____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Created:Feb 25th, 2020
Created by: Scarzy
Views: 613
Comments: 1
Edited at: May 25th, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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/######################################################################\ | _____ ______ ________ _____ | | | __ \ / __ \ \ / / ____| __ \ | | | | | | | | \ V /| |__ | | | | | | | | | | | | |> < | __| | | | | | | | |__| | |__| / . \| |____| |__| | | | |_____/ \____/_/ \_\______|_____/ | |========================================================================| |========================================================================| Dox by Scarzy |========================================================================| Reason For Dox: Scamming Gamesense accounts |========================================================================| ╔═══╗──────╔═╗─╔╗╔═══╗╔═══╗ ╔══╗─╔╗──╔╗ ╔═══╗╔═══╗╔╗─╔╗ ║╔═╗║──────║║╚╗║║║╔══╝╚╗╔╗║ ║╔╗║─║╚╗╔╝║ ║╔═╗║║╔═╗║║║─║║ ║║─║║╔╗╔╗╔╗║╔╗╚╝║║╚══╗─║║║║ ║╚╝╚╗╚╗╚╝╔╝ ║║─║║╚╝╔╝║║║─║║ ║║─║║║╚╝╚╝║║║╚╗║║║╔══╝─║║║║ ║╔═╗║─╚╗╔╝─ ║╚═╝║──║╔╝║║─║║ ║╚═╝║╚╗╔╗╔╝║║─║║║║╚══╗╔╝╚╝║ ║╚═╝║──║║── ║╔═╗║──║║─║╚═╝║ ╚═══╝─╚╝╚╝─╚╝─╚═╝╚═══╝╚═══╝ ╚═══╝──╚╝── ╚╝─╚╝──╚╝─╚═══╝ > We are Anonymous. > We are Legion. > We do not Forgive. > We do not Forget. > Expect us Basically this is an aze 2.0 he scams people for Gamesense accounts, tried to get proof that he's legit he stroked. Name: Tomáš Valný Age: Sounds 9 but is probably in the range of 15-17 Hobby: Scamming people IP: Continent: Europe Country: Czechia cz flag State/Region: Hlavni mesto Praha City: Prague Discord: kolacek#3532 Type: big scammer, prolly bought his dogs with the scam money Proof: https://i.imgur.com/1Xcmfiv.png, https://i.imgur.com/f4KLeeE.png, https://i.imgur.com/Hzt3pF6.png, sent me fake proof of gamesense account bad sadly he deleted it cuz he knows he's a big retard, Face: https://i.imgur.com/2gVZpWV.png Socials: https://www.facebook.com/tomas.valny, https://www.instagram.com/Malis.flex/, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCih7VT39q1Oj8DyrT4SKPmw (how strange he only uses onetap and not Gamesense)
3 years ago