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Created:Oct 31st, 2024
Created by: bastionsearch
Views: 559
Comments: 2
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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.:==--=--=-----=---=--===---: .-==--=--=------------===---:. .-==--=--=-----=------===----. :-==--=-----------------=----. .--==--=----=---=-------------. .--==--=+#*+----------------=-. .:-===--+*----------=+-=-=---==: .--===--=------------=#=-=---==-. .--====--=-------=-----=#-==--==-. What is it: the man only a blunder of God, :-===+=--=----------------=---===:. .--::=+=--=----------------=---==--. or God only a blunder of man? ....-++=--=---------------===--+=-.. .=++=--=---------------====-+--. .:-+==-==---------------+====+-:. Friedrich Nietzsche. .=+-=-==---------------==++=+-. .==:====---------------===+-=-. .==:=------------------++-=:=-: .==..:-:=-------------=+=...-=: :=-. :-:==-----------=-+=. .:=: :=: .-:-+=--------=+=:+=. :=: :=: .---=-+=----=+=+=:==. .=: :=. :--::+=======:==.==. .-. :=. .-:..=======-.==.-=. .-. :-. :. .=======:.:=.:-. .:. :- .. .=======: .-... .: :: .===+===: ... .. .-======: . .:==+==-:. .-:.. .:.-===-::. .+@%%*+--:::..:=-:.::. ..:-:. :%@@@@@@@#:...:-:...::--=+#%%%- -@@@@@@@@@-....::....-%%@@@@@@*. ────╔╗───────╔╗─────╔╗ ───╔╝╚╗──────║║────╔╝╚╗ ╔╦═╬╗╔╬═╦══╦═╝╠╗╔╦═╩╗╔╬╦══╦═╗ ╠╣╔╗╣║║╔╣╔╗║╔╗║║║║╔═╣║╠╣╔╗║╔╗╗ ║║║║║╚╣║║╚╝║╚╝║╚╝║╚═╣╚╣║╚╝║║║║ ╚╩╝╚╩═╩╝╚══╩══╩══╩══╩═╩╩══╩╝╚╝ A salty whore who is pulled on the huts during parties is ready to suck for the path, all her income consists of a survivor's allowance, which she spends on drugs, the most vile, hypocritical and mercantile individual who has already received a fuck for her crooked bazaar, but apparently it was not enough for her ╔╗────╔╗╔╗─────╔═╗───╔╗ ║║────║║║║─────║╔╝───║║ ║╚═╦══╣║║║─╔══╦╝╚╗╔══╣╚═╦══╦╗╔╦══╗ ║╔╗║╔╗║║║║─║╔╗╠╗╔╝║══╣╔╗║╔╗║╚╝║║═╣ ║║║║╔╗║╚╣╚╗║╚╝║║║─╠══║║║║╔╗║║║║║═╣ ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩═╩═╝╚══╝╚╝─╚══╩╝╚╩╝╚╩╩╩╩══╝ {0} Trash pack: - link: https://gofile.io/d/gXu8gt pass: @uzbalkatras ╔╗────────────────╔═╗ ║║────────────────║╔╝ ║╚═╦══╦══╦╦══╗╔╦═╦╝╚╦══╗ ║╔╗║╔╗║══╬╣╔═╝╠╣╔╬╗╔╣╔╗║ ║╚╝║╔╗╠══║║╚═╗║║║║║║║╚╝║ ╚══╩╝╚╩══╩╩══╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚══╝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ {0} NickName: exembleee, prettygothangel {0} FullName: Guseva Anastasia Vadimovna {0} Date of birth: 05.12.2007 {0} Age: 16 y.o {0} Gender: Female {0} Photos: - https://imgur.com/97Lc3KG - https://imgur.com/pnHzxm1 - https://imgur.com/6jkkKE9 - https://imgur.com/VFsnlk4 - https://imgur.com/JujKoYc - https://imgur.com/3E4uAQ7 - https://imgur.com/qHv0aoz - https://imgur.com/HlKfGns - https://imgur.com/Ofn34V6 - https://imgur.com/uABfSJm - https://imgur.com/h1OcjQJ - https://imgur.com/Z1ToWHJ {0} Phone numbers: +79048554496 - Country: Russia - Operator: Tele2 - Time zone: GMT +03 Moscow - mcc: 250 - mnc: 20 - imsi: 25020 {0} Hlr-query: https://imgur.com/arzJvxw {0} Email: {0} Address: Penza, Plekhanova st., 16, entrance 3, level 8, apt. 102 - Postcode: 440008 - Coordinates: 53.199206, 45.008875 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/Af6KjWT {0} Address: Penza, Leonova st., 24, entrance 1, apt. 2 - Postcode: 440028 - Coordinates: 53.222395, 44.994421 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/rDuP9ds {0} Address: Penza, Bekeshskaya st., 10, entrance 1, level 4, apt. 4 - Postcode: 440018 - Coordinates: 53.201175, 44.976167 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/5W2tNaF ──╔╗─────────────────╔╗ ──║║────────────────╔╝╚╗ ╔═╝╠══╦══╦╗╔╦╗╔╦══╦═╬╗╔╬══╗ ║╔╗║╔╗║╔═╣║║║╚╝║║═╣╔╗╣║║══╣ ║╚╝║╚╝║╚═╣╚╝║║║║║═╣║║║╚╬══║ ╚══╩══╩══╩══╩╩╩╩══╩╝╚╩═╩══╝ {0} Birth certificate - I-IF 683639 - 19.12.2007 - TO ZAGS of Leninsky district of Penza ─────╔╗────────╔╗ ─────║║───────╔╝╚╗ ╔══╦═╝╠╗╔╦══╦═╩╗╔╬╦══╦═╗ ║║═╣╔╗║║║║╔═╣╔╗║║╠╣╔╗║╔╗╗ ║║═╣╚╝║╚╝║╚═╣╔╗║╚╣║╚╝║║║║ ╚══╩══╩══╩══╩╝╚╩═╩╩══╩╝╚╝ {0} Name of the institution: LSTU №2 {0} Type of institution: school {0} Teaching: full-time {0} Education: basic general {0} Address of the institution: Penza, Ostrovskogo st., 8 - Postcode: 440011 - Coordinates: 53.214545, 44.976580 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/PQqdzTS {0} Phone number of the institution: +78412420388 {0} Email of the institution: school27@guoedu.ru {0} Institution's website: https://school27.edu-penza.ru/ {0} Director of the institution: Marina Elena Vladimirovna {0} Name of the institution: PenzGTU {0} Type of institution: college {0} Teaching: full-time {0} Education: secondary vocational {0} Address of the institution: Penza, Baydukova Drive st., 1А/11 - Postcode: 440015 - Coordinates: 53.224250, 45.000368 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/FhWe8Zv {0} Phone number of the institution: +78412204227 {0} Email of the institution: prk@penzgtu.ru {0} Institution's website: http://www.penzgtu.ru/ {0} Director of the institution: Pashchenko Dmitry Vladimirovich ─────────────╔╗─────────╔╗ ─────────────║║─────────║║ ╔══╦══╦══╦╦══╣║─╔╗╔╦══╦═╝╠╦══╗ ║══╣╔╗║╔═╬╣╔╗║║─║╚╝║║═╣╔╗╠╣╔╗║ ╠══║╚╝║╚═╣║╔╗║╚╗║║║║║═╣╚╝║║╔╗║ ╚══╩══╩══╩╩╝╚╩═╝╚╩╩╩══╩══╩╩╝╚╝ {0} VKontakte: https://vk.com/id462613985 {0} Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru/profile/590000544302 {0} Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru/profile/577112922344 {0} Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru/profile/537422954913 {0} Telegram: @prettygothangel id 1738503116 {0} WhatsApp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=79048554496&text&type=phone_number&app_absent=0 {0} SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/exembleee {0} TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@exembleee {0} Picsart: https://picsart.com/u/exembleee {0} Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/prettygothangel/ {0} Likee: @id69167089 ──────╔╗╔╗ ─────╔╝╚╣║ ╔╗╔╦═╩╗╔╣╚═╦══╦═╗ ║╚╝║╔╗║║║╔╗║║═╣╔╝ ║║║║╚╝║╚╣║║║║═╣║ ╚╩╩╩══╩═╩╝╚╩══╩╝ {0} FullName: Guseva Tatyana Viktorovna {0} Date of birth: 03.01.1974 {0} Age: 50 y.o {0} Gender: Female {0} Photos: - https://imgur.com/nDun1ex - https://imgur.com/tqLNzhY - https://imgur.com/H99jY5D {0} Phone numbers: +79042666122 - Country: Russia - Operator: Tele2 - Time zone: GMT +03 Moscow - mcc: 250 - mnc: 20 - imsi: 25020 {0} Hlr-query: https://imgur.com/DRmEyVY {0} Phone numbers: +79875218303 - Country: Russia - Operator: MTS - Time zone: GMT +03 Moscow - mcc: 250 - mnc: 01 - imsi: 25001 {0} Hlr-query: https://imgur.com/oQcJTdb {0} Address: Penza, Plekhanova st., 16, entrance 3, level 8, apt. 102 - Postcode: 440008 - Coordinates: 53.199206, 45.008875 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/Af6KjWT {0} Address: Penza, Leonova st., 24, entrance 1, apt. 2 - Postcode: 440028 - Coordinates: 53.222395, 44.994421 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/rDuP9ds {0} Address: Penza, Bekeshskaya st., 10, entrance 1, level 4, apt. 4 - Postcode: 440018 - Coordinates: 53.201175, 44.976167 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/5W2tNaF Documents: {0} SNILS: 00142194282 {0} INN: 583507965479 {0} Passport: {0} Serial and Number: 56 07 №698016 {0} Date of issue: 16.08.2007 {0} Issued by: Отдел УФМС России по Пензенской обл в Октябрьском р-не г. Пензы {0} Unit code: 580-002 Social Media: {0} VKontakte: https://vk.com/id448750899 {0} Instagram: https://instagram.com/tatianaguseva901 {0} Instagram: https://instagram.com/awdkdlsgfzz {0} Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru/profile/560675178481 ─╔═╗──╔╗╔╗ ─║╔╝─╔╝╚╣║ ╔╝╚╦═╩╗╔╣╚═╦══╦═╗ ╚╗╔╣╔╗║║║╔╗║║═╣╔╝ dead ─║║║╔╗║╚╣║║║║═╣║ ─╚╝╚╝╚╩═╩╝╚╩══╩╝ {0} FullName: {0} Date of birth: {0} Age: y.o {0} Gender: Male {0} Photos: - https://imgur.com/fx0DyZ2 - https://imgur.com/frfVwsd - https://imgur.com/gVAO2Kw {0} Phone numbers: +79063963337 - Country: Russia - Operator: Beeline - Time zone: GMT +03 Moscow - mcc: 250 - mnc: 99 - imsi: 25099 {0} Hlr-query: https://imgur.com/KBBdioz {0} Address: Penza, Plekhanova st., 16, entrance 3, level 8, apt. 102 - Postcode: 440008 - Coordinates: 53.199206, 45.008875 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/Af6KjWT {0} Address: Penza, Leonova st., 24, entrance 1, apt. 2 - Postcode: 440028 - Coordinates: 53.222395, 44.994421 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/rDuP9ds {0} Address: Penza, Bekeshskaya st., 10, entrance 1, level 4, apt. 4 - Postcode: 440018 - Coordinates: 53.201175, 44.976167 - Photo: - https://imgur.com/5W2tNaF Documents: {0} SNILS: 11827355359 {0} Passport: {0} Serial and Number: 56 03 №062162 {0} Date of issue: 26.04.2003 {0} Issued by: ОУФМС Ленинского р-на г. Пензы {0} Unit code: 580-001 Social Media: {0} Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru/profile/573955556182 ╔══╦═══╗────╔═╗ ╚╣╠╣╔═╗║────║╔╝ ─║║║╚═╝║╔╦═╦╝╚╦══╗ ─║║║╔══╝╠╣╔╬╗╔╣╔╗║ ╔╣╠╣║───║║║║║║║╚╝║ ╚══╩╝───╚╩╝╚╩╝╚══╝ {0} IP address {0} Host name pool-179-123.ptcomm.ru {0} IP range CIDR {0} ISP MTS Penza {0} Organization MTS PJSC {0} Country Russia (RU) {0} Region Volga Federal District {0} City Penza {0} Time zone Europe/Moscow, GMT+0300 {0} Local time 18:34:27 (MSK) / 2024.10.31 {0} Postal Code 440034 {0} Whois: % This is the RIPE Database query service. % The objects are in RPSL format. % % The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions. % See https://docs.db.ripe.net/terms-conditions.html % Note: this output has been filtered. % To receive output for a database update, use the "-B" flag. % Information related to ' -' % Abuse contact for ' -' is 'abuse@mtu.ru' inetnum: - netname: PTCOMMNET descr: MTS Penza country: RU admin-c: OWZ4-RIPE admin-c: VVA39-RIPE tech-c: OWZ4-RIPE tech-c: VVA39-RIPE status: ASSIGNED PA mnt-by: PENZATELECOM-MNT mnt-lower: PENZATELECOM-MNT mnt-routes: PENZATELECOM-MNT created: 2008-12-08T10:09:31Z last-modified: 2015-08-06T09:04:50Z source: RIPE person: Oleg W Zaharow address: 4, Stavskogo str., Penza, Russia mnt-by: PENZATELECOM-MNT phone: +7 8412 202007 fax-no: +7 8412 202015 nic-hdl: OWZ4-RIPE created: 2006-08-14T11:37:25Z last-modified: 2020-03-05T15:32:18Z source: RIPE # Filtered person: Vladislav V Arhipov address: 28, Kommunisticheskaya str., Penza, Russia phone: +7 8412 202004 fax-no: +7 8412 202015 nic-hdl: VVA39-RIPE created: 2007-05-29T07:28:32Z last-modified: 2020-06-04T13:12:21Z source: RIPE # Filtered mnt-by: MTU-NOC % Information related to '' route: descr: MTS Penza origin: AS35728 mnt-by: PENZATELECOM-MNT created: 2008-05-12T12:56:06Z last-modified: 2015-08-06T09:05:38Z source: RIPE # Filtered % This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.114 (ABERDEEN) ──────────╔╗╔╗ ──────────║╠╝╚╗ ╔══╦═╦══╦═╝╠╗╔╬══╗ ║╔═╣╔╣║═╣╔╗╠╣║║══╣ ║╚═╣║║║═╣╚╝║║╚╬══║ ╚══╩╝╚══╩══╩╩═╩══╝ OSINT by: https://doxbin.com/user/bastionsearch My tgc: @uzbalkatras worked for u <3
2 months ago
2 months ago