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Title:horny pedo trys to take hbs girl LOL?;doxxed by soul
Created:Sep 8th, 2023
Created by: taunting
Views: 696
Comments: 1
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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| | / (_)____/ /_(_)___ ___ | | / / / ___/ __/ / __ `__ \ | |/ / / /__/ /_/ / / / / / / ᵈᵒˣˣᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ˢᵒᵘˡ |___/_/\___/\__/_/_/ /_/ /_/ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____ .__ .___ .___ _/ ____\____ | | __| _/____ __| _/ \ __\/ _ \| | / __ |/ __ \ / __ | | | ( <_> ) |__/ /_/ \ ___// /_/ | |__| \____/|____/\____ |\___ >____ | /\ \/ \/ \/ \/ folded to me when said he was gnna dox me LOL?? anyways enjoy ^_^ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ,_ ' ;M; ,;m ` ;M;. , , ;SMM; ;;Mm; ,; ____ ;, ;SMM; ;;;MM; ; (.MMMMMM.) ; ,SSMM;; ,;;;mMp' l ';mmmm;/ j SSSMM;; .;;;;;MM; .\,.mmSSSm,,/, ,SSSMM;;; ;;;;;;mMM; .;MMmSSSSSSSmMm; ;MSSMM;;;; ;;;;;;mMSM; ,_ ;MMmS;;;;;;mmmM; -,;MMMMMMm;;;; ;;;;;;;MMSMM; \"*;M;( ( '') );m;*"/ ;MMMMMM;;;;;, .;;;;;;mMMSMM; \(@;! _ _ !;@)/ ;MMMMMMMM;;;;;, ;;;;;;;MMSSSM; ;,;.*o*> <*o*.;m; ;MMMMMMMMM;;;;;;, .;;;;;;;MMSSSMM; ;Mm; ;M;,MMMMMMMMMMm;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;mmMSSSMMMM, ;Mm;, '- ,;M;MMMMMMMSMMMMm;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;MMMSSSMMMMMMMm;Mm;;, ___ ,;SmM;MMMMMMSSMMMM;;;;;;;; ;;'";;;MMMSSSSMMMMMM;MMmS;;, " ,;SmMM;MMMMMMSSMMMM;;;;;;;;. ! ;;;MMMSSSSSMMMMM;MMMmSS;;._.;;SSmMM;MMMMMMSSMMMM;;;;;;;;; ;;;;*MSSSSSSMMMP;Mm*"'q;' `;p*"*M;MMMMMSSSSMMM;;;;;;;;; ';;; ;SS*SSM*M;M;' `-. ;;MMMMSSSSSMM;;;;;;;;;, !reason of dox> taking one of my hbs girl and being a pedo. ;;;. ;P `q; qMM. ';MMMMSSSSSMp' ';;;;;;; ;;;; ', ; .mm! \. `. / ;MMM' `qSS' ';;;;;; ';;; ' mmS'; ; , `. ;'M' `S ';;;;; `;;. mS;;`; ; ; ;M,! ' 666 ';;;; ';; .mS;;, ; '. o ; oMM; ;;;; ';; MMmS;; `, ;._.' -_.'MM; ;;; `;; MMmS;;; ; ; ; MM; ;;; `'. 'MMmS;; `;) ', .' ,M;' ;;; \ '' ''; ; ; ; ;' ;; ; ; `, ; ; ; ;; |. ; ; (. ; ; _.-. ;; .-----..__ / ; ; ;' ;\ _.-" .- `. ;; ;' ___ `*; `; '; ; ; ;' .-' : ; ; """*-. `. ; ; ; ; ' ,' / | ', `-_ (.--',`--'..' .' ', `-_ `*-._'.\\\;||\\) ,' `"*-._ "*`-ll_ll'l ,' ,==;*-._ "-. .' _-' "*-=`*;-._ ;' ." ;' ;"*-. ` ; ____ ;//' "- `, `+ .-/ ".\\; `*" / "'⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ___ _ _ _____ ___ ____ __ __ _ _____ ___ ___ _ _ |_ _| \ | | ___/ _ \| _ \| \/ | / \|_ _|_ _/ _ \| \ | | | || \| | |_ | | | | |_) | |\/| | / _ \ | | | | | | | \| | | || |\ | _|| |_| | _ <| | | |/ ___ \| | | | |_| | |\ | |___|_| \_|_| \___/|_| \_\_| |_/_/ \_\_| |___\___/|_| \_| ____________________________________________________________________________________ ip address - full name - Andre L. Hayes date of birth - Born on December 3rd, 1985 (37 years old while dating a 17 year old) full address - 4007 E 38th St.Indianapolis home facts - Year Built 2023 Purchased On February 19th, 2020 Purchase Price $4,000 Home Value $175,000-199,999 numbers - 317-378-2989 317-363-5117 317-546-0345 317-762-5573 317-625-5735 emails - cakelady2@sbcglobal. netdre1349@yahoo.com dre1349@gmail.com _____________________________________________________________________________________ ^_^ _____ _ __ __ ___ _ __ __ __ __ _____ __ __ ____ _____ ____ ____ | ___/ \ | \/ |_ _| | \ \ / / | \/ | ____| \/ | __ )| ____| _ \/ ___| | |_ / _ \ | |\/| || || | \ V / | |\/| | _| | |\/| | _ \| _| | |_) \___ \ | _/ ___ \| | | || || |___| | | | | | |___| | | | |_) | |___| _ < ___) | |_|/_/ \_\_| |_|___|_____|_| |_| |_|_____|_| |_|____/|_____|_| \_\____/ _____________________________________________________________________________________ MOTHER - Debra Lenora Hayes date of birth - December 9th, 1961 (61 years old) owned/shared numbers - 317-363-5117 317-546-0345 owned/shared emails - cakelady2@sbcglobal.net debrahayes@gateway.net hayesdl@earthlink.net Ethnicity - African American Ethnic Groups Religion - Protestant Wealth - (4) Donor - (4) Travel - (7) ______________________________________________________________________________________ FATHER - Lawrence Eugene Hayes date of birth - May 31st, 1972 (51 years old) owned/shared numbers - 317-371-0186 317-378-2989 317-363-5117 317-546-0345 317-926-8241 317-371-0185 317-956-3730 owned/shared emails - cakelady2@sbcglobal.net lawhayes@sbcglobal.net dre1349@yahoo.com dre1349@gmail.com wayneone74@yahoo.com hayeslalalaw@aol.com hayesdl@earthlink.net hayeslalalaw@tds.net hayeslalalaw@att.net hayeslalalaw@hotmail.com Ethnicity - African American Ethnic Groups Religion - Protestant Wealth - (4) Donor - (4) Travel - (7) ________________________________________________________________________________________ BROTHER - Devon Allen Hayes date of birth - Born on September 20th, 1990 (32 years old) owned/shared numbers - 317-363-5117 317-546-0345 owned/shared emails cakelady2@sbcglobal.net dahayes01@indianatech.net Ethnicity - African American Ethnic Groups Religion - Protestant Wealth - (4) Donor - (4) Travel - (7) ________________________________________________________________________________________ pictures of their house - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1147414714083708929/1147652662175735988/image.png?width=447&height=348 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1147414714083708929/1147652589874335812/image.png?width=534&height=360 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1147414714083708929/1147652531854508043/image.png?width=523&height=408 (this disguising human lives near a school) < https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1147414714083708929/1147653179719307284/image.png?width=560&height=308 ^ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ▄▄▄ . ▐ ▄ ·▄▄▄▄ ·▄▄▄ ·▄▄▄▄ ▐▄• ▄ ▀▄.▀·•█▌▐███▪ ██ ▪ ▐▄▄· ██▪ ██ ▪ █▌█▌▪ ▐▀▀▪▄▐█▐▐▌▐█· ▐█▌ ▄█▀▄ ██▪ ▐█· ▐█▌ ▄█▀▄ ·██· ▐█▄▄▌██▐█▌██. ██ ▐█▌.▐▌██▌. ██. ██ ▐█▌.▐▌▪▐█·█▌ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀▀▀• ▀█▄▀▪▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀• ▀█▄▀▪•▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ _..--""---. / ". ` l |'._ ,._ l/"\ | _J<__/.v._/ \( ,~._,,,,-) `-\' \`,,j| \_,____J .--.__)--(__.--. / `-----..--'. j '.- '`--` `--' \\ // '`---'` `-' \\ // '`----'`.-.-' \\ _// `--- -' \' | \________ | | ) ( `.__.---- -'\ \7 \`-( 74\\\ || _ /`-( l|//7__ |l (' `-)-/_.--. f''` -.-"| |\ l\_ `-' .' | RIP | | llJ _ _)J--._.-(' | | l |||( ( '_)_ .l ". _ ..__I | L ^\\\||`' " '"-. 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1 year ago