SPAM Block List: Not Blacklisted No SPAM Reports Found
Proxy/VPN Detection: Clean IP - Not A Proxy/VPN Clean IP - Not A Proxy/VPN

Stats for nerds:

City	Stockholm
Region	Stockholms lan
Hostname	h-98-128-229-48.NA.cust.bahnhof.se
ISP	Bahnhof AB
ASN	AS8473 Bahnhof AB
Organization	Bahnhof AB
Time Zone	Europe/Stockholm
Latitude	59.3246994
Longitude	18.05599976
CIDR IP Address Subnet