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Dox by Scarzy
Reason For Dox: Making up problems and doxing people for no reason

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So he doxed his close online friend for no single reason, and it was shit btw ;)

We'll also put some small information about his family in the dox

|                  0x01  Personal Information                   |

Full Name: Mândru Ștefan Antonio
DOB: 16-04-2003
Email: antongg633@gmail.com
Ethnicity: Romanian
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Face: https://i.imgur.com/dqHVF2N.png, https://i.imgur.com/9Dn1ldV.png, https://i.imgur.com/EMX3lt4.png, 
Phone number: +40720797537
Aliases: Malice
Real-Time Location: https://i.imgur.com/4ZKJirG.png

|                  0x02  Social Media Accounts                  |

Discord: Malice#1646
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antonio.mandru/timeline?lst=100008410753735%3A100005921705933%3A1584115374

|                      0x03  IP Information                     |
-IP Address-
IP Address:
"country_name": Romania
"state_prov": Bucureşti
"city": Bucharest
"latitude": 44.43250
"longitude": 26.10390
"time_zone": Europe/Bucharest
"isp": RCS & RDS SA
"currency": Romanian Leu

|               0x4   Family Members Information                |

Idk who these people are but they also end with Mandru so here you go:
Ashwini Mandru
AGE: -
+1 703-992-XXXX
Anil Chaitanya MandruAGE:
+1 703-992-XXXX
+1 510-964-XXXX
Mother: Anca Maria Mandru
Father: Mandru Marius