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I did not have time to make this shit a fucking fashion design paste, the format is fucked, cry about it.

▓ ▓▓   ZFX           ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                                 [ AUSTIN ]     ║   [ AUSTIN ]                                                    ▓▓ ║        ║  ▓▓  ▓

—→ Name: Cecylia Duda
—→ IP Address:
—→ Country: Poland
—→ Face: https://files.catbox.moe/lwgkfr.png
—→ Aliases: zfx, zfx101, ara10, protip, lou, lottie, avatar, pro, sycrause, kcy, evelina, cinna, cinnamoroll (endless list, useless shit anyways)
—→ Age: 16 years of age (May 8, 2008)
—→ Phone: +48531413739
—→ Discord Username/ID: prozfx | 1297737971633623053

—→ Slat.cc (more like slut.cc): https://slat.cc/tumor


▓ ▓▓   PAMPELASCHE           ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                                 [ AUSTIN ]     ║   [ AUSTIN ]                                            ▓▓ ║        ║  ▓▓  ▓

—→ Name: Alexander (Sasha) Makarov
—→ IP Address:
—→ Country: Russia (St. Petersburg)
—→ Face: https://files.catbox.moe/5336qw.png
—→ Age: 20 years of age (February 19, 2004)
—→ Phone: +79123456789
—→ Discord Username/ID: agent_pamp | 841239564459049010

—→ Duolingo: https://www.duolingo.com/profile/pampelasche
—→ Minecraft: Pampelasche (d4c10b5b-fa33-4b27-a047-83ad1d111516)
—→ Trello: https://trello.com/u/pampelasche/activity
—→ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@pampelasche
—→ Xbox: https://www.xboxgamertag.com/search/pampelasche
—→ Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/288492978/profile


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