____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Created:May 23rd, 2023
Created by: internetscourge
Views: 430
Comments: 1
Edited at: Dec 26th, 2023
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Personality I. Main info II. Contacts III. Education and work IV. Data leaks V. Relatives VI. Other info ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× 0. About personality Real photos That is why most people are here. Это то, за чем именно многие полезли в этот пост. https://ibb.co/album/sbkkpK Reason: average VKontakte "unbeautiful" female user posting photos of another girl for receiving attention and stickers???? Actually her personality was a interesting challenge for me ;) Logic chain: 1) Ok, what do we know about this creature? It uses fake vk account with photos which we all didn't know to be fake or not, for posting dating profiles such as: https://vk.com/wall-190218856_93891 https://ibb.co/QHLjRcv 2) Searching for some phrases of the dating profiles gives us old fake vk account: https://vk.com/wall-190218856_71008 https://ibb.co/DWK9Hsk 3) This vk account has inst link on it, but there is no account with that tag: https://ibb.co/thQnFtg 4) However, searching in yandex gives old look of old vk account: https://ibb.co/VQBpwHY 5) This account is fake again, but the link is given in Julia's ask.fm with fake photos and name. Finally, here we see the link for Julia's real life vk account: https://ibb.co/3yBsRDj Valid proofs: You will say that this logic chain is too long and unpersuasive, and I will give you some proofs that I am right. 1) Julia's main vk account and main real-life vk account used to be named similarly for some time, but in different languages (Youechka/Юечка), and have similar aliases (yaemkoshekk and yaemkooshek), alias yaemkoshek is being used on her telegram account, and telegram account is named "sadness", this word is seen as status on her real-life vk account. Seems Julia doesn't care about real-life friends who know about her activity in internet. Let it be. https://ibb.co/qgFMzJ3 https://ibb.co/0Xd7Hnf https://ibb.co/9gpvxh3 2) Likes from most old fake account on most old real-life account. https://ibb.co/HqCh3M4 Be aware of this person! ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× I. Main information Full name (rus): Погадаева Юлия Сергеевна Full name (eng): Pogadaeva Julia Sergeevna Birth date: 23.12.2002 | 12/23/2002 (20 y.o.) Location: [1] г. Екатеринбург, ул. академика Бардина, 32/2, 126 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× II. Contact information VK: [1] https://vk.com/id673411357 (main account) [2] https://vk.com/id672459830 [3] https://vk.com/id672459045 [4] https://vk.com/id641992014 [5] https://vk.com/id331508294 [6] https://vk.com/id315627804 (main real life account) [7] https://vk.com/id220300694 [8] https://vk.com/id183435811 [9] https://vk.com/id90917589 (was used for some time by her sister) [10] https://vk.com/id706177757 [11] https://vk.com/id767811485 AND two more VK accounts with photos of Julia's fake alternarive personality, these accounts may belong to her as well as not. [12] https://vk.com/id255689535 [13] https://vk.com/id305427130 OK: [1] https://ok.ru/profile/569962660214 [2] https://ok.ru/profile/572872776159 [3] https://ok.ru/profile/559147636407 [4] https://ok.ru/profile/541346340722 Instagram: [1] https://instagram.com/yooouyaaaa (id 6190020097) [2] https://instagram.com/qqqqq.kkkkk.qqqqq (maybe old alias) [3] https://instagram.com/chmonya0.0 (id 4662903543) Telegram: [1] https://t.me/tigrrrritsa (id 6620147553) [2] https://t.me/yaemkoshek (id 5085473405) Askfm: [1] https://ask.fm/Masha_Shyvalkina Phone numbers: [1] 79923497686 [2] 79089162268 [3] 79655294712 [4] 79058096358 [5] 79617621363 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× III. Education and work Education: (1) School 152 Address: г. Екатеринбург, ул. Волгоградская, 45а Website: [1] https://152.uralschool.ru/ [2] https://лицей109.екатеринбург.рф Email: [1] licey109@eduekb.ru Phone numbers: [1] 73432402752 [2] 73432430845 [3] 73432403326 [4] 79022776463 [5] 73432401752 [6] 73432400805 (2) Медицинский колледж УрГУПС Address: г. Екатеринбург, ул. братьев Быковых, 34а Website: [1] https://mcrt.usurt.ru/ Email: [1] mk@usurt.ru Phone numbers: [1] 73432212582 Work: (1) Hospital 40 Address: г. Екатеринбург, ул. Волгоградская, 189 Website: [1] https://gkb40.ur.ru/ Email: [1] gkb40@gkb40.ur.ru Phone number: [1] 73432400291 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× IV. Data leaks Password leaks (nickname:password:vk_id): [1] mamalaa12:AhZSEH78:331508294 (parapa.mail.ru, 2016) [2] sychkaa12:ttzwa7eO:220300694 (parapa.mail.ru, 2016) [3] sychka1488:PfRtkuVg:315627804 (parapa.mail.ru, 2016) ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× V. Information about relatives Sister: Full name: Погадаева Виктория Сергеевна Birth date: 29.07.1993 Contacts: VK: [1] https://vk.com/id30902179 Instagram: [1] https://instagram.com/_p_viktoria_ (id 570431570) Emails: [1] 29.93vika.ru@mail.ru [2] 17.vika.ru@mail.ru Phone number: [1] 79617760823 Mother: Full name: Погадаева (Топкосова) Елена Николаевна Birth date: 01.09.1966 Contacts: VK: [1] https://vk.com/id295215438 OK: [1] https://ok.ru/profile/547558512589 Instagram: [1] https://instagram.com/19elena_66 (id 33490673637) Emails: [1] pogadaeva.elena66.ru@gmail.com Father: Name: Погадаев Сергей Photo: https://ibb.co/XF4yths DEAD ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× VI. Other information VK administrated groups: [1] https://vk.com/club189739856 [2] https://vk.com/club189738806 [3] https://vk.com/club125095319 [4] https://vk.com/club101645768 [5] https://vk.com/club85976792 [6] https://vk.com/club79114158 [7] https://vk.com/club75271762 [8] https://vk.com/club65490983 [9] https://vk.com/club64042734 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× Info by @internetscourge | group @vaiennetuttc
1 year ago