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██║  ██║██║  ██║██║ ╚████║    ██████╔╝   ██║       ██║  ██║███████║   ██║   ██║  ██║██╔╝ ██╗███████╗
╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝    ╚═════╝    ╚═╝       ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝
|  |██░[ 0x01 Reason For Dox ]░████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░      
This is gonna be a yap sesh, so if you dont mind hearing me out then js read this. Harrypear decided it would be cool to start
dickriding the fuck out of entity and glaze the shit out of all his friends therefore leading to problems. since i dont fw
entity i stopped fucking with him aswell, i got my school leaked. He put me on this platform, i am infact a minor under 15 
therefore making it an illegal dox. He started spreading my school around and was saying that hes going to make threats
and swat my school. so i decided to cook this up in less than 5 minutes. fuck this nigga and he deserves to be on here
(this is a sneakpeak of the full dox, this is not the finished product)
|  |██░[ 0x02 Proof ]░████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░      
copy and paste ts in discord
> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1224220964032876596/1328480048432283748/image.png?ex=6786daf5&is=67858975&hm=15938de2ff0874f3632ab7278cd2161283f6ff2bceb35184da9ad24a06a9c078&
|  |██░[ 0x03 All Known Info ]░████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░      
> Age: 16
> DOB: 1/17/09
> 40.5468 (lat) / -74.1804 (long)
> New IP Address: (current ip)
> Textnow Number: 8155145937
> City: Staten Island
> State or Region: New York
> Postal Code: 10309
> ISP: Verizon Usa
> Hostname: c-76-129-251-142.hsd1.tn.comcast.net
> Provider: UUNET
> ASN: 701
> Latitude & Longitude	40.530000 -74.210000
> Domain: verizon.net
> Connection Speed: broadband