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                     #@@@@@=+@-*@@@@@@@@#+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@=@#*@-.@@# #@=@@+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%     
                      %@@@@@:#% %@@@@@@@@%+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%*@=@--@@%-*@=@%*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%.     
                                                           .-+*%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% =@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%#+-.                                           
											        REASONS ; 
                                                                      - played and fucked with children under 18!! Truly sickening
								      - Enjoys making underage girls fill out his e-thot google application
                                                                      - has a haircut so bad he probably went to greatclips to cut it. 
                              					       This man is 28 years old and can't properly get a bitch OR his hair cut! 
                              				       He's better off going bald than standing around like Dr. Robotnick's ugly cousin.                                                       

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                                                               ###             ##/   #####        ##       ##/   ###  ###  ### 
                                                                         ???? LOCAL PD ; 817-788-7180
                                                                         ????  NAME ; Spencer Hoyl 
                                                                         ????  AGE ; 28
                                                                         ????  PHONE NUMBER ; (817) 280-9827
                                                                         ????  WORK ; Currently a DJ
                                                                         ????  PAST WORK ;	  
                                                                            Works at Sonic Drive-In
                                                                            April 4, 2019 - Present

                                                                            January 1, 2006 - Present
                                                                            Hurst, Texas

                                                                            Former sales at Premium Wireless
                                                                            June 30, 2019 - July 31, 2019

                                                                            Benbrook Lakeside
                                                                            Walmart Wireless Department, Electronics

                                                                            Former Energy Consultant at SolarCity
                                                                            November 1, 2016 - February 1, 2017
                                                                            Dallas, Texas
                                                                            SolarCity Now Owned By Tesla

                                                                            Former Server at Albertsons
                                                                            July 4, 2012 - May 7, 2015
                                                                            Bedford, Texas

                                                                            Former Disc-jockey at Six Flags
                                                                            May 2010 - August 2012

                                                                            Arlington, Texas
                                                                            Occasional/Seasonal Disc Jockey since 2008
                                                                         ????  ADDRESS ; 421 Elmview Dr, Hurst, TX 76053-3907
                                                                         ????  PAST ADDRESSES ; 781 E Pecan St, APT 156 Hurst, TX 76053-6033
                                                                         ????  SOCIAL MEDIAS ;
                                                                      	     DISCORD ; Hoyl#9328 (409751494506708992)
                                                                             SPOTIFY ; https://open.spotify.com/user/124383811
                                                                             SNAPCHAT ; shoyl4
                                                                             INSTAGRAM ; https://www.instagram.com/s.hoyl/?hl=en
                                                                             BLIZZARD ; Suspense#11499
                                                                             TWITCH ; https://www.twitch.tv/hoylz
                                                                             STEAM ; https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198890399103
                                                                             YOUTUBE ; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjuAUga4DaAslAgIl-k2__w
                                                                             FACEBOOK ; https://www.facebook.com/spencer.hoyl

                                                                         ????  EMAIL(S) ; spencerhoyl@gmail.com
                                                                         ????  PASSWORDS ; 
                                                                            spencerhoyl@yahoo.com 125588
                                                                            spencerhoyl@yahoo.com morgane69
                                                                            spencerhoyl@yahoo.com password
                                                                            spencerhoyl@yahoo.com b40e84ba099b33edade1ea43fd2007d0
                                                                            spencerhoyl@yahoo.com Runescape10
                                                                            spencerhoyl@yahoo.com hello2		
                                                                         ????  RELATIVES ; 
                                                                             Basil L Hoyl Jr
                                                                             Charles Hoyl Spencer
                                                                             Jane D Hoyl
                                                                             Shelby G Hoyl
                                                                             Sonia T Hoyl
                                                                         ????  PHOTOS ; 
                                                                         ????  IP INFO ;
                                                                            IP :                                                                        
                                                                            Decimal: 1808958589
                                                                            Hostname: 107-210-132-125.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net
                                                                            ASN: 7018
                                                                            ISP: AT&T Corp.
                                                                            Services: None detected
                                                                            Assignment: Likely Static IP
                                                                            Country: United States
                                                                            State/Region: Texas
                                                                            City: Dallas

                                                           #####   ##    ##                        /                            
                                                        ######  /#### #####                      #/                             
                                                       /#   /  /  ##### #####              #     ##                             
                                                      /    /  /   # ##  # ##              ##     ##                             
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                                                         ## ##    #     #      /###     ######## ##  /##      /##  ###  /###    
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                                                         ## ##    #     ##  ##    ##      ##     ##     ## ########  ##         
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                                                       /  #####           ## ######       ##     ##     ##  ######/  ###        
                                                      /     ##                ####         ##     ##    ##   #####    ###       
                                                      #                                                 /                       
                                                       ##                                              /                        
                                                                         ????  NAME ; Sonea Hoyl
                                                                         ????  ALIASES ; 
                                                                            Sonia Tome Hoyl
                                                                            Sonea T Hoyl
                                                                            Sonia Hoyl
                                                                            Sonya Hoyl
                                                                            Eonia Hall
                                                                            Sonia M Hoyl
                                                                            Sonia Tome Hoyl
                                                                            Sonia T Dehoyl
                                                                            Sonia T De Hoyl
                                                                         ????  AGE ; 59
                                                                         ????  PHONE NUMBER ; (817) 655-0198
                                                                         ????  WORK ; Retired
                                                                         ????  ADDRESS ; 421 Elmview Dr, Hurst, TX 76053-3907
                                                                         ????  PAST ADDRESSES ;
                                                                            111 Hyler Rd
                                                                            Leesville SC 29070
                                                                            Lexington County
                                                                            Recorded June 2005
                                                                            421 Glenn Dr
                                                                            Hurst TX 76053
                                                                            Tarrant County
                                                                            Recorded August 2001
                                                                            6507 Force St
                                                                            Houston TX 77020
                                                                            Harris County
                                                                            Recorded January 1996
                                                                         ????  EMAIL(S) ; 

                                                                         ????  RELATIVES ;
                                                                              Basil Hoyl
                                                                              Jane Hoyl
                                                                              Shelby Hoyl
                                                                              Sonia Hoyl
                                                                              Spencer Hoyl
                                                                              Charles Spencer
                                                                              Bobbie Lee
                                                                              Christopher Mcghee
                                                                              Chun Lee
                                                                              Curtis Mcghee
                                                                              Darla Magee
                                                                              David Detuccio
                                                                              David Lee
                                                                              David Woohyun Lee
                                                                              Donalee Lee
                                                                              Durk Lee
                                                                              Eric Cross
                                                                              Hyun Lee
                                                                              Hyun Lee
                                                                              Isaac Ochoa
                                                                              Jacob Mcghee
                                                                              Jacqueline Lee
                                                                              Jacqueline Lefebvre Lee
                                                                              Janice Lee
                                                                              John Lee
                                                                              Jovita Ochoa
                                                                              Judy Lee
                                                                              Lee Birkelbach
                                                                              Lisa Lee
                                                                              Lori Mele
                                                                              Roger Phillips
                                                                              Roger Phillips
                                                                              Ruth Lefebvre
                                                                              Ruthann Lefebvre
                                                                              Sandra Cross
                                                                              Stormy Phillips
                                                                              Tami Phillips
                                                                              Terry Lawson
                                                                              Tiffany Lee
                                                                              Zachery Mcghee

                                                                         ????  TAX RECORDS ;
                                                                            Legal Description: MAYFAIR ADDITION-HURST Block 2 Lot 5

                                                                            028 CITY OF HURST
                                                                            220 TARRANT COUNTY
                                                                            916 HURST-EULESS-BEDFORD ISD
                                                                            224 TARRANT COUNTY HOSPITAL
                                                                            225 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE
                                                                            Year Built: 1963

                                                                            Agent: None

                                                                            Notice Sent: 04-15-2022

                                                                            Notice Value: $228,581

                                                                            Protest Deadline: 05-16-2022

                                                                            State Code: A Residential SingleFamily

                                                                            Approximate Size †††: 1,955

                                                                            Land Acres ♦: 0.2369

                                                                            Land Sqft ♦: 10,320

                                                                            Pool: N

									    Year	Improvement Market	Land Market	Total Market	Total Appraised 
                                                                            2022	$188,581	$40,000	$228,581	$166,261
                                                                            2021	$111,146	$40,000	$151,146	$151,146
                                                                            2020	$120,953	$30,193	$151,146	$151,146
                                                                            2019	$158,732	$40,000	$198,732	$153,805
                                                                            2018	$156,740	$20,000	$176,740	$139,823
                                                                            2017	$138,549	$20,000	$158,549	$127,112


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                                                            #                                                    /                       
                                                             ##                                                 /                        
                                                                         ????  NAME ; Shelby Hoyl
                                                                         ????  AGE ; 31
                                                                         ????  PHONE NUMBER ; (817) 510-6286
                                                                         ????  WORK ; Unemployed
                                                                         ????  ADDRESS ; 504 E Ellen Ave Hurst TX 76053
                                                                         ????  PAST ADDRESSES ; 421 Elmview Dr Hurst TX 76053
                                                                         ????  SOCIAL MEDIAS ;
                                                                            FACEBOOK ; https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004361238860
                                                                            MYSPACE ; https://myspace.com/djdfw
                                                                            TWITTER ; https://twitter.com/Djdfw
                                                                         ????  EMAIL(S) ; 
                                                                         ????  RELATIVES ;
                                                                              Basil Hoyl
                                                                              Jane Hoyl
                                                                              Sonia Hoyl
                                                                              Sonia Hoyl
                                                                              Spencer Hoyl
                                                                              Charles Spencer
                                                                              Bobbie Lee
                                                                              Christopher Mcghee
                                                                              Chun Lee
                                                                              Curtis Mcghee
                                                                              Darla Magee
                                                                              David Detuccio
                                                                              David Lee
                                                                              David Woohyun Lee
                                                                              Durk Lee
                                                                              Eric Cross
                                                                              Hyun Lee
                                                                              Hyun Lee
                                                                              Isaac Ochoa
                                                                              Jacob Mcghee
                                                                              Jacqueline Lee
                                                                              Jacqueline Lefebvre Lee
                                                                              Janice Lee
                                                                              John Lee
                                                                              Jovita Ochoa
                                                                              Judy Lee
                                                                              Lee Birkelbach
                                                                              Lisa Lee
                                                                              Lori Mele
                                                                              Mateo Cross
                                                                              Roger Phillips
                                                                              Roger Phillips
                                                                              Ruth Lefebvre
                                                                              Ruthann Lefebvre
                                                                              Sandra Cross
                                                                              Stormy Phillips
                                                                              Tami Phillips
                                                                              Terry Lawson
                                                                              Tiffany Lee
                                                                              Zachery Mcghee
                                                                         ????  PHOTOS ;